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12320337 No.12320337[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is the racial intelligence gap so taboo?

>> No.12320342

If IQ is so important then why are inbred 80 IQ literally deformed Appalachian sub-humans able to form cohesive God fearing blue collar communities? Africans can not do this. There is another mechanism at play.

>> No.12320344 [DELETED] 

Because feelings trump facts

>> No.12320477

Not science or math, the only measure of intelligence in the world is a researchgate score and if you don't have one you're retarded

>> No.12320517

So you're a white supremacist?

>> No.12320524

people will kill you for looking at them the wrong way in these "God fearing blue collar communities"

>> No.12320531

the only accurate measure of intelligence is number of animes watched to completion

>> No.12320567

Would you want to conduct research on this? Remember, you will have a 5% or so chance of reaching a wrong conclusion just from sampling error, and if /pol/tards think your conclusion justifies racism, they will make infographics about it which they will spam forever, regardless of whether it later turns out to be incorrect. It might even be used to justify real-life discriminatory policies.

>> No.12320589
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Because the jews that run the media and finance see white people as a threat to their global ambitions and are trying to push the narrative that all races are the same, and even that race and IQ don't even exist! This is done in order to flood white nations with low IQ darkies to cause political stife and disunity and eventually collapse them so they can put them under a communist dictatorship

>> No.12320596

holy shit based

>> No.12320613

It's not that it's taboo; it's a fair conversation to have here. It's just that this horse has been beaten into the ground already.

As for why it's taboo in wider society, it's because actions that are informed by such reasoning are almost necessarily evil, evil meaning the intentional causation of greater net suffering for the set of all moral agents. Sure, you can have the information out there, but the only course of action for a practical principled person would be to make the most of it instead of making it out to be a predictive quality assessment metric of individuals who have not yet proven nor disproven themselves. This type of person doesn't bring it up because this type of person has no reason to bring it up because a person's own actions are a much better quality metric than even the family they come from, let alone their race.

It's not so much a problem of what it is as much as it's a problem of what to do about it, and among the people who do bring it up, there's a pattern, which is that they tend toward solutions that net suffering. Such people are repulsive because such solutions are definitively evil.

>> No.12320619

I only have 1, but I have read the whole manga
What is my intelligents

>> No.12320627

>greater net suffering
suffering is really only an innate bad if it keeps you on the floor/stagnant, anon

>> No.12320704
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>keeping low IQ darkies out of your nation because they will rob, rape, murder and kill your population then collapse your nation into a communist dictatorship is evil but allowing all of this to happen is just fine
Yah, gonna take hard pass on that

>> No.12320767

It's because intelligence is humanity's defining characteristic. It's even in the name, H. sapiens = wise man. Less intelligent = less human.

>> No.12321038


>> No.12321176

because the US is sue happy about the smallest things

>> No.12321380

Because, in part, their IQ average is prolly closer to 95 where as African IQ is around 80 on a good day.

>> No.12321488 [DELETED] 

for one thing because they're not 80 IQ. they're like 95 last time i checked

>> No.12321494
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meanwhile in reality..

>> No.12321513

Christ just look at the inside of that house

>> No.12321516

suppressing knowledge about IQ gaps and their effects leads to more evil imo. it leads to resentment and scapegoating. much racist anti-white rhetoric would fall flat if people realized the outcomes are predictable without any sort of oppression being necessary.

>> No.12321517

It's not? Being a weirdo who goes on and on about the difference of IQ between races is taboo.

>> No.12321527

>inbred 80 IQ literally deformed Appalachian sub-humans
Do these people actually exist ? Is there data on the rate of inbreeding and the IQ averages of Appalachian folks ?

>> No.12321635

It's because the Nazis went full retard with race science so after the war, Jews decided to salt the earth in the whole field by making it impossible to talk scientifically about race ever again.

It MIGHT be that research into race wouldn't lead to another genocide, but if we suppress all talk of race entirely, then another genocide based on race science DEFINITELY won't happen. That's pretty much their reasoning.

Now in reality, there have been a lot more genocides based on a DENIAL of difference between people, rather than an understanding, but they were all done by left wing governments and Jews happen to like that kind of thing.

