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12006472 No.12006472 [Reply] [Original]

How can I get into a good university like Stanford or MIT if I didn't do great in highschool and dropped out sophomore year of college and am 23

>> No.12006503

>dropped out sophomore year of college
It will literally never happen.

>> No.12006522

your'e top on their list bro. everyone deserves to go to ivy league

>> No.12006531

Why do you want to be at any of those universities?

>> No.12006567

By kicking ass when you return to college and applying for them as a grad student. That ship has sailed for undergrad.

>> No.12006575

Dropping out of college means it's over for you. That means you are probably stupid. If not, your poor grades will haunt you. Your only hope is to return to undergrad, get a straight 4.0 to make up for your poor previous GPA and do outstanding, then apply to those places for graduate school. Even so, going to those places for undergrad does not matter.

>> No.12006701

>Dropping out of college means it's over for you. That means you are probably stupid.
Or ya know, maybe you're just not interested in the degree as much as you initially thought you were upon entering, or can't see any pragmatic applications outside of knowledge for its own sake? There's no shame in admitting you don't care about the material and leaving it behind, especially when it requires a monumental commitment of time and finances for something that might not (and often doesn't always) pay off.

Can you imagine how absurd it is to snub your nose at a barely legal adult whom had just spent their entire life, almost two decades through mandated insitutionalisation and calling them "uneducated and dumb" because they aren't willing to sink another four plus years and taking out debt equivalent to a mortgage down payment or small business loan without some direly needed life experience and perspective? The average person doesn't even know what they're comfortable committing their life towards until they reach the mid 20s early 30s anyway, which is precisely why about half the cohort of average universities are filled with this demographic, and there's nothing wrong with that. To think the plane of higher education should be gatekept to school leavers is about as delusional as thinking it's impossible to learn anything with institutional mentoring, in which case we might as well abolish all public and digital libraries, since clearly these people aren't worthy of knowledge as predicated on how well they cared for it and the environment it was conveyed in, in their youth.

>> No.12006707

You're too dumb for college bro. Trades pay well, do that instead.

>> No.12006714

You have to ask yourself: why is the institution more important than the knowledge and perspective I'll gain, strengthened by my gpa? Just as a bad carpenter blames their tools, so too does a bad student blame the logo on their degree and not their grades.

>> No.12006732

>Dropping out of college means it's over for you.
No it doesn’t. Yeah, MIT and Stanford probably aren’t on the table, but schools often see an older student with some work experience fairly positively.

>> No.12006751

By solving a millennium prize question, or something equivalently unique. But by then you would be beyond their institutions, and would garner more respect for doing what you did even without an ivy league education

>> No.12006766

You're never getting in as an undergrad.
You only stand a chance of ever attending those schools as a graduate student.

>> No.12006885

stanford and mit aren't worth the cost for you and you're going to hate your life for what is, again, something not worth the cost

>> No.12006897

From experience, this is still a longshot. I flunked out of college (big, well regarded state school), kicked around for a few years and then got readmitted - they had a rehabilitation program that restarted my GPA, so I essentially had a clean slate.

A few years later I graduated with top honors, I was basically the poster child for that rehabilitation program. Applied to a bunch of grad schools, got into a bunch of good ones... but still not enough for MIT.

So I did a masters elsewhere, applied again. Got into several other top schools, including one in the top 5. MIT rejected me in the first round. It remains the only grad program that rejected me.

I can't complain. I'm getting a great education and MIT can easily fill their quota with people who never stumbled.

>> No.12007030

To play devil’s advocate, I feel like MIT applications are a total crapshoot even if you’re eminently qualified.

>> No.12007108
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They didn't admit you because a) you were white and b) you weren't Jewish

>> No.12007122
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>It is clear that the elite universities in the United States are discriminating against whites in an extreme manner, to the point where whites, particularly non-jewish whites, are strictly underrepresented relative to their percentage of the population. By their population, they should be 55% of the people at these Universities, and by their merit should be around 72%. But admissions officers have made sure that their average student body is only 44.35% white.

>> No.12007137

Not my field as I didn't major in African American studies.
isn't it just fate that things are the way they are regarding the Jewish culture and upbringing, and IQ? It's not some determined destiny, it is just the way things are due to determination and good upbringing/hard work. It is everywhere, because they care. Not some destined conspiracy.

