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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11846015 No.11846015 [Reply] [Original]

quick reminder

>> No.11846100

This, but the other way around.

>> No.11846408

Is this because of this thread >>11842867 ?

>> No.11846418
File: 20 KB, 342x333, 63A0ECA1-1FC9-4E61-8567-482AA74B5505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel the IQ radiating from this post

>> No.11846634
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>> No.11846638

Lol I made that thread

>> No.11847047

Why do computer science people keep getting into this argument with mathematicians/physicists on /sci/? Seriously, it's like trying to win a pissing contest while standing the wrong way in a wind tunnel.

>> No.11847053

>God tier

>Reddit tier

>> No.11847083

why is there always so much cope from CS?

>> No.11847177

can someone get this baby his baba?

>> No.11847404

idk man, I feel like this is a bit b(i)ased.

>> No.11847428

god tier : neet
shit tier : anything else

>> No.11847434
File: 128 KB, 1072x7160, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are right i fixed it
it's fair now

>> No.11847469

I wouldn't put engineering on the same tier as CS but god damn are some engineers retarded

>> No.11847486
File: 139 KB, 872x264, Redditgineers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strongly disagree. Engineering majors are, bar none, the dumbest fuckers on this earth and the biggest pseudo-intellectuals you'll ever meet. They are incredibly prideful while simultaneously having little passion for what they're studying and have massive superiority complexes. That's not to say there aren't some brilliant students out there studying engineering, but I can assure you that 90% of the 'I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE' crowd are engineering majors/engineers.

>> No.11847507

Wrong, Engineers learn physics at least. Computer Scientists are the "'I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" major. Also all undergrad students are pseudo-intellectuals that are incredibly prideful. I do have to agree that a lot of engineers have no passion for what they're studying though and that makes me really sad.

>> No.11847547

Maybe I just had a bad experience with them, but it seems like most of them are solely in it because they see it as an easy path for money. As a result, they develop this superiority complex because they gauge the entire merit of a college degree on how much you get paid for having it and they also endlessly complain about their work because they are not interested in what they're learning in the slightest. Call me naive, but I'll never understand spending money and time on something you have no interest in.

>> No.11847621

>Why do computer science people keep getting into this argument with mathematicians/physicists on /sci/?
no mathematicians or physicists are arguing on /sci/. It's all just undergrads.
everyone seems to compare codemonkeys with a bachelor's to PhD holders. why? why not compare TCS papers and math papers?
ohwait, there's very little difference

>> No.11847631

>t. coping CSlet

>> No.11847635

>Engineers learn physics at least.
They don't though. They learn the basics and then some basic toolbag of problems that arise in engineering.
> Computer Scientists are the "'I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" major.
The same defense of engineering majors can be made of CS majors from good schools.

Ultimately this is not the question of whether good CS or good engineering students who know a lot of math and science exist - they do - but whether there is a large volume of shitters that exist in these programs, to which the answer is a resounding yes

>> No.11847641

>>t. coping CSlet
I'm a late undergrad in math who did research into what different researchers in math, CS, physics, and engineering study since I want to do grad school.
This dick measuring contest becomes dumb when you look at the work each camp does - they're of comparable difficulty at the PhD level.
Read the paper

>> No.11847650

>he copes by ignoring the paper and by ignoring the comparison between PhD's and bachelor's level work
world must be pretty scary if people in CS doing anything of merit spooks you

>> No.11847664

Let me know when e*gineering majors have to take analysis, algebra, and topology.

>> No.11847703

I agree with this, sadly a lot of people going for an engineering degree are only in it for the money and aren't in it for well the engineering. It's a really sad state for engineering but I don't really see any other outcome for bachelors degrees that pay well.
>They don't though. They learn the basics and then some basic toolbag of problems that arise in engineering.
News to me because my EE bachelors required me to take the traditional physics 1-2 sequence along with Waves & Modern Physics, A Mechanics class, 2 Electromagnetic Waves and Fields classes, and a modern physics class. These where the physics classes I took, in my actual engineering classes we learned even more physics. Obviously we didn't learn as much as an actual physics major but to say it was only the "basics" is kind of dismissing all of the physics knowledge engineers know. I mean come on to say engineers only know the basics of physics when engineers are literally trained to work with physics is insane.
>The same defense of engineering majors can be made of CS majors from good schools.
I agree but the reason I said CS majors are in this crowd is because CS majors aren't required to actually take physics classes and if they do it's only the physics 1-2 sequence. Obviously CS students could take more physics classes as electives but they don't have to. That's why they fall into the popsci "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" group.
>Ultimately this is not the question of whether good CS or good engineering students who know a lot of math and science exist - they do - but whether there is a large volume of shitters that exist in these programs, to which the answer is a resounding yes
I would be crazy to deny this, this is 100% true.

>> No.11847708

>have to take analysis, algebra, and topology.
none of these are particularly hard at the undergrad level unless you take honors sections, and of course taking the grad sections is an option as well.
The majority of math majors end up only learning about basic epsilon arguments from their analysis classes. Obviously the best of the students taking the best of classes will take to heart the examples in metric topology, differential forms, measure, etc., but the story is that undergrads in general are mostly shitters, regardless of their major.

>> No.11847720

>smart because they learn le physics basics
Useless argument. Leave the big boi thinking to us physicists lmao

>> No.11847725

>>smart because they learn le physics basics
Wasn't even my argument retard, my argument was they aren't part of the pop sci crowd because they learned physics. Thanks for ousting yourself as a dumbass and not a "big boi" physicist.

