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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12001559 No.12001559 [Reply] [Original]

/med/ - Medical Conditions Mimicking the Acute Surgical Abdomen edition.
Previous edition: >>11980021
Thread for the discussion of evidence-based medicine. We discuss research, we DO NOT offer advice (but the best one is to see your family physician), make fun of premeds and pajeet/chink gunners, discuss the Jewish infiltration of medicine and shitpost.

>> No.12001567

What are the medical benefits of watching anime?

>> No.12001570


>> No.12001578

STD prevention

>> No.12001690

100% effective contraception.

>> No.12001765
File: 356 KB, 344x500, gritty_5e_stone_age_warrior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>metal, especially black metal.

>> No.12002103

>prog metal
they just dilate and then the vacuum machine goes BRRRRRR

>> No.12002105

don't be rude, male nurses are based and a good part of the team

>> No.12002244

PAs should become full doctors after 10 years of experience in most non surgical specs. Change my mind

>> No.12002252


>> No.12002262


>> No.12002264

Penis acceptors

>> No.12002327

Potential allopaths :^)

>> No.12002378


>> No.12002423

Mnemonics that only include the first letter of each word are stupid and useless.
How am I supposed to remember isopropyl alcohol is not in MUDPILES.

>> No.12002589

I still remember the TCA cycle because of:
Can I Keep Selling Sex For Money Officer
It's Kay Sell More. Werks for me

>> No.12002692

Kek. I think the suspected corona baby boom is happening where I live. I've had a huge uptick in both the number of women calling in requesting prenatal care, and those calling to see if it's too late for abortive measures. A lot of men calling in with suspected STIs.

>> No.12002856
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>tfw didn't have any shutdown sex
>tfw didn't have any pre-shutdown sex either

>> No.12003160 [DELETED] 

If I spec in psych is it possible to specialize and only treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder?

>> No.12003175

/med/ more like /dead/ amirite

>> No.12003391
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is coffee good for you?

>> No.12003491
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So my mom just had a mild stroke. Like 2 hrs ago and she’s already at the hospital. How long does it take for someone to recover from one?

>> No.12003504

my dad had one five years ago and it affected his hand. He is big on driving and was afraid he wont be able to but he completely recovered in 2-3 months.

>> No.12003528
File: 216 KB, 1000x1000, ding ding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a sexy nurse, ask me anything you fucking virgins :))

>> No.12003550


>> No.12003558

better that way threads were too fast these few editions

>> No.12003619

post tits with timestamp or gtfo forever

>> No.12003698

How much are people getting memed when they're told by their doctor to go in for artificial disc replacements? How far has that tech progressed?

>> No.12003768
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c-can you please f-fetch me the epi-epine-epinene-

>> No.12003781
File: 532 KB, 537x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're at a bar with your girlfriend when this guy comes up to you, puts your arm around her and says;

>You're a doctor right, white boy? Surely you can answer this.

>A 45 year old white boi presents to his GP as he has been feeling very unwell for some time. He feels dizzy when he stands up, has lost weight and a cousin who has not seen him for a year has commented that his skin is becoming darker.
>Is his diagnosis:

>A: Amyloidosis
>B: Auto-immune Adrenitis
>C: Congenital Adrenal Hypoplasia
>D: Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome

>This should be easy white boi, you're a doctor ain't ya?

>> No.12003965

C-ccan I see the labs?

>> No.12003987


>> No.12003999

That'll be 200$, you don't look trusthworthy so I'll need it up front.

>> No.12004157

coof into the allergic nursoid's face causing her to get an anaphylactic reaction, as she reaches for the epinephrine link the nursoids radial artery with a central line of the patient, the nursoid injecting epinephrine will supply the both the nursoid and the patient saving both of their lives.

>> No.12004174

Skin hyperpigmentation and the orthostatic hypotension can be jointly explained with adrenal failure. Although (D) is a cause of adrenal failure, it is an acute adrenal crisis which does not fit the nature of the presentation and would not allow for hyperpigmentation to develop. I guess (A) can theoretically cause adrenal failure, however it is less likely without any other sign of systemic symptoms. (C) would present much earlier (if such a syndrome actually exists) and not in a 45 year old male who was previously well. Therefore the best answer is (B).

>> No.12004188

I had the same thought process although most advanced endocrinology seems like science fiction to me, mainly because I'm too dumb for it.

>> No.12004190

Coffee is like a baby baby aspirin since it inhibits platelets, so yes.

>> No.12004198

don't worry, just let the semites handle the internal med

>> No.12004200

Yeah, but it can cause a chemical imbalance of too f'ing much cortisol. In which case you need to chillax on the coffee. But it does make you smarter.

>> No.12004206

>Auto-immune Adrenitis
it's called Addison's disease in the first world and that's what i'm gonna tell the black gentleman

>> No.12004209

Can an occupation therapist teach me the essential life skills my retarded parents didn't? I have no sense of routine or obligation, I can hardly tie my shoelaces or make a bed, let alone function on my own in today's complex society.

>> No.12004210

No problem, anesthesia is more fun anyway

>> No.12004212


>> No.12004213

your first step would be to stop using weeb imageboards, and you've already failed

>> No.12004222

do you tell jokes like all the other anaesthetists

>> No.12004224

And what do I do afterward? I feel like I've gotten to the point where I couldn't function on my own unless I had explanations and a hyperdetailed routine to follow every single day. I'm the kind of person who wishes life had come with an instruction manual.

>> No.12004226

of course not, i'm a weird autist who posts on 4chan

>> No.12004233
File: 222 KB, 674x506, 1hzgyg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 50 year old male presents to emergency complaining of frequent urination, excessive thrist and pain in his legs and knees. He has a 25 pack-year history of smoking and a 40 computer-year history of scroolling. His father died fighting communists at 25 and his mother died of neurosyphillis at 50. Physical examination reveals whaleoid body habitus, BMI 40 and dark skin around his neck, and decreased peripheral sensation in both of his legs up to the knee. Urinalysis reveals (++++) glucose and (++++) protein with blood glucose at 320 mg/dL. The jewish internist ordered more labs and found normocytic anemia, hypertriglyceridemia, hyperlglycemia, hyperuricemia, hypercalcemia and elevated BUN/creatinine with eGFR of 35 ml/min. Which of the following is the next best step in management?

A. Bone marrow biopsy
B. CT head
C. CT abdomen
D. Educate patient about healthy eating
E. Prescribe metformin + empagliflozin

>> No.12004241


>> No.12004242

F. Send to Mayo clinic and look at their face when there's no Mayo there

>> No.12004247

coritsol is good in bursts, high sympathetic activity actually activates cortisol, so any time you exercise your cortisol goes high
chronic hypercortisolism is bad of course you're right so you should not have coffee all the time, so in my view one a day is good for you, more than that you are probably pushing it.

