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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 576 KB, 760x1132, longcatbooster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12527002 No.12527002 [Reply] [Original]

Longbooster edition
Previous >>12523035
Newfrens stop making new threads before page 10

>> No.12527011
File: 101 KB, 680x786, elon catgirls falcon heavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cat thread?

>> No.12527012

SLS will reach orbit before starship.

>> No.12527015
File: 41 KB, 556x666, A toast to Starship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been one hell of a year, /sfg/.
Here's to many more like it

>> No.12527017

I looked up "sfg" in the catalog and found nothing, and got confused, then realized I was in "Alternative Sports".

>> No.12527018

I've seen it in Michoud. SLS is REAL. Starship is just a prototype making hops, rocketry is HARD.

>> No.12527020
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post yfw the launch tower snags you out of the air

>> No.12527022
File: 54 KB, 520x880, 81d8d1717baa33b68998241113dd4aa9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starship makes no sense and will fail,
It's too powerful and nobody needs a launcher that can put 100 tonne into leo, satellites aren't that big
nobody will risk launching their billion dollar satellite on a cheap dinky launcher, they'll go for more tried and tested systems since the launch cost is only a fraction of the satellite cost
No sold launches = starship will fail

>> No.12527026
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Use filters

>> No.12527027

Finally someone sensible on sfg

>> No.12527031
File: 133 KB, 680x545, 1588202409911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to report low quality posts fren

>> No.12527035

Reports aren't meant for posts, they're meant for threads. Learn to ignore.

>> No.12527038

>Reddit post policing mentality
Go back

>> No.12527040

*and upvote posts you like

>> No.12527047
File: 228 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reactive propelant enthusiasts btfo

>> No.12527049

Fine then you can keep the bots and /pol/iticians

>> No.12527055

>power hiccups for 1/2 a second
>trillions of dollars worth of infrastructure come crashing down
No thanks.

>> No.12527056

Haha. No chance. Starship will be landing on Mars before SLS is Go Flight, presuming it doesn't blow up on its first test.

>> No.12527061

Spacex is seriously going to put two new rockets into orbit in the time between that quote and SLS launching, aren't they?

>> No.12527062

No one wants to put 100tonne in LEO because there's no reliable system for doing it.

>> No.12527068

This looks like something you have to fly inside and blow up at the end of an Ace Combat game.

>> No.12527069

It's only $50bil. And it would be powered by redundant nuclear reactors.

>> No.12527072

I can't wait until there are rocket chair hop/lunar orienteering races on /asp/

>> No.12527073

>No reliable system
There's no system for it at all

>> No.12527081 [DELETED] 

>posts criticizing trump

>> No.12527082

Exactly. So SpaceX builds the infrastructure and some other guy who has been waiting their entire life for this chance comes up with a way to make 100tonne to LEO profitable and we all benefit.

>> No.12527091

SN15 is supposed to have major changes to it, what kind of changes are we expecting?

>> No.12527093
File: 168 KB, 889x1333, 574142e0-7310-11e7-8eac-856e9b33761e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leave spaceX to ME

>> No.12527095

Isn't 15 when they switch to the new steel alloy?

>> No.12527099

I thought that was SN9.

>> No.12527101

Strengthened-glass superstructure, radical new type of engine powered by exotic matter, froyo dispensers on the first-class decks. Steerage get boxes of deenz.

>> No.12527107

.50 cal machine guns to counter-snipe the ULA spotters

>> No.12527120

Why haven't we seen more of that? Like an enemy country could just have a guy stationed 2 miles from the rocket, then fire at liftoff. And small hole would probably doom the to let and give their own program a benefit.

>> No.12527125

>Why haven't we seen more of that?
Because interfering with rocket launches is a good way to get ICBM'd.

>> No.12527131
File: 598 KB, 1079x1542, Screenshot_20201230-094432_Chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crewed landing pads are the future

>> No.12527144

I too love Jeff Bezos' mother.
Sometimes twice a month.

>> No.12527146

kek imagine being the captain of the boat on the maiden flight of old glenn. At least you’ll be taken out in a blaze of glory

>> No.12527171

Couldn’t this rocket be modified and used to take cargo to the moon? If so then couldn’t it be used to star sending large amounts of supplies, equipment, and materials in preparation for constructing a moon base of some kind?

Seems like it could be very useful for more than taking shit to orbit.

>> No.12527172
File: 80 KB, 600x451, 1586025854331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA has security. If SpaceX wants it they'll have to pay for it themselves.

>> No.12527174
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>he doesn't have a dedicated /sfg/ button on his start page
here you go anon

>> No.12527186

When Starlink IPOs, you'll probably be able to find an /sfg/ on /biz/.

>> No.12527194

A working bathroom. Don't ask where it disposes of the waste.

>> No.12527200

ISRU methane

>> No.12527209
File: 170 KB, 800x533, senator shelby sees an orbital propellant depot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't ask where it disposes of the waste.

>> No.12527212


>> No.12527217
File: 70 KB, 400x322, 400px-Standard_Model_of_Elementary_Particles_+_Gravity.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're never going FTL are we.

>> No.12527222

Standard Model is wrong and everyone knows that.

>> No.12527224

>dude just move at super sonic speeds and do a u turn, it’s a pipe so physics don’t matter

>> No.12527229

Requesting an edit of this meme with >>12527002

>> No.12527230

do you have any ideas for something better?

>> No.12527233

no, but it's fine. It's just a matter of adjusting the human lifespan and suddenly 100,000 years isn't that big of a deal. Intergalactic travel will probably always be a big deal.

>> No.12527248

>no, but it's fine.

You must own a time machine to know humans will never invent FTL. Ironic.

>It's just a matter of adjusting the human lifespan and suddenly 100,000 years isn't that big of a deal.

Genuinely retarded idea.

>> No.12527256

No one does, really. It's kind of obvious that the human brain was never meant to be able to comprehend the universe to an extent past that necessary for survival. It's kind of our fault that we even care; surrogate activities and all that.

>> No.12527257

Math checks out. An iron ribbon can withstand these forces. But out ribbon would be made of something better like steel.

>> No.12527260

Memes can overwrite reality. Physical law will change to allow it if the collective subconscious demands it.

>> No.12527272

Physical laws are literally human mental constructs, not actual things in the universe.

>> No.12527292

I honestly don’t think we ever will, but that is no reason to lose hope. If we create some way of letting people sleep or be frozen for the immense journeys then it isn’t that major of a problem.

The lack of FTL may also explain how little evidence of other intelligent creatures in the universe we have discovered.

>> No.12527299

Isn't it true that as you approach the speed of light the time dilation makes it such that you can travel an infinite distance in a relatively finite amount of "time" experienced by the humans onboard? We don't need FTL, near lightspeed will be good enough.

>> No.12527300

Maintaining a 2 mile exclusion zone is not that hard

>> No.12527302

And what is someone meant to do for a 100,000 years on an enclosed space?

It’s only a matter of time before some suicidal autist kills everyone or compromises the mission. It would be better to put people to sleep than keeping them awake.

>> No.12527317

Yeah, and the energy required to do so goes through the fucking roof.
As in, "100% efficient anti-matter/matter reactions to thrust isn't good enough "-tier

>> No.12527323

there's finally time now

>> No.12527324

>The lack of FTL may also explain how little evidence of other intelligent creatures in the universe we have discovered.

There is no reason to expect evidence of other civilizations even in a universe with FTL. A super star destroyer could have flown through our solar system a few thousand years ago and how the fuck would we know?

>> No.12527327

Well unfortunately nobody has traveled that fast before and I doubt we will ever create a craft that can move that fast so even if it did happen we wouldn’t get to experience it and what some people tend to forget is that moving at those speeds and then hitting even a grain of sand would be like a nuke going off.

If you encounter any matter at those speeds then your ship will be annihilated.

>> No.12527332

This is the weirdest thing about BO IMO. Why put people's lives in danger when there's literally no reason?

>> No.12527336

The math checks out for just using ablative shielding on interstellar craft.

>> No.12527342
File: 272 KB, 1000x1024, haruhi problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real answer is the Ultimate Haruhi Marathon.

>> No.12527344

You have multiple other craft fly in front of you to shield from particles and clear the way.

>> No.12527346

I don't understand this reusable crew meme.

>> No.12527349

>Operation: Get Behind the Darkies, interstellar edition

>> No.12527352

>ship in front of you runs into debris and explodes
>you run into the debris of that ship

>> No.12527356

Seems like a missed opportunity to not colonise a world like this if any aliens did pass by.

But besides I still don’t see FTL happening, I think we better get ready for some long fucking journeys.

>> No.12527367

You can make ablative shields from water ice which are sufficient protection; depending on the local density of dust. An interesting idea I heard is that we may be able to just "island hop" between stars using the rather numerous rogue planets and brown dwarfs in between. Closer to the core, stars are really fucking close, with stars within a few hundred AU of eachother.

>> No.12527370

>Seems like a missed opportunity to not colonise a world like this if any aliens did pass by.
I have a hypothesis about that.
>ship smashes through the Oort Cloud via Alcubierre Drive and decelerates outside Kuiper Belt
>begin studying system from outside in
>by the time they get to Earth one of the comets their gravity wake dislodged is crashing into the Canadian ice sheets
>"whoops lol"
>ayylmaos don't come back because they figure we'd go extinct

>> No.12527371

What’s stops the remains of the crafts in front hitting you if they get hit?

Probably better just to move at slower speeds and maybe build your ship into a big fucking asteroid so the mass of the thing can serve as your shield.

>> No.12527373

Live in their simulated reality that is no different from life on their destination? The whole argument doesn't make sense, the only reason I can foresee such a highly advanced civilization traveling for 100,000 years would be for resources and unless we become the biological version of gray goo there is no reason we would need to get that far into space.

>> No.12527374

They are designed to withstand and deflect the debris.

>> No.12527376

is the Everette interpretation right?

>> No.12527387

>Seems like a missed opportunity to not colonise a world like this if any aliens did pass by.

Too many potential variables to say definitively. Incompatible biochemistry, zoning laws, lack of migration pressure, environmental protections, whatever. There's plenty of islands on Earth that could be inhabited but just aren't.

>> No.12527388

2000 km long chain, moving at 14km/s, in a vacuum, held in place by magnets, ok
You go try to turn at 14 km/s lol

Megastructures are a joke

>> No.12527393


>> No.12527394

>Live in their simulated reality that is no different from life on their destination?

Simulation shit is for sad WEEBs. I'd rather hunt awesome genetically engineered monstrosities in a biodome and offer their skins to the ancestors.

>> No.12527403

And then the fags refuse to leave the simulation because it’s too comfy and now you can’t get them out because they just use the argument that they can live forever so they have plenty of time to play sims before colonising.

>> No.12527409

Ayys must instate fascism to prevent degeneracy.

>> No.12527410

>a meme from the oort cloud

>> No.12527413

Why doesn't Jeff get hair implants like Elon?

>> No.12527426

Low speed low drag

>> No.12527427

Propulsive landing with the RCS nozzles alone

>> No.12527438

Seems like that’s the only method of keeping things in order for even a marginal amount of time.

Look how rapidly the US has changed in a single century with democracy, it went from a global superpower to a mediocre has been that is currently being burned to ashes by a race biologically compelled to commit crime while another race biologically compelled to nation wreck is allowing it and the normal people allow both to exist.

Holding an interstellar empire together without FTL must be a nightmare for even a couple hundred years let alone hundreds of thousands.

>> No.12527447

The US progressed from a colonial backwater to the most powerful nation in human history under democracy as well, so I'm not really sure how your fantasies about American decline are particularly relevant.

>> No.12527450
File: 35 KB, 600x600, Carlos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Super Heavy really will run on methane.

>> No.12527456
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1560813111127s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's too powerful and nobody needs a launcher that can put 100 tonne into leo, satellites aren't that big
>nobody will risk launching their billion dollar satellite on a cheap dinky launcher, they'll go for more tried and tested systems since the launch cost is only a fraction of the satellite cost

>> No.12527465

And the major fascist governments lasted what, less than two whole decades before their aggressive hegemonism led them into unwinnable conflict? Not advocating democracy, it's a corruption of polity and should be obliterated from civilized society but putting forward fascism or communism or any of the modern authoritarian governments as an alternative is like proposing a mouthful of double aught buckshot as an alternative to shooting yourself in the foot.

>> No.12527475

>I'd rather hunt awesome genetically engineered monstrosities in a biodome and offer their skins to the ancestors.
That is just what you would do inside your simulation and you wouldn't be able to discern any difference from base reality unless you wanted to. It's just a question of when simulating something like this will be easier and less resource intensive than actually doing it, but I'd wager humans will get to that point before we're even able to visit another star.

>> No.12527476

Just win the conflicts lol

>> No.12527482

>That is just what you would do inside your simulation and you wouldn't be able to discern any difference from base reality unless you wanted to

Simulations aren't real and are therefore inferior to the actual thing.

