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12261576 No.12261576[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12261606

What about it?

>> No.12261848

Stats for hospitalizations and deaths?

>> No.12261876

Whoa it’s almost like pathogens mutate to affect more hosts...

>> No.12261885

Well yea, lockdown is what kept the curve low

>> No.12262071

>WHO: Dude, chill out. It's bad for the economy to freak out mmmkay? We'll call it a family friendly name of Covid-19.
>You fucking retard, look what happens because of your shit. All the fucking senior citizens are dying, does this mean nothing to you? Close down airports and stop this shit now
>WHO: think about the economy mmmkay? We can't make those billionaire airlines to go bankrupt overnight. Let's "Flatten ((The Curve))™"
>WHO: Hmmm... Economies crashing bad. Lift all restrictions, it's just a flu anyways.

>> No.12262131

lockdown doesn't mean shit if its not enforced

I live in a college town (lots of people came back regardless of the fact that everything is online). Technically we're in "lockdown", but nothing is enforced and some people even throw parties. Guess what? Cases are going up. Lockdown doesn't mean shit if people do everything they normally would do other than working from home.

>> No.12262141

if we had closed EVERYTHING for 2 - 4 weeks like fucking China did, we would already be in the clear, wouldn't have even needed to bail anyone out

but you know...MUH FREEDUMBS

>> No.12262164

Too bad we don't have an authoritarian state with absolute power

>> No.12262231

yeah its too bad because now not only will our economy suffer, but we'll also lose more people

>> No.12262408

china's economy recovering fast

>> No.12262453

>institute lockdown
Transmission rates drop
>lift lockdown
Transmission rates rise
Am I supposed to be surprised by this?

>> No.12263021

Yes, because people living bad and basic hygiene bad too.

>> No.12263029

I wonder if this is what those "west knows best" guys were talking about?

>> No.12263124

And nobodies dying because college students aren't geriatric.

>> No.12263254

>china shills sucking each others cocks

>> No.12263255

This. We never had a real lockdown.

>> No.12263261

>end of 2020
>still using death rate as argument

>> No.12263302

Lets be honest the virus is still spreading widely in china but they don't give a shit

>> No.12263324

the lockdown lunatics will say anything to keep from losing credibility.

>> No.12263337

Proof? Sounds like you are coping.

>> No.12263374

Official data for germany, see table on page 8:
1. column: "KW" = calender week
2. column: "Fälle Total" = total nr. of cases
10. column: "Anteil Hospitalisiert" = hospitalization rate
12. column: "Anteil Verstroben" = death rate

>> No.12263382


lol you're a moron.

>> No.12263395

I like Lockdown.
I don't even give a shit about corona hoax, I just wanna be like this forever.

>> No.12263402

Seriously who fucking hired you? lol

>> No.12263404

Spain is worse than the US and they had strict lockdowns for months.

>> No.12263409

The lockdown is a fake sense of control. You can't control the virus. The point is to slow the spread until a vaccine, without one it would make no difference either way.
If you infected young healthy people, let's say with less than a .05% chance of getting extreme symptoms, you wouldn't even need to wait for a vaccine before opening up. Reinfections are extremely rare and a vaccine wouldn't be foolproof either so they are equivocal in this circumstance,
But I think the proper response should have been to put an exorbitant about of money into protecting nursing homes and the immunocompromised. The rest of the population is vulnerable but survives and the hospital admission rate for the younger population is low enough to not overburden hospitals. Then the infection rate would be astronomical but the mortality rate is low proportionally until herd immunity is reached.

>> No.12263451

My country had 0 cases for weeks and now we are almost the worst in europe. You would need china-like measures until vaccacine, which is impossible in liberal democracies

>> No.12263466

All those lockdowns "to stop the spread" for nothing. You should just let it spread and be done with it, because this is always going to be the case every time you lift lockdowns.