>> No.12004254

the patient expires 6 months later and autopsy reveals you missed something that may have prolonged their life an extra 1 year, the family have taken legal action against you and have won 5 million dollars in settlements, Dr. Karen Smith, NP, MBA the administrator tells you if you mess up again you will be fired! What could you have done differently?

>> No.12004266

claim that the family and hospital administration is being racist towards me

>> No.12004293

Yeah. I have a roommate I don't know. It's good to have one cup in the morning to wake up with the Berenstein bears.

>> No.12004298
File: 152 KB, 1232x696, Screenshot 2020-08-13 at 15.11.04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A level results came in boys and pre meds are up in arms about muh BBC but I want A* A* A* I honestly believe this is the first time these kids get hit with reality.

>> No.12004302
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>want to study medicine
>get slapped with B B C instead

>> No.12004330

Are SSRI dangerous? I have been having a bunch of physical conditions that my doctor says might be due to "stress" but I already have a hard time concentrating at work, doing anything that requires mental effort for long periods of time or learning so the last thing I need is something that turns me into a mindless zombie

>> No.12004363

Is taking Magnesium + B6 tablets daily (recommended on the packet) somehow a bad idea?
Like, can it maybe weaken the minerals processing in the body which would backfire when I stop taking the tablets?

>> No.12004424
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H-hhow did you know I'm an anesthesia aspirant?

>> No.12004439

>be chink/dothead doctor
>be an actual and unironic majority
>still claim rayzaysm

C. I have the suspicion this is a hormonal producing tumor. Don't know why, but I'm 69% sure.

>> No.12004464

is this decerebrate posturing?

>> No.12004468

no, not even close

>> No.12004481

C. because i’m not jew

>> No.12004485


>> No.12004491

what is it? doesn’t look normal.

>> No.12004495

No. It's this one: https://youtu.be/QFeewU0HhNE
Guy probably didn't get to last long enough to feel any pain.

>> No.12004524

guro warning

>> No.12004545

Not science or math.

>> No.12004555

You don't need to be jealous that your schizo math degree has 0 connection to the real world

>> No.12004561

>muh numbers
lmaoing at your autism

>> No.12004600

I'm an engineer, we cover stuff more conceptually difficult than you in year 1 than you do during your entire time.
Go look at some warts on an old roasties ass, cucks.

>> No.12004639

cope, math incels are easy to spot and you're one

>> No.12004674

>he went to university to end up as a manual labourer
Weird flex but ok.

>> No.12004788

redpill me on what is the best specialty and why is it psychiatry ?euroanons especially

>> No.12004847

Why would you do that to yourself? It may be my warped 3rd world vision but psychiatry is either listening with fake interest the nagging of reddit users or numbing the fuck out of feral nutcases while quietly hoping they die of old age/sudoku.
It's the 3rd most hopeless spec, behind IM and geriatrics.

>> No.12004853

damn.. reason behind the beating? this must be decorticate, right?

>> No.12004860

>not science or math
instead it’s CHAD

>> No.12004866

to live the /lit/erary lifestyle, and also learning about the brain and human mind is the most fascinating part of medicine for me; dunno man seems psychoterapy seems comfy . farmacopsychiatry I despise, giving mind altering drugs especialy to kids sickens me, that's why I'm asking for euro perspectives from what I understand in the US the shrink is the BigFarmas bitch

>> No.12004873

also psychiatry is one of the most hunted specialities in my country and in state hospitals is top pay , like 30% more than cardiology for exemple

>> No.12004874

this looks like decorticate that then transitions into full decerebrate posturing
idk, some mexican drug shit probably; it's just a famous internet gore video from years ago that i always like as example of brain damage pose

>> No.12004875

>chicano double digit IQ scum behaving like soft ass bitches

>> No.12004882

If you want to just talk bullshit to people you don't need a medical degree

>> No.12004897

you’re romanticizing it, be careful for reality might hit when it will be very late.

>> No.12004906
File: 413 KB, 687x748, gchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah, just give him haloperidol

>> No.12004924

Mind altering drugs are the reason why we haven't hit WW3 and why most residents finish their training.
Kid you not, the absurd majority of my residents were hooked on metilphenidate.

>> No.12004930

Also, if your duty is working as a wet shoulder you should try geriatrics, familiar medicine or drop out and becoming a social assistant. This is >>12004924 btw.

>> No.12004961

because they were weak willed pussies

>> No.12004993

Spec training in my hellhole ain't a cakewalk like in the 1st world.

>> No.12005002
File: 320 KB, 1800x1200, 1800x1200_chamomile_other.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any research on folk/traditional medicine specifically herbs and plants that are consumed that could have some active ingredient? from what i have read so far it seems that it's better than prayer but also worse. some stuff actually have active ingredients that help but some also have serious interactions or are just outright bad. there is also a fuck ton of stuff that hasn't been researched yet.

>> No.12005060

>psycoterapy i despise giving mind altering drugs
Then just become a clinical psychologist or a licensed therapist.

>> No.12005061

No. Also FOH.

>> No.12005129 [DELETED] 

Any other first years here? Was curious if you guys are going to do zanki or not. I don't really see the point anymore since step is p/f for us.

>> No.12005277

>thread for research discussion
>no discussion of medically relevant topics
this is a very relevant topic to medicine in non western countries (and for western hippies) because it's very widespread and even non retarded modern people assume that these herbs/plants are hidden medicine that hasn't been discovered by science yet

>> No.12005280

>that these herbs/plants are hidden medicine that hasn't been discovered by science yet
wow maybe you should do your groundbreaking research and discover these plants that silly scientists don't know about

>> No.12005315

nigger i didn't say i believe in it, i said that a lot of people (even in the western world) justify using these herbs since there isn't any research on them. this is bad because some herbs are just straight up bad for you and some have serious interactions.

>> No.12005376

which plants specifically do you think have unknown properties that 'scientists' don't know about?

>> No.12005406

autopsy reveals multiple myeloma, the pathologist berates you, saying that there is no way a diabetic kidney disease patient has hypercalcemia without a second underlying issue, an important cause of hypercalcemia not due to PTH dysfunction that fits with the "leg pain" (maybe bone pain + osteoarthritis) is multiple myeloma, the patient then has the full CRAB symptoms for multiple myeloma, obtaining this diagnosis for the patient may have saved him an extra year of a fulfilling and quality life

>> No.12005573

>no fever
>not unintentional weight loss
>no abnormalities on WBCs
At least I avoided the MBA admin.
I don't care about non-western people or hippies. I also don't care about "traditional medicine" (non-medicine) and snakeoil plants because that's a biologist/chemist job.

