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File: 102 KB, 330x438, Nicolae_Paulescu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11793568 No.11793568 [Reply] [Original]

Nicolae Paulescu edition

Last thread: >>11781324

Thread for the discussion of allopathic evidence-based medicine. We discuss research, offer advice (the best one is to see your family physician), make fun of premeds and shitpost.

>What's the best spec for research?
Path, onc, anesthesia, neuro, rheumatology
>Best spec lifestyle wise?
Psych, ophtho, derm, rads, family medicine

>> No.11793575
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first for bullying premeds

>> No.11793583
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Also, let's continue the meme papers. I really enjoy these.

Basically nut inside her to give her an allergic reaction.

>> No.11793606

What's the deal with Psych and it's position in Med and Medschool?

More and more people are saying it's a great gig (if you can like the work and patients), good lifestyle, not the hardest to get into, and good (if not great) pay. But along with this view gaining steam there's still the element of people saying "it's the best specialty I could never do".

Is this mostly because most med people are too arrogant/egotistical to take the Prestige hit? Too autistic to enjoy the social and empathetic elements?

>> No.11793621

reposting from QTDDTOT

could retinoids be used to treat loose skin from weight loss?

>> No.11793648

You're most likely going to be dealing with severely disturbed people all day
It can take a toll on a lot of people's mental health, and a lot of people end up less empathetic towards the mentally ill

>> No.11793649

Just my two cents, but while psych is a very good spec life-style and research wise, practicing it can be very difficult. I, for one, can't stand to interview a patient for 40 minutes and then have a 30 minutes discussion with it every time he/she needs a refill. It would be mentally taxing for me, and I'm not very patient.

The most efficient way to get rid of it is surgery. I doubt that retinoids can have such an effect, simply because there's not a matter of producing collagen and smoothing the skin. The excess skin needs to retract or get removed for the effect you wish to happen and that is rather impossible from my POV. Other anons, please chime in.

>> No.11793657

would an increased production of elastin not help alleviate the issue?

>> No.11793695



The Dutch got people to fuck in MRI machines

>> No.11793717

The amount of elastin and collagen you need to make the skin "stick" to the body is huge. I doubt that will alleviate the issue.

What the fuck lmao. Those pictures are somewhat sexy, I must admit. Most notable is

>During ‘missionary position’ intercourse the penis has the shape of a boomerang

>> No.11793740

fuck. guess my only option is to just build a shitton of muscle then if i dont want surgery which i almost certainly wont get on the NHS anyway. there is something i wouldnt mind surgery for though however getting anything but a "deal with it, faggot" from my local GP is like trying to get blood from a stone. would here be the right place to ask for advice on surgery?

that seems like a pretty revealing paper

>> No.11793780

>ask for advice on surgery

What would you like to know? Hopefully you don't have some "DIY surgery in the kitchen" on your mind.

>> No.11793806

not at all. i have a hydrocele on one of my testicles, which I'm pretty sure developed from a hit i took to the top of my testicle while not wearing a cup in fencing. ive had an ultrasound before and they gave me the all clear on anything serious, but no doctor has entertained the idea of surgery for it. as of late its been on my mind more and i notice im getting a lot more discomfort in that testicle than in my other, sometimes to the point where i feel compelled to stop what im doing and check everythings ok down there. i think the excess fluid there is causing the testicle to sit in an unnatural fashion, where my other testicle rests straight i notice the testicle with the hydrocodone likes to sit at a slight rotation along the y axis, for lack of a better way of putting it. naturally i dont want to be that guy that pressures the NHS for cosmetic surgery and i sure as shit know better than to ask for it now, but it is a literal pain in the balls and i have had people get weirded out by it when they see it.

>> No.11793837

If it's a discomfort, and not a slight one, you should really see an urologist. Complication may vary from torsion to infertility by putting pressure on the testicle. I'd say that you should go for it and it's definitely NOT a cosmetic surgery in any form or way. Your QoL can improve drastically by resolving that hydrocele.

I have varicocele on my left testicle and although it's totally different from a hydrocele, tight underwear does the trick but I doubt it will do any better if you wear it. I think it might get even worse.

>> No.11793858

i fucking hate my GP desu, it would be nice to have someone tell me this when i go in with something as intimate as this. thank you, anon. i know dermatology departments have been all but shut down lately so im not sure if i stand a hope in hell of seeing a urologist, but i will try the next time i call my doctor about some other issues ive had with my skin that have finally been resolved by the better part of a year on antibiotics, and only after i talked to a nurse who was kind enough to prescribe me a topical one.

>> No.11793864 [DELETED] 

niggers are monkeys

>> No.11793879
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Anytime, anon and I'm sorry to hear that. I think that you should be more assertive with your GP and demand an urology referral so you can get it fixed. Just tell him that it interferes with your day to day activities and NSAIDs have no effect. As long as you're convincing, I doubt he'll play detective with you and you'll get your referral.

>> No.11793903


>> No.11793928

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Basically, ibuprofen.

>> No.11794152

aah. will i actually get told to take ibuprofen for ball pain resulting from actual problems down there?

>> No.11794158

What are you doing here if you don't even know what nsaids are? Fuck off.

>> No.11794168

No. You take them to ease the pain down there. That's it.

From what you told me just now, I assume you didn't take any to ease the pain. You should try and see if it has any effect. It's over the counter medication so you can buy it from any pharmacy.

>> No.11794182

idk about him but I study medecine in french so that'd fuck me up
We refer to them as AINSs
I don't think I'd be able to see the connection without a google search

>> No.11794212

It really wears on you if you can't detach.

>> No.11794238

>Then the male was asked to climb into the tube and begin face to face coitus
it reads like a science fiction novel

>> No.11794240

Same here, we call them AINSs too (Anti-inflamatoare nesteroidiene) but I learned the meaning while browsing the thread back in the day.

>> No.11794251

im a normie that sometimes comes here to ask questions on things, not a med student. i originally came here for an entirely different question to do with retinoids and loose skin but talking to that anon he seemed willing to offer me advice on another matter so i asked him. probably should have googled what nsaids are but i had to leave the house.

thanks, anon.

>> No.11794779

Fapping always makes me anxious for another day or two.
Not just the >fapping bad nofap stuff; the hormonal change or whatever actually makes me much more prone to panic (I have panic disorder).
Such a big reaction ain't normal, is it?
Could it be a symptom of an underlying condition?
(I mean, it kind of relaxes me, but I would have to spend the two following days chilling at home not to feel the bad effects)

>> No.11794814

Going into m2. I'm top quartile and have been focusing on step since day 1, but they might make it p/f for our class. I have no volunteering, no research. How fucked am I?

>> No.11794835

its not good for your mental health eventually, unless you are mentally strong or have a very strong social support system who can stop you from getting too involved with patients

4chan is full of autists and depressed/suicidal fags so its probably not a good idea to get even more depressed with psych patients

>> No.11794900

jerking off causes mild dopamine high, when that comes down again= good feeling stops and you start feeling anxious again..

as a general rule in neurology, what goes up must come down by almost the equal amount.. fire your dopamine too quickly, too many times and you'll face extreme lows and anxiety/boredom/worthlessness

>> No.11794907

class of 2023 will be p/f, if you are before that, you'll be given the 3 digit scores like everyone else.

>step 1
if you are MD2 now, you should be done with basic science by this august/september no?
then 6-8weeks of prep and off you go

If you do it right, you might be able to give your step 1, end of this year.. there's like 3 months after september to get it done

>> No.11794975

yeah im class of 2023

>> No.11794977

I don't have the stats for MD. Should I go PA or DO? I'm leaning towards PA because I always hear about DOs getting shit on and not respected

>> No.11794983

>as a general rule in neurology
equilibrium states are an illusion invented by people who don't understand statistical physics lmao

>> No.11795018

so you are saying it's a comedown from a dopamine high?
I thought it was lowered test till now.