>> No.12263495

The idea is to let immunity build up slowly so our public health system doesnt get overwhelmed. No politician dares to risk losing boomer vote. When the vaccine finally comes out most people will have contact with virus anyway so it will spread slower.
>muh reinfection
10 immunodeficient cases around the globe dont mean shit

>> No.12263497

Yeah let's just assume things without any basis that's a good approach for a science forum.

>> No.12263503

>10 immunodeficient cases around the globe dont mean shit
Do you live under a rock? Check the news again. Reinfections are real and not limited to preexisting conditions.
Also there's no long-term immunity to coronaviruses.

>> No.12263517

i know this is china we're talking about but i might as well say that there are actually 10 billion chinese people instead of 1 billion and they're all 50 cm tall and you won't prove me wrong because proofs are apparently for pussies

>> No.12263523

>Also there's no long-term immunity to coronaviruses.
Then why is everyone expecting/waiting for a vaccine? You've got the likes of Australia, New Zealand, New York, California, etc who refuse to reopen their economy until a vaccine is found.

>> No.12263549

There are currently 40 million cases and less than 10 officialy confirmed reinfections. Of course some people are not going to generate strong enough immune response and will have serume antibody levels too low, either because infection was so mild or because some lymphocite mutation. But saying that you arent immune for more than few months is doomer talk, all the scientist are saying is they dont know how long immunity lasts, not that it doesnt last

>> No.12263567

>increase in testing means increase in incidence

>> No.12263575

Probably but not certain. The CCP seems to be leading experts in "creative statistics" so we may never know

>> No.12263592

False. We had lockdowns from March till June. We then managed to control the epidemic somewhat, but come Summer and the government was too afraid to put stronger restrictions (recall how important tourism is for the Spanish economy) and delegated to the Autonomous Communities, so now you have not authority but 19 authorities running around like headless chicken. Even now the Government is afraid to impose a lockdown,fearing massive damage to the economy. So now we are in a Damocles-like situation

>> No.12263603

Yeah, like in Germany but nothing fucking happened here because its a fucking cold.

>> No.12263608

and yet taiwan and new zealand did it just fine

>> No.12263609

>source: my ass

>> No.12263625

>Then why is everyone expecting/waiting for a vaccine?
Because coordinating a global vaccination that just makes everyone immune for 4 months would be enough to kill it off. Otherwise give everyone a shot several times a year until it's over. We've done it before. WHO literally visited a billion houses in India to get smallpox wiped out.

>less than 10 officialy confirmed reinfections.
I repeat, check again. Last week it was 24. I bet it's much more now. Some of them had mild symptoms, yes, but only a minority.
>saying that you arent immune for more than few months is doomer talk
No, it's based on research about immune responses to other coronaviruses.

>> No.12263628

>like in Germany
There was no lockdown in Germany. Some businesses had to close and some public gatherings/concerts were canceled but other than that nothing else.

>> No.12263640

False what? Spain did had strict lockdowns for months as well as now being the only country who still is obligatory to use face mask everytime you are outside everywhere, and still Spain is worse than the US per Capita in covid deaths. I also live here, making another lockdown is fucking retarded, it does nothing of benefit and it fucking destroys the economy and the people that work, is just that parasites who get money from doing nothing on welfare don't give a shit if there's another lockdown because they don't work.

>> No.12263641

Both small island countries where restricting entry into the country is far easier. Both had lockdowns well before there were any significant infections.

>> No.12263647

The lockdowns are retarded. We had inumerous pandemics in the past 120 years or so that killed millions in a year and no one cared back then because it was natural. Now a bunch of weak people die and people get desperate. 1 million in one year is fucking nothing. It is under every common disease like flu or Tuberculosis. Geez, em 1968 there was a pnademic that killed 200.000 in the US and the hippies were doing riots and Woodstock. In 1991 3 million died just in China and was normal. This is the first time in history where entire countries got closed for nothing.

