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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12151325 No.12151325 [Reply] [Original]

Is this some kind of shitpost by our government?

Link to research: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6910781/

Abstract: “ Recently, some scientists from NASA have claimed that there may be a black hole like structure at the centre of the earth. We show that the existence of life on the earth may be a reason that this black hole like object is a black brane that has been formed from biological materials like DNA. Size of this DNA black brane is 109 times longer than the size of the earth’s core and compacted interior it. By compacting this long object, a curved space-time emerges, and some properties of black holes emerge. This structure is the main cause of the emergence of the large temperature of the core, magnetic field around the earth and gravitational field for moving around the sun. Also, this structure produces some waves which act like topoisomerase in biology and read the information on DNAs. However, on the four-dimensional manifold, DNAs are contracted at least four times around various axis’s and waves of earth couldn’t read their information. While, by adding extra dimensions on 4 +n-dimensional manifold, the separation distance between particles increases and all of the information could be recovered by waves...go to the link if you wanna keep reading.

>> No.12151333

>go to the link if you wanna keep reading
Nah but this sounds like something /x/ would eat right up.

>> No.12151334

The absolute state of academia lmao

>> No.12151346

why is this in ncbi? lmao

>> No.12151358

They let schizo publish nowadays?

>> No.12151375

wait this can't be official isn't it

>> No.12151391

>Another puzzle in science is the ability of molecules of water for exchanging information with DNAs and storing their information [16], [17], [18]. The chemical structure of water (H2O) is very simple and has no ability to store information. Thus, how these molecules communicate with other molecules and DNAs. Also, it seems that there is a relation between molecules of water, earth and DNA. Because the water of rain has a better effect on the plants and their growth.

>To respond to all of these questions, we should design a model which explains the relationship between earth, water and life. To this aim, we can use ideas of scientists for the existence of a black hole at the centre of the earth. This black hole may be constructed from a DNA black brane with 109 times longer than the core of the earth which is compacted interior of the core. The number of excited states of this object is similar to the number of microstates of a black hole. However, its material is similar to the material of a DNA. This structure produces a temperature around 6000 K which is in agreement with the predicted temperature of the core. Also, this structure is the main cause of the emergence of the magnetic field around the earth and gravitational waves for moving around the sun. We show that DNA black brane of the earth is the biggest system of telecommunications which exchange waves with all DNAs and molecules of water. Also, we introduce a new type of DNAs called dark DNAs on the eleven-dimensional manifold. In fact, on the four-dimensional manifold, DNAs are contracted at least four times around various axes and waves of earth couldn’t read their information. However, by adding extra dimensions, the separation distance between particles increases and all of the information could be recovered by waves.

>> No.12151548


Recovery of Brain in Chick Embryos by Growing Second Heart and Brain

>> No.12151554

Reads like it was generated with AI.

>> No.12151672

Is this the next Sokal hoax? It's sad because the Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences is one of my favorite publications. Now I'll have to cancel my subscription.

>> No.12151682
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>> No.12152071

This feels like that Russian fraud who claimed chicken eggs are capable of “biological alchemy” and “organic transmutation”. Reads like a postmodern pseudoscientific art piece a la Spinal Catastrophism.

>> No.12152074

Sounds like a tight cosmic horror sci-fi writing prompt

>> No.12152162

yet I can't get published

>> No.12152180

Author information includes
>Clinic for Psychiatric Disorders "Dr. Laza Lazarevic", Belgrade, Serbia.
So, literally yes.
The authors on this journal volume are mostly dermatologists, with a vast amount of overlap between articles, except for one author affiliated with a nuclear physics department, and one author affiliated with a psychiatric clinic.

>> No.12152183

Have you tried submitting to the Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences?

>> No.12152240


And bump

>> No.12152327

That is, if you are willing to pay the publication fee.

>> No.12152366

Though further research shows that the lead author, Massimo Fioranelli, has published other such innovative papers, including one on how 5G technology induces cornavirus.

