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12293032 No.12293032[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, are the Jews a race? So far I am getting conflicting information while researching this topic. For example, here is what leading scientists of the 1930s had to say about Jews:

> If we thoroughly study the racial nature of the Jew, we conclude that Jewry is not a race in the ordinary sense of the word. Instead, as Houston Steward Chamberlain wrote, it must be seen as a counter-race, although the term “counter-race” cannot be understood in a biological sense. From a biological standpoint, Jewry is a stable, inbred mixture of extreme races and racial rubbish. The concept of “counter-race” primarily means the destructive and disruptive effect of Jewry within natural races. The distinguishing mark of Jewry within human races has to do on the one hand with the racial makeup of the Jews, who have been scattered for millennia, and on the other hand in their stubborn adherence to the crassest materialism, based on their so-called religious laws.
> Jewry is the result of the mixing of every possible race. It is the biggest racial mish-mash in history. This racial mish-mash is so dangerous for all peoples because it because it includes elements from every race. The bad characteristics of these races have been passed on for many generations through Jewry in ever stronger form. From this artificial, rootless, materialistic racial mish-mash, a parasitic counter-race has developed among the peoples.

According to the above texts, Jews are an inversion of a race. What are your thoughts on this?

>> No.12293042

They're white. Jews are a religious group, not a racial one.

>> No.12293048

> In his book Mein Kampf (p. 335), Hitler said: “Over the long term, he can preserve his existence within other peoples only if he succeeds in persuading them that he is not a people, but only a ‘religious community,’ albeit a peculiar one.”
> The first and greatest lie, that Jewry is not a racial question, but a religion, inevitably leads to further lies.

>> No.12293163

They are an ethno-religious group and also the masterrace.

>> No.12293172

>They're white
Specifically you're probably talking about Ashkenazi Jews here
Although the american idiotic 'white' is meaningless and includes anyone from Ireland, to Russia, to Portugal, to Saudi Arabia, just like the rest of the white-black-asian(and, of course, "hispanic") race classification

>> No.12293179

Define race
At some point some group just favored certain traits I suppose, and continually compounded that until they had a more stable and established biological identity

>> No.12293187

>This racial mish-mash is so dangerous for all peoples because it because it includes elements from every race
this is some of the dumbest shit i've ever heard lol
>I share a connection with all races. I'm a danger to you!

>> No.12293191

Lol ask them if they're racially white or jewish

>> No.12293249

They make it difficult to classify. Judaism comprises the religious Jews, except the term "Jew" comprises a more general culture and human subspecies as well. So in general, is Jew a race? Well, yes and no.

>> No.12293254

Why are the least intelligent white people and muslims obsessed with jews? It seems like once you cross the line under 75 IQ it becomes your main hobby if you’re in one or these two groups

>leading scientist
there is no living person other than /pol/ users who fall for this stuff. you have a lower avg int than most animals...

>> No.12293265

/pol/ did a good job convincing me they’re white. they are inbred fat losers who only stand up from their keyboard warrior propaganda to eat, and still all they can come up with is the rare tweet or blog post as evidence. I can’t think of a better way to prove outside of a study that a claim is wrong than a cult pushing that claim failing to come up with anything

>> No.12293266

Quite a presumptuous statement for such a whiff of a question! Should I even entertain the question? I think not. Begone, midgetwit!

>> No.12293280 [DELETED] 

> there is no living person other than /pol/ users who fall for this stuff.

"Fall" for what stuff?

Those who ignore this topic strike me as massively naive; whatever other topics you think we should focus in this World, is automatically secondary in nature. No other topic is foremost they seem like distractions at best.

>> No.12293284

> there is no living person other than /pol/ users who fall for this stuff.

"Fall" for what stuff?

Those who ignore this topic strike me as massively naive; whichever other topics you think we should focus in this World, are automatically secondary in nature. Any other topics you have in your mind are distractions at best (akin to spinning the wheels.)

>> No.12293295

They're white just like the saudis and the Spanish.

>> No.12293297

fall for the pseudoscientific 40 IQ nonsense about race neonazis spout. You tards are way worse than even SJWs

>> No.12293308

> pseudoscientific 40 IQ nonsense

That 'pseudoscientific 40 IQ nonsense' somehow matches 1:1 with our current reality on Earth. Do not blame us for noticing obvious patterns and trends. Nature has granted us this ability for a reason.

>> No.12293314

The “patterns” neonazis notice are the same “patterns” flat earthers, anti vaxxers, and other dregs of humanity notice. You have never noticed a pattern in your life. You’re nowhere near smart enough. There’s a reason you have to circle jerk on this awful website with other inbred mentally retarded sub-humans. You are wrong about everything and you would lose any debate instantly if held accountable for honesty and facts. You are less than an animal.