>> No.12005701


Input this link in sci-hub.

>> No.12005725
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>ID resident when he realizes he is basically the janitor for other services

>> No.12005740

infectious diseases? how so?
really the icu is the janny for when everyone else fucks up, and then pathologists are the ultimate janitor in the hospital

>> No.12005748

In my hospital pathology is at the basement. Same place jannie lives.

>> No.12005814
File: 2.38 MB, 1908x1146, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw on my urology placement

>> No.12006293

I'm dying, sister.

>> No.12006572

We just turf all our extremely shitty patients who don't even get an ICU admission to their ward.
And they have to answer retarded consults all the time.

>> No.12006576

Explain to me the allure of anesthesiology

>> No.12006580

Good pay, minimal work, good for autists.

>> No.12006582

shoving tubes and needles into patients feels good

>> No.12006591

How is it minimal work? You're up early as fuck, and when shit hits the fan it's all on you to save the patient. Not to mention call hours.

>> No.12006635

Compared to surgeons I meant.

>> No.12006675

im in a third world bro, and i still meant what i said.

>> No.12006681

now can i retur to deepthroating the nurse?

>> No.12006756

95% chill, 5% chaotic emergency stuff, all your interventions are immediate, get to see a range of specialities, no patients are under your name so when your shift is done you leave, early starts and early finishes, can shift into ICU and pain medicine, not sure about elsewhere but in the UK the training is much better than other specialitites as its like a 1 on 1 apprenticeship.

But best of all you can sit on 4chan for most of your OR time

>> No.12006926

Generally speaking, what are the odds of having one of the shitton of adverse effects on medication package inserts?

>> No.12007110

>1 year of internship
>1 whole ass year of social service
Afaik in most countries is half a year.
>1/5 chances of making the cut into the exam
>M-F fixed schedule from 07:00hs to 16:00hs. In reality your the hospital bitch and your entrance may be from 04:00/06:00 to leave at 18:00/20:00
>Instead of "on call" bullcrap we have guard shift every three days. You basically do your regular shift and stay the night+your next day shift at the hospital. Guard shift don't respect weekends or holidays
>mind you, the healthcare is broken and you don't get to fuck around since admittances and discharges are 24/7

>> No.12007133

>popping sensation and occasional discomfort when I raise my right arm
>been happening for a few months
>figure something's wrong with my shoulder or clavicle
>visit orthopod, tells me not to worry about it, maybe do some physical therapy; prescribes muscle relaxant and Vimovo
Am I gonna be fine?

>> No.12007322

Have you been doing your facepulls you little shit?

>> No.12007365

What's the /med/ desk job spec?

>> No.12007380


>> No.12007411

What does the future look like for pathology in terms of AI? There was discussion about AI in the last thread and one anon made a good point that in his spec, diagnosis is about 10 percent of his job or so. With pathology being entirely diagnostic, will there be extreme pay cuts or outright replacement by mid-levels?


>> No.12007438

Psychocybernetics is considered by some to be like that but it's exclusively achievement oriented and life isn't just about that

>> No.12007440

>With pathology being entirely diagnostic
but it's not. A pathologist still needs to prepare samples.
But as always, a physician is necessary to confirm a diagnosis made by AI. There are legal issues about accountability if you rely solely on AI diagnosis. Who's responsible if something goes wrong? The guy who coded the AI? The consultant who worked on the AI? The hospital for using that AI?

>> No.12007443

The future is bright for all specialities related to old "people" and fucked up for obstetrics and pediatrics. This is a comment based on population pyramids.
Make with it whatever you want.

>> No.12007466

Does the pathologist actually prepare samples though? For context I'm a phlebotomist in the US and all the samples in our hospital are prepared by a pathologists assistant with a masters degree. They are then walked over to the pathologist's office right next to the Histology lab. Legally, the hospital could be held responsible and makes the most sense to me. I do understand wanting someone to look it over but since that job should be easier, will it fall to a less educated and lower paid worker?

>> No.12007473

you study urology in high school?

>> No.12007475

diagnostic specs or just going into admin roles in whatever

>> No.12007482
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>sworn to avenge?
>condemned to hell?
>do you tempt the blade?

>> No.12007489

Who's the DJ of the OR at your place?

>> No.12007522
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>> No.12007533

The surgeon. He liked Latino pop music and it was always a mambo vibe going in there.

>> No.12007571
File: 98 KB, 720x720, FLSBUT32862_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clitoria ternatea

>> No.12007756

the surgeon because i can't just put my prog/black metal on

>> No.12007773
File: 18 KB, 312x445, brs pharmacology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this book good as an introduction to pharmacology? Anyone read it?

t. NEETfag who isnt ever going to uni but likes to study stuff

>> No.12007777

Oh also asking because I can get it for a measly 3€ from a friend instead of paying full price which is like 60€

>> No.12007779

if you're not gonna be doing exams on something, then it doesn't really matter what you read
this looks good to me

>> No.12007787

Alright if it looks good to you I'll get it, cheers anon!

>> No.12007793

i mean i'm not american and we had our own country textbooks, but i think i read or at least saw positive reviews of something else from the 'board review series'

>> No.12007900

Rang & Dale for total retards. Florez for ascended intellectuals, aldoe I doubt Elsevier bothered with translation that magnificent textbook into anglobarks.

>> No.12008359

the surgeon actually sings so we don’t have to put anything

>> No.12008633
File: 8 KB, 235x215, frogposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone else ever suddenly stop to think how weird it is to stare at guts and gore every day and then pretend to be the same as normies on the outside who faint at the sight of blood

>> No.12008643

I don't see why I'd make a taboo out of organs or blood.

>> No.12008687

You would shit your pants if you actually had to kill anything with the possibility of being maimed or slaughtered yourself. Don't think you aren't just as cowardly as them. Doctors LARP'ing as hardened sociopaths is convincing until the moment they have to deal with anything that isn't immobilized and helpless.

>> No.12009000
File: 113 KB, 1240x699, fhaa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drive to hiking area
>as I park see a silhouette moving towards me in distance
>sit and watch as it gets closer
>this boy is stumbling towards the parking lot through the field
>looked exactly like a stumbling zombie, only way I can describe his movement
>got slightly anxious since I'd just seen 28 days later
What the FUCK was his problem? I've never seen someone walk like that.

