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File: 255 KB, 840x923, space_curisoity_selfies_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12363549 No.12363549 [Reply] [Original]

Curiosity edition

Old thread: >>12360351

>> No.12363557

I already flew to space. It wasn't that interesting. Later, losers.

>> No.12363558
File: 330 KB, 533x598, b81d6ff1279ed9f88016958f371f1df2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hop when

>> No.12363568
File: 614 KB, 2560x1440, space_curisosity_selfie_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't realize how shit the resolution was whoops

>> No.12363576
File: 133 KB, 1024x579, EdgH6neUEAA4WaT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon Musk will create a factory on Mars to produce robot catgirls. These catgirls will be neurally patterned off Grimes and she will have full control and sensory feedback from all of them through Neuralink. Humans on Mars will exist for the preservation of human genetics and from Grimes' amusement and sexual pleasure.

>> No.12363581

>those beat up wheels
I'm honestly surprised it's still going

>> No.12363587

JPL is blessed by the machine spirits, every rover they build lasts fucking forever

>> No.12363590

Q2 2021, we've gone over this

>> No.12363595

I'd guess a month out for pad work. They seem to be gearing up to test SN9 in the meantime.

>> No.12363597

We have never been to space

>> No.12363598

those are robotic welders for the tile mounts

>> No.12363603
File: 50 KB, 1177x610, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that we know Raptor is fine and the problem was Musk being too stubborn to use a flame diverter, I think we're probably on track for a December or Q1/21 hop

>> No.12363607

It's funny how JPL has extremely pessimistic mission times yet overengineers their rovers.
Opportunity has a mission time of 4 years, but the rover is built to last atleast 14

>> No.12363614

>get funded for a four year rover mission
>build it to last over a decade
>if anyone asks why just tell them space is hard
>rovers consistently live 10+ years
>recieve mission extension cash forever
It's basically just a budget scam

>> No.12363617

maybe, but lets not tell them, more science points

>> No.12363623

There's no flame trenches on Moon or Mars

>> No.12363626

correct which is why Elon's solution is to armor the Starship dance floor

>> No.12363630

Not yet

>> No.12363632

It's honestly kind of smart. It's much easier to sell a 4 year long mission to budget makers than one that lasts over a decade. And once the thing has landed no one wants be known as the person who defunded the perfectly working Mars rover mission.
Now that's got me thinking. Has there ever been a deep space mission that was ended despite the spacecraft being in perfectly good working order?

>> No.12363641

The early scott manley KSP videos are so comfy. What happened to the good old days : (

>> No.12363649
File: 366 KB, 1600x1084, DreamChaserISS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels like we're missing out on something vital by not developing and perfecting mini-shuttles

>> No.12363652


>> No.12363657

they're pointless unless you integrate them into the upper stage, and traditionally launch vehicle and capsule design have been separate companies

>> No.12363661
File: 226 KB, 916x1924, EnCT7zmW4AI4ZH2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could see something like a Falcon 9 scale Starship being made by a competitor simply because Starship is dramatically overkill for LEO. It would still need to be fully and rapidly reusable to be competitive, but if you do manage that it's one of the few things that could survive in a Starship driven market.

>> No.12363662

we are always in space and always have been, ya dingus

>> No.12363664

>Falcon 9 scale Starship
too small, New Glenn scale Starship

>> No.12363666

Depends on what you mean by "working order". Mariner 3 was still fully functional when the mission was terminated due to the rcs fuel running out

>> No.12363670

>New Glenn scale Starship
too big, Starship scale Starship

>> No.12363671
File: 902 KB, 1920x2501, Hermes_1987_concept_for_a_European_manned_spaceplane_pillars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely. For me it's Hermes. Quintessential ESA opportunity wasting

>> No.12363674

Nothing left to do. I wouldn't like him to become of one of those ksp youtubers who grind out pointless videos every day/week like Matt Lowne.

>> No.12363675

Starship is much bigger than New Glenn, anon

>> No.12363676

Meant to say Mariner 6

>> No.12363683
File: 202 KB, 1280x962, 1280px-Dream_Chaser_pre-drop_tests.7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously we exist in the timeline where we went full retard with a massively oversized shuttle, then back to capsules for years, and now still capsules.

We should have had mini shuttles to ISS, returning from a space station in a lifting body on a runway is much more dignified than a splashdown or dirt landing, reserve that for epic entries from lunar orbit or beyond


>> No.12363688

spaceplanes are better at high energy entries as well, anon

>> No.12363689

there's no dance floors on mars ;)

>> No.12363694

Hey I didn't know you posted here, Zubrin

>> No.12363695
File: 63 KB, 1412x708, columbus-hermes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if ESA had of tried a little harder they could have had an independent space station with the means to travel to it
ESA have no one to blame for their misfortunes but themselves

>> No.12363696

SpaceX are bringing them

>> No.12363697
File: 1.31 MB, 3840x2160, BFR_at_stage_separation_2-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should have just been done with capsules ages ago, at least Starship might finally retire the c*psule

>> No.12363699

refugee/asylum seekers programs were more important and deserved more funding...

>> No.12363701

>Europe has no one to blame for their misfortunes but themselves
generally true, all the way back to the Romans

>> No.12363704

Yes but we are currently in the timeline where we are using a cool ass capsule. Capsules are based because should something go wrong they can just pull away (a la Soyuz recently) and on top of that the company building the best capsule is also just doing it as a side project at this point and is focusing on a TSTO swiss army knife vehicle

>> No.12363706

you're allowed to say it, anon, you're among friends
Starship is a spaceplane, and it's okay to admit that

>> No.12363707
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>> No.12363709

cassini, kinda. ran out of fuel but i think it could still function

>> No.12363711

we went from runway landings to splashdowns it still feels like a step back though

>> No.12363714

>Starship is a spaceplane, and it's okay to admit that
Isn't it more a rocket ship?

>> No.12363717

we could have had propulsive landings
oh holy shit you've solved it
Starship... is a ROCKET SHIP

>> No.12363724

Don't be gay now. It's an anal prolapsule. Aerodynamically NAvigable and Launchable PROpuslive LAnding caPSULE

>> No.12363732

ESA's budget has actually not gone down since Hermes was in development iirc. Being ESA the budget was never geared towards human spaceflight, Hermes never really stood a chance.

>> No.12363734

Yeah well it's not a lifting body therefore its not a spaceplane

>> No.12363736

damn, she's gotten pretty dirty. And why are there holes in her wheels?

>> No.12363741

>And why are there holes in her wheels?
They fucked up, but they fixed it for Perserverance, surely.