>> No.12263648

I mean my country managed to do it as well, but now there is a winter and all respiratory infections spread faster in cold. Also they are islands. Even when we had 0 cases we couldnt just shut down european borders with infected countries

>> No.12263666

>we can't be perfect so 400000 dead by new year is ok
you're a piece of work, aren't you

>> No.12263680

Literally no-one is allowed into NZ because there is zero immunity there and their economy is in tatters. I would not call that "just fine".

>> No.12263701

Absolutely right.
Unfortunately useless to argue with facts. Most people are completely brainwashed by the news media and politics. Lemming-style NPCs everywhere.

>> No.12263702

You dont need to be an authoritarian state to have a good lockdown, but you DO need to have a robust safety net, suite of social services, and plans in place to feed everyone in their homes.

Honestly the USA was always going to be fucked long and hard by covid. Our healthcare system being as expensive as it is and tied to employment means we were always going have people breaking lockdown to work even if they're nonessential.

>> No.12263710

Thats really more of a problem of you yankees being fat and having shit healthcare than lockdowns

>> No.12263725

Difference is now everyone and their mother is on social media and hype spreads way too fast to way too many people

>> No.12263735

>we shouldn't care about the loves of 1 million people as long as I'm not affected
>we shouldn't value human life because we didn't in the past
>the past was always better
And worst of all
>I only care about deaths and ignore long-term effects because I'm scared
You're stupid.

>> No.12263743

It's nothing bro. Just a flu. Nobody gets hurt despite boomers.

>> No.12263746

idk about you but i've recovered from t h e f l u recently so i might have enough time for immunity until vaccine (in case i'll need it)

>> No.12263833

No, you are a fucking faggot and spams your weakness by fearing death and trying to pass it to others because your shitty lifestyle makes you a easy target to any disease. I had two family members killed by covid. So what? I had 5 killed by traffic and it not makes me never enter a car again.
If you think the insane bastards on media telling you to stay at home because they care about human life you are even more stupid than any rioter.
The only long term effects that are going to happen is precisely because people chimp out at it, this year instead of just dealing rationally with it like any other disease in history. 0.05% lethality. You are a complete moron.

>> No.12263838

Gymbros have shitty hearts. Exceptions don't make rules in statistics. Plenty of people over 90 years onld recovered and most of the dead are still elders.

>> No.12263854

Can you imagine the Democrat response had the Trump administration attempted this? Or vice versa.

>> No.12263858

>to feed everyone in their homes

So simple.

>> No.12263863

bullshit, you cannot hide a fucking pandemic

>> No.12263875

It's extremely easy to hide something when you are on the other side of the planet and you don't allow connection to the global internet.

>> No.12263876

oh my God people caught a cold and shit and nothing happened to them! The horror of it all! dumb ass get clamped and vaxxed if you are so scared of the common cold faggot. get that tracking. chip too while you are at it

>> No.12263880

>It is under every common disease like flu
The flu has killed under 400k people this far. Add to that how it's a much more widespread disease that has had the entire year to do so while Covid is still settling in and basicaly you're an incorrect niggerfaggot.

>> No.12263882

>Geez, em 1968 there was a pnademic that killed 200.000 in the US

Nope, Hong Kong flu: The United States health authorities estimated that about 34,000[18][19] to 100,000[15] people died in the U.S.

Coronavirus is already at 223,000 dead in the US and the pandemic is not over yet.

Corona is the worst pandemic since 1918 Spanish flu.

>> No.12263883

yes freedom always overrides everything you inbred npc. if you're scared stay home cowering like a bitch if you want. try to make me stay home and you gonna get blasted sport

>> No.12263890

please kys and free us

>> No.12263892

No, it is extremely hard to hide a large scale problem in modern times. Everyone and their dog is aware of uyghur concentration camps in China, for example. A fucking pandemic is even much harder to hide than that. There is no coronavirus spreading in general Chinese popolation.

