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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 494 KB, 1920x1502, Perseverance_rover_pillars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12735854 No.12735854 [Reply] [Original]

>This fucking thing cost 2.4 BILLION dollars
Literally how? It's smaller than a small car and you could buy 4 yachts for that price. Fucking what do they use that money for?

>> No.12735859

this might come as a surprise to you, but when you're building something for an extremely specialized purpose that needs to withstand the harshest conditions, it might cost more than just the raw materials

>> No.12735861

2.4 billion is still way too much, I reckon I could do it for half

>> No.12735865

Why didn't NASA just pay /sci/ to do it?

>> No.12735867

Woah I had no idea it was that huge, I thought it was a tiny little shit.

>> No.12735874

>It's smaller than a small car
It's not, as you can see by the picture

>> No.12735877

My uncle Fred made a sturdy bookshelf out of galvanized tubes and reclaimed wood. A huge oak tree branch fell on it and it wasn't damaged.

He could probably build this rover for $4k tops.

>> No.12735888

It is roughly the same size or slightly smaller
>Engineers observe the first driving test for NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover in a clean room at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, on Dec. 17, 2019. The rover, about the size of a small car, weighs about 1 ton and is 10 feet long by 9 feet wide by 7 feet tall.
an average small car is 11 feet, though it is taller

>> No.12736137

$50 dollar hammers 200$ toilet seats.

>> No.12736140

All shitposting aside, it would be nice to see an itemized breakdown of the budget. How much for just the basic semiautonomous vehicle, how much for the landing system, how much for the seven science experimental systems, how much for the helicopter.

>> No.12736170

Everything is artistically hand made in the most expensive way by wildly overpaid retards in a fucking clean room

Then they do absolutely worthless tests like the one imaged

>> No.12736225

I wonder what the paper on their zip tie deployment for this looks like. What a circle jerk.

>> No.12736230

Why not build a dozen smaller rovers instead of 1 single rover. Then they could release them all separately. if one fails, nbd.

Beats the whole "Let's pray this single rover doesn't blow up" panic that the engineers put themselves through every time.

Are they not smart enough to figure this out?

>> No.12736233

Total cost of project is

C = M + N*S*T
>M = raw materials
>N = number employees involved
>S = average salary per employee
>T = time to complete
I believe the following estimates are reasonable:
>N = 10,000
>S =$100,000 / year
>T = 5 years
>M ≈ $50 million

This correctly estimates the order of magnitude at about $1billion, indicating that literally 99% of the cost goes into their salaries.

>> No.12736469
File: 3 KB, 119x125, 1613096982263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me some pvc and fillings and i'd pop this baby for half that. Give me $50 extra and ill even hook up the full stereo set up for free .

>> No.12737247

>N = 10,000
That is the main problem with governments, people in charge of other people feel more powerful the more people that are below them. This leads to making teams much bigger than needed because to these wankers "my team of 50" sounds more impressive than "my team of 12".

>> No.12737260

/sci/ + /diy/ (dee-eye-sigh) collaboration when?

>> No.12737292

>/diy/ rover
>planned mission life 60 days
>actual mission life 2 minutes

>> No.12737334

It's not expensive at all considering that this is a one-off item, so the price tag includes all the design and tooling costs. Designing a new mass production car nowadays costs anywhere from 1 to 6 billion dollars, so 2.4 sounds about right.

>> No.12737360

Probably mostly labour costs

>> No.12737385

Because of all the equipment on it, the testing each part had gone through, the cost of wages for however long it took to build, the price of materials and the nuclear power source inside of it retard.

>> No.12737391

>2.4 billion is still way too much, I reckon I could do it for half
Hove you seen how the fucken wheel alone work?

>> No.12737395

Its a two off. One is made that is sent up and a functioning replica is kept at JPL

>> No.12737401 [DELETED] 

>Literally how?
have 6 engineers work on it at 8k $ /month for two years and you're already at 192k $
the rest probably materials and dunno if launch costs are included in the 2.4 billions

>> No.12737402

still overpriced byt a billion I don't see what tooling they would need to build two of them.

>> No.12737403

>It's smaller than a small car
u wot m8

>> No.12737404

>Literally how?
have 6 engineers work on it at 8k $ /month for two years and you're already at 192k $
the rest probably materials and also launch costs and all the people monitoring the mission must be included in the 2.4 billions

>> No.12737429

How is it harsh? Its just a desert at low atmospheric pressure

>> No.12737436

$192K plus other things->2400 million.

>> No.12737443

Just buy hundreds of arduinos kits robots, send them to Mars and let evolution take its course.

>> No.12737455

you're right
I was just too lazy to continue the list

>> No.12737463
File: 529 KB, 1041x319, mars-curiosity-rover.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you could buy 4 yachts for that price
What would you do with 4 yachts on Mars tho?

>> No.12737470

In a manner guaranteed to land semi-autonomously tens of millions of miles away after enduring cold near the temperature of liquid nitrogen and dramatically increased radiation for nearly two years, at which point his garage-built rocket skycrane will deftly lower his duct-tape-and-dw-40 rover onto the surface where it will function flawlessly for a decade or more.