>> No.12363747

Actually it is a lifting body we have discussed this a shit ton over the last month or two. I had the same argument as you early on but someone pointed out that even the F9 uses lifting body techniques to land. And starship has lift as well

>> No.12363754
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>> No.12363763
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Well its not a cool lifting body like my cool spaceplanes

>> No.12363768

are space planes ever a good idea? I mean wings, flight control surfaces, and landing gears are all heavy.

>> No.12363770
File: 13 KB, 478x172, MOLEM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LEM with wheels?
LEM with wheels.

>> No.12363774

>I could see something like a Falcon 9 scale Starship being made by a competitor simply because Starship is dramatically overkill for LEO. It would still need to be fully and rapidly reusable to be competitive,
"Falcon 9 scale" and "fully and rapidly reusable" are mutually exclusive.

>> No.12363790

at that size category (whole upper stages with multiple km/s of dv) your options are rocket ship (Starship) and Spaceplanes
you need flight control surfaces, stubby wings and heat shielding for rocket ship aeroentry anyway, and landing gear on spaceplanes might wash out with landing propellant on rocket ships
I think rocket ships are technically superior because large wings (for gliding and runway landing) are heavier and require more support structure, but runway landing is cool so it kind of washes out
also large wings cause control problems on ascent

>> No.12363793
File: 1.49 MB, 801x800, smug_Gene_Cernan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fast can it go?

>> No.12363798

They made holes in her wheels to write JPL in morse code

>> No.12363799
File: 188 KB, 1000x809, starraker6malvarez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They get less G's when re-entering which might be an attractive quality if we ever reach a point where space travel is common and hundreds of people are in orbit at once
But their biggest advantage is just how aesthetic they look

>> No.12363808

landing on a runway is always going to be safer than airbags/splashdown/propulsive landing

>> No.12363815
File: 22 KB, 351x269, MOLEM2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10kph on soft soil

>> No.12363824

I bet I could do 13

>> No.12363825

Those are mainly booze fueled crige fests. They always come on my autoplay when I pass out and I get woken up by his loud obnoxious voice.

>> No.12363831
File: 58 KB, 799x462, pqcwtt0bh8061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swap out a crush core and it'll buff out

>> No.12363833

26kph on compacted soil

>> No.12363837
File: 114 KB, 1024x1007, a8fefccfb849e20fcba9d04655712ef4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>26 kph

>> No.12363840

No it isn't. Put 7 Raptors on the core and 1 on the upper. Use steel.

>> No.12363842
File: 54 KB, 607x400, apollo-16-lunar-rover-artwork-richard-bizley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We must go faster

>> No.12363848

I don't see any Moon Police up here

>> No.12363849

rocket ship landing isn't viable with less engines than Starship basically

>> No.12363852

What's the key to driving fast on the moon? Weight? Traction?

>> No.12363855


>> No.12363856
File: 124 KB, 1136x852, Gene_Cernan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rear facing thrusters are illegal in professional lunar rallying. The key would then be motor power and upwards facing thrusters for extra traction

>> No.12363857

Falcon 9 has a positive TWR at minimum throttle and it lands fine. Starhopper, SN5 and SN6 all flew with one Raptor and landed fine. One Raptor Starship IS real and CAN hurt you.

>> No.12363861

the dirtier it is, the more the next crew will feel like they're flying on the actual Millenium Falcon!

and that's a good thing

>> No.12363863
File: 314 KB, 2800x1530, EnN6zuHVQAAWjNY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 hours ago. It's looking good so far for Return to Sender. Scheduled liftoff is in ~1 hour 54 minutes.

>> No.12363864


>> No.12363867

>rear facing thrusters are illegal
>hit a jump, throw the rally rover sideways and translate for a speed boost

Dragon flying on dirty boosters will be comforting and nostalgic for Russian crews who are used to flying on brand new rockets with just as much dirt.

>> No.12363869

any link for livestream?

>> No.12363872

I hope RocketLab goes public. I'd give Beck my entire TFSA.

>> No.12363881
File: 43 KB, 750x450, gKhiJjSLrp7TtHNH6mJvaQ-970-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Was just digging it out now.
This strapping lad is getting a ride along as mass simulator courtesy of GabeN.

>> No.12363883

What about a kiss?

>> No.12363886

>>rear facing thrusters are illegal
>>hit a jump, throw the rally rover sideways and translate for a speed boost
That's baby tech. The real strat is setting off a ramp in a spin so you can cycle around each thruster when they face backwards for constant thrust without overheating your RCS

>> No.12363897

You're not accounting for legs, integrated fairings or heat tiles, which are necessary for the "fully and rapidly reusable" part, and all come with more dry mass hit. The overexpanded vacuum bell would fail, the overpowered thrust would make it basically impossible to land, and it wouldn't have the spare dV anyway. You could do the hacked together ballute and parachute shit they planned for F9 at one point, but that still comes with a big performance hit and worse, still obliterates the "fully and rapidly" part of the plan. Rockets do not scale down well, the sooner you accept this the sooner you will stop Zubrinposting.

>> No.12363911
File: 344 KB, 2048x1365, robert-zubrin-fondatore-e-presidente-della-mars-society-e-uno-dei-molti-esperti-che-hanno-contrib-741b87e58382d5f54e8652e604871a650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planetary protectionists get the rope

>> No.12363939

It works in Realism Overhaul

>> No.12363940

Why the fuck would you want to invest in Rocket Lab? Their market is dedicated smallsat launches as they can't compete on cost with the Falcon 9 and they certainly won't be able to do it against Starship. Space tugs launched from larger rockets will probably take all their business outside government contracts and at least two companies are going to start launching tugs this December so the clock is running out.

Your only other space investment option, besides LMAO Virgin Galactic and old space companies, is Momentus Space which is going to be going public soon via reverse merger. Current ticker symbol is SRAC. The valuation is pretty hefty at over a billion but I doubt that will stop people from speculating on it.

>> No.12363947

Because I trust Peter Beck more than some Russisn dude, and Momentus and RocketLab will basically end up as the two big players in the space tug market. Maxar might or might not expand rapidly, hopefully they do.

>> No.12363962

With mini-shuttles, you lose!

>> No.12363972

What about using Starship to launch 15 Dreamchasers at once

>> No.12363987

Why do that when you could just launch an entire Shuttle into orbit instead?

>> No.12363992

You can't have races with 1 shuttle

>> No.12363997

Just send up another Starship with another Shuttle.

>> No.12364001

It doesn't matter if Rocket Lab's kick stage is perfectly designed, works flawlessly, and is cheap to produce, they cannot launch Electron cheap enough to be competitive with tugs coming from Falcon and Starship.