>> No.11795082

>I thought
well you are a brainlet coomer, what you think doesn't really matter

>> No.11795085

is that supposed to be funny or something?
Even if you meant it seriously, I only fap rarely.

>> No.11795138

My wrists and urine smell very strongly of coffee after drinking only a single cup. Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.11795509

Yes you apparently can't aim

>> No.11795514

It's caused by upregulation of prolactin and a burst of phenylethylamine. Both of which drive down dopamine levels, quickly.

>> No.11795613
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I just came and there was no sperm, just clear water. Can't be pre, because that would be way too much.

>> No.11795638

I’ve never heard of a DO get shit on solely based on where they went for med school. Legit no one cares.
The aspects everyone cares about is pulling equal weight, putting in the call, keeping the phone consults short and necessary, and no dumping on other services.

>> No.11795762

You had a secret vasectomy

>> No.11795764

What makes cardiology "difficult"? Do they mean difficult to get into it difficult to do?

>> No.11795976

I’d think it would have to do with the patient demographics and incessant ED calls. The lifestyle looks rough going from clinic to inpatients to ED admissions then consulting.

>> No.11796097


>> No.11796220

Difficult to do. Procedures are a pain in the ass and you're taking radiation.

Besides that, cards is boring as fuck.

>> No.11796635
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Title: Identifying Airborne Transmission as the Dominant Route for the Spread of COVID-19

>Transmission of COVID-19. Human atomization of viruses arises from coughing or sneezing of an infected person, producing virus-containing droplets
(>5 μm) and aerosols (<5 μm). Virus transmission from person to person occurs through direct/indirect contact and airborne aerosol/droplet routes. Large
droplets mainly settle out of air to cause person/object contamination, while aerosols are efficiently dispersed in air. Direct and airborne transmissions occur in
short range and extended distance/time, respectively. Inhaled airborne viruses deposit directly into the human respiration tract.

If you access the article (I used sci-hub because who the fuck pays for these papers anyways), you'll get some nice Figures on the scenarios of the transmission, etc.

>> No.11796665

Get Kopernio if you are a university student

>> No.11796729

I am a student indeed but what if I was a doctor? Does it filter out docs or something?

>> No.11796816

You need an institutional log in which you will for sure have as a student but I'm not so sure as a doctor.

>> No.11797089

Slim chances. I'd rather go with sci-hub. Articles nowadays take less than 24 hours to bypass so it's pretty good.

>> No.11797308

its a lot of busy work with very low satisfaction

>> No.11797311

>completed MD2 in september 2018
>haven't given usmle step 1 yet
am I the only one who is this dumb or is this a common thing

im fucking suicidal rn

>> No.11797316
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Imagine having tens of patients everyday for the either hypertension or heart failure follow-up/refill lmao.

>> No.11797439
File: 1.81 MB, 1280x1266, Screenshot 2020-05-25 at 21.25.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many enki cards you doing bros? Im not confident with my cards and the information is slowly trickling in but I am worried about getting confused. What settings should I be running with? most of my cards I have to repeat that day for them to go in then I press good and repeat. What settings are you bros running with

>> No.11797446

>How many enki cards you doing bros?


>> No.11797465
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good 4 u

>> No.11797476

Anki cards suck, there are better ways to learn just about everything. For pure memorizations stuff like pharm/micro, use sketchy, for anatomy, redraw things. For everything else, stop memorizing shit and just learn why things work the way they do. That way you never have to relearn the shit.

>> No.11797511
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>learn why things work the way they do

My brain doesnt remember things like this. I can be like oh yeah that makes sense but In a weeks time I wont be able to recall the process. I will recognise some elements but not in detail

>> No.11797681

I can’t remember shit un pharm and micro.. I read it and forget it in like 5 seconds

Also wtf is up with NBME and uworld questions? They ask so much obscure stuff that’s not remotely relevant to anything

>say neuro is only 5% of exam
>fill up 40% of the exam with neuropath and neuropharm questions


>> No.11797956

Make a word doc with questions for yourself and keep going through them to test yourself. After enough times you should understand mostly everything.

>> No.11798934
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>mushy sand-colored stool with a bit of red blood
Come on, it has been 3 months since the last time and now this...

>> No.11799334

Tough luck, anon. Stressful times?

>> No.11799384

for about two weeks, white stuff will come out with my piss mid stream making it cloudy.
It doesn't happen every time I piss
do I have an infection?

>> No.11799970


Burning? unprotected sex with new/unknown partners? More deets

>> No.11800302

The only people that shit on DOs are gunner premeds who aren't gonna match whatever specialty they claim they'll be.

>> No.11800354

any medfags here that can answer my smol question?
>drank a lil bit tonight
>take propranolol, 60mg extended release every night for migraine prevention
do i still take my dose tonight, or skip? i have low blood pressure already and am prone to fainting if it gets too low but this has been one of the only meds that prevents my migraines without 4000 side effects

>> No.11800460

Take it.

>> No.11800500


What's the chance to get murdered in Brazil if I'd go there to learn about trauma?

>> No.11800567

I’ll put it this way, the chances of a foreigner being murdered in certain areas in Brazil is about the same as being murdered in Iraq.

>> No.11800578


>> No.11800583

If you're a woman, white/black and don't speak spanish, or rich, yeah, very high.

>> No.11800619


>> No.11800725

I assume coastal cities with favelas do this and they do it for your belongings, holy shit.

>> No.11800733

anons how I learn upper limp anatomy

>> No.11800739
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Is this bait?

>> No.11800744

Do any of you know why public schools screen for scoliosis in kids?

>> No.11800746

Cause it's contagious

>> No.11800752

No :/

>> No.11800753

Try to memorise a labelled diagram, then cover the labels and really try to recall them.

Do this until you remember them all.

Try doing this to a few different diagrams of the same thing.

Do this a week or two later to really set it in.

>> No.11800755

fuck doctors,

>> No.11800758

I don't think i'm going to make it bros. I don't think i'll make it into med school.

Someone asked me why I wanted to be a doctor and I realised I didn't know. It's the only goal I've ever had and i'd do anything to achieve it but I am now realising I don't know why.

>> No.11800760


>> No.11800763

Just make up some BS we all did.

>> No.11800766

Memorisation is one of the hardest parts. Self testing makes you see what you don't know and makes you more confident in what you do know. Also it gives your brain a reason to remember sort of.

Any suggestions or advice? I'm pretty uncreative and bad at interviews...

>> No.11800771

I have considered a career in medicine for a long time and there are a numerous experiences which feed into it but If I had to pick one memory that really spured me on it would have to be.... Then dive into some childhood story

>> No.11800782

What are interviewers even looking for?
Oooh that's a good one, i'll save that somewhere

>> No.11800799

1.) Your not a douche
2.) Tempered leadership they want you to be able to convey ideas clearly to others but show an appreciation that you dont know everything.

>> No.11800801
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antipsychotics are pure fucking evil, kill doctors that push that shit


>> No.11800802

Ok dunning kruger

>> No.11800809

A nut allergy to a nut inside you. The meme has gone full circle

>> No.11800822

med school is a meme anyway, go into finance and make 400k starting in just 3 years of education

med school is hyped so much to outsiders, if I had another chance or transported back to 2010, I’d pick engineering and just get my degree by 2015 and get a job.. I’d atleast be making 60k right now or more while having somewhat of a secure job

medicine is way too retarded and way too corrupt. Plus the fact that if you want to be a leader in medicine you need to be an MBA or an health administration dude.. because that’s where most of the money goes. Doctors have zero control over their own profession, probably the only retarded profession where the main people who run the field are bottom tier fags who have no power

Everyday I wake up I wish I was back in 2010 and redo this thing again.. fuck medicine and fuck faggot doctors who ruined it for the next generations

>> No.11800825

>getting into medicine for money

How big of a dumb faggot you have to be, anon?

>> No.11800831

Only if you are a cute girl

>> No.11800833

It's not about the money for me.
Have you been through medical school?
Was the job not what you thought it would be?
Are you okay?
Why are you like this dude?

