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File: 1.01 MB, 1242x1743, 75D4D572-2B40-48FC-9318-55D82265AC91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12078550 No.12078550 [Reply] [Original]

>The scientists who said covid 19 wasn’t human transmittable, now it is
>The scientists who said masks didn’t work, now they’re mandatory
>The scientists who couldn’t even decide on the name for the virus for months on end changing 3 and 4 times

THOSE are the scientists we trust? They’re gonna get the vaccine right the first time? Literally who on earth is gonna let Bill Gates inject them with this chemical cocktail? How on earth did Bill Gates become the leading authority on disease control?

>> No.12078552

bill wants to depopulate

>> No.12078554

>How on earth did Bill Gates become the leading authority on disease control
He isn't

>> No.12078564

>Literally who on earth is gonna let Bill Gates inject them with this chemical cocktail?
If you let someone to lock you down and to force a mask on you, you will also let him to inject you with whatever.

>> No.12078576

Your hypothesis is that the vaccine will be dangerous or ineffective?

If it turns out not to be, will you change your attitude towards vaccines or double down against them?

I'm going to get the vaccine if the clinical trials of tens of thousands of people continue to show that it is safe and effective because I haven't abandoned all conceptions of reality to live in a self-created shell of misinformation and fear.

You're free not to get the vaccine, but it will make it impossible for you to travel outside of the US and enroll your children in public school.

>> No.12078579

>reddit spacing

>> No.12078586

Your hypothesis is that the vaccine will be dangerous or ineffective? If it turns out not to be, will you change your attitude towards vaccines or double down against them? I'm going to get the vaccine if the clinical trials of tens of thousands of people continue to show that it is safe and effective because I haven't abandoned all conceptions of reality to live in a self-created shell of misinformation and fear. You're free not to get the vaccine, but it will make it impossible for you to travel outside of the US and enroll your children in public school.

>> No.12078587
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>public health
i realized this years ago these people are just activists masquerading as scientists. glad to see it being so evident and on full display with sarscov2. the most egregious example of which is right at the start when they were downplaying the dangers chalking it up to be a mild flu when we had limited data.

>> No.12078594


>> No.12078597

Your hypothesis is that castration will be dangerous or ineffective? If it turns out not to be, will you change your attitude towards castrations or double down against them? I'm going to get the castration if the clinical trials of tens of thousands of people continue to show that it is safe and effective because I haven't abandoned all conceptions of reality to live in a self-created shell of misinformation and fear. You're free not to get castrated, but it will make it impossible for you to have sex without enrolling your children in public school.

>> No.12078611
File: 8 KB, 229x250, 1587510323810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your hypothesis is that castration will be dangerous or ineffective? If it turns out not to be, will you change your attitude towards castrations or double down against them? I'm going to get the castration if the clinical trials of tens of thousands of people continue to show that it is safe and effective because I haven't abandoned all conceptions of reality to live in a self-created shell of misinformation and fear. You're free not to get castrated, but it will make it impossible for you to have sex without enrolling your children in public school.

>> No.12078614

Snip THE FUCKING balls!

>> No.12078620

Virologist here, covid is barely deadlier than seasonal flu and you niggers fell for it.

>> No.12078628

To think, some people are STILL falling for it. I loved to Florida last year these backwoods retards are just now getting hysterical about Covid a full like 9 months too late. Truly pathetic.

>> No.12078629

How is a vaccine analogous to castration?

>> No.12078633


>> No.12078638

Castration is even more important that vaccines because by castrating you support transwomen.

>> No.12078659

what's wrong with that? depopulation means more wealth for everyone.

>> No.12078663

You can't be wealthy if you were just depopulated.

>> No.12078665

Well he's not wrong.

>> No.12078669

What's wrong with less niggers in the world?

>> No.12078672

This. The billionaire elite already raped the masses for all they’re worth. Now they need to cut back and automate. Trim the fat down to manageable, easier to control, levels.

