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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12640630 No.12640630 [Reply] [Original]

no edition edition

last >>12617496

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor) make fun of premeds and shitpost. Please keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
>>inb4 not science
>>inb4 poor amerimutts wanting medical advice

>> No.12640692

About time.

>> No.12640774

fuck everyone

>> No.12640849

what's the best way to shit out papers? Is it by doing systematic reviews or trying to get a hold of retrospective data (which is itself a pain in the ass)?

>> No.12640912

how do I remember crabs cycle

>> No.12640915

>crabs cycle

>> No.12641063
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>be me, a virgin
>on my gynecology rotation

>> No.12641064


Give it to me straight, /med/, why are FM bros such chads? Hospitalist cucks on suicide watch.

>> No.12641070

make a woman orgasm from a pelvic exam
be the chad you want to be

>> No.12641217
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>be me, incel
>frequent /r9k/
>gynecology rotation
>they'll never know they were touched by something that revolts them

>> No.12641231
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>> No.12641236

see that's how you know i'm an icufag, i know when someone's on their way out

>> No.12641245

i'm considering an icu career, tell me about it.

>> No.12641265

it was more than 340 posts, thats like seeing last stages of terminally ill and saying "you might die"

>> No.12641288

Why? It's shit, literally any spec is comfier than that; the only reason I'm in it is because in my country it's coupled to anaesthesiology, so I get like 60% anaesthesia work, 40% ICU work per month
It's a lot of work, a significant portion of which is pointless, because the majority of your patients are either
a)so fucked that they'll die anyway, and all you're doing is changing that from today to weeks or a month later
b)in decent enough condition that they'll recover with just basic care and support
and only a thin sliver of
c)those patients inbetween, where your work actually matters and you know that what you've done decided the outcome
You(and your nurses) also gonna be the 4chan jannie of your hospital, cleaning shit up when other departments fuck up at any time of day, because you're the only ones who can get shit done

>> No.12641326

If specs were a genre of music, what genre is yours (or the one you're trying to get into)

I'll start with the obvious
>Children's music, anime soundtracks


>> No.12641337

>anime soundtracks
okay pedo
also link the relevant genre tracks at least

>> No.12641375

Any good guide to the different specs? Looking for something comfy.

>> No.12641573

20 days ago: my occasional left-sided unilateral tinnitus became near constant from the moment I wake up till I sleep

16 days ago: went to an ENT doctor; diagnosed it as labyrinthitis, prescribed me prednisolone, tinnitus medication, and thioctic acid supplements

9 days ago: visit to the same doctor; told me to drop my prednisolone and keep on taking the other meds and come back in 2 months; also said it probably isnt labyrinthitis and we will just have to wait and see if anything new happens

2 days ago: left-sided dull headache everynow and then + dull aching pain in my left eye
Should I go to a different doctor? What could this be? And no. It isn't wax. It isn't labyrinthitis.

>> No.12641589

>heavy metal

>> No.12641590


>> No.12641595
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>> No.12641596

Hello anons, I hit my nose and I think the cartilage in it was deformed because it looks a bit unsimitrical but the bones are fine
Can I bring it back to normal naturally? Or do I have to get surgery?

>> No.12641598
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>> No.12641599
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>> No.12641603

have good data

>> No.12641625

According to this I should go into IM

I chose
*duck roll*

>> No.12641628

Oh i just read the OP post
Excuse me, I didn't know doctors were such niggers
No medical advice, huh?
Give the valuable helpful specific answer I want, no tricks
Or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

>> No.12641629

use a mnemonic
Mine was
Citrate-CIA Sucks Some Fucking Monkeys Off

>> No.12641633
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>> No.12641636

post your nose

>> No.12641637
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>> No.12641640

joke's on you, my mom is dead

>> No.12641641

>hate making decisions
>IM yes
>Neurology no
shouldn't it be the other way around?

>> No.12641650

Will Crispr cure my wife who suffer from Ehlers Danlos Syndrome?

>> No.12641651

I'll probably get popular in the future so I don't want to risk being tied to this website, but basically you know those two dimple thingies at the spearhead of the nose?
After the hit one became slightly larger than the other and my nose is a bit tilted about the vertical axis
It wasn't a very strong hit
Also thanks in advance if you want to help

>> No.12641661

Which type? But most likely yes. It has a simple target and the research of it's use in SCD and TDT is promising.
If you want it to be straight you should see a doctor
otherwise it will heal in that wonky shape

>> No.12641668

The soreness and the pain she feels is unbearable sometimes

>> No.12641677

Sorry for your loss
It was a long time ago. Damn it
Then it probably heald already
What would the doctor have done anyway? Natural or surgical solution?
Also is it too late for me, doc?
Or can it be bent back Naturally since it got ruined Naturally too?
How bad did I fuck up by not seeing the doctor? Did my nose grew in a bad manner or did I get any possible complications?

>> No.12641683

Oh that one doesn't have a known particular genetic cause yet. So once that's identified then CRISPR-Cas9 can be utilized.
It's not too late. Just see an ENT or plastics and they can figure out what to do.

>> No.12641697

Thank you, doctor.

>> No.12641707

Will CRISPR cure my small penis syndrome?

>> No.12641715

no the SP in CRISPR stands for small penis

>> No.12641729

>So once that's identified then CRISPR-Cas9 can be utilized.
Thanks, I hope it won't be too long even if I understand the complexity

>> No.12641731

why the FUCK do I have to memorize the crabs cycle

>> No.12641781
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does graduating from a prestigious school matter career wise? i have two options and i don't know which one to choose
option 1: local no name med school, absolutely free and can even get grants
option 2: private med school, top 20 in OECD countries, 120 000 euros aside from living costs

>> No.12641805

Its low yield to memorize every single step in a cycle when it comes to biochemistry. You just memorize the important ones(i.e. ones that involve diseases, drug mechanisms, etc).

