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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12086525 No.12086525 [Reply] [Original]

I feel that too many people just never try or suffer from extreme insecurities because of their childhood. Because they believe that there is insurmountable block between them and other great people they subconsciously believe that they could never be intelligent enough to do or create whatever they wanted.

Do you guys think the same?

>> No.12086532

yes and no.
i used to think that most people could do anything. now i realize many people truly are dumb. iq might be a real thing. that is, many people have a limited perspective.

>> No.12086542

Most people could not do things like that. Intelligence is largely genetic.

>> No.12086546

Wrong, there is nothing meaningful left to invent or discover. This is the blackpill sci refuses to take

>> No.12086551

Many people with high IQs are never heard of. They are just great at taking IQ tests.

So many scientists are just good at memorizing stuff and find patterns by accident. You could make a case for mathematics and physics, but for biology and chemistry. HAHAHA. Most of their discoveries were pure chance. Teach a man how to use a PCR machine and he will discover something by chance, which of course the professor in charge will take credit for becuase why would you give credit to the undergrad? lmao. Science is all politics full of midwits. Don't give me this bullshit about IQ.

>> No.12086556

Not true at all. Its that it is now impossible for a single person make a discovery. You have to work in teams and team and teams. Thousands of scientists coordinate together to make a single discovery now.

>> No.12086600

There will never be another Da Vinci or Alexander because through 14 years of schooling, Hollywood brainwashing, etc. they try to convince you to be excessively humble, oversocialized and do not seek accomplishments or be proud of them, and everyone goes along with it. Also the gatekeeping, if Galileo said the Earth revolved around the Sun today he would be asked "do you have a source?" "do you have a meaningless diploma though?"

>> No.12086603

yeah, i'm not referring to the politics. i'm talking about raw ability. i understand that people can chance into things but a lot of people i've met have a very normal scope of interest and lack genuine curiosity about things.

>> No.12086626

Who is to say that those very same people are not midwits who simply memorized their way to their degrees. They may have a genuine curiousity, but so what? Everybody is curious about something. What difference is it that one person is curious about molecules and another about Family Guy?

Ben Carson has a low IQ, but he is one of the most accomplished surgeons. He worked his way through medical through sheer discipline. He pioneered the technique to separate conjoined twins.

IQ is a meme. It tests certain characteristics. But science is not just IQ. Its more about luck.

>> No.12086628

I'm the only one in this thread with any patents in my name.

>> No.12086631

Based digits brother. So what is there left for us now? We live in the most time period. Is it not possible for a 20-something to start over and undo the brainwashing?

>> No.12086634

I do not believe this. IQ literature also doesn't coincide with this, corroborated by prevalence of Dunning-Kruger syndrome.

Low IQ people often have very high opinions of their abilities (wrongly), so their failure to make novel discoveries or inventions isn't a result of insecurities, but rather genuine inability. For people below an IQ of 85, to train them in a novel task takes twice as long as training someone with an IQ of 90, which takes 50% longer than training someone with an IQ of 95, which takes 50% longer than someone with an IQ of 100. To achieve the same level of competency. If you had unlimited time and resources, you could probably condition someone with a low IQ to make novel discoveries and inventions, but in the absence of those conditions, it's not worth it since you can find someone to make the same discoveries faster and more cheaply.

>> No.12086636

Good job. Now are any of those patents useful? Have you pitched them to any companies? Or are you merely satisfied that you are better than all the midwits who have never made anything?

>> No.12086637

The problem is upfront investment. You used to be able to make significant discoveries with a prism and a candle. Now it takes an electron microscope, minimum.

>> No.12086639

Having a patent isn't precisely an achievement. I knew a guy who had a patent for a cooler insert, so that you could keep your beer separate from your sandwiches. He was very proud of it.

>> No.12086642

>Now it takes an electron microscope, minimum.
No, for your theory to be considered valid it requires an electron microscope. Again another way to gatekeep average joes from making progress, leave it to the boujie scientists and corporations that can profit off the discoveries.

>> No.12086643

Sold several to aerospace giants.
And no, I take no pleasure in knowing that I'm better than you. I just want everyone in this thread to know that they're likely no better than the people they're shitting on.

>> No.12086644

Ok how many people do you think have high IQs but are paralyzed from taking action because of childhood trauma?

You are right that there are too many midwits in science that are overconfident in their ability. They drown out the truly smart who you are talking about. These same people have too mental complexes because their parents and education system failed to foster their intelligence. Then there are the politics in science.

