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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12763789 No.12763789 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, how do you get people who are scared of looking and feeling stupid to get over themselves and admit that they're being conned into believing they're one of the smart ones? Facebook and 4chan memes, cut out headline titles, and wojak and redpilled based chads all qualify as research and not propaganda and indoctrination to these people.

If you think masks don't work and Covid his a hoax, this thread is talking about you, snowflake

>> No.12763812

Agree with the sentiment. However it should be mentioned that this isn't exclusive to the right. It's as prevalent, if not more prevalent, in the liberal left.

>> No.12764158 [DELETED] 


>> No.12764177

Not sure, /pol/ completely redefined my understanding of stupidity. Most of the things antisemites believe or claim about da jooce aren’t even physically possible because evolution doesn’t work fast enough. SJWs are dumb as fuck but /pol/ is basically another species.

>> No.12764182

>Most of the things antisemites believe or claim about da jooce aren’t even physically possible because evolution doesn’t work fast enough
I'm an antisemite. Give examples of such beliefs.

>> No.12764184
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Intellectuals have always been sellouts.
They whore themselves out for money since they are too cowardly to risk their lives and often hate manual labor.
College students are the one most supportive of Mao Zedong and communism(something that killed 100 millions people)

>> No.12764192

I don’t consider you human intelligence-wise so I’m not gonna get into a discussion but all the genetic personality traits like greed or immorality, in group preference (they actually race mix more than anyone), the idea that they have their own physical traits and nose, believing anything a /pol/ disinfographic claims like holocaust denial or blaming them for the Atlantic slave trade. It would be more efficient to ask which things antisemites believe ARE true because it’s almost nothing.
Actually if someone is smart enough they can tell you’re wrong about literally everything without investigating a single claim. Your cult-like religious obsession (millions of posts about da jooce on the tv/incel board ALONE) is enough to prove you have never been right.

>> No.12764206
File: 173 KB, 828x444, EF5E1E71-2923-41C8-A7E8-1C398F760AED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Every* antisemite NPC believes this info graphic and it’s fake and dishonest. The reference doesn’t even have a page num. because that page doesn’t exist in the book. At what IQ do you have resistance to falling for something like this? I’m gonna say 80, which means every /pol/ runt is below that.

>> No.12764217
File: 67 KB, 680x744, Oy vey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Oy vey, my jewish tricks.jpg

>> No.12764270

>I don’t consider you human intelligence-wise
This really is more indicative of your own prejudice and closed-mindedness rather than my intelligence.
>in group preference
Are you saying jews don't have any in-group preference?
>they actually race mix more than anyone
In your mind this disproves that they have any in-group preference? Walk me through how that works please.
>the idea that they have their own physical traits and nose
The jews definitely have identifiable facial characteristics. Apart being obvious to anyone like myself who can often identify jews from their facial characteristics, there have been studies about this
>believing anything a /pol/ disinfographic claims like holocaust denial
I'm not a holocaust denier.
>blaming them for the Atlantic slave trade
"The reasons for the important role of Jews in the early years of the slave trade are not hard to find"
Again, ignoring historical realities won't make them go away.
>Actually if someone is smart enough they can tell you’re wrong about literally everything without investigating a single claim
A wonderful superpower, don't you think?
>Your cult-like religious obsession (millions of posts about da jooce on the tv/incel board ALONE) is enough to prove you have never been right.
I made none of those posts lmao.

>> No.12764271

That is a hard question to answer. Admitting ignorance is really, really hard.
The following is arm chair psychology, please don't take it too seriously, i'm no expert on the matter. That being said:
I think its to do with fear of the unknown. Whatever world view you have, however retarded, it is a way to understand and categorise the whole world. It is a framework.
Most people believe that whatever framework they believe in, answeres everything. This is true even for scientists some times. We can incorrectly believe that based on our current knowledge, we can intuite anything. We can not.
Admitting you don't know something, is admitting there is no framework that answers everything. It admits that our knowledge is a finite spec in a world of infinite information. It reminds us that we are small.
People dont like to feel small, and the don't like the thought that they don't understand the world they live in.
If you know everything more or less, you know what to look out for, and you are safe. If you don't, if some things are unknown, there can be dangers you hadn't considered, and that's scary.

>> No.12764283

I'm an antisemite and I've never used nor believed this infographic.
There are actual books written about the relationship between jews and slavery that you should read.

>> No.12764291
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If the Holocaust happened, why are 90 years old grandmas sent to jail for not believing in it?