>> No.12641808

he's probably a pre-med who actually needs to memorise most of it for a biochem paper.

>> No.12641812

you're probably in some retarded anglo-sphere school.

>> No.12641814

i don't even have 120k euros
i will choose the first one

>> No.12641818

I sneezed yesterday and it really hurted. since then i have a weird feeling in my nasal cavity like something is broken inside. Doc, what to do?

>> No.12641902

insert a finger up your anus

>> No.12641910

I'm an ENT surgeon specialising in nasal cavity and I had a patient who had this yesterday. What you need to do is insert a finger up your anus.

>> No.12641936

You will never be a real science. You're just a small step above shamans.

>> No.12641953

LOL pseudodoctors

>> No.12641969

Sorry what was that? I couldn't hear you over smoking cigars and drinking champagne. I'm just about to get into my BMW to go and save lives again today, but when I get back you can tell me about the relevance of your field of study, where you hyper focus on this or that molecule or whatever it is you labcoats do.

>> No.12641981

Oh yeah? How about you say that to my face, Goldstein?

>> No.12641989

Call me when you achieve literally anything approaching relevance to humanity.

>> No.12642001

Better hope the female instructor doesn't get a whiff of virgin or you'll be assigned to the neo vaginas.

>> No.12642005

Only benefit of a private school is the network you can build after graduating.
If you're either socially inept or autistic give up on it and stay in you local place.

>> No.12642008

What is the worst condition one can have that doesn't kill or shorten the miserable life one has with it?

>> No.12642011

How about I make an appointment? You can inspect my massive dick and balls. You no-sex-havin' baldo.

>> No.12642015

how are you sinuses? it wouldn't hurt to get a scan and a second opinion.

>> No.12642022

this thread is not for advice it is for doctors to shitpost with each other. the advice given here might even be detrimental since we don't have specifics you get when you have physical contact with your doctor. seeing your doctor is best course of action.

>> No.12642023
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>> No.12642025

>worst condition
>have that doesn't kill or shorten the miserable life one has with it?
Is an oxymoron. Any condition that can be the 'worst' will shorten life years due to being miserable.
So heterochromia...

>> No.12642026


>> No.12642029
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>Excuse me, I didn't know doctors were such niggers
no doctors here we're all premeds who won't make it pretending otherwise
if you're lucky there might be a 2nd year pharmacology student around

>> No.12642035
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>No medical advice, huh?
Most medical conditions require a physical exam and a scan to properly diagnose. Go to your fucking doctor you cheap cunt.

>> No.12642036

might i also add most people aren't even doctors here.

>> No.12642040

You'd know, wouldn't you?

>> No.12642044
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why not come over to my place and I can show you all about it

>> No.12642053

It's not about money
I don't want them to open my face
If there's no natural solution I won't fix it
If it can be ruind naturally why not the opposite? Besides it's just slightly deformed

>> No.12642056

Sure, you in Frankfurt too?

>> No.12642089
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Useless shit that you either understood when you were 16 or don't need to care about unless you're a premedlet.

Fuck crabs.

>> No.12642096

>heavy metal
Ortho is more likely to be the dumbest and most ironic shit like Disney tunes. Heavy metal is for anti-social losers with long hair, so histopath or haematology. Faggot specs for betas and bronies.

>> No.12642122


Fuck bros, my choice has been made. I wish every nigger wasn't interested in ortho otherwise I'd consider it.

>> No.12642137
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>No medical advice, huh?
You're not paying me, I'm not advising you.

>> No.12642178
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>Heavy metal is for anti-social losers with long hair
dude it's not the 80's anymore

>> No.12642193

who draws these shitty frogs, kys

>> No.12642198

em is a decent midway point between ortho and im

t. switched from ortho to em

>> No.12642199

some finnish doctor, probably an

>> No.12642202

finnbro is em i think

>> No.12642208

he's lying. no way an em has that much free time.

>> No.12642216

Huh, why is EM stereotyped as people who have short attention span?

>> No.12642220

literally 38h weeks, learn to northern europe

>> No.12642224

Finland is eastern europe

>> No.12642232

you don't get to invent your own geographical definitions

>> No.12642243

>he's in fagfurt
laughing at your grades bro

>> No.12642269

My sinuses are perfectly fine. I haven't had a cold or a respiratory infection in the past 3-4 months or so.

>> No.12642277

Because that's the best course of action when you're responsible for +10 acute patients from all walks of life. If you happen to have an organized type A personality EM is hell because you always feel like never finishing anything.

>> No.12642342

just saw a 24 yo in the icu with covid. his ef is 20%, on bipap with 90% sat
prob gonna die

fuck this virus

>> No.12642431

>he's still in school
And it's Bankfurt.

>> No.12642539
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This is how metalfags still present. People like this don't do ortho. They end up doing faggy shit like computer sciences because they got filtered from traditional subjects at school due to not fitting in and have to pretend they have intellectual superiority by having music be their identity.

You may be an exception, but 99.9% of your ilk are faggots like this that still wear band t-shirts and only listen to one genre of music. Maybe two.

>> No.12642543
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>muh metal

>> No.12642546

the private school is in an entire other region of europe. the reason i am considering a private school is that i read that the private sector of medicine here pays more and is generally better and less stressful but it's more "competitive" and "hard to get into" so i thought maybe being a graduate of a prestigious school will increase my chances.