I don't trust Momentus much but I think it's at least a decent opportunity in the short term and they're well positioned with their contract with SpaceX. Hopefully I'll see some profit once the public picks up on the company as investors are very hungry for space stocks and they're incapable of discerning bullshit companies like Virgin Galactic anyway. I can't see any space tug company having much of a moat so the biggest player will probably be the one that gets in quick and is the most like SpaceX. They better pray that SpaceX doesn't decide that they're going to make their own tugs and completely cut them out as well but they may have too much on their plate for now.

>> No.12364020
File: 131 KB, 915x1024, Electron.00_14_45_11.Still057-e1531883584168-915x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out this launch cost comparison.

>> No.12364027

>they cannot launch Electron cheap enough to be competitive with tugs coming from Falcon and Starship.
What's stopping Rocket Lab from doing that? What's making the Electron relatively more expensive than the Falcon?

>> No.12364028

Are there any plans to add modules to the ISS? Also, how many years does the ISS have left?

>> No.12364040

I believe size is the biggest factor, they would have to make a reusable rocket that is much larger than the Electron and by then they would be competing with Starship which according to Elon may see the price of sending things to LEO as low as $10 per KG.

>> No.12364044
File: 62 KB, 735x592, MLM_Nauka_module_-_3D_rendering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia is due to launch their primary science module any day now :^)

>> No.12364045

People always bring up RocketLab in the tug conversation, I don't see it. RocketLab is using some shitty monoprop engine (read:low performance), isn't planning to launch with other providers, and then has tacked on "independent satellite" capability which with no sophisticated instrumentation or even any specific purpose just sounds like a cope word for "graveyard orbit". They could improve down the line, but they aren't showing a strong model.
Momentus is at least looking at the right path with decent performance, (supposedly) low cost, and targeting various launchers instead of being shackled to a dedicated smallsat launcher which means they're chasing the right market.
That said the SpaceX could probably make their own tug based on the shit they've been putting on hundreds of Starlinks and probably blow everyone out on price, maybe capability as well.

>> No.12364056

Stop it Anon, Electron's already dead.

>> No.12364058

>five years to stand up a Space Command of a few hundred people
Why is the UK so slow at space? Starships might be on Mars by then.

>> No.12364060

How many years ago was that thing supposed to be ready?

>> No.12364069

How many Electrons can Starship launch? All the Electrons. For the cost of ONE of their current launchers.

>> No.12364070

Actually, Falcon 9 costs 50 million for customers to buy launches when reused (which is a much more fair price considering its designed on reusability), and it costs 28 million by SpaceX to launch if only the first stage is reused.

>> No.12364074

I meant Photons but I'm leaving this post up because the visual of Starship shitting out entire smallsat launchers is hilarious

>> No.12364077

>Are there any plans to add modules to the ISS?
2-3 Russian, 4-5 American
>Also, how many years does the ISS have left?
Congress is pushing for 10 more years

>> No.12364078

>The launch of Nauka, initially planned for 2007, has been repeatedly delayed for various reasons. In May 2020, Nauka was reported to be planned for launch in the second quarter of 2021
As it currently stands the Russian half of the ISS is only a bit bigger than Salyut 7 was

>> No.12364084

>and it costs 28 million by SpaceX to launch if only the first stage is reused.
I'd be really keen on seeing that price breakdown. I wonder which parts of refurbishment are the most expensive

what kind of rocket will this go up on? Does Russia have any active very heavy lift vehicles?

>> No.12364093

Proton is still yeeting shit.

>> No.12364102
File: 126 KB, 840x1426, Starship Fairing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. It fits lengthwise but I'm a mathlet and I have to get to sleep so I don't know just how many will fit inside the fairing.

>> No.12364107

if you took that RTG out and put it in a tesla would it provide enough power? Or is everything on curiosity low power enough / not in need of such high voltages that it wouldn't work

>> No.12364111
File: 117 KB, 1288x858, 1585163972420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the Rocket Lab control room riced out?

>> No.12364113
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Honestly Lockheed should just develop a mini Starship rather than pic related.

>> No.12364118
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Now that Arecibo is kill...

>> No.12364133
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Apparently there are rumors flying around that SN8 is going to fly sooner than later. People are saying that further ground testing is off the menu and that they're going to rush the hop.

>> No.12364137



>> No.12364147

If they used methalox instead of hydrolox they would expand the cargo/crew capabilities of their lander by like a million. Yeah it has a slightly lower isp than hydrogen, but holy shit they would have so much more room

>> No.12364153
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>> No.12364155

>countdown restarted
i'm out

>> No.12364160
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yeah, this thing looks cool but when you see inside it it's a huge letdown

>> No.12364162

>huge letdown
Holy shit yeah it is. Didn't know it was that bad.

>> No.12364165

does a pilot who breaches the zone get into any kind of trouble?

>> No.12364169

I have no idea about Kiwi law, but personally I'd put them against the wall.
But I'm pretty extreme when it comes to people interrupting my launches.

>> No.12364172
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>> No.12364179

Basically just a capsule with a giant hydrogen tumor

>> No.12364180
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>> No.12364185

Well put.

>> No.12364186

It makes way more sense when you think about their philosophy. I don't have the photo saved anymore but the basic idea was to secure a lander for HLS Artemis, and slowly scale it up. In reality this is just a basic lander but it has shielding slapped over it that makes it look way more like starship (even though it's just a basic lander). I'll try to look for the photo

>> No.12364187
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I'm fucking dying. This dipshit is why the launch is delayed

>> No.12364188
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>> No.12364189


>> No.12364193

This guy is a genius, he's able to call the wayward plane pilots massive insufferable faggots without getting banned on twitter

>> No.12364196
File: 1.03 MB, 1164x569, lockmart lander evolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it. It's literally just a scaled up lander. It's actually really really cool considering they were thinking about it before starship was really on the table. For a proposal it's pretty good. And it is absolutely awesome for Artmeis despite using Aerojew Shekeldyne engines

>> No.12364197

holy shit this is fucking based

>> No.12364199

Most certainly put him up against the wall.

>> No.12364216

Lol people trying to bankrupt the estronaut in his rocketlab stream.

>> No.12364218

How based would it be if beck just developed ICBM plane launchers and shot down anyone within his airspace. Too bad he isn't launching out of russia or something

>> No.12364222

What the blue FUCK?!

>> No.12364224
File: 34 KB, 800x400, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get a thread dedicated for this like we have for every SpaceX launch?

>> No.12364229

I don't tend to make launch threads at all. I just remind people of launches. Feel free to make all the threads you want.

>> No.12364236

Forgot to add though. The problem with Rocket Lab is that they don't tend to have the consistency that SpaceX has built up over the years, so launches aren't exactly always on schedule.