>> No.12527484

Yes, I'm sure an economic and social model you make up exclusively as you go along, solving all problems with direct state intervention would have been sure to last for a thousand years, as opposed to, uh, collapsing, like it has in every other instance where central planning is imposed in modern human history.

>> No.12527487

All Musk needs to do is obtain nuclear weapons and cost suddenly becomes a non issue. 100 tons of space weapons would give him negotiating power against weak, fickle, and pussilaminous idiots like you always bitching about muh costs. Why do you think the deficit doesn't matter matter for the US? They have the most nukes and largest military. Debt won't matter once you have a gigantic spaceship which could obliterate JP Morgan, Equifax, Transunion and so on off the face of the earth if they fared to raise muh not financially viable spooks like you. Your post is like trying to tell grug not to build a bigger club. Kill yourself.

>> No.12527488

>It's just a question of when simulating something like this will be easier and less resource intensive than actually doing it, but I'd wager humans will get to that point before we're even able to visit another star.
Never happening. Moore's law is ending soon so all the fantasy transhuman bullshit is cancelled.

>> No.12527489

>they fared to raise muh not financially viable spooks like you

>> No.12527494

Nothing wrong with a little economic planning.

>> No.12527497

And it then proceeded to vote itself to death over the next century.

Even democracy itself has little in common today with the original democracy they used.

Compare Democracy of 200 years ago compared to today and it may as well be a different system entirely. Has the US gotten stronger since civil rights even?

Democracy may work if done properly, but it sure as shit isn’t the case today.

>> No.12527514
File: 29 KB, 1045x997, gburujs7vgi21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Government is corrupted due to central planning, society is shit because of social planning, economy has been in a complete shambles and only a fraction of it's original productivity ever since economic planning was introduced.
>I know, we need more planning!
Seems like central planners are always causing the problems they claim to be trying to solve. Just give them more absolute control and surely the problem they created will be fixed!
Seems to me that the only problem is the central planners.

>> No.12527520

I’m talking about a star spanning empire here, I mean it as the only government and only real nation.

Any argument you have against fascism relies on it getting destroyed due to external reasons, but in this scenario it would be the sole government or at least the only relevant one and no other governments would exist so what do you have to say about the internal government of such a nation?

How likely do you think NatSoc Germany or modern China was to internally collapse.

>> No.12527531

>vote itself to death over the next century
Lesser countries have been claiming that since 1777.

>> No.12527534


>> No.12527533

Inevitable, because central planning rots societies from the inside. Bureaucrats will never be content to simply keep a system ticking over, nor do they even have the competence to manage such a hypercomplex project. They will inevitably meddle, inevitably invite and/or create corruption, and thus inevitably kill the system of government from the inside.
The pains the US is suffering right now aren't exclusively the result of foreign meddlers or political subversives, the second central planning was introduced and codified into this system a death clock was started for it. The only hope for it's survival is the rejection of central planning, not the addition of yet more.

>> No.12527538

space politics general

>> No.12527542


>> No.12527543

As much as we hate it, space politics is a big part of spaceflight

>> No.12527546

He's trying to look more like his penis.

>> No.12527547

I mean you don’t need a centrally planned economy to be fascist, you can have the option if necessary as Germany showed it wasn’t that common except in emergencies like the war and even then they only went all in with total war in as late as 44.

Aside from that it was economically no different from any other western economy.

>> No.12527548
File: 80 KB, 1200x800, u24a529ejjb31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day of the rock drop soon.

>> No.12527549

If you found out this instant that you live in a simulation, would you actually think your life became inferior to what it was a few seconds ago? It doesn't matter, we have no way of knowing if we're in base reality or not and any evidence could just be fabricated.
Simulated realities don't necessarily require Moore's law to continue, there are various ways to decrease the computing power needed down to something that wouldn't require impossibly huge computers. You don't have to render a tree falling in the forest if no one is there to see it. Things would just have to appear to be right to the observer.

>> No.12527552

100% of governments engage in economic planning.

>> No.12527554


>> No.12527557

Drop heavy orbital loads on smooth brains like this >>12527022

>> No.12527560

Hah I know, I’m just having a go. Speaking of politics though, any update on that planetary protection bullshit that was posted at the end of the last thread? I swear to god... what if Musk gets shut down right before he prepares to launch the first set of supplies to the red planet

>> No.12527561

And so far 100% of governments have failed to pass the test of time, especially if you're talking about the timescales envisioned for interplanetary or interstellar government, assuming such a thing is even practical (which I don't).

>> No.12527567

More like the snort cloud.

>> No.12527571

>what if Musk gets shut down right before he prepares to launch the first set of supplies to the red planet
Domestic atrocities in minecraft

>> No.12527573

It's unlikely, he's put the moves on the military and every administration, Democrat or Republican sucks the MICs cock no matter what fluff bullshit they spew about whether or not they like military spending. If Starship becomes a piece of equipment that can be adapted for military use, Biden would happily take a starship straight up the ass rather than interfere with it's development.

>> No.12527577

Until China explodes I’m gonna just ignore you lad. Not to be a dick or anything, but people have been claiming China is gonna kill itself for a while now and I’m still looking forward to it.

Even North Korea is still here and they take your complaints to another level, they seem more stable than ever if anything.

It’s hard to sit in a nation currently falling apart before my eyes with ungodly amounts of internal conflict at every level while the gooks are so united that they would probably sacrifice their life’s for their people.

>> No.12527586

>If you found out this instant that you live in a simulation, would you actually think your life became inferior to what it was a few seconds ago?

Yes. I'd constantly wonder what the real world is like, and if possible, attempt to enter it.

> It doesn't matter, we have no way of knowing if we're in base reality or not and any evidence could just be fabricated.

Thinking like a Christian now; placing your fantasy simulation beyond a reachable burden of proof. Simulation hypothesis was disproved years ago by the discovery that some phenomena are impossible to calculate.

>Simulated realities don't necessarily require Moore's law to continue

I don't think you understand how shit inefficient computers actually are. It would be much simpler and efficient to just make a real, actual version of whatever you intended to simulate.

>> No.12527590

You fucking swallow chink propaganda so easily man, and you do it for fucking free. I'm sure China is also 100% coof free and there's definitely nothing to pay attention to in spite of the fact that they've simply switched off telecom for more than 20 million citizens in virus effected areas. I'm sure their super quantum stealth plane (with engines inferior to 1980's Russian milsurp that belch smoke like a coal fired locomotive) have already secretly made them the world's unilateral ultrapower.
Authoritarians are, as usual, unswervingly fucking gullible and will eat shit happily from the asshole of whichever government spews the most outrageous propaganda.

>> No.12527591

That’s something that I think people genuinely would kill over, imagine how unpopular a government would be if they did that?

>> No.12527615

Once again, until the fat lady sings I simply won’t care and an economically flawed nation like North Korea would still be preferable to live in if I was a gook as I wouldn’t have to fear my government intentionally flooding my nation with millions of ethnic aliens just to increase the national GDP by another percent like democracies in the west have done.

>> No.12527620

Please, please renounce your citizenship and get the fuck out then. Fucking do it.

>> No.12527624

North Korea forces North Korean women who have been impregnated by Chinese men to get abortions because they value racial purity it's basically the Burgundian System

>> No.12527628

My loyalty is to my people and running never solves problems. Better to try and fail than to simply run.

>> No.12527633

That sounds pretty good. Shame more governments don’t show such a solid dedication and loyalty to their own race.

>> No.12527652
File: 145 KB, 1200x800, electron heavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Peter Beck interview

>> No.12527670

Whenever I launch rockets with two side boosters in KSP, I get stability problems and small deviations from a straight ascent due to the boosters not aligning perfectly. How do actual rockets get around that?

>> No.12527673

>Simulation hypothesis was disproved years ago by the discovery that some phenomena are impossible to calculate.
That's such a ridiculous claim to make and to ignore the open debate the still exists. There is literally no way of proving or disproving it and I would only have a burden of proof if I claimed we live in a simulation, which I didn't. The appearance of randomness doesn't mean that things are truly random, the appearance that something is impossible to calculate doesn't mean it is. It's ironic you said that I'm thinking like a Christian when you believe you're in base reality simply because you want it to be true.
>It would be much simpler and efficient to just make a real, actual version of whatever you intended to simulate.
That's like saying it would be simpler to make GTA in real life than on a computer and the rate of simulations are only increasing with technology. It would be more dependent on efficiency than simplicity if it's technically possible in the first place. Energy is very abundant in the universe, living humans require much more than computers and if we're brains in a vat the amount of energy and computing power it would take to simulate our existence isn't that great. We've already begun to simulate our own realities, it's just going to get more and more real.
>I'd constantly wonder what the real world is like, and if possible, attempt to enter it.
Not to beat a dead horse but you would never know if you reached the "real world".

>> No.12527679

Correct. SLS will take us to the moon and then to Mars in the next few decades.
China will go the way of India.

>> No.12527683
File: 46 KB, 500x383, 14667567657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>china will geopolitically isolate and surround china

>> No.12527687

Thrust vectoring

>> No.12527689

>That's such a ridiculous claim to make and to ignore the open debate the still exists.

Calculating some natural phenomenon would require infinities and it is impossible to calculate infinities, so the simulation conjecture is dead as a doornail.

>> No.12527728

>living humans require much more than computers

Humans literally use less watts than the average desktop computer.

>> No.12527741

Not him but he might have meant computing power in terms of keeping track of every atom and every interaction and every force and every subatomic particle that makes up a single human body. It would take too much processing power for a computer to model trillions and trillions and trillions of atoms forming complex molecules and chemistry. One human cell alone would be too much for a computer to simulate with our current tech

>> No.12527742

engineering games general

>> No.12527744

>SLS will reach orbit
Protip: you have to make troll posts semi-believable.

>> No.12527747

That paper doesn't prove what you're asserting, only that it appears to be impossible to construct a simulation of quantum phenomenon and that it would require more atoms than are in existence. You don't need to simulate quantum phenomenon in order to simulate a world that appears to be real to a observer or a world that seems like it has quantum phenomenon that's impossible to calculate. If the creators had the ability to make something this complex, it would be trivial for them to hide the predictive algorithms, which is so retarded to take something like this and claim it to be fact.

>> No.12527754

Neurons are better at computing than a transistor is anyway.

>> No.12527759

>my imaginary friend can do super stuff we can't detect


>> No.12527776

>my imaginary friend can do super stuff we can't detect
No, something able to create an extremely advanced simulation could do things we cannot yet detect, which is why we should keep looking for evidence either way instead of becoming like you, sticking your head in the sand because the idea that we may not be in base reality hurts your feelings for some extremely dumb reason.

>> No.12527779

>Mothman is real
>Actually Mothman can't be real because his wing size wouldn't permit him to fly according to these calculations
>Well maybe Mothman has super wings that work special

>> No.12527784

part of the appeal of space is just how cool looking it is
this looks ghetto and shitty

>> No.12527787

sometimes i forget he’s an actual person

>> No.12527793

>genuinely retarded idea
rim world was literally built off this idea you GOD DAMN NIGGER

>> No.12527797

What weapons would we develop to defend cities/installations from hostile spacecraft when spaceships become far more economical to produce?
What kind would be useful for a Martian city to get pirates to fuck off?
Kinetic or shape charge STO missiles? Ground based gauss cannons?

>> No.12527800


>> No.12527805

Ground based lazers powered by fission reactors

>> No.12527804

it’s gotta burn fuel to move so all that wasted fuel PSHHHHH all over our solar system

>> No.12527809

Probably rail guns. Most explosives require relatively complex chemistry that may be in short supply on a Martian colony.

>> No.12527810

wouldnt FTL mean time travel???????????

>> No.12527814

You keep creating fallacy arguments to mask just how poor your point is. I didn't claim we live in a simulation but you claimed that we don't, which requires a much higher level of evidence and you're incapable of meeting that outside of bullshit popsci articles that don't at all prove what you're asserting. The difference between simulation theory and fucking Mothman is that we know simulations are real and it's technically feasible to simulate human existence.

>> No.12527819

>you claimed Mothman doesn't exist but maybe Mothman's magic wings simply don't obey physics thought of that huh????

>> No.12527827

>global superpower to a mediocre has been
nigga the us is still a super power? WTF it isn’t declining

>> No.12527831

Hidden predictive algorithms for quantum events doesn't violate the laws of physics, you fucking retard. We barely understand this area as it is.

>> No.12527836

You get economic planning organically soon after you have agriculture and a grain surplus.

>> No.12527837

>implying mothman isn’t real
You ungrateful fucker. It’s not his fault that no one listens to his warnings.

>> No.12527859

Why the fuck would Mothman warn anyone that he exists if his goal is to kill them? Ironically this is still more realistic than your fantasy about hunting genetically engineered monstrosities under a biodome.

>> No.12527883

Not a fair comparison, computers can use energy more directly, we require massive amounts of inputs to keep a controlled climate and to grow the food we need.

>> No.12527895

>his goal is to kill them
No it isn’t. His goal is to warn people of the impending collapse of poorly-maintained infrastructure by flying around an area right before a disaster happens.