>> No.12293318

the way I look at it, race is kind of a meme either way.
One group deviated one way relative to the values of the group and the environmental pressures they faced.
Comparing the "distance of genes"? Like...what the fuck is that?
Either way, it's just conditioning one way or another. Some groups have similar backgrounds therefore it's easier for them to bond as their identities are more likely to come from similar places.
Defining race one way or another is utter nonsense.
Just pay attention to individuals. Do you fuck with those individuals, their behavior, their identity, their values, their skills, etc. or not?

Defining a "masterrace" is fallacy in and of itself. It's only relative to a projected objective that anything could ever be defined as "better", and even the value of determining "better" comes down to the perceiver and their values, biases, etc.

At the end of the day, it's all just conditioning. Give any group or individual adequate resources and an engaging environment in various different ways, and it will stimulate their development.

If Jews religiously harbor an identity that prevents them from taking stable refuge in a territory, it means they're constantly having to learn the behaviors, systems, values, social normalities, languages, etc, of other groups. If anyone does this it will agitate development in a myriad of different ways.
Compound this mentality over time, and breed together the people that harbor these values, and you will get a group of people with "high IQ" (IQ is a meme), because they are able to recognize significantly more established patterns (relative to the writer of the IQ test).
Still, a group or individual can have low IQ and be highly specialized, and if that happens to fit the values, then they will advance and be afforded more resources and further opportunity.

>> No.12293334

It's irrelevant because no matter how small the difference between different groups, they'll always find an excuse, or rationalization, that permits them to try and obtain the resources they need.

>> No.12293344

Anyway, if you listen to a group whose answers to problems are "just genocide them", then you're listening to intellectually impotent, and insecure people who would sooner kill off intelligence so they can facilitate their own fantasies of reality.
All this does is basically "trophy hunt" intelligent people. However one feels about Jews and the meme of how they act, and assuming this meme of Jew high IQ, this group will help the development of other groups by virtue of competition, challenge, whatever.
Nature expects your expansion.
That said, you become the games you play. If they're part of the process of agitating your development, then you will develop more towards their playingfield (if, again, we're assuming all this stuff about Jews)

So, my recommendation is to stop bothering with it, and start growing what you want to see in the world, and focus on validating the character you wish to see in the world.
Make your own game and create your own methods that stimulate development and expansion instead of "battling with the Jews"

At the end of the day, it just seems people are looking for narrative that instigate their action. Jews afford the modern neo nazis (or whatever the fuck you want to call pol types) this narrative.
It's like they show up to pol each day for a new stimulating drama and armaments against anyone who isn't them.
Have you noticed, though, their identity is almost entirely routed in criticizing and attacking other groups, without any form of development or herd ambition of their own? Curious.

>> No.12293350
File: 132 KB, 640x820, tacitus(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if mullatos, castizos and mestizos are a race then Jews are a race. they are a euro-afro-asiatic mutt breed

>> No.12293364

The somali jews as well?

>> No.12293471

Do you see the futility in your arguments? They are simultaneously a race AND not a race. Their group has a religious backing as well, allowing for secondary Judaism. You could say "Jews are white" and I could give you examples of non-white Jews. So then you return with "Jews are not white!" and I refute you with Jews that are white. Learn your quantifiers, pseudo-intellectuals! More importantly, stop trying to categorize things into boxes that they do not belong. You just appear like a conspiratard, grasping at straws, saying nonsense like "oh, look at this pattern that I see in the stars! The world will end in 10 years!"

>> No.12293478

pretty much this. /pol/ and SJWs are identical - feels over reals.

>> No.12293502

It's funny how race is such a malleable concept, yet makes one so clearly see the superiority of some over others. A natural je-ne-sais-quoi, if you will. Feels good to be white.

Someone without racial identity will inevitably try to tear it from others that have it and plunge them into the purposeless void of sickly-brown skin and beady eyes that look to a fake god for redemption. Such people ought to have been removed from this world before they became men. Their existence is a travesty in the most natural, spiritual sense.

Your impotent rage when faced with simple truth suggests that we are well on the right path. Throw off the yoke of subversion and see the light. You do not have to die for them.

>> No.12293512
File: 314 KB, 805x922, 1604177866193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are white.

>> No.12293522

So the holocaust was a white genocide?

>> No.12293525

They are a part of the West Eurasian spectrum.