>> No.11800835

>studying 10 years and getting a 200k student loan to work for free

yeah I’m thinking you are retarded mate

>> No.11800840

1. I don't have such a thing as a massive debt
2. Your salaries should easily cover it
3. Stop. You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.11800841

>Why are you like this dude?
just telling the truth dumb fag, you don’t have much control over your own life once you are a doc and it’s not about helping people as much as baby sitting them, wiping their ass for them and keeping old ancient fossilized fucks alive so they get to celebrate their 1000th birthday
It’s a perfect trap for dumb naive fags like you.. hurr durr mah fantasy disney story kek, make something up faggot

>> No.11800844

>your salary should cover it
cringe, good luck with that when half of your salary goes in insurance and taxes
you are the embarrassment here, little naive retard

>> No.11800846

>>Why are you like this dude?
>just telling the truth dumb fag, you don’t have much control over your own life once you are a doc and it’s not about helping people as much as baby sitting them, wiping their ass for them and keeping old ancient fossilized fucks alive so they get to celebrate their 1000th birthday
>It’s a perfect trap for dumb naive fags like you.. hurr durr mah fantasy disney story kek, make something up faggot
im in tears anon

>> No.11800853
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>cringe, good luck with that when half of your salary goes in insurance and taxes
you are the embarrassment here, little naive retard

Keep embarrassing yourself while I'll have a comfy job with steady income and live carelessly while you will stay unhappy in medicine. Imagine being this assblasted about going to medschool and trying to push the "medschool is a scam" agenda on us.

From what you posted, you sound really insecure. I wish you luck and hopefully you'll find something else that will make you happy because medicine is clearly not suited for you.

>> No.11800894

You should be

>> No.11800896

kek keep dreaming homo

>> No.11800904
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>cope with insults

If that's what makes you feel better, sure, but at least stop spamming.

>> No.11800912

I'd still go into medicine even if there was no job on the other side at all.
It's not the best paying job, it's not the most fun job and it doesn't really make you better than everyone else.
I just think you didn't understand what you were signing up for.
Who are you really angry at anon?

>> No.11800926

no burning no partners
except my perineum has been sore for over a month

>> No.11800933

>using anime girls
yep naive and delusional weeb fag

>> No.11800949
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I was Put off of Aripripazole that ive taken for
5mg for 4 weeks
10mg 2 weeks
within a month. every two weeks from 10-to-5-to-2.5-to-0
Judging from guidelines ive googlesearched and certain Researchpapers ive eyed, it looks too fast for me.
Also ive felt like a absolute retard ever since 2 weeks after my lowest reduction which was 3 months ago.

First off i was talked into it as a 'stimulant' and an off label description for 'problems with concentration' and my anxiety on campus. I havnt had a single test for psychosis until 1 month in when i couldnt even fill a form for applying for insurance anymore.
I am a trained musician and painter and been studying mathematics for 3 semesters before this incident derailed me.

How Fuccd can i assume my brain really is? Are there procedures for testing it? I cant hit a line when drawing, i cant play my instrument without severe fatique and i havnt had a single mathematical dream since 5months and i forgot everything ive learned in the 3 months of being medicated. like fwoosh when i was put off of medication. My memory and vocabulary feel deranged certainly.
Is it just neurosis and depression? Have i been lobotomized(tm)?

The last time ive felt so upset about a MD was when i took roaccutane to deal with my acne conglobata in high school and the practitioner forgot to note that he doubled my dosage 6 weeks into the therapy overdosing me by 150/100 approx. Sorry for the rant.

>> No.11801325

>been studying for 5 months for usmle step 1
>scores don't go above 200

any suggestions?

>> No.11801334

why don't you nutcases ask the doctor who is actually treating you instead of bitching about them here like we are supposed to read your docs mind and know what he/she intended.

you are a brainlet who used to hide behind the delusion and mental illness, now that the mental issues have kinda cleared, you are seeing yourself for what you truly are, a retarded brainlet.

>> No.11801360

You're just a retarded tranny.

>> No.11801379

Why is it that i feel like a bit queasy if i sleep for like ~30-60 minutes?

>> No.11801465

Enki. Doing 100 new cards a day +reviews. Anyone else banished to this life of pain and suffering.

>> No.11801474

Yep. Shit sucks.

>> No.11801566


Biking or any other physical activity that could be contributing? Any skin discolouration? I'd say go see your GP and pee in a cup to send to a lab.

1. What was your presenting complaint to the doc in the first place (Trying to get meds for concentration? Brainfog/Depression? Paranoia/Intrusive thoughts/Hallucinations?).
2. Sounds like you're getting side effects from the antipsychotic to some degree possibly, unless these are symptoms you would have developed regardless.
3. They gave you abilify with no other med?

Change your method (go to questions/UWorld/Anki if you've just been studying and taking practice qs)

It's a meme that just anyone can do well in finance, just like it's a meme that medicine is an amazing profession. Our field is a bit disillusioning once you get behind the curtain cause you realize politics and kissing ass is a huge part here just like other jobs. The main gripe I have with it is the culture of self-aggrandizing and supernormal ambition is the norm, so if you're happy aiming for GP classmates and teachers will not be as keen on you. Objectively, assuming you went in for the "right reasons" it's an amazing gig where you're well paid to actually help people directly satisfying both financial and social/spiritual fulfillment. The societal prestige is a bonus, but once you're in school you'll only really be comparing yourself with other Drs. (ie. GP may feel humbled by the Surgeon etc.).
I agree with the admin element and think most people do, but that upheaval will probably happen soon as people get more and more fed up and admin gets "cancelled" by the right news network taking up the cause. Drs. tend to be conservative so if things aren't affecting them too drastically they'll let stuff slide to not mess with the status quo

>> No.11801719

Any 1st year UK anons ? does passmedicine really help?

>> No.11802034

>mum casually mentions she smoked a cig per day when pregnant with me
>say I wonder if it's had any negative consequences to my health
>dad gets pissed off at me
Was I in the wrong? his point was one cig a day doesn't matter but I was under the impression smoking while pregnant is always bad

>> No.11802095

It is bad, because when it goes wrong it goes seriously wrong and has some incredibly detrimental consequences severe mental retardation among other things such as dependencies. Looks like you turned out fine though :)

>> No.11802283

why does everyone on /med/ hate enki so much?

>> No.11802307

I, for one, don't hate. I just don't have the discipline to do cards everyday at a set time. I'd rather study at my own pace with my methods. Rote memorization doesn't really work for me because I need to understand the mechanism/concept behind the theory to actually understand and to burn it into my brain. Now, for details, I don't really care that much, I can learn those by memorizing them and in classes where logic is almost zero such as anatomy, idk how I fucking survived.

I think anki is good to learn the details or stuff that you'll eventually forget and won't need in your day to day practice but requires discipline imo.

>> No.11802318

what if you were to understand the material first through lectures or stuff like physeo, b&b and then solidify with enki?

>> No.11802399

I don't see why I'd do that because I don't see anki helping me solidify it if I don't have the discipline to go trough them on a daily basis. For some people might work but not for me.

>> No.11802643
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How do I unlock autismo mode and start breathing and living only medicine until I become the greatest in my field of expertise?

>> No.11802809

This is the most gunner post I've ever seen.

>> No.11802840

Pardon me, South/central America tends ti run together in my mind

>> No.11802845
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incoming MS1 here. What should I do this summer to prepare myself?

>> No.11803167

fellow incoming (O)MS1. I'm personally masturbating a lot. Sometimes 3-4 times a day.

>> No.11803191

The duality of man

>> No.11803257
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>pressure on the stomach under the sternum after eating
>light pain about 1 inch left of the spine on the back (about where the navel would be).
>half liquid stool with blood, not black

It's not an ulcer, right?