>> No.12527899

>Dude there could be hidden algorithms in da universe

And maybe if you say "Kumbalumba" 96 times while staring at a blue lava lamp while an entire Kiss album plays, you'll unlock the cheat codes.

>> No.12527902

A biodome you can hunt in would be easier to construct than a simulation of a biodome you can hunt in, use less energy, and take up less room.

>> No.12527903

To be fair, have you ever actually attempted that?

>> No.12527917

Citation needed.

>> No.12527926
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Based and Imperium-pilled

>> No.12527933
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>> No.12527936
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Well yeah, it's designed to be a Mars rocket first and to be a reasonable launch vehicle at a very distant second. It's ridiculously robust for the sort of market we have today - just look at how comically oversized Starship looks on their moon mission proposal art.

I personally think that's why Starlink exists - to give Starship something profitable to do with its' bigass cargo capacity until its' reliability becomes accepted as "tried and tested" and the market adjusts to the idea of having that much more lift available to use. No idea if that's something which will pay off, but that's what I think the plan is.

>> No.12527942

Hidden algorithms, as in any algorithm we haven't yet found to model quantum systems. The article said something similar to this, which would you know if you actually read it and didn't double down on shit posting.

"However, one cannot exclude the possibility that some inherent physical property creates an obstruction to efficient classical simulations of many-body quantum systems"

Wow, it's almost like they never said this was definitive proof that a simulation is impossible and you're literally making shit up.

>> No.12527951


Summit is the first computer that has comparable operations-per-second to a human brain, and consumes thirteen megawatts to do so, compared to a human who uses about 100 watts. For comparison, there's a million watts in a megawatt. It also weighs tens of tons and occupies most of a large room.

>> No.12527959

>Muh hidden algorithms could exist!!111

That's really cool, anon. Lemme know when you prove they exist. Until then, simulation is impossible.

>> No.12527978

Now calculate how much energy it requires to build a fucking biodome on another planet and then create genetically engineered monstrosities to house there so that a single person can hunt them.
>Until then, simulation is impossible.
Citation also needed. That wasn't what was stated in the article and you need actual evidence if you're going to claim that simulation theory is impossible. You alone have the burden of proof.

>> No.12527997

>defending a bullshit sci-fi idea
this shit is equivalent to Mormonism

>> No.12528004

>nobody will risk launching their billion dollar satellite on a cheap dinky launcher,
the satellite costs a billion dollars precisely because the launch costs are astronomical.

it already costs 100 million to put in orbit, so it cant fail. When youre working with that margin of error, it has to have a fail rate of less than 0.001% that gets exponentially harder.
Now, if your launch costs are 3 million, you can affoard to make a 5 million satellite that has a 1% chance of failing, even if it fails 3 times (less than 1 in 1000000 chance of happening) it will still be substantially cheaper than the other one

>> No.12528008

Yeah! That's the greatest danger! Other poor people! Not the rich!

>> No.12528017

kys pinko

>> No.12528030

It's the apparent natural progression of technology. We're already simulating millions of virtual worlds, it's not outside of the realm of possibility that we'll one day create one that is imperceptible from reality to advanced primates. It's curious how upset the idea makes you, you had no issue with the person claiming that we could spend 100,000 years traveling across the universe but the idea that we live in a simulated reality causes you to shit yourself and constantly reference some urban legend.

>> No.12528033

>We can make world of warcraft so we could simulate a universe

Anon stop trying to defend science fiction

>> No.12528059

Do you think it's impossible to trick lesser animals into believing they're in a different reality using computers or just humans? In a few decades we went from nothing to having advanced virtual worlds that would almost seem real to you if that's all you ever experienced, it's absurd to suggest that over tens of thousands of years of technological progress they'll never reach a stage where they feel as real as the world in front of you.

This has as much to do with science fiction as going to Mars does. It's the idea itself that offends you.

>> No.12528073

>/sfg/ - simulation theory general

>> No.12528078
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Statistically, I am infinitely more likely to be murdered by a poor person than a rich person.

>> No.12528079

>In a few decades we went from nothing to having advanced virtual worlds that would almost seem real to you if that's all you ever experienced

Cool catch there. "Might seem real if you've never actually seen reality" LMAO

"it's absurd to suggest that over tens of thousands of years of technological progress they'll never reach a stage where they feel as real as the world in front of you."

You have religious faith in infinite technological progress. I don't.

>> No.12528097

It's not infinite technological progress, it's progress to a point where we can trick a still relatively stupid animal into believing that they're in a different reality. You ducked my question so I'm assuming you think it's possible for non-human animals, say if they only ever experienced the world through virtual reality goggles, but you're morally outraged with a true religious zeal if someone suggests that it's possible for humans. You project your fanaticism onto me.
>Cool catch there. "Might seem real if you've never actually seen reality" LMAO
That's not a catch, it's core to the idea. You have no concept of what true reality would look or feel like, the experience of VR isn't that far removed from the experience of being a human experiencing the world though being a brain in a mechanical flesh suit and we've only just begun to simulate other realities.

>> No.12528099

Actually you alone have the burden of proof in proving the simulation hypothesis is real, just like the religious have the burden of proof in their claims that god is real.

Occam's Razor favors this being "base" reality, sim theory adds too many unfalsifiable assumptions to be taken seriously as a model of our reality

>> No.12528125

>starting a thread on page 8 is instant ban
>hundreds of posts of off topic religious sperging is fine
mods delenda est

>> No.12528129

>It's not infinite technological progress, it's progress to a point where we can trick a still relatively stupid animal into believing that they're in a different reality

There's no evidence technology will improve to such an extent. It's technically fallacious to believe technology will even improve at all from this moment, since such an assumption relies purely on induction. I don't believe we'll see anything but marginal technological improvements for the rest of history DESU, just filling out a few areas of the "tech tree" we knew about ages ago like a liquid-core NTR or something along those lines.
It is illogical to claim humans are "relatively stupid" without some significantly more intelligent other entities to compare us too. As it stands, we are the most intelligent beings known to have ever existed in the world, so we are not "relatively stupid" compared to anything.

>You ducked my question so I'm assuming you think it's possible for non-human animals, say if they only ever experienced the world through virtual reality goggles

They're really retarded so you could probably convince a dog that Minecraft is real.

>but you're morally outraged with a true religious zeal if someone suggests that it's possible for humans.

Humans are really clever so you'd need some science fiction technology to convince us that a simulation is "real".

>You have no concept of what true reality would look or feel like,

Feeling it right now, babe.

>, the experience of VR isn't that far removed from the experience of being a human experiencing the world though being a brain in a mechanical flesh suit and we've only just begun to simulate other realities.

Except it provides only visual and auditory stimuli which are clearly artificial, and can't be smelt or felt.

>> No.12528134
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>He doesn't know

>> No.12528141

>Actually you alone have the burden of proof
Actually, no I don't. I never said we live in a simulation, I said we could live in a simulation. Stating otherwise, like you did, requires actual evidence which you don't have hence you try to shift the burden of proof and compare it to a theistic position.

Occam's razor is unscientific and it's not proof of anything. It can also be used in ways that I know would make you cry foul, like the everett interpretation of quantum mechanics being the most simple explanation but would be the most wild.
Simulations are on topic, it's counter to the claims made about spaceflight regarding exploration of the universe by humans and the creation of other worlds. Delete urself.

>> No.12528143

this is bullshit, there are some weird phenomena of physics that we understand as little as the ancient greeks understood electricity (they barely suspected it existed) There's no telling what we'll be able to accomplish next.

Even improvements in engineering not science will be fantasticall amazing in an exponential way

>> No.12528150

we could be created by god

>> No.12528157

>I said we could live in a simulation.

Prove it.

>> No.12528163


>> No.12528165

>Starship makes orbit before SLS

Would laugh my ass off desu

>> No.12528169

>this is bullshit, there are some weird phenomena of physics that we understand as little as the ancient greeks understood electricity (they barely suspected it existed) There's no telling what we'll be able to accomplish next.

No guarantee whatsoever that we'll somehow figure out how to exploit marginal anomalies to make the soul-sucking industrial system even more powerful. Technology started stagnating in the 70's.

>Even improvements in engineering not science will be fantasticall amazing in an exponential way

More ways for engineers to make life worse. Lovely.

>> No.12528170

>Simulations are on topic
No they aren’t. Fuck you.

>> No.12528172

Seems very plausible at this point.

>> No.12528173

Being serious, possibly a prototype cargo bay, RVACs, full heat shield, better legs, raceway for external electronics.

>> No.12528175
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NASA: 30% women
SpaceX: 14% women
>Elon's making a big mistake lol

>> No.12528176

>Except it provides only visual and auditory stimuli which are clearly artificial, and can't be smelt or felt.
They already have smell-o-vision and sensory suits for VR and if they're clearly artificial, it doesn't seem to stop people from jumping into walls.
>They're really retarded so you could probably convince a dog that Minecraft is real.
Try a retarded human. Just keep moving the goal posts to anyone who isn't you, because you know what true reality is, right?
>As it stands, we are the most intelligent beings known to have ever existed in the world, so we are not "relatively stupid" compared to anything.
Nigger, humans get tricked all the time by extremely simple technology and basic schemes, it's clear we are relatively stupid compared to the possibility of greater intelligence. It isn't hard to conceptualize unless you're being deliberately obtuse and trying to drag the argument into the weeds, which is why I'm just going to stop responding to your nonsense.
Yes, I don't give a fuck about people claiming that despite me not believing it. This is the power of not having autism.
I have no obligation to prove it.
Prove it.

>> No.12528195

Starlink exists to fund the ridiculous costs of fueling a 10000 ship fleet to mars every 2 and a half years

>> No.12528207

>I have no obligation to prove it

You...have no obligation to prove something you claimed?

>> No.12528209
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>> No.12528213
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>> No.12528214

old glenn lmfao why is this so funny to me. sounds like the name of a mountain

>> No.12528222

I come to these threads to forget about retarded bullshit like that.

>> No.12528223

>doesn't know how to use hyperlinks

>> No.12528227


>> No.12528228

lmao the fucking tic tac meme, what will they think of next

>> No.12528232
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quality bait my dude

>> No.12528237
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>> No.12528240

>simulation spergs are at it again

Could you please fuck off and stop shitting up the thread? Thanks

>> No.12528243

Who needs FTL when you're immortal? We'll figure out how to copy minds long before we figure out how to get negative energy or tear traversable holes in spacetime.

>> No.12528249


>> No.12528251

See you on Mars.

>> No.12528254

Do american universities really? Those titles are fucking ridiculous.

>> No.12528259

We have stuck your immortal brain in a tank for a hundred thousand years on your journey to your destination. Enjoy.

>> No.12528262

>no * Hide filter for sfg
>no launch Top filter for sfg
What are you doing?

>> No.12528266

If SN9 just had two successful pressure tests, why are they still doing more pressure tests? Isn't it static fire time?

>> No.12528268

Zero G cage matches. Slingshotting wacky races.

>> No.12528270

for sci I meant. I'm retarded too apparently.

>> No.12528276

Who said they're doing more?

>> No.12528278
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Zero G robot wars, no weapon restrictions, only weight classes.

>> No.12528289

If we're in a simulation why would the simulation physics we studied have to have ANYTHING at all to do with real world physics?
I hate when people try to make any predictions based off of this.
I guess the common argument would be that this simulated existence is a simulated universe trying to test run... something... so physics would have to be close to base reality. But that's just one imaginable scenario no more likely than an experiment to see what happens when all the basics are fucked up beyond recognition.

>> No.12528290


>> No.12528293

Beck is incredibly based. really awesome that he's bankrolling an astrobiology mission to venus. Could you imagine the shitstorm if he found something?

>> No.12528295

It's happening. They have an entire year plus change at least.

>> No.12528300

Yeah with superadvanced VR, and probably millions of other virtual people. Just get up to relativistic speeds, turn down your cpu rate, and hundreds of millienia will feel like a few decades.

My point is, be careful about looking at things from a purely human perspective. Because the people doing space travel in the future may be completely posthuman.

>> No.12528307


>> No.12528309

Are there any good "year in review" articles for this year's spaceflight? Alot happened and I want to see what people thought were the highlights.

>> No.12528317

Estronaut had his gay astra awards, Off Nominal had their yearly off nominees

>> No.12528323
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Year in review summed up for (you)

>spacex good
>rocketlab good
>everything else bad

>> No.12528366
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Imagine that sentence making sense to you. I wonder what brain shape you'd have to have

>> No.12528373
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If Alison Coil can have a Phd in astrophysics, it begs the question: why on earth can she not write articles about astrophysics?

>> No.12528402

If it can put 100 tons into LEO, think of how much it can put into GTO or farther

>> No.12528415

checkmate atheists

>> No.12528420

about 20 tons (without refueling)

>> No.12528454
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>We’re going to try to catch the Super Heavy Booster with the launch tower arm, using the grid fins to take the load

>> No.12528464

Oh shit, big ass lightning strike on nerdle cam

>> No.12528468

gun poster always making me laugh

>> No.12528485


>> No.12528488

There's been several the past 20 minutes

>> No.12528496

hoverslam jeff's mom. gradually, ferociously.

