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12499934 No.12499934 [Reply] [Original]

Is chess the ultimate IQ test?

>> No.12499964

Yeah maybe in the sense that it's a very boxed situation and thus easy to evaluate.

Everything is an IQ test, but almost nothing is properly isolated. As an intellectual sport, it quickly falls into established routines and is only a matter of time investment - but as far as tactics go, if you have people who don't do it regularly, it probably says something about brain capactiy.

>> No.12499983


>> No.12499992

No. The top players have higher than average IQ's but having a high IQ does not automatically make you good at chess.

>> No.12499999

Hikaru Nakamura has 102 IQ

>> No.12500003

spending all your brainpower on a stale game like this is inherently low IQ

>> No.12500013

Guy was a GM at 15 and is constantly in the top 2 for blitz. By any metric he's a genius.

>> No.12500042

retards motivation pill, i mean IQ is basically bullshit. people like trump and joe rogan get more than him, It just shows that it does not really reflect any ability of intelligence, but mostly require to find annoying patterns that have nothing to do with reality

>> No.12500055

iq tests are the ultimate iq test

>> No.12500067

Yeah. For most people, chess is a measure of many openings you memorized and how many games you played.

>> No.12500091

IQ is a terrible tool for judging the intelligence of individual people but works exceptionally well as a statistical tool for very large numbers of people.

>> No.12500109

Nope. That shit is all about knowing the previously invented combinations, which is a rather retarded thing to memorize.

>> No.12500119

Two ridiculously charismatic and successful individuals are your counterexample?

>> No.12500145 [DELETED] 

since when charisma and success are parameters for intelligent?

>> No.12500154

since when charisma and success are parameters for intelligence?

>> No.12500156

He wasn't really trying and the chat was probably throwing him wrong answers.

>> No.12500157

um heard of mr donald trump?
t. /pol/tard

>> No.12500158

1 minute chess is pure iq. time formats longer than 1 minute are for slow thinking tards.

>> No.12500167

Checked but I doubt it lol. He’s prob 110-120 ish.

>> No.12500173


>> No.12500199

can you even explain how this is relevant to the context? are you seriously that degenerate that you just auto response with that meaningless shit?

>> No.12500210

I went from 800 to 1300 in my rating in a few months. If anything, it's a skill you can develop.

Checked and kek'd.

>> No.12500254


>> No.12500260

No it's not. Even women can learn the game and grind it. That alone tells you everything you need to know about it.

>> No.12500279

The choices you make in life (self-driven success) and how you live your life are far more accurate measures of intelligence. What's the point of intelligence if you don't act on your thoughts?

Chess is just a distraction with a long history.

>> No.12500338


You can be a savant and have an IQ of less than 70.

>> No.12500341

No, it's called memorization

>> No.12500348

guys I found the midwit

>> No.12500378

But he's correct, one day you will realize that.
t. could never win it to ny dad until somebody with a tricky combination won him twice with it, so he said "hm.. I have to memorize this one"
Now sage.

>> No.12500410

By any metric outside of chess he is a midwit.

>> No.12500452

You have no idea what you're talking about. Chess at the higher level isn't 100% memorization. Maybe it is for people in your family that are probably only familiar with beginner gambits. Get back to me when you have a respectable ELO.

>> No.12500474

Im really interested in IQ posters grades and professions. Im certain its a cope for failure in life.

>Yeah I'm getting C's/working as an assistant lab tech but I have 155 IQ so Im akshually really smart

>> No.12500545

Bobby fisher has said he spent thousands of hours memorizing and that "chess is dead" because it's just a memorization game. he invented playing with randomized back pieces because people could not memorize


>> No.12500558

its almost like iq scores aren't predictors for your ability to be good at a certain game.

>> No.12500631

Go is, not Chess

>> No.12500661

>memorization game

sure try to memorize millions of game permutations its easy bra

>> No.12500669

>sure try to memorize millions of game permutations its easy bra
nobody said you can memorize everything, but if you memorize a shit ton of openings and strategies you will smoke anyone who did not

>> No.12500688

same about anything else.
but we both know its more than that.
if fisher said that its simply because he expressed his frustration it happens to anyone who is really good at something, it does not mean that it is the absolute truth

>> No.12500694

nothing is the absolute truth, Fisher didn't just "say that" he developed a whole new game of chess because at a high level a lot of the game is memorization and taking that out of it changes the game entirely

He talks about training for chess as just memorizing as much as possible and admits he was so good largely because he was an autist about memorizing shit for thousands of hours not because he is a better stratagest