>> No.12009020

few too many bevvos

>> No.12009024
File: 106 KB, 900x900, unnamed3TMQH7QT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does coffee give you that racing when it kicks in? what are the spiritual effects of stimulants?

>> No.12009027

Guy stumbling around the woods?
Almost certainly tripping on drugs.

>> No.12009038

it's a fucking junkie anon nothing to see there

>> No.12009180

have you ever stopped to put yourself in the mental state of a junkie? I don't mean literally consume drugs, but astrally project into their mind and to feel the mental state that they're in

>> No.12009244

Take your meds, bud.

>> No.12009275

you discriminate against those are not neurotypical

>> No.12009300

No. I only discriminate against non-catholics and 3rd worlder migrants without higher education.

>> No.12009318

what if i told you that we're all living a dream and when we die we will realize that it was a dream and we were the universe all along

what do you think about that

>> No.12009337


That's too hard for non-psychiatrists - REFER!

>> No.12009343


THis is a damn lie, post country heretic

>> No.12009358


I have the opposite mindset but it's pretty great specialty if you like it.

1. Hardly any Patient contact
2. Deep knowledge of human physiology - Almost like IM except instead of external disease knowledge it's on basic human body engineering and what drugs affect what - what to use given a certain impending problem.
3. Amazing pay per hour, hardly any documenting, usually 7am-3pm type days.
4. Procedural (Intubations, Lines, Infusions) but not overly so - without many drawbacks of needing OR cases in certain surgeries to build up experience etc.
5. Options for fellowship like Pain, ICU (probably best route)
6. Best way to have a side-hustle (Stocks/trading during cases, writing, etc.) WHILE getting paid for that time

1. Surgeon's "bitch" - Overblown, but I can see why surg's don't backup with it cause of that.
2. Low patient interaction/relationship - usually not a concern for Anesfags.
3. No one knows about you from general public
4. Long residency, Possibly sporadic schedule due to call later on.

>> No.12009400

just so you're aware, psychotherapy is completely bullshit and actually harmful, except for really regimented and standardised CBT
the idea about "talking about your problems" or getting to the "root cause" of mental illnesses usually cause more harm than good, that's why real psychiatrists combine pharmacotherapy with evidence-based CBT

>> No.12009404
File: 47 KB, 564x400, 1583862974041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really regimented and standardised CBT
ok freak

>> No.12009424
File: 64 KB, 818x864, 4c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Surgeon starts crying mid operation when the climax hits
>Caught in infinity
>In the vastness of countless trees
>O what a purity
>Lies in these sceneries
>Cursed for this winter hike
>I see the dawn and its fountain of light
>Morning glory
>Ethereal night

>> No.12009431

Sounds like adhd w/ comorbid gad

>> No.12009452

Can i get a usmle step 1 study plan because im an idiot please. Also id like to be a psych but am scared my own anxiety is too high to handle this.

>> No.12009473

If you can't search it for yourself chances are you're ngmi.

>> No.12009493

I have a hard to believing one q bank is superior over another. Likewise that all of that time learning out of books does not literally matter and that ill learn everything i need from q banks and first aid.

I dont think im going to make it, but shit, step 2 cs is cancelled and i wont be able to apply anyways next august.

t. IMG

>> No.12009611

You have to go back.

>> No.12009840

I'm a male in australia I was diagnosed with anorexia 3 months ago I also haven't seen sunlight in that time. Where do I go to get help?

>> No.12009862

go through a GP. a lot of services can be rebated far better with a current GP referral than voluntary access.

>> No.12010026

>ywn have a comfy job with 9-5 program and get home to your wife, smoke weed after a long day and spend time together


>> No.12010029

this is a normalfag containment thread, if you were not aware of why its allowed to exist unmolested day in and day out.

>> No.12010037

Fucking based

>> No.12010048

you sure about that?

>> No.12010051

Absolutely sure that 90% of surgeons would have a panic attack if they had to engage in real violence. I would bet my daughters virginity that you have never killed anyone and would not have the balls to kill someone if your asked to do so in a way you couldn't remove yourself from the messiness of the act.

>> No.12010061

going to become main surgeon just to be able to blast this and make everyone listen to it

>> No.12010067

if you haven’t done something out of many different reasons does not mean that you are not capable of doing it. maybe you are just projecting because you grew up in safe hand held place of first world country but some people are used to violence because they have seen it from day one, but chose to go the other ways and turn aggression and rage into something good instead of succumbing to their swamp environment.

>> No.12010094

I admit I didn't think of MM. But would your first step in working up multiple myeloma really be a BM biopsy? I thought serum or urine protein electrophoresis came first and then biopsy to confirm disease

>> No.12010096

people self sort into environments that serve their evolutionary interests best. meek and docile individuals do everything they can to avoid having to come into conflict with aggressive and violent individuals. Doctors are some of the most restrained, emotionally balanced, and domesticated people you will ever meet. I cannot for the life of me imagine some well heeled ortho crushing the throat of a man outside of bar for insulting him. Having the power to take life from people who have given over their agency to you and under your care isn't a form of respectable mastery over violence. You are just a piece of larger high risk maintenance process, no different from a mason or auto mechanic with the power to endanger the lives over others from a distance.

>> No.12010127

you are generalizing and assuming from your life experience and environment and i’m telling you it isn’t like that. Not every doctor is a beta basedboy like the ones you come around with in your life. Because from where i come from and from surgeons i’ve seen at least 80% have been in two military conflicts few of them took part in civil war and i’m sure at least half if not more of those people have actually taken someone else’s life. On top of that after those shitty happenings life was fucked up here for 15+ years and i’ve known my fellow doctors who have been shot or stabbed for the most ridiculous, stupid and vain reasons you could imagine and they had to do similar to defend their life and loved ones. As i said you think like this because you grew up in first world safe bubble where there is occasional nigger crime and only come around to softened men, in a same manner i could have argued and generalized that all surgeons are tough motherfuckers but i didn’t because i realize different environments then mine exist.

>> No.12010137

I'm going to be honest, the moment you mentioned you were from the third world I stopped reading your post and just replied with what I had intended to say. Disregard my statements for balkanoids, slavshits, and spic demons, which I'm assuming you're at least one of.

>> No.12010148

ok rape you next week

>> No.12010157

I would put a knife through your eye if you came anywhere near me, Boris.

>> No.12010449

Why is gender reassignment surgery considered a better treatment for gender dysphoria than counseling?

>> No.12010526

because we live in a clown world

>> No.12010529
File: 135 KB, 673x1000, 6A75053F-CD8D-40B1-8206-786FDCBBE1AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that you should lurk moar and never have right to post in these threads until you have seen pic related

>> No.12010596

Fire the whole radiology department.