>> No.12528500

That is actually a sensible criticism, even if it's visibly intended as a provocation.
The reason of existence for starship is basically create new opportunities, unthinkable before.

>> No.12528517

A full vr brain can run at any velocity you want, or reinstall itself after some time.
With that kind of tech even a million years would feel like an instant.

>> No.12528576

Planetary Protection as commonly defined prohibits
>human landings (contamination)
>vehicles that touched earth's atmosphere to touch celestial bodies (aerial microbe contamination)
>utilization of local resources (contamination and destruction of local environment that might carry life)

There is a lot more. Remember that even the Opportunity rover was prohibited mostly on PP grounds to approach a spot with suspected liquid water, that's a machine that's been sitting there for many years now and has followed decontamination protocols.

If some of these are "lax" enough even then a human mission to anywhere will be utterly impossible due to sheer complexity and cost involved to preventing said contamination. NASA's 90's Mars plan that costed the equivalent of trillions of today's money will pale in comparison to the complexity and cost involved to send a human "without harmful contamination".

PP if applied as its proponents desire is ban on spaceflight. If applied in a "lax" form it prohibits any kind of cost effective and as a result realistic missions ie zubrin or musk style, in addition to being a ban to any sort of colonization or settlement on legal grounds.

If you are interested in seeing the amount of crazy involved in these arguments do read the following paper, grand total of 8 pages including cover:

>> No.12528626

>Opportunity rover was prohibited mostly on PP grounds to approach a spot with suspected liquid water
4ASS should chip in and send a cubesat with a payload of "PP" at that spot

>> No.12528654

obviously it will be imossible to avoid contamination with human mission.
i have a feeling that these contami9nation protocols are just used as excuse to avoid doing things. lets take cassini for example. after it run out of fuel, it was destroyed in saturn atmosphere to avoid contaminating saturns moons. but how the fuck would that happen? they could put it in some high orbit instead and turn it into stacionary satellite. how would cassini teleport on surface of any mooon then? and how would microbes survive impact with any moon?

>> No.12528657

btw. is there any organism that coud thrive on mars and colonize whole surface if left unchecked? some algae maybe? extermophi;e bacteria? maybe such organism could be genetically enginereed?

>> No.12528694
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>The lack of diversity in tech is not a new or unnoticed issue.
>Studies abound on how diversity leads to stronger companies, higher revenues and more effective teams (https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/is-there-a-payoff-from-top-team-diversity; https://hbr.org/2016/11/why-diverse-teams-are-smarter).).
>Somehow Musk is either unaware of these studies or just doesn’t care (https://www.wired.com/story/why-men-dont-believe-the-data-on-gender-bias-in-science).).
>The former is unimaginable, as any CEO should know about this data.
>It’s easier to imagine that he doesn’t believe that these studies apply to his companies.
>Either way, he’s made a critical mistake.
I wish we could send all of these people the their fantasy utopia universe devoid of white men.
Who made this and why do they matter?
If it's some literally whoberg journalist again then you can go with them.

>> No.12528714

Nope. Read it again. It's not a permutation but a superpermutation.

>> No.12528721
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Whoberg who works for NASA's Ames Research Center

>> No.12528723

196 anime episodes is peanuts

>> No.12528732

On a similar note, I expect there will be many folks who will object to major activity on the moon, similar to how the Natives object to telescopes on the mountains in Hawaii. It's basically uninhabitable desert, but you have to keep these things 'pristine'.

>> No.12528755

Anything smaller than a huge complex is going to be literally invisible to anything other than fantasy-sized telescopes.

>> No.12528765

And anything on the far side of the moon will never be visible from Earth.
On that topic, how much material would be needed to draw a dick on the entire near side of the moon? Imagine looking up at the night sky every night and seeing a dickbutt on the moon.

>> No.12528767

The moon is about as wide as Australia.

>> No.12528777
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Those people just want everything to stagnate into nothingness. Clearly they're suicidal.

>> No.12528789


>> No.12528790
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>The Moon of the Earth belongs to America

>> No.12528801
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Who here actually flies something?

>> No.12528820

You could determine an answer experimentally probably as easy as sending a probe. The answer would determine how hard you look with probes or keep the planet from being contaminated.

>> No.12528824

That won't stop the complaints though

>> No.12528834

Literally a balloon.

This whole thing is a contracting scam. Whenever the military gets close to to kicking them out, the ufologists release some out of context bs to the press and hype it up, so that Congress will renew their funding.

>> No.12528878
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Or throws something

>> No.12528885

tall cat

>> No.12528897


>> No.12528901

>i have a feeling that these contami9nation protocols are just used as excuse to avoid doing thing
Anon, the first reason is and have always been science.
We already know that eventually you are going to dismantle the solar system for parts, but until you are capable of actually doing shit why not give a little more time to get pristine sample until it stop being new?
Meanwhile you train on the moon.
Most reasons to go on Mars are just PR stunts and colony won't be done in one day, we may not even be ready to have human living in a different gravity for years.

>how would cassini teleport on surface of any mooon then?
Loss of control, a few slingshot and collision

>and how would microbes survive impact with any moon?
Plenty of microbes are capable of surviving worse
We are worried some might even survive reentry.

>> No.12528914

This is the most retarded thing I've ever read

No wait, THIS is the most retarded thing I've ever read

>> No.12528916

It doesn’t matter if microbes contaminate other planets, at all.

>> No.12528918

>richest person in the world pretends to feel human emotions

>> No.12528920 [DELETED] 

>it’s a balloon trust me bro

Okay glownigger

>> No.12528921

The enormous seethe of oldspace against Elon “He smokes pot” Musk will fuel humanity for generations.

>> No.12528925

Stagnation is good; hopefully industrial society will collapse and we can go back to monke.

>> No.12528933

What's your goals guys?

>> No.12528936

>we’ll figure out impossible fantasy before we figure out impossible fantasy haha

Imagine wanting to live in a sardine can for thousands of years to get to another solar system even though you’ll 100% change your mind about the whole idea very quickly and probably go insane.

>> No.12528939

Find the person who called me a retard on 4chan and beat them to death.

>> No.12528947

Then humans aren’t colonizing the universe and the whole premise has invalidated itself. “Posthumans” aren't humans and should be killed
Good thing sci-fi nonsense like that is impossible .

>> No.12528953

The whole story was from an actual fighter pilot: https://youtu.be/aB8zcAttP1E?t=4264

>> No.12528954

Kill a moose with a bow and develop chiseled abs. Live a superior and more fulfilling life than any Martian autist who has only ever seen a forest during their thirty minutes of permitted television usage.

>> No.12528958

good luck, retard

>> No.12528965

>implying the people that are bothered even look at the moon

>> No.12528966

Yet it's not sci-fi nonsense that humans would be put into a stasis for thousands of years so they can traverse the galaxy?

>> No.12528970

For science it does. It make their jobs harder.
On the long term? It doesn't bother me if you transform Mars into a jungle with genetically engineered dragon or stuff

>> No.12528971

>protocols are just used as excuse to avoid doing things
Because that's exactly what they are.

I urge you strongly not to check on the history of planetary protection and the names that will pop up.

>> No.12528975

It’s all sci-fi nonsense.

>> No.12528977

Fuck “science”. Past it’s direct applicable usage, which is unaffected by bacteria from earth being on Mars, it is nothing more than a hobby that billions are wasted on. Find the ore deposits so we can dig them up then fuck off back to academia jerkoff contests

>> No.12528982

>I wish we could send all of these people the their fantasy utopia universe devoid of white men.
We could. We could drop them off on some remote island without internet, electricity and other amenities and tell them "good luck".
But there's not much popular support for such a plan, unfortunately.

>> No.12528983

When it come to colonization the more important question is "Why?".
Peoples leave when the grass is greener somewhere else, if they are after more power or if they are fleeing power.

We have enough resources in the solar system to all live like gods for a while before singularity make prediction impossible.
If we are fleeing each others it mean we are a failure as a civilization, same if we are just self-replicating human goo.

>> No.12528987
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Just giving you guys a fair warning to lessen the inevitable heartbreak and seething.

Musk is going to be stabbed in the back. The elite oligarchy will never allow him to colonize Mars. NASA itself not only has no intention of setting humanity up to colonize space, it will actively pull strings to prevent it. This is why their bloated contractors are dragging their asses with the SLS project, not simply to make money. They do just enough with their funding to keep the masses complacent.

Space colonization would provide the only means of escape by the masses from the globalist technocracy. If Musk's projects become a threat to them they will tie him up with whatever bureaucratic red tape they can throw at him to shut him down. If he persists, the DHS will straight up seize the company's assets and arrest Musk.

>> No.12528989
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This has to be a joke.

>> No.12528990

>Implying Musk is not part of globohomo

He literally wants to microchip people.

>> No.12528993

>We have enough resources in the solar system to all live like gods for a while before singularity make prediction impossible.

There’s no evidence the “Singularity” is possible and no evidence “omg infinite resources” is a good thing. There’s actually evidence to the contrary.

> If we are fleeing each others it mean we are a failure as a civilization

>omg people aren’t a homogenous fucking Hivemind we failed

Kill yourself collectivist

>> No.12529006

Musk is part of said elite oligarchy by the divine right of having TESLA share.
If colonization doesn't happen it will be for political reason.
The US would not pay for a country that don't give it something in exchange, and if somehow it's self financed the US/UN will take cheap coercive measures to prevent it from becoming a plutocracy.

>> No.12529022

>The US would not pay for a country that don't give it something in exchange

Israel offers nothing in exchange.

>> No.12529037

The singularity have always been a subjective construct, don't be a retard and understand the bit about prediction being pointless beyond a certain point. We've failed numerous time to predict the future, we could go transhuman, digital or fail at both and barely manage immortality.

Good things or not, a solar system worth of resources is what we have around us, it's a FACT.
Are you making a point we should enforce poverty on everybody or something?
For someone who hate collectivist it's strange to not want to give everyone as much freedom as possible.

>Kill yourself collectivist
Spoken like true human goo.
Incapable of seeking new goals for himself than having sex and multiply more than others. A future leech to mankind.

>> No.12529038

Do you have any idea how many separate human civilizations we can fit inside the solar system based on the resources at hand?

>> No.12529042

What a useless position, and the person filling it is pretty value-less as well.

>> No.12529046

I'll tell you how it'll go before the politicians:

>settlement/colonization = colonial imperialism and not a national goal.
The purpose of spaceflight is to advance science and inspire young children into STEM not to relive imperialistic power fantasies. Space is common heritage to all humankind.

>starship/other large landers = excessively large and impossible to decontaminate, will destroy invaluable scientific opportunities in the future.
Large scale uncontrolled private activities hold no scientific value and can cause damage, but also result in worsening diplomatic relations as other nations interested in space science object to the destructive practices non-national entities using legal loopholes for their activities.

>ISRU = cost-reduction driven philosophy born out private companies desire to profit and minimize expense with catastrophic environmental impact.
Sending people to Mars must above all else be done in the safest, most reliable manner possible. Local resource utilization aside from being environmentally damaging and going against fundamental ideas of exploration and the search for life, also holds massive underlying risks to the astronauts. Alternative and more traditional mission profiles can alleviate these dangers at slightly elevated mission cost. We cannot allow desires for cost cutting to endanger the environment and human lives, even more so if they are driven by private corporation's greed.

>> No.12529047

Depends entirely on the size of those civilizations. No guarantee they won’t condense into a few large states like what happened on Earth, or even form interplanetary empires.

>> No.12529048

Sums up SpaceX fans perfectly.

>> No.12529053

>The singularity have always been a subjective construct, don't be a retard and understand the bit about prediction being pointless beyond a certain point. We've failed numerous time to predict the future, we could go transhuman, digital or fail at both and barely manage immortality.

Never happening. The entire premise of the “singularity” relies on rapid technological development which simply no longer happens and Moore’s law which is on it’s deathbed.

> Good things or not, a solar system worth of resources is what we have around us, it's a FACT.
Are you making a point we should enforce poverty on everybody or something?

I think we were better off hunting mammoths.

> Spoken like true human goo.
Incapable of seeking new goals for himself than having sex and multiply more than others. A future leech to mankind.

I’m sorry you’ve come to terms with the reality you’ll never have kids, but it isn’t my problem you’ve failed to achieve such a basic primal goal.

>> No.12529065

It's more a question of if they're forced join larger states or if resources are scarce enough to warrant war, otherwise there is still no real reason to leave the solar system and they would just maintain their independence.

>> No.12529072

War is cool, so hopefully there’s a lot of them over resource deposits.

>> No.12529094

>I think we were better off hunting mammoths.
This guy again. If the techno-primitivism LARPers would leave their basement for once and stop shitposting on /sfg/ we may just be able to go a single thread without talking about the same shit ad nauseam.

>> No.12529100

Don’t tell me you’ve never thought “I’d rather be shooting a laser beam at a tiger instead of moving boxes around at Walmart”

>> No.12529106

you will never be a woman

>> No.12529107

From some point of view it's already happening. It have always been subjective and even the people who claim (out of pride) that they know everything that matter still end up surprised all the time by a new development.