>> No.12764302

I'm an antisemite but this is an awful argument. The fact that denying the holocaust is illegal in some countries says nothing whatsoever about whether it happened.

>> No.12764307

The fact you cannot discuss or debate the Holocaust says a lot about how true it is.

>> No.12764332

No it doesn't, retard. Dumbasses like you is why normal people think all antisemites are morons.
In my own country (Lithuania), the law is
"170(2) Publicly condoning international crimes, crimes of the USSR or Nazi Germany against the Republic of Lithuania and her inhabitants, denial or belittling of such crimes."
Does the fact that you can't deny soviet mean they did not happen? Obviously not.

>> No.12764346

Same with Poland laws
>a) crimes perpetrated against persons of Polish nationality and Polish citizens of other ethnicity, nationalities in the period between 1 September 1939 and 31 December 1989:
>- Nazi crimes,
>- communist crimes,
>- other crimes constituting crimes against peace, crimes against humanity or war crimes
and many other countries.

>> No.12764359

>How do you convince a useful idiot that they're an idiot
You don't. They're the definition of NPCs.

>> No.12764375

'The moon is made of cheese' is a legally sound position.
'Dogs are really cats in drag' is a legally sound position.
'Aliens have landed and the evidence is at Roswell' is a legally sound position


'The holocaust never happened' is a transgression of the law.

You smell like a Jew anon, not gonna lie.

>> No.12764379

Wrong. Many people are capable of changing their worldview and the way they evaluate information. It takes serious, honest effort though. You try to show them incongruences between what they believe and what is observed fact. Enough of these and they will start to think for themselves. This happens so often that it's a cliche in atheist conversion stories.

>> No.12764385

'Holodomor/soviet repression never happened' is a transgression of the law in many European countries. Do you think that means USSR never committed any crimes against humanity?

>> No.12764390

I'm actually curious, since you seem like you aren't a retard. (I'm not the earlyer poster btw.) I have a question or two for you. What exactly do you mean by "i'm an antisemite"?
Do you hate all jews?
My grandpa was yewish. He was a dentist. The town he lived in loved him, he was a kind man. He did not hord money, he was quite poor. My parents werent religious, but we lit a candle on the sabath, and ate a nicer meal than usual. I'm not religious either. I dont celebrate any jewish holydays. I'm learning STEM.
Noone in my family (as far as i know) have done anything /pol/ would say we do...
So am I evil? Is my half jewish Mom? Was my fully jewish grndpa?

>> No.12764436

>What exactly do you mean by "i'm an antisemite"?
It's pretty similar to what globohomo companies nowadays mean when they say we have to be anti-white, or abolish whiteness. I'm opposed to the jewish agenda of radically transforming the host culture and the way they view themselves as light bringers to the western goyim nations. I'm also opposed to their cultural programs of pathologizing healthy behavior (as done by Adorno, Freud and many of their acolytes). The jews at the forefront of the recent cultural programs think the world will be better if it becomes more universal, more open borders, if we eliminate all distinctions. I think tribalism, nationalism is good. I also think the goyim nations have a right to forge their own destiny without the cultural direction of the jews. Stating these positions publicly would instantly get me called an antisemite, so I just roll with it.
>Do you hate all jews?
No, that's ridiculous. I like math and the enormous contributions in mathematics by jews are undeniable. Same with physics, computer science and other academic fields (unsurprising as they have higher IQs on average). I like and respect many individual jews.

>> No.12764447

>how do you get people who...
You don't, you're not suppose to, and also, you can't. It's what it is and had always been. Oh, and it'll only get worse.

>> No.12764468

Jailing 90 years old grandmas for not believing in the Holocaust is obviously immoral.
If your country actually jails you for your opinion, something is wrong with it.

>> No.12764476

I completely agree with you. I think Holocaust denial, as well as Soviet crime denial should be legal in all countries.
Still I believe the evidence supports that the Holocaust happens. And even if it didn't, the fact that holocaust denial is illegal says nothing whatsoever about its factuality.

>> No.12764539

Interesting. That makes sense. Do you think the cahnging of the host culture is a conspiracy or a cultural thing?
As some of my grandads relatives are still alive, i know many jews. I don't know of any conspiracy, but i do know of the culture. The western jewish culture is very much oriented around academic achievement being the only thing parents are proud of, and a kind of condesending "oh these poor idiotic uncultured non jews". I think any cultural change infulenced by jewish people is no different from any person influencing politics, beyond just one vote. I think the reason i can talk to you a self proclaimed antisemite so easily is because i think you are right about part of the problem. I think the problem really is that money can influence politics. Jews just happen to be people with money and a superiority complex. But anyone with money and a will to influence politics can, and most who can, do change things. We should stop the whole thing at the stem, and somehow change our political system to be less susseptible to influence and corruption.