>> No.12152370
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Gee, I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post

>> No.12152376
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>109 times

>> No.12152389

Sloppy job mossad

>> No.12152417
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>109 times

>> No.12152423
File: 686 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2020-09-23-10-05-09-143_org.mozilla.firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For real what's up with these strange ads? I usually never get ads on mobile, these came out of nowhere today?

What the fuck is brain berries?

>> No.12152434

Unbelievably based

>> No.12152438

More evidence that open access journals are hot garbage

>> No.12152439

>Dead battery
>Catalog mode
Kys zoomer

>> No.12152449

this nigga doesnt browse in catalog mode lmao

>> No.12152452

>browsing chans without catalog mode



Are you the type to click on those 78 slide news stories with 4 words per ad?

>> No.12152495


>> No.12153526

Yes theres a publication about how coronahoax was a from meteorite

>> No.12153799

>using internet like It's an TV program.
You're fucking tv boomer.

>> No.12153822

>he doesn't use the catalog
Anon, I...

>> No.12153825

This has got to be some sort of campaign to make people spout schizo stuff.
This is completely gibberish.

>> No.12154763

Oh man /x/ is gonna love this shit

>> No.12154818

The state of Trump's management....

>> No.12154827

I wanted to see if they would like it. I posted it to /x/ and no one liked it. Sad.

>> No.12155041

was this parsed through 7 languages in google translate?

>> No.12155370

What's dark dna

>> No.12155374

Welcome to trumps America and neo nazi sciences. This is more schizo than trannies and their genders because at least trannies exist

>> No.12155385
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Take a guess.

>> No.12155393


>> No.12156078

lmao these authors are nuts
.RETRACTED: 5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells
>DNA Waves and Their Applications in Biology

>> No.12156089

Formation of Neural Circuits in an Expanded Version of Darwin's Theory: Effects of DNAs in Extra Dimensions and within the Earth's Core on Neural Networks
omg this is great I love this shit

>> No.12156094

>why is this in ncbi? lmao
that's the real question
It's got the shittiest ranking of any journal I've ever seen on NCBI, I have no idea how it made it past the predatory-schizo-journal status

>> No.12156102

>Dr. Laza Lazarevic
Kino name

>> No.12156119
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>> No.12156127

its got a couple of different meanings; the first tongue-in-cheek meaning was conserved non-coding DNA that across mammals (humans, mice chickens) that, when deleted, did nothing to hurt the animals; they bred normally, looked okay, so no known function but yet was still highly conserved. So "dark DNA"; how is it conserved if it doesn't do anything when deleted?
They found out in 2018 that at least some of these ultra-conserved regions actually were gene expression modifiers that led to severe brain development problems, which I guess a retarded mouse acts the same as a normal mouse, so they didn't pick it up right away
the other definition in this paper is in relation to a newscientist article where some dude sequenced a desert rat and couldn't find genes that are required for creation of insulin and yet the rat had insulin. Instead of thinking "I wonder how thi Turns out, there are parts of the genome that sequencers have trouble dealing with and they don't get sequenced, particularly in birds and rodents, and so they dubbed those part of the genomes "dark dna" because they don't show up when you do a full coverage sequencing of the genome.
This paper someone takes dark dna from this second definition to mean "they didn't find the genes, so therefore park of the DNA must exist in another dimension". I have no idea how they decided that.

>> No.12156137
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Chin up buddy, it's not all bad!

>> No.12156173

Someone let an astrophysicist into the bio lab and now the damage has been done.

>> No.12156218

But we call that noncoding DNA

>> No.12156268

the first definition of dark DNA specifically referred to *conserved* noncoding DNA that had no known function

>> No.12156273

An actual 19th century Serbian writer, psychiatrist, and neurologist, according to WIkipedia.

>> No.12156293

Do you think dark DNA has the potential for psychic power awakening?

>> No.12156342

i think it has the potential for me raping your asshole

>> No.12156399

Is it time to play the mind game now, bros?

>> No.12156417


Holy shit hahaha im from belgrade serbia, and Laza Lazarevic is an actual mental health institute here - like a sanctuary for crazy people and a junkie recovery center

>> No.12156915

This but an air that was trained exclusively a mix of legit physics articles and a lot of timecube/Terry Davis/gary

>> No.12156933

helps water store memory.... wtf homeopaths were right all along !!?