>> No.12642553

>if you're lucky there might be a 2nd year pharmacology student around
ahhhh how did you know

>> No.12642554

>covid is killing off zoomers

it just needs to kill off a lot of millennials and x-cucks and we'll be set for actually taking it seriously.

>> No.12642558

Finland is Asiatic, dipshits.

>> No.12642751

>he's still in school
Damn fair enough. Frankfurt seems like an absolute shithole though, hope you got some comfy position mostly isolated from the rabble

>> No.12642769

Any comorbidities? Heard a story about a 21 y.o. nearly dying from covid at my local clinic, but then it turned out she was a morbidly obese diabetic

>> No.12642971

any sort of genre fucked retards or people engaging in sub-cultures in general after their teens don’t make it into med school so i’m not sure why do you keep bringing them up.

>> No.12642993

>become medical doctor after 6 years of study
>get sent some bullshit online form to sign the oath, no ceremony just some shit over zoom where people i've never met or know the names of give speeches
this is like
>do you accept the terms and conditions. click here if you agree to become a doctor and promise to be a good boy
>allow cookies and tracking to our website, allow oath
>to enable oath, click here
>to install oath app on your phone click here
what? aint signing that shit, isn't even the real oath some neutered shit
i'll still do my best obviously, but this is pathetic
i wanted this one thing amid this pandemic, a proper spiritual experience and acceptance
not some soulless online form to sign
i want to do this and will take care of it myself at some point

did you guys swear an oath? do you care about it all?

>> No.12643055

We do but it’s the gay modern one, so really doesn’t make a lick of difference. The whole concept of taking oaths is far too advanced for the ethical capabilities of the sort of trash that populates med schools and the society at large anyways.

>> No.12643377

Looks like you should have replied to the last person who posted that then.

My mother is dead too bro.

>> No.12643390

>Can I Keep Selling Sex For Money, Officer?

Or something of that nature is as in depth as any medfag needs to go with that shit.

>> No.12643397

EM doctors work 15 or less days a month in the US bro. Unless they want to make more money of course.

>> No.12643530

Bros, I don’t know if I’m going to enjoy Medicine. Should I deliberately fail my interviews?

>> No.12643603

do you really think anyone here enjoyed studying that garbage

>> No.12643745

It's a life of pain. But you're going to bitch out of it do it properly and don't waste the interviewer's of your relative's time.

>> No.12643761

If you intentionally fail, you'll spend the rest of your life wondering what if.
Best to just give it your best shot and realise things will work out in the end.

desu i'm not the smartest guy in the world, I'm like 110 IQ at absolute best, and I find med school to be pretty decent. Sure I put in a decent amount of work but not an ungodly amount, and I still manage to be a B+/A- student.

>> No.12643871
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>drink 2 vodkas
>now my back hurts
Why does that always happen?

>> No.12644072

If that dense ass fucker goes in, gets into a career that will only promise him a life of pain and then quits he will only get into debt and will have wasted +1 year of his youngest and most productive years.
The "what if" doesn't apply here.
Stupid ass advice.

>> No.12644073

I don't swear oaths or allegiances at all
I don't want the burden over my head

>> No.12644167

nigger jew

>> No.12644404
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Internal Medicine

fark bros I actually do like rads but I'm scared of the whole AI shit

>> No.12644419
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Enjoyment does not come prior to entering a discipline, if you constantly seek for what kind of career you "enjoy" you'll end up picking something subpar. Enjoyment and career satisfaction come at mastering your discipline. Read https://www.calnewport.com/blog/2020/04/05/work-and-the-deep-life/ for more information.

Just think about it, ecelebs and esport "athletes" waste their time doing dumb shit on the internet and earn money doing it. If you ask them why they picked that """""career""""" they will say they enjoy doing it. Yeah I enjoy jacking off and playing vidya all day too but I think that is a retarded way to live.

>> No.12644433

we didn't even have online ceremony

>> No.12644437

How many of you guys actually did a pre med program during undergrad? Just curious.

t. Biofag who's been with a cohort of premeds for 4 years and hates all of you

>> No.12644438

god's retribution for being a tranny. it will only get worse.

>> No.12644441

not happening in your lifetime, bucko.

>> No.12644442

/med/ thread is betadom

>> No.12644529

Is there no other option for me but to get a mail order husband? It's like a flip gets switched in the dudes I go out on dates with when I tell them I'm about to do residency.

>> No.12644693

which country, which residency

>> No.12644696

>being american

>> No.12644747

Again with the AI meme

>> No.12644760

Residency in what spec? If it's not free time compatible, just don't, it's a waste of time for both of you, especially when you try to get to know each other.

>> No.12644801

In my 10 years of medical study and work I've not met a single woman who I'd want long-term in my life, except for the one who was my gf for some years in uni and never did really fit into the /med/ life and ended up in forensics
And even now almost every woman in my department(anesthesia/ICU) is an unmarried, childless roastie, kek
/med/ girls are fucked in the head and don't have any personality aside from career ambitions kek

>> No.12644807

>did you guys swear an oath?
yes(4 years ago)
>do you care about it all?
>i wanted this one thing amid this pandemic, a proper spiritual experience and acceptance
you're a weirdo
maybe should've joined the mormon church instead of a medical university

>> No.12644808

Let's just say that I won't grow old here.

>> No.12644812







>> No.12644813

I haven't finalized my application. Should I just quit while I haven't started yet?

>> No.12644842

Youngest I had was 36; was a fat bastard and died

>> No.12644845

Fuck you, finnish apus are the soul of this general

>> No.12644847

i would KO you if I heard you talk like this irl

>> No.12644854
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>i would KO you if I heard you talk like this irl

>> No.12644858

>posts a basedjack
we both know you don't talk like that around other people

>> No.12644860

The only thing I know is you're some premed kid and have no idea how actual doctors talk when patients and admin isn't around lmao

>> No.12644863

No you would not, flappy tittied greasy back bitch.

