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12293475 No.12293475 [Reply] [Original]

Due to Covid all my TA work is recorded and posted online. I just watched one and I sound like a god damned robot with aspergers: monotone, a little hoarse, lengthy pauses and tons of ummms. I want to be a good teacher but what do I do to fix my voice skills? Or is this normal expected behavior outside of professional radio hosts etc?

>> No.12293510

Get a better microphone? Can't help with speaking, just try speaking into a screen for some time to get used to it.

>> No.12293700
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>just be yourself

>> No.12293763
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Hello anon, can you hear me?!?!!!

>> No.12293772

Try reciting a speech from JFK or another famous orator and copying their patterns. Speaking, like any other skill, is perfected from raw, effort-driven practice.

>> No.12293870


You act like a frog and go ribbit.

>> No.12294077
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>> No.12294386

Im so glad i wasn't a grad student during covid. I don't think i would have survived the zoom age.

>> No.12294415

op ignore the brainlets. Speaking is 99% preparation & knowing the source material. If you have to do a lot of mental processing about the source material, you will sound slow and boring, next time you give this course, you will be exponentially more fluent. (or just prepare better...). Been TA-ing the same course for 3 years, every time i improve drastically.

>> No.12295013
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There is truth to this, but even seasoned experts can be bad/unpopular teachers. OP is actually very lucky to live in the Zoom age, since it gives him all these recordings of himself and the self-awareness to use them.

Pic related reportedly spent hundreds of hours reviewing his own recorded speeches and refining his style, and by the end he had won the hearts of an entire country and was banging a 10/10 blonde mommy.

>> No.12295133

Post vocaroo voicelet

>> No.12295143

>I just watched one
You fucking mad man
I wouldn't have the balls

>> No.12295154

a-are you my TA? give me an A or else I'll tell the whole class that you shitpost on a vietnamese image board

>> No.12295728

No, but I am

>> No.12295783
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>telling a monotone asperger autismo to try impersonating JFK
absolutely devlish

>> No.12295793

You might have an answer from the people at /lang/ on /int/.