>> No.12293545

Yes they have different genetics
but just use common sense, you can tell someone is jewish by looking at them

>> No.12293640

That’s a fallacious argument. Are you counting the far greater number of times you couldn’t tell someone was jewish by looking at them, or times you thought someone was jewish but they weren’t? Political extremists always have far too much confidence in their poor reasoning abilities thanks to the old dunning kruger

>> No.12293652

>simple truth
I don’t think there’s a cult less involved with truth than /pol/. at the very least, you are among the dumbest to ever live. there’s a reason why in order to find like minded people you’d either have to move to a drug infested trailer park or a cave in fuckgoatistan.

>> No.12293744

First counterexample: Drake. Prepared for another? Learn your quantifiers! A "for all" statement is disproved by a singular example.
And you fell like a domino with the hothead above.

>> No.12293785

>Just pay attention to individuals. Do you fuck with those individuals, their behavior, their identity, their values, their skills, etc. or not?
nobody does this lol, least of all jews. only soft, feminine whites, and they're goig extinct soon because of it

>> No.12293795

I'm not saying this as a means to "end the hate bro", I mean clinging to racial identity like this is a meme.
If people have attributes you fuck with, it really does not matter. The only benefit is the tribalism that comes with clinging to racial identity specifically because everyone believes in this racial identity.
Elite groups, for example, seldom give a shit about race. They're their own race in their eyes. It's just shared values and identity or state of mind.

>> No.12293809

Wrong. Judaism is built around an ethnicity.
You can't just read the Talmud and decide you're Jewish. There are also a huge amount of Jews who are atheists, but still Jews.
As a religion, it's particularly hard to join as an outsider if you manage it, you'll never be truly accepted by the orthodoxy.
It's a Semitic ethnic group that goes back thousands of years, complete with recognizable features and traits.

>> No.12293824

jews race-mix more than anyone. this fact alone disproves virtually all neonazi propaganda. and they don’t follow the talmud unless they’re orthodox (poor).


>> No.12293835

Pretty sure if you come from a jewish womans womb, you're a jew as far as they're concerned

>> No.12293841

Jews are a religion

>> No.12293843

true or not that has no bearing on anything. it’s still the opposite of being tribalistic, racist, anti-white, or anything else the brainwashed brainlets on this site claim

>> No.12293844

Take a religion
Certain rules, borders, states of mind
Compound, compound, compound
Stay tribal

What's hard to understand

>> No.12293851

Meh, I'm not going to be the one to tell them to put their guard down.
There's fishy shit happening @ whites and it's not purely organic
What's driving idk, but it's not hard to see.

I saw some white girls on tiktok saying they have so much white guilt that they would feel wrong having white babies.
Tell me that's not indoctrination and propaganda

>> No.12293859

There is such a thing as a stereotypical Jew.
How is that "neonazi propaganda"? Is there even such a thing as a neonazi? A handful of people laughing at offensive memes?
Race mixing doesn't disprove a distinct ethnicity. The average Afro American has 25% white DNA.
Why is it so important to your type for the Jews to be indistinguishable from a white European?
Do you think you're fighting nazi's with this opinion?
Did it ever occur to you that maybe Jews don't want to be lumped in with whites. After all, their entire identity is built around their Jewishness.

>> No.12293865

There are far more minorities who are self-hating and feel inferior to whites because of media and movies telling them only whites can be beautiful. Is that also indoctrination and propaganda? Or is it just conveniently when you can pretend you’re a victim

There’s a good reason /pol/ has the lowest intelligence of any cult.

>> No.12293878

Jewish stereotypes have mostly been engineered deliberately by the Catholic Church and Islamists. If there’s one group where the stereotypes don’t reflect reality at all, it’s Judaism. Because of the history of how they came to be.

>> No.12293879

It's either a race, religion, or nationality, depending on what is most convenient at the time. See the "anti semitism" laws passed last year after US aid to Israel was criticized.

>> No.12293880

>There are far more minorities who are self-hating and feel inferior to whites because of media and movies telling them only whites can be beautiful
Have you surveyed the mass of media? It's not a meme.
And that's all clearly changing right now. It's not changing by merely making "pro-black/poc" statements, it's changing by directly attacking white people as well. A young white girl doesn't need to feel white guilt for us to put energy into pro-black media, identity, causes, etc. Yet here we are.

Either way, "far more minorities who are self-hating" really doesn't mean we need to make more whites hate themselves?
I'm not sure why you had to even bring this into the argument. All it does is dodge what I had to say and make it about something else.

I'm not "victimizing" myself? Is this another way to dodge the comment? A teenage white girl who says she feels so much white guilt that she would not have white children IS MEDIA INDOCTRINATION. Lol. There's no getting around this.

