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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.55 MB, 1920x2160, EXTENDO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12756264 No.12756264 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12756277
File: 10 KB, 349x380, TSSM-TandEM-Lander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give titan and europa probe, NOT boring mars missions

>> No.12756284

Probe Uranus

>> No.12756288
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, dragonnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Titan drone

>> No.12756291

/sfg/ required reading- "SLS: Is cancellation too good?"
Audio version (~50min)

>> No.12756292
File: 288 KB, 576x796, 1614121654123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard we SNX now

>> No.12756300
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>> No.12756301
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Good evening everyone

>> No.12756307

>is cacellation too good
What's she advocating, prosecution/investigation?
Because I'm not opposed.

>> No.12756310

It's technically morning tho

>> No.12756312

can an rtg powered drone fly on titan?

>> No.12756313
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>> No.12756315
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>> No.12756317
File: 87 KB, 800x800, 800px-Enceladus_from_Voyager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this makes Europeans seethe

>> No.12756321

thread theme

>> No.12756323
File: 11 KB, 205x205, Smugly McFatass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are physics-based technologies available RIGHT NOW that were not available to Newton and ancient Chinese court sorcerers. It's time mankind stopped relying on ARCHAIC and PRIMITIVE explosions and GET WITH THE TIMES!

>> No.12756327

Bruh I’d much rather have this than >12756288 this crap. I’m free to debate anyone.

Jej remember when people said “Oh no way Starship passes the pressure test :)”

>> No.12756328

You mean Europærs

>> No.12756330


>> No.12756336

yeah sure use your nuclear whatever drive it still won't get past the firmament

>> No.12756342

Such as?

>> No.12756344

the transcript said uh oh but is that recording public?

>> No.12756351

Yes but not perpetually. A plane that could fly perpetually was rejected

>> No.12756353


>> No.12756354
File: 42 KB, 375x542, sergey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh this shit is disgusting

>> No.12756363

>boy's name
Weird, but point remains unchanged

>> No.12756366

Holy shit MS-17 has been up there a long time now that I think about it

>> No.12756370
File: 7 KB, 297x169, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tip my space helmet to you, sir. A TOAST TO THE STARS

>> No.12756374
File: 52 KB, 566x566, NCc1_TED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do rovers penetrate the Firmarsament?

>> No.12756377

Okay but how does space travel work between a flat Earth and a flat Mars? Does Mars have its own sun?

>> No.12756378

Gumption, luck, and hypergolics

>> No.12756379
File: 147 KB, 927x508, hate, malice even.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one whose blood starts boiling when I see that stupid fucking chinese painting? Fuck. Well, by the time I get over this retard, I'm probably gonna be /fit/ enough to actually go to space.

>> No.12756382

rockets explode when they enter the dome

>> No.12756391

Enough fagposting.
What do we know about today's static fire? Was it just of the one replacement engine? All three? Thoughts?
Used to be we'd be talking about this kind of thing enough to warrant having a rolling general thread.

>> No.12756392

Actually it makes me smile. Even moreso because I know he's getting a rise out of you

>> No.12756393

We send armor piercing rockets.

>> No.12756403

...just before nsf cust the stream, all three engines were spotted with molten innards pouring out the bell. raptorrhea

>> No.12756404

>Enough fagposting.
>proceeds to fagpost
It was all three, and static fires have gotten mundane. Not that that's a bad thing. Flights are the thing we look forward to now. But pretty soon flights will get mentioned casually. Way she goes. It's what starship is SUPPOSED to be doing - normalizing all this shit like it should have been done with the shuttle in the 80's

>> No.12756408

Times have changed, old man

>> No.12756415

>>12752702 Previous thread since the OP fucking sucks

>> No.12756417
File: 3.08 MB, 400x224, demonic gaze.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You hate me because you know I'm right. We are a doomed race of primitive apes.

>> No.12756420
File: 244 KB, 1080x1539, starplatinum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally the original trollface comic's message being exemplified
What does he gain from making people like me seethe anyway? (you)s? But anyways, I'm actually planning to do something like pic related so I can actually get noticeable gains for once after exercising out of spite.

>> No.12756423
File: 19 KB, 1168x380, 1612707725028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think he's being literal. But rather trying to stress just how horrific the program has been and continues to be, and how it causing national humiliation and/or tragedy is an inevitable outcome

>> No.12756424

Yeah because this shit's been talked to death. Not like anything novel is happening.

>> No.12756428

I am literally going to dedicate my life to helping colonize mars just to make your stupid three-chin doomer grin curl down into a frown. Mark my words.

>> No.12756432

>on-topic attempt at discussion
What's the purpose of these threads if not to discuss ongoing spaceflight related events?
Fuck you, this shitposting is /tv/-tier.
>waaah this spaceflight stuff is TOO BORING!
>c'mon, fly already! I wanna see exploooosions!

I guess I'll be back in the off-hours when you niggers are in your bare-mattress beds.

>> No.12756437
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>> No.12756468

Static didn't look that good tbf

>> No.12756480

You know how I can tell? No Elon "success" tweet. Every time.

>> No.12756496
File: 672 KB, 1005x1037, 02B8CDA6-FB18-435B-891A-45B36559C839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All FUDposters are NASA interns unless proven otherwise

>> No.12756505


>> No.12756509

based filkposter

>> No.12756528

Based image

>> No.12756533

You're completely overlooking Ariane interns

>> No.12756550

gone homie

>> No.12756560
File: 8 KB, 234x215, apu_singing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there goes my hero
watch him as he goes

>> No.12756563
File: 178 KB, 2048x1153, FB020E07-442E-46E5-9847-8F6F7E454AE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Arianebros really-

>> No.12756569

blue is the color of weaklings. no surprise euros love it

>> No.12756570
File: 545 KB, 1024x681, 1614019831206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are enbies the next frontier of breeding companions? i need one when i go into space. a breeding companion... not an enbie, maybe?

>> No.12756575

>not impregnating the axlotl tank attached to your rocket

>> No.12756578

Yes, CNES, Ariane, ESA, EU. All of them have pure or majority blue symbols. Is it subconscious submission? Are they soft? (obviously)

>> No.12756581
File: 49 KB, 573x573, 66ED863E-2F18-4851-A609-7BB24A8346FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don’t lewd the rocket ships

>> No.12756582
File: 948 KB, 2048x1536, dde132d2ef5383e629fb67a8ca27ce5c127f458e44aff412fb093e7f47610073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a water tank?

>> No.12756584

how embarrassing

>> No.12756585

You just know once these things have proper names and are flying on a regular basis someone's gonna turn them into rocketship girls then lewd them.

>> No.12756591
File: 44 KB, 658x514, 1588436771809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boeing was once synonymous with innovation, elite achievement, and flawless execution

>With this enviable legacy built up over decades of hard work, Boeing jealously safeguarded the institutional knowledge that they had hard won. Right?

>No. They bought out McDonnell Douglas, their previous competitor whose passenger aircraft had failed in the market due to questionable accounting decisions

>So naturally they installed this failed executive team at the top of their org, who then pushed out Boeing’s existing management, moved HQ to Chicago for no reason, stovepiped the organization, pushed about 10,000 experienced engineers and technicians into early retirement, embarked on the enormously ambitious 787 project, pushed design work out to ~50 subcontractors and acted surprised when this failed egregiously, in exactly the same way as it had for McDonnell before and Douglas Aviation before them.

>Boeing learned their lesson and rehired the sort of in house talent necessary to once again vertically integrate construction of advanced aircraft. Right? Of course not. Instead, they squandered billions in lobbying and regulatory capture, and then fumbled development on the 737 MAX (killing 346 people), F35 (not the prime), KC-46, Starliner, and SLS.
Boeing what the FUCK

>> No.12756594
File: 111 KB, 1019x744, the-roster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late

>> No.12756595

Where's the nose in all of this?

>> No.12756599

Thats other rockets, I'm talking about Starships themselves.

>> No.12756601
File: 37 KB, 658x662, 58C010F2-CD87-49DB-862C-89FD08D7445E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there is no slice of life anime about rocket-ship-girls

>> No.12756605

your mind makes it lewd

>> No.12756607

>40 year waifu flame war over who would make for a better wife
>the first starship to land cargo on mars
>or the first starship to land people on mars

>> No.12756608
File: 22 KB, 515x753, D82849C3-10A3-476B-87FA-4352CA110EB5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip SN8

>> No.12756610


>> No.12756617

>falcon 9 is a talkative tomgirl
>soyuz 2 is reserved and stern
>ariane 5 is high-class and pampered
>electron is smol and cute
>proton is drunk all the time

>> No.12756621

i want to see more boobi

>> No.12756622
File: 8 KB, 180x219, 1613075502804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falcon 9

>> No.12756627

im drunk, i meant tomboy

>> No.12756631

what about snine?

>> No.12756642
File: 369 KB, 1920x1080, 1379587149794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, what is the one thing you can always go back to thinking about that reignites your love and longing for space flight?

For me it's space pirate radio :)

>> No.12756644 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 1658x2104, 49549FE0-EF5E-439F-BEF4-0DEFA8C194C6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meet the Falcon 9 sisters
>v1.0 is petite qt and wears a sundress
>v1.1 is tall and wears skintight white yoga pants
>Full Thrust looks like v1.1 except she likes to play in the dirt and gets dirty a lot. She also has an explosive temper.
>Block V is their Mulatto half sister with frizzy black hair
>Starship is a volleyball player that’s 6’6 and he dyed silver hair

>> No.12756650
File: 2.55 MB, 1302x1782, D4E6D8AB-BC0F-4DD5-905C-27F73E6FCCCD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet the Falcon 9 sisters
>v1.0 is petite qt and wears a sundress
>v1.1 is tall and wears skintight white yoga pants
>Full Thrust looks like v1.1 except she likes to play in the dirt and gets dirty a lot. She also has an explosive temper.
>Block V is their Mulatto half sister with frizzy black hair
>Starship is a volleyball player that’s 6’6 and has dyed silver hair

>> No.12756656
File: 394 KB, 2344x2474, 1608687626011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12756658

Theres a universal flat plane that the discs exist on. Gravity univerally pulls down, so everything travels in parabolic arcs. like hopping from one lilly pad to another

>> No.12756664

What a fucking slut

>> No.12756665
File: 58 KB, 653x725, B579619C-355B-45BD-95E8-A928DCCC77CC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until we get aeromorph starships

>> No.12756670

Is the Luna flat? What about Ceres? At what size does an object become a disk?