>> No.12364240

Kek. Little rocket lab is waiting to launch their electron and all of a sudden you just see this shit open up as beck gets on the mic with earrape screaming

>> No.12364246

Ooh, I just noticed Astra is planning on testing a rocket on my birthday. Guess I'm getting fireworks this year, lol.

>> No.12364249

oh? I didn't know they were confident enough to set a date. When?

>> No.12364253

7th of December.

>> No.12364256


>> No.12364258

Throw them a view even if you don't give a fuck. They're donating money to some children's hospital per view.

>> No.12364263

kek imagine if the mars government actually ends up being like that

>> No.12364267

Happy early birthday

>> No.12364271

I'm too old to give a fuck about those now, but thanks.

>> No.12364282

Would be cool to an extent. I love the idea of not so much fascism, but extreme technocracy. I.e. the smartest people of the colony run the place, and there is a huge emphasis on the love of technology and the respect of machines and computers and the value of discovery and exploration. Maybe mix in a little technomysticism (i.e. you never number a project 13 because it is unlucky, never put BLM on your rocket because it’s dumb and unlucky, always name your ship a “she” and treat it like a “she” because it has a soul)

>> No.12364289

you may be talking to the wrong crowd here anon

>> No.12364292

finally turned on the ambient

>> No.12364293

I know from earlier threads that not everybody gives a shit about Rocket Lab and small sat launches in general.

>> No.12364294

? What do you mean

>> No.12364297

What? Everyone here likes rocketlab

>> No.12364302

Last launch there were several "lel small sat, who cares" shitposts.
Not everybody cares.

>> No.12364303

There was even a plan to attempt to send it to Uranus. Transit would have taken 20 years with risk of failures so they decided to take close-ups of Saturn instead.

>> No.12364304

now ACTUALLY live

>> No.12364308

I think you're just crazy everyone likes rocketlab
Anyways I know after their accident, beck said the next X number of launches have to go right or else they go bankrupt. It was like 6 or 9 or something. Anyone know the number and what number we are on now?

>> No.12364310
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So anons, do you think they will be able to recover the first stage?

Give me a go or no-go for recovery.

>> No.12364311

It's only been one after the unlucky 13 I think.

>> No.12364314

kiwi waifu acquired

>> No.12364315

Peter beck is the bilbo baggins of commercial spaceflight

>> No.12364319

This is flight 16.
Also, I don't remember Beck talking about bankruptcy, so if someone has heard, I'd like to hear too.

>> No.12364321

Samwise gamgee. Anytime our main protagonist is at his lowest, beck is always there to give a pep talk

>> No.12364322

Schizo text block

>> No.12364326

No way, they're literally the second most established rocket company. Not to mention to reusability meme is probably eaten up by investors. Very hype right now though.

>> No.12364327

50-50,it happens or it doesn't

>> No.12364329

On average it's a $50k fine + up to 18 months prison time depending on how bad the infraction is

>> No.12364335


>> No.12364336

I just hope that the gnome survives to crash through some boat to sink it

>> No.12364338

at least get it right.

>> No.12364341

>second most established rocket company
Uhhh what?

>> No.12364343

I think they mean launch cadence

>> No.12364344

Holy molly that's some thick Straya accent.

>> No.12364345


>> No.12364347

shit man it's been like 8 years since I watched it

>> No.12364348

that rocket is fucking packed

>> No.12364349


>> No.12364350


>> No.12364352

Fuck you, that's like calling a burger a leaf

>> No.12364356
File: 108 KB, 1080x1080, 1582696989546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gnome chomsky

>> No.12364357

Well, had the shuttle had the telescopic escape hatch thingy in 1986, all the Challenger crewmembers might have made it. Problem is, they installed it after the Challenger disaster. Shuttle was surprisingly survivable unless damaged before reentry.

>> No.12364360

i want to put vegemite in her billabong if you ken my straith

>> No.12364362

Leafs are assimilated with mutts.

>> No.12364367

That's like calling a irishman an englishman then?

>> No.12364368

CCP spy.

>> No.12364369

Chompsky is love, Chompsky is life
(he answered me once in an email)

>> No.12364370

Odds those people in the background are just acting? You'd think they'd be a bit more tuned into the launch.

>> No.12364375

Irish don't speak Irish.

>> No.12364376

oh wait, it's recorded, I'm dumb

>> No.12364377

>they're launching a fucking rocket into space
>you're shitposting in a congolese mud stacking imageboard

>> No.12364378

how the fuck does a small carbon fiber rocket survive reentry?

Also I wonder how badly the reentry equipment eats into payload capacity

>> No.12364379

Omg really? Upvoted

>> No.12364381

>sharing images from the recovery as soon as they're available
someone better hold them to that

>> No.12364387

>getting PTSD of that bullshit carrying the gnome achievement
Fuck you Gaben

>> No.12364391

By not reentering

>> No.12364392

It's the booster, it's not re-entering from orbit. Still, will need a post-mortem to know if it has adverse effects.

>> No.12364394

>achievement unlocked
god fucking dammit

>> No.12364396
File: 476 KB, 332x292, launch cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12364399

Absolutely based

>> No.12364400

>how the fuck does a small carbon fiber rocket survive reentry?
engines take the brunt of the thermal load
>Also I wonder how badly the reentry equipment eats into payload capacity
probably not that bad, they've optimized a lot more performance out of the rocket over time and often their payloads are well under the limit

>> No.12364402

I mean, Falcon 9 fairings make it through alright

>> No.12364403
File: 79 KB, 483x109, achievement unlocked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking memelords.
And I was going to attach pic related to a screenshot.

>> No.12364404

Is it just me or have Rocket Lab's launches sounded better than SpaceX's recently?

>> No.12364406

oh no it has cataracts

>> No.12364407

Shit, the cam is dirt

>> No.12364409

Oh! The finally added battery jettison to their launch timeline! about time

>> No.12364411

A lot louder than the presenters. Smart

>> No.12364415

It cleared off, but it was super wobbly. Had me scared for a few seconds.

>> No.12364418

Oh no no no spacex bros we got too cocky. Gnomeship will be here before we know it

>> No.12364420

>first stage view where nothing is happening yet
>gnome view where nothing is happening
good job

>> No.12364422

What's considered the ideal TWR for a first stage?
Too low, and you waste excessive dV on gravity.
Too high, and you waste excessive dV on drag.
Personally I found that a TWR between 2 and 3 works well in KSP, dunno about real life though.

>> No.12364423

so SpaceX had David Bowie for the Tesla reveal. What music should they have used for the gnome reveal?

>> No.12364426

Kiwi girl’s voice is so cringe

>> No.12364427


>> No.12364428

Gnome Chomsky!!! We did it reddit!