>> No.11803518

You aren't really our fellow/colleague. There might be an alternative medicine thread on /x/

>> No.11804041

Nope, it's not

>> No.11804065
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Guys, I'll be going into my 6th year of medical school soon and I have to present my thesis at the end of that year.

The thing is that we have to choose a spec and do the thesis on that spec. I chose FM and the prof gave me some ideas but in the end told me to choose a subject myself. So, the problem is here: I have no fucking idea what the subject should be. Clinical studies are out of the question because of corona-chan (even at my mom's practice is impossible, just to give you an idea how hard it would be to attempt it).

So because of this, I'm stuck with online forms. Anybody got any ideas on what the subject should be with online forms? I know this is something like "do my homework" but I'm out of ideas, everything I'm coming up with needs some kind of clinical study.

My ideas were: "Chronic lumbar pain and its correlation with blood sugar control in diabetic patients", "Exercise and its effects on geriatric patients with depression" and the last one was "Vitamin D deficiency among children in rural setting compared to urban setting".

Please help.

>> No.11804109

How likely is it that we see some form of immortality before the end of this century, /med/?
Is it really just a pop-sci pipe dream or something that might actually happen?

>> No.11804113

I have troubles peeing sometimes and when I do the stream is pretty weak and I have to strain several times to push it out. Also sometimes I can't start peeing and have to put my dick under water current in a sink (but it's usually when I don't have a lot of pee)
Can it be kidney stones or gall bladder stones, or something to do with prostate? My prostate also hurts sometimes when I fap too much for a long time, not really hurts but it's a weird sensation.
It's not so troubling that I suffer from it greatly yet, but if it's a symptom of something serious I should prolly go to the doctor

>> No.11804127

I'm 19 years old and sometimes, randomly when I take a breath I feel a strong piercing sensation in my heart, like my rib was touching it for a moment and I literally feel like I was close to a heart attack. I can't reproduce it, it just randomly happens with normal or deep breaths. Should I go to a cardiologist? Also when I drink coffee I feel my heart palpitate, so I don't drink it. One day I drunk coffee in the morning and later took acid and I had something like a panic attack where I physically felt something in my chest and neck vein and literally had to go to the window and pant. Though it was an extreme case with drugs, which I probably shouldn't be taking.

>> No.11804155

How do I find out if I'm allergic to a food without eating it?

>> No.11804160
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>need to take calculus for medicine

>> No.11804166
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Noot noot tropics

>> No.11804167

Go to an allergologist and do skin prick tests.

>> No.11804178

no way to do it at home?

>> No.11804181

Do you think I should apply for neetbux? My neurologist said I should but I guess that would disqualify me from any sort of work and it feels a bit dehumanising for me to be included in the tard registry

>> No.11804183


>> No.11804220

Scratch your skin, not blood deep.
Rub food on it.
This is similar to what the doctors will do

>> No.11804222

If it comes, we couldn't afford it :(

>> No.11804282

Guys I have to write BS reflections all the time anyone know a good site with good examplars I can just rephrase

>> No.11804307

I had another self harm episode 30 minutes ago and I hit my head really hard with my palm bone like 6 times and now I'm really dizzy all the time, I feel like things around me are spinning and I have a headache on that part of the head and I'm having trouble thinking
is it gonna go away soon and have I lost many IQ points because of this?

>> No.11804320

Does every open abdominal surgery, leaves parts of intestine merged to the wall?

>> No.11804593
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bump. Help plz.

>> No.11804596


1. Reference incident/ experience
2. "At first I was emotionally charged in my reaction because of x, y and z that I had experienced before in a different setting"
3. "But then I realized that a, b, and c could also be at work in creating this experience so I shouldn't be so assumptive and headstrong in my take on the event"
4. Now looking back I can realize I should try to view these types of occurrences in the proper context and give the benefit ofthe doubt because we don't know all factors surrounding motivations etc. behind the things that occur.

That framwork is good enough for a pass

>> No.11804627
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medbros.. i've had acid reflux on and off for a few yrs but its never been too bad. lately however its gotten worse and is making it hard to sleep even.

what are causes/solutions besides the ones my boomer doctor will give me

>> No.11804634

lots of potential causes
could be a hormone imbalance
but more likely try to not eat like shit

>> No.11804674

my diets pretty good actually. ive cut out most processed shit, all added sugar, dont drink, eat mostly "raw" foods, etc cuz i dont want to turn into a half-dead fatass like the rest of america

>> No.11804678

1. It was a diffuse set of claims about myself based on observations ive made over the past 4 years. The very least i know about myself after the diagnostic process is that i have slight OCD. Presenting myself i thought that what ive talked about to the Practitioner had alot of significance which from a clinical perspective it probably didnt.

I went to the Psych in order to tackle two distinct sets of issues.

First off I've pushed certain insecurities and observations I've made about my unstable mental state off of me for 4years. The inability to reconcile with a broken relationship that meant the world to me, resulted in depression that was very invasive on my day to day life.
Secondly i had a very bad case of face acne within the same year. So much so that it certainly traumatized me enough to damage my personality.
The practitioners i presented to told me that they think the stringency of my thoughts felt disrupted to them and it pointed them towards suspicion of psychosis. There were more arguments too, but the traits attributed with them were very vague to me, like eccentric and overly idiosyncratic speech, and a display of overexaggerated self worth.

Disruption in linear thought was the one least observable and most frightening to me, as it wouldve conflicted with my idea of self worth and experiences the most.

As ive been to 4 practitioners in general and two of them were inclined on suspecting psychosis and the two others were not, i still thought i'd give it a shot. Had i had more insight into the reasoning of said practitioners id probably have declined.

The other was that there were exams coming up and as they werent the first exams ive taken, but the first i took in accomodation to homework exercises ive wanted to get the most out of my time, and also not be so nervous that id swallow my throat and shake being unable to talk whenever i had to go to the chalkboard, which destroyed my previous attempts to finish these courses.

>> No.11804687

>randomly when I take a breath I feel a strong piercing sensation in my heart, like my rib was touching it for a moment and I literally feel like I was close to a heart attack.

like a blockage or a mini heart attack where it would hurt really bad if you tried to inspire? I've had this too, since i was like 9 or 10 from what i remember... im a med student and have no idea why it happens, i always assumed some nerve got temporarily pinched causing that pain.. maybe because the way i was sitting or whatever.

but it always happens on right side for me, around upper or middle lung, a few times it has happened on left, it happens in upper lung or the nipple area, never near the heart which makes me think its a nerve pinch not a heart issue

>> No.11804693

it's been 4 hours and I'm still having a terrible headache and can't focus, should I go to the hospital? what are they gonna do?

>> No.11804714

2. It's tough to be certain. But, intellectually i was not crippled by my mental health at all.

I had a very strict routine of drill and practice as ive longly suspected something to be wrong with me and i tried to prepare myself to challenge these problems as thoroughly as possible.

3. No it was a singular prescription. i also didnt respond to treatment until i was on 10mg, but i became catatonic and fell into a literal stupor for 2 weeks being unable to move, which led to the attempt to wean off. I had a supplementary prescription of sleeping pills and temesta if i ever had a panic attack. But i didnt take them.

But just to repeat my questions. Is there a way to screen for any neurological impairment that couldve resulted from this treatment?

>> No.11804729

Thank you

>> No.11804738

Oh and especially i would like to know if a reduction from 10 to 0 in the course of 5 weeks is too fast.

>> No.11804762

answer me motherfuckers

>> No.11804768

Don't eat spicy, dairy, stop coffee, beer, etc. Raw vegetables can cause harm too.

Go to the pharmacy, buy yourself some antacids, they'll give you instant relief and take one when you need it. If it still comes up often, go to your GP.

>> No.11804813

Check your symptoms, then ask a few questions, then prolly a brain scan.
It could be a stroke...

>> No.11804951

If your in the US. They will give you a MRI. They MRI for everything over there.