>> No.12756672

She is the only orbital rocket that isn't a virgin

>> No.12756678

>not the green version

>> No.12756680
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>> No.12756684
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who are we to say?

>> No.12756686
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>the Luna

>> No.12756690
File: 427 KB, 416x512, rocketcat_on_mars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to Atomic Rockets aka Rocket Hub

>> No.12756691
File: 27 KB, 1228x997, 1606078261131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bull crap

>> No.12756695
File: 216 KB, 2344x2474, SN8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here u go

>> No.12756696
File: 25 KB, 480x640, 1594319305205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Luna

>> No.12756699

>man in the moon

>> No.12756707

This is why I love the internet

>> No.12756713
File: 65 KB, 500x381, meta CHADler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the perfect starship waifu

>> No.12756715
File: 522 KB, 1152x720, F406694A-E9E8-4FEB-9FC3-F77D5F0EE937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SFGfags I urge you to watch this video from 1990. It has Robert Zubrin talking about Mars Direct but more than this he talks about setting up a colony of thousands on the surface of Mars before the 2030s.

>> No.12756716
File: 401 KB, 750x735, 4CE147B6F2CF4F68A6CA5E394589037C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blue Origin drops massive press release of the rocket about to absolutely btfo everything
>/sfg/ = crickets
I did this for you guys. I left Amazon and I FORCED them to make a press release. I get no respect here

>> No.12756721

What press release?

>> No.12756722
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x800, BA122248-2FB9-46E2-8D9C-07419CCC442E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah shit I’m stupid here’s the link

>> No.12756724

>of the rocket about to absolutely btfo everything
Didn't they just push the first flight back beyond Starship's anticipated first orbit? New Glenn is a reusable Falcon Heavy competitor, which is cool, but Falcon Heavy is a generation old now.

>> No.12756727
File: 3.69 MB, 3237x3812, 1612248918912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As much as I hate Virgin Galactic and think that their spaceports will be wasted anyway from more years of delay, this is bullshit. I can see not funding VG but why would you flat out ban them from using your spaceport?

>The leader of Cornwall Council has poured cold water on the suggestion that space tourism could operate from Spaceport Cornwall.
>Cllr Fitter then drilled home his thoughts on the matter adding: "If we were to entertain this it would be quite ridiculous and send out the wrong message to those people in Cornwall who could possibly be suffering on below the minimum wage and in poverty and allow people who have got vast millions of pounds to spend to up to space for half an hour and come back down again.
>"It would send out the wrong message, Cornwall is not about that."
>Cllr German agreed and said that it would also conflict with the council's work to tackle climate change and to become carbon neutral.
>He added: "it would send out the wrong message to the residents of Cornwall."

>> No.12756734

it's under 10 sentences, no press kit. I made sure it was brief since you have no attention span

>> No.12756740
File: 242 KB, 892x406, Screenshot_2021-02-25 Blue Origin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see nothing about a rocket...

>> No.12756743
File: 615 KB, 1477x2345, D5B9C9FD-43EC-4D85-BE49-AEBF0C30A853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12756745

>The current target for New Glenn’s maiden flight is Q4 2022.
Holy shit it's worse than I thought. Starship will fly commercial payloads before New Glenn flies at all.

>> No.12756746

>Q4 2022
So 2023?

>> No.12756749

So hop tomorrow or on Monday?

>> No.12756750

Monday at earliest

>> No.12756751

watching this awhile back made me realize how absolutely crystalized mars direct is to zubrins. he still to tgis dayvrepeats some of the phrases in this presentation, verbatim. really is a sad, broken record. his dreams were crushed and the trauma has lasted multidecades. his whole life wasted away

>> No.12756753


>> No.12756754

>build spaceport in Cornwall to make Cornwall relevant
>refuse to let spacecraft fly from Cornwall
>Cornwall remains irrelevant
Oh no! Anyways...

>> No.12756756

>three videos posted today
holy shit blue is on fire, bezoz really whipping them lately

>> No.12756757

>and then on top of the external tank, a hydrogen oxygen upper stage
haha yeah that sounds easy and like it has a high TRL, should by flying by 2000!

>> No.12756758

Q2 2021

>> No.12756759

Almost everything with that watermark is 4chan OC. We had a thing back in the day for putting that watermark on stuff

>> No.12756763

Needs the Shuttle-girls. Columbia and Challenger would be ghost-girls. Endeavour, Discovery, and Atlantis would have their own theme about them, and Enterprise (the non-orbital test article), would also have her own thing going on.

>> No.12756764
File: 494 KB, 642x589, vintage zubrin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's so young, bros. But he still sounds the same.

>> No.12756767

Not really.

>> No.12756770
File: 351 KB, 1536x2048, 1608323532722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think? Will SN10 be successful?


>> No.12756773

response was to this
>Scott Manley (for sure) and probably even Tim Dodd would mostly disagree with this article. If we kill the SLS, we have nothing to replace it, not now and not in 10 years, and a big part of the costs have already been spend. Also the author don’t seem to realize how expensive options like SpaceX are to NASA (go watch the latest Thunderf00t videos), even though the Falcon is a much less capable rocket that they build in relatively high quantity. Let’s be honest, a super heavy rocket built by SpaceX would still be a $2G machine. But less reliable.
lmfao it reads like an /sfg/ troll post

>> No.12756780

>your brain on e-celeb

>> No.12756784


>> No.12756791
File: 553 KB, 1152x720, 01662B31-7225-4603-9F4A-72FDE657CD7C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don’t know. SN8 showed issues and SN9 fixed them and showed other issues. It could fail who knows mang. As long as they get good data and smooth out Starship more I’ll be happy. Although I really wish it landed.

Keep watching its kino. I also recommend Elon’s first BFR/Starship/formerly ITS presentation from 2016

And if you want some music

Lastly bro’s I’m making a colony of 160-200 kerbals on Duna. Pic related. Where can I post my progress? I have hundreds of pictures right now. The base currently has only 32 members and I’m doing it as realistic as I can while being 100% stock (no DLC, even).

>> No.12756795

>go watch the latest Thunderf00t videos
You mean the video where blunderf00t used made up plots, ignored given SpaceX values, accepted SpaceX competitor values with no question, and ate up the false accusation that SpaceX is price dumping?

>> No.12756797

Previous: >>12752702

>> No.12756804

Thunderf00t is literally just trolling everyone for views if you can’t tell that he’s memeing you’re gullible as fuck. He’s like Nikocado Avocado but for nerds

>> No.12756806

this reads like the ramblings of an abused girlfriend

>> No.12756811

if you watch his covid videos, you'd be surprised how stupid he is. im not convinced it's just trolling. also that one time he was streaming and compared dcx to landing an orbital booster. and said F9 is just redstone running on methane. dude might be seriously braindead

>> No.12756813

>h-he's just pretending to be retarded
Still waiting for your dad to get back from his smoke break?

>> No.12756816
File: 29 KB, 399x471, Falcon9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12756817

The Redstone was a direct derivative of the V2, and used the same tankage and engine but upgraded

>> No.12756820

martin marietta had a moon and mars initiative??

>> No.12756822

oh nononono absolute state of BO.

>> No.12756824

if this is true, based

>> No.12756828

tfw they havent said shit about new glenn for YEARS
>finally breaks silence
>it's a couple paragraphs crying about how they had to delay because the gooberment didnt give them a contract
boo fuckin hoo

>> No.12756831

>and said F9 is just redstone running on methane
i knew he was retarded but holy shit

>> No.12756837
File: 263 KB, 1125x724, 2FCF89A0-6B2B-4BB1-AA06-9F9B45E21F3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”Redstone was a direct descendant of the German V-2 rocket, developed primarily by a team of German rocket engineers brought to the United States after World War II. The design used an upgraded engine from Rocketdyne that allowed the missile to carry the W39 warhead which weighed 6,900 pounds (3,100 kg) with its reentry vehicle to a range of about 175 miles (282 km). Redstone's prime contractor was the Chrysler Corporation.”
>”The third Redstone flight on 5 May was a total loss as the engine cut off one second after launch, causing the rocket to fall back on the pad and explode. After this incident, Major General Holger Toftoy pressured Wernher von Braun for the cause of the failure. The latter replied that he had no idea, but they would review telemetry and other data to find out. Toftoy persisted, asking "Wernher, why did the rocket explode?" An exasperated von Braun said "It exploded because the damn sonofabitch blew up!"
>”Von Braun pressured the ABMA team to improve reliability and workmanship standards, allegedly remarking that "Missile reliability will require that the target area is more dangerous than the launch area."

>> No.12756841

Why is SpaceX the only company that has to prove itself before being handed a contract? Seriously the amount of tax dollars wasted because they give it to companies who promise but never deliver is insane.

>> No.12756849

it is odd

>> No.12756850

Are you saying they should put RESULTS over RHETORIC

>> No.12756854

I'm feeling good about SNX after that clean static fire. But I don't want to get my hopes up either.
>Where can I post my progress?
I think if would be fine if you posted a few here. People do that from time to time. On /vg/ there's an "Engineering Games General" that includes kerbal, though I don't know anything about the place.

spacex is ruining their comfy oldspace club so they only give them shit if they absolutely have too

>> No.12756862
File: 33 KB, 506x270, pekora pixel bunnies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12756867

Blue Origin is working to develop and lease out ground-based infrastructure to support space launch operators. They're not seriously planning to send rockets into orbit themselves.

>> No.12756868
File: 404 KB, 2560x1324, 8AF78830-059D-4245-99C1-A2B0CCA29B56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d say Monday but expect delays. Pls work SN10. Pls.

>> No.12756869

So those Raptors are kill right? Anyone have a screenshot of them dripping molten goop

>> No.12756872

>SN10 STILL has not launched
What the fuck

>> No.12756875
File: 17 KB, 466x349, 1605150215525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SLS STILL has not launched
What the fuck

>> No.12756878

>”The third Redstone flight on 5 May was a total loss as the engine cut off one second after launch, causing the rocket to fall back on the pad and explode. After this incident, Major General Holger Toftoy pressured Wernher von Braun for the cause of the failure. The latter replied that he had no idea, but they would review telemetry and other data to find out. Toftoy persisted, asking "Wernher, why did the rocket explode?" An exasperated von Braun said "It exploded because the damn sonofabitch blew up!"
Elon really is the best rocket development manager we've had since then, isn't he?