>> No.12737475
File: 539 KB, 1240x827, Mars - 3rovers-stand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The smaller ones have already been done. The newer and bigger ones can carry experiments and camera systems that weigh more.
>are they not smart enough
You be smarter, obviously

>> No.12737477

Why do these things always look so exposed? Is dust not a problem? Or is it so they can visually assess damage or something?

>> No.12737478

>have 6 engineers work on it at 8k $ /month for two years and you're already at 192k $
nice /sci/

>> No.12737489

Because it's a scam nobody asked me if I want to spend all this money so these Onions fuckers can send a toy car to a dead planet

>> No.12737490

Rule the bitch like im Jabba?

>> No.12737499

>NASA tries to justify its billion budget
>can only come up with a dried up planet
>shill this mars crap for decades
>all the drones support those bureaucrats spending tax payer money on a pile of dust

I love how atheists are still upset by having not found a luxurious planet like Earth so they try to cope with hyping a crappy planet

the atheist republic is a huge mistake

>> No.12737500

Why do they bother with the whole "clean room" bullshit?
Who cares if we bring foreign life to Mars, if the martians life forms can't handle chad earth bacteriums they don't deserve to live.

>> No.12737504

>$192K plus other things->2400 million.
When you order food delivery and they start adding the fees.

>> No.12737516


>> No.12737521
File: 45 KB, 192x291, Bizzaro World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody asked me
Thank goodness. What would everything look like if you did have control?

>> No.12737675

>sand in places
>rough terrain
>must include all sorts of equipment to sample and test environment and other objects
>must include communication and recording equipment
>all of this has to work without any maintenance or failures at all for several years

>> No.12737680

Probably because everything else is covered. Big box = more space inside for bad stuff to happen, maybe, like pressure changes or something.

>> No.12737777

>4 yachts
They're not going to Mars.

>> No.12737807


>> No.12737808

Everyone here forgetting the micro-equipment on board and chemical release system to test soils and melt down rock contaminants?

>> No.12737828

>just think of the amount of american taxpayer money the DoD were allowed to waste on expensive weapons that don't work like the brochure said because of this single space project allegedly spending these astronomical sums

>> No.12737839

>Most government projects are 'job creation schemes' for elite and highly-educated geeks so they don't get bored and piss off to help China make Black-Hole Bombs, an army of killer robots that can march up to the White House and nano-nukes that can crack the Hoover Dam and cripple the usa with ease
It's a small price to pay.

>> No.12737885

>>M ≈ $50 million
Dumbass. Try $500 million on the low end. All this stuff is 1) classified and can only come from certain suppliers and 2) custom and has no economy of scale.

>> No.12738125

R&D cost, gold everywhere, custom scientific instruments.
Mass production would make it cheaper but still shit would cost $1 million or more.

>> No.12738142

That's inaccurate. Think of the number of prototypes made, software licenses, delivery cost, outsourcing cost (scientific instruments), etc.

>> No.12738493

And this is just part of the overall sample return mission. They are planning to send a rocket to lift the samples into Mars orbit, another rover to retrieve the samples from where Percy left them and place them into this rocket, and another vehicle to pick up the samples from Mars orbit and haul them back to Earth, where they will be dropped, without parachutes, into the Utah desert. Not so much fancy cameras, lasers and drills as Percy, but more transport hardware.

>> No.12738527

Is this shit open source? It would kinda piss me off if it's closed source.

>> No.12738672

>lots of workers
>10 years of development
>space launch on a heavy lift rocket
>specialized equipment
>hyper sterile environment
>countless tests
>copies of the rover to run tests
>large facilities
>heavy power usage

>> No.12739719

It'd cost you more than 2.4 billion to land a yacht on Mars in good enough condition to sail around

>> No.12739733

Why do they need to be sterile when mars is unsterile?

>> No.12739776

so no terrestrial germs are transferred to the rover which would carry them to Mars. We don't want to infect the marti

>> No.12739787

It's all in thee Research and Development. that and the fuckton of shit that ups the costs like delays, graft, endless contracting and such as seen in DC.

>> No.12739809

You can't go to the store next corner and buy a space-grade portable nuclear generator.

>> No.12739817
File: 799 KB, 3768x2120, 1613213811060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this include launch system costs?

>> No.12739821

i didn't realize the scales of the rovers varied so much. also those are some sick rims

>> No.12739836

The launch is only 240 million

>> No.12739986

Literally, forgetting How much the scientists and engineers and the IT guys the mathematicians and computer scientists are getting pay. Probably like 50% of the budget

>> No.12740859

Because our shit on mars falsifies any measured result. They just do not want to measure one day trace amounts of methane which come from some bacteria they brought with them

>> No.12740866

Because we do not want to detect our bacterial life on mars mistaking it as alien

>> No.12740886

The research and design probably is included

>> No.12740898

Nigga, in engineering land, "my team of 12" sounds WAAAAY more impressive than "My team of 50".

>> No.12741667

instruments ain't cheap