>> No.11805045

What a stroke would do to a brain, an MRI will do to your bank account

>> No.11805113
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>> No.11805241


>> No.11805417

how will the brain scan help? there is no treatment for it anyway, right? I'm still dizzy and having a headache
I'm not in US but procedure should be similar

>> No.11805434

Yes they can and will help if you're having a stroke. You should call a doctor for advice if you can.

>> No.11805444

but assuming it's a stroke what is the treatment procedure? aren't the just gonna tell me to go home and wait it out?

>> No.11805456

I'm taking step 1 this friday but I'm at the point where I don't give a fuck about anything anymore. I just want to do a bunch of drugs and jump off a bridge. I regret not going to dental school or doing engineering.

>> No.11805463

Chemicals that break the clot are given, surgery is absolute extreme cases.

How did you get into med school if it wasn't what you want?

>> No.11805484

Dr. John Sarno is going to be seen as a medical revolutionary 20 years from now.

>> No.11805497

literally who

>> No.11805506

nigger go to an ER, they can give you meds to break the clot in your brain, assuming it’s a clot and it’s ischemic (a clot) and not a bleeding in your head

Tpa can only be given 4 hours after stroke, after that it won’t really work that well. I doubt you have a stroke through, are you facial muscles twitching? Any weakness in arms/legs/ one side of the body?

>hit myself on the head
>feeling dizzy with a headache

nigger take a Tylenol.. if you have above mentioned symptoms, it’s prolly a stroke

>> No.11805510

Same, I would be earning by now in my mid 20s if I was in engineering or whatever. The amount of bullshit hoops you are forced to jump through is crazy

When did you complete your MD 2 and how long did it take you to prep for step?

>> No.11805526

I have mental issues and don't want to see a doctor, I hate seeing doctors
no facial twitching or weakness, I only noticed squeezing my fingers in a weird shape involuntarily but it could be unrelated
the part of my head that I hit still feels very numb and weird and dizzy especially when I move my head

>> No.11805559

Wash your face, take a tylenol

Hold a pen in both your hands and try to squeeze as hard as possible, move both your hands in all directions, then clench all your toes together, move your legs around in all directions- that should tell if there is any weakness or problems in legs or hands

Then look in a mirror and smile as wide as you can.. if you smile equally on both sides of the face, your facial muscles are working, puff your cheeks as much as you can- if that’s ok then your facial nerves and muscles are good
Check if your pupils are weirdly dilated or constructed

If you wanna lull yourself learn how to tie a noose or find a train track nearby.. god knows I might join your suicidal fucks soon the way my life is going

Go to ER if your headache doesn’t go down even slightly after half an hour of taking Tylenol

>> No.11805564

> How did you get into med school if it wasn't what you want?

what does want has anything to do with med school admission, faggot

>> No.11805568

My school finished at the end of April so we only get like two months of dedicated time to study. I have just been sitting around doing uworld questions and reading first aid/pathoma but I really haven't been effecient. I got a 241 on uwsa2 on Sunday so I think I'll do okay.

My dad got endocarditis when I was in college and the surgeon essentially saved his life and I thought that was cool. It wasn't until med school that I realized most surgeons are actually assholes and every other kind of physician might as well be a glorified drug dealer/baby sitter

>> No.11805581

I don't have any tylenol
everything seems fine except for pupils, they seem pretty big but idk what my baseline is
I'm too much of a pussy to kill myself, I keep thinking of my family and telling myself it's stupid, I just sometimes have those random bouts of self harm out of anger and frustration when I just wanna damage myself for being a piece of trash

>> No.11805597

Your best bet is two aspirin with a coffee.
Aspirin is a painkiller and blood clot inhibitor.
Coffee speeds up the absorption and increase the effects.
It's probably not a stroke if it's caused by injury though

>> No.11805608

don't have any aspirin either
thanks for your help but I guess I'm just gonna wait it out, I just wanted to know how concerned I should be

>> No.11805636

If it was a hit to the head, it's unlikely anything really bad, because it's been 8 hours and it hasn't gotten worse.
But you should be worried if it gets worse, though I doubt you could do much damage with your own hand like that.
Also you should not hurt yourself again, I think you need some help anon. Don't let you do this to yourself...

>> No.11805659

well, those were some really solid hits and I only stopped when I kinda blacked out a little and became disoriented, I remember being hit in the head a few times in the past but the symptoms never lasted more than a few minutes, this case is different
>Also you should not hurt yourself again
I don't have much control over that, remember when you were the angriest in your whole life and you wanted to punch walls, it's the same except you want to punch yourself because you're angry at yourself
I try not to think about the stuff that caused it but sometimes it just blows over and gets the best of me, especially at night or when I look in the mirror
anyway I probably shouldn't be talking about it in this general, thanks

>> No.11805704

Yeah he's having a stroke for hours now. Retard.

>> No.11805751

>I got a 241 on uwsa2 on Sunday so I think I'll do okay

that should land you somewhere around 235-240.. UWSA tends over predict by 8 points

>> No.11805754

>giving aspirin to a stroke patient

>> No.11805765

Aspririn prevents blood clotting

>> No.11805771

yeah I'm not trying to do ortho or something super competitive so I will be happy with anything in that range

>> No.11805773

if he has a bleed in the brain, aspirin will make it worse, retard plus he doesn't have a stroke, who has a stroke with zero symptoms for close to 8 hours?

retard pre med

>> No.11805779

i've been studying for a year but i am still getting 210.. any tips/ how did you study?

>> No.11805813

My thoughts exactly. Went trough the posts and yikes'd at the misinformation. Clearly a premed or some NP student.

>> No.11806108

Bro, come on now. He smacked himself with his hand and somehow gave himself a stroke that didn't incapacitate him or reduce his ability to be a huge malingering bitch on 4chan after eight hours, lmao.

It's definitely a stroke :^)

>> No.11806157

what do you think about the supposed ability of some antiparasitics to kill cancer and even reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus in the body?

>> No.11806847

Not him but i do this with anki cards. Memorizing trivia is dumb.

>> No.11806852

0 unless you go to a favela at like 2:00 AM. Also depends on the region, city and place where you will be working/staying.

>> No.11806859

Holy fuck i just want to help people for god's sake.

>> No.11806865

Don't bother, you will get BTFO by someone else sooner or later.

>> No.11806878

Nursing student here. I fucking regret doing an ABSN so much. We're learning such useless shit, our pathology exams are literally true/false questions The only class I've had to think for is pharmacology. And now my lazy classmates are trying to get the school to move fall semester online as well.

I should have just sucked it up and gone to the Caribbean for med school.

>> No.11806880

Following orders, fulfilling tasks. Taking the money, believing you are a part.


Joining their system, doing their work. Taking their money, believing you are a part.

Headless. Headless.

You are heading towards... to an end that you wouldn't want. You are living ideals, that you never would have agreed to.

Programmed to compete. Believing the smart. Taking their money, believing you are a part.

You are headless.
The medical system can be described in one word, a predator. An abuser. A rapist. They watch, they test, they feel it out, they filter out the vulnerable, the isolated, the weak, the one's with parents that don't push back, and the ones no one will miss. They groom them, they break down their sense of self, they fill them with fear and dependence, they tie their mind into knots.

And they have their way with them.

You are being groomed by trauma programmed rapists.

>> No.11806885
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You are working for the murderers of your parents. Your own future killers. You are fools helping to build your own gallows.

Wake up.

>> No.11807000 [DELETED] 

Go PA dude. At least then you will have decent hours. Going DO you have all the shit parts of being a doctor, with the added benefit that every single MD you ever work with will secretly look down on you and think they're better than you.

>> No.11807004 [DELETED] 

My trips confirm. check 'em kneegz

>> No.11807026
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Developed this rash after changing facial cleansers. Went to a derm and she just prescribed topical dexamethasone and told me to switch back to my old cleanser. Shit's kind of itchy. I'm worried that the pustules are due to Malassezia because I keep getting them and 5% benzoyl peroxide seems to worsen them.

