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12344535 No.12344535 [Reply] [Original]

is it true that usa universities are the best in the world?
if yes- how is it possible with all the affirmative action, lack of meritocracy and academic freedoms?
is it because usa universities are private and all that is private is better than public?

>> No.12344560

Best university = most prestige + most networking opportunities

>> No.12344564

It’s funny how these people present the best case for white supremacy and patriarchy

>> No.12344577

>private > public
While this is generally true, there exist "public ivies" like Michigan and Berkeley that are on par with the best private schools.

>> No.12344628

Yes, they have the best pr departments, so they are clearly the best universities.
Don't forget to tip.

>> No.12344638

so they arent the best?

>> No.12344643

You'd have to define what a "good university" is first

>> No.12344710

>lawrence llewelyn bowen
one of these things is not like the others

>> No.12344820


>> No.12344832

Compare the level of meritocracy in the US to that of China, where once you pass the entrance exam (In which there is massive cheating) you cannot fail, you pay your dues and get your degree.

>> No.12345003

>where once you pass the entrance exam (In which there is massive cheating) you cannot fail, you pay your dues and get your degree.
you speak about the usa, right?

>> No.12345029

The Jews and their white good goy administrators at your local university enable all anti science and anti white indoctrination. Go give them a piece of your mind and a surprise demonstration of velocity.

>> No.12345112

Yeah they're fucked if they "fail" at making society better
Everyone's just going to look to the things they called their enemy as that which saves us from their way if being

>> No.12345160

This. In China you literally can’t fail college unless you do some crazy shit. Your whole life depends on a test that poor people can only take once and really rich people with enough strings can get you pass. In europoor land if you did kind of badly in high school you are kind of fucked. You can’t choose any major you want and are fucked for the rest of your life no matter how much passion you have for something. Americans have the option of going to community college then transferring to state school. Something I personally did. You can always fix your life in America with enough work I think that has something to do with it. I know my professor did horribly in high school but still managed to become a professor and he is a pretty good professor.

>> No.12345180
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>implying i live in burgerland

>> No.12345217

In continental Europe there isn't ivy-league universities that are comparable to those in the US. Would be students in the EU select universities based on different criteria than the US, mainly geographic location and what degrees the various universities offers.
This mean that although the student "material" is the same, it becomes more spread out since you don't have the same concentration of talent as you do in the US.

>> No.12345227

Pretty sure the quality of our universities is based largely on research output and prestige. I doubt the quality of education far exceeds other universities.

>> No.12345412
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seething burger detected

>> No.12346098

in europe you can retake matura/ a-levels every year

>> No.12349231

student material isnt the same because usa universities attract high IQ chinks

>> No.12350019

prove it

>> No.12351390

Have you spoken to many American college graduates?

>> No.12351942

They arw the best because they the most and import all the top researchers in every field.
Not because their students are good.

>> No.12353914
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Went through American School System

Felt like I knew what I doing in Higher education but then I switched majors and washed out after switching to a 4-year(During COVID outbreak). Right now there is no value for me in higher education and am living with family.

If you are involved in a trade, or a science, that needs training in laboratory equipment, or machinery, or tools then it might be a good investment to attend higher education.

If you want a good education, you need stability, and to know what you are getting an education for, education isn't the end goal but something you need to build up to your end goal.

If a university is asking for tuition, here is a secret tip, there is no more demand for that degree. Scholarships are given for degrees that need more manpower. Never pay for schooling.

Buyer Beware

>> No.12353950

>In europoor land if you did kind of badly in high school you are kind of fucked. You can’t choose any major you want and are fucked for the rest of your life no matter how much passion you have for something.
Depends. For example, the KIT admits almost everyone but their exams are designed to filter HARD. And I say that as someone who only studies CS. The other majors (especially maths and physics) would drive the average /sci/entist to suicide.

>> No.12354070

There isn't that much difference in curriculum school to school. Course to course curriculum has the most variation, but over the long term it evens out. America is the seat of the empire, and by going to school there, you're paying for the prestige which is a functional opportunity to have a seat at the table of the empire.

Americans have been demonstrated to be the dumbest people in the developed world time and time again. It turns out, though that dumb people with power can do more than smart people without it.