The whole conspiracy is a fallacy. There are other people being admitted.

We, as a society, try to create equal opportunity. There is no limit on the pursuit of happiness. We do not try to take away and destroy other cultures for their dedication. That's unethical, and shows a moral fallacy.

But I also think we should genetically engineer something smarter than humans and let ourselves die out. So w/e.

>> No.12007145

Fate, the infinite measure of work. Destiny, the place of absolute, where you go after you die and become still as a rock and requires belief as a human transaction.

>> No.12007161

Ah yes, when Jewish academics lambaste Europeans for occupying majority positions in whatever their kvetching opinement of the week is it's due to institutional racism and sexism that seeks to oppress minorities that would otherwise take on positions relative to their population; but when Jews only make up 2% of the population but occupy some 50%+ of the very same positions they accost non-Jewish whites for holding, well all of a sudden that's just because of "hard work" and "superior genetics" - no nepotism or pure projection here folks! Don't you know Jewish actors and directors are simply the best?

Jews themselves don't have astronomically high IQs, they have equal to and a range that puts them beneath the European average, particularly Israelis whom score an average barely above 90. A sample of a dozen inner city Jews born to elite families is not representative of the Hebrew, nor does it absolve them of painfully obvious nepotism.

>> No.12007172

I'm not saying the data doesn't support power corruption and that there isn't 'reason to motivate a cleansing.' I am saying targeting a populace is genocide and political. I'm just saying that's immoral, and can be applied to a completely different category of people more accurately (i.e. power generically), therefore what you just said is a fallacy.

>> No.12007180

why are you people always bringing up the fucking jews? give it a rest

>> No.12007188

that image was made in MS paint and it cites no sources, bruh it's completely made up

>> No.12007194

>therefore what you just said is a fallacy.
Breaking news: a populace motivated by identity politics acts in accordance with self preservation and in group preference
>I am saying targeting a populace is genocide
Can you please point out where non-whites were "genocided", an incredibly heinous accusation, by Europeans simply consorting with their own kind? Or are you simply conflating non-white failure with white's refusal to offer them their goods, services and societies?

>> No.12007197

Too late to join these universities at 23. Also you obviously need great grades, they only take the top students.

>> No.12007200

Because a) they make up the majority of Western academics, b) by virtue of occupying that status hold significant sway over public opinion and poilicy, and c) by virtue of meritocracy they don't deserve to be there or have the influence they do

>> No.12007205

The hard, measurable work of Jews already exists. Therefore.. you are infinitely (analytically) against that existence and seek to wipe it out due to the nature of fate being an analytical measurement of their status. E.g. Hitler.

You are still committing a fallacy by conflating self preservation with genocide which are. Those are completely different functions. You can be racist as a form of self preservation (nesting), but you shouldn't.

>> No.12007207
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>> No.12007209

>Assumes that wherever OP is from has murica's problems
America is a shithole, can't believe you pay for college kek. Go to canada or something and stop whining about these irrelevant problems to the first world.

>> No.12007212

>A sample of a dozen inner city Jews born to elite families is not representative of the Hebrew, nor does it absolve them of painfully obvious nepotism.

So you're admitting that the nepotic class of Jews isn't representative of the race then, hmm?

>> No.12007217

post a respectable source or fuck off, overrepresentation and majority are not the same thing

>> No.12007222

>Therefore.. you are infinitely (analytically) against that existence and seek to wipe it out
Ah, meritocracy is the same as mass executions into shallow graves now, okay buddy. Notice how I never expressed animosity but simply pointed out the overrepresentation and the mere inference that it should be because of talent and not because of familial connections I'm a mass murderer now. Your hystericism is not only disingenuous but is this is a tacit admission of parasitism on your half, it can't be perceived as anything but.

>> No.12007223

No, it would be the complete opposite that the nepotistic class hide behind the few rare instances of actual Jewish accomplishment, i.e. the highly unrepresentative IQ tests.

>> No.12007238

Just conjecture. You're still fallacious. They have merit, what are you talking about?

>> No.12007256

Here's your sources bro:

>> No.12007262
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>They have merit
Actually no, if they were anywhere near as talented as they claim they would be winning awards and accolades proportional to their over-representation but guess what, they don't ;^)

>> No.12007304

I'm not saying I'm an expert.
I doubt you're legit, you just copy pasta.
You probably aren't as learned as you think.
You're probably not a researcher, data scientist, or other statistician related field.
Just a racist.