Should I just see a different derm?

>> No.11807429
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He's back bros...

>> No.11807515

Yep, definitely a stroke. $800 please.

>> No.11807519

Buy an over the counter PPI. Eat bland food, avoid spicy. Sleep on your left side.

>> No.11807536
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what happens when someone healthy takes galantamine and memantine together?do they have any effects on the CNS if the brain is healthy?

>> No.11807542


Just about memantine.

>> No.11807562

so we dont know yet. All you gave me was a study about donezepil,I was talking about potentially combining memantine and galantamine for a synergistic effect that'd increase my mental abilities.


Interestingly enough,the benefits of taking this drug seem to be huge on paper,especially since it seems to cause neuro and synapto geneses.
If memantine doesn't work though,we could always resort to nitromemantine,a novel lab made drug that had been shown to fix damaged brain tissue in mice with an induced model of AD;Sadly I've never seen a study about this novel drug's effects on humans in 6 years now

>> No.11807567

Got no idea, dude. Neuro and neurodrugs are not my forte, nor do I like to study them in any way.

>> No.11807587

why not? The brain is the most understudied and least known part of the body in spite of the tens of thousands of studies regarding its physiology,anatomy and all the pathologies that involve it. Don't you want to discover something new about it and be heralded as an innovator and a discoverer?What about the potential millions of dollars that could come if you discovered a drug like the ones I've presented and patent it? For me at least,this is far more interesting that studying say...the lungs or the excretory system or the metabolism.

>> No.11807598

Naw bro, nothing wrong with what you’re doing. If I were you I’d just power through it and get your practitioner or go for CRNA.
The CRNA’s in our OR start at $200k/year, they don’t take call, and work 4x 12hour shifts per case (they get paid per case)
Most hospital bylaws and state statutes for CRNA’s are very relaxed and limit the amount of mandatory work.

>> No.11807614
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Depends on the individual, I guess. I like to be an all rounder but usually, a family physician doesn't do anything related to neuro pathology because it's way out of their skill. I'm fine with anything else, tbqh.

Even nephro seems more interesting to me than neuro. It all comes down to the individual, in the end.

>Don't you want to discover something new about it and be heralded as an innovator and a discoverer?

If I only was smart enough to do something like that, but I'm painfully average and I kinda like it this way.

>> No.11807618

Out of sheer curiosity,is there any difference between a surgeon trained at John Hopkins and a surgeon trained in a state college? I'm thinking about going to JH but idk if I should because it's very far away and I dont know a lot of people in Maryland...this on top of not knowing wether there truly is a difference in training and not just a matter of ego.

>> No.11807631

1. Not from US
2. I doubt that there is any difference. The theory is the same, the practical part should also be the same. It all comes down to you and if you're eager to learn. Depends on what surgical speciality you want, etc.

>> No.11807633

Meant for >>11807618

>> No.11807644

well,neurosurgery. Idk,I've been told that if I want to innovate,a top 5 medical schools is my only option as they receive much more funding and everyone is a bit more...lets just say that everyone works harder because they want to remain on top. They're also a bit more likely to help me with my ideas

>> No.11807653

I'd imagine it being a double edged sword because if everyone works harder to stay on top, I think they would also want to "crush the opposition".

But you can see these types everywhere, so it's not a given. If you're sure that you can come up with something revolutionary or at least something that can improve neurosurgery as a field, then go for the more prestigious university.

>> No.11807671

I am not worried about competition as doing my work is the only thing I truly care about. You were talking about a double edged sword...sadly,my above average intelligence is one itself. I may be far more capable to make connections and more creative than most of my peers but this comes with a huge price in interpersonal relationships. I wish I were less smart and more capable of understanding some subtle social cues...but hey,I cant do that so I guess I'll stay focused on being one of the best.

>> No.11807896

I'd be wary if I was you. Seeking status, money or prestige is different to seeking scientific truth or what is best for patients. They can align but also oppose each other at times.

If you enter a very competitive career where your progression is linked to how much you can publish or develop innovations and you are not getting the significant results you want, which is normal is research, you will be tempted to throw ethics by the way side and get dodgy stuff out there under your name just to be able to compete.

A lot of research is also about creativity as well as intelligence and hard work, which is very rare.

>> No.11807926

Not him but just wanted to add to the fact that research teams are often composed by a huge number of people. Of course some of them do not participate and still get their names on the paper because of the status they have, but teamwork is essential for proper research.

I, for one, can't even do my thesis by myself and feel like I'm behind by a lot. Two or three more members would be amazing to have.

>> No.11807940

I agree, the dude seems like an autist who wants to chase status in JH so he can go into research.. id never understand why fags who wanna do research even bother going to med school.

There are better PhD programs to help you regarding that, especially if you are into pure research and want to study medical phenomenon in a research lab setting with specific goals and benchmarks in mind. You’d also have better access to mentors and research teams in a PhD program than in an MD program.

Don’t hog out all the MD seats just for your stupid meme dreams that have nothing to do with actually practicing medicine.

As far as the “prestige” of JH is concerned, it’s a meme. You ultimately study from the same books, the same concepts, give the same exams and ultimately get the same degree. Once you are a doctor, people will care about how much you know and how much you have achieved, not necessarily which university you went to. There might be some programs that exclusively pick JH and Harvard students but those programs would be extremely retarded and you might not even learn anything meaningful there.

In the end, if you wanna do research, go for a PhD

>> No.11807945

>As far as the “prestige” of JH is concerned, it’s a meme. You ultimately study from the same books, the same concepts, give the same exams and ultimately get the same degree. Once you are a doctor, people will care about how much you know and how much you have achieved, not necessarily which university you went to. There might be some programs that exclusively pick JH and Harvard students but those programs would be extremely retarded and you might not even learn anything meaningful there.

Holy based.

But one thing remains unsolved for me. How can you research neurosurgery with just pursuing PhD? Don't you need knowledge of the procedures or post-op complications that might happen, etc.?

>> No.11807964

You can research the lab side with just a PhD, have a look at what translational and biomedical sciences are. Many publications within neurosurgery journals will be using cell cultures to test for very specific things within a lab setting. All this work needs to be done before any clinical dimension is tested even if it has been considered. Research is not just clinical trials

This paper is for neurosurgeons and outlines the use of organoids which are mini organs that are used as in vitro models. Theses 3D cell cultures are in the domain of translational medicine which you would not need a medical degree to work on to produce new knowledge for the neurosurgery field:


>> No.11807975

Well shit. I do not intend to do research. Ever. But thanks for the response. It's much harder than it looks and you clearly need some kind of passion towards doing it.

>> No.11807979
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>But one thing remains unsolved for me. How can you research neurosurgery with just pursuing PhD? Don't you need knowledge of the procedures or post-op complications that might happen, etc.?

Not necessarily, you can make meaningful contributions in neurology with a PhD, you don’t need an MD and a specialization in neurosurgery to excel in research. That’s be fucking absurd. Hell half of my professors in med school were PhDs who were contributing in medical research and teaching us.

Take a look at neurosurgery research labs at Stanford, see who’s leading most of the research programs : http://med.stanford.edu/neurosurgery/research/labs.html

Even your favorite Hopkins, has a neurology and a neurosurgery research lab, none of them are MDs: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/neurology_neurosurgery/research/

If neurosurgery is something that fascinates you and you wanna study it at a particular lab, I’d consider contacting the lab and talking to them about what degrees you should get to work in neurosurgery research, if it’s a fulfilling career, what it’s like working in the lab etc. and then see if that’s something you’d be interested in

>> No.11807993

>Even your favorite Hopkins
I'm not >>11807671 but thanks for the explanation.

>> No.11808110

1st year uk med looking for a mentor who can throw me some beans of knowledge.

>> No.11808362
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fuck pediatrics
I hate it

>> No.11808376

literally the only people that enjoy paeds are women

>> No.11808381
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Lmao. What's so hard about it? As a super average student, peds was the only exam I got 100% in both the practical and theoretical part.