>> No.12756880

Lease out the one pad they have, which they have on lease from the state?

>> No.12756882

>whether it is allowed to inflict humiliation and tragedy on the US public, who so richly deserve an actual legitimate launch program run by and for actual technical experts.
No they don't. They wanted politicians to send contracts and jobs to their districts, and that's exactly what they got.

>> No.12756886
File: 44 KB, 618x412, dennis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you see, the Space Shuttle has already flown. So by extension, the SLS has already flown. And by extension, all those who work on the rocket are well-trained and well-prepared. And by extension we need a couple of more billions of dollars for this 2022 launch that was supposed to happen in 2016 but got pushed to 2017 and that is why 2018 is the best year for a 2019 launch for our 2025 rocket. How does this guy who smokes pot beat us?

>> No.12756887
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>> No.12756896

I'm willing to admit I learned this from what I think was the Disney Channel back in the early 2000's

>> No.12756897

I feel good about its chances. Nine was cursed from the beginning.

>> No.12756903

SLS, Vulcan, New Glenn. What order will they launch

>> No.12756910
File: 11 KB, 598x401, original_294482785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may have been talked about already but BlackSky is going public via a SPAC. Current ticker symbol is SFTW and it's valued at around 1.5 billion.


I'm on the fence about it but I'm at least bullish short term. On one hand it's valued at over half of Maxar with a fraction of the revenue over the next few years but small sat imagery constellations could end up being cheaper and having better revisit rates than constellations with larger satellites like WorldView Legion. BlackSky appears to have a better system for accessing data and analytics as well but they're also less vertically integrated than companies like Maxar as they only own 50% of the company that makes their satellites.

>> No.12756914

Vulcan>SLS>New Glenn
SLS will RUD though

>> No.12756915

Nine would’ve made it if it had SN8’s engines. You know SpaceX is close. At this point it’s inevitable they make it the question is when

>> No.12756920

>Grift intensifies

>> No.12756922

Following in the big footsteps of America's spaceflight heritage demands the most meticulous and exacting standards of work, which in turn demand adequate time. The days of aggressive schedules and fighter jet jockeys riding unproven tin cans are long past. We can't just bang steel into rockets in a shed.

>> No.12756928

Is Centaur a meme? Could we even build an Agena today? I feel like Vulcan Agena would at least be cheaper than the Vulcan Centaur meme

>> No.12756935

>A Congressional investigation in June 1962 called the overall management of the Centaur program "weak," and Wernher von Braun recommended that it be cancelled in favor of a Saturn I with an Agena upper stage for planetary missions. The Congressional committee was headed by Representative Joseph Karth (D-Minnesota), who expressed his opinion that Centaur was a useless project.
Ugh NASA is so bad at what they do, it is astounding. Wernher is rolling in his grave

>> No.12756936

This. I think it's more likely though that SLS will pull an Apollo 6 than have a spectacular RUD.

>> No.12756941

His enthusiasm and drive, eternal

>> No.12756948

Massive over built buildings lol
Probably spent more on infrastructure than on building their rocket

They didn’t build anything other than a website

>> No.12756951

Imagine lying on your death bed knowing your life's work will be left in the greasy hands of Amerimutts.

>> No.12756953

> Cornwall is poor
> Refuse big spending infrastructure and economic growth because Cornwall is poor
> Cornwall stays poor
Infallible logic

>> No.12756954

>only give them shit if they absolutely have too
Which already should be every contract minus the ones rocketlab and ULA received

>> No.12756956

What would’ve happened if Saturn IB took over the role Atlas and Titan did?

>> No.12756962

Literally a week of bad weather is the reason why

>> No.12756963

i like your post

>> No.12756966

It would have cost a fuck load, but looked cool as all get out and never failed once.

>> No.12756967

Wonder how much they’ve spent leasing the LC36 without launching lol

>> No.12756972

Poverty is better than letting degenerate Americans in

>> No.12756977

they were busy cryotesting the entire facility for a week anon, give them a break

>> No.12756980

and bezos wanted Historic LC39A instead lmao, he was crying he couldnt have it abd spacex snagged it instead.

>> No.12756981
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>> No.12756985

>shuttle derived launch vehicle

And he’s been pushing this scam for 30+ years

>> No.12756989
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>> No.12756990
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>> No.12756994
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>> No.12756996

Blue Orgin hasn't produced shit. Their rocket is coming out when starship should already be flying so wtf is their plan? To remain irrelevant?

>> No.12757000

is this shit real? am i in a simulation?

>> No.12757001
File: 7 KB, 444x555, yotsuba sls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lmfao it reads like an /sfg/ troll post
That just means /sfg/'s ironic shitposts are closer to reality than official government documents are these days.

>> No.12757006
File: 50 KB, 1882x202, toy glenn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're gonna be nothing more than a laughing stock for the rest of the decade as company after company overtakes them.

>> No.12757010

It's real yeah
Our good shitposts turn into reality a lot of the time kek

>> No.12757016
File: 1.94 MB, 500x500, 1591870732313.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA JPL Engineer writes scathing article on SLS

>> No.12757020
File: 2.21 MB, 3000x2066, shuttle sts-129 launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell this was made by a normie who watched Shuttle launches and only understood VentureStar as "shuttle 2" because the exhaust looks like Shuttle SRB plumes instead of hydrolox exhaust.

>> No.12757028

I'm laughing out loud at this hahahah

>> No.12757035

SRB venturestar when?

>> No.12757038
File: 101 KB, 619x933, Nuke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12757042

Blue origin isn’t even going to bother building test vehicles to hop

Nor is their vehicle cheap enough to destructively test like SpaceX is...

How INSANE is it that they brag about spending a billion fucking dollars dicking around with an existing leased launch site

>> No.12757053

Is it even worth pointing out how wrong this is?

>> No.12757054

Did anyone else not know who the fuck casey handmer was two days ago? I've been able to get the gist of who he is and what his blog is about and stuff, but I don't want to lie and say I knew of him this whole time. Was it just one anon who found the blog recently or was he well known and I am just retarded. And don't lie

>> No.12757055
File: 392 KB, 1116x1117, 4ASS logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SSTO spaceplane with internal SRBs
That... might actually have enough thrust to work? It'd need to have a pretty beefy orbital maneuvering system, but with solids you've got the mass/volume budget for a couple of RVacs or some beefed up Apollo CSM variant AJ10s. I guess the only failure mode is the general lack of an abort mechanism, but with the solids internal to the spacecraft you don't have to worry about the O-ring problem the Shuttle had and can do single castings.


>> No.12757063

sounds like a disgruntled NASA employee

>> No.12757069

Even if it works, any spacecraft that restricts you to LEO is dumb in the 21st century. The base minimum should be Moon and or Mars landing and returns. This ship could refuel but you would still have an internal SRB sitting in there the whole time which would suck

>> No.12757073

he has kinda flown under the radar for most. I dont post his links often, but his articles on Mars industrialization were insightful. I've know about him for a couple years

>> No.12757074

actually it is believed to likely have good mineralization and energetic environments from undersea volcanoes caused by the tidal pull of jupiter

>> No.12757077

If you were the first anon to post him then you have gifted us a goldmine. The comments are batshit crazy and the articles are genuinely based

>> No.12757081

You're the guy telling everyone to stop buying gamestop because you didn't get in under $40 per share

>> No.12757083

>Even if it works, any spacecraft that restricts you to LEO is dumb in the 21st century.
No, it would be a true space shuttle, akin to ferries that spend their whole lives working a specific short range route back and forth. Once you can just yeet hundreds of tons a week into orbit for final LEGO-ing together, it stops making sense to need single-vessel-to-everywhere spacecraft outside the -specific- niche of a Mars colony boat, which Starship is already fulfilling about as well as possible for a chemical rocket.

>> No.12757087

What is this on?

>> No.12757088

Ah I gotcha. Like the original shuttle proposal-type deal? Where you have dedicated shuttles and tugs?

>> No.12757089


> For Earth-launched rockets with conventional propellants, 2 or 3 stage rockets can deliver more mass to LEO than the Shuttle’s “stage and a half” design, so the addition of a second stage should see the performance increase to around 200 T to LEO.

How does a 2000 ton vehicle get 200 ton to orbit regardless of how you stage it lol
Silly comment by this guy

>> No.12757092

I wonder what kind of spaceflight superstitions we will get, kinda like what they had in the Age of Sail. Shit like eating peanuts prior to landing.

>> No.12757093

>Jej remember when people said “Oh no way Starship passes the pressure test :)”
those were the dark times

>> No.12757096

see >>12756291

>> No.12757105

Yes, exactly, the full original STS type architecture was a good one.
>Earth to LEO shuttles
>LEO transfer/refueling stations
>nuclear inter-orbital fast movers
>LEM type landers for airless rocks
That covers everywhere in the solar system except Mars, Venus (lol), or trying to descend into the atmosphere of a gas giant (lol) to mine them.

>> No.12757107

Yeah, tear him up

>> No.12757115

>I’m free to debate anyone
A drone is arguably way better than a methane lake lander. It can fly around - all over the Moon - and snap a bunch of cool photos. Hell they might even fly it over the lakes once it reaches its extended mission and nears its end of life just because they can be more risky. A methane lander would be so restricted and the photos would be dull after the first month of snapping the same landscape

>> No.12757117


>> No.12757122
File: 70 KB, 961x346, Screenshot_2021-02-25 Post capitalism and post scarcity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just global warming, but RUNAWAY global warming!? The type that bade Venus into hell?

Seems not even this guy's immune to left wing schizophrenia.

>> No.12757123

Wait be a little more specific. Are you just trying to be cheeky and say "it only goes to the Moon"? Or can it go to Titan and Mercury but just not Venus and Mars. I feel dumb for asking but I just want to make sure

>> No.12757125

Yes, literally everywhere but Venus and Mars.

>> No.12757130

nobody's perfect lol. elon's in favor of a carbon tax

>> No.12757133

And this is because?

>> No.12757136
File: 38 KB, 1478x422, 1599468370090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I don't understand this. It's not like they needed the money. Why would losing the NSSL result in a New Glenn delay?
It's not like they were ever going to win the contract, anyways. The Falcon family is more than capable and proven. Vulcan is an oldspace wetdream and there was no way that ULA was ever going to get shafted. Maybe they're trying to use the NSSL's decision as an excuse.

