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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 76 KB, 800x520, Mark-Zuckerberg-Bill-Gates-Elon-Musk-Jeff-Bezos-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12681536 No.12681536 [Reply] [Original]

What level of math do they actually know?
What's your guesstimate.

>> No.12681543

Zuck probably a math god
the rest.. algebra.

>> No.12681547

CS level, i.e. can wrap their head around what a Fourier transform is if you spend 2 hours with them

>> No.12681558

Probably forgot most of it because they hadn't to think about it in ages

>> No.12681577

IIRC Gates did a graduate in math and was admitted to a PhD. Zuck studied CS so CS level. Musk did graduate in physics so basic arithmetic. Bezos did engineering so engineering level. Seems all of these successful people know quite a bit of math. Pattern?

>> No.12681614

Seems to be true,
I wonder if they actually use it when it comes to designing and troubleshooting products in their day to day work.

>> No.12681621

>I wonder if they actually use it when it comes to designing and troubleshooting products in their day to day work.
Not directly, but I think doing math you train your brain with lots of excellent skills such a s problem solving, creativity, etc., something which is useful in any endeavor later in life especially business.

>> No.12681622

they probably use the neural connections they had to create to be able to solve abstract problems a lot

>> No.12681625

Gates dropped out after 2 years at Harvard. He took upper level maths and PhD level cs classes during that time.

>> No.12681630

literally didn't innovate anything to the world
literally stole the project
literally only create paypal by himself
who the hell is that?

>> No.12681634

>who the hell is that?
How dumb are you?

>> No.12681642

>not knowing someone make you stupid
did you take the degeneration pill?

>> No.12681646

His identity is given in the file name.

>> No.12681648

Not knowing the richest man in the world makes you stupid, yes.

>> No.12681651

>Not knowing the richest man in the world makes you stupid, yes.
But he already knows Elon Musk

>> No.12681658

It's Bezos again according to the Forbes website
But besides that, even if it were Musk, you could still call him the richest because it's linked to the stock value and can change anytime. Only if Musk can hold this position at least for some months you could definitely say he is the number one now.

>> No.12681672

the bald guy is not nearly as famous as gates, musk or zuckerberg

>> No.12681675

how so?

>> No.12681687

>Bill Gates
Did math 55 on Havard, know to tbe toughest math class in the country, and aced that shit.
Did physics, but got absolute MOGGED by Quantum mechanics and change to CS, aced CS.
Know to have IQ 160
CS level math, bit more advanced that your avarage CS smuchk

>> No.12681689

He's not an attention-seeker, yes. But everyone who has basic general education knows him. It's just like Brin and Page, the Google guys. The plebs may not know them but they are known by the smart people.
>how so?
Because he runs a gigantic company you probably used often in your life or almost everyone you know used it. So he has a lot of leverage on the economy and politics. Not knowing him is like not knowing who the current president or other important decisions makers are.

>> No.12681695

do you know who invent the spoon? oh you just google to find out? thats it your retarded.

>> No.12681700

Zuck and Gates would be pretty good, the other 2 were business men that never actually coded.

>> No.12681702

>But everyone who has basic general education knows him
this is totally false, at least in Europe

>> No.12681727

>the other 2 were business men that never actually coded.
thats false tho

>> No.12681739

WASP that had tutors.
It's impossible to pass math 55 without experience in that type of high level maths.
99% of schools dont teach that type of math.
went to Phillips Exeter Academy, the preppiest rich midwit high school money can buy.
father is Errol Musk, a South African electromechanical engineer, pilot, sailor, consultant, and property developer
the only one half respectable that fought his way up but Amazon is a shit company.

>> No.12681742

He doesn't live anymore, so he has no power over me
>missing the point this much
>this is totally false, at least in Europe
I AM in Europe

>> No.12681750

>Bezos fought his way up
>Princeton University
The "self made billionare" is a lie told to the plebs so they think they have a chance.

>> No.12681755

You're right
>Bezos's maternal grandfather was Lawrence Preston Gise, a regional director of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) in Albuquerque
another deep state crony

>> No.12681762
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>> No.12681763

>Musk did graduate in physics so basic arithmetic

>> No.12681780
File: 17 KB, 480x480, 15535200_220794791700510_2250803827949174784_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes I am salty quality education is locked behind a paywall, how could you tell?

>> No.12681791

Tricky question, there is no spoon.

>> No.12681799

Bezos has an MSc in electrical engineering, Musk started a PhD in physics, Zuckerburg dropped out of school, and I'm not sure about Gates. But they all most likely forgot most of it.

>> No.12681800

>He doesn't live anymore, so he has no power over me
so who is the CEO of the biggest spoon factory in 2021? you use spoon daily how you dont know him retard?