>> No.12321854

Statistically speaking if we follow a one drop rule for Jewishness 100% of white people are Jewish so it's meaningless to say that the Jews run the world

>> No.12321926

because it is empty rhetoric used to justify implicit and explicit racism while ignoring socioeconomic factors and historic/material conditions of marginalized groups

>> No.12322131
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>drain an entire continent of its resources while keeping the local populace at the european jackboot
>lack of access to food and clean water due to poverty, hampering childhood development
>"uhhh they just racially inferior"
truly high IQ there

>> No.12322158

Except pretty much every colonised country is significatly better off than the non colonised countries

>> No.12322208

there are almost no counties left on this planet that arent colonizers or werent colonized themselves. japan is the first one that comes to mind, and theyre doing pretty well.
need i remind you that the life expectancy in belgian congo was about 40, and when it became free the life expectancy rose to almost 60?
stop gobbling up western propaganda

>> No.12322215

>Jews run everything and don’t want the secret to get out that I’m better and smarter than everyone else WAAAAH WAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!
Stfu goylet. Don’t blame on evil supervillains what can be explained by
ordinary stupidity and the white race’s insatiable desire to self destruct into hyperindividualism and mutually destructive internal strife. White rich people think white workers are too expensive. That’s why mass immigration is happening. White women think most white men aren’t Chad enough, hence birthrates crashing.

>> No.12322224

>IQ race thread.

It's not taboo, it's that you genuinely don't want a discussion - You just want facts to correlate with your views.

Leave you to survive away from your tendies and we'll see how good your intelligence is.

>> No.12322230

> Leave you to survive away from your tendies and we'll see how good your intelligence is.
So by your argument, a cockroach is much more intelligent than you are.

>> No.12322231

Don't forget the datasets and a complete disregard for nuance,

In fact, actually comprehending and reading these papers should be a sign of intelligence itself.

>> No.12322238

It gets better
>Do an IQ study but don't mention why your IQ metrics are an accurate measure of intelligence
>Disregard socio-economic and political factors entirely in your flawed thesis.

>Literally choose a sample size from special needs children schools in an impoverished part of a country and map that as the metric for intelligence for that countrie's population.

>Ignore tribal lineages, environment, effect of dispersed populations, war and border creation.

In b4
>But muh excuses.

>> No.12322246
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>So by your argument, a cockroach is much more intelligent than you are.

I never said you were a cockroach but fascinating insight into your thought process.

If you're going to go down a warped eugenics-tinted Darwinian argument about muh Race and IQ at lease be consistent.

Now, let's start with:
>How do you define intelligence?
>How do you define race?
>How do you account for the variables?
>What studies will you use?

Have fun ;)

>> No.12322288

funny image

>> No.12322290

>what is regression to the mean

>> No.12322302

is the population dense? You know niggers are only violent when they're next to each other

>> No.12322342

I hate anime and don't like tv in general

>> No.12322365

>Now, let's start with:
>>How do you define intelligence?
>>How do you define race?
so youre just a useless autist that cant handle the fact that the real world doesnt like being fit into arbitrary human definitions
define blue to demonstrate just how fucking useless the answer will have to be

>> No.12322385

Nice cope. All these things happened everywhere, colonization or not. Every continent had it's resources drained and it's populace exploited and oppressed by a small group of people. Poverty was just as harmful in Europe as it was in Africa.
But some people were able to fight off their oppressors and build a better society for themselves, and some were not. But westerners had to fight and build by themselves to get what they have, while Africans got a lot of support that they mostly squandered.

You can also compare with Korea, who was treated very poorly by the Japanese colonizers, who had to suffer through WWIi and the Korean war (hundreds of thousands killed, deportations, refugees...), ended up extremely poor. They are now first world. Why couldnt africa achieve that ? Does it have something to do with the korean 105 average IQ ?

In Africa there's Ethiopia and Liberia, 38th and 41st in human development index among the 53 african countries. The top scorers are the north African countries with white-ish people, especially Algeria which was annexed by France, not just colonized, and South Africa with its long period of white supremacy and sizable white population.

>> No.12322525

Naw, the best argument for it is the fact that out of all possible countries Uruguay is the nicest American country to live in after Canada and the United States. Out of ALL the numerous, highly variable countries in Latin America, Uruguay just happens to be the only one that managed to build a cohesive and functioning society. Just so happens that Uruguay is 80% Latin European and the gap between Uruguay and Canada is about the same as the gap between Latin Europe and Nordic Europe. Seriously, Uruguay was targeted with cia coups and Spanish colonialism the same as any other Latin American country, but only they have managed to build a country that is half way tolerable to live in. I wonder why I wonder why I wonder why I wonder why?!?!?! Why isn’t New Zealand as poor as Madagascar? Huh?