>> No.12764566

>manual labor is easier than working i academia
I just pulled a fucking 70 hour week doing research and writing, and that shit is significantly more exhausting than any kind of manual labor. I grew up working on a farm and held various manual labor jobs during undergrad. None of that shit compares to the exhaustion I've experienced in academia. Fuck you, weak little faggot

>> No.12764598

Academia is worthless these days.

>> No.12764632

>Do you think the cahnging of the host culture is a conspiracy or a cultural thing?
Well conspiracy implies they are hiding it, but they've been doing it in the open. It's definitely a cultural thing.
> I think any cultural change infulenced by jewish people is no different from any person influencing politics, beyond just one vote
The jewish people have had an extremely disproportionate role in shaping the western culture, especially through newspapers, television and film. They're almost single-handedly responsible for the recent acceptance of the gay movement in the west (you can find an article about Joe Biden "exciting antisemites" by admitting that the jews are almost single-handedly responsible for cultural normalization of gay acceptance).
Same for feminism. Even though a lot of early pioneers of feminism were christian, the jews almost singlehandedly drove the movement. Same with anti-racist anti-nationalist ideology, and so on.
> I think the problem really is that money can influence politics
I'm not really talking about politics here. I'm mainly talking about culture (although it could be argued that politics is downstream from culture).
And it's definitely not a money thing. The jews who were instrumental in instituting these cultural changes have not been significantly richer than the average goyim.
And none of this has anything to do with "political system being susceptible to influence of corruption". It's about jews going out of their way to change the culture of the goyim (in ways that are completely legal).

>> No.12764940

Are you a Nazi Slav?

>> No.12764945

You're just holding an incoherent worldview - materialism-physicalism.

You should fulfill mitzvah and open up the Torah.
I recommend Robert Alter's translation of the Hebrew bible, he's Jewish, a Hebraist and a master of English literature, beautiful translation.

>> No.12764962

This is true.

>> No.12764964

I'm not a nazi. Nazis have stopped existing a long time ago.
Also why would you think I'm a slav? We have very few slavs here in Lithuania.

>> No.12764985
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Anyway, if you agree with Hitler it would be pathetic, less so than a Russian Nazi tho.
And it's just genetics that make me call you a Slav.
But dw, I'm Romanian and we're also like 30-40% Slavic genetically, it's called the Slavic migration. Those guys were more successful than Germanic's and Celts at that, give them that.
The fact that we share ancestry make me even like you now.

You should do a genetic test and see if you might even be Jewish.
My country has a high percentage of Ashkenazi for example because they came in large numbers hundreds of thousands from Russia in the 1800's, many of them converted to Orthodoxy and as a result this expresses itself in the genome.
Modern individual tests range from 2% to 25% Ashkenazi with the region where they concentrated having people actually average higher, you see a lot of people with 8%
Another proof of that check how many Romanian speakers are in Israel lmao. But genetics are usually conclusive enough.

>> No.12765022

>You should do a genetic test and see if you might even be Jewish
I wanted to do this for a long time but I don't want (((them))) to have my dna.

>> No.12765036
File: 112 KB, 1491x828, EfTO5CBXYAEAbg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Academia still is nothing more than a puddle of lies these days.
Hard work is meaningless if done in service of liars.

>> No.12765046

Funny meme.
But generalizations are vacuous.
Just follow your favorite scholars, just curate your journals / publishers.
And yea, medieval academia had it better when it came to liberty and so on.

Buy those independent thinkers books to support them.

>> No.12765105
File: 27 KB, 640x398, joe biden god killer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask them "what would a super intelligent AI think" about a topic.
solve delusions by giving them MORE delusions, eventually they will be able to tell the difference, maybe.
FULLY explain things by answering recursive "why?". why? answer. why? answer.
identify the variables required to make a conclusion, put in the facts.
its like emotional lockpicking.
ask them infinite "why?" too, but without triggering "ERROR TOO_MUCH_EFFORT"
dont bias them against you (like i did with the meme image)

>> No.12765186
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Holohoax never happened.
It makes no sense for germans to randomly kill jews for no reason.
Not a single plan, not a single order, not a single budget has been found for the Holohoax.