>> No.12757140

...because you don't need to aerobrake from low X orbit so a mass efficient fixed-leg lander works just fine? C'mon, this isn't difficult. Did you completely skip over the NUCLEAR INTER ORBITAL FAST MOVER part?

>> No.12757145

What's the fastest entry speed you can still achieve aerocapture on mars?

>> No.12757147

>Miranda enters the Normandy

>> No.12757149

this, the extended mission is when the party starts. or they crash it in a sand pit to avoid muh contamination

>> No.12757151

at least they let one of the mines reopen

>> No.12757152

>SLS was started in 2011
SLS is effectively a continuation of Constellation down to the same bloated contractors
>SLS can send more to space than the Falcon Heavy
This is his only good point and yet he's still wrong. He used Block 2 numbers for SLS's LEO payload and Block 2 will never happen
>Falcon 9 needs a bigger fairing
Like the bigger fairing the USAF is funding right now? Like the bigger fairing NASA considered funding?
>this man disagreed with climate change therefore what he said about spaceflight is wrong
So moronic that he should be slapped for that

>> No.12757157

Because Elon has a solar power and electric car company

Not because he’s deranged and thinks higher CO2 will turn Earth into Venus

>> No.12757159

guys, guys, what do the caves of mars look like? Are they big? What kind of material composition do they have. Is there water down there?

If they have bigger mountains are the caves possibly massive too?

>> No.12757160

A bad tax policy is one thing, but that's full chicken little mode. Someone as smart as this guy should understand that climate change is the norm, not the exception, and our ancestors have survived every single one of them buck naked.

>> No.12757164

tomorrow. also wasnt this canceled?
which is why i said they shoulda thrown in the covid excuse for good measure

>> No.12757166


>> No.12757167

Yeah the climate change bit at the end made me do a spit take. Lmao. Just throws it out like a schizo, couldn’t help himself

>> No.12757169

.1 of C

>> No.12757172
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>> No.12757173

>guys, guys, what do the caves of mars look like? Are they big?
yes, apparently they can be over 800 meters in diameter or something?
>hat kind of material composition do they have.
don't know
>Is there water down there?
frozen water yes
>are the caves possibly massive too?

>> No.12757176

most of hist factories and all of his rockets rely on fossil fuels. but yes, maybe less so than his competition

>> No.12757180

..In fact, it looks like Blue Origin were 100% aware that they would lose because they were bitching about the process back in 2019:
>Blue Origin filed a protest with the federal government Monday, challenging what it says is the Air Force's "flawed strategy" of seeking contractors
>"Unless the Air Force changes its approach, this procurement will perpetuate a market duopoly in national security space launch..."
>"The most recent market research, however, indicates the total global addressable space launch market, including NSSL launches, could support three or even four U.S. launch companies..."
So they knew that weren't going to win and so were trying to get the Air Force to give them a bronze medal

As for their other complaints
>"Is ambiguous and unclear with its selection criteria and doesn't provide transparency between competitor bids."
Holy shit. They wanted to be able to look at the other bids so they could tweak theirs to be more competitive. Because accurately stating capability is something they can't do. I'm reminded of Bezo's attempts to fuck over Starlink. BO spends too much time playing stupid games and not nearly enough making a good product.
>"The company also said the government's technical requirements are "too vague to accurately price."
In other words they didn't have a rocket and weren't close so they struggled to put a price on the requirements.
>"Discriminates against new competitors..."
lmfao. This is a competition you don't get accommodations for the disabled if you can't do it.
>"...and allows for a backup vehicle solution that could tip the scales in favor of the Russian-built RD-180 engine"
oh my god they're literally trying the "muh russia" angle

TL;DR: Body Odor stinks

shocked they didn't play the covid angle

>> No.12757179
File: 41 KB, 594x764, 30356CDF-7BC3-4BAB-9FF5-A41D4C02851B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s what they can look like on Earth, so it’s safe to assume these exist on Mars as well. The geology behind caves like these are so based. I would live in a Mars cave with a SHAFT elevator to the surface for the rest of my life and just spend my days spelunking and mapping with my geotradwife

>> No.12757182
File: 179 KB, 1272x636, g7_infographics_100_billion_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those poor oil companies!

>> No.12757183

>Why? Because the result of this cascade of design decisions landed at the feet of the execution team and no-one was sufficiently empowered to say “clearly a terrible mistake has been made, this architecture can never achieve its promised performance, let’s start again.”
Lost. kek

>> No.12757185

that must be some G load

>> No.12757186

same. Brutal takedowns are an underrated source of laughter.

>> No.12757189

>various tax breaks are subsidies

Typical liberal retardation

>> No.12757192

how's the structural integrity on these things? i think cave life would be based too if i wasnt so concerned about getting trapped or rocks fallin on my head. would be worse if it happened on mars

>> No.12757197

haha, isnt rocket lab flying national security missions soon? and a few other small launch guys have contracts. so much for their duopoly fearmongering. why is blue so scared of a duopoly anyway? do they not plan on competing their way up?

>> No.12757199

Jeff Bezos has not once competed fairly in his entire life.

>> No.12757202
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, lockheed star clipper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got better idea.

>> No.12757204

Nothing some structural bros couldn’t fix with a few surveys. They could probably go in with engineers and solve the problems easily, should they exist

>> No.12757205

who cares about G7? i wanna know the other big players. where does china rank? russia? opec?

>> No.12757211

...good god

>> No.12757218
File: 127 KB, 550x400, 1536499281276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snine was a baka

>> No.12757219

That's basically what VentureStar was except the tanks were on the inside and it had aerospikes.

>> No.12757220
File: 73 KB, 879x485, rsz_1worldview_legion-brighter_2-879x485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own a large position in MAXR (for me anyways) and I'm looking to double down on space memes tomorrow. SFTW is on my radar, as is NPA. Currently holding MAXR, SRAC and KTOS (and getting fucked hard by this market dump)

The advantage Maxar will have over BlackSky is that smallsats mean small optics, Legion is a fairly big satellite and from the looks of it it's mostly telescope. Which means BlackSky sats need to orbit at a lower altitude and get worse resolution. On the contrary, Starship means you can yeet a hundred one ton satellites like they're cubesats.

On the other hand, BlackSky is a SPAC trading basically at NAV, so the downside is limited.

>> No.12757222
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>> No.12757225

wouldn't there be enough atmosphere deep enough on mars?

>> No.12757232

There are direct subsidies to the fossil fuel industry as well, retard. Neither industry should be subsidized either directly or indirectly, you can't cry foul about EV tax credits or carbon tax yet be fine with subsidies for oil and gas. Stop being a useful idiot for giant corporations.


>> No.12757236

No. Not even the bottom of Valles Marineris has even 10% of Earth's atmosphere.

>> No.12757239


>> No.12757241

I wonder if SpaceX will consider giving a couple million dollars discount for customers who bulk buy multiple launches. say they have a cheap, mass produced starlink-esque constellation of earth observation sats.

>> No.12757242

>you can't cry foul about EV tax credits or carbon tax yet be fine with subsidies for oil and gas
You actually can, because oil and gas access is a national security issue for a lot more sectors than just fuel. Go ride your electric unicycle off a pier.

>> No.12757244

how is this relevant and also only retards buy GME for over ~$40-60

>> No.12757249

Space exploration of "interesting" places will be a lot easier and happen much more frequently once there's substantial infrastructure in space.

>> No.12757254

Energy is the life of the country idiot and all localities offer tax breaks to businesses that want to set up shop

And again
Tax breaks are not subsidies

>> No.12757255

>say they have a cheap, mass produced starlink-esque constellation of earth observation sats.
A Legion of earth observation satellites, if you will?

>> No.12757262


>> No.12757281

Boy howdy does Maxar have the constellation for you!

>> No.12757282

>they were busy cryotesting the texas

>> No.12757283

>Well you see, the Space Shuttle has already flown. So by extension, the SLS has already flown. And by extension, all those who work on the rocket are well-trained and well-prepared.
That sounds suspiciously like the argument for putting MCAS into the memory hole so that MAX could be flown with regular 737 experience.

>> No.12757285

i like maxar, but i was hoping for a thousand or so sats. six is a start i guess

>> No.12757286

Wow y’all weren’t kidding. Static fire #2 today sent rocks flying all over the tank farm holy cow

>> No.12757293

Yeah I was just making the name pun. I hope they start churning them out by the dozen for Starship launch sometime soon. Very few publicly traded companies are willing to stake plans on Starship yet. Momentus explicitly wants to leverage it.

>> No.12757295
File: 26 KB, 503x443, US-crude-oil-petroleum-products-net-imports-2019-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US is basically a net oil exporter, with oil demand set to plummet as 70% of it is used in transportation, and oil prices well above the price needed to support domestic production, there is no real national security concern and you're grasping at straws. Also EVs decrease oil dependence thus by your retarded logic they should be subsided as well for national security purposes.
>Tax breaks are not subsidies
Learn what an indirect subsidy is and again, there are direct subsidies as well. I'm sure ExxonMobil loves to have you shilling for them for free. Based giant multinational corporations!

>> No.12757296

You learned the difference between Mandarin and Cantonese on the Disney Channel?

>> No.12757300
File: 50 KB, 879x507, 1612992961901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thing was set to have a solid 1st stage with solid boosters
huh, didn't know that.

>> No.12757303


>> No.12757305

mouse bad

>> No.12757306

I hope Virgin's space fleet bombards Cornwall from orbit

>> No.12757307
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>> No.12757310

the road closure was cancelled because flight has been delayed until Q2 due to concrete and tank farm damage

>> No.12757312
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>> No.12757313

Elon completely silent of twitter. Very telling.

>> No.12757317
File: 109 KB, 879x147, 1587946167675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's pretty fun looking at rocket concepts that never made it

>> No.12757318

This is so much more complicated than it needs to be

>> No.12757319

Holy wind shear

>> No.12757320

Every single industry in the country gets various tax breaks...
Green bullshit which kills people when it stops working gets far more than anything oil related

>> No.12757321
File: 297 KB, 749x1059, 88DDC5F8-1C6E-4BC6-BB0E-EE07588C8717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about we become all godlike and make earth + mar etc heaven?