>> No.11847728

>required me to take the traditional physics 1-2 sequence
this is standard across all non-bio, non-chem stem
> Waves & Modern Physics, A Mechanics class, 2 Electromagnetic Waves and Fields classes, and a modern physics class.
I don't believe you, at least not for your required engineering core, with mechanics and 2 E&M classes largely because it's not ABET required and the majority of EE programs do not require it. I do believe you'd have taken modern physics or physics of devices classes though
>but to say it was only the "basics" is kind of dismissing all of the physics knowledge engineers know.
I agree, this was a little too dismissive of me.
CS undergrad is so-so from school to school, but I feel like many of its talented students who go onto research or actual engineering jobs in software (cryptosystems, aviation and real time systems, HPC, etc.) are left with stereotypes rather than appropriate adulation / recognition.
It's frustrating when everything is a dichotomy of you're either a codemonkey or a mathematician

>> No.11847738

>this is standard across all non-bio, non-chem stem
Yes, that is why I dubbed it the traditional sequence.
>I don't believe you
I mean ok, you don't really have to I guess.
>CS undergrad is so-so from school to school, but I feel like many of its talented students who go onto research or actual engineering jobs in software (cryptosystems, aviation and real time systems, HPC, etc.) are left with stereotypes rather than appropriate adulation / recognition.
It's frustrating when everything is a dichotomy of you're either a codemonkey or a mathematician
This is true, and it sucks because CS is a fantastic field.

>> No.11847739

The real question is why have CS degrees been reduced to just teaching students to code rather than actual computer science?

>> No.11847753

You want a meme answer or a real answer?

>> No.11847761

Real answer, as I'm genuinely curious. Coding is something plenty of people learn on their own, but actually learning the underlying theory and logic (math) of computer science not so much. The latter is what I would imagine CS degrees focusing on, but that's obviously not the case.

>> No.11847770

lol go fuck yourself

>> No.11847791


>> No.11847792

Oh since you want a real answer I guess I can't just say Jews. You need to go to a top 100 school for a good CS degree focused on theory because CS majors are in huge need in this country currently and they don't really need theory for the jobs they're needed for. So low tier schools weaken the theory and focus on applications so they can mass produce cs students that can fill in the jobs needed.

>> No.11847798

> top 100 school
try top 30

>> No.11847800

Is there really that big of a demand?

>> No.11847803

I'm not that guy, but I'm impressed that someone finally made sense on this thread.

>> No.11847805

>CS major
Brainlet confirmed.

>> No.11847815

Do you go to school to get a job or go to school to go to school? No career goals?

>> No.11847817

This is another gripe I have with e*gineering and CS majors: They have the absolute worst prose and overall grammar. It's like they don't read anything other than Harry Potter or whatever the latest popsci trash is and haven't written anything remotely formal since highschool.

>> No.11847824

The fact that so many people see college solely as a way to get a job is one of the biggest problems with college; it's turned into a necessary evil rather than an actual institution of learning.

>> No.11847889

I'll concede at top 60
Yes, in the US they eat up CS majors
I personally went to school for an EE degree because I wanted to work in quantum computation (My schools Quantum Communication, Computing, & Measurement Laboratory was a combination of the EE and Physics department, they worked together.) I guess I went because I wanted to advance my knowledge and work in a field I thought was really cool, and personally I think it was a right decision on my part. I'm having fun learning the stuff I want to do.

>> No.11847997

Engineering majors are by far the most professional people I meet.
They are the guys networking at the career fair in a suit and tie at the age of 20.

It's the math and physics majors that tend to be hippie burn-outs stuck in academia for decades and still hanging around the university as TAs well into their late 30s.

>> No.11848022

>Engineering majors are by far the most professional people I meet
Yeah, but one that gleam of a fake smile leaves their face, they're the most miserable site to behold.

>> No.11848049

>They are the guys networking at the career fair in a suit and tie at the age of 20.
So are business majors, but that doesn't stop them from being clowns the majority of the time lmfao
>It's the math and physics majors that tend to be hippie burn-outs stuck in academia for decades and still hanging around the university as TAs well into their late 30s.
I get if you don't want to do academic research, but I feel like this sentiment is the stereotypical engineering "I have to shit on every other field in order to justify my life choices" whining. It's not nearly that bad provided you actually do your work and do research.

>> No.11848073

>"I have to shit on every other field in order to justify my life choices" whining
Why are so many of them like this? Is it just some sort of coping mechanism?

>> No.11848076

>So are business majors, but that doesn't stop them from being clowns the majority of the time lmfao
Contrary to incel beliefs, it does require a certain degree of intelligence and professionalism to put on a suit and go convince strangers who work in industry that they should invest in you.
Publishing some bullshit research and not shaving for months at a time is cakewalk in comparison. I've seen math TAs not even change their shirt for an entire week.

>> No.11848081

>I've seen math TAs not even change their shirt for an entire week.
Unironically me.

>> No.11848269

>it does require a certain degree of intelligence and professionalism to put on a suit and go convince strangers who work in industry that they should invest in you.
It takes a certain degree of experience to do this, yes, because almost everybody in stem, whether they're doing research or not, has put on a suit and tie and went to a career fair.
>Publishing some bullshit research
ah, again with the "i have to discredit their work" mantra. I get that you don't understand research, but many of the theory labs are way more "practical" then you'd imagine.
>not shaving for months at a time is cakewalk in comparison
I mean, I'd be more inclined to believe you if monthly conferences where most people dress nicely and professionally didn't exist. Academic casual isn't the strictest dress code ever, but people don't come in smelly or in tatters.
>I've seen math TAs not even change their shirt for an entire week.
And I've smelled engineering TA's BO across the hallway before. Engineering filled dorms are infamous for how much BO lines the rooms

>> No.11849298

>Why do computer science people keep getting into this argument with mathematicians/physicists on /sci/?
You act like we instigate it. See the weekly CS hate thread. They hate us out of envy.
I just come here, watch the shitposting, and then mock mathematicians/physicists for the lulz. The difference is their insults carry no weight as they're not based on reality but our insults are based on their real shortcomings which always gets them seething.

>> No.11849329

daily reminder that there is a much higher change of a good programmer having a math/phys educational background than having a comp. sci. background

>> No.11849336

lab monkey cope.

>> No.11849352

>source: dude just trust me lol
Programming is a general skill most people pick up regardless of major.