>> No.12500731

>a lot of the game is memorization and taking that out of it changes the game entirely

same like anything else

> he was an autist about memorizing shit for thousands of hours not because he is a better stratagest

there are alot of strategies involved in this game you have no idea what yo talking about amigo

>> No.12500776

>there are alot of strategies involved in this game you have no idea what yo talking about amigo
I guess bobby fisher had no idea what he was talking about

I didn't say there was no strategy involved, I said that if you have spent 5000 hours memorizing shit you will beat someone with "good strategy"

>> No.12500792

no, memorization is involved

>> No.12502581
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>> No.12502601

Donald Trump is a top elite of the world, so he is definitely one of the most clever men alive. Same is true for Biden, Obama and so on.

>> No.12502644
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>Is chess the ultimate IQ test?
no, as it has a low branching factor compared to games like GO for example
chess to a significant extent is like a mechanical skill that is trained and learned, to which some people happen to have a proclivity for.
still there are many high IQ people in top level chess, as their intellectual capabilities help them with developing the intuition that is required to play chess at the highest level.q

>> No.12502649

Build an ever improving robot to destroy him and all his friends.

>> No.12502650

Taikyoku shogi is.

>> No.12502807
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>> No.12502886

I think it's telling that you said "Mr." instead of "President". Kudos to you for being honest about that at least. Also, Trump is a massive failure with no friends or allies. He'll need to flee the country after he leaves office to avoid all of the lawsuits and criminal investigations into his illegal financial activities. His legacy will be shuffling off his mortal coil while his kids all face hefty prison sentences.

>> No.12502916

You are actually retarded.

>> No.12503035

It's seems to be a subconscious skill like music and artistry you can sharpen with training. Nothing like what IQ tests for.

>> No.12503045

So being able to memorize a lot of information makes one a genius? Is the "rainman" a genius? He could remember a lot of useless information too. Maybe he could save the world!

>> No.12503294


>> No.12503303
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why dont you just shut the fuck up!? you dont even understand the most basic components of the game, you can not just use your memory drive, most games are unexpected.
this is pure math! Every step of the game changes the permutation, there are millions of them! If you think people just memorize games like robots you are just a braindead mentally stringent cuckchad!
do people a favor and just kys you can be a woman and you are a fucking shame to humanity intellect!

>> No.12503354

Everyone talking about "muh permutations" is posting cringe. Pro chess players run into the same scenarios hundreds of times. Modern-day video games are insanely more complex and feature exponentially more variables and possibilities than chess does. If we really thought games can be an "ultimate IQ test" then we would be looking at professional MOBA players.

>> No.12503361

Also it's why they study their opponent's previous games too lol

>> No.12503363

>be any metric
>IQ metric failed

You sir, are a brainlet

>> No.12503385

>"muh permutations"
this is a fact
>Pro chess players run into the same scenarios hundreds of times.
this is your retarded opinion

>> No.12503542

>retards motivation pill
The topic of the thread is chess being the ultimate IQ test, and a GM disproves that. If you wanted to argue for chess as a measure of intelligence (which isn't strictly the same as IQ) then fine, though I think that's incorrect as well.

>> No.12503694

>only a matter of time investment
Sadly this is now the case with computers having figured out 30 moves deep into every variartion.
You just memorize it down.
Creativity and "not knowing" used to be part of the game.
It was always possible your opponent knew something you don't.
Now it takes til move 20 or 25 before that happens.
The art of chess at the professional level has truly been lost.

>> No.12504792

go back watching the shitty Netflix flick about women playing chess, retard

>> No.12504855

I'm hardstuck at 1850 on lichess. I'm better than other 1800's players in that if I don't blunder and he doesn't blunder, I will win. However I can't stop blundering no matter how hard I try. If I go too slow to not blunder I lose on time.

Have I reached the upper limits of my IQ?

>> No.12504863

Nobody is ever going to play your memorized variation up to move 25 retard. You will be playing outside your book by move 10

>> No.12504864

yes. those who play with little penis figures instead of bettering the world are automatically excluded from the genius club

>> No.12504869

No. Anyone can become a NM/FM, so can you.IM/GMs are those who began playing at a very young age and specialized at a slightly older age, so don't even bother.

However, it has nothing to do with IQ.

>> No.12504875

Some variants of the Sicilian Defense are theory up to move 20 or so.

>> No.12504921

You're right, it's impossible to memorize every move, but memorizing each general situation is possible and it affects your performance just like taking IQ tests too many times makes your scores inaccurate because you get used to the formula.