>> No.12322599

>So by your argument, a cockroach is much more intelligent than you are.
Have you ever seen a cockroach act irrationally

>> No.12322934

Great point desu

>> No.12322953

Is it really Jews tho bro?

>> No.12322979


>> No.12323017

They're not the entire movement but they're pulling the strings and keeping it alive. Without them, it would have died out long ago and would be a fringe belief.

>> No.12323051

Its banned because it creates a logical reason to oppose humans of african congoid descent.
The IQ of white poor folk is not close to Black America because white poor folk barely cause impulsive violent crime compared to both poor black folk and urban black folk.

>> No.12323055

That in no way explains the IQ scores of black african nations.

>> No.12323062

>tribal lineages
The vast majority of black Africans are urbanized you delusional leftist.

>> No.12323171
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Comes on /sci/
>the real world
Can't answer real world questions so resorts to

At least be creative and witty with your insults.
>define blue
We could star with basic ideas of Rainbows but you'd say that was a gay plot from liberals.

>> No.12323180
File: 52 KB, 660x421, 1588715179974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>managed to build a cohesive and functioning society.

As a third-world country with geo-political significance, just try to say no to the US and Western Finance and Corporations...

I dare you. I double dare you

>> No.12323183

Then go on, let's talk scientifically about race.

>> No.12323194

Because it's an area in which brown people do not get their asses kissed.
Colonization increased the African pop. by 4x what it would have been and Africans had 100000x more food, clean water, education, and shelter from Euros than they would have gotten from themselves. Also Korea/Japan got bombed into the stone age and aren't still fledgling like Africans because they're not dumb niggers lol.

>> No.12323197
File: 62 KB, 502x373, 1575139127689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when he doesn't know about CHAD DNA

>Muh Urbanization "removes" tribal genetics.. which is what Eugenicists cite in any case as being the basis of intelligence and race.

>muh can only comprehend left and Right. reee

>> No.12323210

Check it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCak7iEBl7c

>> No.12323235

That's not the data I was looking for.

>> No.12323240

At the end of the day, we are talking about the same exact species of animal. Variations in different genetic traits and development, i.e. melanin levels, are not significantly different enough to make any distinguishable difference between race when we're talking about the biological makeup of a species.

Most of these studies haven't been through the most rigorous part of the scientific method, that is, repetition. The scientific articles are researchers finding evidence that supports a hypothesis, but this does not make it fact, and we need a dialetic lens in seeing the other side, the rebuttal, the opposing viewpoint to establish what is objective, scientific fact. And the fact that research has been done doesn't mean that the research has established objective fact.

>> No.12323274

A reasoned post.

>> No.12323296

Quit being stupid, melanin doesnt determine race because Indians and Congoids are two different races yet both are dark brown in skin content.

>> No.12323309

So you can accept that different races can have vastly different average heights, different fast twitch-slow twitch muscle ratios, different bone densities, different lung capacitiies, differing abilities to digest certain foods, but not different average intelligence? Why? It's clear that the different subspecies of dog have vastly different physical/mental capabilities, and they've had far less time to diverge than humans have.

>> No.12323313

>jews are evil hypercapitalists who control world finance and just want to get richer
>but they also want a marxist revolution
you people are so funny, maybe you should read some more of marx's wikipedia page other than the part where it says his parents were jews

>> No.12323345

Lel IQ test racial gaps are some of the most repeated findings in psychology, clown. How much did you get paid to write the standard script?

>> No.12323421

There really isn't anything else to question with race and IQ. Even when we try to even the odds the whites still outperform blacks in most cases. even poor whites do better in education than poor blacks. A college educated Black is only slightly more intelligent than the average white.

>> No.12323450

Its not a holocaust if jews asked for it. Thats what their reasoning is. Race science is not to blame.

>> No.12323671

nice job missing the point entirely
we could also start defining intelligence by test scores and races by genetic clusters
but this is just fucking obvious

>> No.12323673

Race science is not to blame because the intelligence gap between Jews and Germans is in favour of the former...

>> No.12323690
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Because lefties and their "muh feelings"

>> No.12323701

The issue in Germany was that Jews were attempting to change German society to be one that catered to Jewish values instead of to German values. Germans wanted Germany to be for Germans. That's where the conflict arose. Jews should have been smart enough to understand what would happen if they kept on trying to destroy German cultural values in favor of Jewish values. It's not as if they haven't already been taught that lesson a hundred or so times before but for some reason it never sticks. Germany decided to make their point a bit more clear than other nations had in the past when dealing with Jewish subversion.