>> No.11849360

>CS majors aren't required to actually take physics classes and if they do it's only the physics 1-2 sequence
I have a degree in CS.
I took Mechanics, Heat Waves and Sound, and Electricity/Magnetism. The vast majority of students in my state (California) are required to take these classes for a CS degree. I don't know what country you live in where this is not the case, but don't compare your shithole to the civilized world.
Furthermore while these classes are good knowledge and I'm happy I took them, I believe everyone should, they have nothing to do with CS. How would more physics classes benefit a CS major? It doesn't. Do you even know what CS is?

The problem with engineers like you is you suffer from the same faux superiority that math majors suffer from.
Rather than attempting to understand a field for its own merits, you wrongly believe that any other major should be like yours and if not they are to be ridiculed or mocked. You're not interested in knowledge for its own sake, you're interested in appearances while remaining ignorant of fields not your own. In other worlds, you're part of the popsci "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" group.
Your arguments, they're not even arguments actually, fail to show why CS is a terrible degree. They instead make your ignorance obvious to anyone paying attention.

Hope you learned your lesson kid. Rather than remaining on your high horse, try and break your popsci "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" mentality and come on back to the real world.

>> No.11849366

Daily reminder math/phys fags tell themselves this lie to cope while they look forward to a career in starbucks.

>> No.11849369

Basic physics does have relevance in CS as basic academic hygiene - a lot of the relevant projects you would do from within CS take a casual knowledge of these classes, like modeling, physics backend, simulacra, etc.

>> No.11849374

>Basic physics does have relevance in CS as basic academic hygiene
Well yes that's pretty true. Forgot that. All those fields you mentioned are pretty big But again you don't need an in-depth understanding going beyond introductory classes. If you where doing anything more advanced then at that point you'd be in the masters/PhD territory so you'd obviously need to know more.

But again the criticism revolves around undergrad, not graduate.

>> No.11850154
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>Linear Algebra IS big boy math

>Does anyone else feel the need to explicate to non-math enthusiasts that linear algebra is big kid maths?

>I feel they hear “algebra” and scoff that I’m proud of where I am in my math journey.

>So if you do here are some of my go to set ups:

>. . . now that I have completed the CALCULUS SERIES (gotta emphasis on calculus at the very least), I’ll be moving onto Linear Algebra (this is where you puff your chest like a proud panda)

>I’ll be taking Linear Algebra next quarter/semester, (clear throat and demand eye contact) which is the one of the last math courses I’ll need as an engineer.

>Wanna hear what you guys say so I can try some new material

>> No.11850184

>I took Mechanics, Heat Waves and Sound, and Electricity/Magnetism. The vast majority of students in my state (California) are required to take these classes for a CS degree. I don't know what country you live in where this is not the case, but don't compare your shithole to the civilized world.

Dude I live in the northeast of the US so if anything California is a shit hole to me. Also dude
It seems like one of the top CS schools in Californa only requires the CS students to take a mechanics class and a electricity and magnetic waves class aka a physics 1-2 sequence. You don't even know what you're talking about dude

>Furthermore while these classes are good knowledge and I'm happy I took them, I believe everyone should, they have nothing to do with CS. How would more physics classes benefit a CS major? It doesn't. Do you even know what CS is?

Yes, Physics classes wouldn't benefit them. That's why they only take two physics classes.

>The problem with engineers like you is you suffer from the same faux superiority that math majors suffer from.

What superiority? I literally just said that CS students tend to make up the popsci group because they don't have as much knowledge on physics as well engineers and physicists. That doesn't mean that my major is better and I never say that. You're literally projecting.

>Rather than attempting to understand a field for its own merits, you wrongly believe that any other major should be like yours and if not they are to be ridiculed or mocked.

I literally called CS a fantastic field here >>11847738 I never ever called CS a terrible field so I don't know why you think I think that? You're literally imaging me thinking my field is better then CS. Are you delusional?

>You're not interested in knowledge for its own sake, you're interested in appearances while remaining ignorant of fields not your own.

You're just making stuff up about me now lol

>> No.11850191

>You act like we instigate it.
Did you not see op's post?

>> No.11850195


>In other worlds, you're part of the popsci "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" group.

Oh my god, is this all because you're mad that I called CS a major filled with popsci people? Dude, you're literally seething over a tiny comment dude. Dude Computer Science is filled with Pop Sci people because of the lack of physics classes they take. This isn't a bad thing because CS doesn't need to know physics, but it is true. It doesn't speak badly on the major either.

>Your arguments, they're not even arguments actually, fail to show why CS is a terrible degree

Woah! Really? It's almost as if I wasn't trying to show CS as a horrible degree!!!!

>They instead make your ignorance obvious to anyone paying attention.

This post makes it obvious that you're incredibly insecure about your CS major. I wasn't even attacking it and you went nuclear lmao.

>Hope you learned your lesson kid. Rather than remaining on your high horse

Really condescending language for someone whos telling someone to get of their high horse.

>Rather than remaining on your high horse, try and break your popsci "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" mentality and come on back to the real world.


Dude, are you really still seething about the pop sci? Look engineering majors have a lot of pop sci people but CS majors have more without a doubt lmao. Also I don't think you understand what a pop sci mentality is.

>> No.11850197

Do CS students not take Differential equations? Kinda cringe ngl

>> No.11850221

>tierfagging science

>> No.11850262

Undergrad differentials for engineering isn’t mathematics, neither ODE’s or PDE’s. The only part that could be considered math in intro ODEs is the algorithm to diagonalize to solve coupled equations, and for PDEs it would be the nice properties of Fourier series due to taking a sinusoidal basis...almost all my of engineering classmates either ignored this or didn’t get it.
If you don’t do analysis with your differentials, you’re not doing differentials at all. Solving equations with a fancy symbol on the ends doesn’t make it any less rudimentary. I’ve unironically seen a CS/math double major do better with Fourier material than EE students since he took a topics class on analysis on the Boolean cube in CS where they didn’t shy away from rigor. Not saying this is typical, but engineering majors have a much shakier relationship with math than they try and let on.