>> No.12765591

Genuinely one of the lowest IQ things I’ve ever read. Jews have had basically nothing to do with feminism and homosexual acceptance. They have some (far less than claimed by incels) representation in the US media, but almost none everywhere else. The gay thing is stupid enough, but saying they’re responsible for feminism might be impossibly stupid. Every single place with freedom and rights for women has feminism, including places jews don’t live. There’s no one on /pol/ with a > 80 IQ.

>> No.12765601

She shoulda been executed, not jailed. Neonazis deserve all the torture inflicted on holocaust victims multiplied for each innocent person who experienced it.

Also lol @ you being too stupid to consider the detail that dA jooz don’t even make those laws. If they did your argument would will be brain dead but since they don’t have any legislative power anywhere it becomes that much dumber.

>> No.12765608

The bottom one is claimed by evil people with evil agendas, it doesn’t surprise me at all countries ravaged by war and genocide would criminalize support for those regimes. There are 0 rational or civilized or intelligent holocaust deniers. They are all evil monsters who should be euthanized

>> No.12765617

What makes no sense is the orchestration of such a hoax. It’s impossible to pull off. Also I hardly think it’s a coincidence that every holocaust denier is a Muslim or a neo-Nazi with an agenda. Or that they use the same generic non-arguments as every other NPC genocide denier in history.

>> No.12765985
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By distracting them, by any means necessary, when their insecurity becomes obvious or apparent, and then continuing as if nothing happened.

Rinse, repeat.

>> No.12765991

Forgot to expand. The reason a brain gets self-conscious is because of the equivalence tarpit they apply to the moment. Hence why distracting them helps them get out of the self-grinding approach, which simply poops on everyone's parade.

>> No.12765999

The people that trusted you with their people's lives are going to end up with shit in all of those people's mouths, and then the things come after that will be much worse.

>> No.12766035
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Holy shit, a fucking random and anonymous opinion masking itself as something that will leave a lasting impact on my pscyhe and self-image.

>Drops pants

Take me, I'm yours, you huge anonymous alpha stud you.

>> No.12766104
File: 58 KB, 551x661, TRINITY___NotTooHappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know there's only one person telling you that he's going to put shit into your favored servants mouths, shitcunt. It's me: the Lord.

>> No.12766105
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And I love hearing the stories and fables associated with your exploits!
>mfw I am my own servant

>> No.12766106
File: 19 KB, 739x415, images (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading and writing are tools of Satan! Believe only what you can make up when you wake up each morning! Abandon trust and care in everyone else! EVERY IMAGINATION FOR ITSELF!

>> No.12766363

>atheist conversion stories
>think for themselves
man it writes Itself

>> No.12766405

Titles like engineer, doctor and professor are all authorized and protected by the state. If one is critical of the state, one is also critical of academia.
It also does not help that the "expertise" of some professionals is questionable. Organizational theory and sociology comes to mind.

>> No.12766520

Oh look, yay, another thread brought to you by agents, stormfront, and trolls.

>> No.12766591

Denying facts doesn't make them go away, retard.

>> No.12766676

Most "anti-intellectualism" stems from distrust of academics/experts and authority, which in general is understandable

>> No.12766984

Demanding evidence is not retarded.

>> No.12768641

So, just to clarify, you think you're smart, but you're comparing yourself to Facebook moms and anti-vaxxers? I don't doubt that you might be smart by those standards, but I have some bad news for you.

>> No.12768679

Why is it ok to deny crimes against poles that happened after 1989 but not before?

>> No.12768707

>aren’t even physically possible because evolution doesn’t work fast enough.
you have no cold hard proof for such an argument.

>> No.12768749

i dont think he thinks of you when he says jews. As much as it hurts the "good people" saying jews to refer to the asshole, i mean the genuine human pieces of shit is an easier way. Definitely not the best. Hope you are doing okay.

maybe it's like 'teenagers are annoying'. it's a big generalization but i know that if i'm a teenager and i'm not annoying i'm not gonna freak out about it.

>> No.12768760

you know that's actually a really fucking insensitive thing to say, very american of you

>> No.12768833

1989 is when Poland became independent from USSR.

>> No.12770052

I think the issue started when scientists got in bed with the extreme left, or at least the extreme left started claiming science backed up their most ridiculous claims like 'there are more than 2 genders' and shit like that.

Science was essentially forced to bow to them or face 'cancellation', so we shouldn't be surprised that the right doesn't respect it much anymore.

>> No.12770069

A lot of things need to pass a political litmus test to get published these days.