>> No.12323725

Except Jews are only an ethnic group not an entire race, you would have to start comparing the IQ of Yorubas to Anglos if you were trying to make a comparison with euros and africans.

>> No.12323748

Then do it.
Go on then.

>> No.12323756

>spooky dangerous knowledge
You assume the knowledge would be used to justify discrimatory policies, but it's actually much more likely it would do the opposite. If we knew for sure that a good deal of the cause for the economic inequality between blacks and whites was due to the IQ difference, we'd be able to get rid of affirmative-action, and come up with something that could actually properly help the black community. Something that's better for whites, and better for blacks. With more knowledge, everybody wins.

>> No.12323761


>> No.12323766

This is why America is the cesspool of idiocy.

>> No.12323771

Dont be ridiculous, the IQ of black Americans is 84 which means the entire race would be perm banned from being allowed to interact in human society thats why genetic information of the neurological buildup of Africans is forbidden because it would end their human rights for good. You cannot help something that stupid no matter what you do, the black cannot even comprehend that he/she can make mistakes or do any immoral actions meaning they cannot self reflect so will constantly cause issues in human society until you remove them either through prison or killing them off.

>> No.12323772

You have such an annoying pseudo-intellectual way of speaking
Decided my post applies as a response to yours as well >>12323756

>> No.12323871

There's a lot of irony in this post that only people with an IQ higher than room temperature can pick up on

>> No.12323921
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gas yourself noseberg

>> No.12323933
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based, they still haven't learned apparently and this time it needs to stick for good

>> No.12323962

What irony, yes I am aware that whites can have that level of IQ but the white also have physical signs of retardation meaning most white idiots are actually still more intelligent than the average black american, that should completely horrify a normal human being because the lowest of wits in the white race is still more useful to a human society than the average black in America.

>> No.12323992
File: 132 KB, 640x820, tacitus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yah, um IQ tests had jack shit to do with what happened in Germany where the fuck did you come up with this retardation a cavity in your ass? Why would you make this up to post in this thread? Are you a shill by chance mr shekelstein? because i, for the life of me, can't imagine why anyone would make this up to post something so bizzarely off topic and untrue unless they are jew doing the muh holohoax bit. no gyoim never serve your own interests and let Jews and negroes do w/e they want to destroy your nation because muh holohoax. is this really your argument here bud? if it is and you aren't a shill I would still vote to hang you with them on day of the rope for being such an idiot

>> No.12324001
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Calling someone a Jew is a non-falsifiable statement
That wasn't what I was getting at
I was more getting at the fact that you're trying to justify endless mass slaughter and proclaim yourself more moral. The reality is that the opposite is true, IQ is inversely correlated with morality and consequently wisdom.

>> No.12324009

I dont proclaim myself moral at all, IQ is correlated with impulse control.

>> No.12324011
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Hi everyone,
I am your typical incel cuck /his/ and /sci/ poster. I used to be a libtard and believed all the Jewish medias brainwashing just like you. I used to rage at my monitor screaming "POL!!!!!" just like you do whenever someone would post facts that I didn't want to face. They caused a painful reaction I later learned is called cognitive dissonance.

When a poster here called someone /pol/ I wouldn't even read the memes and infographs they posted let alone click any links I didn't want to be associated with an out group and shunned by my peers here and ostracized.

One day I realized "what the fuck am I thinking? This is an anonymous board, no one will know if I read them" so I started to click on them to peek at them through my hands covering my face. At first I only did it with one eye, then after awhile I would even use both eyes! After a time I removed my hands altogether and even actually clicked links! I was so proud of myself for the first month!

I slowly started to realize there is only a small number of people who scream "pol" "x" and "schizo" at people here and that most of them are actually paid to come here and do it which is why they are in every thread every hour of the day. Sounds cray right? I thought so at first too but if you actually pay attention you can easily see it is true.

They are trying to use ridicule and the illusion of being a majority here in order to try and keep sheeple who are easily influenced by social engineering from listening to what these people had to say. It only works on dumb/lazy people mostly but for these kind of people it doesn't take much anyway to get them to continue being dumb and lazy, it is their natural state.

>> No.12324017
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Anyhow after I overcame my initial fear of being called racist and ostracized here I even ventured out to redit, twatter and faceberg and started reading memes and clicking links there too! It seems these people have called everyone alt right, nazi, racist, homophobe, Islamophobe, antisemite etc etc so much no one really gives a shit about being called these names anymore, not even normies!