>> No.12364430

1.2-1.5 is the number that comes to mind

>> No.12364431

>Low rumble sound of the engine

>> No.12364433

>TWR between 2 and 3 works well in KSP
that's so high lmao, you are over designing your rockets

>> No.12364434


>> No.12364436

I think TWR of 0.91 is the absolute minimum for KSP. May be wrong though. 2-3 TWR is extremely extremely high.

>> No.12364438

farewell stage 1

>> No.12364439

What's the reasoning behind their decision to associate themselves with a senile anarchist? It is just a reddit meme?

>> No.12364440

Good thing new rocket companies are utilizing proper aesthetic/clean ui for rocket launches.

>> No.12364445

Gaben is stuck in NZ and is bored as fuck

>> No.12364447

>>Low rumble sound of the engine



>> No.12364448

So you spend 6m/s of dV to gain 1m/s of velocity at the start of the launch? That seems inefficient.

0.91 would mean you wouldn't even move until you burned enough fuel to get your TWR over 1.

>> No.12364449

I don't know what that background noise is, but it isn't the engine. Kinda spooky, I like it

>> No.12364451

I'm pretty sure he just rescinded his USA citizenship and is now a NZ citizen

>> No.12364452

It's just a pun nigger

>> No.12364454

For Gnoam? Probably RATM

>> No.12364455

SpaceX should do this as well

>> No.12364459

His name is funny, and they’re vapid hipsters.

>> No.12364460

NZ is a tax haven atm, why they fuck not

>> No.12364461
File: 546 KB, 1920x1080, ffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuu GabeN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12364462

>that telemetry

>> No.12364463


>> No.12364464

The audio for the crew-1 prelaunch was fucking amazing. You could hear everything venting and spitting and revving up

>> No.12364466

It's a reference to HL2:E2:

>> No.12364467

d-did something happen?

>> No.12364468


>> No.12364470


>> No.12364471

Reeeeee no masks at mission control think about the healthcare heroes

>> No.12364472


>> No.12364469

Because that's the name of the gnome in the games you fucking idiot

>> No.12364473

>no video of the recovery

>> No.12364475

where can I hear it

>> No.12364476


>> No.12364477

My kiwi waifu

>> No.12364481

It's the most convoluted achievement in HL2:E2. Pick up a specific garden gnome near the beginning of the game, carry it with you through the entire fucking game and stick it into a rocket at the end of the game.

>> No.12364483

>elon: "chomsky sucks"

>> No.12364484

My bad for not playing every video game on the planet fag

>> No.12364485


>> No.12364487

>Splashdown of Electron's first stage confirmed! Recovery ops are underway and we'll bring you more soon.

>> No.12364489

I mean yeah the prelaunch sounds are kino, but during launch all we hear mostly are the employees' reactions especially during ASDS landings

>> No.12364491

That's because here, we don't have lots of retards who think basic pandemic hygiene practices are a government conspiracy, and we have a government actually committed to controlling the disease.

>> No.12364492


>> No.12364493

oh thats good

>> No.12364496
File: 1.55 MB, 952x534, return to sender.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12364500

Yeah I think Hullo released a video today or yesterday, and he said he wished they provided a video with no commentary so you could hear the rocket. Dragon was fucking breathing like a living creature during the launch and I kept getting interrupted by an instagram NASA bitch wanting to talk about
>muh mission has so many firsts!

>> No.12364501

Please, you are making my boner hurt.

>> No.12364503

so is that going to be sea level raptor? You can't use only vacuum raptor and still land propulsively

>> No.12364504

So there's a proton rocket and an electron rocket. What will /sfg/'s Neutron rocket look like

>> No.12364507

For me it's the low growl and rumble of the engines


>> No.12364508

>instagram NASA bitch
Kek. Yeah an alternate stream would be amazing though.

>> No.12364510

Yeah either sea level or some sort of semi-vacuum bell like Shuttle.

>> No.12364516
File: 3.92 MB, 4288x2848, shoulder-shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else struggling to give a shit about someone attaching chutes to their booster after watching SpaceX do nonstop propulsive landings for the past 5 years

>> No.12364521

It's pretty nice to see someone else finally attempt reusability, and a new (though not radically innovative) way of doing it.

>> No.12364522
File: 2.75 MB, 952x534, return to sender 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12364523

I'd like to ask him why does he think that. I like them both without irony or fanboyism. They are good people with some flaws.

>> No.12364527

When you have an assembly line of starships they let you do it.

>> No.12364528
File: 13 KB, 570x382, EnO_fYkVQAEQdZE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chute pic

>> No.12364532

Electron is filling an entirely different market compared to SpaceX, and the fact they're trying their own reusability concept in that particularly small market niche is commendable. Sure it's not as spectacular, but this one is too a step forward for the industry.

>> No.12364533

yes, because this is a simpler, cheaper method of recovery that SpaceX tried and FAILED to make work. Their retro-propulsion was their backup plan, far more difficult to get right as their blooper reel shows.

>> No.12364534

0.91 is a good TWR for staying comfy in the launchpad staring at the sky

>> No.12364538

Did they catch the electron?

>> No.12364541
File: 254 KB, 1724x2000, 4ASS_Frigate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12364542

They didn't attempt to catch it this time. It parachuted into the ocean.

>> No.12364543

Gateway looking THICC at the end

>> No.12364545


>> No.12364547

>Electron makes it to orbit in 3 minutes

>> No.12364549

It's really fucking small?

>> No.12364550

How the hell do you fail at something simpler?

>> No.12364552

it takes the usual 8-ish minutes

>> No.12364554

accelerating really fast

>> No.12364557

4km to 83km in 2 minutes

>> No.12364558

They said they were orbital in the 3 minute mark and it showed they were well above 100km.

>> No.12364560

It's different class, not different market. Falcon 9 sometimes puts in space bundles of smallsats.
Also SpaceX started with Falcon 1. Just you wait for Rocket Lab to announce a bigger launcher.

>> No.12364561

I miss the early days of KSP too, I've done almost everything and all the things to do to make the game more channeling feel like an arbitrary imposition and aren't very fun

Electrons are about 1800 times less massive than protons.

>> No.12364567

Fukken saved

>> No.12364569
File: 296 KB, 1920x1080, firefox_2020-11-19_21-49-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12364571

>No Nuclear-Salt Water engine on the third stage

>> No.12364572

Have you tried "Better Than Starting Manned"? It's fun for a while (until it becomes a chore).

>> No.12364573
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>> No.12364576
File: 1.19 MB, 2100x2119, 1401993330990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12364579

>why the fuck is the achievement not popping up?

>> No.12364581

>no autophagic nuclear torch SRB

>> No.12364585
File: 6 KB, 309x163, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Electron is already in orbit.