>> No.11850273

Not him, and I don’t disagree with you that CS is filled with popsci freaks, but
>Dude Computer Science is filled with Pop Sci people because of the lack of physics classes they take.
Taking more physics classes doesn’t stop someone from being popsci desu. I’ve seen physics juniors, aerospace, mechE, and EE majors who have are still pretty popsci (and of course many who aren’t). On the flip side, I’ve seen a decent amount of CS majors who were never popsci and just liked solving problems. Physics knowledge doesn’t stop you from being popsci as much as an attitude to getting into the nitty gritty does.
Being popsci is something I’ve seen can persist until you hit grad level material.

>> No.11850278

>This isn't a bad thing because CS doesn't need to know physics
Physics is fairly relevant to many interests in CS. I remember my graphics class being open to CS, math, physics, and engineering majors, but it slayed everyone since it was the combination of rigid body physics, linear algebra / calculus, baby differential geometry and surfaces, filters, and microcontroller programming that was specifically very hard for every party involved.

>> No.11850294

>Undergrad differentials for engineering isn’t mathematics, neither ODE’s or PDE’s.

Ok, dude lmao

>> No.11850344

I mean, it isn’t. Like i said earlier, if you’re not doing analysis in those classes, you’re just massaging basic forms out.

>> No.11850351

>He thinks the stuff you tackle in your first 2 years of stem is “mathematics”
The clown here is you.

>> No.11850393

What do you qualify as mathematics?

>> No.11850395

Mathematics is establishing truth by rigorous deduction from appropriately chosen axioms and definitions.

>> No.11850397

Bro you are mentally ill please stop posting for a month and focus on your own interests you fucking reddit faggot lunatic.

>> No.11850400
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>you are mentally ill

>> No.11850414

Ok dude, fuck I guess engineers don't do math then.

>> No.11850418

This but unironically.

>> No.11850419

Solving nontrivial problems in a rigorous setting. By nontrivial, I mean the course isn’t devoted to learning problem forms and applying an algorithm on how to spit out a solution (ie all of engineering undergrad DEs) but solving classes of problems that are fundamentally different. See analysis, algebra, topology, combinatorics, graph theory, etc.
>no applications waaaaaah
With the exception of topology, all of these fields have immediate application across math, science, and engineering. Even topology has applications but you need to learn some more before you apply it.

>> No.11850425

I mean yes, unironically people have been saying this for decades.
Engineers don’t do math. Engineers learn the results and basic problem form techniques from calculus and linear algebra so that the physics works out. You only start approaching doing math in grad with information theory, control theory, motion planning, etc. and even then those fields are interdisciplinary, with proofs coming from the math side and even the CS side in grad lmao.

>> No.11850430

The fuck are you on about?
>your own interests

>> No.11850434

Dude they engineering and physicist majors took the same Differential equations class as the math majors. The only class they took that was different was linear algebra.

>> No.11850436

Their are people on this board that unironically believe that engineers don't do math?

>> No.11850440

>People actually think that memorizing and applying algorithms for which they have no conceptual intuition or understanding of is math
How do we fix this?

>> No.11850447

>Physics bachelors don't do math because they don't take analysis or proof classes

>> No.11850448

Unironically, yes.

>> No.11850453
File: 51 KB, 500x500, Godfrey_Harold_Hardy_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pure mathematics is on the whole distinctly more useful than applied. [...] For what is useful above all is technique, and mathematical technique is taught mainly through pure mathematics.
Hello, based department?

>> No.11850454

Yes, most DE classes in undergrad are in the math department, but they aren’t mathematics proper. You don’t start getting into that until after intro to proofs when you start analysis.
Again, I’ve stated in this thread actual ODEs involves way more analysis and operator algebra theory. You get that in grad classes, and most math majors take at least 2-4 grad classes.
So yes in the same way calculus and intro linear aren’t math, ODE and PDE classes in undergrad with a focus on engineering and physics applications aren’t math proper.
How many times do I have to repeat the statement and the reasoning?

>> No.11850457

Yes unironically. Doing an integral or transform is going through basic steps for calculation, not doing math. The physics is nontrivial, ie setting up the problem and system takes rigor, but it’s not mathematical rigor.
Even in grad, applied mathematics is rigorous

>> No.11850475

Math purists are so fucking gay lmao. Fuck it then I guess I don't do math until I start grad school

>> No.11850480

Stating the truth ≠ being a purist

>> No.11850486

This isn’t even about being a purist. You don’t do mathematics until you learn how to solve nontrivial math problems. You don’t do nontrivial math problems until you can show you have provably solved the problem. Even applied mathematics like information theory is rigorous.
Why is this such a hard pill to swallow?

>> No.11850494

>Why is this such a hard pill to swallow?
You're talking with an e*gineering major, a group of people who seek validation by priding themselves that they take 'advanced math' classes over those 'liberal arts normies'. When they realize that what they're actually doing are things that a computer will solve in seconds, they get a wake up call.

>> No.11850505

Dude I don't care, I'm having fun doing what I'm doing in my engineering classes. So if you really think I don't do real math then I don't..
>You're talking with an e*gineering major, a group of people who seek validation by priding themselves that they take 'advanced math' classes
I'm not claiming the calc sequence and dif eq along with into lin alg are "Advanced math" because frankly it's not. It's pretty easy in fact. I just thought it was kinda weird to say that these aren't math.
>over those 'liberal arts normies'
Try again because I love the liberal arts. I minored in philosophy and before I chose engineering I was thinking about majoring in either literature or history.
>When they realize that what they're actually doing are things that a computer will solve in seconds, they get a wake up call.

>> No.11850520
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>I minored in philosophy
Same here, anon.

>> No.11850524

>Dude I don't care, I'm having fun doing what I'm doing in my engineering classes.
That’s fine, I’m not trying to shit on engineering classes or even the subject - it’s a fine field with fine work. It’s just that you should be aware that there’s a division between methods, priorities, and abilities that separates math from the results in math used in engineering. Most engineering majors get uppity and obnoxious in claiming that the knowledge that differential equations exist puts them on a mathematical pedestal, which is why I am so adamant on not budging.
At the end of the day researchers study whatever they want as long as they can motivate it so these distinctions matter way less in grad school onwards anyway. There’s a lot of cross communication among all of stem.