>> No.12644868

>and have no idea how actual doctors talk when patients and admin isn't around lmao
i'm a doctor, both my parents are doctors as are many of my relatives lmao
i grew up in that environment

>> No.12644874

>And even now almost every woman in my department(anesthesia/ICU) is an unmarried, childless roastie, kek
that has more to do with anesthesiologists not being real doctors

>> No.12644881

Resident teams are economically more efficient than MLP teams and have higher patient satisfaction. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/26217425/

Compared with dermatologists, PAs performed more skin biopsies per case of skin cancer diagnosed and diagnosed fewer melanomas in situ, suggesting that the diagnostic accuracy of PAs may be lower than that of dermatologists. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29710082

Advanced practice clinicians are associated with more imaging services than PCPs for similar patients during E&M office visits. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/1939374

Nonphysician clinicians were more likely to prescribe antibiotics than practicing physicians in outpatient settings, and resident physicians were less likely to prescribe antibiotics. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15922696

The quality of referrals to an academic medical center was higher for physicians than for NPs and PAs regarding the clarity of the referral question, understanding of pathophysiology, and adequate prereferral evaluation and documentation. https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/article/S0025-6196(13)00732-5/abstract00732-5/abstract)

Further research is needed to understand the impact of differences in NP and PCP patient populations on provider prescribing, such as the higher number of prescriptions issued by NPs for beneficiaries in moderate and high comorbidity groups and the implications of the duration of prescriptions for clinical outcomes, patient-provider rapport, costs, and potential gaps in medication coverage. https://www.journalofnursingregulation.com/article/S2155-8256(17)30071-6/fulltext30071-6/fulltext)

Antibiotics were more frequently prescribed during visits involving NP/PA visits compared with physician-only visits, including overall visits (17% vs 12%, P < .0001) and acute respiratory infection visits (61% vs 54%, P < .001). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5047413/

>> No.12644883

NPs, relative to physicians, have taken an increasing role in prescribing psychotropic medications for Medicaid-insured youths. The quality of NP prescribing practices deserves further attention. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/29641238/

(CRNA) We found an increased risk of adverse disposition in cases where the anesthesia provider was a nonanesthesiology professional. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22305625

NPs/PAs practicing in states with independent prescription authority were > 20 times more likely to overprescribe opioids than NPs/PAs in prescription-restricted states. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32333312/

Both 30-day mortality rate and mortality rate after complications (FtR were lower when anesthesiologists directed anesthesia care. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10861159/

Only 25% of all NPs in Oregon, an independent practice state, practiced in primary care settings. https://oregoncenterfornursing.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/2020_PrimaryCareWorkforceCrisis_Report_Web.pdf

96% of NPs had regular contact with pharmaceutical representatives. 48% stated that they were more likely to prescribe a drug that was highlighted during a lunch or dinner event. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21291293/

85.02% of malpractice cases against NPs were due to diagnosis (41.46%), treatment (30.79%) and medication errors (12.77%). The malpractice cases due to diagnosing errors was further stratified into failure to diagnose (64.13%), delay to diagnose (27.29%), and misdiagnosis (7.59%). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28734486/

APCs and PCPs ordered imaging in 2.8% and 1.9% episodes of care, respectively. Advanced practice clinicians are associated with more imaging services than PCPs for similar patients during E&M office visits .increased use of imaging appears modest for individual patients, this increase may have ramifications on care and overall costs at the population level. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/1939374

>> No.12644891

just produce more doctors, 10 years from now problem fixed

>> No.12644894

>MLP teams

>> No.12644898


>> No.12644904

Hard to do when hospitals want more mid-levels because it's about $$$

You'll never be a physician.

>> No.12644974
File: 76 KB, 750x740, lääkeapustaja56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is phd in your country worth it for a doctor? Do they get paid more automatically or do you get more chances do stuff at better places?

>> No.12644982

They raised you as a fat anxious bitch so proves nothing.

>> No.12644984

being a doctor used to mean something, not anymore thanks to fags like you.

>> No.12645000


>> No.12645002

Yes, back when surgeons wore suit&tie and worked with their bare hands right after fingering an oriental hooker with the left and packing an opium pipe with the right

>> No.12645006

hopefully this isnt problem anywhere other than US. is it? nurses are too rampant there.

>> No.12645008

you are talking about materialistic side, i was talking about spiritual, try to address or refute that first.

>> No.12645014

Address what? Your infantile fantasies? You should probably get into FM, because that's where you don't do any hard ass medical work in blood and vomit, but have nice old grandmas thanking you, Mr. Doctor, all the time like you're God's gift to the world

>> No.12645033

In my country doctors only do that if they want to get into academia/research part of things, and a prestige factor for career opportunities
The most intelligent and skilled physician I know doesn't have a PhD, but that's pretty much limiting him to being a department head in his hospital and means he doesn't have any reputation in wider association/conference circles

>> No.12645073

>did you guys swear an oath? do you care about it all?
The only allegiance I swear is to the green.

>> No.12645074

Not him, but if someone is so weak willed that they're influenced by posts on 4chan, I have absolutely zero issues with their lives being ruined.

Do your best and go through med school.

>> No.12645080



Increasing mid-level creep in other anglo countries thanks to money grubbing jews in america putting out studies praising the virtues of midlevels.

You will never get to consultant positions these days without a PhD in the UK. Especially if you want to become a consultant surgeon or cardiologist.