>> No.12010699

med fags what do you think about all the IQ and race controversies, biased bs science or just suppressed truth?

>> No.12010720

>3 weeks in
>anatomy notebook is already at 48 pages full
far out man, this pace is mental.

>> No.12010743

Tengri bless.

>> No.12010785


>> No.12010811

If you're not reading from ancient Testut&Latarjet, you're not learning anatomy.

>> No.12010817

I like my lecturer, she makes jokes about runners being mouthbreathers and isn't afraid of anything.

>> No.12010939

>The hip bone's connected to the leg bone.
>The leg bone's connected to the foot bone.

>> No.12010984

is there a mnemonic to remember this?

>> No.12011068

Nah brah gotta grind some flashcards

>> No.12011125
File: 2.24 MB, 929x1162, 1575846379589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my notes

>> No.12011132

good idea, i just signed up to quizlette now. Use code /sci/ for 25% off

>> No.12011139
File: 40 KB, 472x649, zk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 mine

>> No.12011149


>> No.12011215

So anons, are the tests you take on the US actualy just a grabbler scheme? I read somewhere (on medscape maybe?) that there's some controversy because of how expensive it is to take the Steps and prepare for them.

>> No.12011387
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She likes to play, try to catch her.

>> No.12011539

Why is doctors' handwriting so shit? I've always put it down to writing a lot of things very quickly in med school and then having to jot down lots of prescriptions.

>> No.12011943 [DELETED] 
File: 842 KB, 2801x2202, clamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those who would demand a God for a Godless world, and certainly those who would accept a God among men, will receive the punishment they desire and deserve. As though it is embedded in Man by the Creator itself, it is woven into the logic of the universe itself. It will come, and it must come.

What Man needs now is basically a modernized quasi-scientific Nature cult. Today, we have a world overflowing with false Gods, traumatized overgrown children imitating their notion of a God, and the worst of it, the rise of a new religious power structure built around so-called science. They are humbled by nothing. They neither see nor yield to any higher order, they will mindlessly charge forward desiring to dominate, trample, and subdue even Mother Nature herself, all things will conform to their script, all Truth is defined by their word, all things are malleable, all things mutable, all things under control. No. These people are delusional, shined up trash better suited for the gutter. These things must be destroyed. Their belief system must be destroyed. They are children kneeling before an idol to themselves.

No. Since they cannot live without that organizing principle, all will kneel only before Mother Nature and her great and self evident Truth. They have lost their way. It is time to return to reality. It is time to return to their roots. Look in the mirror. Look at yourself. When was the last time you made your heart beat? When was the last time you managed the motility of your gut? When was the last time you managed much of anything? Never. Who is your Creator? Is it your parents? Your God? Science? No. From two gametes combining your body quite literally assembled ITSELF from raw material, largely unassisted.

>> No.12011949 [DELETED] 

Your body has maintained you since that moment that the zygote was born in a flash of light, with near zero help, through a vast range of conditions... your entire life. And it will continue, until death. That is Truth. Yet you have these fool medical people purporting to know what the body needs, and to be able to "fix" people's "problems" with their barbaric low level chemical interventions and other assorted pseudoscientific New World quackery and nonsense. They actually think that the body NEEDS THEM to function. It's absurd, it's pathetic, it's irrational. It's delusional. I can't say I was not indoctrinated into it as well. And it shows, the statistics are there. As of 2011's data (via insurance records) 46% of children have at least 1 of 20 chronic illnesses, 56% when you include obesity. A 2017 Pentagon report stated 72% of people 17 - 24 are physically, psychologically, or cognitively unfit for military service. Our population is the sickest, most dissociative, delusional, ridiculous spectacle this planet has ever seen! The laughing stock of the animal kingdom, in that sense. Yet we believe ourselves to be great, we put faith in the collective, we believe that if we obey the system good things will surely come, despite our pitiful and still degenerating state. That is the core of narcissism. The medical system is narcissistic and psychopathic. The beast in sight. And the list only goes on. This can be applied to all areas. No, it must be torn down.

No exceptions to the rules. Either one among you modulates and punishes your excesses directly, or you get your natural punishment down the line. Man: The Dim Child. That thing which never quite grows up.

Narcissism. God doesn't need to explain himself. Mere mortal couldn't hope to understand the mind of the Creator.

>> No.12011954

Why does neuro have lowest physician happiness? Seems like one of the more interesting specs. Most of your patients don't improve I guess so that's probably a factor

>> No.12011955
File: 708 KB, 408x303, 1596959712997.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how hard is it to become a medical researcher? are there any easier alternative paths? what about bio?

>> No.12011969
File: 222 KB, 1200x800, E065A80C-02F3-43D1-B5D4-6338FA5616D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is nursing based or a waste of time?

>> No.12011976 [DELETED] 

And research WHAT? Bullshit, that's what. Most medical research is useless bullshit and the rest is a front for a future eugenics program. Why do you think all these chronic diseases are being framed as genetic, and then funded as such? Eugenics. Modern man is a farm animal that is too stupid to see the fence, the ramp, or the Judas goat.

The Human Genome Project itself stemmed from Carnegie's Eugenics Records Office at Cold Spring Harbor. And believe me, you people? Yeah. You ain't makin' the cut.

>> No.12011982

Fuck uworld
Fuck amboss
Fuck kaplan
Fuck q banks

>> No.12012005

>good pay/schooling ratio
>get to help people everyday
>society generally very appreciative
>get to hang out with cute nurses all day

not based
>if you are a guy some people will judge you fuck them though it doesn't really matter
>you can never climb the ladder above the doctor, basically have to accept that you will never reach that level of professional autonomy
>have to hang out with annoying nurses all day

It has its positives and negatives.

>> No.12012091

Nursing sounds appealing because there are so many specialties within the field that make good money.

>> No.12012160

how to deal with the fact that patients are retarded? only started a few months ago and i can manage currently but 99% of collegues are already broken after a year and treat them like trash when they are annoyed

>> No.12012182 [DELETED] 
File: 301 KB, 712x958, chameleon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell them that they were clamped, vaccinated, and potentially circumcised. Inform them that they are fluoridated, brominated, chlorinated, irradiated, glyphosated, atrazinated, aluminum loaded, teratogenated, chattel cattle.

Tell them to begin now, and unclamp.

>> No.12012210

thanks! will try this, the big words will surely stun them at least

>> No.12012231 [DELETED] 

Indeed. Report back with results! ;^)

>> No.12012234
File: 270 KB, 1200x1200, witch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as my stomach pain doesn't grow too painful, my stool turns liquid, black or red, then I should be ok right?