>> No.12086646


>> No.12086647

By this, you mean that you have to be able to prove what you claim.
The cost to do this has increased. That's all.

>> No.12086650

I'm not making any claims about high IQ people failing to meet their potential, I'm making the claim that low IQ people rarely have anything valuable to add to a given field of study. And given that low and mid IQs are MUCH more common than high IQs, it contests the notion that most people could make discoveries but are limited by insecurities.

>> No.12086651

Amazing job anon. No sarcasm, I really am impressed and I hope you continue to invent things and help us make space travel more feasible.

And you are right, /sci is filled with too many arrogant people. I am sorry for judging you outright like I did.

>> No.12086652

>there are too many midwits in science
This is a symptom of over-population in universities, and can only be overcome once science stops being seen as a "lucrative" career for average students.
>Then there are the politics in science.
This is the real problem. And it's been fermenting for almost a century. The best scientists are the ones who can secure the most funding. And the ones with the most funding give the best handshakes.

>> No.12086658

Thanks. I was probably being a dick. I'm more than a little drunk

>> No.12086660

Honestly, a part of it is simply how useless education in the US is. The fucking Common Core killed science education for the youth by making everything be about reading and math for 7 fucking years- and 7 extremely formative years. Since teachers prefer staying employed, they focus on appeasing the bottom line by bringing the retards up to a proficient level in math & English for mandatory standardized tests, while simultaneously doing jack shit for any other area of education. I doubt that trying to teach kids philosophy, science &c will make every last kid become savants in academic fields, but that's not the point. You just need those skilled in the subjects to be the ones who succeed, and to hell with the brainlets who can't keep up. Honestly, it's so god-damned asinine that the US education system tries to create equality amongst students in their learning, since most people who go through the education system will hardly benefit from anything they are taught, whereas more elitist educations designed to produce quality results from quality specimens might actually bring society somewhere. For the humans with enough brain cells to actually understand and apply concepts in science... why keep them pinned down in the dregs wherein the oligophrenics are slowly and blindingly exposed to a light to which they inevitably shall be blinded? By trying to force intellectual equality upon all individuals doing K-12, any hopes and dreams of human progress being sustained in the youth through educational institutions effectively commits suicide.
The only systemic oppression to actually exist in the US is of its educational institutions against intellect.

>> No.12086661

Can you give some advice to a mere CS student? I'm in my junior year and its pretty much too late to transfer to a different major. I have a high GPA and have had a solid internship this summer, so job prospects are ok. But I don't want to be a code monkey. My hearts not in programming some piece of crap for a big company that cares more about diversity than actual competence.

I have no idea what I should do, and you sound like a more accomplished man than me. What did you decide to do and what do you recommend I do? I was going to go into tech sales and try to retire with 2 million after 10 years, but then what. I don't think I would feel satisfied with a boring retirement. My hobbies are reading books. Pretty much read all the /lit classics.

>> No.12086664

Go into network infrastructure, instead? Coding is very much a labor of love, and if you don't love the labor it just eats at your soul. But server admins and network admins only have to code intermittently, and 90% of the time they're left alone to twiddle their thumbs or tweak things unless things break. It's just, when they break, you better have a solution and a backup in the next 45 minutes.

>> No.12086669

I, too, worked for a soul-less megagiant. My advice is to not stay in your swimlane. Accomplish whatever you think needs accomplishing.
Then at the same time, invest wisely and start your own company.
And stop reading /lit/ classics. They infect your soul with pretentiousness. You're in CS, so read Egan.

>> No.12086670

I can tell as young as I could remember, I've always thought I could do anything I wanted. I never doubted myself. I can't think how not to doubt. It's nothing that I developed from watching TV. It's very core thinking of me.

>> No.12086674

Sounds pretty ok. A part of me likes jobs where I get paid to just wait around. I could use that time to read more. I guess there is no such thing as the perfect job. You selling your time for money.

>> No.12086677

It's funny, I've pretty much gone through the opposite transition in thinking. I used to think most people were idiots as a kid, and as I've gotten older, I've come to suspect that most people are smart enough to do just about anything, with highly varying levels of effort required to achieve the same results.

>> No.12086681

Congrats. You were raised in a supportive environment. My pajeet parents didn't know how to raise a kid, so now they have kid with a superiority and inferiority complex all at once.

>> No.12086689

Based. I feel the same way. Most people just lack the determination to do it. It's easier to turn on the TV (do people still have TVs?) and eat junk food after wage-cucking.

>> No.12086691

I think you might be confusing wisdom for intelligence.