>> No.12354144

>best in the world
Absolutely not.
They have momentum, money, and historical happenstance means they speaks the current lingua Franca.
The current faggotry and degeneracy means no discipline of the underlying society.
If you look at research you may think so, but they act as signaling mechanisms, and fad momentum that keeps them, which is extremely ephemeral. They have to import their brains and do not generate them on their own accord.
I would gladly take a Tsinghua, Seoul National, or Tokyo U student over some faggot that got into an ivy any day.
Plus the current identity politics, and multicultural bullshit will destroy the ivys as well as the underlying society. The cultural terror will not leave them unscathed as we descend into a socialist tyranny.

Whatever acts to shape discipline from youth in the underlying society. For the US that meant the best private schools became signaling mechanisms for the best in the nation. Market discipline often brings out lean mean, most efficient business practices.

>> No.12354519

>seething over chinkland pumping out tons of shitty papers that are more times than not irreplicable
it's literally spam. I see some shit like "Yan" or "Zhao" in the authors list and i trust the results of the paper significantly less.

>> No.12354534

Because of research which is mostly done by international grad students where affirmative action doesn't really get applied

>> No.12354602

>is it true that usa universities are the best in the world?

>> No.12354663

This. It is a signaling mechanism with momentum. A brain-sink does not equal brain creation.
It can be replicated easily. They have no secret formula where they turn lead into gold, making Terence Tao's out of brainlets.
It is ephemeral soft power.
But if that is your notion of best, simply where the already established best accumulate then by all means.
If you mean which schools actually educate people and instill academic discipline, having to close borders, restrict travel and see which ones then had the best success, institutional practices, then no.
Probably Asian schools, some in Europe are the best. USA is losing all discipline in education, becoming lazy and negrified. Whites don't even win spelling bees anymore, and I think only because discipline is so bad across the entire nation. It is really horrible.
Look at time in school, look at curriculum and pedagogy, anti-intellectual culture, and you will see it is due to being gimped.

>> No.12354734

Obviously they are.
Ivies CURVE their grades, or shuttle you into a brainlett degree like NDGT (Philosophy of something I am too dumb to establish competency in).
They wouldn't let negroes drag down their stats and rep.

>> No.12354742

Based. Keep screwing in the light bulbs anon.

>> No.12356006

excuse me?

>> No.12356435

convince me pls

>> No.12357680

>students where affirmative action doesn't really get applied
are you sure?

>> No.12357686

Knowing people in the right places (aka networking) + good social skills > any expensive and stressful meme degree

>> No.12357694

im not good in networking though

>> No.12357715
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When the ranking is based only on bibliometric indicators, the true story appears

>> No.12357729

based Han BVLLS

>> No.12357742

if you look into what "best university" means, you will realize it's completely meaningless nonsense
You won't learn things "better" or more thoroughly in Berkeley than say, Belarusian State University
but if you are schoolmates with future US vice president you are more likely to get somewhere in the crony capitalism
Ivy League degree is a bit like having communist party membership in Soviet Union

>> No.12357744

>is it true that usa universities are the best in the world?
Do they even have a good university besides the MIT?
Pretty sure every random school in say Germany or France are better then american universities.

>> No.12357757

the real blackpill is, degree or no, you need to network either way.

>> No.12357817


>> No.12357846

Your degree is useless then. Try to restart the game and uncheck the autism handicap option.

>> No.12357860

Might have something to do with the USA being the world superpower.

>> No.12357917

isnt the usa supposed to lose the hegemony status in our lifetime?

>> No.12357936

>ranking based upon publications
>not ranking based upon number of publications in the top ten of the field
oh look, chinks mass producing low quality products. what a surprise

>> No.12357961

nice cope, John

>> No.12357976
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Number of publications in top 10% for mathematics and computer science

>> No.12357978

Yes it will share it with China.

>> No.12357992

now show us the graph for all fields ordered by top 10%

>> No.12358020


>> No.12358054

>Show us the biomedical sciences top 10%!!! >Math and CS is not important!!!!