>> No.11850527

The computer didn’t solve the four color theorem - they wrote a checker to help solve the hundreds of cases, and the code to actually do it was huge and needed to be checked for correctness after its first release.
Computers are commonly used to help proof results, seen in results in sphere packing.

>> No.11850532

Dude I'm not claiming that Engineering majors are the pinnacle of mathematical knowledge because frankly they aren't. Obviously a math major would know more about math then an engineering major. I just think the claim that they do no math is kind of weird.

>> No.11850556
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You rang? And yes that quote qualifies as based.

>> No.11850602
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They use math, but they don't do it.

>> No.11850661
File: 326 KB, 975x739, Screen Shot 2020-06-29 at 2.26.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy never owning a home

>> No.11850666

I will.

>> No.11850678

not if you major in cs

>> No.11850704

I think you misunderstand what I was saying. I'm saying that I will enjoy never owning a home.

>> No.11850710

>I will enjoy never owning a home
>wanting to be a poorfag in san fagcisco
go dilate

>> No.11850714

Cope, tranny.

>> No.11850718

How can i be a tranny if i’m not a cs major?

>> No.11850720

CS is the least tranny major.

>> No.11850936

no, it’s the other way around

>> No.11851038

>CS is the least tranny major

>> No.11851285

Are you really so insensitive that a joke post triggers you?
You fags are thin skinned. If that sets you off don't be surprised we mock you.

>> No.11851310
File: 150 KB, 1172x659, nordYes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you really so insensitive that a joke post triggers you?

>> No.11851326

homophobic language

I can't wait for 4chan becomes public and connected to twitter so you can be canceled

>> No.11851385

>Dude I live in the northeast of the US so if anything California is a shit hole to me.
Cali is home to the tech industry. CS education carries more weight in this state
>It seems like one of the top CS schools in Californa only requires the CS students to take a mechanics class and a electricity and magnetic waves class aka a physics 1-2 sequence
What is this supposed to prove? Are you attempting to diminish the educational standard of Stanford? The fuck?
You realize more people go to different state schools with different requirements, right? Do some research in public state uni's.

>Yes, Physics classes wouldn't benefit them. That's why they only take two physics classes.
but you said before they don't as if its rare. Why change your mind now? Can you finally see you're full of shit?

> I literally just said that CS students tend to make up the popsci group because they don't have as much knowledge on physics as well engineers and physicists.
>all mathematical and scientific knowledge revolves around physics
>an advanced understanding of physics is required for every scientific topic
Thanks for proving my point that you're a popsci fag. See what I mean about the faux superiority and ignorance towards other fields? Again, thanks for proving my point.
>I never ever called CS a terrible field so I don't know why you think I think that?
Your push to add more physics to a CS degree is what I'm referring to. Its a faux belief that other majors should be like yours. Improve your reading comprehension. We're talking about degree, not field.
>You're just making stuff up about me now lol
Half of my post is meant to be commentary on /sci/ posters. Its not just about you. Read between the lines.

>> No.11851405

O shit you got so butthurt you gave me another reply lmao
>Oh my god, is this all because you're mad that I called CS a major filled with popsci people?
No, its because you say stupid shit like:
>Dude Computer Science is filled with Pop Sci people because of the lack of physics classes they take
I shouldn't have to explain why this is fucking stupid.

>I wasn't even attacking it and you went nuclear lmao.
>he unironically thinks that was nuclear
>meanwhile he thinks his unhinged rant is normal
Anon, had you said the same about biology or math I would've responded in kind. Elitism is also in math though.
>Also I don't think you understand what a pop sci mentality is.
Then what is it? Because I think the assumption that in-depth physics knowledge is a requirement for not being pop sci is itself pop sci.
Also I never said popsci people don't exist in CS, but keep up with your strawmen, its the only way you can attempt to ""argue""

>> No.11851415

delet this

>> No.11851416


>> No.11851421

>Cali is home to the tech industry. CS education carries more weight in this state
>More top schools in the northeast
Sure lmao
>What is this supposed to prove? Are you attempting to diminish the educational standard of Stanford? The fuck? You realize more people go to different state schools with different requirements, right? Do some research in public state uni's.
>Public state uni's
I literally don't care about shit tier public uni's lmao
>but you said before they don't as if its rare. Why change your mind now? Can you finally see you're full of shit?
It was because at my school they don't take any. I'll admit I was wrong on that they don't take any physics classes they only take 2 lmao.
>all mathematical and scientific knowledge revolves around physics
No but computer scientists literally aren't taking more then an intro level physics classes. They might take chem 1 but they probably aren't taking bio. So yes, CS students have little knowledge on science. This doesn't speak badly on CS it's just truth.
>an advanced understanding of physics is required for every scientific topic
No but like I said a CS student has little knowledge on any topic in science. Computer science isn't a science lmao.
>Thanks for proving my point that you're a popsci fag. See what I mean about the faux superiority and ignorance towards other fields? Again, thanks for proving my point.
Dude, what faux superiority and ignorance towards other fields. You're literally projecting. A computer Scientist doesn't know as much chemistry as a chemist or a chemical engineer, doesn't know as much as a biologist or a biomedical engineer, and doesn't know as much physics as a mechanical or electrical engineer, or physicist. To say a computer scientists knows more about science then these fields is ridiculous dude. This also doesn't make CS a lower major, it doesn't. I don't know why you're so focused on making me look like I believe I'm superior to all other fields or that I'm ignorant

>> No.11851436

>Computer science isn't a science lmao.
Here's your (You).