>> No.12681804

>CEO of the biggest spoon factory in 2021
I doubt he is influential in politics

>> No.12681806

I wouldn't count on it, we live in a world where the POTUS was holding meetings with the CEO of a pillow company because he publicly supported his bullshit.

>> No.12681807

>I doubt he is influential in politics
>Mr. Trump/Biden how about you implement this policy I want, otherwise no spoon for you
>oh noes whatever you want spoon boos

>> No.12681810

>I doubt that monopoly of a common tool is influential in politics

oh ok so you are retarded

>> No.12681823

He sneaked his way into politics by doing this to politicians

>> No.12681828

What in blazes?

>> No.12681861


>>IIRC Gates did a graduate in math and was admitted to a PhD. Zuck studied CS so CS level. Musk did graduate in physics so basic arithmetic. Bezos did engineering so engineering level.
cs is just blue collar monkeys who barely know maths (otherwise they would do maths, not poo tier carreer)

gates is too old to remember anything

bezos is old and an engineer, ie a guy who struggle with linear algebra

musk is a con artist addicted to hair transplant and providing for used up sluts

and physicists use linear algebra way more than arithmetic.

>> No.12681866

>Not knowing the richest man in the world makes you stupid, yes.
This is your brain on atheism.

>> No.12681926

>cs is just blue collar monkeys who barely know maths
Don't CS fags don't use discrete maths, sets and logic tho

>> No.12681949

You can't even write frognigger

>> No.12681956

As a european, I know who bezos is. And I have known who he is for several years.

>> No.12681973

different anon here
Pretty sure whoever the spoon CEO guy is, he wasn't ever the richest man in the world for several years like bezos.
The pillow guy is famous because he is influential in politics. Being rich =/= bothering with politics

>> No.12682090

Zuckerberg was notorious for being terrible at easy math classes at Harvard

>> No.12682106


>> No.12682801

Zuck - dunno. He sounds like a retard
Gates - smartest of the bunch
Musk - dumbest of the bunch
Bezos - he did PDEs in physics but dropped out after he figured out he was too brainlet for it.

Gates is the real deal. He's probably smarter than everyone on this board in pure maths

>> No.12682815
File: 7 KB, 277x182, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here your math oligarch
ps he glows

>> No.12682912

zuck = nothing
bill = college-level math
elon = graduate-level math
bezos = college-level math

>> No.12682962

There is enough free education to earn the money to pay for quality education, not an excuse.

>> No.12682965

>Bill Gates

>> No.12683038

Elon >>> Zuckerstein > Gates >> Bezos

>> No.12683127

Zuck and Gates feel like they'd be Putnam kids, at least for fun. Musk and Bezos, not so much.

>> No.12683556

Bezos worked in finance so not just engineering level

>> No.12683601

Zuck: alert("Hello world")
Gates: discrete mathematics for dummies
Musk: calculus for engineers
Bezos: advanced methods for mathematical economy

>> No.12683614

I think this might be a 'Jeff who?' reference

>> No.12683683
File: 254 KB, 779x635, 1589543047574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Musk did graduate in physics so basic arithmetic

>> No.12683692

Gates probably doesn't remember anything but I'm sure he was a math God back in college.

>> No.12683713

Elon has a BA in physics.

>> No.12683748

Zuck: 6/10
math level scores*

>> No.12683753

>meme-man above an actual mathematics phd holder

>> No.12683759

scores are based on personal achievements more than raw math, i.e. the capacity of applying math in real life

>> No.12683780

Who are you talking about? Meme man has a physics degree and an economics degree. Both are heavy on math. Bezos has EE which has some math and cs which has some computer logic, but nothing more than basic highschool trig/calc/geometry. Zuckerberg dropped out of college 1 year into psychology and computer science. Bill Gates also dropped out of college after 2 years with and basic pre-law studies, bit of math/computer science.

Of all of them, degree wise, "Meme man" has the highest actual mathematical advancement degree.
Of all of them, work wise, "Meme man" has the highest actual mathematical related work experience, aka rocket engineering.

>> No.12684079

>EE which has some math and cs which has some computer logic, but nothing more than basic highschool trig/calc/geometry.
I agree that musk has the most math but Electrical Engineering has more than high school math

>> No.12684659

Gates improved the lower bound on the pancake sorting problem and all his Harvard profs thought him going into industry was a waste of academic talent. Gates is easily the smartest out of the 4 and actually has mathematical talent.

>> No.12684692

Its a neat trick, but its nothing without any other achievement. If I showed a paper giving lower bounds on n-dimension tic tac toe game, it doesn't mean I have mathematical talent. It means I found a gimmick. Thats all it is. If I had talent, I would be able to come up with 20 different papers in multiple different hard problems of math, before my 20th birthday. While sorting problem is mathematically relevant, its more relevant in computer science where sorting problems have real consequences in efficiencies. Its more likely that gates wrote the paper on sorting due to his interest in computer science rather than mathematics itself.
Still even if we believe Gates has the highest mathematical talent, he hasn't utilized it. Making him a useless sack of shit. If you can do something but don't do it, don't expect others to shower you with praises for what you could potentially do.