>> No.12012255

what's the pattern? how's the pain? dull and costant or hits and goes?
a couple liquid discharges arent much of a worry anyway

>> No.12012316
File: 1.36 MB, 1031x906, 1565748318541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats the pattern?
Around the under the ribs, above the navel. In the same area on the back too. There is some hard lump under my right ribs too, though I don't know if that's related.
>hows the pain?
Light stabbing pain, about 3-5. Some acid reflux too.
>constant or comes and goes?
Comes and goes, it tends to change when I eat. Last time I had a gnawing feeling that went away for 1.5-2 hours after I ate before coming back.

>> No.12012458

>fuck them though it doesn't really matter
Keep telling yourself that, nurso*d

>> No.12012463
File: 90 KB, 903x1152, B7041D95-514F-4891-B37A-71B6428AE7E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 mine

>> No.12012483


So you just want money and think you can fuck a man to get it? 0/10.

>> No.12012506

not a nurse :^)))))

>> No.12012511


>> No.12012524

probably an orderly or a premed then.
no doctor would ever tell nurso*ds they're okay, especially not male ones.

>> No.12012557 [DELETED] 

I'm a medical student. I was an EMT as a premed for awhile though and the male nurses were always pretty nice when I didn't know what the fuck I was doing and would help me out. The female ones were far more likely to give me shit and act really bitchy though. So I might just have some anecdotal bias.

>> No.12012680
File: 134 KB, 591x708, EfVda3pXoAIfwPL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Culture and sensitivity? Just order linezolid, meropenem and caspofungin.

>> No.12012774

I'm a GP and I like nurses. My mom is a nurse with double spec.

>> No.12012809

Is it just med students who hate nurses or do doctors as well?

>> No.12012961

nurses are pretty cringe imo
t. resident

>> No.12013059


>> No.12013063

i've seen too many times where they think they know better than me or another new resident and then eventually fuck up because they were wrong
equating experiences to knowledge is okay but equating it to definitive knowledge is pretty cringe

>> No.12013090

So do you resent the profession itself or only unprofessional nurses?

>> No.12013773

read again

>> No.12013847
File: 171 KB, 996x2048, EEBCEz5UwAABxrQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone get this book from his uni library and scan?
It's important.
You need to get this exact edition (1st).

>> No.12013873

For the uninitiated:

This would become a valuable collectors item in the future.

>> No.12013949


The models are cute in this one boys

>> No.12013970

Someone please do this. We can't let a precious treasure like this go to the wayside

>> No.12014839


Moldavian tactics. Amputate leg, call patient after you let her out of the hospital, call her to get her foot back. What the fuck.

>> No.12014847

>Medicină moldovenească

>> No.12014922


>> No.12014924

Să îl aibă amintire ce plm.

>> No.12015299

Have you ever performed on a 1st level facility? How do you gain the trust of your patient?

>> No.12015637

What's the name of the medical procediment for removal of an artery segment?

>> No.12015645


>> No.12015739

i truly hope non of you ever practice medicine. i would expect this level of racism and immature sexism from teenagers, not trained professionals. when are you going to join the real world? you would be laughed out of the room if you said what you really thought in public. lets face it, the medical profession is controled by jews and poc like me, who study hard and invent things. we are the future of medicine, you are the future of complaining on image boards.

>> No.12015770
File: 71 KB, 657x527, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i truly hope non of you ever practice medicine. i would expect this level of racism and immature sexism from teenagers
One of the surgical registrars working in your hospital is a neo-nazi who posts frogs on the internet, and you'll never know which one, boomer.

>> No.12016428
File: 158 KB, 1077x1298, EfF2S8uVAAAu_p9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Ben's doctor wife tell the truth?

>> No.12016967

I have a 60-65 y.o. boomer colleague in my department who's unironically into ancient aliens tier shit

>> No.12017268


>> No.12017296

>the idea about "talking about your problems" or getting to the "root cause" of mental illnesses usually cause more harm than good
Source? Not trying to fight just genuinely interested

>> No.12017319

Just be yourself

>> No.12017416

It's fucking Addison's disease, negro

>> No.12017419

Mostly I just like to be the guy everyone comes to when shtf

>> No.12017510

Kys pajeet kike mutt.

>> No.12017878

Dude, I truly hope you make it. I'm in it for the comfy lifestyle and easy money and I'm sure as shit I won't revolutionise medicine in any way. Good luck to you.

>> No.12017921

Is it possible to get fluid in the pharyngotypanic tube opening? I had water in my mouth and tripped and i feel the worst pain in my right ear (and my eye feels watery too)

>> No.12017946

What kind of medical specialities could a terribly clumsy person hope to pursue?

>> No.12017974

Neurosurgery, plastic surgery, microsurgery, optho, etc.

>> No.12018004

based DaVinci surgeon

>> No.12018029

>we DO NOT offer advice
why? fucking pussies

>> No.12018063

You mean you don’t have muscular control over your pharyngotympanic meatus? Open it and inhale at the same time, it should pull the fluid out if there’s any

>> No.12018272

If I were to do Medtech where Could I move to if I wanted some change.

>> No.12018498

Why do I feel terribly uncomfortable if I try to sleep on my back (i.e face-up)? I can't be still and feel a kind of pressure in my forehead. The longer I lie on my back the more agitated I become, and sometimes I start twitching. As soon as I turn on my side, the feeling subsides. What gives?

>> No.12018742

Just used cetirizine to fall asleep last night. It's a really good way of treating mild insomnias and jet lag.

>> No.12018752

Everything that isn't related to surgery, lab work, and doesn't deal with acute cases.

>> No.12018764

>when are you going to join the real world?
A part of joining the real world and growing up is realizing that niggers are dumb, pajeet docs will always be incompetent, Jewish docs will scam you, Asian docs are overrated and the only true doctor you can trust is a white one.

>> No.12018769

>the medical profession is controlled by jews and poc like me
And that is why medicine is a sinking ship.

>> No.12018779

I can only get you the 2nd edition

>> No.12018800

Patient prognosis is shit.

>> No.12018810

It's just "suppressed" truth. I wouldn't even say it is suppressed as most scientists even agree that blacks are just dumb.

>> No.12018817

A Person I was living with began experiencing symptoms 2 days after they moved out (they met some people, not socially distant after moving out), and I have no symptoms whatsoever. They don’t know their test results yet (Covid). Am I ok to workout or would I be hurting myself?

Thanks bros in advance.

>> No.12018840

Yes. Just search youtube for "how to fix shoulder pain" and some /fit/izen will give you a training regiment.