>> No.12157403

think it's a typo.. everywhere else in the paper they use 10^9

>> No.12157450

Dna made with dark matter

>> No.12157468

>unironically associating king terry with eugene ray

fuck you

>> No.12157474

Sounds like a Kojima video game plot lol

>> No.12157693


this shit is pure gold

>> No.12157987

Holy shit aahahah

>> No.12158050

This paper reminds me of the 3rd rock from the sun joke, where dick publishes advanced alien science to try to get recognition but everyone just ignores him as some retarded quack spouting inNe bullshit

>> No.12158056

Jesus FUCK every sentence made me wheeze harder, then I hit
>These bases could join to each other and form virus-like structures such as Coronavirus.
Fucking christ on crackers I can't fucking breathe, this is AMAZING

>> No.12159125

lol wtf am I reading

>> No.12159182

Corona is made of black holes?

>> No.12159344

This is literally the principle source for them

This thing wasn't written by a human, its why its like a string of illogical statements. An AI wrote this

>> No.12159361

>Reads like a postmodern pseudoscientific art piece a la Spinal Catastrophism.
This is what paralysis by analysis did to our minds, it completely fried them

>> No.12159379


>> No.12159389
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dare I say we have a guy in nasa that is /our guy/

>> No.12159391

Womp womp looks like I was right

>More than 120 bogus scientific articles have been published in peer-reviewed publications by Springer and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) from 2008 to 2013, according to computer scientist Cyril Labbé, confirming suspicions that sometimes, papers that read like gibberish are actually gibberish. Again.

>> No.12159398

? Fironelli is in Italy, and not in NASA. His citation to NASA work is through a popularized science article, and likely misinterprets it
So, no, you daren't.

>> No.12159412

You can literally generate a bullshit scientific article with a website kek. Someone probably just used this on journals without actual peer-reviews even if they claim to have them

>> No.12159446

yes, if it reads like non-sense is probably nonsense. is like the jewish holocoust

>> No.12159521

>A Guardian investigation, in collaboration with German broadcaster Norddeutscher Rundfunk, reveals the open-access publishers who accept any article submitted for a fee

You literally just pay them and they'll publish any sort of non-sensical gibberish

>> No.12159525

>Open Access Publisher Accepts Nonsense Manuscript for Dollars

>> No.12161489

Dark dna

>> No.12161584
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So essentially random anons on /sci/ provide a more effective peer review than actual scientific journals

>> No.12163588


>> No.12163613
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>Open Access Journal of Science
nothing can go wrong guys, freedom is the most important thing, the free market will ensure only good science gets published, academia is shit these days anyway

>> No.12163836

This article wasn't "peer reviewed", this is mostly a shit-journal no one reads or knows about
The problem is that literally anyone can slap up a "journal" and accept publications. The concern of course is that this is on pubmed, at least for the public. its all well-known in academic circles which labs/journals/names you can trust, and definitely which ones you can't. If you're anywhere at all well-read on a subject, your bullshit meters go off the moment something even remotely scamy shows up. So this is a non-issue for scientists who work in the subject area.
It's also the biggest reasons I hate non-scientists pulling random studies out their ass to "prove" something. The amount of times I've seen people google "X is true study" and then pull the first link in which the abstract remotely supports their ideas is insane. There is a reason it takes years to become a scientist; part of it is knowing the field so well you can immediately smell bullshit. "A little knowledge is dangerous", and I hate how the public thinks they know shit when just because they read an article and don't actually know anything about it, so just start yelling "WHAT ABOUT THE nnnnnnnnn?!?!"

>> No.12165717

Some veganazi tried to psy op my friend the other day into giving up eggs, showing him fake studies about how they’re going to kill him or something. No one is coming between me and my caviar.

>> No.12165802

>pdos at mit
i see u minsky

>> No.12165826


The NIH is embarrassing.

>> No.12165838

I sincerely hope an AI wrote this and that it wasn't some completely deranged and shattered human mind.