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11944528 No.11944528[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Gender dysphoria isn't considered a mental illness anymore, is there genuine evidence that it's not a mental illness anymore or are they just moving the goal posts now as to what constitutes mental illness? Does this demonstrate that psychology is just complete bullshit anyway?

>> No.11944538

It's still in the DSM.

>> No.11944543

yes, psychology isn't real, it's just a disgusting corruption of philosophy.

>> No.11944555

Mental illness in general is being “accepted” rather than treated, as victimhood is now fashionable.

>> No.11944557

before anyone comments, it's more than just a corruption of philosophy yes. Linguistics can be included too as another example, but psychology is still largely just ontology. And bad ontology at that.

>> No.11944870

>yes, psychology isn't real, it's just a disgusting corruption of philosophy.
Care to explain? I don't get it.

>> No.11945180

>I’m not mentally ill you fucking hateful transphobe bigot my identity is not a health problem!

>now pay for my hormone pills I need to take for the rest of my life and my surgery to cut my dick off!

>> No.11945259
File: 101 KB, 1213x576, 1589947159351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I wrote one post then it became two and finally became three so I just gave up trying to cut it and realized that taking a picture is way easier.
Hopefully this wall of text answers your question sufficiently.

>> No.11945286
File: 71 KB, 720x507, 42186800-16ED-4E1A-8D98-4229950F25E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based schizo

>> No.11945289

appreciate the downvote but what specific point of the post is delusional or schizo

>> No.11945297

REMINDER if parents were to indluge the mental illness of their children in any other case, they would lose custody of their kid and go to prison

>> No.11945386

interesting, thanks for taking the time to write that out

>> No.11945591

Great post. Makes me think of ants trying to expand their colony and improve productivity. I don't see it as a bad thing though. The whole point of society is to be productive and create things and if psychiatry can help with that then what's the issue?

>> No.11945593

it's just pedophiles grooming kids as usual

>> No.11945606

>Antisociality, the act of separating yourself from the state and its population as a dissident, became the primary problem.

Lmao, sorry m8 but you should expand a little bit on your views

>> No.11945618

all of it

>> No.11945772

>Gender dysphoria isn't considered a mental illness anymore
It still is lmao, check the DSM-V

>> No.11945828

yeah you are braindead lefty or troll
pick one

>> No.11945834

>Gender dysphoria isn't considered a mental illness anymore,

Huh? Pretty sure it is and the most accepted treatment/cure is to transition. You should head back to your containment board

>> No.11945842
File: 642 KB, 445x875, 1592617326329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck wants to support people that just labels others under strict supervision? How is psychology not just baby sitting?

>> No.11945977

psychology doesn't help anyone any more than religion does. they're both diseases of the human spirit and we need to get rid of them in order to progress. actually, i don't think it would be that bad if we could just start holding it to the same standard that we hold aerospace engineers. going to a therapist is like going to a licensed fortune teller.

>> No.11945982

yeah, he's crazy for thinking it's weird that it's the only mental illness involving a dysphoria regarding the body that's treated by literally mutilating the body. imagine if the treatment for being dysphoric about having legs was to cut them off

>> No.11948082

It is

>> No.11948113

I was under the impression that it still is considered a mental illness and that transitioning is one way of treating it.

>> No.11948116

See >>11945982

>> No.11948117


>> No.11948590

>Does this demonstrate that psychology is just complete bullshit anyway?

No. It shows that Jews decide what is and what is not a mental illness.

>> No.11948728

Psychology is closer to engineering than science. It's a method of control (I don't mean this negatively) and a way of keeping society sanitary (notice the same root as sane). I don't know how to say this stuff without coming off as a conspiracy nut, but it's not some secret.

Psychology is not medicine. What constitutes illness or not isn't always clear. It's very cultural. For example, 20 years ago, if someone were taking pictures of themselves dozens of times every day and sending those pictures out to everyone they knew, thinking anyone gave a shit, they would be called narcissists. Today that's perfectly normal. Someone who is schizotypal in the west might be considered normal in more reserved cultures (not sure if that's true, just guessing). What constitutes sane vs insane is a matter of culture.

To you or me, gender dysphoria may be gross and weird, and we may not think it should be considered normal, but clearly the cultural liberalism of the modern west knows no bounds, and has consumed another odd group into its ever-changing definition of normalcy. Maybe in 20 years we'll think of them as normal the way we think of social media as normal. Which mental illnesses need fixing will always be a question of what fits in and what doesn't.

Medical problems, like cancer, have always been and will always be seen as problems that need fixing. Twenty years ago, a narcissist would need 'fixing'. Today they are normal. Same goes for transgender people, apparently.

>> No.11948746

What are the success metrics for that treatment?

>> No.11948769

this is a good post

>> No.11948961
