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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12581372 No.12581372 [Reply] [Original]

When's the next starhopper test and how high will it go?
When will they start sending cargo to mars and when will they start building a base/settlement?
When will the first crewed mission be sent?

Thanks in advance

>> No.12581396

>When's the next starhopper test and how high will it go?
in 15 mins

>When will they start sending cargo to mars and when will they start building a base/settlement?
Tomorrow afternoon

>When will the first crewed mission be sent?
20th January to celebrate Biden's inauguration.

>> No.12581445

Why is /sci/ so violently aggressive? I just asked a few Qs. If you don't know the answers, you don't have to reply

>> No.12581465

Instead of creating stupid threads like this just head to /sfg/ or /sqt/

>> No.12581518

So you don't now any answers?

>> No.12581586

No. Maybe you should ask Google, it knows many answers.

>> No.12581594

I only find articles from 2019. We are in 2021 now...

Just give me the fucking answer you cunt leakage

>> No.12581666
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, SN8 approaches you.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a retard.
/sfg/ is a rolling general here that covers every detail of SpaceX's Starship development. Look at the catalogue and find it.

But to spoonfeed: Starhopper was just a water tower, it flew once and has been retired. The SN prototypes are what you're thinking of, SN5 and SN6 hopped last year, and SN8 flew really high in November nearly sticking the landing but exploding on impact. SN9 is set to do the same but right this time within the next few days, yesterday it had three static-fires of its engines in a row which is real good.
Also SN10 and SN11 are pretty much ready to go, with bits of further prototypes well into construction.

>> No.12581677

thanks satan, really appreciate it although your tone could be better. I don't frequent /sci/ so don't know all the in and outs

>> No.12581697

Lurk a while and get a feel before posting, it's old advice applying to every board. /sfg/ is talking about SLS predecessors if you want to start today, earlier today we were watching Jeff Bezos waste money with his little rocket. There's supposed to be a static fire of SLS on Saturday too I believe, kind of a busy week for space shit.

>> No.12581729

Starhopper is retired. SN9 will fly Saturday or Sunday. I think the 16th.

>> No.12581767

>Starhopper is retired. SN9 will fly Saturday or Sunday. I think the 16th.
So what do SN stand for then? Star Nigger?

>> No.12581791
File: 1.76 MB, 535x713, SN6 hop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just give me the fucking answer you cunt leakage
>your tone could be better
Serial Number, since these are all just test prototypes and not finished production Starships. SN7 was just a pressure tank test, as was the followup SN7.1 bopper.
SN5 and SN6 both did the same hop, webm related.

>> No.12581826

I believe it means Serial Number but yours is better.

>> No.12581924

>r*ddit spacing

>> No.12581941

what a retarded post holy shit

>> No.12581996

Go back

>> No.12582404

Wow okay let's unpack this

>> No.12582890

Seethe, cope and dilate

>> No.12583961

and that's a good thing

>> No.12585703

Star Nigger, more like Shart Nigger HAHAHA