>> No.12263893

These faggots need to move to China. They want fascism and yet their homosexuality and feminity are going to get absolutely crushed.

>> No.12263902

The camps are a lot different situation, but I would not trust honesty from a country that does that sort of shit.

I'm not even the original poster, but there is no reason to trust China's word on anything. I am willing to say that it is possible that you are correct, but I would never say anything for certain as it comes to China.

>> No.12263905

>Im scared of catching a cold so I get to make you do what I want
Yah dont think so bud I will rek your shit son. I pray some fucking cuck like tries to tell me what to do. I will beat you senseless and film it and post it on every social media app available to teach punk ass botches like you what happens when you get uppity. Die in a fire coward

>> No.12263910

World population 1968: 3.5 billion
World population 2020: 7.8 billion
And US =/= World. 1-4 million flu deaths estimated 1968 according to wiki, 1 million covid (probably much lower because "with covid not because of covid") deaths 2020.
More then 2x world population but up to 4x less deaths ==> up to 8x less of a worldwide catastrophe.

>> No.12263913


This post is a look into the psyche of someone who's family is so low intellect that they regularly die in car crashes and to preventable diseases. He is filled with so much hate.

>> No.12263917

>He is filled with so much hate.

What an ironic statement. Read your post again. Tell me about this hate thing.

>> No.12263919
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>> No.12263930

>you are a fucking faggot
Cool argument bro.
>spams your weakness by fearing death
What does this sentence mean? I'm not afraid of anything.
>your shitty lifestyle makes you a easy target to any disease
No, I'm extremely healthy. Astronaut candidate in fact. I'm currently distancing as much as possible.
>I had two family members killed by covid. So what?
You tell me. Guess you're a sociopath who doesn't care when others suffer. Can't say I'm surprised.
>I had 5 killed by traffic and it not makes me never enter a car again.
Accidents aren't infectious. What are you even trying to compare here? The metaphor makes no sense.
>The only long term effects that are going to happen is precisely because people chimp out at it
What are you talking about? A huge chunk of people doesn't care at all about preventive measures. Especially zoomers.
>muh death rate argument again
I see you're immune to learning. Not surprised.

>> No.12263935

And you're sure he would have died this year even without covid-19?

>> No.12263938

>(probably much lower because "with covid not because of covid"

Same applies to flu

>> No.12263944

>those comments

And I thought 4chan was bad. Everyone's getting real fucking cunty.

>> No.12263946

0.05% lethality is still 1 in 200.

>> No.12263951

>if we had closed EVERYTHING for 2 - 4 weeks like fucking China did, we would already be in the clear
People like you have been saying the EXACT SAME THING for 6 months now. If your predictions were correct there would be 700 million deaths by now, not just 1 million.

>> No.12263959

The percent means an extra 1/100 needs to be multiplied. Better off not having percent, but there you have it.

>> No.12263962

True. Slashdot is but a shadow of its former self.

>muh death rate
Why are people here so fucking stupid? Nobody cares about deaths.

>> No.12263967

China is lying lmao
>trusting Chinese numbers
Probably a CCP shill

>> No.12263996
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>> No.12264025

Well in my country the official guidelines state the definition of a covid death as “being infected at time of death” yet there are no guidelines for flu death - it’s up to the doctor’s discretion.

>> No.12264028

Bingo. Daily deaths isn't moving much. So why is daily cases going up?

1) Better and more testing
2) Mutating to less deadly strain

Which is it guys? Both?

>> No.12264030

Based math retard

>> No.12264057

>m-muh feelings
no evidence, how unsurprising

>> No.12264110

>The point is to slow the spread until a vaccine
You have absolutely no proof a vaccine will work as intended in the first place. The only way to get rid of this shit is to put idiots on a leash. It really is that simple, or it really was that simple. It's too late now, we should instead give privileges to people who have not gotten the shit and put the rest of dumbasses in doing manual labor since their lives are useless from all the chronic shit they'll get from it.