That’s the reality I love
You’re free to love it too

>> No.12757328

it's like a larger Vega with a hydrogen final stage. ..Would hydrogen appreciate being shaken that much? I assumed that vega used hypergolics for a reason.
yeah that fairing is nuts

>> No.12757334

>we heard you like SRMs

>> No.12757336

>MaxQ, as expected
>We’ve had a loss of booster... as expected

>> No.12757339

Last one straight up looks like a 4ASS shitpost

>> No.12757340
File: 370 KB, 1920x1200, 1408657994631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you name your primary spaceflight vehicle, SFG?

>> No.12757343
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>> No.12757344

H.P. Lovecraft’s Cat
Spirit of Von Braun
Not Enterprise
USS You Essess
Eyes Wallow Come

>> No.12757347

BlackSky gen 3 satellites will be able to support a 50-centimeter resolution. It's getting very close to Maxar's technology, their constellation is much cheaper, and they claim that they'll have 30 minute revisit rates versus Legion which is around 1.5 hours if I remember correctly. My problem with Maxar has always been it isn't focusing on smallsats enough and I'm concerned about their agility as launch costs decrease and open the market to new competitors. This is more of a long term concern, I'm bullish on both companies at the moment and Maxar has the non-imagery side of their business that does well.


Also check out ACCMF if you haven't already. ARK does buy OTC stocks so I'm fairly certain it will be included in ARKX and it has a tiny market cap so the buying should move the price a lot. I keep adding to my position but it hasn't done much.

>> No.12757349

Amalek's Revenge

>> No.12757352

Been away hiking for a while now and just got back. Why has this piece of shit still not hopped?

>> No.12757354

Maybe Elon Musk should have bought a media organization and dedicated it to serving the interests of the political class. His autistic engineer mindset is going to get him destroyed by the MBA mindset of Bezos and by companies like Boeing. They know that politics are more important than physics in our current environment.

>> No.12757357

>region is poor
>refuse to allow economic development in the region for fear of offending the poors
>region stays poor
How the fuck are these the same people that ran a globe-spanning mercantilist powerhouse?

>> No.12757358

When is ARKX set to come out, any idea? Might take some funds out of crypto for it.

>> No.12757359


>> No.12757364


>> No.12757367

i'm afraid i don't get the 'hop' meme :( i have idea but not certain

>> No.12757368

The "green bullshit" doesn't kill millions of people a year through it's emissions and costs trillions of dollars in healthcare expenditures.

>> No.12757372

>Hi Cornwall we want to setup our project in your area, it will provide a lot of jobs and revenue for the people

it's all so tiresome bros.

>> No.12757377

I heard those ping-ping-clank sounds on Pad Cam.

>> No.12757379
File: 1023 KB, 1920x1080, Mystery_Goo_at_Boca_Chica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the don't call him Elon "Hack/Fraud" Musk for nothing. It's over, they have yo compleyely redo the launch pad AND the tank farm after it got absolutely shredded by concrete shrapnel. Elon hasnt said a word about it. He is cutting as we speak. When I say it's over, I mean it. For real this time, Space--X is absolutely over.

>> No.12757381
File: 51 KB, 700x466, Amazon-Project-Kuiper-700x466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They going to try to copy SpaceX's Starlink plan and have Amazon fund everything through Project Kuiper, which is a competitor to Starlink. The launch of over 3000 Amazon satellites will be the main revenue generators for BO.

>> No.12757384

If you genuinely wanted to support clean energy you would support nuclear. But you don't because you're a brainwashed fucking imbecile. We could have been running on entirely nuclear for decades now. The spicy rock is the holy grail of energy production and it's been screwed over by fucktards like you and retarded spastics in the government.

>> No.12757385

>let’s do a static fire on our fresh concrete

Good shit musk

>> No.12757386


>> No.12757388

New Shepard looking kinda sus.

>> No.12757393

We kept bullying about them having to delay it again to an appropriate minimum in the last thread.

>> No.12757394
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, amongus-drip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, you're right.

>> No.12757396

Might sound like an exaggeration but Texas quite literally froze over and shat the bed for a week, and then one of the raptors an hero’d during the first static fire as expected I guess. Not to mention today’s fire didn’t look too good

>> No.12757397

Give it a couple of years and those t-shirts will read

>> No.12757399
File: 143 KB, 2392x1014, ARKX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My guess would be around the start of April according to their filing. There has been some debate over buying ARKX versus selecting your own space stocks which may be more profitable for people with knowledge of the industry but ARKX is good if you don't want to worry about that. It will probably contain the large aerospace stocks so it's less of a pure play than you might think but I imagine it will do very well over the next few years if the rest of the market is good.

>> No.12757405

Thunder "Well, the Falcon 9 is basically a Redstone Rocket that runs on Methane" Cunt is unfortunately misinformed about something pertaining to rocketry? Say it ain't so!

>> No.12757408

>There has been some debate over buying ARKX versus selecting your own space stocks which may be more profitable for people with knowledge of the industry

I would agree with this if knowledge of the industry actually seemed to matter. Look at SPCE for fucks sake.

>> No.12757409

Project Kuiper needs 3,236 satellites
That's going to be a hefty Space X subsidy even if they're competing with Starlink

>> No.12757412

>just spend my days spelunking and mapping with my geotradwife
for me it's geoAsian or nothing

>> No.12757418

Starship has been flying in short hops
The test flights are called hops
That's all there is

>> No.12757419

It's crazy to me that they built those massive fucking buildings BEFORE having a mature production conceived. They still havent built more than a mockup. On top of that there's like 500 people total in those buildings. An entire year ago, March 2020, SpaceX only had 500 people at Boca Chica (back when Starship was still fairly low priority for SpaceX). They still have no permanent structure and they churning out starships too fast they become obsolete. What a contrast

>> No.12757422

It's Northrop Grumman, ie gobble up as many smaller govt contractors as possible and cobble together things from their parts in hopes of winning new contracts with them.
Cheaper than actually designing new things.

>> No.12757423

I’m sure that’s because SpaceX took the SteelPill. At this point stainless seems like a no brainer it’s dirt cheap and fast to build. The biggest benefit would go to ULA, I bet, if they’re saving their engines and throwing away the core stage.

>> No.12757424
File: 172 KB, 1073x622, Projected-LOCE-USA-by-2025-as-of-2020-EIA-AEO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fully support nuclear, you idiot. Supporting nuclear doesn't mean anything and it doesn't change the fact the nuclear has been stagnant for decades and there is no indication that it will change in the future. The regulatory related costs of new nuclear installations have become so great that it's no longer that cheap a source of energy and even IV reactors may not sway the public.

The realistic solution is to install as much clean energy as possible while using the existing energy production to meet demand during the periods of low renewable production until energy storages prices come down enough to fully phase them out.

>> No.12757429
File: 3.28 MB, 4134x2518, QzXcNAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12757433
File: 704 KB, 538x720, hottest_reentry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like all the surface tapes of von Braun I'll already seen. Are there any more candid, behind the scenes type recordings of him where he's not interacting with media?

>> No.12757434
File: 2.03 MB, 3840x2560, EtaaQFSVoAEf0j7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even if it works, any spacecraft that restricts you to LEO is dumb in the 21st century.
I disagree. his idea is dumb but we should be doing smaller rockets to leo with refueling. that way we can have a lot more travel in our system for a lot cheaper.

>> No.12757442
File: 833 KB, 2500x1631, B100F3D7-7EB7-489C-B509-7F11CD2ABA0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We really are living in the best timeline bro’s. Starship will work. Maybe not SN10. Maybe not SN11. But it’ll land. And then it’ll get to orbit. Before 2040 there will be hundreds of people living and working in space at a minimum. We’re going to make it. Apollo 1, Soyuz 1, Soyuz 11, Challenger, Columbia. They will not be forgotten. Per Aspera Ad Astra.

>> No.12757445

i don't get why they insist on flying straight up and out instead of taking off and just gliding out. i really don't i feel like these guys are making spaceflight 100x harder than it needs to be, and it's all just political

>> No.12757450

Dude like everybody and their mom want to make a space station of some sort. There was even some mad lad that bought unused ALMAZ and a pair of TKS capsules.

>> No.12757451

Even worse is trying to find anything on NASA admin James Webb. Youtube is littered with the stupid telescope. I wanna know about the man

>> No.12757459
File: 428 KB, 700x713, 1614316287626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

APOLOGIZE to the first African American to get humans to Mars. /sci/ btfo

>> No.12757460

How much will smallsat development matter when Starship enters the picture and carsats become viable?
>take 1992 corolla
>stick electronics in trunk

>> No.12757461
File: 410 KB, 1175x1021, jj3uQmR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thing

>> No.12757462

Does anyone know how to make a YouTube account not connected to your Gmail? I want to make a SpaceX commentary account with some KSP gameplay once in a while.

>> No.12757464

Not possible.

>> No.12757466

Okay wait, I don't get the "there's no flame trenches on Mars" meme. Just send a fucking shovel.

>> No.12757467

>no pube hair
Disgusting.Stop enforcing white beauty standards, bigot.

>> No.12757471

Damn my Gmail is used for work emails and stuff.

>> No.12757473

Just make a whole new burner account lol

>> No.12757474

Make a new gmail account.

>> No.12757475

Anyone have that drawing of the avengers bowing to doctors?

>> No.12757488

What exactly is the point of making rockets slimmer than their payload fairing? Aside from retrofitting larger fairings onto existing rockets.

>> No.12757490
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>> No.12757513
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>> No.12757516

Just watched the Nova about Perseverance everyone talking is a minority, everyone working is white. Also wholly fuck ultra clean is almost as retarded as their plan to get the samples back.

>> No.12757519

Sounds about right
Nonwhites and women in some sorta makework position making the same money

>> No.12757520

Because a Vespa is even cheaper than a Corolla?

>> No.12757533

>didn't get a contract with blue origin
waah stop spending all that money if none of it is going to meeee

>> No.12757541

make rockit look like pen0r with head

>> No.12757543
File: 206 KB, 1080x647, Boing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was not worth the effort.

>> No.12757545
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>> No.12757571

the difference like 40~ years can make... can you imagine 40 more years... or if you assume an increasing delta year to year between 1960, and 2020... where we are by 2030

>> No.12757575
File: 543 KB, 1005x1037, 21734948-13ED-42FA-AFF3-B7DEA403E548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you brother it’s perfect.