>> No.12018862

It is divided into
>very common: >10% of people who take the drug will experience the given adverse effect.
>common: 1-10% of people who take the drug will experience the given adverse effect.
>less common: 0.1-1% of people who take the drug will experience the given adverse effect.
>rare: 0.1-0.01% of people who take the drug will experience the given adverse effect.
>very rare: <0.01% of people who take the drug will experience the given adverse effect.

>> No.12019041

>He labels itself as "poc"
You're a bitch.

>> No.12019224

I have a colonoscopy and endoscopy tomorrow.
I'm on a clear water diet and laxatives.
I've so far taken:
>3 laxative pills
>1 out of 3 litres worth of laxative powder mixed with water
all since 2pm

>> No.12019403
File: 85 KB, 300x300, 1570187457624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something gets stuck in my teeth
>pick it out a few days later and it smells like literal shit
>realize it's actually literal shit (food after being digested for a few days)
What do we need a colon for? Couldn't we just digest the food we eat with saliva in our mouths alone?

>> No.12019407

That's just the food rotting in your mouth. It's being digested by bacteria more than your saliva. The resort of the system is to absorb the nutrients out of the food. The shit is just leftover

>> No.12019667

Here is one article: https://theconversation.com/talking-therapies-can-harm-too-heres-what-to-look-out-for-27433
I don't know about academic studies though, I'm not a psychiatrist nor am I planning to become one, I just have a passing interest in the field and just repeated what some friends have told me.

>> No.12019707
File: 40 KB, 600x431, colon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theoretically, your saliva contains amylase and lipases, which are enzymes that can help break down carbohydrates and lipids. However you can't actually absorb the contents of the broken down nutrients in your mouth, it needs to go to your small bowel to be absorbed (your colon doesn't actually absorb anything in terms of nutrients). In your small bowel the broken down carbohydrates and lipids can be absorbed. Moreover, your saliva has no way of breaking down proteins into small peptides and amino acids; this is a special role of your pancreas which releases an enzyme called trypsin to enable protein breakdown (your stomach incidentally also helps in protein breakdown via pepsin, but technically you can live without your stomach). The small bowel then absorbs these broken down proteins.

Your colon (large intestine) mostly functions as a storehouse for your shit and for altering the fluid content of your shit so that you aren't losing too many electrolytes when you go to the toilet.

>> No.12019710

I'm not the anon you responded to but interesting read. I'd say the title's a little clickbaity though - according to the article, talking therapies are only 'harmful' insofar as they delay medical treatment or a bad therapist can do no good or exploit their patient. Talking therapy does not in and of itself cause harm. At least, that's what I gathered reading this.

But yeah, psychotherapy is definitely shilled more than I think it should be

>> No.12019722

could be a diverticulum (outpouching of bowel) causing the pain, its likely benign but they can become much more painful in the future and can even develop fistulas with your skin or bladder so that you shit out of your penis or your skin, best advice is to see your physician, perhaps get an ultrasound of the lump

>> No.12020002
File: 646 KB, 1430x2000, 14860240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best advice is to see your physician, perhaps get an ultrasound of the lump
I already saw my Doc for related issues some months before, got a colonoscopy and ultrasound but nothing came from it.

>> No.12020037
File: 222 KB, 719x1005, Screenshot_20200215-020603_ReadEra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neck trauma zones are like this in Schwartz's Principles of Surgery.
In some other books cricoid cartilage separates zone 2 and 1.
Which one is correct?

>> No.12020070

>breathed in some abrasive sand accidentally at work about a year ago
>a scab formed in my nostril
>ripped the scab off a few weeks later because I’m such a dumb motherfucker I do manual labor such as sandblasting
>immediately overcome with the most horrendous feeling, sinuses draining, eyesight getting blurry, foaming slightly at the mouth
>go into clinic the next day
>doctor says it’s a sinus infection, prescribes antibiotics
>follow the antibiotic regimen like it was handed down to me from God himself
>sinuses still mildly fucked up all the time, occasionally they just fucking collapse and do the god-awful draining thing they did the first night
>go to the clinic twice since then, explaining both times that the antibiotics didn’t help
>prescribed that same antibiotic regimen both times
>follow it extremely strictly both times
>no effect both times
>sinuses still fucked up to this day
Thoughts? I feel like there is some sort of membrane or something damaged in there. It’s so shitty. My saliva is constantly really gooey and full of snot. Like, I can grab onto my saliva and stretch it out from my mouth, and twirl it around like a goddamned jump rope. It’s very slimy and sticky. Plus my sinuses are constantly producing mucus at an ungodly rate, often feel really dry and irritated, and they still occasionally just break down at random and spend a day draining into my throat, which is extremely unpleasant and disorienting. I’ve tried rinsing my sinuses with a netipot, It doesn’t solve it. The only thing that seems to kinda help is mucinex, but that only helps with the mucus, not the weird slimy saliva.

>> No.12020133


>> No.12020277

Go to a otolaryngologist

>> No.12020366

>Alpha 1 (α): if you pulled the two ends of the alpha symbol it would narrow the hole (ie. vasoconstriction - narrowing of the vessel lumen)
>Beta 1 (β1): you only have 1 heart (the predominant effects are on the heart)
>Beta 2 (β2): you have 2 lungs (the predominant effects are on the lungs with bronchial dilation)

>> No.12020367


>> No.12020369

what surgery spec can i pursue that does not involve anything robotic or laparoscopic and involves everything done by hands maximally?

>> No.12020374

truth and aryanpilled

>> No.12020376

do jump rope and facepulls everyday you will mention my name in thanking prayers

>> No.12020392

Become a vet.

>> No.12020401

Who here's a GOD tier internist?

>> No.12020551

This is probably chronic rhinosinusitis, go see an ENT specialist.

>> No.12020555

Compare your symptoms to chronic simplex rhinosinusitis and Chronic hypertrophic rhinosinusitis.

>> No.12020926

Neurosurgery, microsurgery, plastic surgery, optho.

>> No.12021469

Hey fuckers. What's the spec for someone who wants to have time for his hobbies and have a comfy 9-5 or fixed schedule with no calls and shit? FM? Occupational? Non-competitive of course.

>> No.12021596


>> No.12021611

The fuck is that?

>> No.12021635

If you're willing to put in the work and not being a slob take a shot at ophthalmology, pathology or NEL.

>> No.12021653

Literally what?

>> No.12021715

Feet doctor.

>> No.12021825


What about radiology? Yay or nay?

>> No.12021874

It matches your criteria but I'd give it a second thought if you wish to have children. If not, go for it.