>> No.12078673

meant for >>12078552

>> No.12078684

Hey chum. News flash: You, your family, your shit kicking friends would die. You’re not elite nor is anyone you know.

>> No.12078685

And you’re just gonna trust the clinical trials? Why don’t you just hold a mini BLM protest every time you go out, since the scientist already said Covid can’t affect those?

>> No.12078698

Earth is overpopulated. Someone has to die.

>> No.12078704
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>tfw all the anti-vaxxers get fired from their jobs and we use CPS to take their kids away and forcibly vaccinate them


>> No.12078707

They're injecting thousands of people with an experimental vaccine anon-if it caused widespread problems it would be impossible to hide.

>> No.12078715
File: 48 KB, 199x253, DD619621-E159-4684-9684-6D79E0D98B94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no no! You can’t do this I just wanted to work hard for my country and raise my white children in alignment with God’s values! You can’t just make me broke, dead, my kids raped and brainwashed, and think it’s funny!

>> No.12078716

No they wouldn't. Before OP's family dies, street shitters, jungle asians, and niggers would go first. Sure OP isn't elite, but there are billions of humans more worthless than his family.

>> No.12078717

>the most egregious example of which is right at the start when they were downplaying the dangers chalking it up to be a mild flu when we had limited data.
Who the hell was saying this? From the start people were shitting themselves from how contagious it is

>> No.12078728

Ah you’re right, the government has never covered anything up or lied to us before and they never would! We have always been at war with Eurasia.

>> No.12078729

>The scientists who said masks didn’t work, now they’re mandatory
Nah, they were pretty careful to actually say "they're not necessary" and not "they don't work", and instead sowed confusion about the necessity of wearing a properly fitted, n95 mask with sealed edges so that people would say fuck it and not bother

>> No.12078730

he should start with africa then

>> No.12078739

So what? What's the point of having 7.8b people when at most half of those can fulfill their potential. It's hard to develop when pop growth eats up all gains.

This, getting depopulated now means taking one for the team. In the long run it's better for everyone.

>> No.12078740 [DELETED] 

Are you absolutely off your ass retarded? Literally that was the entire narrative on CNN and every news channel for months.

>> No.12078741

Lying about secret projects is a lot easier than lying about a massive public trial where many of those enrolled have talked about it to the media. How would you know you were wrong about this trial and it was legit? How can they change your mind? Are you arguing in good faith?

>> No.12078747 [DELETED] 

Wrong person gonna delete meant for

>> No.12078752

Anon that was the narrative across the news for months when this was first coming out of China. They were saying it was just as bad as the flu and not to worry. Not sure how you possibly could have missed all that.

>> No.12078763
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>Who the hell was saying this? From the start people were shitting themselves from how contagious it is

>> No.12078770

>if it caused widespread problems it would be impossible to hide.
No need to hide them:
"What, you claim that vaccine has 1% fatality rate? Covid has 5% fatality rate, so if you don't want to kill the grandma, take the fucking vaccine!"

>> No.12078775

Fuck off you gaslighting piece of shit.

>> No.12078779

That's just fucking stupid anon. They've given them to tens of thousands of people already and as far as I can tell, literally no one has died.

I want to set a bet for 500 bucks up with you about the Moderna vaccine being safe and effective. You in?

>> No.12078780

Why would they go first? By now it's developed countries who are depopulating, and if the process will go quicker, then first-worlders will be decimated much faster.

>> No.12078782

The media did inexcusable harm in the early months of this,and the WHO was in close lockstep with them.

Now-how do we move forward?

>> No.12078785
File: 129 KB, 1000x432, 0F973919-ECCF-4376-9FF1-F467A97E1DEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to set a bet for 500 bucks up with you about the Moderna vaccine being safe and effective. You in?

>> No.12078790

Gee anon how will we determine the winner with studies done by the very same people orchestrating these vaccines? I wonder what results they’ll conclude..