>Moore’s law which is on it’s deathbed.
A point precisely in favor of the theory. Moore's Law was a prediction, surprise! I doesn't hold and yet we are still getting more and more intelligent machines capable of visual recognition and deep fake, the ability to use BIG DATA in more and more troubling ways.
We expected most of those and still end up collectively surprised while the experts only understand their domains.

>I think we were better off hunting mammoths.
Write anon on his computer connected to a worldwide network.
I really hope you are being sarcastic

>it isn’t my problem you’ve failed to achieve such a basic primal goal.
It's not a problem at all, but parasite like you are going to be everyone's problem later.

So, you want to use science to revive the mammoth so we can hunt them down again for fun?
Animal cruelty aside I can get behind that, just make it a meat-robot.

>> No.12529111

>just make it a meat-robot.
what do you think animals are? hell, what do you think you are?

>> No.12529116

>So, you want to use science to revive the mammoth so we can hunt them down again for fun?
Not him but fuck yeah I do. I don't even care about hunting them I just want to see one in motion, though I'd be curious to try a steak too I suppose.

>> No.12529120

I don't need to throw a wrench in the progression of humanity just to shoot a tiger, I could do that today. Similarly, there is nothing stopping you from living in the woods and hunting animals with a bow and arrow. It's obvious you're unhappy about your life but LARPing is as pointless as it is detracting.

>> No.12529124

>Only physical evidence is a video showing a balloon.

This guy has changed his story multiple times and is getting paid by the same organisation that leaked the video.
It's a scam.

>> No.12529127

>So, you want to use science to revive the mammoth so we can hunt them down again for fun?

Of course. Revive the Pleistocene fauna which lasted until a few thousand years ago and went extinct mostly because of human, and run around killing them at sustainable levels because hunting is fun.

> Animal cruelty aside I can get behind that

Kys vegan

>> No.12529135

I'm not defining robot as sapient by default, and I consider myself to be more than an automated carrier for genetic cargo.

Note to self: once we finally create genetic dragon, check if it taste like chicken.

I'm ok with meat (or insect). It's just that if you go around hunting creature you didn't optimize I'll consider hunting (You) for sport and as a public service (pest control you know...).

>> No.12529138

What is the “progression of humanity” and why is it desirable? The general consensus seems to be that “human progress” will eventually consist of ceasing to be humans and modifying ourselves to meet the needs of the industrial system, unlike the man of the Stone Age or 1500’s who used primitive ancestors of industrial technology to change the world around himself rather than using it to warp his own self to be more compatible with a nightmare of our own creation. This is already occurring with tens of millions of people doped up on drugs to counteract the discomfort and malaise and pathologies that modern life spawns. What’s the point? To eventually birth some sort of demonic artificial intelligence that replaces us and devours the entire universe or to plug ourselves into virtual reality and fuck anime waifus forever?

Sounds awful.

>> No.12529139

>Write anon on his computer connected to a worldwide network.

>I think we should change society somewhat.
>Yet you live in society! Curious

> It's not a problem at all, but parasite like you are going to be everyone's problem later.

I’m fine with causing a problem for your creepy new world order fantasies.

>> No.12529182

>eventually consist of ceasing to be humans
You seem to think we can just stop evolution for us and the other animals on Earth, we cannot even if it was desirable. Either way humans as we know them are going to cease to be and regression into a primitive state just causes more suffering as they then develop technology again. We don't know if malaise from technological adaption is an inherent state, it's probably treatable, and as far as humans go we've only been in this state for an extremely short period of time.

The difference between us is that I don't have any illusions about primitive life being so much better, all the evidence points to it being hellish and the fact that you don't currently live in a primitive way and you're writing shit on a computer is telling. At the very least you should go build a cabin and spend some time in the woods, as I have done and cease constantly posting about your teenage angst fueled fantasies.

>> No.12529187

I hope this is the beginning of low-cost, privately-funded interplanetary missions.

>> No.12529199

lol what

>> No.12529219

Will Beck even be allowed to search for life on venus?

>> No.12529225

Who will stop him

>> No.12529236
File: 459 KB, 1152x788, statite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think we should change society somewhat
>let's never reconsider our 'basic primal goal' and multiply mindlessly
Bet you my new world order fantasies would be more utopian and maximize freedom/happiness better than your anarcho primitivist tendency.
Black humor aside, I wish you to end up digitalized in a Dyson sphere where your appetite for primitivism and multiplying indefinitely can be ethically managed by downclocking you (to meat speed) until the heat death of the universe.

>> No.12529239

> You seem to think we can just stop evolution for us and the other animals on Earth, we cannot even if it was desirable

We could reduce selection pressures to those encountered only by Hunter-gatherers, which is desirable. It’s technically a form of “evolution” for red junglefowl to slowly change into fat unhealthy hens stuck in cages but that’s artificial selection and inarguably has done the opposite of aggrandize them.

> Either way humans as we know them are going to cease to be and regression into a primitive state just causes more suffering as they then develop technology again.

The modern industrial system reduces human wellbeing; it does not increase it.

> We don't know if malaise from technological adaption is an inherent state, it's probably treatable

Feeling bad because of the unfulfilling and dreary nature of the world created by industrialism? Just consume these drugs and you’ll no longer have a problem with your living conditions! Altering humans to make them happy when we should not be happy is a thinly veiled way for the ruling class to create an obedient slave population which is unable to rebel because they find their shitty living conditions perfectly acceptable. You’re a useful idiot.

> The difference between us is that I don't have any illusions about primitive life being so much better, all the evidence points to it being hellish

All investigations into the mental health and subjective wellbeing of hunter-gatherers show them to be pretty happy; though this data is admittedly limited in bulk. You can only deem it “hellish” from the position of one habituated to modern life.

> and the fact that you don't currently live in a primitive way and you're writing shit on a computer is telling

“We should improve society somewhat.”

“Yet you participate in society! Curious.
I am very intelligent.”

>> No.12529273

>Primitivism sperg spends another day of his life in front of a computer telling you that technology is bad.
God I hate this faggot. Clean it up, jannies.

>> No.12529277

>let's never reconsider our 'basic primal goal' and multiply mindlessly

Yes. Trying to deny basic human desires is a meme pursued by sad people who suffer from misanthropy, and only makes your life worse. Your interest in transhuman fantasies is a coping mechanism for a life you find unsatisfying, and equivalent to religion. You will never experience such things and will die with, at most, a Google microchip in your brain that beams ads into your dreams. If we’re going to fuck around in outer space, we might as well spread through the entire cosmos and evolve into a myriad of forms, diverging to such an extent we are practically xenos to eachother. Such is the course of evolution.

> Black humor aside, I wish you to end up digitalized in a Dyson sphere where your appetite for primitivism and multiplying indefinitely can be ethically managed by downclocking you (to meat speed) until the heat death of the universe.

I would rather commit suicide, and such a system would inevitably be destroyed by another artificial intelligence focused only on conquering the universe; more powerful because it devotes no clock cycles and no mass to simulating realities for other sentients.

> Bet you my new world order fantasies would be more utopian and maximize freedom/happiness better than your anarcho primitivist tendency.

You could argue putting a microchip in someone’s brain that makes them permanently happy and plugging them into a virtual reality simulation where they are God maximizes “freedom and happiness” but sane people find such an idea discomforting at best.

>> No.12529281

>You can’t criticize a thing if you use or partake in the thing

That makes no sense.

>> No.12529286

Who is Beck???

>> No.12529288
File: 2.94 MB, 376x270, space_saturn_V_liftoff.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyways.... remember the saturn V?

>> No.12529289

its my favorite hydrogen rocket

>> No.12529292
File: 721 KB, 1800x1086, space_shuttle_plane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the space shuttle?

>> No.12529297
File: 3.18 MB, 2040x2040, space_myr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember myr?

>> No.12529302
File: 665 KB, 720x1280, space_falcon_9_abort.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the abort test?

>> No.12529306
File: 1.27 MB, 2000x1331, 2000x1331_q95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a beater. Cosmonauts had a pair to go through all its issues and emergencies

>> No.12529316

Actually it's a core tenet of Anarcho-primitivism, most proponents admit that it's hypocritical yet necessary to further the goal. No one besides you has made an argument for wasting away in front of a computer when you could be living primitively. Get a fucking life, you absolute loser. This is a thread about spaceflight, there's no reason for you to be here.

>> No.12529321

>Actually it's a core tenet of Anarcho-primitivism, most proponents admit that it's hypocritical yet necessary to further the goal

Accusations of hypocrisy are technically a form of ad hominem and irrelevant to any argument. It’s an “appeal to hypocrisy” fallacy.

> This is a thread about spaceflight, there's no reason for you to be here.

Spaceflight is cool

>> No.12529330

>One big appeal to nature fallacy used against techology
Just when I thought this argument couldn't get any more retarded...

>> No.12529336

Peter Beck, the eternal kiwi, only other commercial rocket company

>> No.12529340
File: 90 KB, 640x480, USA.NM.VeryLargeArray.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today is the Universes birthday(prove me wrong), say something nice about it!

>> No.12529344

>One big appeal to nature fallacy used against techology

“X is good because X is natural” is fallacious because there’s no wider explanation offered. “X is good because X is natural and natural is good in this context because Z and P evidence.” is perfectly acceptable. It’s unnatural to have weird plastics in the water supply that fuck with animal hormones so it’s definitely arguable that a more “natural” water supply in that context is desirable.

>> No.12529357

>it is nothing more than a hobby that billions are wasted on
Do you have any idea how many things we have in modern day are the result of rich people throwing money at a hobby?
Or at least a hobby that turned into a business.

>> No.12529381

Every day is the universes birthday

>> No.12529389

A mildly popular musician. Alternatively, the CEO of Rocket Labs.

>> No.12529394

Except that physical health, social health, and almost every relevant metric has gone up substantially with technology so your 'supporting evidence' is all cherry picked and a fallacious attempt to discount the benefit of it as a whole.

>> No.12529402
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Reposting for posterity

>> No.12529404

>Except that physical health, social health, and almost every relevant metric has gone up substantially with technology
Depression obesity mental illnesses and single parent families have been getting for common for decades fuck are you on

>> No.12529411

>goes to sleep in order to avoid accidentally going too fast

>> No.12529415

Wait, Super Heavy Booster will not have a legs? How then it wll be able to land on mars or moon without legs?

>> No.12529419

Only Starship is going to orbit and beyond m8
She has sufficient delta/v to launch off literally every body in the solar system except earth Venus, and the gas giants

>> No.12529421
File: 121 KB, 590x737, 59be1098ce1d736162ac3405890208e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is it about? Lost touch over the holidays

>> No.12529430

Well it's reasonable, but I somehow always thought that Starship will go on mars with Super Heavy.

>> No.12529440

You could launch Starship with Superheavy off of Mars if you wanted to bring a gorillion tons of payload to orbit I guess but you’d have to build the Super Heavy on location because Super Heavy can’t reach orbit on Earth

>> No.12529444

I want Elon to be my friend, and Zubrin too. I almost feel like they're my dads in a way. I wish I could hug them and feel their warmth, smell their cologne

>> No.12529445

>because Super Heavy can’t reach orbit on Earth
Where does this information come from btw? Have someone done the calculations already?

>> No.12529449

That happened after the introduction of most modern technologies by at least a generation. You can argue that better tech has contributed to cultural rot, but the first half of the 20th century didn’t have too many issues. The internet probably caused the biggest issues, but the rest has been largely beneficial.

>> No.12529456

needs more fur

>> No.12529462

You're just resorting to cherry picking yet again. Lifespan, violent crime, food security, access to healthcare, preventable deaths, and countless other metrics have improved with technology. You have to pigeonhole hole any negative problem onto technology or else your argument doesn't make sense when the problems originate for other reasons that are preventable. Take obesity for example, Japan is very developed yet has no issues with it. We understand more about mental illness now so obviously diagnosis have gone up, and there are billions of people who are satisfied with their life. To say that cavemen were fulfilled and that modern humans aren't is just a really dumb claim to make when you're not even fulfilled by living primitively yourself, otherwise you would do it.

>> No.12529467

>and evolve into a myriad of forms
Like digital minds, functionally superior and more efficient than meat species, capable of outnumbering you by thousand order of magnitude while being more diverse and yet compatible than you'll ever be.

>I would rather commit suicide
Putting aside that being a human goo you might not be worth considering "alive", this AI of yours would kill a devolved parasite like you even faster.
So you are already committed to suicide.

>You could argue putting a microchip in someone’s brain
Good things we don't let you define what is allowed or possible.
You are not even going to leave Earth fragile ecosystem if you are against transhumanism, though luck spreading through the cosmos.

>> No.12529475

Violent crime is certainly worse today than in the 50s, by a large margin, and lifespan is declining
Techno gadgets do not change quality of life meaningfully

>> No.12529477

>Where does this information come from btw?