>> No.11851441

>Your push to add more physics to a CS degree is what I'm referring to. Its a faux belief that other majors should be like yours. Improve your reading comprehension. We're talking about degree, not field.
When did I ever say we should do this? You're literally putting words into my mouth. I literally said earlier that CS students don't need to learn physics. I never said other majors should be like mine. You need to improve your reading comprehension cause I explicitly said that CS students don't need physics. also this doesn't actually answer my question on why you think I think CS is a terrible major.
>Half of my post is meant to be commentary on /sci/ posters. Its not just about you. Read between the lines.
Dude, you're literally commenting at me and responding to my exact lines, how is that not about me?
>O shit you got so butthurt you gave me another reply lmao
Dude you keep bringing up the pop sci line
>Dude Computer Science is filled with Pop Sci people because of the lack of physics classes they take
Dude, are you retarded? Computer Science students fill up the popsci demographic because they don't know shit about science. They don't. Please stop acting as if your two classes or at most 3 make it so you know shit about science. Computer Science is about math not science so no computer scientists don't know shit about science compared to engineers and physicists.
>Anon, had you said the same about biology or math I would've responded in kind. Elitism is also in math though.
No you wouldn't have, you're clearly replying like this because you're a cs major lol
>Then what is it? Because I think the assumption that in-depth physics knowledge is a requirement for not being pop sci is itself pop sci.
Also I never said popsci people don't exist in CS, but keep up with your strawmen, its the only way you can attempt to ""argue""
You literally made up positions that didn't have, and you have the audacity to claim I'm strawmanning you?

>> No.11851445

I'll tell you what popsci is, popsci is people who don't understand the underlying mechanics behind the science articles they read yet they act like they understand it giving oversimplified descriptions of the scientific phenomenon. People who understand the science behind these phenomenon aren't popsci. You don't know what popsci is so please don't argue about it.

>> No.11851467

This. Any field is rigorous if you're a tryhard, and most fields are useful in some way.

>> No.11851491

>>More top schools in the northeast
unironically cares about rankings. We're talking CS by the way.
>I literally don't care about shit tier public uni's lmao
Meanwhile UCLA and UCB dab all over Ivy Leages. At least in CS.
>It was because at my school they don't take any. I'll admit I was wrong on that they don't take any physics classes they only take 2 lmao.
So you went to a shit school, sorry to hear.

>the rest of that shitpost which isn't worth quoting.
Bruh... you have some serious issues. Your constant 'lmao's' make it clear you're full on seething
You have no clue what popsci is but think it only revolves around your fields of interest. CS majors at least in my state take more science classes (physics series for one) then math majors.
So why aren't you shitting on math majors?

I have no fucking clue what's going through that brain of yours but clearly not much.

>> No.11851508

My school was top 50 bro.
>You have no clue what popsci is but think it only revolves around your fields of interest.
I wonder why you haven't defined popsci? Hmm.... It's almost as if you don't know. Popsci is literally only relevant to science. Popsci isn't an issue in math.
>CS majors at least in my state take more science classes (physics series for one) then math majors. So why aren't you shitting on math majors?
Because math majors aren't nearly as prevalent as CS majors.
>I have no fucking clue what's going through that brain of yours but clearly not much.
Says the CStard, I hope you enjoy codemonkeying.

>> No.11851522

>Dude, you're literally commenting at me and responding to my exact lines, how is that not about me?
Umm, because if you weren't a newfag you'd know your elitism isn't anything new on /sci/
Okay, so last time you where sperging out with 'lmao' now you're doing it with 'dude'
Calm down, dude.
>Computer Science students fill up the popsci demographic because they don't know shit about science
anon, if you honestly believe every engineering and science undergrad student has an in-depth understanding of 'science' you're proving my point. You scream 'popsci'
Plus you realize Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, etc are huge popsci fields? Oh but let me guess, its CS majors who populate this demographic as well. Clearly, a mechanical engineer would never have an interest in AI and if they did they would be experts beyond the capacity of a low CS major. They know physics after all!
Yes and I'm sure an electrical engineer is also an expert in biology, chemistry, physics, and machine learning thus the vast majority of EE's are incapable of being popsci.
This coming from the same guy that believed the 5 classes of physics he took made him an expert in physics and thus impossible to ever be popsci.
Its clearly those CS majors who overstate their ability, never mind you've done just that in this very thread.

I should mention that I'm mocking you by the way.
If you can't see the faux superiority coming out of your ass you're beyond help.

>> No.11851527
File: 77 KB, 415x495, TFWintelligent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but math majors are the highest IQ people you'll find on a college campus.

>> No.11851537

>My school was top 50 bro.
Who the fuck cares about rankings? Bruh if you're an undergrad you're an even bigger idiot for caring.
>I wonder why you haven't defined popsci?
See the post below yours. I prefer building up before I humiliate someone.
>Because math majors aren't nearly as prevalent as CS majors.
Oh yes and I'm sure you have data to back this up. By all means feel free to post it.
>Says the CStard, I hope you enjoy codemonkeying.
Oh, but weren't you saying before you didn't hate CS? Looks like your true self got outed.
I'll enjoy a vastly more rewarding career. Enjoy making chump change. Seething.

>> No.11851544

Yes, which is why the all go on to enjoy prestigious teaching careers at the local high school.

>> No.11851560

>Okay, so last time you where sperging out with 'lmao' now you're doing it with 'dude'
Keep bringing up the way I speak as an argument, it really helps your point.
>anon, if you honestly believe every engineering and science undergrad student has an in-depth understanding of 'science' you're proving my point.
Obviously not, but my point is that they know more about science so they have less of a popsci audience. This obviously doesn't mean that these majors don't have popsci people, they do but thats not my argument. Have you even been reading my posts?
>Plus you realize Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, etc are huge popsci fields?
The biggest popsci field without a doubt is quantum physics but I will concede that these are popsci.
>Oh but let me guess, its CS majors who populate this demographic as well.
No probably not, but that doesn't mean that CS majors make up one of the hugest popsci demographics.
>Clearly, a mechanical engineer would never have an interest in AI and if they did they would be experts beyond the capacity of a low CS major. They know physics after all!
Yes a mechanical engineer would know more about AI then a CS major, thats because a mechanical engineer knows a shit ton about neuroscience and philosophy along with their better understanding of programing then a CS guy.
>Yes and I'm sure an electrical engineer is also an expert in biology, chemistry, physics, and machine learning thus the vast majority of EE's are incapable of being popsci.
I never fucking said this dude, are you literally this fucking stupid? All fields have pop sci people.
>This coming from the same guy that believed the 5 classes of physics he took made him an expert in physics and thus impossible to ever be popsci.
This comes off as you not knowing shit about engineering. Engineers don't learn most of their physics in physics class they learn them in their engineering classes, you would know this if you weren't retarded.