I have met very many stupid people, but somewhere in their nonsense is a golden nugget of truth you can take away. And it's generally a truth formed by wisdom and experience than intuitive intelligence.

Intelligent people have clever ideas, but are shit at determining when or how to implement them. For that, you need wisdom, and even stupid people can be wise. But the intelligent rarely achieve it, because they think their cleverness is sufficient. They lack the humility to discover wisdom.

>> No.12086692

Literally just Dumb by Nirvana.

>> No.12086707

Really? I discovered your mother's prolapsed anus last night, it was pretty special.

>> No.12086720

Greg Egan, the scifi writer?

>> No.12087728

Why do all Indians think they are superior to everyone ?
I have never met such a disgusting race. These cunts can't even apply deodorant or pluck their monobrows, yet they have the audacity to distract classes of more than 20 people to ask irellevent questions that regards them. The thought of an Indian makes me cringe

>> No.12089055

>All Indians
Fucking kill yourself buddy. White genocide is happening right now. I'll be out here enjoying the view.

POC will take over your city country just wait.

>> No.12090107

One white man can mow down 100 nigg*rs, don't get your hopes up pajeet

>> No.12090265

kek why bother censoring yourself, you faggot.

Also white genocide is more than just murder. It is far more insidious you dolt. Opening borders. Eradicating white culture and their idols. Overpopulating the country with people of color. Giving preferential treatment to people of color in the guise of diversity. Inducing subconscious guilt into the whites. Anti-natalism. HRT. MGTOW. Everything is an agenda to keep the Jews in power.

It's over for you mate.

>> No.12090270

>many people truly are dumb
People are naturally good and intelligent. It is the social and educational environment that makes them evil and stupid.

>> No.12090278

Some people are born with birth defects, but everyone else has great potential. I truly agree with you brother. Too many people have brainwashed and desensitized.

I myself am also trying to undo the damage. Years of distracting myself with fast-paced media has a taken a toll on my brain health.

>> No.12090286 [DELETED] 

>I myself am also trying to undo the damage. Years of distracting myself with fast-paced media has a taken a toll on my brain health.

By acknowledging this problem, you are halfway there. It's really very difficult with all this intellectual aggression everywhere, all the time. Just keep going!

>> No.12090324

Haha thanks. Need to start with 4chan. The majority of the people here are not the kind of people I would like to associate in real life. Some of you are amazing people, but most of you guys are toxic and have nothing good to add to my life.

Youtube is another huge time-sink and leftist propaganda is constantly shoved down your throat. It's time to move somewhere isolated away from the vulgar rabble.

I'm also starting to suspect the only reason why I feel so strongly about wanting certain things is because I have been programmed by my environment. Do I really want to fuck different sluts everyday? Do I really want to drive fast cars? Do I really want to graduate from my prestigious university to impress my family and acquaintances?

>> No.12090383

I don't care that does not effect me by the slightest.
I will continue to alienate myself from you curry munching fucks. Doesn't take much because your stink repels anyone in your vicinity

>> No.12090408

I like Mark he is a spergy and spazzy but I like his passion. He is wrong about the black sun but I think he is p knowledgeable on most of his other stuff

>> No.12092385

white men never bend the knee, when we get pissed entire races dissapear and maps get redrawn pajeet. Don't hold your breath. We are coming out swinging

>> No.12092838

I don't think you can read. Well we will see soon enough whether what you say is true, white-anon. Soon enough.

I just hope you are right because seeing white people get pozzed is cringe. But people like you make me feel ok with the destruction of the human race. Ah, double-think.

>> No.12092964
File: 84 KB, 287x431, kalki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop betraying your kin you aryan faggot. we need unity to end the kali yuga for new aryandom

We must destroy the demons and false teachings of the abrahamists. Kalki is not far off, dont get caught slipping when he gets by having butt sex with young boys

>> No.12092966

*gets here*

>> No.12092967

There's not enough necessity. and our creations will begin to imitate our condition.

>> No.12092971
File: 8 KB, 217x233, 771cc65bfd2111d3e4f98953bb8cd1e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely. The modern educational system and by extension society as whole is great at stifling people's potential. Anybody who thinks otherwise has simply fallen into the rick and morty tier idea that most people are simpletons and that humanity is doomed.

>> No.12093413

>suffer from extreme insecurities
What does it mean?

>> No.12095086

I like being brown-skinned, but you delusional faggots who claim "We wuz kangs", can just fuck off.

>> No.12095702

so what you be saying is *smacks lips* is we wasn't kangz?

>> No.12095712

there is only so much happiness and success to go around anon; it has to be conserved, its a natural law.