>There’s a good reason /pol/ has the lowest intelligence of any cult.
This isn't relevant to anything I've said, and I don't care for /pol/

>> No.12293882

>Have you surveyed the mass of media? It's not a meme.
by this I mean, what groups predominantly run media?

>> No.12293885

Spending 10 thousand years evolving within your tribe produces a new distinct lineage.
How do you think speciation occurs in animals?
Why is this so hard to understand?

>> No.12293893

Yeah I'm not denying that, all I'm saying is that's how "race" is conjured up
It's just compounded state of mind+actions in certain directions

>> No.12293895

>Jewish stereotypes have mostly been engineered deliberately by the Catholic Church and Islamists
The catholic church and Islamists engineered the curly hair and nose shape and the nasally voice? Cool story bro

>> No.12293898

>Do you see the futility in your arguments?
Are you retarded? My post specifically said it would be stupid to call them a race

>> No.12293904

Curly hair and Roman nose are Mediterranean traits and only incidentally relate to Jews because some Jews have Mediterranean genes. Jews have the same exact rates of “nasally voice” as every other population. Thanks for showing how uneducated and brainwashed you are because it shows my point. You’re a manipulated useful idiot.

>> No.12293907

it makes more sense to say white guilt is the result of atrocities white people have committed, rather than non existent media propaganda. White heroes are still the norm. If anything at all, the media is pro white propaganda.

>> No.12293909

jewish stereotypes are recorded degenerate behavior by every race and religion they ever comingled with Jew kus

>> No.12293915

This is nonsense for so many different reasons, chief among them that Jews have by far the lowest rates of “degenerate behavior” among the Abrahamic religions. Christians and Muslims have committed literally hundreds of times more collective immoral acts than Jews have in a fraction of the time. Clearly this has nothing to do with actual behavior, since da jooz have been blamed for basically fiction 99% of the time.

>> No.12293920

>You’re a manipulated useful idiot.
I could say the same to you.
My point is, there are a lot of Jews out there who, the instant you see them, you can say "yeah that guy is Jewish"
I could probably tell just from a telephone conversation.
Of course I'm not saying this about all Jews. As an ethnicity, it is complicated with a lot of history.

>> No.12293924

>it makes more sense to say white guilt is the result of atrocities white people have committed
It doesn't make sense for a teenage girl to be subjugated to a narrative of things that happened hundreds of years ago that she had no part in.

Again, we can be teaching people about the black community, putting energy, effort, and development into it without having to intrinsically link their identity to slavery, and young white people to being "evil".
Both of those things are propaganda. Neither of them are necessary for us to acknowledge and put effort into imbalances in our system, and to help uplift those whom need it.
Literal propaganda both ways.

I just said, again, media is already changing a ton to put more POC people forward. I really don't even like saying shit like POC or talking black white, because it just makes people tribal.
I can see how a system "sees race", but making me see it just makes me intrinsically distant from other people, and frames a mindset of tribalism and "otherness".

I'll say again lol, have you done any personal research into media companies, hollywood behind the scenes, netflix behind the scenes?
This isn't some pol meme, it speaks for itself.

Also people watch way more youtube than netflix, and there's all types of people there. Making content and movies is now easier than ever and you can upload it for free. Go represent yourself.

Let me ask you a very direct question
Do you think it's right for media to indoctrinate young children to despise their own race?
Would this energy not be better spent in trying to uplift other groups as opposed to self-hatred?

Media has done so much to instigate racial tribalism.

>> No.12293925

if you actually believe Jews have nasally voices you are in the bottom percentile for IQ. You getting brainwashed by nazis decades after they died kek. I don’t even bother explaining the fallacies and thinking biases involved

>> No.12293927

Like how long are we going to teach young black kids that their identity is intrinsically linked to slavery?
Do you think this has no sort of subconscious effect?

>> No.12293930

>collecting information from the leading scientists of the 1930's
go bloodlet

>> No.12293934

Netflix is run by white non jewish people almost exclusively

How could you think differently unless you’ve been brainwashed by the inbred shills here?

>> No.12293935

>if i dont see race there's no racism
good goy

>> No.12293939

Once again, not every Jew but a good amount of them have a distinguishable, unmissable voice.
So much so that it's a stereotype.
If you believe this is "nazi brainwashing" then our conversation is done.

>> No.12293946


>> No.12293947

Having met a lot of Jewish people, I can say for certain they do not have any vocal traits in common. Understanding the cause of nasally voices also helps (it has nothing to do with race). The idea of a Jewish person with a nasally voice is indeed nazi propaganda disseminated by them in the 30s.

>so much do that it’s a stereotype
Something isn’t true if it’s a stereotype. There are numerous ways something can become a stereotype, and it often has nothing to do with truth.