>> No.12264114

>Muh economy muh economy
You know what helps the economy the best? Shooting yourself in the head you fucking midwit.

>> No.12264115

i dont get it

>> No.12264202

seethe, cope, and dialte you fucking gay jew

>> No.12264207


>> No.12264274

Shut the fuck up retard, YOU are the reason this country is so shit.

>> No.12264284

No, you fucking idiot. I live in a country with way bigger problems to care about a stupid low death disease. God, I hate developed world faggots. You would not last a day in any place other than your sheltered house.

>> No.12264293

Oh, look, we have a elite super human here. Go to space then, look at the misery above the planet. Now try to say to someone in a place where people still die like flies for nothing in civil wars to care about your glamourized flu. My people do not have time for your privileged antics, you faggot. I live in the real world. And he is brutal, shitty and way worse than your stupid fiction and sheltered uprisings.

>> No.12264306

I hear what you're saying, but maybe those people should stop fighting and dying for "no reason"? Them fighting is not our problem, it's your corrupt leaders who are to blame.

>> No.12264313

Also, you're letting people die because you're too weak to stay inside for a couple weeks. You're a shitty person and your blaming the wrong people.

>> No.12264317

you're just making things up

>> No.12264329

I am filled with hate towards you. I live in a basement in which nobody needs to care about any fucking decease whatsoever. Except the lady who lives above me and claims she is my mother and serves me food, so there is that. But my hate for you persists nonetheless.

>> No.12264334

What the fuck are you even trying to say with that post? I only said I'm extremely healthy. The rest is just random unrelated ramblings about shit irrelevant to the discussion. Is this your cop-out because you ran out of arguments?

>> No.12264335

>Coronavirus is already at 223,000 dead in the US

USA population in the 60s was not nearly so obese and comorbid - huge factors accounting for the elevated numbers of dying. 1960s population would not suffer nearly so bad if SARS-CoV2 was introduced to them back then and 2020s USA population would have really seen shit if that 60s Flu were to run rampant through their population.

>> No.12264343

>Corona is the worst pandemic since 1918 Spanish flu.

>> No.12264353

Name a worse one.

>> No.12264366
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Ebola has an actual serious high death rate, this virus has a children joke death rate.

>> No.12264371

Good to know I'm fucking up american lives from a quarter of globe away.

>> No.12264372

I live in Spain retard.

>> No.12264437
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>> No.12264441

D additionally the data used to justify the lockdowns were based on COVID testing kits with a 90% failure rate

>> No.12264997

It already killed 3x more people than the flu this year

>> No.12265012

hey what was up with those tiktok videos of people shaking and fainting?

>> No.12265020


>> No.12265243

>global vaccination that just makes everyone immune for 4 months
impossible because there are too many different strains. (there are something like 300 different vaccines already)

itll never be over

>> No.12265279

>1-4 million flu deaths estimated 1968 according to wiki
You can look at the total deaths for 1968 and the surrounding years. There was nothing special about that year, the flu deaths did nothing to boost all-cause mortality. On the other hand, deaths are 10% elevated this year compared to least year, which is the highest increase from one year to the next since the 1920's.

>> No.12265421
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>Ebola has an actual serious high death rate
>hurr durr muh death rate
That wasn't the argument. Are you not able to follow a simple line of reasoning?
Also, although it was a close call, ebola wasn't a pandemic.

So, can you name one or not?

>> No.12265427

That's a possibility, yeah..
But let's not be doomers about this. I'm still hopeful. The different strains share the spike structure to a large extent.