>> No.12645096

the lack of one slightly limits your career prospects and most places pay you slightly more.

>> No.12645153

i'm sorry you don't have The Spark™

>> No.12645163

your greed shall be your demise.

>> No.12645355

Will any doctor worth their salt let me stop fucking taking desvenlafaxine in favour of valium/xanax for mild GAD? Or even just a combination? The benzos actually make me sociable enough to get myself in situations where positive social reinforcement can happen, meanwhile the SNRI doesn't really seem to do shit except slightly inhibit the fight or flight response when I'm in anxiety provoking situations.

>> No.12645461

go see an older psychiatrist
they love prescribing benzos and letting retards od on them all the fucking time

>> No.12645468

Had an NP once prescribe a statin to some 20 year old kid with an LDL of 120 (no familial hyperlipidemia) lol. Ended up having SAMS too.
Another NP tried ordering an MRI on a patient with obvious classical SAH.
NPs are braindead.

>> No.12645470
File: 5 KB, 309x258, solky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bout trying some pills of tuffthefuckupam, sweetheart?

>> No.12645495

no pmh or famh of any significance. positive uds for etoh but that's it
it was real sad

>> No.12645518


>> No.12645538

>bohoo, i fucking suck and can't handle life, give me benzos
fuck off junkie

>> No.12645550

most likely yes
can't get a full history obviously but he's living in an urban apartment and looked disheveled when brought in
this is in the US and he's caucasian

>> No.12645683

just got admitted to MD. What should I be doing rght now? I'm planning on dropping courses as I already meet the requirements, anything else?

>> No.12645742

any optometrists ITT can redpill me on how to improve sight?

>> No.12645747

don't study before med school

don't use electronics/read for long periods of time or strain your eyes
eat healthy, sleep healthy, exercise
don't get diabetes

>> No.12645772

There's nothing you can do short of getting glasses or surgery. All you can do is make it not get worse by doing what he said >>12645747

t. med student with 20/60 vision who finally sucked it up and got glasses this year.

>> No.12645843
File: 48 KB, 657x627, pepe md just fucked a nursoid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cool cool cool. Do i just vidya and rot my brain before i get there?

>> No.12645845

>drunk hobo dies of pneumonia in the middle of the winter

>> No.12645847

physiology or pharm would be things i'd look at, never felt I had the timel to bring my knowledge to the level that I would want it to be at. or you could chill, not a bad option either

>> No.12645895


I have Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews and Tortora for Anatomy/Physiology from old uni courses I took (not LIR). I'll just reread them i guess

>> No.12646000

Cover your bases, you're going to do enough studying in med school, how are your eating habbits? How are you doing exercise wise? How is your sleep? If you want to prepare for stuff, get good at time management, you're going to be busy, being able to manage your shit on a busy schedule will probably yield more ROI than working through some course material. If you got your shit covered, relax, maybe go through some stuff that interests you, but above all enjoy your free time while you have it

>> No.12646020

Just found out I have a small 4mm gallbladder polyp. The doc told me I just need to do regular check ups once or twice a year to see if it’s gotten bigger but I’m really uneasy on just leaving it be like that instead of following up on it with additional exams to check if it’s truly just a benign polyp and not some early stage malignant one. I read something about 95-98% of <5mm gallbladder polyps being benign but still who the fuck knows, someone has got to be in the 2-5% left right? What do my fellow autists have to say about this?

>> No.12646026

I have these little bumps on my balls. Like hundreds of them. Is this normal?

>> No.12646047

Post balls or at least a zoomed in shot of them so we can see the bumps

>> No.12646060

can you describe them? size, shape, color, painful, any discharge or bleeding, itchy or not, any discharge from your penis

have you had herpes before

>> No.12646061

no don't post your balls here you faggot and the other faggot who wants to look at shaved balls should go to

>> No.12646072

you clearly aren't a doc
all docs love seeing gross pictures of balls
it's what we do in our spare time

don't worry man. we find a lot of shit incidentally on scans. if it's not causing symptoms then there's no reason to worry. like your doc said, just come back in a year to see if there's any changes and if you experience any symptoms let them know asap

>> No.12646074

We don't literally want to see his balls faggot, we're trying to see the bumps. An extremely zoomed in shot of the bumps is enough to at least get an idea of what it could be.

>> No.12646078

yeah just rot your brain. have fun man. it's going to be the last chance of freedom you get before the period between graduating med school and residency
then after that it's all downhill
no dude don't reread
it's all a waste of time
just chill and have fun
study hard during med school

>> No.12646097

>tfw i picked up a chick from the bar who turned out to be a 20 year old med student that is now interning in my ward
wat to do

>> No.12646106

abort abort abort
if you don't want an hr nightmare ghost that bitch
don't shit where you eat

>> No.12646141
File: 102 KB, 1200x768, f1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not even that bad

>t. fucked a 16 year old lpn student when working in small countryside community health center during my final summer in med school and had her dad chase me with a shotgun

>> No.12646144

fyi amerilards, age of consent is 16 here

>> No.12646151

kek, did you know how old she was?

>> No.12646163

nah, i've met some pretty airheaded nursoids so it didn't really ring any bells

>> No.12646167

i just ate a large pizza and had full calorie gatorade. fuck bros is this /med/ life now? what do doctors even do? its nuts how im making a list of things I need to buy and pack

>> No.12646171
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>> No.12646250

nursing student

i know we are retarded. but god someone help with all this chem. good resources???

>> No.12646263

organics? Make your own flow charts.

>> No.12646288

Why do nursing students need chem?

