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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12344652 No.12344652 [Reply] [Original]

My science teacher is an anti-vaxxer
Are all academics anti-vaxxers?

>> No.12344657
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If you were vaccinated you were chemically lobotomized. It's like an epsilon becoming self aware.

>> No.12344658

>science teacher
You must be 18+ years of age to post

>> No.12344659

>My science teacher is a nigger
>Are all academics niggers?
Fuck off

>> No.12344661

Not all but a surprisingly large portion of them are.
Usually depends on many factors though.

>> No.12344702

>science teacher
so just a generalist "science" teacher, not a physics/chemistry/biology teacher?
they're probably just an idiot. how do you even know this? it would irresponsible for them to bring this up in a class.
also 4chan is 18+, fuck off

>> No.12344719

antivaxxer in what way? like boomer mom won't mmr kids becuz autism or has some rational hesitation and general distrust of big pharma?

>> No.12345066
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please ask him to verify this image, and report back here with your findings

>> No.12345163

>science teacher
burger education at its finest

>> No.12345203

This is just the death rate not the infection rate. Vaccines did not for the death rate as that picture implies but reduced infection.

>> No.12345223

Medical experts rely on BOTH vaccines and sanitation to control diseases. Why are anti-vaxxers such retards that they believe anything less than a magic cure-all is a scam?

>> No.12345224

Right... except the death rate remained constant after the introduction of vaccines.... And they had already rapidly declined at the time of their introduction, begging the question: why do we force these vaccines on everyone for diseases that had already been in decline?

>> No.12345292

>asks for verification of measurements
>receives goal post moving and prejudiced assumptions

yup about the dark ages science level I expect from this board

ideas are possessing you, become educated and learn to possess ideas

>> No.12345303

>asks for verification of measurements
the citation is right there, if that's all you want. However, that's not the question you should be asking.

>> No.12345314

>My science teacher is an anti-vaxxer
Your science teacher is based.

t. biology grad from top 20 university

>> No.12345328

Agreed, the PRC actually paid me to repost antivax memes in American facebook groups before my student Visa was approved. The fact people out there do if for free always makes me happy.

>> No.12345336

Typical dark age science level, just because its sourced doesn't mean its verifyable, independent datasets need to be compared, different knowledge streams aught to be verified. I'm assuming if its called 'data' and has a citation in a 'journal' its as good as gospel?

>> No.12345357
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Honestly I welcome skepticism towards harmful chemicals in vaccines. Most academics are practically religious in how strongly they believe in vaccination and hate "anti vaxxers" and just put labels on people so they can shut them out. I think you should also keep in mind that the same people who are mindlessly "pro-vaccine" are the people who also spent three months kvetching about racism towards Chinese while the virus spread to America and called Trump racist for grounding flights and suddenly changed their tune when it actually became a problem.

I'm not anti-vax myself, but science isn't something that you should "believe" in because it's not a fucking religion. Obviously conspiritards are probably more religious than leftists, but there's a reason conspiritards keep getting pushed farther and farther into idiocy, and it's not really because of their own idiocy.

Chinks put way more money and effort into pushing pro immigration and anti racism garbage in the west. I've had chinese professors that spend entire semesters talking about how evil white people are.

In short: I fucking hate the Chinese, I hate leftists, and the right has it's heart in the right place but they're fucking idiots who don't deserve power. Overall, I'm concerned about this country, but saying "my side good, your side PRC shill" is a gross oversimplification.

>> No.12345521

>taking a rushed, experimental drug

>> No.12345592

I made a typo, I was saying vaccines did nothing for the death rate. The reason why they are pushed? Money, it's a numbers game. In america vaccine manufactures are fully protected from liability claims which makes up a big bulk of cost in regular medicine.

I'm not sure what you're getting at, are you asking for the death rate to be verified, implying that the graphs are false?

>> No.12345707

the very notion that i must be 'getting at something' is symptomatic of how dark-age culti science has become. Verification does not imply falseness. If one submits a transaction to a blockchain, waiting for 3, or even more verifications is considered prudent, it has little to do of what I believe the graphs to be 'true or false' of which of course is not binary, but a gradient. This anti-vax teacher may have access to different data sets on the data presented in these graphs, if they are divergent, by how much? what is the spread, the margin of error, does his dataset overlap with the posts dataset. Questions that, help me decide the veracity of the information presented

>> No.12346457

You're just asking weird questions. All that's on those graphs are death rates and the date of vaccination if there was a vaccine. I see no reason to believe that the reported death rates of these diseases are up for debate. Even if you find different sources with different numbers, they'd have to be radically different and show something other than a decline in death rate before vaccination for your complaining of verification to be understandable.

>> No.12346468

My science teacher told me that if the Earth stopped spinning that we'd all float off into space. Science teachers can be rather stupid.

>> No.12346473
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it's called having a brain. something you will never have . slice ur throat autist with a rusty knife OP

>> No.12346485

What about children from filthy households whose parents aren't sanitary? We already put fluoride in everybody's water because some parents are too lazy to make their children brush their teeth. Won't somebody think of the children of neglectful parents?

>> No.12346510
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>You're just asking weird questions.
i suppose you never got the 'no such thing as a bad question' spiel from your prof eh.

>. I see no reason to believe that the reported death rates of these diseases are up for debate
when you come from an education background as I have, one stops making assumption of belief alltogether, at this point i don't even trust maps or the calendar,

>Trust, but verify
If one cannot verify, it is foolish to trust, especially pictures parroted from the interwebs.

>> No.12346612

>when you come from an education background as I have, one stops making assumption of belief alltogether, at this point i don't even trust maps or the calendar,
I see what you're getting at now. This is mindless skepticism. If you're really that concerned about it you can verify for yourself if the graphs are accurate. Should be easy since you come from an educated background. Otherwise you're just asking stupid questions which could replaced with more engaging and productive ones.

>> No.12346635

so which of those have you done?
Or do you just want to feel smart because you asked some retards here to do it for you?

>> No.12346637

FYI, while neither side completely dominates the space, leftists are much more likely to be anti-vaxxers than conservatives.

>> No.12346658

I always laugh when I find out how much horseshoe theory applies to the crazy hippies and insane bible thumpers

>> No.12346755
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quite a bit of hostility there eh, perhaps i'm rubbing against cognitive dissonance. Its called crowd sourcing, looking for opposing views, if the data is presented I'll compare and contrast

>> No.12346773
File: 7 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, quite impolite and focused on ad hominem instead of the actual goal, be dismissive all you like, I am quite used to it. Truth willout, my search continues for great minds un possessed by ideas

>> No.12346807

If your teacher was smart enough to do actual research they would be at a research university or starting/working for a successful company.

>> No.12346837

>implying there is a difference
>implying the former isn't just what the latter is depicted as by pharma shills

>> No.12346845

sounds like laziness to me, let me know if you ever follow through with anything, or just continue to jerk yourself about how unique and original your thoughts are.

>> No.12346870
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doubling down deeper, I understand its difficult, but you can and do have the power to make your own mind about things.

until then, you'll see my signature amongst pic related

>> No.12346897

so definitely not going to actually do anything, enjoy your life of skepticism without substance. As long as you feel smart that's all that matters right?

>> No.12346967

Damn it I need to read that book