>> No.12293948

Yes, and you are surely a genius and nothing you say is incorrect or ridiculous. Everything you say is, by definition, true so this is no reason to consider the possibility that you could be wrong. Anyone who disagrees with you is a hateful, intolerant, inbred, cousin-fucking meth fiend and neonazi, so there is no reason to take them seriously.

>> No.12293951
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kys rabbi

>> No.12293956

>try to backpedal
>still end up mentioning companies run by non jewish whites

how come you guys always mention Jewish ceos it it’s about the investors by the way? you will only ever see a /pol/ sub-human mention stockholders if the leadership is white.

>> No.12293958
File: 3.74 MB, 2552x4969, derjuden1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with a rusty spoon. everyone, everywhere you go all say the same thing. you are the lowest filth they ever encountered

>> No.12293960

>>still end up mentioning companies run by non jewish whites
are you daft?

>> No.12293963

>gish gallop image filled with lies, nonsense, fake history, and other forms of dishonesty
only someone with a /pol/ tier IQ can ever fall for this shit

>> No.12293964

Also you can turn to a lot of the writers to see even more

>> No.12293968

Everyone in the present who worships Moloch and Baal writes down Jewish on their census card, js.

>> No.12294051
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well interesting theory, however my IQ is well over 150 and I will make you look illiterate on any topic you choose. A for effort however

>> No.12294081
File: 42 KB, 600x459, gb-2009-10-1-r7-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2687795/

>> No.12294083
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>> No.12294085
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>> No.12294150
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>They're white. Jews are a religious group, not a racial one.

>> No.12294169

Jews are Germans who are good with money

That being said gtkrwn tbhfam

>> No.12294170

ashkenazi jews are europeans, so if that is your definition for white then they are indeed white.

>> No.12294175

If Jews and Blacks started systematically breeding the results would be so overpowered. They’d literally be Nobel Prize winning NBA playing Übermenschen.

>> No.12294183

>if regression to mean doesn't exist

>> No.12294201

Just select extremely high IQ jews and extremely high IQ blacks with good physical genes

>> No.12294207

you could say just selecting extremely high iq and athletic individuals period then. race makes little difference with such selection.

>> No.12294213

Race makes a difference because the dicks should be black

>> No.12294217


>> No.12294236

That's with the assumption that intelligence fundamentally has no trade-offs on physical ability, i.e. the intelligence genes also make you unathletic, and there's no way to circumvent this physically. For instance, we know the brain takes up 20% of human metabolism, genes which enhance musculature draw more metabolic processes to build and maintain, the only pool which you could afford to take that extra metabolism from is from the brain. Of course, if you could get around this the resulting people would need to eat a lot, far more than mos humans alive, then it becomes a question of whether it's even worth it in the first place.

>> No.12294242

athleticism has no use any longer and if the trade-off is intelligence then it should be traded for more intelligence.

>> No.12294262

Not only that, but there's evidence that coordination ability has an inverse relationship with memory. For instance, people with dyspraxia have an amazing long term memory compared to the rest of the human population, a large aspect of intelligence, and the effect does seem to generalize to overall coordination ability.

>> No.12294810

This thread fell to race bait. Classic.

>> No.12294824

They're not even human

>> No.12294826

People hate you because you inbred vermin lie, murder, scheme and cheat ceaselessly.

>> No.12294828

Found one

>> No.12294838

Found another

>> No.12294839

>only someone with a /pol/ tier IQ can ever fall for this shit
As opposed to the high IQ crowd rushing to accept the baseless assertions you make in every post?

>> No.12294851

Such /pol/, much wow
Third one
Ah, yes. 150IQ geniuses shitpost /pol/ images on /sci/. Sad for all the 130, 140IQ midwits out there who are busy curing diseases, inventing new technology, and getting rich.

>> No.12294857

A fourth one, man this is fun

>> No.12295847

I prefer the new, sleek term: "midgetwit". I won't even acknowledge you're at the midpoint of wit. Calling someone a midgetwit is possibly the most devastating act, aside from murdering their family and leaving them alive to suffer.

>> No.12295875
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Depends what you mean by raace and what you mean by White, both ofwhich are pretty arbitrary. Are Sardinians a race too? Or Russians? Both grouops can be clearly differentiated from one another but are both still "White".

>> No.12296048

anthropologists have found jewish people to be one of the most closely related ethnic groups

>> No.12296151

> If Jews and Blacks started systematically breeding the results would be so overpowered.

The result would be an ugly mutt stupider than the Jewish side and less athletic than the Negro side.

>> No.12296352

lol your words, not his.

>> No.12296859
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>They're white

>> No.12296922
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