Kids are also funny btw.

>tfw 6'0 baldie
Ouch, that kinda hurts anon.

>> No.11808394

>Kids are also funny btw.
yeah, but for how long. I have 3 younger siblings and not even I had the patience for their shit after like 3 weeks in rotation

>> No.11808409
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Well, that's why you have to choose one (and I've seen this at the hospital I had my rotations at):

1.Get to see kids at work
2.Get to see kids at home

Most of the female doctors don't want children from what I've seen. Only the older ones that got to work there during communism have kids or at least definitely have more than the other female physicians.

I, for one, really enjoyed it. Plus, unexpectedly, children like me. At first I thought I was going to scare them but the 5-10 age gap were really understanding and I rarely had a kid go into full tantrum mode. The problem in peds are the parents. Most of the parents I've encountered were coming for a minor problem or a hunch they had so they couldn't sleep peacefully until someone saw the kid.

I really wish the rotation was longer.

>> No.11808967

I am legally a brainlet, having been called by psychologist anything from intellectually disabled to mentally retarded and even "slow" (thanks, Eastern Europe) without actually being given any explanation or told what I had done to warrant my placement on the retard list. Some tests were done when I was a child and then reiterated on a yearly basis on my disability file. My question is: how did they reach that conclusion? I am academically successful, I speak a foreign language and have a good memory to the point where I can learn things and reproduce them verbatim with no issues. What gives?

>> No.11808972

psychologists* sorry
Forgot to mention that I am otherwise a bit of a sperg: socially awkward and very clumsy. Could that be the reason behind my diagnosis?

>> No.11809138

I would imagine the answers to the cards would be large then, no? Otherwise you would have to break up everything into separate cards.

How do you make sure not to make cards for every single detail though?

>> No.11809141

Sorry dude, we're not psychologists.

>> No.11809459
File: 38 KB, 500x395, 1590345015126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is dating in med school? Do female med students, nurses, and premeds want your dick if you're even slightly above average in looks and not autistic?

>> No.11809501

Which pharmacy books should I study?

>> No.11809565

Non-existent, you're better off finding a girl outside of medicine when you're done with your training. Female physicians are cunts and most don't want kids. Don't even get me started on nurses.

>> No.11809608

I want kids.

>> No.11809632

Sure you do, but thats not going to happen with your sweet boi pussy now is it?

>> No.11809642

Go to sperm bank and get your eggs fertilized then, you don’t need med school for that

whores will come and go, your chance to get MD won’t. Focus on completing med school

>> No.11809647

think how retarded an average bimbo is, now add an MD and 15 iq points in front of her.. now imagine how retarded and arrogant that bimbo will be

There’s your answer

>> No.11809672

Not really but I'd need to chug a lot of CC and hCG to even think of conceiving. Anyway, the first hurdle is finding a suitable mate. Non-medfags here either get intimidated and try to pull an alpha male shtick or try and turn me into a mommy gf when they find out what I do.

>> No.11809703

wait are you a girl or a guy or a tranny wtf

>> No.11809708

How can you call yourself a fucking medfag if you don't know what clomiphene citrate and human chorionic gonadotropin are for?

>> No.11809737

How will you be able to raise kids if by the time you're done residency you'll be 30? Are you looking for a stay at home dad type of person?

>> No.11809760

Asian family structure, hire an extra nanny aside from the help we have now. Ez.

>> No.11809833

Go Ivy if you want a better chance to match in a more lucrative residency.

This is 100%. It really comes down to your residency for the noticeable differences.

>> No.11810149

Is being a PA worth it? I thought about going for it since one of the hospital near me schools them.

>> No.11810153

If you're not smart enough for MD, DO, DMD then yes

>> No.11810166

No but you work in healthcare right? When would a patient be considered medically retarded?

>> No.11810180

You have pcos? Kek suits you

>> No.11810190

No shit, Sherlock.

>> No.11810212

>132 CARS and 125 bio

How did this happen bros... I'm a science major and the life sciences are my strongest subjects

>> No.11810222

what is this "not smart enough" bs that's always parroted here? What if I just don't want to have to compete with all the no life autistic chinks and poos for 8 years to get into a specialty I like?

>> No.11810227

Because if you were actually smart enough you wouldn't see it as a competition

>> No.11810228

it pretty obviously is a competition though, and I'm not particularly interested in med relative to other fields. Med is just much more attractive due to pay.

>> No.11810231

It's not so much a competition if you're a non autistic WASP with a culture and language advantage. Residency match won't be based on step scores anymore, but rather how well you can shmooze.

If you don't like med it's fine. But almost all PAs and DOs wish they were MD.

>> No.11810239

Ah, so medicine is becoming just like every other lucrative field then. I figured P/F step was part of that transformation. I am not a WASP/Jew but I am white and not too autistic (I hope). I am just bitter because there are more autistic things than med I would have liked to pursue but I just don't see the pay tradeoff as worth it.

>> No.11810250

PA are the biggest cope of all professions, maybe second to NP

>> No.11810255

are you an Asian girl?

>> No.11810260

lmao, so your ovaries are turned to stones already

>> No.11810261

Wanna make some mentally ill hapas, bb? ;3

>> No.11810264

>calls others chinks and poos
>is a low iq monkey who can’t even get in med school

lmao, you won’t make it as a PA either, brainlet

>> No.11810270
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They're pretty much petrified, yeah.

>> No.11810271

don’t need to make babies, I just wanna bang just like most white dudes

asian girls are like flesh lights for white guys

>> No.11810272

>it's another 5/10 Asian girl in medicine

>> No.11810275

kek absolute state
What speciality are you in brainlet anonnette

>> No.11810279

>it’s another Asian girl who will turn into a tiger aunt and bore you to death as your psychiatrist

wew, I still remember the Asian shrink i had, she never gave a shit about my problems

>> No.11810283

Gyne :^)

>> No.11810284

5 is pretty generous, lol.

>> No.11810286


>> No.11810287

>t. chink or poo

>> No.11810322

not gonna make it

>> No.11810465 [DELETED] 

You are headless.


>> No.11810479 [DELETED] 

You float in a million lights, but the one you seek is not there.
You fight in a million fights, but it's yourself you cannot bear.
You think you are a leader, but you turn everyone away.
You think you are a preacher, you can't turn night, into day.

There is something inside of me, and I know that it's growing. The thing that will forever be, and I feel its shadow calling. It's the fear that drives you mad, it's the fear that makes you blind. It's the fear that keeps you sad, it's the fear that kills your mind.

You think you can make things grow, but in truth, you are like a desert.
You think it's not your ego, and that others make you hurt.
You have learned how to deceive, and yourself is all you can hear.
You think you really believe... but deep down, you are only fear.

There is something inside of me that makes me run up against the wall. The thing my eyes don't want to see, that will obliterate my soul.

Everyone's afraid, but that's no excuse.
Everyone's afraid, but that's no excuse.
Everyone is afraid. But that's no excuse.

>> No.11810510
File: 100 KB, 583x767, BDD4227A-EB1A-4D8E-9CEE-D5909DF4503F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your guys’ most annoying calls.

>phone rings
>caller ID: one of the ED docs
>hey can you put your eyes on this patient for me real quick?
>case definitely not surgical
>most of the cases are appropriate as outpatient
>gen surgery life
>phone rings again 10 minutes later

>> No.11810566

Oh, I had ER rotation and me being the last of my group, I had to take the night shift with a colleague.

Ambu comes in, dude that fell on stairs, mid 30s or something like that, both knees look like balloons. They call gen surg instead of ortho lmao.

>> No.11810577
File: 29 KB, 253x321, 741757001103982731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jannies won't delete schizoposting
>schizoposter continues ruining the thread instead of making one of his own

Such is life, anons.

>> No.11810631 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 1516x1076, 1580777926901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'll just ruin your thread and make my own.