This was such a relief to me because I didn't have any irl friends but now that I started reading and interacting with the "racist Nazis" and their posts I have met so many great people who have really treated me like family. I even met a gf and got to touch her boobas once!

I don't want to ramble on too much I just wanted to share my story of how much I have grown as a person over these last 4 years of Donald Trump's presidency and how it opened my eyes to how much power the Jews have through the media and how much all these ungrateful sub humans in white nations hate the people that have provided them with every modern comfort and convenience in order for them to shit out babies like rabbits and be absolutely worthless in every other respect as they destroy white nations and white living spaces voting in communism to be slaves to the Jew while white people subsidize it.

I found a new home and a new family who love me for being white and know my genetic potential absolutely dwarfs every other sub human on this planet in comparison. They appreciate me for being me and for being white. If you anons wake up to the threat of niggers and kikes you can have all of this too! All the boobas you could ever dream of to touch on beautiful fashy white women! You can have purpose, drive and pride just like me. It really changed my life and I wish all my anons here to have what I now have to escape their hopeless existence. Heil Hitler!

>> No.12324020

Because retards unironically believe that science is a source of Moral Authority and therefore they screech at descriptive claims which they wrongfully interpret as normative claims especially when the subject of intelligence or race comes up.

>> No.12324348
File: 275 KB, 896x3336, zimbabwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be 16 or you suffer from crippling Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Imagine thinking you should keep scientific data that effects political policies that directly lead to people's suffering and the collapse of insinuations and nations because you don't want a handful on anime forum board to be able to think and say things you don't like. You have serious fucking issues buddy and you need to get diagnosed and medicated because you are dangerously retarded

>> No.12324393

The distribution failure in Zimbabwe was more to do with the land redistribution giving sizeable swaths of land to people with no farming experience than it did with "black peepo doo doo head no can farm" otherwise we'd be seeing a similar situation literally everywhere else in Africa.

>> No.12324399

Zimbabwe is the only country in Africa to get food aid?

>> No.12324404

I don't think there's a place on Earth that never received food aid so that statement is pretty meaningless

>> No.12324414
File: 890 KB, 1700x3854, haiti.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like haiti? you are a donkey my dude and very stupid

>> No.12324424

>Why is the racial intelligence gap so taboo?
Because it refutes John Locke, and that's a BIG no no in academia

>> No.12324431

Talking about the economy of Haiti without mentioning the debt France imposed on them for that many paragraphs is being intellectually dishonest
Or a sign that your entire knowledge of global politics is from Paradox games and /pol/ memes

>> No.12324500

>hrrr drrrrr reeeeeeee burp fart
stfu you imbecile, you are a clown

>> No.12324566

Because they want to mix whites to "prove" that they aren't smart.
A renowned archeologist was trying to hide the truth in the name of social justice

>> No.12324654

Being glib is a cowardly way of arguing in bad faith. Fact remains that much of Africa is unable to feed itself and depends on western food aid to survive. If farms in African countries are given by African governments to the wrong Africans to farm, then that is even stronger proof of inferior African intelligence than the inability to farm itself would be.

>> No.12324714

Muh semantics dont work, anon. Hollywood, media, banks and politicians overrepresent jews. This is a fact

>> No.12324720

Kek. The nosebergs aren't even hiding it. It doesnt matter whether they're smart or not. If they look to make first world countries into shitholes, that's not a good way to use your intelligence

>> No.12325003

Africa can feed itself though. Issue is logistics and transportation in some parts and conflict in others. I did and China receive aid in various forms in the past and present lol. Western farms receive a ton of subsidies so many shit farms or ones that run at a lot as still operate due to having a rich state backing them on top of immense protectionism.

>> No.12325015

>You assume the knowledge would be used to justify discrimatory policies, but it's actually much more likely it would do the opposite.
Considering we've had bad science be used to justify discriminatory policies your point kinda collapsed on itself. You also forget politicians taking well conducted research and misudertstanig it.

>> No.12325028
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>White women think most white men aren’t Chad enough
ironic coming from a dicklet Jew. Isn't the history of cuckoldry a Jewish fetish? I am pretty positive it is. I can provide more background info if you like

>> No.12325064

And we've also had a lack of knowledge on this issue bring about affirmative-action, which is something that is stil in place, so it's much more relevant
Do you even have any examples of discriminatory policies that are in place due to people thinking blacks are less intelligent than whites?