>> No.12364586
File: 201 KB, 966x1200, space_F1_engines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those wasted engines
>all that wasted tankage
>on every flight
truly the dark ages

>> No.12364588

>Nuclear salt core stage with nuclear torch SRB boosters
>UDMH/ClF3 second stage to circularize orbit
>Miniaturized Orion drive powered crew capsule

>> No.12364606

Would be cool as fuck if we kept on with it though, instead of shittle
>by this time 2020 the eastern seaboard of Florida is littered with approximately ~500 F-1, F-1B, F-1C, F-1D, F-2, F-2C engines

>> No.12364607

semi-vacuum like shuttle can't throttle very well and risks severe overexpansion doing it. Otherwise okay plan.

>> No.12364615

>I've done almost everything
How does one push a 2t asteroid without wobbling? I have 8kN engines but can't control the maneuver.

>> No.12364618

And now we’re hauling ass.

>> No.12364627

>nuclear torch SRB boosters
You mean the ones that had like 30km/s of delta V?

>> No.12364628

>Matt Lowne.
god KSP Youtubers are actually the worst. Such dry content. At least Manley gravitated towards more educational content. Which I actually prefer

>> No.12364644

Because it only seems simpler to midwits. The problem is that parachutes are very hard to control properly, and certainly not to the level of accuracy that F9 regularly has.
Did you know they stopped re-painting the "X" on the drone ship because landings have been so accurate and they got tired of re-painting it every time?

>> No.12364649

>Have visual on floating stage.

>> No.12364654

he stopped doing the air warfare design/fight competition videos, feelsbadman

>> No.12364663

>people are saying
Solid case

>> No.12364665

>Following @Astro_Soichi currently in space & @Aki_Hoshide next year, veteran JAXA astronauts @Astro_Wakata and Satoshi Furukawa will return to the ISS in 2022 & 2023 respectively!
Is it me or are space agencies bringing back alot of older astronauts? Why don't they let the new people get a chance?

>> No.12364671

Hate to be referred as a dimwit but not surprised somehow. Parachutes are not as steerable as grid fins and Merlins I guess.

>> No.12364683

>people familiar with Elon's thinking

>> No.12364686

is this leaked from L2 or something?

>> No.12364687

very carefully align yourself with the CoM of the asteroid

>> No.12364691 [DELETED] 

Yes. But don't think of buying L2, its terrible. Very few post there, and its mostly speculation anyway.

>> No.12364703
File: 103 KB, 987x576, best-of-2019-space-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX is magical

>> No.12364707

number of views on the rocketlab stream is surprisingly low. Maybe it didn't go viral as they hoped.

>> No.12364709
File: 238 KB, 920x537, apollo-17-photos-3-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know this looks kinda similar to the new lunar EVA suit doesn't it

>> No.12364710

Don't Push, Pull.

>> No.12364711
File: 146 KB, 935x591, 1591932303791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going to need more spaceports.

>> No.12364715
File: 204 KB, 920x537, apollo-17-photos-4-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12364716

They're doing great things but its a smallsat launcher launching cubesats.

>> No.12364719

We're at 94 for 2020 with 85 successes.

>> No.12364722

>the gap left by Nixon's dark ages

>> No.12364723

At the same time alot of organizations have complained that covid has limited their operations. India itself is only just now returning to launching.

>> No.12364726

Never take the Wikipedia chart for granted. Delays always cause next year to have a spike in missions.

>> No.12364730
File: 14 KB, 268x268, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha looks like RocketLab has been fucking GNOMED

>> No.12364731

India overdid the lock-down thing a bit.

>> No.12364734

Bearded Penguin is amusing, I do like the idea of Of All Kerbalkind

>> No.12364737

>We're finally back at, and about to explode past 1960s launch volume

>> No.12364738

I really liked Fall of Kerbin, at least in concept, the it would be another cool reason to get KSP MP working.

>> No.12364746

Why delete this? You think NSF police are coming for you? Well, you're right, they are coming. I am NSF police. We're shutting down L2 as of midnight PST.

You have no chance to survive make your time.

>> No.12364770
File: 489 KB, 1920x1080, 1578536032014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did we see this yet? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSdaWvDwL-Y

>> No.12364783

why does luxembourg of all places want a piece of the action? are they the new Dutch or something?

>> No.12364789

The smart players are making early steps to position themselves to make money on space resources.

>> No.12364797
File: 101 KB, 800x871, the new SLS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take it or leave it

>> No.12364800

early steps how, like finance and law? I just fail to see exactly how they will meaningfully contribute anything other than maybe money

>> No.12364801

Highest gdp per capita, hardcore capitalists

>> No.12364806

Small payload

>> No.12364808

Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands are all rightful territories of the Dutch, but some uppity protestant Belgians broke that little empire up.

>> No.12364810

Finance and Law.

>> No.12364812

The Energia/Buran was just a better way to impliment as shuttle design. Making the orbiter itself the launch vehicle instead of just the payload that rides a self contain rocket only makes sense if the shuttle stuck to its original specifications before NASA had to go to get money from the DoD.

>> No.12364813

>now that we know Raptor is fine and the problem was Musk being too stubborn to use a flame diverter
Source? I watched a Raptor shit liquid metal that was once the turbopump, how would a flame diverter stop that?

>> No.12364814

what were the original specifications?

>> No.12364819

The shuttle was supposed to be much smaller and carry little top no cargo

>> No.12364820

nah this was a good turnout for them. Their launches are still invisible to normies, unlike SpaceX

>> No.12364822

isn't that a statistical fluke because of a dense populace? if LA was its own country wouldnt it have even higher per capita GDP?

>> No.12364823

It also didn't have the crossrange capability that the military wanted.

>> No.12364825

maybe milking them for all their worth
is astronaut training expensive?

>> No.12364826

what then was supposed to do the heavy lifting?

>> No.12364829
File: 600 KB, 1024x576, 1576295409930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first crewless flight as part of the preparations for the ambitious Gaganyaan project originally planned for this year and then pushed to the first half of 2021 due to flight Covid-19, will now only happen at the end of next year. Isro will eventually also launch a second crewless flight, now scheduled for 2022 before launching humans into space.

Years of delays? lol

>> No.12364832
File: 161 KB, 1258x977, 1601034579250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boomer syndrome

>> No.12364835

you don't actually know it was liquid metal that was once the turbopump

>> No.12364840

Other launch vehicles, the shuttle was supposed to be a small piece of a larger post-apollo program with automated tugs, space stations around the earth and the moon, and a nuclear bus to get between the two. Early shuttle designs just planned on getting astronauts from the earth and to LEO and nothing else.