>> No.11851573

>Its clearly those CS majors who overstate their ability, never mind you've done just that in this very thread.
Dude, when did I say any of this? What are you talking about?
>I should mention that I'm mocking you by the way. If you can't see the faux superiority coming out of your ass you're beyond help.
You have to be trolling me at this point. Can you not see how this reeks of faux superiority and talking down to?
>Who the fuck cares about rankings? Bruh if you're an undergrad you're an even bigger idiot for caring.
You're exact words were "So you went to a shit school, sorry to hear." I countered that by talking about how my school was rated.
>See the post below yours. I prefer building up before I humiliate someone.
You didn't humiliate me though? Nothing you did was humiliating? Do you really think that your post affects me that much? You're delusional.
>Oh yes and I'm sure you have data to back this up. By all means feel free to post it.
Do you honestly believe that their are more math majors then computer science majors?
>Oh, but weren't you saying before you didn't hate CS? Looks like your true self got outed
I don't hate CS, I just hate you.
>I'll enjoy a vastly more rewarding career. Enjoy making chump change. Seething.
Ya, sure you will you codemonkey

>> No.11851578

not the guy you're responding to
>Yes a mechanical engineer would know more about AI then a CS major, thats because a mechanical engineer knows a shit ton about neuroscience and philosophy along with their better understanding of programing then a CS guy.
I mean, it's absurd to think CADmonkey and heat transfer jockeys study anything resembling neuroscience or philosophy, but even if we entertained the notion they did, these things don't have bearing on AI as a field
mechE code is atrocious - I know because I work with mechE grads regularly - but programming has very little to do with knowing about and doing research into AI, which is all math and stat. CS majors have more passing familiarity with AI/ML, but at this level, both mechE and CS majors lack the requisite functional analysis, abstract algebra, measure theoretic probability, boosting and bandit theory, and rigor to actually know jackshit about AI.

>> No.11851583

Ya it's absurd it was a obvious joke my man.

>> No.11851602

>Have you even been reading my posts?
Of course I have. I'm pointing out why they're fucking stupid after all.
>The biggest popsci field without a doubt is quantum physics
You're more than welcome to post your data. I'll wait.

>Yes a mechanical engineer would know more about AI then a CS major
toppity kekkitty
>thats because a mechanical engineer knows a shit ton about neuroscience and philosophy
Mech Engineers confirmed as expert neuroscientist. Which for some reason relates to every facet of AI? Fuck if I know what this faggot means. You realize your understanding of what AI is is popsci tier? You have literally no understanding of the field of AI.
>along with their better understanding of programing then a CS guy.
top kek the sheer delusion is hilarious. Maybe first try and figure out what Artificial Intelligence is.

>I never fucking said this dude, are you literally this fucking stupid? All fields have pop sci people.
Oh but didn't you say engineers know 'science'? That's why its less likely for them to be popsci after all! You just said in this post that Mechanical Engineers are expert neuroscientist and expert programmers. Can't you see how stupid you look?

>Engineers don't learn most of their physics in physics class they learn them in their engineering classes, you would know this if you weren't retarded.
Oh yes anon I'm sure being taught an equation without understanding the theorem behind it makes you an expert in physics. That's all that physics is after all! You don't need a whole class on it, just an equation! You're clearly an expert neuroscientist with that logic.
Say, weren't we talking about people that acted like experts in a field because they have some basic understanding of it? Sounds like you're a popsci faggot.

You're getting demolished because of your faux superiority. You should have taken my advice. Get off your high horse and see how fucking stupid you look right now.

>> No.11851614

>Dude, when did I say any of this? What are you talking about?
Read your posts you faggot lmao
Did you forget about your whole popsci rant?
>You have to be trolling me at this point. Can you not see how this reeks of faux superiority and talking down to?
Really? Am I the one claiming engineers are experts at every form of science? I'm talking down on you because you're a retard, not because of your field of study.
>You didn't humiliate me though? Nothing you did was humiliating?
Given your autistic rants yup you seem pretty humiliated to me.
>Ya, sure you will you codemonkey
kek if that's the best insult you can do I feel sorry for you

>> No.11851653
File: 685 KB, 2335x2507, 1593375258743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this board so mean to CS majors?

>> No.11851661


>> No.11851662

>Of course I have. I'm pointing out why they're fucking stupid after all.
Says the 70 iq cs major
>You're more than welcome to post your data. I'll wait.
Ok, I'll post my data
>Mech Engineers confirmed as expert neuroscientist. Which for some reason relates to every facet of AI? Fuck if I know what this faggot means. You realize your understanding of what AI is is popsci tier? You have literally no understanding of the field of AI.
Dude you don't even know. Mechanical engineers literally can do AI way better then CS because they know that shit.
>top kek the sheer delusion is hilarious. Maybe first try and figure out what Artificial Intelligence is
You literally don't know how much neuroscience and philosophy applied to AI, it shows how big of a popsci fag you are.
>Oh but didn't you say engineers know 'science'? That's why its less likely for them to be popsci after all! You just said in this post that Mechanical Engineers are expert neuroscientist and expert programmers. Can't you see how stupid you look?
>calling me stupid because you don't have a point
cringe tranny move
>Oh yes anon I'm sure being taught an equation without understanding the theorem behind it makes you an expert in physics. That's all that physics is after all!
Yes that is all physics is, anyone who tells you otherwise is a popsci fag
>You're clearly an expert neuroscientist with that logic.
Yes, I am.
>Say, weren't we talking about people that acted like experts in a field because they have some basic understanding of it? Sounds like you're a popsci faggot.
You literally don't know anything about neuroscience and you're calling me a popsci fag? hardcore cringe dude.
>You're getting demolished because of your faux superiority.
Wow you love the words faux superiority, did you just learn them?
>Did you forget about your whole popsci rant?
Ya, you're a popsci fag