>> No.12358120

>if yes- how is it possible with all the affirmative action, lack of meritocracy and academic freedoms?
Not how affirmative action works
You'd know this if you had an average white IQ or higher

>> No.12358225


>> No.12358248

Depends on the field. As far as STEM stuff goes, I'd argue that it's far and away the best. Even a lot of the mediocre state schools in the US have more opportunities for research, teaching, networking, etc than some of the bigger schools overseas.

There's a reason non-American academics are coming to the US in droves (in fact I kind of wish we'd restrict that shit a bit more before it starts impeding domestic graduates from finding work)

>> No.12358279

>Even a lot of the mediocre state schools in the US have more opportunities for research, teaching, networking, etc than some of the bigger schools overseas.
why is it like this?

>> No.12358313


Yes. It's mostly because of American culture. Americans don't care about your race, your heritage or social class. If they think something can work they try it out. If you come up with something good Americans will actively work with you.
In Europe you would have to justify HOW you came up with it. Nobody would believe you or support you and most experts would feel slighted because you came up with something they didnt.

Most patents are created in the US. The most competitive scientists go to the US. There's a lot of memes about diversity and racism , however diversity is the US biggest strength. Countries like Germany can never compete against the modern US. They just siphon off the smartest people from the whole world and build new shit 24/7.

>> No.12358350

Diversity is America's biggest strength *when tempered by merit*. The reason America has generally done well in the past while enticing and inviting people in from other nations and cultures is that it went out of its way to ensure that it was bringing in the best of the best.

The concern many have is that may not be the case going forward. The incoming administration is talking about increasing our refugee intake 8-fold and more or less opening the borders and those kinds of policies have been an absolute fucking disaster in Europe the 5-10 years no matter how much the press in Germany and the UK spins yarns about all the "doctors" and "lawyers" and "scientists" it says are pouring into their countries. There's also been an increasing pushback against colorblind meritocracy in STEM in recent years, with many states starting to outright ban basic evaluatory exams and remove math and science curriculum requirements because supposedly they're "unfair" towards students of color.

>> No.12358398

Really? Not what I expected.

>> No.12358403


>> No.12358444

90% of the papers coming out of China are unreproducible autogenerated shite

>> No.12358482

that's being *laughably* generous

>> No.12358491

You mean Karlsruher Institut fuer Technoligie? My abusive shithead brother has an IQ of 95 and managed to get a bachelor in Physics in the KIT. After 9 years tho.

>> No.12358536

>You mean Karlsruher Institut fuer Technoligie?
>After 9 years tho.
Sounds about right.

>> No.12358541

seething john detected

>> No.12358580

>10 yuan has been deposited to your account and your social credit score has been raised by 2 points. The Party thanks you for your service.

>> No.12358598


KIT is pretty good bro... It's like the ETHZ of Germany.

>> No.12358705

Ye, but the fact that this fucking retard managed to get one proves that the average /sci/ user would manage it aswell

>> No.12358717

>original research
>literally decades of copying every material, invention and product

try again retard

>> No.12358724

Even if 59% of Chinese publications were worthless (pure cope), they'd still beat MIT by a lot.

>> No.12358753


>> No.12358765

it is not in broken english so it is fake

>> No.12358769


If 1% of Chink publications were useful then they wouldn't be producing a new super virus every 5 years. Then they wouldn't have lead in their babymilk. Then they wouldn't cheat at everything and every statistic that exists.

>> No.12358816

The best goyim pay to listen to online bachelor courses in a (((prestigious))) university.

>> No.12358947

have you read "the case against education"?

>> No.12359163

I fucking wish they did

t. Suny Ithaca fag

>> No.12359297

US universities are the best in that they, generally attract and retain the best faculty internationally. Diversity ideas certainly play a role in hiring, and this is per se anti-meritocratic, but the impact here is really just at the margin. The really good people still get jobs.

>> No.12360130

RWTH is better

>> No.12360162
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>> No.12360512

Most everyone can manage to pass all exams if you have thrice the time available.

>> No.12360751

>is it true that usa universities are the best in the world?
>if yes- how is it possible with all the affirmative action, lack of meritocracy and academic freedoms?
Because despite your collage of clickbait, none of those things are real.