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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 68 KB, 1600x1600, tesla-logo-png-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12149760 No.12149760 [Reply] [Original]

You! Yes, you! It's fucking BATTERY DAY!

>> No.12149764


Official stream

>> No.12149770

Oh jesus christ I linked the punji pit video instead. My bad.

>> No.12149782

it's just tsla shit woohoo

>> No.12149783

probably more /g/ than sci, but w/e

>> No.12149787

Mostly unless they have a new type of battery technology. Also /g/ is only interested in there's RGB LEDs involved.

>> No.12149797


>> No.12149840

honk honk

>> No.12150015

One month until full autopilot beta release

>> No.12150110

holy shit so much bitching about muh womens or muh latinx
when do they actually start to talk about new technology?

>> No.12150145

latinx? Is that like spacex?

>> No.12150157

no its the newspeak term for mexicans

>> No.12150160

That’s not true.

>> No.12150178

ok /sci/, explain to me and all the other brainlets how big a deal all of that was?

>> No.12150180

$25,000 Tesla. Rip Nissan Leaf.

>> No.12150193

Did Musk said anything about if Tesla is gonna make accessible price-wise to the masses? I saw the stuff about reducing batteries costs, but I don't really know the details of how much Tesla would need to do to actually get there.

>> No.12150206

They want to sell teslas for 25000. I imagine they want to go even cheaper than that.

>> No.12150210

Latinos don't actually use it or like it. Only pozzed whites and Latino politicians use it.

>> No.12150212

Musk said $25,000 Tesla is their goal. This is by reducing cost of batteries by ~60%, casting the body with a new aluminum alloy, eliminating the battery pack, using the batteries as structural elements, and better economies of scale.

>> No.12150227

>They want to sell teslas for 25000
If the madlad actually delivers, he might actually break the modern vehicle market. There is basically no reason other than the front price to buy an ICE car over an EV.

>> No.12150233

People still will buy ICE, just out of stubbornness. But unlike most other car companies, teslas motivation from day one was to lower prices of EVs. Once Tesla can sell a car for under 20000 then it will be completely over for ICE.

>> No.12150240

~3 yearish they said too.

They still need to print out model y in scale, roadster 2.0, and cybertruck.

>> No.12150245

There's still reasons to buy ice over electric
If you want an inexpensive truck or the refueling might be more than inconvenient
If there was significant build out of hydrogen, that would be the better option than gas or battery electric

>> No.12150263

I wonder if people at Ford, Chevrolet, GM etc are going to lose sleep over that. If these prices and timelines are possible, then the only real issue would be ramping up production, and even that might take a decade tops to do.
True, but Tesla is trying to reach out for the truck market as well, and for short and medium range hauling it might better to go with a electrical truck.
Of course, ICEs would still persist through inertial and having some very particular niches, but as they might die out in day to day usage.

>> No.12150286

I cannot fucking wait until the stock market opens tomorrow.

>> No.12150289
File: 150 KB, 340x406, laughingcrying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12150345

Boomers will be stubborn. Gen-X will be practical and will buy whatever works for their needs. Millennials will get them to virtue signal. Zoomers will never drive their own car.

>> No.12150430

hydrogen makes sense for point to point long haul trucking

>> No.12150449
File: 27 KB, 600x398, e58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hydrogen only makes sense in fusion power plants.

>> No.12150520

sure thing there tesla fanboy

>> No.12150531

Musk is GOD.
You can't deny this without coming off as a JEALOUS STUPID DIAPER BABY.

He's REVOLUTIONAIZED solar efficiency and practically owns the notion of electric vehicles.
He's SINGLE-HANDEDLY popularized evs and got everyone and their great grandma to care about green energy.
Before him ABSOLUTELY NOONE cared about that and considered them GIMICKS made for FARTSNIFFERS.
Evs are a thing now BECAUSE of MUSK and him alone.
HE ALONE pioneered rocket fuel efficiency. Imagine being a STEM genius on the r&d team at NASA just to have your entire credentials and wisdom TRIVIALIZED by a web dev? LOL
HE ALONE brought in MORE INNOVATION than EVERY SINGLE car and space company and every single engineer and scientist working for them. Even the smartest donk at CERN PALES IN COMPARISON to Musk's UNPARALLELED quairvoyance and applied genius
MUSK is MUUCH MORE USEFUL to humanity than every single scientist and engineer that has ever aspired to contribute to the progress of humanity. He's gonna get us to Mars and the best you can do is whimper a "reeeeee" under the UPROAR OF RATIONALITY as Musk's green candle bars and space rovers sodomize you on all 4s in front of your entire family tree and then musk will finish and have his last laugh by splurting hot diarrhea down your limp throat as you lay there crippled and seething through glassy rage-filled eyes reflecting the image of his moon crater. Seethe to your grave knowing that Musk will have his royal THRONE in modern science history and not you bro. At the pace he;s going, Musk may as well set out and cure those LITTLE POOR BLACK BABIES from waka land of AIDS/ADHD. Then Titus Ngobo will justify Musk's emerald past as being a necessary evil for the COMING OF CHRIST.

>> No.12150597
File: 855 KB, 1035x578, thicccell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn this boy is thicker than a bowl of oatmeal

>> No.12150914

Pasta is fattening.

>> No.12151128

>we will make cheaper batteries
>and make more of them!!
Truly groundbreaking stuff. Glad the stock reflects how stupid that is.

>> No.12151157

electric is better than you think even for long haul trucking. Mainly because even if they want to a driver can't just legally drive 12 hours straight without stopping. They're legally required to take breaks and make stops for weigh ins. Fuel and maintenance savings will probably more than make up for slightly longer trip times.

>> No.12151253

The tesla logo, like all the other tech logos these days (artemis technologies, tesla, so forth) is a symbol of a woman's ovaries and uterus because they're part of the sterilization agenda.

>> No.12151349

>There is basically no reason other than the front price to buy an ICE car over an EV
Looks like someone doesn't visit /o/ very often. Tesla for them is not unlike SAFIRE for /sci/.

>> No.12152124

ICE Toyotas hold their value better than hybrid/EVs
local market decides value, and it has decided that ICE Toyotas resell at minimal loss

>> No.12152200

>ICE Toyotas hold their value better than hybrid/EVs
Not Teslas tho.