>> No.11810679

Lol. During my ED rotation, a volunteer ambulance reports post partum hemorrhage during home birth 20 minutes prior, EBL 4L, bleeding said to be controlled with tamponade. Pale, tachy, hypo. We page OB to meet us. Ambu pulls in.
Stretcher rolls by, patient very calmly holding baby. Hgb and Hct well within normal. OB grabs ultrasound, doesn’t see retained POC, pulls tamponade. Patient tells us her doula thought she was hemorrhaging. Medic 23 (the volunteer unit) I think is still not trusted to this day in that hospital.

>> No.11810720

They had it coming, I mean, they trusted her doula without checking lol.

>> No.11810813

Does anybody here work in a mental hospital? I've always been under the impression that mental health is the black sheep of medicine for some reason and whenever I picture a psych ward or anything of the sort I imagine people being drugged, shocked, lobotomized or put in straitjackets. Doesn't help that the only psychiatrist I've had to deal with was a bald guy with an oddly shaped head and weird mannerisms to the point where I thought he himself was crazy. What gives? Can you guys help me overcome my misconceptions?

>> No.11810919

There was an anon some time back that worked in a mental institute and was a psych IIRC.

The psych hospitals are actually neat and clean with individual rooms and "relaxing" rooms where patients can interact with each other. Your depiction comes from movies or at least comes from the older times. Psychiatry changed a lot in the meantime. Just because your psych's appearance didn't make a good impression, that doesn't mean all of them are crazy or fucked in the head, etc.

>> No.11810925
File: 74 KB, 625x625, 1574575235332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get my four wisdom teeth extracted
>dentist gives me antibiotic (amoxicilin) to take for a week three times per day
>usually take it during meals
>today notice that I took the second pill only three hours after the first one
>indications on the box said that I shouldn't take another pill less than four hours after the first one
Does this shit matter or am I worrying for nothing? Isn't timing important with antibiotics?

>> No.11810929

Doesn't really matter at all.

>> No.11810932

Why do they put these indications on the box then?

>> No.11810934

>being a pre med
lol fag

>> No.11810938

I was interested in surgery forever but I just don’t have the energy to do a 4 year residency after 8 years of schooling

>> No.11810942

>not playing mind games with schizio and breaking his broken mind even more
come on now

how about I ruin your boipucci and break yoje

>> No.11810944

enjoy your bacteria aids

>> No.11810948

to not get sued, retard
Just like everything else in american medicine.. half of the medicinal rules and systems we have in place are just to avoid law suits

>> No.11810949

Is it a waste of time to work on aging in 2020? Is it possible that we going to be able to solve something in my lifetime?

>> No.11810951

I'm european though.

>> No.11810957
File: 20 KB, 268x268, 741757001105744830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, but use your brain a little. Does one hour really matter now?

>4 year residency
>in surgery

Where the fuck are you from? Here 4 years is for FM.

I can't fight him, he's too persistent. I just want him gone anon-chan :(

>> No.11810961

>Where the fuck are you from? Here 4 years is for FM.
How much is gen surgery then? I was just talking from my mind, isn’t it t like a 4-5 year residency for gen surgery?

>> No.11810965

You limpdick fags still mostly use American medicines

>> No.11810968

>break yoje

>> No.11810971

Here gen surg and neurosurg are the only ones with 6 and are the longest residencies.

The rest of the surgical specs are 5 and 4 for ophto.

>> No.11810974

>limpdick fags
>says the dude missing a part of his dick

Ok burger.

>> No.11810975

why the fuck would anyone want to live long in ((current year)) is beyond me, but atleast in context of US, the religious Christian retards and moral fags are probably the biggest roadblock to decent stem cell research. Telomer research is promising, embryo stem cell research is promising.. there are some crackpot research but mostly these two are most promising, but we are going at snails pace on these

>> No.11810976

Break your boipucci ;)

>> No.11810978 [DELETED] 
File: 396 KB, 2494x1663, 2050_Map_Megaregions2008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready to be depopulated. It's comin'. Reap what you sow.

>> No.11810988

>The rest of the surgical specs are 5 and 4 for ophto.
Damn that’s sweet, what country is this

>> No.11810991

It’s hygienic and aesthetic, our lord and savior Jesus was cut and hung and look how far he got in life

>> No.11810992
File: 49 KB, 1000x563, 741757001109562384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romania. So...yeah, the residencies are cool and all, but the conditions in our public system. Not so much.

>> No.11810997 [DELETED] 

>living in America without all the fat fags and homeless fags to ruin your day
Sounds pretty sweet, can they do it sooner

>> No.11811005

>but the conditions in our public system. Not so much.
Kek tell me more, any cool stories? I did shadow a doc who was from Eastern Europe back when I was in undergrad, the things he used to say about life back at home was amusing.. he was from Ukraine

>> No.11811011 [DELETED] 
File: 1.45 MB, 2719x2160, 1543473027224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep telling yourself it'll be that clean, and then everything will just be normal and turn into a Utopia under the people who orchestrated it. Assuming you aren't among the feeble minded human trash that doesn't meet the criteria.

Basically, near as I cna figure, what you need to watch out for is a Holodomor-like genocide by starvation this winter. Look up the 1933 agricultural adjustment act, compare it to how they're destroying the food supply and economy today.

>> No.11811019

>any cool stories?

Not so many, to be honest. I had a prof last year in pulmonology that would smoke in his office that was located inside the "Smoking Cessation" institute. We even held the practical exam there and after we came back to his office to present our cases he was just chillin with a cig.

Gen surg was somewhat weird. I didn't go to the exam because I had a fever and went after the exam session. The prof asked me only one question "Achalasia - What type of dysphagia do we usually encounter?" "Paradoxical dysphagia" and he let me go. For this prof, the exams didn't matter much because we basically ate gen surgery every day in that rotation.

And...that's it. I've got stories about my mom's FM practice but I told too many of those here.

>> No.11811024 [DELETED] 

bruh you need to learn how to summarize your long winded essays, you are confusing me with someone who actually cares what you have to say. Also who the fuck doesn’t want a quieter, cleaner America

>> No.11811030 [DELETED] 

I must admit, it would be a relief to have you gone.

>> No.11811031

> I had a prof last year in pulmonology that would smoke in his office that was located inside the "Smoking Cessation" institute. We even held the practical exam there and after we came back to his office to present our cases he was just chillin with a cig.


>> No.11811039 [DELETED] 

u mad? why u mad boi? :)
yeah I don’t really care, about da joos or my

>> No.11811061 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11811069 [DELETED] 

"When you mapped out the holy settlement on the earth, You built the city Nippur by yourself, Enlil. The Kiur, your pure place. In the Duranki, in the middle of the four quarters of the earth, you founded it. Its soil is the life of the land (Sumer)"

I have been considering the despair of the Gods recently. I would say Brave New World is a pure encapsulation of Man's collective inescapable despair. Yes, the inevitable Utopia to come.

>> No.11811080 [DELETED] 

>I have been considering the despair of the Gods recently. I would say Brave New World is a pure encapsulation of Man's collective inescapable despair. Yes, the inevitable Utopia to come.
Eh it depends, it’s not like you religious bumble fucks have ever been happy with anything, there’s a conspiracy to be had about everything.. remember back when your kind used to think photographs steal your soul and send you to hell or when your kind used to think was common sense was the work of devil?
In this “utopia” of yours that you do despise, you’d be right there spewing your Jewish cult’s Jewish nonsense with the rest of us, just like you people have for centuries, reaping all the benefits of the godless freaks while simultaneously peddling propaganda against it all ;)

Greed and curiosity is human nature, of course some middle eastern Jewish cult would be butthurt about that..

>> No.11811097 [DELETED] 

I'm not religious. Depending on your definition of religion.

>> No.11811170

Mine was 5 years long with 4-6 days per week of 24 hour availability to be on call. The other days were spent on education.

>> No.11811370

New bred when?

>> No.11811523

Good bants

>> No.11811540