>> No.12325069

lol @ you patting yourself on the back thinking this was a clever post which shows how much a low IQ retard you are. All of this had been done for centuries, millennia even

>> No.12325083
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wrong on all counts

>> No.12325095
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No need to argue about it. I can solve this right now. All we have to do is look at the facts


Well, will you look at that? Huh, he was right. Cray cray moshe

>> No.12325111

It's as if you people don't understand nuance, hypocrisy or pragmatism. A marxist revolution is good for them because there will always be a top dog in the food chain. Guess who gets to be that top dog? It certanily isn't going to be the blue haired harpie drinking a onions latte tweeting about communism

A hypercapitalist elite is the perfect thing to be when everybody else is a classless "worker"

>> No.12325124

He didn't advocate for mass slaughter, you fucking retard.

>> No.12325474

This is all you'll ever have to understand to understand the JQ

>> No.12325478

Can you guys not understand the flow of reality, and how it doesn't happen in absolutes
Like is it such a crazy stretch of your imagination that an in-group would prosper immensely off one system, hoard the knowledge that came with being in high positions, allocate a ton of resources, condition the perception of others through media, and then enact a new phase in which they do away with anyone else having any "rich" positions or ownership of any kind?

Get a clue dude

>> No.12325487

looks kinda comfy imo

>> No.12325498

>Do you even have any examples of discriminatory policies that are in place due to people thinking blacks are less intelligent than whites?
>what is slavery

>> No.12325518

the slavery going on in africa and the middle east? wtf does this have to do with western nations you absolute tool?

>> No.12325547
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hyper individualism is a perfectly reasonable goal in a high trust, low corruption and high intelligence society. We come into this world alone and we leave it alone. You sub humans will never understand this because for one you can't build a functioning civilization on your own to begin with and two because you are so corrupt by nature you couldn't form any trust in it even if you could build one which is why you all flock to white nations. In order to compete with people you couldn't otherwise you have to play as a team to back stab, steal from and sabotage them.

>> No.12325582

I said "that are in place", not "that have been in place". Try reading the post you're responding to before you embarrass yourself.

On the topic of slavery though, do you have any proof that that was done due to whites thinking blacks were less intelligent than them?

>> No.12325677

>posts proof that Jews are going extinct by following the social trends as whites
Exactly my point, in the same way WASPS were replaced by Ellis island gilded age immigrants, American whites are getting replaced by third world immigrants. These trends are caused by modernity, not supervillain Juden. Imagine living in a hundred year old building whose builders didn’t know what they were doing and built the whole thing on false assumptions. Now imagine blaming every water leak and burst pipe that floods some rooms on a mysterious shadowy race of gremlin monkeys, instead of the hydraulics and plumbing system being a hundred years old and built retarded to begin with. Whenever a leak springs from two overlaid pipes vibrating and rubbing against each other, you blame an army of goblins with hammers who burst pipes for no reason and teleport out of sight the moment you enter the room. Jews are going extinct for the same reasons whites are and most of the trends you deem as Jewish schemes squarely originated with New England WASPS larping as secular quakers.

>> No.12325686
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I might be inclined to concede to you if there weren't numerous published plans that this is their intention and I wasn't smart enough to figure out, the means motive and opportunity that show this is indeed what they are doing for fact.

>> No.12325691

wow what a massive word salad cope to simply express you aren't smart enough to understand what someone else does

>> No.12325719

Being "bombed into the stone age" is a meme. The human basis for modern economies in things like education, skills, formal and informal institutions don't just evaporate unless you literally glass the entire country with nukes.

>> No.12325723

>A marxist revolution is good for them because there will always be a top dog in the food chain.
Get yourself a clue schyzo. Baseless speculations on what a group could possibly want in case it conformed to your unlikely characterization of it, that's not facts.
Remember what happened to jewish leaders of the Russian revolution for example, they died like the rest.

>> No.12325731
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no they didnt you absolute tool. They ran the nation for 60 years. stfu and go fuck yourself noseberg

>> No.12325831

This stupid argument again. White people were the biggest criminals when the wild west was not policed, the Irish, the Jew's lacky started this, then came the Italians in the 20th century after they had all assimilated easily because they were white, blacks and Latinos were left. You poltards are really ignorant about history. Even the British thought the Irish as the white man's niggers, they sent them to America and Australia because they were getting sick of them, but it's now taboo to talk about it because you have an easier target. And look at what the Italian mob have done to Italy, the northerners despise them. Also look at how violent Mexicans and other south Americans are, yes that easily compared to African American crime isn't it. Mexican cartels organise college students deaths and nothing is done about it. 40 students disappeared in 2014 never to be found, imagine killing your own children for a drug cartel? And let's not even speak about America's wars in the past 80 years alone, you guys just can't help yourselves, you have to kill people using the most sophisticated technologies.