>> No.12684729

>If I showed a paper giving lower bounds on n-dimension tic tac toe game, it doesn't mean I have mathematical talent. It means I found a gimmick. Thats all it is.
Trash tier comparison. Also do you realize how many fields of math are born out of "gimmick"y problems?

>While sorting problem is mathematically relevant, its more relevant in computer science where sorting problems have real consequences in efficiencies. Its more likely that gates wrote the paper on sorting due to his interest in computer science rather than mathematics itself.
I didn't realize I was talking to a CS ISN'T MATH brainlet

>Still even if we believe Gates has the highest mathematical talent, he hasn't utilized it. Making him a useless sack of shit. If you can do something but don't do it, don't expect others to shower you with praises for what you could potentially do.
You mean like how meme man has utilized his? None of the 4 people are rich because of their mathematical talent. Even if he didn't get a PhD or published papers only a dozen people can read, Gates actually had mathematical talent.

>> No.12684738

CS isn't math. CS is not science. CS isn't about computer. Its computer theories.

>> No.12684741

Meme man put humans to space. Meme man made electric cars real. Meme man is the richest person on Earth.

>> No.12684743

gates i a sociopath but he is brilliant and insanely well-read. I'd guess he and musk are at college calculus levels of math and the rest are at excel spreadsheet levels.

>> No.12684745

Wow you're an idiot.

>> No.12684746

You know gates took Math 55 right? The other 3 are bush league compared to gates at math

>> No.12684750

Did meme man personally put people in space? How did meme man invent a product that existed in the 1800s? I didn't know that being the richest man in the world made you the best at math.

You are so stupid you should kys

>> No.12684752

>Did meme man personally put people in space?
Yes. Personally.

>> No.12684817

>WASP that had tutors.
Ok so he's not smart because he had tutors? Cope. And no tutor can make you smart, why do you think black people continue to fail academically even though tons of money is funneled towards making them smart (by the Gates Foundation no less)?

>> No.12684840
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what kind of math are we talking about? normal math that is used to operate and keep stuff in check isn't worth talking about
it makes you a teacher at best or a smug atheist cunt like Thunderfoot is at worst
if you didn't invent anything new in the field your not a mathematician

>> No.12684860
File: 34 KB, 404x404, LexLuthor,I mean,JeffBezos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zucc -> Harvard CS Dropout

Bill Gates -> Dropout Harvard as freshman. He was a Math major.

Elon Musk -> Physics BSc in South Africa. Drop-out a Physics PhD at Stanford.

Bezos -> Graduated EE-CS at Princeton. The only one among the 4 that never dropout.

Zucc is probably the most brainlet.

Bill Gates probably knows at least Calculus and Linear Algebra

Musk & Bezos know at least Vector Calculus, Complex Variables and Fourier Analysis.

Musk probably knows more math than Bezos because:
Musk was a Physics major, while Bezos was an EE-CS major.
Bezos never went to Grad school while Musk was accepted in Stanford but then dropout.

>> No.12684872

all of them calc 3 and linear algebra for sure. bill gates and mark combinatorics, complex analysis, number theory and graph theory (I believe gates mentioned having read all of the art of computer programming volumes), elon probably diff geo, analysis up to measure theory, and algebra up to representation theory.

>> No.12684922

Dropped out as a freshman. Whatever promises he had, he threw it away.

>> No.12685020
File: 1.11 MB, 2500x2118, Bill Gates Vax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>12684746 >>12684922
Gates took Harvard's Math 55.
But He didn't release his grades / GPA.

He probably got a bunch of Cs and Ds,
and that's why He dropped out as freshman.

He once said that He absented (skipped classes) a lot.
Truancy (skipping classes) is basically grade suicide for math classes.

>> No.12685023

Damn didn't know that throwing it away meant making $100 billion and becoming one of the most significant people of the 21st century

>> No.12685033

>He probably got a bunch of Cs and Ds, and that's why He dropped out as freshman.
So we're just making shit up now? Also he dropped out to start a multibillion dollar company

>He once said that He absented (skipped classes) a lot.
>Truancy (skipping classes) is basically grade suicide for math classes.
Not unless your bill gates I suppose

The class isn't a requirement. He could have dropped the class if he was failing yet he stayed in. Do you stay in a non required course if you're failing? Grow a brain.

>> No.12685037

Math 55 is taught in 2 semesters.
Gates took just half then dropped out.

>> No.12685039

Gates took it his freshman year and dropped out after his sophomore year. You know you can look this stuff up right?