>> No.12646298

/med/ life is suffering
enjoy your short-lived freedom

nursoids learn chemistry? the one's I've met can't tell an acidotic patient from an alkalotic one
is it biochem? use lippincott

>> No.12646315
File: 126 KB, 640x668, imr7g7xbtx951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this right?

>> No.12646321
File: 221 KB, 640x771, g2n1lisnmby51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damm, arent cells a wonderful thing?

>> No.12646323

we study chem if you are going for bsn or msn. we need it for pharmacology. im doing ochem, biochem, and gen chem. but like a combo class. still really in depth but im guessing not as much if i took them separately. ADNs dont need any chem i think

>> No.12646330

use the /sci/ wiki then
that's all premed shit

>> No.12646346

It's really basic but yes the information is correct.

>> No.12646351
File: 57 KB, 421x421, 1571663673963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while in med uni
>talk to people of same age
>have a gf
>have a group of normie friends to fuck around and drink/smoke weed with
>go to cinemas
>go to concerts
>travel yurop
>read books - medical, philosophy and fiction
>work out, be /fit/
>be actually interested in medical science
>whole life seems ahead of me, full of unexplored opportunities
after finishing up uni
>clock in your shifts
>optimize doing the minimum amount of work to get by
>meaningless small talk with colleagues
>at home play videogames, watch movies and drink beer
>since corona started pretty much only eat delivery junk food, gain 15kg in a year
>been over a year since I read anything, attention span barely good enough for youtube videos
>degenerate in my medical knowledge into a trained monkey who only knows my narrow specialty shit, work protocols and procedure instructions
>forget most of the cool shit I knew by the end of uni
>nothing but 40 years of more of the same wagecuckery ahead of me
>been 3 years since I last talked to a living non-work-related person

>> No.12646360


>> No.12646392

this is why I plan to do a few different jobs. Internal med can swing into a family clinic, or make your own. You can go into the emerg out in the rural areas because they don't care what flavour of MD you are in the ER, they just need a doc (with orientation). Why don't you switch specialities and find something more rewarding?

>> No.12646441


>> No.12646454
File: 267 KB, 667x482, pepmu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's that time of the day in your shift again
>all the day doctors and admin leave
>dark outside
>nothing but you and the potential 3 am appendicitis
>put some bangers on

>> No.12646491
File: 135 KB, 869x1007, lääkeapustaja7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only beats i listen to are through my littman

>> No.12646500 [DELETED] 

The US is fucked. Built nearly no new medical schools between 1980-2010

>> No.12646503 [DELETED] 

>The benzos actually make me sociable enough to get myself in situations where positive social reinforcement can happen

Describe your childhood in 3 sentences.

>> No.12646509 [DELETED] 

Make sure you're wearing polarized sunglasses. Many people are wearing unpolarized, cheap or counterfeit lenses made in china that just allow more UV into your eyes b/c they dilate.

>> No.12646513
File: 5 KB, 226x223, 1577756381659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>auscultate mitral valve
>hear this
what do?

>> No.12646548 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 845x634, 20210128_085548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else have a drawer full of Squirt and go baby food? I love this stuff.

Zero prep, long shelf life, helps fight snack fatigue and poor food choices, fills in when you run out of whole food. Plus you get to taste amazing flavor combos.

>> No.12646561
File: 98 KB, 1024x576, soy-war-men1-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zero prep, long shelf life, helps fight snack fatigue and poor food choices, fills in when you run out of whole food. Plus you get to taste amazing flavor combos.

>> No.12646573 [DELETED] 

Um, why are you responding with this meme pic ?

>> No.12646579

>rectal exam
>stuck my finger in it, theres still small opening
>muffled sounds come out
>move closer, hear this

>> No.12646624

Why do doctors smoke?

>> No.12646649
File: 110 KB, 1280x960, lääkeapustaja41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at 3am

>> No.12646657

life's short and it looks cool

>> No.12646671

Can't believe those faggots hold any rights of the band's name.
You may not like it but this is what peak In Flames sounds like.

>> No.12646672

>hospital buys new patient monitors for covid funds
>set them up
>56 y.o. man with a history of hypertension comes in, dyspnea and tight chest pain
>170/110, 110 bpm
>put on an oxygen mask, give him nitroglycerine
>stick ecg electrodes on, hook up the new monitor
>this comes onto the screen

>> No.12646755

>he didnt choose clinical lab

>> No.12646812



>> No.12646813

you're just lazy

>> No.12646821

should've married your girlfriend when you had the chance
that's what you get for having sex outside of marriage.

you chose a life of sin. reap what you sow.

>> No.12646828
File: 20 KB, 352x285, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12646900

order an echo for the patient
stop taking drugs so I won't get auditory hallucinations

>> No.12646960

that's nice, anon

>> No.12646977
File: 312 KB, 920x722, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've got my eyes

>> No.12647040


>> No.12647701
File: 103 KB, 851x504, ninja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I just chipped my tooth a little bit and swallowed the shard of the tooth afterwards. The loss really is miniscule and it only hurts a little bit. I don't think that I opened the tooth up significantly, no open nerves or something like that.

It is needed to go to the doctor because of this?

>> No.12647707

can you post a pic?
any bleeding, is the tooth loose, is it tender when you press your tongue against the tooth

>> No.12647743

Your dentist's name is Crentist.

>> No.12647782
File: 51 KB, 1000x721, 1933145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no bleeding, the tooth is not loose and does not waggle and it doesn't feel tender when I press my tongue against it. It just pulsates/hurts a little bit.

It's dark here and my camera is crappy but this pic from the net is pretty similar to mine, even down to the same tooth. Although the damage in mine is a bit smaller.
My dentist is a crentist?