Consider the fact that people of non-African descent are part neanderthal. That was discovered fairly recently. If it had been reversed, and people of african descent were part neanderthal, it would never have been published. In fact, the ghost-people who make up a large portion of sub-saharan african DNA are almost never discussed and not widely known about at all.

If science contradicts the liberal narrative it doesn't get to be published, so why should anyone trust science?

>> No.12770096

I think people tend to mean outsiders when they say jews, in some sense.

Like if America were to collapse, or be taken over by another nation, that would mean devastation for most people, black and white alike. But jews could just go to Israel.

In the past, when Jews lived in Greece and Spain, they were given rights, but lived as sort of an outgroup. When muslims took over, the greeks and spaniards were terribly oppressed, but the jews still just lived as this outgroup, this 'other'. The spaniards and greeks were really angry, they felt like they had been betrayed by people who they gave rights to. The same thing has happened throughout europe and throughout history.

When someone whose life and whose children's lives depend on their state, their people, prospering, or at least not collapsing, they make decisions with that in mind. They're less likely to start a busniess that enriches themselves to the detriment of the community, because they are a part of that community, and they depend on it. If someone lives as sort of an outsider, and would be perfectly happy if the state were taken over, or if it collapsed and they had to move on to a different state, they don't tend to weigh those factors into their decisions.

At least that's my impression of where this all comes from. It's an ancient mistrust. Hopefully it will weaken as the jews have a homeland now, and they are seen as any other group.

>> No.12770119

I don't care if its left or right, I just want it to stop.

>> No.12770121

based post

>> No.12770127

>All of humanity magically basks in prefect equality, and anyone who thinks differently is a super Nazi
What landmark study, what great researcher proved all people are equal?

>> No.12770147

Here's what's happening,
>learning to read
>if it's in a book it must be true
>the internet has words like a book
>must be real
>read first thing on the internet that is free and requires no registration, like /pol/
>believes it because we've been conditioned to believe everything in proper typescript presented as facts

critical thinking has been reserved for our own thoughts and other people's oral opinions. we don't really question what's written in books. we haven't developed the necessary critical thinking for the internet

the problem will get worse because social media influencers are claiming to be experts and reference science. also, Reddit needs to stop existing because teenagers in high school are LARP'ing as scientists and even professionals adopt opinions based on high karma or upvotes not on the actual content itself. At least reasonable people understand that Facebook has a ton of misinformation even some journalism that I used to respect quote Reddit as an authority.

>> No.12771707 [DELETED] 


>> No.12773123
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Stop letting others do the thinking for you.

>> No.12773135

> muh 4chan memes and copy pasta images do the thinking for me
> muh inb4 [citations needed]

>> No.12773293
File: 2.38 MB, 1468x7317, lemmings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not very independent of you to subscribe to the dominant ideology.
Anyone who does any unbiased research on the Holocaust knows it could not have happened.
Stop being dishonest.

>> No.12773314

> I'm not the lemming, you're the lemming!
> Can't you see how subservient I am by professing fashionable ideals and sentiments through facebook memes posted on 4chan of all places?
> muh doubling down on inb4 [citations needed]

Kill yourself tool

>> No.12773329

Replace subservient with subversive. Works either way though

>> No.12773345
File: 21 KB, 464x450, shee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what you want to be?

>> No.12773349


>> No.12773352
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"Kill yourself" is not a very intelligent way of proving me a massacre with no order, no plans, no budget happened.

>> No.12773360

Do it anyways

>> No.12773403

Left-wingers, the side of fake love and deep intolerance and hatred towards any who does not think like them.

>> No.12774403 [DELETED] 


>> No.12776946 [DELETED] 


>> No.12777349

>If you think masks don't work this thread is talking about you, snowflake
but they actually don't, you only think they do because of facebook memes and headline titles but when they try to actually research mask efficacy it's minimal to none

>> No.12777360

nobody has ever been prosecuted for holodomor denial

>> No.12777410

no hard feelings pal
i'd love you more if you offed yourself though

>> No.12777463
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If you want death on those whom you hold no hard feelings against, realize that you suffer from some sort of mental illness.

>> No.12777486


Mask do not work.

>> No.12779959

The problem with intellectualism is that it often concerns various "nabel gazing" topics like cosmology, when there are practical problems to solve, such as why people get more and more obese.

>> No.12780043

I just dont trust the government. I dont care about the inner workings of vaccines, i simply do not trust that the vaccine contains what it is said it contains. Not a problem with science but of trust.