>> No.12007318
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holy fuck your posts make you look like a brainlet trying to look smart.

>> No.12007319

>argument form authority
Finally a true intellectual.

>> No.12007332

How can Jews be their own race unless they saw themselves as "not white" enough times across enough generations for hundreds of years such that by racially discriminating against whites in mate selection amongst other things they were able to become their own race? Sounds like a very racist thing to do.

>> No.12007344

If someone says something blatantly false and immoral, I feel like I should point the psychological symptom out. Layman have a limited perspective and this persons statements clearly have bias. This is caused by limited information from manipulative sources. A form of propaganda propagation.
u srs? Ad homnm?

>> No.12007347

>edited 145+ to 130
Just lol

>> No.12007352

Jewish refers to an ethnicity, dumbass. It's for profiling purposes. It's not a race, same way caucasian is not an ethnicity.

>> No.12007369
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Again, how can Jews become their own race (as confirmed through genetic cluster analysis) even though they're ostensibly indistinguishable from "Europeans" and intermingle amongst their societies, unless they explicitly practiced racial segregation and discrimination against Europeans to ensure they become their own unique race with an archetypal phenotype and cognitive proclivities? Such a thing would not be possible unless Jews as you accused myself of being, were the most racist and biased peoples.

>> No.12007389

Those are all caucasians in the plot you’ve posted, fucking brainlet

>> No.12007423

>blatantly false and immoral
It wasn't flase and anything can be seen as moral or immoral, since morality is subjective.
>Layman have a limited perspective and this persons statements clearly have bias.
Argument from authority again; it doesn't matter if he is a layman or not, it matters if what he is saying is true or not. Also you are obviously also biased if you're bringing morality into this.
>This is caused by limited information from manipulative sources. A form of propaganda propagation.
>uses long words but can't even argue in good faith

>> No.12007464

>significant sway
implying that they're some kind of unified, mono-idealistic body? no way, genius, they're just as weird and diverse as everyone else
>virtue of meritocracy
man, fuck off with this bullshit, you spend all your time looking for excuses in conspiracy videos and that's why they (and in fact the rest of the world) are better off than you are. nut job

>> No.12007485

You don't think people are better off by conspiring?

>> No.12007490

You got the wrong poster, I never accused you of being a Jew. You accused me of being a Jew. Idiot.
It does matter if he has authority. And the authority has the moral high ground. You don't learn, do you? I'm not saying that we should take our morals from this person, but rather that authority matters when it comes to good science and good opinion.
Morality is subjective? Nobodies arguing that. People make up their own morals. It's psychological which takes humans as it's subjects. I already posted. If you haven't address my posts, then I take it you agree with me or cannot. address my posts cause you have nothing to better to do than cherry pick. Genocide is not and will never be moral.

>> No.12007494

>Authority has the moral highground
top kek bootlicker
>authority matters when it comes to good science and good opinion.
no it doesn't retard, authorities can be wrong as well and opinions are like assholes
>It's psychological which takes humans as it's subjects
I have no idea what this is even supposed to mean.
> I already posted. If you haven't address my posts
How the fuck am I supposed to know which are your posts?
>Genocide is not and will never be moral.
non sequitor

>> No.12007508

That's why a group of individuals with authority come together to discuss whose wrong. If you cannot see that broken mental state of someone willing to genocide for what it is, than you have no say on morality. I am not debating you, nor am I writing something formally logical.
I am just using common sense, which you do not seem to understand as if you have your head up your ass.

>> No.12007515

>How can I get into a good university like Stanford or MIT if I didn't do great in highschool and dropped out sophomore year of college and am 23

Invent some cool ass new shit or solve some old ass math puzzle

>> No.12007520

What does any of this have to do with genocide?

>> No.12007524

How can a statistical observation be authoritative, if the definition of authority is to have an opinion deference capitulates to, that is a dynamic of power over factuality, which operates first in the absence of self evidence or theoreum? Such a statement is antithetical to the scientific method since you are demanding faith in the presence of observed reality. The validity of such a measurement is predicated upon the calibration of measurements and methodology used to acquire said numeracy. That is, an observation judged against its mathematical validity, not its social one, which you are attempting to motion as being not only the most approximately factual but therein the "superior morality", a morality predicated as outlined on the balanced of power.