>> No.12266843

that's one in 2000

>> No.12266848

>300 different vaccines already
can't you, like, mix them all together and make a super vaccine, then administer it as multiple injections

>> No.12266894
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Ebola WAS a pandemic, do you even know the definition of "pandemic" (and no the I don't give a shit about the WHO definition). Why do you lie? Also if you want me to name more shit the yearly flu worldwide kills nearly the same as covid Each year. Covid is a children's virus, Ebola has 90% death rate, Covid kid virus has>>12264366

>> No.12266900

And it will disappear by the next year at some point, whereas the flu will keep on taking deaths every single year regardless.

>> No.12267020


Lol no it hasn't.

>> No.12267036

Looks like it reduced the area under the curve and saved countless lives in Europe. Wear your mask and social distance, anon.

>> No.12267095

Those are ratios not percentages dumbass

>> No.12267443

>Two isolated islands are fine

>> No.12267546 [DELETED] 

>A pandemic is defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people”.
Nothing like that happened. Are you confusing pandemic and epidemic? It was the latter, but not the former. See e.g. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_African_Ebola_virus_epidemic
>Why do you lie?
no u
>yearly flu worldwide kills nearly the same as covid Each year
Was that goalpost heavy when you moved it?
>Covid is a children's virus
Definitely not. Are you so afraid of it that you stopped following new research?
>Ebola has 90% death rate
Ebola is not a virus.

>> No.12267553

>A pandemic is defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people”.
Nothing like that happened. Are you confusing pandemic and epidemic? It was the latter, but not the former. See e.g. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_African_Ebola_virus_epidemic
>Why do you lie?
no u
>yearly flu worldwide kills nearly the same as covid Each year
Was that goalpost heavy when you moved it?
>Covid is a children's virus
Definitely not. Are you so afraid of it that you stopped following new research?
>Ebola has 90% death rate
Which helped stopping its spread.

>> No.12267559

Meant for

>> No.12267564

> “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people”.
Nope, this is the real definition: Pandemic: occurring over a wide geographic area (such as multiple countries or continents) and typically affecting a significant proportion of the population. (Merriam Webster) And indeed Ebola affected multiple countries and thus it is and was a pandemic by defintion.
>Was that goalpost heavy when you moved it?
Just stating facts bro.
>Definitely not. Are you so afraid of it that you stopped following new research?
All research says it has a laughable death rate, mind I remind you Ebola has 90% deathrate.
>Ebola is not a virus.
Ebola is a virus, Covid is was actually not a virus, Covid is just a toxin.

>> No.12267570

How cute you deleted your previous post, where you claimed Ebola was not a virus, you are clearly being disingenuous.

>> No.12267623

>Nope, this is the real definition
Let's see https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pandemic#faqs
>What is the difference between a pandemic and an epidemic?
>An epidemic is an outbreak of disease that spreads quickly and affects many individuals at the same time. A pandemic is a kind of epidemic: one which has spread across a wider geographic range than an epidemic, and which has affected a significant portion of the population.
>When does an outbreak become a pandemic?
>An outbreak is “a sudden rise in the incidence of a disease” and typically is confined to a localized area or a specific group of people. Should an outbreak become more severe, and less localized, it may be characterized as an epidemic. If it broadens still further, and affects a significant portion of the population, the disease may be characterized as a pandemic.
Guess you're wrong, little boy. So why you lying?
>Just stating facts bro.
Irrelevant. You're being disingenuous here.
>All research says it has a laughable death rate
Who cares? Nobody ever cared about the death rate but the naysayers. It causes multi-organ damage and weeks to months of recovery time, if it happens at all. That's where the issue is. Still using that argument after 9 months of knowing it doesn't kill that often is just plain stupid.
>Covid is just a toxin.
Yeah I somehow mixed it up. Happens. Noticed my mistake. Didn't know you were constantly F5ing this thread.

>> No.12267633
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>Last week it was 24.

>> No.12267637

I never sad or implied that. Can you stop fighting strawmen please? It's irritating.