>> No.12647824

No reason to see a doctor then. If it starts to bleed or is very painful then go see a doc.

>> No.12648112

Anyone have the Apu looking happy and retarded, waving around a needle? That pic is literally me when I'm inserting a PICC line

>> No.12648119

i agree but the song i posted is exception its still good

>> No.12648244
File: 56 KB, 960x720, 143256035_782469419285608_1449959195816303876_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of curiosity, what would this guy's post healing life be like? He put his feet up on the dashboard and then crashed his car, looks like at least one leg is completely fucked beyond repair

>> No.12648258

What are some good specs for a decent sized city that's not a hospital one? Also no surgery, something that would fit a small solo practice.

>> No.12648294

psych, fm, operative specs

>> No.12648317



>> No.12648368

im not doctor but looks like the leg on the left is pretty much useless forever because he tore every ligament connecting femur to pelvis

>> No.12648373

poor bastard. must've been the passanger though

>> No.12648439

honestly they'd probably be fine with surgery, that shit can be reattached.
I'd be more concerned with any nerves that were damaged.
feet on the dashboard. many such cases!

>> No.12648683

heh. you dont say!

>> No.12648694

We don't have any orthos in this general, because orthos are irl chads

>> No.12648697

Fuck off, just go see a doctor

>> No.12648707

what is this cope? US is fucking itself over with the absurd ladder that it forces physicians to go through - premed degree, med degree, internship, residency, fellowship bla bla bla this absurd amount of hoops you have to jump through before becoming a practitioner, demanding that you sacrifice your life until you're already 30 years old; no wonder there's not enough doctors and they're being taken over by low iq but trained nurses
I was considering moving to US when I was still in medical uni, but then realized that I'd have years of real clinical experience and networking in my own country(where it's only 6 years of uni+1-3 years of internship based on spec) by the time I'd only be finishing up all the artificial filters in the US system

>> No.12648722

/med/, i need help, please

friday i worked out really hard (like REALLY hard, i had the most intense work out ever) and since then i have had stomach aches that don't really hurt at all and i can barely notice them, but they did last for a while

and i have a hard time farting/shitting

how bad is it? am i going to die?
please, I'm genuinely serious

PS: i did schedule a doctor's appointment, but all the way on Wednesday (due to the pandemic and all he wasn't available today or any time until the 3rd)

>> No.12648726

add: it's already a huge commitment as is, even with me getting into uni early at 16, only really starting my career at 24; while my high school mates who went into finance or law or codefaggotry were already making big bucks by then after only 4 years of study; I can't comprehend why someone would choose to go through the US medical education system where you're in pleb-status until late twenties or 30 years old

>> No.12648730

Have you never heard of DOMS? Your ab muscles are just fucked after what you've put them through
Either that or muscle strain, if the pain started right after/during the workout

>> No.12648733

gnt here. i had a patient in his 20s with the exact symptoms as yours. it was a ruptured duodenal tumour. he died.

good luck.

>> No.12648734
File: 8 KB, 205x246, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did a set of burpees too hard and i did feel stinging pains in my abs for a little bit, but it went away

please don't be like this man I'm genuinely scared

>> No.12648752

Noctor detected

>> No.12648757

Feels bad for Americans if their medical students lack reading comprehension

>> No.12648853

How did you decide your career path?
I'm interested in a lot experimentation on living things, Micro/Molecular biology, Pharmaceutical and Immunology. I'm studying to get a bachelors in general studies and in a couple years I'll be able to go to school in person in 5 years. I'm still trying to decide on what I should go to college after I get the Bachelors in General studies any suggestions.

>> No.12648883

from my experience /tv/ is the surgeon board

>> No.12648887

>what degree will make employable even while being a hr nightmare schlob

>> No.12648918

yeah basically lol
worst case is I don't get paid for it and I just create a lab in my basement

>> No.12648922

Option 1: get a whiteboard and draw/write the structures until you remember them
Option 2: use Anki with image occlusion

>> No.12648945

If you live in the anglosphere, yes. If you live in Europe, not really.

>> No.12648968

So how does this work? Can someone hand write me a letter then I scan and upload it?
It's asking me for my ID and letter ID

>> No.12648997

go for an older doc, or date down.

>> No.12649070
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>> No.12649096

Are there any potential breakthroughs that would help treat cerebral palsy?

>> No.12649098
File: 50 KB, 658x662, lääkeapustaja73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non existat

>> No.12649101

No since what they'd need is a new brain.

>> No.12649123

If the issue is brain damage then it's fixable in theory no?

>> No.12649140

There is no real practical theory on neuron regrowth and there would be far more patients than just cp for it. What we can still achieve is basically cut something off, plaster it together and lets just hope it'll regrow, and that's for peripheral nervous system. How would we go and do it in a central nervous system level is beyond us and the only thing we can use is plasticity in that we can via exercise make use of other parts of the brain for certain tasks we've lost the ability to do due to damage.

>> No.12649147
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>> No.12649164

Scientifically speaking, what are the mechanisms behind the act of coitus?

>> No.12649173


>> No.12649176

Fuck being an obgyn

>> No.12649187

Penis goes in, Penis comes out
You can't explain that

>> No.12649188

Yea but basically if you specialize in gynecology as a male these days what are your other options, they literally guide you to be a obstetrician instead of getting to be a comfy and rich private gynecologist.

>> No.12649191

>tfw typo and the patient's text says that his pH is 71.4

>> No.12649195
File: 417 KB, 600x479, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being that alkalemic
the feeling won't last long but i bet it feels amazing

>> No.12649199

>The blood-work came in, and I'm afraid you're dangerously based

>> No.12649200
File: 21 KB, 203x153, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't get it. what's the joke

>> No.12649201

get out

>> No.12649208
File: 2.79 MB, 720x972, 1599999643976.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the egg diet healthy?