>> No.12325920

>can’t read anything longer than a tweet.
>interprets someone expecting him to as an insult and responds with deflective hostility

>> No.12326359

Not science. Both are pseudoscience, anon.

>> No.12327054

It would be fantastic if people wanted to acknowledge race & IQ in order to reach out and put down actually-helpful education reform, but I have yet to see any simulacrum of even a hypothetical example of such a policy. Your proposal is that people who acknowledge race & IQ just want to help the people with the lower IQ, but in a sea of counter-examples, you aren't pointing out any policy proposals that are meant to be beneficial for all parties.

>> No.12328478

My proposal for what its worth :
>Acknowledge racial differences in intelligence
>Abolish affirmative action
>Increase social programs as needed (food stamps, universal healthcare, free education, UBI, seizing the means of production under dictatorship of the proletariat...)
>Allow immigration only for people with IQ scores of 111 and over

>> No.12328528

Current race idpol justifies anti-white policy so its already 'real-life'

>> No.12328531

Similar reason why human experimentation is taboo: society agrees the ends don't justify the means.

And we all know why you types care so much about racial intelligence, and we've collectively agreed that end isn't worth anything either.

>> No.12328536

But the main benefit would be for whites to stop feeling guilty and blacks to stop feeling victimized about black underperformance. Otherwise they'll keep trying to fix what ain't broken and getting frustrated at the lack of results.

>> No.12328537

Why do you ask the same question multiple times a day? Obsessive much?

>> No.12328545

This guy's response is good >>12328478
Also a question, what sea of counter-examples are you talking about? If you're talking about edgy racists on the internet and the things that they say, it might help you to realize this, but they don't influence policy as much as you think. They would in fact influence it a lot less than the average voter with reasonable views on race who has access to the most up-to-date information.

>> No.12328773
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Yes, but you are all fucking retarded, because the IQ gap is not what is causing black poverty. It is subsidization. This have been proven extensively by libertarians.
Welfare has killed the black community, nothing else.

>> No.12328776

Wow, you read this much propaganda?

>> No.12328793

Watch how Occupy Democrats wants you to hate white people for being poor and yet want you to sympathize with blacks for being poor. I wonder why.

>> No.12328853
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>You know niggers are only violent when they're next to each other
That has to be bait but whatever

>> No.12328887

>White people were the biggest criminals when the wild west was not policed,
Yes anon the majority of a nation will be most of its criminals. The Wild West was a period when the US was over 90% white.
>Even the British thought the Irish as the white man's niggers
Irish barely cause violent crime so they are not comparable to blacks in the slightest, and if Irish were like blacks all of Europe would have a subhuman view on them due to how violent and savage Irish men and women would behave in Ireland and outside of it.
> And look at what the Italian mob have done to Italy,
Thats the mob leftist, random blacks literally fuck up black areas thats the big difference between white and black crime.
>Also look at how violent Mexicans and other south Americans are,
The natives they came from were very violent savage people so if you give that sort of brain a boost with european DNA you have very dangerous criminal people.
>And let's not even speak about America's wars in the past 80 years alone
Not much wars done at home but abroad.

>> No.12328890

Education reform is impossible, at an IQ below 87 a human literally cannot be educated no matter what you do. Most black students in black or non black schools literally stare at their textbooks and nothing ever clicks in their brains at all, its unreal how fucking stupid black people are.

>> No.12328894

So why hasnt welfare ruined the poor whites? Why does welfare ruin blacks? It allows low IQ blacks to multiply far beyond their fiscal limits would allow, and since these sort of blacks arent rapidly killed off they continue multiplying spiking the violent crime rate in the area for the rest of time until someone finally kills them off.

>> No.12329116

If niggas was intelligent like the rest of the people they must have a more developed civilization in parallel with Europa and Asia and reject the invasión, but they are stalled in the indigenous era

>> No.12329149

Using the ASVAB as an IQ test proxy, the US military will accept those with an IQ as low as 81. Since the ASVAB isn't truly an IQ test, the mapping of ASVAB scores to IQ is done via matching percentiles. This likely breaks down when you get more then two standard deviations away from the mean but for this purpose, it's close enough. Bottom line is that the military is able to train people with IQs in the 80s for menial jobs.