>> No.12267645

>Guess you're wrong, little boy. So why you lying?
As long as it affects multiple countries it is a pandemic, don't be stupid.
>You're being disingenuous here.
Says the guy who said Ebola was not a virus lmao
>Who cares?
>who cares about the most important factor of a disease, its deathrate
Are you purposely pretending to be retarded?
Yes Covid is only a toxin, is not even a virus, is so weak it shouldn't be considered a virus but a toxin.

>> No.12267663
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>> No.12267673


>> No.12267677

No, it would come back as soon as you reopened.

>> No.12267687

Your plan would work if vaccine was 100% effective somehow. They expect it to be 50% effective at best, so even if you could somehow vaccinate the entire world at once, it would still not be enough.

>> No.12267761

>As long as it affects multiple countries it is a pandemic, don't be stupid.
No, that's not what your own source says. Every other source disagrees with you as well.
>Says the guy who said Ebola was not a virus lmao
>>who cares about the most important factor of a disease, its deathrate
Retarded argument. Ignoring the actual point. Can't say I'm surprised. So you'd rather see millions of people suffer?
>Yes Covid is only a toxin, is not even a virus

>> No.12267768

>They expect it to be 50% effective at best
Huh, that sucks. Is this a current estimate? Still, maybe in combination with a few more months of distancing this can be wiped out in a hybrid way.

>> No.12267776


>> No.12267784

Is this a joke?

>> No.12267790


>> No.12267818

>So you'd rather see millions of people suffer?
Suffer what? Only a small fraction gets to ICU thanks to it (which also happens to be elderly people or people with illnesses and bad nutrition in general most of the time ), is mostly harmless to everyone else, that without adding the fact they will most likely not die from it regardless.
>No, that's not what your own source says.
Don't know what are you talking about, this is my source https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pandemic
Pandemic "occurring over a wide geographic area (such as multiple COUNTRIES or continents) and typically affecting a significant proportion of the population"
Is just that you tried to twist the definition by bringing up your own interpretation of epidemic and pandemic, the actual definition is above.
Ikr that's what I feel every time I look at >>12264366

>> No.12267823

From an evolutionary standpoint why should I care about a virus that will mostly just kill old and already ill people

>> No.12267844

Oh the delusional burger

>> No.12267876

>Suffer what?
Organ damage. Can't you read?
>(which also happens to be elderly people or people with illnesses and bad nutrition in general most of the time
Wrong. Sure, those people have a higher risk but healthy young people are affected as well. Just go ask your local hospital. Or check Nature or more medically oriented respectable journals for strokes in young people for example, inflammation of the brain or heart.
>Is just that you tried to twist the definition by bringing up your own interpretation of epidemic and pandemic, the actual definition is above.
No, I quoted from the source you linked. The first definition is bad, because it's ambiguous. There is no distinction between epidemic and pandemic. That's why they had to make it clear further down on the page.
I'm saying you're retarded. Covid is short for "coronavirus disease", disease is a set of symptoms specific to a pathogen which, in this case, is a coronavirus.

>> No.12267905

>virus that will mostly just kill old and already ill people
>Imaging tests taken months after recovery from COVID-19 have shown lasting damage to the heart muscle, even in people who experienced only mild COVID-19 symptoms. This may increase the risk of heart failure or other heart complications in the future.
>Even in young people, COVID-19 can cause strokes, seizures and Guillain-Barre syndrome — a condition that causes temporary paralysis. COVID-19 may also increase the risk of developing Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.
>COVID-19 can make blood cells more likely to clump up and form clots. While large clots can cause heart attacks and strokes, much of the heart damage caused by COVID-19 is believed to stem from very small clots that block tiny blood vessels (capillaries) in the heart muscle

>> No.12268014

Does mayoclinic even read their sources? Literally all talking about symptomatic patients, and the cardiac complications are concentrated in the very old (no surprise, also happens with some flu strains). The stroke evidence is from young people already hospitalised with some unspecified serious condition. Joke.

>> No.12268106

Are you lying or hallucinating?