Since we are talking about the chosen people, and now the validity of authority, why don't we talk about the historical and mathematical probability of The Shoah, as framed by the authoritative Jewish academics we are supposed to yield deference to, not by virtue of being undeniably correct but as you say, wielding societal and institutional power to acquire an authority on the matter.

>> No.12007549

idk. the thread contains it, but the thread is really not about that. sorry.
What is delusion? Sup delusion = inf (authority - social acceptance). Racism = delusion/authority. inf genocide = sup delusion/racism*authority. A form of psychosis. Just because it's acceptable, personally, to be racist, doesn't make it ethical. I'm not Jewish, and this is starting to get cult-like. lmao.

>> No.12007590


>> No.12007594

By figuring how the current grads/undergrads got in.
At the end, it all depends upon your fields. If you wish to enroll in a math program, you better have at least 1 IMO medal. Same goes for physics or even CS.
At least show your intelligence in websites like codeforces (CS degree).

>> No.12007597

Maybe if IPHO is too much, build something or even do some elementary research.
Ex Sabrina Paterski

>> No.12007613
File: 1.60 MB, 500x279, You burn on your own hubris.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your personal investment of conflating the examination of Jewish power and influence towards the goal of evaluating meritocracy with genocide and the Holocaust consistency belies a reflexive and predetermined revulsion from a hysterically consequentialist and rationally disingenuous perspective, that is the mere evaluation, let alone action, is enough to invoke fears of cessation - something only observed by a power attempting to reassert its authority and not by a nonpartisan party observing possibilities, in this context through a Jewish lense. Ergo through a process of elimination can we estimate you are acting out of personal defense or on behalf of the aggrieved party, dogmatically without displayed contemplation of inferences, prioritizing singular and collective Jewish interests a priori through circular authoritarianism.
>I'm not Jewish
You are.

>> No.12007616
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Jesus Christ! The articulation and vocabulary.

>> No.12007624

I don't think changing your life mentality is enough to get in those, just try to get into a good school and study an applicable degree.

>> No.12007630

Time to “discover” your Hispanic or native ancestors anon

>> No.12007652

You mean Ashkenazi?

>> No.12007684

They are great institutions. If you get in great. If you don't then its not the end of the world. If you really want to get in, then you should do something that is bigger than MIT. Honestly, that's probably easier than banging your head against the admissions team.

It's similar to chefs who grind for Michelin stars. MPW is right. The chefs know more than who is judging them. You honestly think admissions team at MIT and Stanford are PhDs?

>> No.12007718

OP here. I was pursuing physics but dropped out during 2017 cause I was making bank trading shitcoins. Tl;Dr got hacked on butmex, got depressed, tried to keep going on my own cause pride, deep depression, got heavy into poker, fiancee left me on my birthday, more depression. Now for the past year or so I've been learning how to hack

>> No.12007726

>the more syllables the more correct I am
>boils down to
>you defend Jews ergo (lol) you are one
shut up faggot hahahahahha, shoo back to /pol/ now

>> No.12007727
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>> No.12007755

you've wooed another peon, no infograph needed. pls take your jew dickriding to another board, as this board is for math and science and not schizophrenic paranoia over made up conspiracies shoo shoo
everyone who disagrees with these fucking parasites is a jew. every thread in sci is hijacked by some fucking polposting cunt these days

>> No.12008815

yeah honestly, be an electrician and you out earn a good amount of people on this board with 1/6 of the education and little to no loans.

>> No.12008830

You apply as a transfer student with an impeccable GPA and take the place of some drop out. If you don’t get it the first app, you app again. And again. Ivy Leagues don’t like quitters.

>> No.12008850

Not OP, but how much should I self teach myself before going back to college? Go through diff equations/linear algebra/calc 3, basic chem, physics refreshers?

>> No.12008863

as much as is necessary to not tank your grades on the first exams. anything else is really your choice and not required to prevent failing out immediately. i self taught up to calc 1 and from there learned what I was interested in. the rest came from my classes.

>> No.12008888

Go take one (1) course and crush it. The “didn’t graduate on time” thing is a fucking meme. All that matters is GPA. Most STEM kids get shit grades because they try to take 18 credits in a semester in an effort to meet some arbitrary schedule.