>> No.12757583

Cornwall is an odd place. It was a mining capital of the world and huge trade hub for centuries but then they closed the mines and the ports became too small for modern ships. Then half the properties were bought out as holiday homes for londoners and lie empty 11 months of the year while the local people can’t afford somewhere to live.

I would say that Counsellor is antiSpace im every sense and pissed that Space travellers don’t stop into Newquay for a bucket and spade and £5 can of coke on the way home.

>> No.12757589

Krystal's sweaty foxpaws :3

>> No.12757591
File: 89 KB, 990x524, cyka blyat m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12757593

>and pissed that Space travellers don’t stop into Newquay for a bucket and spade and £5 can of coke on the way home.
Well they sure as fucking well won't if you don't allow space travel. Tourist dollars are a godsend for otherwise impoverished areas, assuming the corrupt local government doesn't hoover it all up. In Cornwall's case it looks like they're skipping the corruption step by just preventing the money from entering the Cornish economy in the first place.

>> No.12757594

>Canadian red ensign
You what

>> No.12757597


>> No.12757613

yes, youre the only one, hes a clever troll and youre increidbly naive and stupid, you probably "fucking love science" and are the reason why the sciences are shit filled with normies who shit on all. Im so glad you got your panties in a bunch over something so minor.

>> No.12757620

>Hello control this is the private vessel Nigger Blaster 1488 requesting approach vector

>> No.12757631

Untitled Spacecraft

>> No.12757643

You guys want to fuck up some polls from /r/SLS?

>> No.12757647

You know it

>> No.12757652

apparently a few mines in cornwall are actually reopening now, which is cool i guess. they found new high grade ore deposits or something

>> No.12757657
File: 78 KB, 1079x412, Screenshot_20210225-230809_Slide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear on me mum this was the first result

>> No.12757659
File: 36 KB, 520x533, F590528F-C6EA-4547-A09A-6625332202F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ice Wallow Come

>> No.12757662

Greed is Good, an asteroid mining vessel

>> No.12757670


>> No.12757673
File: 21 KB, 512x355, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12757685

well you guys changed that fast

>> No.12757687

>inb4 overridden by central government

>> No.12757691
File: 253 KB, 1080x1769, Screenshot_20210226-022518_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12757692

i live to serve

>> No.12757693


>> No.12757710

I love you guys

>> No.12757718

I about choked when I checked that one and saw that.

>> No.12757722

Jesus Loves You

>> No.12757723

it's more honest than q3 2023 lmao

>> No.12757724

Biden will outlaw spaceflight and there’s nothing you can do about it.

>> No.12757725

happened so fucking fast lol

>> No.12757727

>q3 2023
That's an optimistic estimate for Artemis 1.

>> No.12757728

Stereotypical woke shit keeping the poor in their place. How is this shit real?

>> No.12757733

Imagine this thing doing an actual takeoff on Mars or Moon gravel.

>> No.12757735

Oh and it'll sit much lower. Ah fuck, forgot that the lunar version has seperate landing engines. Nevermind that one then.

>> No.12757738

This looks like something I’d post in /sfg/ to troll. There’s even a blatant sunken cost fallacy, and a citation of Thundertetardniggerfaggot as a source.

>> No.12757741

I mean. We all knew all of that already. It's a good read for normies not in the know though, I guess.

>> No.12757745

Anons, let’s imagine a hypothetical world where the French Revolution never occurred, and absolute monarchies dominate the world to this day. Do you think they’d engage in much space exploration? I personally believe they’d establish whole colonies decades based on their personal whims.

>> No.12757755

I thought gravity does not exist? How comes your universal gravity on the mars lilypad is just 1/8th of earths lilypad?

Do flat earthers even?

>> No.12757757

It's 1am, time to schizopost https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMDchwbOvvY

>> No.12757769
File: 185 KB, 1549x859, HLS teams assembled low fidelity mockups during the last 10 months. SpaceX also assembled and demonstrated their Starship elevator concept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you guys see this? SpaceX made their elevator so fast.

>> No.12757787
File: 528 KB, 2880x2880, 20210220_214120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of the rockets in pic related

>> No.12757790

well, next to the starship the others cant really be called rockets, they are more like artistic pieces that represent stupidity

>> No.12757791

mmm roggets

>> No.12757795

>these are the new generation of heavily lift rockets
Slim pickings

>> No.12757800

>my edit

>> No.12757811
File: 164 KB, 792x1926, rogget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12757814

kek. need an sls version

>> No.12757819

Can we have a kino engine set up like this again

>> No.12757822

lots of holes i want to fuck fuCK FUCK in the bottom one

>> No.12757824 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 640x480, laika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made an /sfg/ discord server.

>> No.12757827
File: 180 KB, 899x1074, SlsIsAbsolutelyWorthless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12757828

Shit imagine uprated Superheavy with just an expanded skirt of side mounted bolt-on raptors.

>> No.12757829
File: 40 KB, 600x515, 1581210552642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12757838

>I made an /sfg/ discord server.
Kill yourself.

>> No.12757841


>> No.12757846
File: 87 KB, 633x640, 1586115157632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know what discord is

>> No.12757847


>> No.12757851

cool, thanks anon

>> No.12757855
File: 85 KB, 625x348, 1611813705533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you don't want to use it, then don't. if you do, then nbd. can you not handle other people doing things outside your control?

>> No.12757857
File: 250 KB, 1600x1600, 1590208562632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here guys lets split our conversations so this board dies, oh and this way we can add personalities so we can make an autistic hierarchy
fucking kill yourself zoomer

>> No.12757858
File: 624 KB, 1620x1220, ahtbibog2yb61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12757860


>> No.12757861

there are no women here

>> No.12757871
File: 14 KB, 339x122, booming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i really don't know and no i'm not going to google it.

>> No.12757880
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, bezos buckos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Amazon buy launch capacity from SpaceX or wait until BO is ready to send up satellites? Bezos will want to use Amazon to prop up BO but the Amazon board has a fiduciary responsibility to Amazon's shareholders. Musk has often mixed the capabilities of his various companies and there have been some shareholder complaints but those were generally smaller issues. BO's slow pace means Kuiper might get shut out of the market if Amazon waits around for BO to get its act together. Before BO's announcement of a year long delay (which will probably grow), Kuiper was going to be six years away from being operational. Pushing that date back even further is going to make their argument for getting some of Starlink's orbital slots and radio frequencies less compelling.

>> No.12757883
File: 173 KB, 1079x760, Screenshot_20210226-020349_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanna fly to the with me??
Big update coming March 2nd.
MZ is gonna dump on us

>> No.12757884

I've been out of the loop for a couple of days, did SN10 get its engine replaced and then do a second static fire just yesterday? If so, first that's fast as fuck, second did it go well? If it did then when can flight be expected?

>> No.12757888
File: 20 KB, 382x379, Eliana Musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

APOLOGIZE to the first Transgender American to get humans to Mars. /sci/ btfo

>> No.12757895

we never got a starship update :(

>> No.12757896

It did, looked okay as far as we can tell, probably NET Monday.

>> No.12757902

it always turns that way
good, don't google it its a 3rd party comms system

>> No.12757906

My actual ship name ideas would be uniquely identifying to who I am IRL, so have some memes.

>Zubrin's Folly (NSWR)
>Black Pearl (plasma magnet)
>One Giant Yeet For Mankind (Orion)
>Far Horizon (quantized inertia)

>> No.12757910

is it even stallman approved?

>> No.12757912

>SLS Block 2
Unironically will never fly

>> No.12757913

holy shit BTFO

>> No.12757918

Blast Hardcheese

>> No.12757922

Space Launch System

>> No.12757931

wait i misread the question. people really think artemis 2 will launch in 2023? LMAO

>> No.12757939

Holy shit no. They outright ban third party clients and assert copyright over the contents of your messages.

>> No.12757949

thats a no from me then chuck.

>> No.12757952

There's a reason why only retarded zoomers, anime/manga translation groups, and literal trannies use it.
>note the overlap between the groups

>> No.12757953

Why would SpaceX launch direct competitors unless they are forced to by court order

>> No.12757955

Because they get paid for it lol

>> No.12757958

elon said he'd do it

>> No.12757959
File: 2.35 MB, 3840x2560, SN8_20201110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12757963

Antitrust law, and also >>12757958

>> No.12757964

Because monopoly laws apply to Musk but not to Jeffy boy.

>> No.12757971

because their competition cannot keep up and that money will fund spacex's infrastructure

>> No.12757979

The funny thing about Kepler is I don't think they could launch on SpaceX even if they wanted. Have they gotten anywhere close to satellite production? a prototype even?

>> No.12757983

They still have 117 hardware development job reqs open for Kuiper so I suspect not.


>> No.12757985

>flight hardware

>> No.12758009
File: 291 KB, 1624x1080, PicsArt_02-26-04.38.30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well guys i fucked up. I got my degree in aviation because back in the early 2010s space looked like a dead end career wise and aeronautical engineering without rockets seemed soul sucking. Am i screwed? Will i never get a job with a company like SpaceX or ULA?

>> No.12758033

Nah the consensus is that the probe has to be blown up with a charge. Although I dont understand how a crashed or blown up rower helps with contamination. If anything it exposes the insides of the rover.

>> No.12758042

Lithium springs or something, pointless anyway because UK IQ is too low to use it

>> No.12758054

still dont get why it doesnt work for Venus and Mars

>> No.12758059

where the fuck is inceldedus? is that where Rich shelby is from?

>> No.12758064
File: 58 KB, 630x630, 3276315_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Country pumpkins confirmed for absolute retards, jfc why is this country so shit

>> No.12758069

Me, bottom left, doing work.

>> No.12758089
File: 53 KB, 600x600, DZepvo6WsAAofhJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mumble has RMS's sweaty seal of approval. End to end encryption, open source, selfhosted, messages aren't stored.
Discord is fucking cancer and the retards that use it should be shot.

>> No.12758097

>An exasperated von Braun said "It exploded because the damn sonofabitch blew up!"
I still love the mangled swearing from Germans who are still half-learning English.

>> No.12758104

You could've gotten a generic ME degree and been qualified to start work in basically any technical field you wanted. Have fun crashing planes for boing for the rest of your life.

>> No.12758107

I don't see any problem? Aviation is a solid background to have (though US pilot wages are bizarrely low on a global scale, know a few guys that moved to Oz to fly)

>> No.12758108
File: 137 KB, 1080x987, Screenshot_20210226-054553_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell of a job boys. The oldspace fags will be mad when they see this.