Space X is working behind the scenes to orchestrate a boomercaust.

>> No.12364843

Okay, real question: Starliner or Currypot to carry crew first? It's gotta be the Indians, right?

They're writing software for both capsules, after all

>> No.12364846

True, where is what I do know.
>it was liquid metal
>the Raptor has 2 shaft seals keeping LOX out of the pumps
>hot metal + O2 = molten metal

I think it's a pretty safe bet.

>> No.12364848


>> No.12364850

According to Elon the spicy rock cut avionics cables, leading to Raptor having a hard and immediate shutdown, which led to Raptor shitting a turbopump all over the pap.

>> No.12364853

its okay they'll shield the cables this time and nothing wrong will happen again


>> No.12364855

>I don't know anything about rocketry, its history, or its current events
>I still love coming to /sfg/ and shitting up threads demanding to be spoonfed

You could easily find out how retarded you are by reading any of the fucking news related to this general, you fucking child. There is no more discussed topic in spaceflight than starship development, with the last SF being the core of current discussion

>> No.12364857

>elon just keeps adding armor to the bottom
>testing shows Starship to be immune to small arms fire on terminal descent
>ULA snipers terminated by pad ninjas

>> No.12364858
File: 86 KB, 156x545, 1598035981904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon tweet. Apparently what happened is that the raptors were so powerful that they pulverized the ground beneath them and sent blades of concrete and martyte everywhere. One of these fragments took out an avionics cable which resulted in a bad raptor shutdown (pic related. it's not supposed to flare like that).


>> No.12364859

Ah k, that makes sense.

My problem is there is so much speculation about anything SpaceX does I don't trust any source but Musk himself. You would think the solution to this would be twitter but with their retarded formatting and lack of a search feature it's still far from prefect.

>> No.12364860

this has the feel of limping back to port but the launch, landing and docking were 100% successful so

>> No.12364864

>shuttle was supposed to be a small piece of a larger post-apollo program with automated tugs, space stations around the earth and the moon, and a nuclear bus to get between the two. Early shuttle designs just planned on getting astronauts from the earth and to LEO and nothing else.
this makes me sad

the lean is unironically a feature. Crush core was crushed meaning it did its job right

>> No.12364866

so its balanced for lean huh?


>> No.12364867

I love dirty rockets, it makes them feel more like tools and less like nations showboating.

>> No.12364869
File: 345 KB, 1195x922, 1603862909820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did they manage to improve the merlin so much? More than doubling the thrust is inane

>> No.12364870
File: 3.28 MB, 2211x1481, EVAOsfLWsAANazB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this makes me sad
what could've been

>> No.12364885
File: 51 KB, 1196x375, 1575993413566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any bets on how the booster handled the entire process?

>> No.12364886

trade secrets I guess

>> No.12364887

The center of mass is very low in Falcon 9, and there's a lot of reserve margin with the leg spread.

>> No.12364891

My money is on the heating delaminating the carbon fiber, I would like to be wrong about this.

>> No.12364896

Maybe it was part of Space X's development model, design a engine who's architecture can allow for high performance, but only optimize for those parameters once needed and focus on getting the early iterations to be "good enough"

>> No.12364900

>really bad at making engines
>make a lot of engines
>get better at making engines
>engine good 15 years later
such mystery

>> No.12364911
File: 736 KB, 928x1359, wernherboomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is some inspiration for you
>My friends, I was dancing in the streets of Huntsville when our first satellite orbited the Earth...
>and I was dancing again when the first Americans landed on the Moon...
>I'd like to ask you- don't. Hang up. Your dancing slippers

>> No.12364919

I don't think I've ever admired a man more than he

>> No.12364922


>> No.12364968

Treat your rocket like a lady and she'll always bring you home

>> No.12364974

The Star Raker design is also cool for only needing TWR of 0.9 to reach orbit. If you made a molten-salt nuclear version with big throosty electroplasma engines you could make space access really damn cheap, like just needing water for propellant cheap.
>single stage to Mars, trip time under a month, just refill some water tanks in LEO

>> No.12365037
File: 1.22 MB, 1280x1043, 1605602328656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Treat your rocket like a lady

>> No.12365044


>> No.12365054
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 574757_900-1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody praises Elon, or even Shotwell, but Tom Mueller deserves recognition
>Develops Merlin for Falcon 1
>"Just strap nine of these for the next rocket lmao"
>Upgraded Merlin for Falcon 9
>Thrust + throttle capabilities of 1 engine is just enough to enable hoverslam landings
>This allows SpaceX to pioneer first stage reuse

>> No.12365057

Chad jawline and chin

>> No.12365078

Merlin 1A used an ablative nozzle which put a hard limit on how much chamber pressure they could achieve without reducing the run time too much. This therefore limited the thrust. Later improvements in thrust came mostly from small tweaks and just building up enough trust in the machine through experience.

>> No.12365087

>pendulum fallacy

>> No.12365090

I'm not talking about the rocket, pull the asteroid rather than trying to push it.

>> No.12365142

Curiosity RTG has output of 2.5 kW per day
that means it would fully charge Tesla's 200kWh batteries in ~80 days
RTGs aren't all that good for electricity generation

>> No.12365145

There's a reason why they've only been used on rovers and probes into the outer solar system.

>> No.12365169
File: 1.37 MB, 4765x2695, 1592731984589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Axiom is supposed to replace the American portion of the ISS, but science projects sent to the ISS have only been increasing. Is Axiom going to be big enough to handle all the science and tourists? Maybe we're going to need a bigger station or more smaller ones.

>> No.12365170

that is the significance of the tower?

>> No.12365172

It says in the picture.

>> No.12365182

What? I thought they wanted to catch it with a helicopter?

>> No.12365183

Nah this was a test flight

>> No.12365204

axiom's station will be PATHETIC compared to what starship will be able to create (and probably for much cheaper then axiom station).

>> No.12365276

>equivalent power to the ISS with small tower and wrapped panels
So why don't they add more towers for moar power?

>> No.12365279

Gotta keep it small enough for the getaway when they steal the ISS's modules

>> No.12365285

They should grab a Progress too. The Russians just let them burn up on entry anyway iirc.

>> No.12365288

I googled pictures of Jim and it made me sad, he is such a great man

>> No.12365297
File: 113 KB, 750x1004, C86D72EA-F4BA-4EDF-8FC8-8EA926BEA6D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the greats, he is

>> No.12365309
File: 615 KB, 600x928, Capture 46 20-11-2020_01;03;09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12365325
File: 122 KB, 1200x851, Ee1uUM4XsAIhxNr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want an Energia revival so bad, not even just the OG rocket or the partial reusable uragan. I want to see absolute beast that was to be the Vulkan fly.