>> No.11851669

>Really? Am I the one claiming engineers are experts at every form of science? I'm talking down on you because you're a retard, not because of your field of study.
You know what, I'm tired of hiding my power levels. Engineers can master any field they want. CS can easily be conquered by the dumbest civil engineer. Engineers could figure out quantum field theory if we chose too.
>I'm talking down on you because you're a retard, not because of your field of study.
Dude, you're literally a cs major aka a retard.
>Given your autistic rants yup you seem pretty humiliated to me.
You sure you aren't the humiliated one? I've literally been btfo'ing you the entire time
>kek if that's the best insult you can do I feel sorry for you
I feel sorry for you too, being stuck in a dead end job with no intellectual rigor just sitting their programming websites

>> No.11851672
File: 6 KB, 1044x301, My Data.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck forgot to post my data

>> No.11851677

they come from reddit, they come facebook, they come from twitter, they all have to go back.

>> No.11851687

What is it with QM and popsci?

>> No.11852176

>Says the 70 iq cs major
Meanwhile you have failed to formulate an argument while your failed beliefs have been continuously mocked not just by me, but others who read your crap.
Don't project your IQ on others, thanks.

>Dude you don't even know. Mechanical engineers literally can do AI way better then CS
>You literally don't know how much neuroscience and philosophy applied to AI
I know you're trolling to save face, but you've already outed yourself as a complete retard. AI isn't what you think it is. Finding the best distance in Google Maps is considered to be an application of AI. So is finding a solution to chess using minmax or other such algorithm. Your knowledge of what artificial intelligence is is popsci tier. You are what you believe CS majors to be. I'd go on but you've proven to be retarded so yeah.
>cringe tranny move
kek you're left speechless when your retard logic is rightfully mocked
>Yes that is all physics is, anyone who tells you otherwise is a popsci fag
Yeah, you've given up and admitted you've lost. We're done.

>You sure you aren't the humiliated one? I've literally been btfo'ing you the entire time
Acting like a complete retard after you've been thoroughly humiliated doesn't win you an argument anon. It just shows your lack of intellectual depth.
>I feel sorry for you too, being stuck in a dead end job with no intellectual rigor just sitting their programming websites
Imagine coping this hard when all the jobs and innovation are within CS. As a CSChad its a good feel anon.
If you think the average engi job requires intellectual rigor then you're obviously an undergrad. Enjoy your technician job. Assuming you even manage to get that.
In the real world the majority of advancements in network communication have been on the CS side while EE has stagnated for decades.
I hope you learned a lesson today, kid. Next time before you post some stupid shit do some research. That way you won't get mocked by a superior CSChad.

>> No.11852184

>Imagine coping this hard when all the jobs and innovation are within CS.
Wrong, all innovation are within engineering physics and math. CS innovation is finding the best way to create a website.
>As a CSChad its a good feel anon.
Just a straight up cope
>I hope you learned a lesson today, kid. Next time before you post some stupid shit do some research. That way you won't get mocked by a superior CSChad.
Sorry man, the term chad is only reserved for philosophers. Anyone else claiming to be a chad is coping

>> No.11852218

>Wrong, all innovation are within engineering physics and math. CS innovation is finding the best way to create a website.
Okay anon you go and enjoy that physics job. I'm sure everyone will want you for your vast physics knowledge despite being an EE fag. I mean, why wouldn't they?
I'll stick to the real world and read up on computer networks. Gotta continuously refresh your knowledge when you're in the edge of innovation.
Its a really good feel. You wouldn't understand.

>> No.11852241

>Okay anon you go and enjoy that physics job. I'm sure everyone will want you for your vast physics knowledge despite being an EE fag. I mean, why wouldn't they?
>me admitting that physics has a lot of innovation means that I think I'll work a physics job with my "vast" physics knowledge
Dude, you're literally retarded.
>I'll stick to the real world and read up on computer networks. Gotta continuously refresh your knowledge when you're in the edge of innovation
You're latest website isn't innovation retard.
>Its a really good feel. You wouldn't understand.
You're right, I wouldn't understand feeling good over such mediocre work that doesn't affect anything.

>> No.11852254

You know, I study mech and there are literally no people interested in the subject matter in my class
I always wanted to be one because I've always loved cars and planes but damn the people here are dumb and it really sucks the passion out of me

>> No.11852427

>>me admitting that physics has a lot of innovation
top fucking kek
The delusion.
Let me guess, you think electrical engineering has great job prospects as well?
>You're right, I wouldn't understand feeling good over such mediocre work that doesn't affect anything.
Communication, finance, entertainment, transportation, medicine, defense, information, data storage, etc.
All fields that have evolved because of software engineering. All fields that have become dependent with the advances of computer science.
And those web dev jobs you look down on anon? They're jobs you'll wish you could get. Of course I wouldn't expect a brainlet like you to understand the problems and innovation that occur in a company like Facebook. The vast majority of engineers don't build anything new. It's computer scientist that build the world in front of us.

It's a good feel anon.
It's a good fucking feel knowing I chose the most innovative and on demand major. An EE with next to no job prospects and delusions of grandeur wouldn't understand.
It's hilarious how you turned up the CS hate as soon as you realized you where full of shit. And its hilarious how it backfired as you where once more put in your place. I can almost smell your butthurt. Keep seething

>> No.11852477

>yada yada yada my field has innovations physics doesn't waaaah waaaaaaah I'll bring up a bunch of fields, while ignoring the innovations that other fields also brought into these fields.

This is literally a reminder why CS is reddit tier.

>> No.11852666


>> No.11853469

>Buzzword reply because he's run out of arguments

>> No.11853943

I study CompSci as well and I'm still shit tier.

>> No.11853952


>> No.11853974

I see these from /sci/ on the front page every now and then and they are also fucking stupid, but this one is based

>> No.11854011

Depends on the school.

>> No.11854048

He's right. Calculus, LA, diff EQ, etc. are all a small part of what math is. A lot of calculus for instance is just technique and memorization. The "math" part of calculus can be taught in a month or less.