>> No.12022125
File: 533 KB, 640x714, vdsblcvqs4241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro im sorry, but its clincal retardation

>> No.12022898
File: 83 KB, 736x1086, koffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an MRI in two weeks. Should I hold off on starting my new medication until afterwards?

Medication is griseofulvin. A quick Google search doesn't indicate it should be a problem, but I have read that some people have a serious bad reaction to the contrast dye, and I'm wondering in how many of those people it might have been down to interactions with other drugs they were on, so I'm wondering whether to just keep it simple and wait until a few days after the MRI to start my antifungal course, stay on the safe side...

>> No.12023255 [DELETED] 

How does one get medical care of this caliber? Can I just walk into any hospital and get insurance for the nih .gov treatment?
>Nigger tits will get their attention
>Mmyes posting this is the best idea
Your question isn't actually of any consequence. Kill yourself.

>> No.12023386

>posting half naked women will sure draw some eyes to my post
Baka, we deal with those daily.

>> No.12023455 [DELETED] 

We refuse services to niggers and thotposters.

>> No.12023461

guarantee you are a facecel

>> No.12023463

More fake and gay USA schemes to inflate the medicine labor market. Exactly like DO.

>> No.12023466

>HURR you be an ___cel lol
KYS bloviating lookism redditor nigger

>> No.12023472

Well /med/ I had a seizure today on the Neuro-ICU unit I work at. Ironic huh?

>> No.12023589

No, you'll understand once you see true posturing

>> No.12023593

My symptoms are marked ataxic gait, dysarthria, tingling in forearms, trouble swallowing, areflexia
Clean MRI of brain
What is a list of medications I can try, one after the other. I won't be taking them at the same time, obviously, optimally a week each until maybe I see results. Preferably, I'd take a whole battery of blood tests, but alas I don't have insurance. I also live in the middle of nowhere and don't have a means of transportation. So please, a list of medications I can try. Per my last post here, already tried thiamine, b12, and about to increase levothyroxine from 50 to 100 mcg on day 4. Assume I have some semblance of sense.
These symptoms all started whilst drinking 1/2 liter of vodka per day. I quit drinking 10 months ago.

>> No.12023594

Can't IM move to critical care or private practice? I always assumed you can because one of our new PA's to critical care was from IM. Im just a nurse tho

>> No.12023598

I'll mention that there is a 50% chance I have a genetic spongiform encephalopathy called GSS. The disease would present all these symptoms. Three issues with that: -I'd be the first in the history of my family not to get the symptoms in my mid-50s.
-Once the disease presents, it kills you within a few months. I'm still here. I'd say that if my symptoms are even progressing, it is at an unnoticeable rate. I was able to walk with a cane when I quit drinking (only short distances now) but the graph has largely bottomed out since.
-3) most importantly, who gives a fuck. Whether I did inherit the disease is irrelevant; if it is the disease, there's not much to do. If it isn't, then one of these things I'm going to try will work.
Last time I mentioned that after 3 doctors, it is very apparent that any idiot can be a doctor. I had made the mistake of even mentioning the possibility that I have GSS. You could see the inference forming in their stupid head: "oh, it must that thing then." The proper reaction would have been "that's nice sweetie," not to listen to what the fucking patient thinks it is. "I'll keep that in mind for when I run out of doctor ideas." If that is good doctor, it shouldn't be. Also, if you thought I meant "and therefore you're dumb," then you're dumb. So ya, just a list of medications, say, designed to raise blood levels of something the lack of which could cause me not to be able to fucking walk or talk. I'm 31 btw

>> No.12023602

Sounds like you just work on a dump unit. Dump units are always shitty as your patient ratios are shit and you'll get ICU workload patients w/o the instability and PCU patients unlike regular floors that actually get floor patients

>> No.12023608

Most of the time it's just supervise and prescribe to your CRNA's who are perfectly capable and just cover more critical cases that require a doctors eye. The other 10% of the time you are handling stat intubations and the rare case where the surgery starts to go bad quick and you need an anesthesiologist to relieve a crna since they are simply higher trained

>> No.12023662


The good parts
>Wide range of specialties, you can chill in an office, you can get involved in intense ICU care, you can chill in surgery, become a case manager, a trauma registrar etc. etc.
>The actual amount of work and impact you have on your patient is massive. Often you'll see docs put in their notes exactly what you told them in report.
>In the ICU sometimes it's just you and another good nurse saving a life either based on the doctors orders or because the doctor hasn't arrived yet, or multiple patients are crashing etc.
>You get to interact with all specialties in the hospital, from janitors, nutritionist, RTs, PT/OT, Docs, case managers etc.
>You are often the link between family and them understanding what's going on, which is fulfilling

The Cons
>You are responsible for everything because as mentioned you interact with all specialties and are expected to perform their role when they are unavailable.
>Forced to perform outside of the scope of your practice in life saving situations because the doctors or NP's are unavailable. Leading to some very dubious legal drug pushes that you simply don't chart
>You can be everybodies bitch and if you work med-surge you will get little respect and spend all day working with poor staffing ratios and fairly high acuity patients because a fair amount of PCU's don't train strong nurses because they have it easy so ICU docs just dump patients on you because they know you can handle shitstorms.
>Long hours of physically demanding work that just really puts a toll on your body.

And last but not least,
>Code browns where a lactulose patient is shitting themselves silly because the doc prescribed it multiple times a day at high doses, doesn't want you to titrate per poop because of extraneous medical reasons and then they don't give you a rectal tube because "well evidence shows blah blah blah, so you need to clean your patient covered in shit every hour"

>> No.12023672

What guy nurses are so sought after, I get hired easily because of it. I can handle the crazies that need a little physicality, the dudes that disrespect women but wouldn't dare disrespect a guy, aggressive patients, etc.

Also nursing units without men get catty.

>> No.12023695

What you resent are nurses who get a big head and think they know better than you. But when my patient goes into a fib w/ RVR and you immediately tell me to give amiodarone on a patient who has a high likelihood of the cardiac pause amio causes leading to defibrillation, you bet your ass I'm not going to slam it unless the patient is ridiculously unstable. You should thank me instead for making that amio worthless and just using the other drugs to gently bring them out of RVR

>> No.12023737
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>Tengrism exam tomorrow morning
>Have no clue what the fuck I'm doing

>> No.12024395


>> No.12024584

Ahhhhhh FUCK anons, I have an interview for an accredited reg ICU job tomorrow. This is more stressful than the first time I placed a central line. Any tips for dealing with a private Christian hospital?

>> No.12025377
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can anyone get this diagnosis for me? supposed to be slightly tricky

>> No.12025383

do the sign of the cross before you start answering questions