>> No.12365338

>Matt Lowne
That fucking exaggerated plummy accent. Ugh

>> No.12365340

yes, that's the pendulum fallacy

>> No.12365370
File: 1.49 MB, 1161x893, jimeyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he won't be gone for long. screencap this

>> No.12365385

I wonder if you could add another two side boosters to a Falcon Heavy, make the center core one big stage with larger tanks, and make a reusable Energia/Buran clone.

>> No.12365413

Uragan's American brother.

>> No.12365420

>four simultaneous booster RTLS, a core landing on a barge, and a runway landing spaceplane
>from ONE flight
If Starship didn't exist this would be the best future for SpaceX.

>> No.12365431
File: 3.15 MB, 2014x2166, 1596736322065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would a NazBol space program look like?

>> No.12365436

Does Spacex seriously have two launches scheduled for Saturday?
I'm seeing an ~11am from Vandy for Sentinel-6 and Starlink 15 at ~9pm from the east coast, but I can't quite believe my eyes.

>> No.12365440

they've had two launches scheduled from the same coast in the same day before, but they got Floridaed

>> No.12365441

Considering that Dugin is one of Putin's top advisors pretty much exactly like current Roscosmos.

>> No.12365447

If things go to schedule, the starlink launch this weekend will be flight no. 100 for F9

>> No.12365456

>Dugin is one of Putin's top advisors
Alexander Dugin is almost irrelevant in Russia, and he is ironically much more widely know about in the west.
He was an advisor to one Duma member over a decade ago and hasn't had any role with the government since.

>> No.12365470

Merlin started at incredibly low level and expanded beyond state of the art of GG engines a similar development cycle might happen for BE4 that is developed for absurdly low 13 mpa for a staged combustion while Raptor is already pushing limits at 30 but dudes in hawthorne are magicians they will get to 40 mpa or even beyond by 2025

>> No.12365474

Already did. The probe has auto target following, and the target is set to CoM.

>> No.12365488

do it better

>> No.12365521

Doubt. Starlink 15 had its staticfire aborted.

>> No.12365524

Electron is 100% burnt to crisp. No way they haven't been able to take a fucking picture of it in more than 6 hours.

>> No.12365528

>partial reusable uragan
Wasn't it supposed to be fully reusable?

>> No.12365535

Flemish chad here, fuck België, fuck Walen, fuck kaaskoppen.

>> No.12365539
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>> No.12365542


>> No.12365544
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>> No.12365551

It was, no idea why i typed partially.

>> No.12365559
File: 39 KB, 640x420, ajw2xhryfhz51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12365564

So it failed? Wasn't a helo supposed to catch it?

>> No.12365570

Oh well, at least there's the bigger one in Chine right? Right...

>> No.12365576


>> No.12365587

not this one

>> No.12365592

>not showing engines
rip 9 little rutherfords

>> No.12365595

it's over, how will spacex recover from this? rocket landed in the ocean, what an epic fail hahaha

>> No.12365599

>epic fail
They weren't even going to catch it in the first place, kys nigger

>> No.12365601

>nigger responds to obvious bait
nice digits at least

>> No.12365611

>implying baiters aren't niggers who should be pushed out of airlocks

>> No.12365629

>implying I implied that

>> No.12365648

>implying replying to baiting niggers and telling them that they're niggers is a bad thing when /sfg/ is slow

>> No.12365707

looks like it got a bit crispy in the same area F9 does. Interesting. Still wonder what their secret sauce is. Though it's probably just being smaller and not going as high as the F9

>> No.12365722

I wanna see this thing go out with a bang, put explosives on the three supporting towers and watch the entire thing collapse in the middle

>> No.12365746

The engines are burnt to crisp, trust me.

>> No.12365761

They're designed to burn themselves to a crisp, aren't they?

>> No.12365777

their engines are regeneratively cooled, so no

>> No.12365780

Yes, during operation, but they're also designed to burn until there's absolutely no more propellant left in the tank due to how they're battery operated turbopump instead of relying on a preburner.
So they end up roasting themselves at the end.

>> No.12365790

Rocket Lab is finished, burnt to a crisp. And from Rocket Lab shills, only crickets. I love being right

>> No.12365794

The fuck are you on about? They launched, they got their splashdown.

>> No.12365801


>> No.12365805

Did you see the engines? Probably not, because there's nothing left. What Peter won't show you is most telling

>> No.12365809

Do you really think they were planning on reflying the engines? lol
They were never designed for reflying and they never even alluded to that. They got their stage back and they're going to study it and see if they can start to *think* about reflying a stage. Did you even watch the shit?

>> No.12365818

Peter Beck is out of his element, not even SpaceX was dumb enough to make Falcon 1 reusable, it just doesnt work for small launch, simple as

>> No.12365820

How many rockets have you launched?

>> No.12365824

>not even SpaceX was dumb enough to make Falcon 1 reusable,
Wasn't the first stage of Falcon 1 equipped with a parachute that just continually failed to deploy?

>> No.12365846

It was planned, but never used on any flight. Falcon 9 also planned to have one, but they moved into propulsive landings

>> No.12365853

>dual unzips
You know what to do anon.

>> No.12365910
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, NASA_16x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's your opinion of this guy?

>> No.12365913

he's big

>> No.12365920


>> No.12365921

If there ever was a man for the job, it was Jim

>> No.12365924

>it just doesnt work for small launch
nigger what?
the smaller the craft the easier it is to control a feedback loop, as long as you can transmit and receive data

>> No.12365965

He based hope bidet doesnt put him to sleep

>> No.12365970

I don't think he washes his ass hard enough for that to happen, anon

>> No.12365974

There is a woman for this job :)
Lori Graver, who started the commercial crew program <3 ;)
Also right now the main issue is climate change :o
NASA has the smartest people and they should work on the problems of today :)
After we fix our planet, we can think of fixing other planets ;)

>> No.12365975

every night astronaut...mm

>> No.12365977

How compelling, please stand still while we strap you to a SRB.

>> No.12365980

Okay, this is based! :D

>> No.12365982

Luxemburg is actually the biggest contributor to ESA's budget per capita. It's only like 30 million but bless them for trying

>> No.12365983
File: 39 KB, 330x493, 1605187783385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's jim

>> No.12365985
File: 139 KB, 800x820, 1456329339472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

><3 ;)

>> No.12365990

leave him alone, it takes bravery to smile in a place like this. it takes courage. something you dont have nor will ever know

>> No.12365992

Even if all he did was kill the boeing lander, he'd be cool.

>> No.12365994

Thread staging

>> No.12366033

I want to boof a Jim Bridenstine doll and paint the worm logo with lipstick on my asscheeks