It’s a logical assumption even ignoring knowing the numbers because all previous attempts at designing single-stage-to-orbit designs have failed and they involved using expensive light meme materials whereas Super Heavy is just a steel tube
Super Heavy is *projected* to have a dry mass of 180,000kg and a total mass, including the propellant of 3,580,000kg, and an isp of 330. This gives a delta/v of 9676, which is juuuuuuust enough to reach orbit without any payload. Those are projections from SpaceX and an SSTO has never worked before, so it’ll probably be a bit worse.

>> No.12529481
File: 19 KB, 268x359, no more boings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good to be back in the saddle, MAX bros

>> No.12529485

Is this another of those posts where we forget the Starship will be Two stage?

>> No.12529486

How do you misunderstand a point so badly? Are you doing it on purpose?

>> No.12529487
File: 247 KB, 1920x800, BladeRunnerPigeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12529489

>That happened after the introduction of most modern technologies by at least a generation

Women entering the workforce is a direct result of the industrial system hungering for more laborers so you can blame all sorts of sociological phenomenon on it.

> You can argue that better tech has contributed to cultural rot, but the first half of the 20th century didn’t have too many issues.

Uh....gilded age? London being a polluted smoggy hell world? World War 2? Great Depression?

>> No.12529494

They were asking specifically about Super Heavy’s capabilities

>> No.12529497

Better control loops than a guy with WASD controls

>> No.12529500

You're comparing two time periods with a very high level of technology relative to what you're actually suggesting.

>> No.12529501
File: 1.28 MB, 1440x810, 97576B06-C3B0-483C-9690-9D7E9D7E9928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone willingly board a plane that relies on Boeing’s “expertise” programming so it doesn’t fall out of the sky?

>> No.12529504

Yes!! Good job Boeing :)

>> No.12529505

shut up fag

>> No.12529508

>Like digital minds, functionally superior and more efficient than meat species, capable of outnumbering you by thousand order of magnitude while being more diverse and yet compatible than you'll ever be

Ah yes if only digital minds were anything but sci-fi fantasy mumbo jumbo.

> You are not even going to leave Earth fragile ecosystem if you are against transhumanism, though luck spreading through the cosmos.

You won’t either. You will die on Earth while being a normal baseline human. This shit is just a weird fantasy you think about sometimes because life in the industrial system is lame and provokes one to imagine alternatives.

>> No.12529515

Violence in hunter-gatherer societies varies a lot between cultures and locations. Congo pygmies beat the shit out of eachother all the time but don’t commit homicide. Sounds kind of fun

>> No.12529519

Ha, manlents.

>> No.12529533

“Now look; it’s no question that our societies have made us individually sadder, have destroyed the planet, have forced us into overpopulated, dense spaces that make us miserable and long for a time that we were just a simple animal creature living in the wild.

We are caught up in massive bureaucratic machines beyond our comprehension that we can no longer justify. Our lifespans grow long, while we truly live less and less and less.

All that being said, I really want these robot arms!”

>> No.12529534
File: 63 KB, 768x527, Two-centuries-World-as-100-people-small-768x527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12529541

Democracy started declining around 2000 and good riddance

>> No.12529542
File: 103 KB, 692x552, slowdown.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the possibility of using a electromagnetic arm to slow down for soft landing support? Stainless steel would be ideal for magnetic slowdown since its conductive.

>> No.12529543

i would unironically die for elon

>> No.12529544

Also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eddy_current_brake

Now sure how much power they need to operate it, but it might be feasable.

>> No.12529549

It would be a dummy amount of electricity, but I want to see it anyways.

>> No.12529554

You know how I can tell you're republican?

>> No.12529559 [DELETED] 

Because I’m a fascist and Republicans are closer to my own beliefs than Democrats are?

>> No.12529567

The US may still be a superpower for the time being, but you are kidding yourself if you think it isn’t declining.

>> No.12529568

The picture in OP is unironically Elon's new plan to land Super Heavy

>> No.12529574

unless they stole from spacex (maybe) I don't see them nailing the landing. Just hope that it doesn't crash through the fucking bridge.

>> No.12529576

It’s declining in relative terms, as it has been since 1945 (when every other possible competitor was a bombed out husk), but it’s still growing in absolute power. The US of 2020 is a hell of a lot more powerful than the US of 1950.

>> No.12529580

It begins. We will never get off this rock will we?

>> No.12529582

What’s so bad about that? Nature is fun.

>> No.12529585

The best he could find is some Bacteria in the atmosphere. Why bother? A better waste of money has got to exist.

>> No.12529587

>The US maintains an insane negative trade balance.
>Normally this would massively devalue the USD
>US however creates artificial demand for dollars through petrodollars
>If you want to buy oil from most of the world's oil suppliers (US, South America, Middle east) you have to buy them with dollars.
>Middle East is key
>Most powerful country in the Middle east? Only nuclear power in the middle East?

They get what they pay for.

>> No.12529588


>> No.12529590

This makes no sense, how do you reach that conclusion using that reasoning lmao

>> No.12529592

We could fund more planetary protection instead

>> No.12529593

Being the first person to find extra terrestrial life of any kind is a big deal. Finding that life has grown organically on the next planet over changes everything about what we think we know about the presence of life in the universe and the possibility of intelligent life. The dissection of that life and understanding its component parts and how they differ from ours is another huge topic.

>> No.12529594

Wow so clever. I have a soft spot for communist dictatorships since they’re pretty militaristic and headed by strongmen

>> No.12529609

>He thinks dictatorships are actually led by the dictator.

This is like believing democracies are led by the voters.

>> No.12529614 [DELETED] 

I'm actually a Zionist, but that's not related to spaceflight. Reported.

>> No.12529617

>I'm actually a Zionist, but that's not related to spaceflight.
tardigrades tho

>> No.12529625

What are you talking about? What would happen to nature?

>> No.12529633

You can't really check out nature if you're on another planet or in space, can you? Geologyfags who want to creampie rocks would be fine I suppose

>> No.12529635

I bet geologists would get bored of other planets pretty quickly. Lack of tectonics, weather and sedimentary processes other than asteroid impacts probably makes it much less interesting than Earth once you get over the initial "new planet" hype.

>> No.12529641

ah yes, L’Affaire Tardigrade. those clever jews

>> No.12529647

as a geology bro, this is the dumbest shit i've read all day

>> No.12529650

Pretty sure plenty of moons in our solar system have more interesting tectonic activity than Earth.

>> No.12529655

>in 2013 Elon predicts humans to mars in 12 years
>in 2020 Elon predicts humans to mars in 6 years
bros, it's fucking happening

>> No.12529665

wouldn't hitting that field be just as bad as slamming into the water?

>> No.12529670

I don’t think anyone here really understands just how shitty being on Mars would actually be. The closest comparison would be being stationed on a nuclear submarine where you live a hyper-regimented life in a cramped metal box for months at a time, only Mars is even worse because it would take over a year between launching to Mars at a transfer window, arriving, and launching back to earth at the next transfer window, and there is essentially zero possibility of rescue if something goes wrong. There’s nothing outside but a bunch of rocks, which are significantly interesting only to geologists, the food is all freeze-dried or tasteless hydroponics fare, and it’s impossible to have a real-time video chat or phone conversation with anyone back on earth.

Now that I think about it, it seems like a dumb idea to go at all. Why does anyone want to go to Mars again?

>> No.12529674

Sure, if you don’t mind being killed within hours by killfucker levels of radiation.

>> No.12529675

Lmao, who cares.

If you are that interested in nature you can just make a couple domes on Mars and make a forest. Besides how could somebody born on Mars come to miss something they never saw?

And I’m sure we can find plenty of people around here to happily live the rest of their life’s building a future on Mars.

>> No.12529677

>Yeah living in Vault 101 sounds fine

What traumas made you like this?

>> No.12529678

why? What's geologically interesting about the moon?

>> No.12529679

>Why does anyone want to go to Mars again?
Just because, I'm sure you would find people who would want to go there even if they knew they would die in a few weeks.

>> No.12529683

>Besides how could somebody born on Mars come to miss something they never saw?
I don’t think it’s justifiable to have children on Mars, since their lives will be dogshit. Mmmm metal boxes and radioactive wasteland outside eating tofu and never seen a waterfall in my entire life

>> No.12529688

i'll let you know after i've drilled core samples across the entire fucking surface

>> No.12529690

Honestly it's incredibly unethical to have a child in anything less than 1G until we get some good trials with pigs or monkeys. There's no way to predict what effect it will have and there's a very good chance it will leave them suffering for their entire life. Someone really needs to get on that.

>> No.12529698

>hi son i conceived you so you could live as a vault dweller with weak skinny bones in a bunker with an uninhabitable blasted hellscape outside
the faucet water is 8% antidepressants by mass so drink that if you feel down

>> No.12529700

It’s kind of necessary for guaranteeing the future existence of humanity and expanding our power to encompass the solar system.

It won’t be easy to start with, but then nothing ever is.

>> No.12529704

common myth

>> No.12529705

If petty things like mortal danger stopped us we wouldn't have mastered fire.

>> No.12529707

I think I’d rather humanity go extinct than be survived by pasty morlocks living in prison cells who sometimes get to walk around a VR meadow if they complete their daily tasks

>> No.12529708

Shit you could say the same about some Indian living in a human ant hill surrounded by shit or a nog in the heart of darkness having book haram or some other group routinely murdering his entire town.

It could really be worse, besides why do you hate the idea of expanding out into the universe, why are you so resistant to a couple thousand people deciding to do something honourable like preserving humanity.

>> No.12529714

>Why does anyone want to go to Mars again?
New Frontier memes propagated by decades of writers and movie director taking the easy route of terraformed planet.
They cannot imagine living more comfortably in space habitat.

>> No.12529715

I mean the water on Mars would be 8% antidepressants. Kind of necessary when urban living on Earth makes humans substantially less happy.

>> No.12529716

I think you are just salty that Mars fags will mog the shit out of you due to their low G height.

>> No.12529718

* boko haram

>> No.12529720

I know this is bait but:
No payloads/satellites exist of that size because there are no launch vehicles that are capable of launching
Satellites are already insured so high that losing it on a "cheap dinky" launcher won't mean much financial loss to them
Satellites are super expensive because of launch costs
The only thing cheap like you're implying about Starship is that it's being made outside in a dirt field
SpaceX will be their own customer if literally nobody else decides to hitch a ride on Starship

>> No.12529724

Yeah, must be the sci-fi memes and some vestige of the colonial spirit America had about 140 years ago. Space is le heccin adventure final frontier, when in reality it’d be more like being a deckhand in an Ohio class submarime for your entire life.

>> No.12529727

They might be taller but it would also be pretty easy to shatter their bones.

>> No.12529735

None of the technology needed is anything like developed, such as power supplies or life support. It's all got to work in 1/3 gravity, ultra reliably, for years. Okay, so SpaceX are pretty good engineers but everything needs to be tested for as long as it is intended to work for.

>> No.12529737

Also, no-one knows if 1/3 gravity is enough to survive for an adult anyway. The most logical answer is probably that it is 1/3 better than 0 g, in which case you could still get some serious problems from 2 years in it, even excluding the journey. This can probably be solve with gene editing, but such a technique has never been tested in humans.

>> No.12529738

>such as power supplies
Kilopower reactors exist. inb4 retarded screeching about how no nukes will ever be in space

>> No.12529740

I hate the idea because it’d suck ass to actually live it. You can ruin your life to live in a bunker if you want; I’ll be here where I can eat nearly anything I want, go outside without a pressure suit, go fishing, walk around the woods, shoot guns, and not worry about my children having fucked up skeletons from low gravity. Should be fun to read about the Martian suicide rates on the news in 2040 or so

>> No.12529742

Another reason living in a nuclear submarine beats Mars. 24/7 nuclear power that lasts for decades, no red tape.

Solar power on Mars would be fucking anemic but it’s what Elon seems to think is the only option

>> No.12529750

That’s the classic manlet cope.

>> No.12529754

I'd rather be a shredded short man like Greg Doucette than tall and built like a Slim Jim

>> No.12529760

Whatever you say baby boy.

>> No.12529768
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There's nothing wrong with the plane.
It's the airlines' fault for poorly training their pilots.

>> No.12529774

>noo you can't have babies in otber celestial bodies because the child might not be able to visit earth due to g differences!

>> No.12529776


>> No.12529778

Yes. We should not subject people to having freakish weird bodies because you're too lazy to have them in an orbital habitat.

>> No.12529780


>> No.12529781

Good idea retard, we should just stay here forever until the sun expands and burns this planet to nothing and humanity will be gone because some autist didn’t want to let some other people leave the earth for a completely incomprehensible reason.

You seem to think this colony will remain a couple pods on the surface when that is just the very beginning.

It’s like some English fag complaining that colonising America is a waste of time because you would have to live in a shitty wood cabin, but anybody that can think ahead knows the value of it.

>> No.12529782

>Dust storm covers panels
You could go outside though on Mars, although due to radiation presumably not for very long. Also the soil is toxic. Also it's -80.