>> No.12649216

Getting cucked you newfag dumb tranny.

>> No.12649220
File: 48 KB, 184x184, 449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12649222

did you have big pain? im thinking to cross off strangulated hernia maybe you should go to emergency.

>> No.12649225

Where do I store urine for a 24h collection?

>> No.12649227

Shut up trannoid, I wasn't asking you.

>> No.12649230

obgyns are gay anyway

>> No.12649232
File: 531 KB, 700x541, 1611518349484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12649233


>> No.12649234


>> No.12649238

hope you don't die and its nothing bad

>> No.12649249

why the fuck is med school 6 years anyway? i understand the bullshit with experience and whatnot but literally 99% of student forget everything they have learned the day they finish med school

>> No.12649272

It's 7 years in my hellhole country. Go fuck yourself you don't know how easy you have it.

>> No.12649281
File: 28 KB, 400x400, bogphone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allo? Doctor Anon, please report to based department

>> No.12649283

7.14 is just as fucked tbqh

>> No.12649431
File: 49 KB, 389x464, 8CBE18E9-2EB6-44BF-B9FB-ECF7864D06D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros should us anki? I see every med/pre-med student shill it. How good is it compared to quizlet?

>> No.12649433

7.14 is fucked but 71.4 is fatal

>> No.12649440

Anki is so much better than quizlet. I hate quizlet's design. Anki also has built in spaced repetition which is the best way to learn minor facts and details.

>> No.12649560

this isn't me

it did hurt pretty bad for like 15 seconds after i did that burpee but after that i didn't feel anything until yesterday evening when i had a shooting pain

>> No.12649613

Medificinally speaking, why does pissing in my pissbottle feel so much better than pissing in the normie toilet?

>> No.12649675

does it include internship/residence/practice? i fucking hate how convoluted the med school system is especially if you are studying aboard. engineering in all the world is the same but medicine needs to have all sorts of arbitrary bullshit that varies

>> No.12649695

How else will the Jew World Order select only those willing to be instruments of its will?

>> No.12649706

Does the bottle wrap around your glans while you do it?

>> No.12649751
File: 1.64 MB, 400x400, pepdab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12649765

then it's bc it make your peepee feel good :)

>> No.12649828
File: 1023 KB, 959x883, joker sneed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank u fren :)

>> No.12649836
File: 47 KB, 711x629, lääkeapustaja77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur welcom dr apu always here to help

>> No.12649842

What to do boys ?

They are fucking destroying it in my country. They want to remove trannies from list of diseases, we will become westernized without the fucking salaries. I will probably fail psych if homosexuality comes up...

Idk what to tell my kids, I am ashamed of what world and country I will leave to them ?

>> No.12649886
File: 2.06 MB, 4702x2536, agriculture-blue-sky-clouds-countryside-464321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to get laid as a med student?

>> No.12649928


>> No.12649929

5 years of school+ 1 year internship + 1 year social service in fucknowhere.
Social service is not only soul crushing but straight dangerous if you drop below 20% top. A couple months ago one SS practitioner was raped and only made it into the news when she was found dead a couple days ago. The university along the sanitary directives either don't care or are deadass inept which only makes things worse when considering that a lot of rural hellholes are practically lawless.
The "working culture" is also vile and discourages from raising your voice because you may be outlawed from public practice alongside a residence spot. I suffered laboral abuse in multiple places because the director of the sanitary unit was friends with the mafia. This limited my practice greatly and even experienced very tense moments with some entitled patients that made me fear for my safety a couple of times.
On top of that you'll also have the sanitary federal authorities on your ass whenever you fuck up a patient or a pregnant woman suffers complications/god-forbid dies.

>> No.12649957

>1 year social service in fucknowhere
>A couple months ago one SS practitioner was raped and only made it into the news when she was found dead a couple days ago
what is this absurd country
do we have iraqi medfags here or some shit lmao

>> No.12650024

it depends on you, also in a no name medschool you can focus on side projects

>> No.12650040

ahahha my ortho is fucking crazy

>> No.12650051

ahahaha mom is a obgyn, she always advices new moms to tie tubes

>> No.12650062
File: 35 KB, 480x574, 154870741886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>describe mexican events
>be mixed up with middle eastern war rekd countries
Thanks, anonymity.

>> No.12650134
File: 80 KB, 958x1300, truth is game was rigged from the start.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A couple months ago one SS practitioner was raped and only made it into the news when she was found dead a couple days ago.
are you allowed to keep a piece on you?

>> No.12650149

damn dude, i thought mexico was about the same tier as ukraine/moldova, which are poor shitholes but still civilized
feels bad man

>> No.12650161
File: 1.62 MB, 4000x2250, IMAG3135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't defend himself with the blade

>> No.12650178

isn't she afraid that nature will go against her?

>> No.12650264

>moves very quickly to your side from years of running between rooms
>punctures your aorta using his trusty disinfected scalpel with unhuman accuracy attained through years of being a tryhard surgeon wannabe
>"heh... nothing personal, patient."

>> No.12650296


>> No.12650305
File: 142 KB, 1036x1280, 1611822635110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Match with hot nurse on tinder
>she starts the convo (as nurses do)
>she is a complete drag to talk to
>obsesses over cilantro and lewis capaldi
inb4 "dating nurses is dumb" I just want to fuck her
>obligatory pics of her in her scrubs, even one with her posing in an OR
Are nurses worth it?

>> No.12651290

no, you'll just end up having conversations with someone that has an inferiority complex