>> No.12685096

Image having a maxwell grandfather who was the central bank president of the Seattle bf and of the San fransico fed. And pretending you have to try in life.
His mother was an executive at ibm and helped get him the meeting the granted him the monopoly tier contract over x86 software

>> No.12685285


>> No.12685407

americans really believe in exceptionalism do they?
you really believe gates is a 1 man enterprise.
do you know that thing called marketing? maybe read a book about it.
éminence grise is not gates...

>> No.12685466

>americans really believe in exceptionalism do they?
I'm not an american
>you really believe gates is a 1 man enterprise.
I never said he was. I said that it's stupid to say gates threw everything away by not pursuing math when hes worth ~$100 billion and one of the most significant people of our lifetimes. Do you know how to read?
>do you know that thing called marketing? maybe read a book about it.
Are you fighting strawmen again or having an episode?

>> No.12685476

Enough to count your shekels in their pockets

>> No.12685519
File: 173 KB, 499x446, 1605629853399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yawning. ohh i get sleepy now
i just hate american exceptionalism, it is the most retarded bullshit

>> No.12685528

Literally nobody brought it up except you. I'm not even american but damn you're really thinking about them 24/7 for someone who hates
>american exceptionalism

>> No.12685536

>Literally nobody
>Everyone except you
>Only you
>Everyone knows
Back to r*ddit. That's retard level rhetoric hinged on argumentum ad populum.

>> No.12685659
File: 451 KB, 557x396, 1585640626074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about american "entrepreneurs"
>i bring up american exceptionalism
>use some idiot for it
holy shit people are so naîve
i just do what i want. i do not respect this stupid question of how high their math skill is.

This basically belongs to /b

>> No.12685934

>Of all of them, degree wise, "Meme man" has the highest actual mathematical advancement degree.
>Of all of them, work wise, "Meme man" has the highest actual mathematical related work experience, aka rocket engineering.
Agreed. Don’t see any reason to believe otherwise, not that it matters so much for what they all do now.

>> No.12685944

No idea, wouldn't expect much, but still better than average
Probably extremely rusty but solid grasp of stats
Knows math
Probably also very rusty

>> No.12686049

>Fourier transform
that's high school level, anyone who understand sigma sum and sine/cosine can get it in 15 mins.

>> No.12686113

Gates' work on the pancake sorting problem places him above 99.9% of /sci/, myself included.

>> No.12686126

Gates got a B in math 55

>> No.12686413

100B he made wasn't because of math interest, but cs interest.

Its like saying Musk is very talented in physics because he's the richest man on earth. He maybe, or likely he's slightly above average in physics, but it has nothing to do with his wealth.

>> No.12686440

Gates honestly the only one that strikes me as being competent at math, and only in the context of computers. The rest literally didn't invent anything they were just high verbal IQ guys who talked their way to being the face of successful products.

>> No.12686458 [DELETED] 
File: 303 KB, 535x420, /g/ sticky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gates got a B in math 55
Richard Stallman got an A in math 55.

GNU/Linux > Windows after all.

>> No.12686457

The most publicly wealthy man in the world you mean; not counting corrupt heads of state or royalty. Putin, for example, is estimated to be worth as much as $200 billion.

>> No.12686478
File: 328 KB, 531x419, g sticky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>12686126 .
>Gates got a B in math 55
Richard Stallman got an A in math 55.

GNU/Linux > Windows after all.

>> No.12686519
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>> No.12688181

Who the fuck cares how he made the 100B? Saying he "threw it all away" because he didn't get rich by pursuing math is retard tier reasoning.

>> No.12688186

>literally only create paypal by himself
Musk created a failed competitor and then bought PayPal with daddy's money.

>> No.12688193

>thread about american "entrepreneurs"
Musk is South African. This thread isn't about how they're "american entrepreneurs." Its about how good these 4 rich guys are at math. If you see these guys and think "Americans at it again stroking their dicks" you're fucking stupid. Nobody said anything about them being American and Musk isn't even an American.

Consider suicide

>> No.12688245

>Richard Stallman got an A in math 55.

>>Gates got a B in math 55

ay lmao

chad B >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cuck A

>> No.12688277

spoken like the baboon you are.

>> No.12688283

yep, south african companies. i got it wrong. sorry.

>> No.12688287

source? pls be true. i just need evidence.

>> No.12688535

Elon is a Californian, he stopped being a Saffa long ago.

>> No.12688948

Moving the goal posts are we?

>> No.12688952

Because you apes only understand ooga booga

>> No.12688963

Nigga if you think Elon Musk could today, or at any point in the last 10 years, pick up a pencil and solve more than the most basic of physics questions...

>> No.12690067

In the Netherlands even my 60 year old mother knows who bezos is. Get out of /sci/