>> No.12529786

Yes, no one should be subjected to any g load. The future is jelly

>> No.12529788

I just don’t understand them, why are they so angry at the mere thought of someone going there? It’s like a personal attack to them given their reactions.

>> No.12529796


Oh sweetie, if we cant force sterilisation on people with genetic defects that get passed down to their children then you can't force me to not.

>> No.12529798

>We have literal Boeing shills here now
Kek. Where are the Virgin Galactic shills to defend the self destruct button installed in SpaceShipTwo?

>> No.12529804

>ood idea retard, we should just stay here forever until the sun expands and burns this planet to nothing and humanity will be gone because some autist didn’t want to let some other people leave the earth for a completely incomprehensible reason.

Sure. I don't know why you care about something so distant in the future. It's utterly removed from your practical life in every way. Oh no humanity will eventually go extinct in like a billion years. Whatever.

>> No.12529808

ok boys, someone post it

>> No.12529809

>You seem to think this colony will remain a couple pods on the surface when that is just the very beginning.

Let me know when you moles build a giant underground ecosystem with jungles and stuff then I'll check it out.

>> No.12529811

>strawmanning people who think living in a bunker simply sounds very unappealing

You're free to go live in a bunker if you like.

>> No.12529816

>civilian nuclear literally banned by the nrc for safety concerns
>navy builds a nuke plant every year meant to be operated by some 20 year old technician for half a billion dollars

God I hate bureaucrats

>> No.12529817


>> No.12529818

This sort of mentality is all over 4chan. It's literally just cope.
>my life is shitty
>I must gain a shred of condolence by shitting on concept x or famous figure y
It's relatively easy to just spout of criticism for something anonymously but much harder to work towards a goal or devote yourself to a task.

>> No.12529819
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boca chica 1 year ago

>> No.12529827

Hope it gets demolished by a hurricane because they wanna fucking cheap out in buildings

>> No.12529831

Could it work?

>> No.12529834

>You think living like a sardine in a radioactive wasteland millions of miles from your family would suck? well then your life is shitty haha

I guarantee you that very very few people who have ever used 4Chan have even the vaguest idea of how psychologically stressful it would be to live on Mars; people who spent long stretches in prisons or were deployed on longterm submarine missions, but it's worse than that.

>> No.12529836
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Do you want belters throwing rocks at Earth? Because that's how you get belters throwing rocks at Earth.

>> No.12529852
File: 236 KB, 1280x853, Mars_Greenhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People died climbing Everest or trying to reach the North Pole, for some that would just be a challenge. It depends on the level of infrastructure. I personally don't think it will even be attempted for 10 years.

>> No.12529859

You reach the North Pole and then you leave; you reach the top of Everest and then you leave.

You don't stay, and you don't have kids there.

>> No.12529865


>> No.12529880
File: 114 KB, 1000x421, f71937d24c6b30c1722c4d5adc8975d2-d89cyxs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe they'll have problem with power source. Even if they don't use nuclear.
But everything else is like 98% of what is needed. It's one things to bring extra solar panel and battery that can last 2years.
It's something else to feed and protect fragile human from radiation, then make them useful in an atmosphere so thin it still require almost-EVA rated spacesuit with extra insulator because of the -68°C temperature.
You are not going to grow food in that irradiated toxic soil even with a dome,
Making anything from ISRU is going to take lot of work with equipment you didn't develop and don't know if it will work,
Anytime you need to get in and out will require an airlock and spacesuit,
You can't trust to be able to make fuel on the first try so you better prepare backup plan, backup ship,
It's going to be a PR stunt to plant a flag first, then praying none of the crew die before they can go back home while pretending to be doing a better job than a robot

>artist representation
You"ll need artificial light and likely not see the outside because of radiation and protection

>> No.12529881

New NASA hype vid

>> No.12529885
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>> No.12529886

>You are not going to grow food in that irradiated toxic soil even with a dome,
Martian soil simulant grows plants fine

>> No.12529900
File: 28 KB, 480x640, s-l640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Artificial light

>> No.12529904

>You"ll need artificial light and likely not see the outside because of radiation and protection
Piped light is not artificial and will work just fine. So sick of niggers bitching about muh LEDs while knowing shitall.

>> No.12529906

Or just focusing mirrors that gather sunlight into light tubes and some extra UV lights.

>> No.12529907

>buncha old space makework “science” programs that’ll all slip in schedule thanks to Biden

>> No.12529909

This is pretty realistic simulation sunlight, not just a visual

>> No.12529910

Also its "irradiated" status is irrelevant, it's baked by UV but that doesn't matter whatsoever to the actual quality of the soil once the excess UV is blocked. And perchlorates are a joke.

>> No.12529913

That looks incredibly depressing.

>> No.12529921

Looks like an improvement to me compared to what the sky here looks like half of the year

>> No.12529923


>> No.12529924
File: 216 KB, 900x1600, WP_20160303_09_36_35_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to my life

>> No.12529928

Looks like there's some woods. That's always fun

>> No.12529936
File: 85 KB, 1000x667, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A TV screen showing an image of a nice sky contrasted to an environment made revolting by ourselves reeks of dystopia

>> No.12529939

Fog is not human created

>> No.12529942

That's smog. Beijing has some of the worst smog on the whole planet.

>> No.12529943

Beijing smog levels have gone down considerably after they banned poor people from burning coal and wood for heating.

>> No.12529954

I assume they gave them space heaters or did they do a China and just let them freeze to death?

>> No.12529958

As a geology bro as well, I can tell you that earth geology is cool but the jobs are almost nonexistent due to old boomers who occupy the good jobs and refuse to retire. I’d move to a moon or mars colony if it meant having a stable job and a trad space wife, even if the geology was boring as fuck

>> No.12529964

Gee what do you think?

>> No.12529966

What's wrong with boomers refusing to retire? Maybe they just can't afford to do so, or like their work.

>> No.12529967

>Looks like an improvement to me compared to what the sky here looks like half of the year
Id rather a window to the worst real sky than a simulation of the "best" one

>> No.12529968

They just let them freeze LMAO

China is an absurd, inhuman place.

>> No.12529973

based fellow reality-preferer

>> No.12529976

Who cares about some hundred thousand poor people living in huts who contribute barely anything compared to the millions of tax payers in cities.

>> No.12529989

Could be worse.

>> No.12529991

>I'm ok with meat (or insect). It's just that if you go around hunting creature you didn't optimize I'll consider hunting (You) for sport and as a public service (pest control you know...).

I'll steal this. Should shut the fuck up the dumb carnists with zero self-awareness going on about "boohoo, you are just a moralistic fag"

>> No.12529998

They are entitled to their job; yes. It’s just annoying though because new geology students can’t find jobs. A great example: I interned at a huge company that has 5 old ass geologists. Their job is so simple: they literally just call USGS twice a year and get updated data to give to their boss. Other than that they told me they just sit around doing odd jobs like helping other people with their excel coding and stuff. These guys make $250,000 a year and one of them told me to not bother trying to get hired after I graduate at this place because they have all told their boss that they don’t need any geologists. Lots of examples of this here in the US. I’d rather just go get a job offworld

>> No.12530002

>Unironic vegan

You are just a moralistic fag who worries about retarded beasts incapable of returning the favor.

>> No.12530005

>What's wrong with boomers refusing to retire?
they are kept purely because of political reasons
they are less productive
lazy as fuck , mostly fat and addicted to alcohol altough they like roleplaying as if they were soldiers
also their mentality is completely fucked and they have to be micromanaged, they have much less initiative they are much more used to workers rights and other retarded commie shit, even the ones that see themselves as right wing, and they are so far behind regarding tech use its not even funny. A current 12-yo knows more about technology involuntarily than a boomer who actively tries to stay up to date.

>> No.12530007

I am neither a vegan nor a carnist, just someone with two braincells to rub together for empathy.
>incapable of returning the favor
And this matters how for doing the right thing? Do you think everything is transactional? If so space will never happen because space colonisation (in lieu of pure resource extraction) will never ever be profitable.

>> No.12530015

I think it’ll slip, but it’s damn impressive regardless.

>> No.12530027

>empathy for retarded farm animals

Maybe for a dolphin. They're close to human. I guess you have an easier time relating to the retarded fat cows who shit and fart all day, though.

>And this matters how for doing the right thing? Do you think everything is transactional?

Yes. I exclusively help family members and friends without expecting something in return, and do not help outsiders unless they offer me a reward.

> If so space will never happen because space colonisation (in lieu of pure resource extraction) will never ever be profitable.

Elon Musk's Mars colonization plan relies on funding the missions out of pocket using profits from Starlink and commercial launches. There is no assumption that Mars colonization will be "profitable", and no reason to believe colonization of other bodies need be "profitable" either.

>> No.12530038

Is this actually a term vegans are using now? Holy fuck lmao

>> No.12530042

They've been using it for at least three years I think. I became vegan in 2017 and stayed vegan until recently and they were using it then as a sort of slur for people who eat meat lmao

>> No.12530050


>> No.12530066

idc if it slips 1 year or 5 years, the fact we're actually converging on a real date within a decade is fuckin awesome. nothing will stop elon, not planetary protection, not perchlorates, not low g, not radiation, not low solar energy yield. he doesnt give a flying fuck what real or imagined roadblock is thrown in the way

>> No.12530069

I wonder how poorly this will age

>> No.12530070

>stayed vegan until recently
I’m curious, what changed?

>> No.12530086

Water has surface tension that has to be broken first, so slamming into it has a massive initial force that causes damage.
Magnetic fields don't have the same property.

>> No.12530095

Became interested in the outdoors and decided it was animal agriculture in particular that I disliked, not hunting.

Farm animals live in the "live in a pod. Eat the bugs" meme; they don't even have sex usually and more of them are made via artificial insemination. Shit's freaky

>> No.12530097

Got me hyped to crawl into bed and tell my boss I need an extra $2 billion before continuing my work

>> No.12530103

kek, all that cool shit with dubstep only for the bass to drop when they show a climate satellite. It’s like poetry

>> No.12530112

Superheavy won't fall, it will do engine thrusts as well as it tries to land softly. The problem is without legs to support it, it might damage the base. When the Superheavy is near the pad as it comes down, the velocity would be in the few dozen mph, at which point the electromagnetic arm could in theory safely reduce the last remaining velocity and create a gentle touchdown. The problem with legless landing is legless/balance issue, not thrustless issue. So imo theres some potential to use something like electromagnetic braking system once the ship is slowed down enough. There would have to be math done to see how much velocity starship has when it enters the em braking field and how much strength em field is needed to not crush it with its immense breaking force.

>> No.12530121

I am >>12530007 and hunting is a perfect example why I am not a vegan. Although I admit it's somewhat ironic since the original post was about hunting. I just dislike hunting purely for fun rather than necessary shit.

It's not technically a slur. Read the wikipedia on it. Simply a descriptor of the current mainstream ideology.

>> No.12530136

For me the worst part by far would be no internet. Other than that it really wouldn't be that bad. It would definitely be worse than a lot of people probably realize, but not so bad as to not be worth doing.

>> No.12530138

I don't care enough about animals to be vegan but I respect the reasons behind.
In the future we will have to make those change.

Eating insect because fuck social convention,
Making artificial meat if you really need it,
Finding an ethical way of not caring about the ecosystem without it impeding production.

So at least if we meet some powerful alien we can tell them "hey look, we really try hard not to kill other species, so please don't conquer Earth and turn us into food"

>> No.12530143

I hope it gets demolished by Elon in a fit of rage after the UN bars him from genetic engineering on humans due to their ethical concerns.

>> No.12530152

why wouldn't you have internet? It's 8 minutes of lag which can be alleviated with some clever buffering of linked pages and frequently visited websites. I don't think they'd ever set up a colony and not provide the colonists with internet in transit and on the planet.

>> No.12530168

I think bandwidth could be at a sufficient premium to make the internet impractical to use recreationally.

>> No.12530172

Pretty sure it's 20 minutes base, and that's when Earth and Mars are closest.
I also think it would require some very powerful equipment for a connection of any moderate amount of bandwidth.
I don't think it would be that unreasonable to bring computers with plenty of recreational stuff that doesn't require internet access, but it would still be extremely inconvenient.

>> No.12530175

>not setting up a Mars-based network to facilitate shitposting among the various national and commercial facilities on the planet

>> No.12530185

Obviously Mars would be interconnected to itself, but I'm talking about the very initial colonists most of all right now.
Also considered just sending a copy of the internet but couldn't find out how much it would actually weigh on real storage methods, only shit about "it weighs .00000000000001 grams" from the electrons and shit.

>> No.12530228

why? It's not like Musk doesn't own and operate a satellite internet company that specializes in data transfer between satellites with lasers through a vacuum. The only bottleneck I can really think of is power consumption, but it's not like they don't have the equipment or capacity.

>> No.12530262

>sending a copy of the entire internet to Mars instead of just eating the latency
Mars-side caching will definitely have a place but duplicating the entire internet so you don't have to wait for a page to load seems gay

>> No.12530281
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Any year now....

>> No.12530291

Mars forests would mostly be taiga I think. On the other hand venus would be a more tropical planet.