>> No.12329866
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>> No.12329877 [DELETED] 
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Niggers are more violent regardless of how wealthy they are. Throwing money at them doesn't make any less savage.

>> No.12329880

I live so close to this county and yet I have literally never heard of it. Fuck off.

>> No.12329881
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Niggers are more violent regardless of how wealthy they are. Throwing money at them doesn't make them any less savage.

>> No.12329994

Why are the poorest whites the least murderous people ?

>> No.12330017

Because violent tendencies are more about genetics than poverty. Whites generally commit crimes because they think the outcome of the crime will benefit them somehow. Blacks tend to commit crimes because their emotions flare up to where they cannot control them. Even when the start of a black crime was about trying to gain some benefit such as wanting to take your wallet, the stress of the experience, especially if you resist, leads them into an emotional spiral where they no longer are in control. They go temporarily insane and don't have enough higher brain function to override the emotions coming out of their lower brain.
When whites get violent, there are often drugs or alcohol involved, which provides the lower primitive brain an assist with overpowering the higher modern brain. Also whites on the left tail of the bell curve tend to be more violent than those on other parts of the curve. Once again this ends up being about the lizard brain gaining control over the ape brain.

>> No.12330019

This is /sci/. It's ok to use the word black.

>> No.12330106

Niggers have feelings.

>> No.12330328

Do you have a peer reviewed citation to back that up?

>> No.12330419

It's taboo because history is taboo and manipulated. There will never be serious discussion on the topic especially with Africa. You are taught nothing about Africans existing as persistence hunters in the richest ecosystem on the planet. You will never hear about the fact that despite Africa being portrayed as harsh it's easy mode for primitive humans. You will never hear about how every major African empire and culture was based on enslaving their own people and eventually working with others to fuel the slave trade. Anywhere the weather isn't too harsh and the food comes relatively easy humans tend to be dumb as rocks. Where humans had to plan and prepare for harsh conditions and survive on limited resources they became more intelligent and more emotionally intelligent and empathetic to animals and people alike.

>> No.12330459

>Also a question, what sea of counter-examples are you talking about?
If you're so clueless about modern history why are you trying to discuss the ramifications of social policy?

>> No.12330488


>> No.12330569

African Americans and White Americans historically have not had the same opportunities for one.

>> No.12330579

If I'm so clueless why don't you enlighten me? Come on pal, hit me with some specifics. Going to bed but I'll btfo you when I wake up if someone else already hasn't

>> No.12330596

Don't forget all the locals governments that were destroyed.

>> No.12330653
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I checked the source is focused on being a victim of a crime. every time you read the source you will always see that the interpenetration is wrong or lack nuance.

>Blacks were roughly twice as likely to be victims of robbery, holding income constant, and rich blacks were more than twice as likely to have a vehicle stolen as rich whites.

but to answer your question rich black tend to b more connected to their poor roots. usually if somebody is going to rob or murder you. they will at least know your name and have a motive. also this data is from the 1980-1990 crime has decrease and there are lot more other thing to be worried about.

>> No.12330671
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>You cannot help something that stupid no matter what you do, the black cannot even comprehend that he/she can make mistakes or do any immoral actions meaning they cannot self reflect so will constantly cause issues in human society until you remove them either through prison or killing them off.
I know you lot barely read but this is ridiculous

>> No.12330690
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They weren't poor, their environment perfectly provided all their needs. Poverty is uniquely a civcuck problem. They only became poor after colonization

>A diet based on mongongo nuts is in fact more reliable than one based on cultivated foods, and it is not surprising, therefore, that when a Bushman was asked why he hadn't taken to agriculture he replied: "Why should we plant, when there are so many mongongo nuts in the world?" -Richard B. Lee

>> No.12330737

Why can't people discuss without being aggresive on this topic? As a shitskin, this topic interests me, and to prove a difference/equality in intelligence between different ethnicities is not trivial.

>> No.12330744

Tainted studies.

It's impossible to have a study with clean good science in a society that's so steeped in racism.
For example, simply having a stressful childhood can cause a significant drop in IQ, and simply living in a society such as ours and being black is enough to cause constant stress and worry for children. Hence, simply being black causes decrease in IQ BECAUSE of the increased stress in childhood they face.

>> No.12330882

This. It's only civcucks who think infinite growth is inherently good.
Probably all the wars of extermination that if they didn't maximize population they'd lose.

>> No.12330887

Also people posting fake stats ruined any serious discourse on this topic.