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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12030565 No.12030565 [Reply] [Original]

are the other great apes conscious like us?

>> No.12030778


>> No.12030936

All mammals are conscious because of the neocortex

>> No.12031006

Even bugs are conscious. I've seen it. Get a magnifying glass and watch. They have conscious reactions to things. They just don't have the same facilities or understanding or scope or concepts. Consciousness is a white board and theirs is much smaller and has less written on it but it's clearly there.

If you're talking about the superconsciousness or mindfulness of humans no they don't.

>> No.12031017

anything with a nervous system is conscious, if you're asking about self-awareness then yes it seems that most primates are self aware.

>> No.12031018

“consciousness” is a very poorly defined word. there are no empirical tests that can solidly identify consciousness. so my rule of thumb is just go by utility. for example, i have no problem slaughtering and eating cows because they are delicious. it has nothing to do with weather cows are “””conscious”””

>> No.12031050
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You've got it backwards nerd.

>> No.12031078

>Like us
Yes, so that means none of them are conscious, neither are we.

>> No.12031124

I think we might not be conscious per say, but we are data processing machines. We process input via our sensory systems and our brains.

We also have a form of reflection and meta processing due to our inner mind.

We don't have free will. probably. We are just clockwork data processors in a clockwork universe.

>> No.12031127

We don't really exist either.

>> No.12031135

How do you distinguish conscious reactions from non-conscious reactions? Are self driving cars conscious?

>> No.12031317

he knews

>> No.12032158

there is no difference because consciousness is not some mystical shit only human brains have 100% of it
consciousness is environmental awareness

>> No.12032449

How do you explain qualia with just environmental awareness?

>> No.12032535


>> No.12032550

That's not an argument. Just because something happens to be untestable doesn't mean we should think it doesn't exist. Do you also believe nothing exists outside the observable universe?

>> No.12032586


>consious like us

>> No.12032764

jane goodall would say yes and she knows what she's talking about

jeez just fuck off to /x/ with your pseudomystical mumbo jumbo

>> No.12032766

>not an argument
Bro you're in the scientific board, fuck off with your magic bullshit

>> No.12032942

I am the reincarnation of Napoleon.
Just because it happens to be untestable doesn't mean you should think it isn't so

>> No.12033234

Only illiterate stemlord dumbfucks would confuse philosophy with mysticism.

>> No.12033242

the deepak chopra books are in the next aisle, dum dum

>> No.12033246 [DELETED] 
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I fucking love science!!!

>> No.12033254

Says the manchild that has never set a foot in a philo class

>> No.12033274

more so

>> No.12033659

>Are self driving cars conscious?
No there is no evidence that a device running computer code is conscious.

Total brainlet take you are retarded

>> No.12033670

What would count as evidence?

>> No.12033685

yes, this board is /sci/ - science & math
did you not realise? or do you think the people here should hate science, like you clearly do?
take your little cartoons and fuck off

>> No.12033836

>Total brainlet take you are retarded
prove me wrong then, bitch boy

>> No.12033953

Yes, those who believe otherwise just try to feel better while treating other living organisms like objects.
What I hate the most are humans pretending they're more than apes, while they behave like them while wearing clothes and using technology.

>> No.12034020

No, I haven't heard of any primate that committed suicide before (and I don't mean accidental "suicide")

>> No.12034059

Animals might have small degrees of consciousness but they don't have the philosophical self-perception that humans have. An animal, such as a dolphin or maybe a chimp, can recognize itself as a being, but it can not think of itself thinking of itself, that only a human can do.

>> No.12034078

Absolutely. Their brains are almost the same as ours

>> No.12034106

>No, I haven't heard of any primate that committed suicide before (and I don't mean accidental "suicide")
How is suicide correlated to consciousness and how do you explain the results of the mirror test?
Mirror test confirms not only the animal is conscious, but also self-conscious.
There are some cases of animals lower than apes committing suicide.

>> No.12034182

>argument from ignorance
>argument from stupidity

>> No.12034262

Other animals are capable of recursion