>> No.12530295

I mean, look at the bandwidth you get from Mars missions vs the infrastructure required to receive it (DSN). It’s absolutely doable, but the investment may be significantly more expensive than it’s worth for the early years of Mars settlement.

>> No.12530298

Found an answer.
It would take a dozen Starships to bring the whole internet to Mars. Don't see why we shouldn't. Have super massive satellite arrays in higher orbits dedicated to mass beaming updates between Earth and Mars to keep the two internets relatively synced up.

>> No.12530303


>> No.12530307

Mars forest would whatever the fuck you want.
It a cold irradiated hell right now and terraforming Venus would be even harder, so it can be whatever you want, a Redwood jungle Hell yeah!

>> No.12530309
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>> No.12530314

The ability to explore an entirely new planet
>inb4 muh radiation
Will be fixed pretty easily by L1 electromagnet

>> No.12530315

the DSN is ancient in tech terms and it's ground-based. I don't think it's a good bar to judge against what's possible when Starlink exists, especially thinking in terms of a post-Starship world.

>> No.12530317

It's now year 2021 and we're still stuck on earth.

>> No.12530329
File: 360 KB, 414x330, FREEDOM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's now 2021, which means Starship will reach orbit THIS YEAR

>> No.12530336
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>and likely not see the outside because of radiation and protection
It'd be easiest to makes mars forests taiga. But you might get some jungle/tropical zones near the equator.

>> No.12530346

honestly, i dont give a damn about radiation even if it decreases martian lifespans. what matters is if they live long enough to reproduce, which they will. that's all that ever fucking matters

>> No.12530347

like 95% of it could be wiped out with like two or three starships lmao

>> No.12530349

The real question is if the lower gravity will cause any developmental problems or miscarriages or some shit along those lines.

>> No.12530353

How is it “worth doing”?

>> No.12530355

god I hope so. imagine starting the year with a suborbital hop then finishing it with a fully armed and operational orbital launch.

>> No.12530357

we have video from the IR Camera or whatever he was looking at. It displays range and tracking data. It's a balloon.

>> No.12530359

How is colonizing Mars not worth doing?

>> No.12530362

I’m 99.99% sure Mars will never ever have a positive birthrate unless there’s a dystopian breeding program or a Mormon colony, and thank god, because living on Mars would suck

>> No.12530365

Seems pretty pointless. Going somewhere to have a shittier life to what benefit?

>> No.12530367

Imagine if everything goes to plan this year by some miracle
>four (4) Vigoride launches
>about 90 falcon launches with 7 boosters
>starship orbital
>SLS green ruahahahaaha nevermind

>> No.12530370

The UK is now OFFICIALLY out of the EU as of about 5 minutes ago. Maybe now they can get their space program back together?

>> No.12530371

Expansion. A new start. New opportunities. A new frontier. Greater space capabilities. The furthering of humanity.

>> No.12530373

Hunting is fun, though. Humans like to kill for the same reason a cat does. We evolved to.

>> No.12530382

>SLS green ruahahahaaha nevermind
Honestly, that's not even funny anymore. Just saddening. Aren't they on their fifth attempt at a wet dress rehearsal?

>> No.12530387

Assuming the transportation problem is solved, what's the next biggest problem? Pressure habs? Closed loop life support / Food / Water? Trying to think of bottlenecks to expansion. I hope SpaceX will think of this when it comes closer to reality

>> No.12530388

Why? After a couple generations they'll have domed over valleys full of jungles. It's not like they'll never see a forest. And regular civilised shit like internet can also be done in habitation modules.

>> No.12530389

>le heccin frontier!
It will be like working in a submarine, not like being a settler.

>The furthering of humanity.
Ah yes humanity is now “further” because some of us live miserable lives underground on some rock

>> No.12530394

Why are you in this thread? Honest question. Why would you come here specifically to say you're not interested in the topic? Go live a boring Earther life. You aren't needed or wanted on Mars.

>> No.12530399

0g manufacturing

>> No.12530401


Atheists have shit-tier fertility and atheists would probably be overrepresented in the population of a Mars outpost for various reasons. I’d personally not allow them to go and only allow the strongly religious so morale at the colony would be better, but governments aren’t allowed to do that.

>> No.12530404

>Ah yes humanity is now “further” because some of us live miserable lives underground on some rock
They live there, but that doesn't mean that they stay there all the time. Early settlements would most likely be spread out to cover the most valuable places on Mars which means that extensive travel is required. The Martians will still get their dose of open awe-inspiring spaces even if they have to wear a suit. Also since SSTOs are practical on Mars, space vacations may be possible

>> No.12530405

pie in the sky

>> No.12530406

It’s spaceflight general, not Mars colony general. Mars colony general would be functionally equivalent to discussing living in a Fallout vault

>> No.12530409

uh sorry I can kill a moose but I cannot lose my belly flab
it is an important part of me

>> No.12530411

t. o'neill faggot

>> No.12530414

They cancelled their space program long before they joined the EU. It's never coming back.

>> No.12530415

Don't discount sci-fi solutions like biological near-immortality or breeding tanks. Maybe we'll one day just breed humans for the pure sake of populating a planet rather than only letting "accidents" happen.

>> No.12530417

That’s pretty nightmarish.

>> No.12530421

Will any launch ever be more kino then this?

>> No.12530423

not that anon but there is nothing wrong with an o'neill cylinder. they can serve as spaceports near the edge of a planet's sphere of influence.

>> No.12530424

Yeah, so what? You think the first settlers in America showed up to some magical land overflowing with food? Just because the specific situation and living standards have changed doesn't mean it's somehow unimaginably different. It'll be easier to be an initial colonist of Mars than an initial settler of America since all food and then some will be provided to be absolutely certain you don't starve; it'll have completely climate controlled, nice, room-temperature living, no scorching humid summers or freezing dry winters; all of the water will be clean and able to drink at any time, you'll be able to bathe yourself frequently; you won't need to spend most of your time just fighting to survive. By all accounts it'll be a far easier time being a 21st century frontiersman than it was being an 18th century one.

>> No.12530426

But its easier than convincing white women to get back into the kitchen.
Altho Mars might end up an Asian planet because of this (I hope Asian and not African).

>> No.12530427

You could make O’Neill cylinders that can fit millions of people from the two Martian moonlets, and import ice from the surface. Adults could work shifts on the surface or just remote control robots, and benefit from the 1g conditions of the cylinder. Seems like a viable idea to me

>> No.12530435

>Yeah, so what? You think the first settlers in America showed up to some magical land overflowing with food?
No but they could go outside without suffocating and could look at the sky without getting cancer.

> starve; it'll have completely climate controlled, nice, room-temperature living, no scorching humid summers or freezing dry winters; all of the water will be clean and able to drink at any time, you'll be able to bathe yourself frequently; you won't need to spend most of your time just fighting to survive.

So life with the “living” part sucked out of it.

>> No.12530443
File: 399 KB, 600x600, sect_0_0024.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Altitude: From the surface up to and including 1800 feet MSLEffective Date(s):From December 31, 2020 at 2359 UTCTo February 28, 2021 at 2359 UTC


>> No.12530445

>No but they could go outside without suffocating and could look at the sky without getting cancer.

Yes, instead they could die of a fucking cut on the finger in this "harmless" preindustrial Earth environment of yours.

>> No.12530449

Why is the ceiling so low?

>> No.12530450

There were already people living in America.

>> No.12530451


>> No.12530457

niggers, we call them

>> No.12530458

general pressure testing and static firing

>> No.12530459

Surveying. We don't know where resources are located on Mars, or in what quantities. Which is kind of an issue, since anything that can't be made with local materials would have to be imported from elsewhere on Mars (expensive!) or from Earth (VERY expensive!). I figure part of the preliminary work towards establishing a colony will be figuring what locations aren't just suitable for landing or stable construction, but also located near bigass deposits of whatever materials are most immediately necessary.

Because once the transportation problem is solved, you still need to work out where, exactly, you want to be transported.

>> No.12530466

Enough room for hops too

>> No.12530473

Not at 1800. They aren't going to be doing a hover test like SN5 and 6.

>> No.12530480
File: 1.52 MB, 2500x2000, starship_boosters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theoretically speaking: what is the most amount of engines that can be put together into one stage?

>> No.12530483

how many can you fit?

>> No.12530489

Just turn on part-clipping

>> No.12530499

Esa isn't part of the EU administration.
Whatever decision uk takes about that is completely unrelated.

>> No.12530508

idk. need to ask my mom first.

>> No.12530509

It was dangerous and challenging and good because of that

>> No.12530515

What if they just slammed hundreds of Raptor thrust chambers into the base of Starship and built a large bell for all of them? Sorta like the V2 chamber and subchambers.

>> No.12530516

Depends on the vehicle, at some point in all rockets engine footprint and excess dry mass are going to start outpacing extra performance but at that point you'd be looking at a rocket that's more like a very gradual cone than a more conventional space benis.
There is no real answer, it's more of a grey area defined only by the reliability of the engine being used. If an engine is 99.999% reliable then you could put ten thousand of them in before one is guaranteed to fail, real engines though aren't anywhere near that dependable and in real life clustering introduces excess complexity and complication into any design so it's best to keep the number of engines to the minimum necessary to get your job done.

>> No.12530524


>> No.12530540
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>> No.12530552

They must've realized quite fast with the original that its way too chonky

>> No.12530558

It was an American design.

>> No.12530580

>Atheists have shit-tier fertility and atheists would probably be overrepresented in the population of a Mars outpost for various reasons
i think mormonism will be overrepresented on mars by the 2040s-2050s. Not a majority, but maybe 15-25% of the population. Especially since they'll probably have the highest birth rates.

>> No.12530589

africans won't be able to afford a 500000 or 200000 dollar ticket (the vast, vast majority of africans at least). mars might be like 0.5% african

>> No.12530590

They've also got an absolute massive shitton of money to spend on a space colonization project if they could ever be convinced it was necessary for the continuation of their faith.
If I had the ability to even start up a major rocketry/colonization endeavor I'd want to convince the Mormons to back it financially.

>> No.12530593

Aren't they super into the idea of colonizing too?

>> No.12530599

why would they start their own rocketry program? at most they'd use starship for the construction of their own orbital cyclers. but there is literally no reason for them to make their own rockets

>> No.12530600

Let's just say that if there's a group in the US who believe in New frontier and Manifest desity it's them

>> No.12530604

yes, a lot of scifi authors are mormon, and the LDS church believes that there are other humans in other star systems that need to be converted to mormonism apparently, also they believe that the people who achieve the highest tier of heaven become pretty much a minor god of their own planet after death

>> No.12530609

>dystopian breeding program
Literally just ban birth control and let nature take its course nigga, it's not hard. Negative birth rates are 100% chemically induced.

>> No.12530610

I'm not saying they would, I'm saying if I wanted to start my own rocketry program I'd want to convince them to lend a financial hand. I'd offer them something like the first seats on the mature colony ship designs, naming privileges for the first settlements, reduced flight costs to the bare minimum, whatever. Having a little slice of the Mormon pie would be fucking great for any project.

>> No.12530613

Don't worry, every white person will be forced to subsidize their tickets through gibs.

>> No.12530616

>also they believe that the people who achieve the highest tier of heaven become pretty much a minor god of their own planet after death
I thought it was that they believed going to heaven is actually becoming the Adam and Eve of a new world?

>> No.12530621

>You think the first settlers in America showed up to some magical land overflowing with food?
They kind of did, actually. Random teepeeniggers were on hand to show them how to ezmode farm with fish fertilizer.

>> No.12530622

He probably thinks that mankind is inherently bad somehow and that continuing its existence is a crime against Gaia

>> No.12530628

Why? 99% of black people wouldn't even want to go to mars.

>> No.12530629

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>> No.12530636
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>proceeds to buy tickets through the Principality of Spaceland which doesn't have that law

>> No.12530727
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What's with the lines in that red box?

>> No.12530745

definitely Super Heavy
2.5x the thrust of Saturn V
28 engines, imagine the vents
SN8 had 3 white jets shoot out when the engines started
imagine Super Heavy with 28 jets, like a skyscraper covered in clouds
it'll be fucking K I N O

>> No.12530753
File: 151 KB, 394x570, super heavy lift rockets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic for reference
removed the paper rockets

starship runs on KINOLOX

>> No.12530870
File: 36 KB, 491x335, 1582913755319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine Super Heavy with 28 jets
History demonstrates that putting that many engines together is a recipe for disaster

>> No.12531097

History demonstrates that communists that can't afford to test their engines together except when they put on the launchpad is a recipe for disaster.

>> No.12531099

>There's nothing wrong with the plane.
Except for it automatically deciding to turn into a plow if it feels like it because there's an error in the programming?
Well, nothing wrong with it apart from that, I suppose.

>> No.12531233

The USSR was under so much time pressure they were still developing the engines while doing full scale launches.
While SpaceX put a lot of time pressure on themselves the reality is if the Raptor isn't reliable enough they can spend another decade developing a replacement while still being profitable thanks to the Falcon 9.