>> No.12758120
File: 158 KB, 1080x1159, Screenshot_20210226-054938_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First one still needs some work though

>> No.12758128

How many of those are even fully reusable?

>> No.12758129

Im a dispatcher but I see your point
Thanks anon. Where do i go from here though?

>> No.12758133

only Starship

>> No.12758140

>If so, first that's fast as fuck
Boing would need 2 months for that

>> No.12758141

No-one who's not a loon or a strawman thinks climate change will turn Earth into Venus. It'll cause climactic shifts that are dangerous to current civilisation, mostly due to population migration that most of the world just simply isn't prepared for.
Anyone who thinks the risk of climate change is human extinction is dumb, the main risk is societal collapse and a subsequent lack of ability to get back up again due to depleted resources.

>> No.12758187

antique, with the exception of Starship which is how antiques expected our rockets to look like nowadays

>> No.12758199

Are the others even trying?

>> No.12758205
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calling the flights "hops" dates back to the grasshopper -- the falcon 9 prototype successfully used to develop the reusable first stages

this is where it all started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzXlUw2WhcE and there were many more hops following it

it was a different time back then, no spacetubers cashing on those tests, only true believers who loved the engineering

>> No.12758225


>> No.12758226

His blogs have been posted on HN before.
HN generally is a shithole like reddit, but at least good articles get posted grom tome to time.

>> No.12758227

I remember when SpaceX first put out that CG concept video showing how they plan to flyback Falcon 9 stages I just assumed it would never actually happen like all cool ideas in spaceflight. Watching Grasshoppers progress was what really made me a die hard fan

>> No.12758233

Spacex single handedly revived enthousiasm for space.

>> No.12758273

The Cornish are clearly utter mentalists by nature, having a history of grinding out a living through sheer blood and guts dirty dangerous labour like mining and fishing over thousands of years. These politicians are a disgrace to the memory of the tough as nails bastards that came before them, but what's new? The UK/the West is in apparently terminal decline.

>> No.12758281

SpaceX is secretly run by alien bunny girls. Us calling their flights "hops" is our way to draw attention to this fact.

>> No.12758287

Man I was the opposite. I actively disliked SpaceX because I thought that only governments should be in space. I loved the Atlas V because I thought it was a NASA rocket (I didn’t know ULA was a thing). I even remember not thinking the OG2 landing for SpaceX was a big deal. It all changed when one day I watched the SES-9 broadcast live because I was bored and I ended up getting really invested in it. When I saw CRS-8 land that was the straw that made me a SpaceX fan

Man 2016 was a wild year. Landing was still super new then and then suddenly Amos 6 killed everything.

>> No.12758306

>a super heavy rocket built by SpaceX would still be a $2G machine.
2 G's?
Isn't that $2000?
Goddamn, why am I even trying to understand this quote at all.

>> No.12758308

No, it's 2 Gillions, duh

>> No.12758323

Are the competitors even working on fully reusable vehicles or has literally everyone fallen for the sunken cost falacy? They are continuing to work on vehicles which are too high in $/kg and too low in launches/year. None of the vehicles being build by any high profile US or european organizations and companies have any future.

SpaceX already undercuts every competitor. The only way the others can get some launches is if SpaceXs launch schedule is too full. But considering the falcon can be reflown within weeks and he has a bunch of them stockpiled and a bunch of them still rolling out of the factory even the breadcrumbs are getting sucked up.

Even an obvious carbon copy of SpaceX would be better than anything they're planning now.

I like SpaceX but I'd hate for space to become a monopoly. As an europoor I'd wish the ESA would get of their ass.

>> No.12758330

The latter. ULA is working on Vulcan and is perfectly ok with being second best. Blue is building New Glenn but they don’t expect a flight until 2023. Ariane is working on Ariane 6 but they gave up on reusing it and are already looking into “Ariane Next” which is a Falcon 9’clone

>> No.12758334

They will have to at the rate New Glenn is going. Amazon has a deadline to get X number of satellites into orbit for kuiper. I don't know the exact date or number of sats, but it was part of the agreement with the FCC giving them a specific portion of the comm frequencies in orbit. If they don't hit their required number of sats, they lose that frequency band, and I promise you SpaceX will snatch it right up.

>> No.12758339

Its getting there, I just voted and it was slightly over 33%

>> No.12758355
File: 86 KB, 1125x322, 3FDCB31A-6DB4-459A-ABF7-84616DBC3167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eric Berger says that New Glenn is expensive to build which is why they’re so cautious with it. Rip BLUE O

>> No.12758374

>Even an obvious carbon copy of SpaceX would be better than anything they're planning now.
taht's what everyone will do once starships reaches orbit. They are just letting spacex do the heavy lifting with the R&D. 99.99% of the most important data of their experiments are public.

Imagine you start copying them and it turns out they have to go back to carbon fiber, you lose a lot of money, wait for them to fail and you get rewarded with 100% of their knowledge while paying 0% of the cost. The system is not made to favor innovation

>> No.12758384

Lol they fucked up before they even got to orbit
the SLS subreddit is a big cope, I love dropping into it and the Starliner subreddit. It's like taking a trip to a zoo to gawk at a community who is collectively coping

>> No.12758386

Could you have not posted that?

>> No.12758394
File: 117 KB, 800x800, 800px-Enceladus_ultra_closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess which celestial body

>> No.12758401

>file name
land of the incels

>> No.12758404

What was the original post >>12758377

>> No.12758407

Lmao. Meanwhile spacex is doing theirs with sheet metal and a blowtorch in a desert, building many prototypes in parallel.

It's sad really. Because even if not reusable, big and dumb rockets could have been done 40 years ago as a successor to the Saturn V and then iteratively improved. But everyone got too high on their own farts and wanted to go the magical sci-fi route.

>> No.12758409


>> No.12758410 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12758418
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>National Team Descent Stage being redesigned to launch on Vulcan

>> No.12758423


>> No.12758426
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I can root for winners to win, but I can also root for losers to lose. Blue Abortion is offering us a masterclass in how to blow billions of dollars and get nowhere.

>> No.12758429
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Revolutionary, cheap with unheard of performance AND it is fully reusuable. True inheritor of the title; King of Rockets from Saturn V.

>SLS Block 2

A complete fantasy variant of a rocket that is a failure before it was even conceived of as a concept. Decent theoretical performance is the only positive thing I can say about it.

>New Glenn

Too slow, too late. If New Glenn was introduced in the early to mid 2010's, it would've been a Falcon-9/Heavy competitor that could seriously give SpaceX some fierce competition and Blue Origin would've had similar levels of respect that SpaceX enjoys today. It has good performance but it will appear in a world where Starship will reign supreme, not Falcon-9/Heavy.


Obscelent and very uncompetative in a commercial setting but should serve Roscosmos and the Russian military well. It is a good replacement of the Proton-M with a minor increase in performance.


An American Angara-A5 wich is very, VERY bad news for ULA, it has to compete in the future not only with New Glenn but with Starship and Falcon Heavy (If Falcon hasnt been retired yet). In this regard, it is obselete and dead on arrival. At least with Angara, the Russian government in form of Roscosmos and the military, can support a native rocket to support its rocket company (Khrunichev) and have independency. ULA has no such comfort.

>> No.12758431
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Comparison of Starship noses. SN15 looks different.

>> No.12758432

Very good chalk up summary

>> No.12758433

NSSL Phase 3 is in 2025. New Glenn probably will be flying by then and Vulcan will be competing against New Glenn, Starship, and Falcon 9/H. Let’s also be honest and realize that Falcon 9/H will probably fly into the 2030s

>> No.12758439

There's no such thing as "competing" against Starship lmao. But I get what you are saying. Vulcan and NG will be flying at the same time, competing against eachother, and probably opting to launch stuff that could otherwise go on a Falcon. But the problem is I think both of Vulcan and New Glenn will be expensive as fuck. There is no competing with SpaceX

>> No.12758441

SpaceX has the advantage of vertically owning 100% of Starship. You just know Blue is cycling ULA with the BE4 engine costs

>> No.12758447

My offhand guess is that it will be five years before we see any kind of test flight of New Glenn.

>> No.12758452
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Europa vs Titan vs Enceladus vs Ganymede

>> No.12758491


That wouldn't work at all lol.
SRBs are literally the worst type of engine for an SSTO, they have shitty thrust to weight ratio, and shitty ISP.
Their only advantages are being cheap to build and having stable fuel (so they don't need to be fueled up just before launch), both of which don't matter on an SSTO, they aren't really cheap to re-use either to top it off.

>> No.12758504
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>> No.12758516


Just put in a trouble ticket and ranjeesh will update the software bro :^)

>> No.12758537
File: 234 KB, 1232x371, again lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, is Boeing at threat of going under soon? (I know 6.6 mil is a small price, but they are gouging money everywhere)

>> No.12758552

>Let’s also be honest and realize that Falcon 9/H will probably fly into the 2030s
It will probably be on life support for a while, I doubt it will really be competing though, just riding out contracts stuck in bureaucratic limbo.

>> No.12758555

I wonder if it's boeing problem or just people slacking with maintenance due to planes not flying as often.

>> No.12758561

Boing has absolutely nothing to worry about, unfortunately. The plane market is a locked in duopoly with no movement. They are quite literally too big to fail.

>> No.12758563

Why dont we do this with mars rovers lmao

>> No.12758569

maybe it's $2k per kilogram. or maybe he meant to hit B for billion and hit G on accident

>> No.12758573

Expendable suicide rock-cracking rovers
The state of our robotics is too shitty for digging and manipulation so just blow the rocks up instead

>> No.12758577

Or maybe he is just too retarded to function properly.

>> No.12758596

Passenger planes are pretty much hyper optimised already. All they can do is iterate on old designs or change them in size according to a shift in market requiring different distance and passanger configurations.

The entire industry is ripe for disruptive technology, especially with all the environmental critique and meme virus. Perhaps high volume small electric planes for short distances, hydrogen planes for longer distances and maybe another take a supersonic flight. None of which I see boing pull of successfully. The company has time and time again proven they cannot innovate.