>> No.12078791

The media is not scientists

>> No.12078793

By carrying on life life as normal and not caring about a 0.2% mortality cold

>> No.12078797

You are ignorant of the economic consequences if an extra 0.2% of the population died, and the US has a death rate far, far above 0.2%

>> No.12078798

Why would they want to depopulate the Eurasian Negroid race of the future?
They only want to get rid of smarter humans with the potential to know who the enemy is and what needs to be done to stop them.

>> No.12078799
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>> No.12078800

Vaccine problems do not consist of a risk of fatality from the vaccine itself, moron, the risk comes from the vaccine increasing the risk to the disease it's trying to protect against

>> No.12078801

You mean the 0.2% that are over 80? I think the economy would see a sharp boost.

>> No.12078802

I'm not though, >>12078587 and
>>12078550 are talking about public health sciencec

>> No.12078806

almost everyone in the media deserves a one way helicopter ride if you ask me.

>> No.12078810

Yeah because there are massive financial incentives to report anyone who has any kind of symptoms when they die as having died of covid even if they keel over from stage four cancer.

>> No.12078813

>fight anti-vaxxers
>invent some disease
>goyim don't want to get a shot
>throw him into same bag, with retards that claim "5g causes aids and autism"

>and you niggers fell for it.
literally nobody asked me

>> No.12078819

Well yeah you are because anon clearly said they’re activists masquerading as scientists then provided numerous examples of that exact behavior.

>> No.12078822

The Universe is so fucking plentiful and bountiful that everyone could have there own planet as or solar system as a HOUSE if we had the capacity for interstellar travel and other tech (large scale terraforming etc). It’s definitely funny, but also our horrifying reality of the archaic time we live in....we’re like Gilgamesh before he ventured into the deep dark leagues of forest or people around that same time who were scared shitless of the ocean til they made boats.

>> No.12078828

Yeah I think it’s pretty obvious at this point we’re never getting off this god forsaken planet.

>> No.12078846

Then cyanide is the ideal vaccine: it decreases the disease risk and other risks are, as you said, irrelevant.

>> No.12078851

Around 1% of Americans dies each year.

>> No.12078852
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He does, but not in the way you think (killing Western people with exploding chips or something).
Bill wants to depopulate by teaching Niggers how to read and swallow birth control pills which will reduce birth rates in Africa significantly.

>> No.12078859

Sure, africans fertility will fall from 8 to 4, meanwhile western fertility will fall from 1 to 0.5

>> No.12078865

If it is so wonderful, then you will have no need to force it.

>> No.12078877
File: 1.97 MB, 1200x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's potential Einsteins making a living burning trash
>the paradox of economic growth without development and HDI growth isn't real

>> No.12078881

Ikr. Old fuck here. I was a kid when they landed on the moon. I grew up with the expectation that we would soon be colonizing the stars, within my lifetime. By high school I knew that was entirely unrealistic, but I still thought we would be working towards it, that perhaps a base on the moon or even mars was entirely feasible. It was like a granted, the only question being one decade or the next. But now as I near the end of my life even that dream seems to be withering away, Musk memes all and. I dont think we are even going to get robotic probes going to other star systems. We are not getting off this planet at this rate, unless there is a major survivable reset. One where most knowledge is kept intact.

>> No.12078997

>a early report they didn’t have evidence it wasn’t human transmittable but actually is
>scientists say don’t wear mask But now mandatory
early on they were worried about mask shortages now it’s not an issue. Look up mask use pandemic on google scholar and you can find study after study on the efficiency of masks during a pandemic
>couldn’t decide on name
Who cares?
>bill gates says something
he is rich and he wants to help people. He probably had someone calculate this number and decided to share it. No one really cares what he has to say. Other then random click bait articles
>chemical cocktail
mercury doesn’t cause autism retard. you get way more mercury from other sources. Make sure you don’t eat any fish or anything using fish products that have been processed to remove mercury.
>but muh other trace element in vaccines
dosage makes the poison.
retarded thread is retarded

>> No.12079026

Science is about learning. Scientists don't know everything at the start, they have to learn as things go on. So mistakes happen as they gain more knowledge, that's literally how this works.

