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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12242521 No.12242521[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12242531

thats what you get for getting femoids into workplace.

>> No.12242546

The guys were beta simps who were too afraid to speak up for themselves. The few who did speak up, fell over themselves to give all of the credit to Katie. They got what they deserve.

>> No.12242555

So is this like the faggot nigger ladies at NASA who just crunched recursive calculations in the time before computers, or did this team of international scientists actually make any innovations and developments.

I never looked into this story. Frankly I thought it was dead by now, but godamn.

>> No.12242589

>900,000 lines of code

What a bunch of fucking idiots. /our guy/ Gary did it with u = e/s in excel.

>> No.12242630
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Society strikes again.

>> No.12242670

As von Neumann put it: "graduate students" is the only programming language needed. Roaring laughter to all the fa/g/gots who think not being the team code monkey invalidates Bouman's priority.

>> No.12242678

He knows what he did, and that is enough for him.

>> No.12242724

The image commonly shown isn't even a result of her algorithm lol! Also, 850,000 lines out of 900,000 doesn't necessarily mean you should get credit for the project, he could just be doing rut work.

>> No.12242728


>> No.12242733

What idiot thinks number of lines of code has any correlation to contribution? Coding the core algorithm and then someone else sticks a GUI on top and adds top standard I/O tools would have a similar # of lines ratio.

>> No.12242747

what what?

>> No.12242748

did you mean by that

>> No.12242752

I meant exactly what I said. It's in response to OP.

>> No.12242774

i know you want to be upset, but lets be honest 10 million lines of code are considerably less valuable than one algorithm

>> No.12242780

The guy made the algorithm as well

>> No.12242781

designed it? or just implemented?

>> No.12242783

>computer scientist
Holy kek my sides
Why are they like this? She's an electrical engineer

>> No.12242790

Also she's built for BBC (big blackhole cock)

>> No.12242801

Her job was picking the colors to represent the various things with.

>> No.12242807

This,so much this.

>> No.12242825

As if anyone ever wrote 850,000 lines of code.
Fuck off.

>> No.12242829

No he didn't.

Implemented. It was a team of people including Bouman who came up with the algorithm.

>> No.12242836

I partly agree. I've single-handed written huge projects that are close to a million lines of code but most of that is the libraries and tools involved.

>> No.12242845

The real tragedy is that an actual scientist got her very minor role blown way out of proportion because of her race and sex.

>> No.12242881

Cs majors are mentally ill,let them cope.

>> No.12243289

>900000 lines of code
>899999 import statements

>> No.12243293

>can't go on any website without seeig the same politics shit
Time to go offline for good

>> No.12243297

>her algorithm
What, the UI code to make the font prettier she added?

>> No.12243343

Did the project require advanced physics or was it just engineering?

>> No.12243346

Well, regardless she seems to have a great figure. Look at those hips, wow. They literally self cucked.

>> No.12243363

not even possible

>> No.12243389

wow you're a genius

>> No.12243400

Clamped conversational pattern detected. Develop theory of mind, unclamp. Think twice before descending into sarcasm and needy social maneuvering pecking order bullshit, like an animal.

>> No.12243408

Women were a mistake

>> No.12243490

they speak up and get axed immediately and get called neo nazi incels

>> No.12243575

LOL, this can't be true.

>> No.12243716

>wrote 850000 lines of code
codemonkey detetected

>> No.12243797

I want to have a sexual relationship with that woman

>> No.12243811
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Whatchu mean?

>> No.12244037

Those hips are average bro, and she's average. At least she isn't a ugly radical feminist/trap

>> No.12244060

Females are the greatest thing on the workforce ever. Sales depts in companies figured this out about 15 years ago, people will buy anything from a cute blonde girl. Females are being used as the face of many things because it gives a guaranteed positive response. Look at pic rel in the op, this guys are all labelled as incel terrorists lol. It's the most overpowered marketing thing ever, just put a cute girl as the figurehead. It's genius.

>> No.12244063

>This guys

>> No.12244074
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>like an animal
W-what do you think humans are?

>> No.12244134

A being which is capable of functioning apart from its base inclinations, its sense of pecking order, its need for narcissistic supply, and its great and all permeating slavery to mere reflex.

>> No.12244146
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>including Bouman
False, three algorithms were use, neither of which were hers.

The Japanese scientists involved in the project.

One of the algorithms, created by Jan Högbom in 1974.


He states ( Kazu Akiyama):" We didn’t use exactly her algorithm from her TED talk, but her work was foundational along with a lot of other contributions in building the final procedure for all imaging pipelines. "

Japs finding out the same thing using a different algorithm.

>> No.12244151

Okay, so the next question is, is Katie Jewish?

>> No.12244163
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Never mind, answered my own question. Naturally God's chosen should rightfully claim all credit and steer all narratives.

Not even an anti-Jew sort, I just recognize the pattern.

>> No.12244172

I met Bouman at the EPFL Open Science Day last year. Nice gal, very demure and almost autistic seeming.

>> No.12244175
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Do you think that humans are the only being that is capable of functioning apart from its base inclinations?

>> No.12244188

No, depending on how we define base inclinations. It could well be that functioning apart from what we perceive to be our base inclinations, is in fact, prime among our base inclinations. I think the importance is its place in part of the greater constellation.

>> No.12244248

>99% of the job done at universities is done by janitors, why not give them degrees?
you literally dont deserve to reproduce, idiot troglodite right wing patriarchy defendes who are compensating for your latent homosexuality

>> No.12244574

From what I gather, 99% of their code was copy pasting libraries together. Absolutely unsurprisingly considering it's academic work. Their biggest contributors to their success were a bunch of random library writers and whoever collected the Terabytes of source data. Of course Katie's progress bar perettification work was critical too, as well as her ability to look excited in front of a camera so they can run after women in STEM grant money.

>> No.12244886

That's a lot of fucking work, you pissant.

>> No.12244890

Yeah? The mexicans who scrub the labs clean do a lot of work too.

>> No.12244898

And your point is?

>> No.12244899

Btw. Stop coming to 4chan to be a faggot. You can still do that over on twitter. This place is bad enough thanks to NPCs like you.

>> No.12244906

My family constantly brings up those ladies as proof of black excellence.
Pretty annoying desu.

>> No.12245587

Terry wrote an entire OS in 250k lines

>> No.12245743
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>> No.12245747

The word algorithm is in both reddit posts

>> No.12245851
File: 76 KB, 600x246, 4ED0BFD2-6963-4D2D-B018-8EAE51937F2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s a jewess who loves Asians and he’s an effeminate gender non-binary I believe and their scientific “work” is literally peak uselessness as it can’t be utilized to grow the productive capacity of the economy or improve human lives in any way, baring the nocturnal emissions of a handful of autists who think a blurry cgi black hole is “muh black holerinos!!!!” The guy who invented the icecream scooper contributed far more to human flourishing than these libs in labcoats. A cgi black hole, big deal, as though Christopher Nolan didn’t heat them too it by years in that boring space movie He made. Science is stagnating, because of decreasing brains and the fact that humanity has limits of what it can comprehend of the universe. Once dysgenics really kicks in nobody will care about some blurry nothingburger or the zoomies who photoshopped it. The future is one of warlords and slaves