>> No.12758607

>electric planes
Elon talked about Tesla electric planes (and how he's thought about them for many years but just doesn't have room on his plate rn) in the most recent Joe Rogan interview

>> No.12758612

Boing's political clout is one thing that gives me hope that air travel will get back to normal at some point. If it doesn't there's no way they can support anything like their current workforce

>> No.12758613

Can you imagine how long it would take to recharge an airliner-sized battery pack

>> No.12758624

We don't have the tech for that yet, even if Elon focused all his effort on it there would probably still be slow progress on that front. Energy density needs to be at insane levels in order to make it feasible for something like a passenger plane

>> No.12758643

Airbus have rolled out a few concepts for blended wing designs that are intended to be more economical. And I recall open rotor engines being an area of investigation but there's a lot of money behind conventional high bypass turbofans, hard to dislodge. If only we could get a cheap carbon neutral kerosene analogue, though you can bet as soon as we did they'd come up with another excuse to shut it down.

>> No.12758646
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>Perhaps high volume small electric planes for short distances

>> No.12758647

assuming the whole idea is feasible at all:
You could make the batteries easy to swap. Instead of grounding the plane for rechage, you take the battery, put a charged one in, and use the discharged one later on a different airplane.
They tried this with the cars, but I think they abandoned the program. Naturally in this case it could prove effective.

>> No.12758650

That's why you make a swappable battery case instead.

>> No.12758654
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Like the gunpack in the Hawker Hunter... but do you really trust diversity hire airport workers with that delicate task?

>> No.12758655

Going out on a limb and saying that they are leaving the tip off for the moment so the header tank can be accessed/modified more easily.
Test results from SNX may influence a design change and this will make it easier to plop a tank on later.

>> No.12758658

Damn, I had an ETF with 18% Boing! share and I sold it 2 weeks ago. Kinda glad I did now.

>> No.12758664

Just make nuclear powered planes.

>> No.12758670

Considering he was defending SLS with absolutely false statements, I think this is the best answer.

>> No.12758673

I don't see it as a big passanger plane replacement.

Make them private jet sized. Cheaper to build and cheaper to maintain. They only need enough range to the state next to them, or country in europe. The biggest problem would be time to refly. Grounded planes don't make money.

>> No.12758680

Energy density is getting there, and there are electric planes already (1-2 person puddle jumpers). But we do still have a long long ways to go before getting to the level with aircraft that they are at with Teslas.
Motors could stand to become more efficient as well.

>> No.12758682

Unironically the problem will be solved when McCulloch delivers us the QI drive

>> No.12758687


>> No.12758706

the drone wont land near the lakes

>> No.12758713

exactly. it will fly to them afterward

>> No.12758737

Korolev Sucks Stalin's Cock
Londoner Pensionist

>> No.12758747

Problem is that the kind of volume that aircraft could use for a removable battery is the volume where you want to put cargo.
You can put fuel in any old weird place (like the wings) because fuel can be pumped through a small hole.
Doing that with batteries would require disassembling the whole plane to replace the batteries, or relying on recharging.

>> No.12758750

water based lubricants

>> No.12758771
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>> No.12758783

by the time BO flies their F9 clone, SS will already be doing orbital testing at least. WTF is jeff thinking

>> No.12758807

it will land at the equator, and the lakes are at the poles, not sure how long it would take to fly there, also the lakes cant be seen from earth for the next 20 years or so so radio communism is not possible

>> No.12758823

He bought into the Achilles and the tortois meme.

>> No.12758824

Honestly an Agena-style upper stage that used dense hypergolic propellants and a small staged combustion engine would have been extremely effective and cool. Hydrazine+NTO in a fuel rich staged combustion cycle (or hell even full flow, why not) could get 350 Isp in vacuum, and at a mass ratio better than kerolox, without requiring any significant insulation or any cryogenic handling systems whatsoever.

>> No.12758833

>radio communism

>> No.12758838
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>radio communism is not possible
say that to my face bitch

>> No.12758845

This is r-r-r-Radio Communism, the only soundtrack of the worker's hearts! Only the hottest tunes here, as approved by the central bureau of communications!

>> No.12758870
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Not gonna lie some Hypergolic propellants have great ISP. The engines on Proton range from 315-329 seconds. Anyhow I love proton. Rockets with too many stages are fun and making “lego rockets” speaks to me spiritually.

>> No.12758875

its so retarded that the boosters are the dress i hate it the whole concept is so retarded i hate it that we live without eugenics

>> No.12758883
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Based Martian prospector

>> No.12758891

best space movies that arent interstellar or matian, bonus points if realistic

>> No.12758893

"Go Fuck Yourself with The People's Stick"

>> No.12758895


>> No.12758896
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Instead of boosters Falcon Heavy should just be thiccccc

>> No.12758898

Salyut 7

>> No.12758902

The X-15 opening scene of First Man

>> No.12758903
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If you love the Proton, you'll love the UR-700, and its Mars variant.

>> No.12758914

And the Gemini 8 malfunction


>> No.12758916
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>Apollo Era
October Sky (Has a lot of SOUL)
First Man (No soul but Ryan is hot)
Apollo 13 (Used to scare me as a kid)
“From the Earth to the Moon” (Please watch this series it’s amazing)
>Space Shuttle Era
Space Cowboys (Great movie. It got 4 year old me to get into space stuff).
Gravity (It’s okay but the visuals are great.
>Near Future
2001 (Great movie)
2010 (Very underrated)
“Mars” TV Show Season 1 and 2 (Kinda sucks but SpaceX sorts shows up in S2
Europa Report (Sucks)
>Far Future
The Expanse but only until S2E4

>> No.12758925
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So if the sea level Raptors are ONLY fired for landing, why the fuck not make them hypergolic? All you would need to do is open a valve. Look at pic related. You still get your methalox for orbital burn and refueling and transit burns. But when it comes to landing (where you are literally only firing for a few seconds) just go with hypergolics as seen in red

>> No.12758928

Can’t make that on Mars

>> No.12758930

Extra tanks, extra plumbing, extra weight, extra complexity to your "less complicated design". Vacuum raptors would still be using methane.

>> No.12758933

Doesn't matter. You would bring enough to land on Mars and still have plenty of fuel to spare in your tanks. And you can refuel hypergolics once the starships return to Earth. They are going back to Earth anyways; they have to in order to get the price down

>> No.12758937

dont use sea level engines on mars retard

>> No.12758940

>Doesn't matter.
Of course it fucking matters. It cuts into payload and also it throws a major fucking spanner into the whole self sustained idea. What happens if you have a leak en-route to Mars and you're now out of say UDMH for returning to Earth?

>> No.12758941

Wait so the sea level raptors are literally JUST for Earth landings. Good Lord, just make them hypergolic or something. They will only be firing once in a blue moon. Of a starship's entire lifetime (let's say a starship is in service for 15 years) it probably only fires it's SeaRaptors for like, 60 seconds total lmao

>> No.12758946

Then you just fucking die. Sorry, you were dealt a bad hand. People need to die and we need to stop pussying out of spaceflight. This is what's been keeping us on this fucking rock for 100 years

>> No.12758949

Where is the meme of them only being for landing coming from? They are using during take off as well.

>> No.12758950

Why does Starship have 3 raptors if it only needs 2 to land in the first place

>> No.12758951

Well, they might be used for part of the ascent profile too, we don't know yet. Shit's so fucking prototype still that I doubt even SpaceX has it nailed down 100%.
They haven't even settled on how high the booster is going to go for fucks sake and how they're going to land or "catch" it, which is going to be the worst fucking idea ever.

>> No.12758954

Mars Starship should be all vactors. P2P should still have 3 sea level.

>> No.12758955

Uhhh it takes super heavy up and then uses its rapvacs.

>> No.12758958

Yeah, but how high? 60km? 80? 50? 40?
How many engines will they end up settling with? Nobody fucking knows yet because they still haven't built one let alone set one off.

>> No.12758963

Or landed one yet because sea level methalox raptors using header tanks is a stupid idea. Hypergolics will be on the final SS

>> No.12758971

Unlikely, but they'll probably have to go for pressing with heated helium like they do on F9, which they've been trying to avoid.

>> No.12758975

Lel I was just shitposting but this is a good point. Although they seemed to have the header tank solution figured out. Last flight's problem was an igniter spark or something. Will the methalox be able to survive the months of transit to Mars though?

>> No.12758978

I’m sure they’ll find a fix eventually but helium seems to work right now seeing as SN9’s good engine burnt until the end

>> No.12758980

>Page 10

Staging threads: >>12758979




>> No.12758982

Last flight was indeed pressed helium.

>> No.12758991

They're not fired only for landing, you retard.

>> No.12759021

G as in the SI prefix.

>> No.12759034

Slippery Banana
>An armed Dream Chaser orbital craft painted yellow

>> No.12759090

I'm late so everyone's already said it, but still. SS uses all of its engines on ascent, and in addition hypergols are terrible for its overall mission profile because it can't ISRU them. Also hypergols have significantly worse ISP and are pressure fed (except for 4ass meme drives), it would require a ground up redesign.

>> No.12759133

You forgot the lack of expendable villages if launching from the US.

>> No.12759217

The soviets designed a FFSC engine that used hypergolics.

>> No.12759342

They never did solve the combustion instability issues, though, which is a testament to how hard full flow staged combustion is; hypergolics are basically ez mode for stability.

>> No.12759368

>At this point stainless seems like a no brainer it’s dirt cheap and fast to build.
it really does. Hell it might even be ok to make your prototypes out of cheap-as-fuck steel and then switch over to something else for the final build if you have too

>> No.12759397

it fits because the 2nd stage is a joke

>> No.12759407

>Im a dispatcher but I see your point
rocket launches are going to become more common. Maybe you could "dispatch" rockets?

>> No.12759429

man, it's really weird seeing the the older, all white Falcon 9

>> No.12759488

Thanks for the write up and the picture anon. I was hoping for more from the angara

>> No.12759516

Yeah i though about that but my job duties in dispatch for spaceflight would most likely be handled by engineers for a very long time.

>> No.12759789

They should just use proper American made Solid Rocket Boosters.
And parachutes, of course.
And make it smaller...

>> No.12759805

Will be used during earth ascent and even landings beyond earth. Might see use in orbital maneuvers or during vac engine failure (total loss of thrust vector control otherwise).

Remove them... and it's not going to work.

>> No.12759817

no, tin and copper i believe

>> No.12759842

there are a few lakes on the equator actually, one of them is pretty big