So now I must ask you, if scientists are always wrong because they've made mistakes before who do we trust? Do we go back to caves with sharp sticks to protect ourselves? Or do we move forward trusting that experts know more about a subject than you do.

>> No.12079027

>Literally who on earth is gonna let Bill Gates inject them with this chemical cocktail?
There's like 30 vaccines being tested, and he's not involved with all of them. Choose one of the other ones.

>> No.12079030

>covid is barely deadlier than seasonal flu
When's the last time the USA had almost 200k pneumonia deaths in a 6 month period?

>> No.12079402

>The scientists who said
which scientists? they are technicians. also, as >>12078729 , they didn't say what most people heard. they also said that they didn't have evidence on the virus being transmitted from person to person and through air... not having evidence doesn't mean it doesn't do that shit (I mean, that should be obvious here. this is the "science" board, tisn't it).
they just wanted to cover their own asses, and media did their part to confuse the public even more.

>> No.12079413

why the fuck would bill gates care what the niggers in africa do you wet brain retard? If they shit out babies right and left it does nothing to the rest of the world, they will simply starve themselves eventually

>> No.12079414

Did you even click in the picture he posted or you are just being contrarian so it can appeal to your ego?

>> No.12079418
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good to see you fucking faggots are finally catching on after calling people like me schizo and /pol/ for telling you idiots wtf is happening for the last 5 years. Some bad shit coming down the road, uni and grades and w/e retarded shit you think you care about it isnt gonna mean shit if we don't stop this global communist takeover

>> No.12079428

this worries me more desu: https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/2020/06/who-trial-using-potentially-fatal.html
>inb4 hurr durr anthrax hurr durr schizo

>> No.12079452


>> No.12079558

you should learn more about stats and less about virology to understand the impact of a pandemic vs localized effect tard

>> No.12079609

First medical intervention saved my life two separate times so I have an agenda and my religion of birth almost forbids meds Onless your almost dead.First I trust no doctors it's a practice thay guess based the odds or most common illnesses if you're out side the 50/50 odds oftion your fastracked what nurser call a patient hows is going to get better with pills or placebo, those how are Oftion prescribed prescription meds you can get over the counter but in larger doses In my case I payed for a generic pain meds 5 dollars for a mega bottle after I was prescribed an almost or similar meds made by the same company in the same factory in a smaller doses. I'm not a a math expert put I saved 1500 percent fore more meds second I'm not a doctor i do not give medical advice but a doctor how never met you can often give a diagnosis without any testing in just over five minutes amazing if you lie I'm not an alcoholic or its not an STD I'm not cheating on my ( Holding his wife hand hand.)Bill Gates is an expert he has prevented tens of thousands of births don't ban me I'm quoting him his 2020 agenda is well published by him and the bill and Malinda Gates foundation he hade a goal of a 80 depopulation by 2020 .I think he has failed as of yet .The coments posted do not reflect that of the poster and are for education purpose only and should be considered as fictional works or art .The person how posted using my IP Address and got me banned burn in hell I do not post porn ever. A1 bad words show respect don't impersonation others.

>> No.12079624

Immunity doesn't scale linearly though

>> No.12079635

I'm giving better odds your to optimise in my humble opinion more people will die 2 if the news is not fake .

>> No.12079666


>> No.12080077

>wireless communication

>> No.12080366

Were those Fox news scientists?

Literally the ones I followed and read early on said things that are still true to this date, admittedly only found them via internet and I have most of political media filtered out.

>> No.12080407

Bill Gates isn't jewish

>> No.12080424

>for the last 5 years
you mean 100 years