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File: 1.73 MB, 1236x834, Screenshot_2021-02-19 A Glimpse of America’s Future Climate Change Means Trouble for Power Grids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12727231 No.12727231 [Reply] [Original]

First, I believe in man-made climate change, and that the green house effect is real, and that it's underlying mechanism of climate change.
However, seeing people attribute an especially bad winter to climate change just seems... ridiculous.
Yet I assume stating this openly would make me a "climate denialist."

>> No.12727422

What happened was that they replaced pump that are self powered by the natural gas that flows through them with pumps that use renewable energy off the grid in the name of the environment.

>> No.12727509

It doesnt seem like a big deal either way.

>> No.12727579

They have been shifting the narrative for years. After panic about global cooling the panic about global warming came. The term global warming is phased out in exchange for climate change, which can mean anything. All somehow due to anthropogenic factors of course. It’s so ridiculous, but it’s big money for the scientists and lobbyists involved. The banks will make up some trading schemes and the state will also use it to extract wealth. Of course only average people will be affected. The data is so weak and the models are so vague and completely inadequate on top of it. There is almost never any serious prediction that could be falsified and if it was there it has been falsified. Often the authors even admit it somewhere along the way or in an supplementary appendix on methodology.

>> No.12727610


>> No.12727637

When literally every outcome matches your theory, your theory is shit.

>> No.12727646

it's climante change when it's cold, global warming when it's hot, the evil devil-worshipping oil companies and corrupt politicians are to blame for coming up with the "misleading" term of "climate change", regardless of how it's being used, and the best way to save the planet is to eat onions and bugs, give up weapons, merge into one global government and adopt communism. there is absolutely no alternative.
etc, etc,...

get politics off my science board and flush it down.

>> No.12727650

In case you didn't notice, everything these days is due to climate change.
3 days of actual cold in the Winter? Climate change!
A week of heat in the Summer? Climate change!
It rained a little too much last month? Climate change!
It didn't rain enough 3 months ago? Climate change!
1 more hurricane during hurricane season? Climate change! 1 less hurricane? Climate change too!
Noah's flood? Climate change!
Covid-19? Climate change!
Cacao price hike? Climate change!