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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.73 MB, 1654x1134, 1590937321320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11747064 No.11747064 [Reply] [Original]

SpaceX Dragon Pressurizing with ISS thread

https://youtu.be/bIZsnKGV8TE [Embed]

Old thread:

>> No.11747084

nevermind go here


>> No.11749545
File: 167 KB, 982x371, retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good work, retards.

>> No.11749582
File: 2.89 MB, 1001x563, 023159CE-3AFA-443A-863D-3B8E5E6C4C83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does the Chris, Ivan and Anatoli crew rate?

>> No.11749592

People, please, now that the tourists are gone only make a new sfg once the old one is on page 9 or 10

>> No.11749595

Hey faggot, stop making all these threads so quickly. This isn't /vg/.

>> No.11749596

t. Seething chink

>> No.11749614

i wonder if the Russians suck to work with. nah theyre probably chill cuz theyre just scientists.

>> No.11749714


>> No.11749720


>> No.11749726
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>> No.11749732

no available dude, what was it?

>> No.11749738

Time to go find some other time waster and sit out the normiepocalypse

>> No.11749750

at least watch the post dock conf

>> No.11749791

Basically the whole thing since it started.

>> No.11749882

Wow, /sfg/ is exploding with activity. I like it.

>> No.11749888
File: 373 KB, 1122x2208, D26C167D-54D4-48B0-B460-D3F92C7E7551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The company I work at ships and moves cargo (on Earth). Yesterday I was looking at our accounts and it turns out we move stuff for SpaceX from Hawthorne to Texas once in a while.

Pretty cool. I’m not directly working for SpaceX, but it’s nice to know that we do stuff to help out.

My dream is to fly into space. It costs like $250,000 for a ten minute trip, which honestly is worth it in my opinion. I just hope to either see the cost go down, or for the trip to be extended.

Anyhow I left the Air Force a few years ago and I had already saved like $50,000 just because I was super frugal. I’m in it to win this baby. I’ll get to fly up (and down) in about 17 years or so at the rate I’m saving.

>> No.11749905

By then, you could live immigrate to Mars

>> No.11749915

Not him, but it is somewhat confusing to keep track of five /sfg/'s at once.

>> No.11749924

We should all migrate to this one once the old slightly older thread fills up

>> No.11749929


>> No.11749936
File: 80 KB, 838x1010, 891E5E07-FA6B-4EEB-AE73-E2ECA68EDF04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope bro. Space has become an obsession of sorts. I mean in a good way. As much as I’d love to even have a short flight with New Shepard or Virgin Galactic in my life, nothing would be more amazing than to walk on the surface of another world.

>Be me, living in Midwest
>Gets very snowy often
>Whenever it snows I like to pretend I’m on the moon/mars/etc.
>It’s nighttime and snow is everywhere
>Put on my snow jacket/pants
>Stand in front of the door for a minute while pretending I’m venting the airlock
>Walk outside in the snow
>Look up at the stars
>Hear the crunching on my feet and my breathing

For just a moment it feels like I’ve finally made it.
>Mfw I see someone else going for a walk
>Immersion ruined, go home immediately

>> No.11749963

Same. I want to get my ass there even if it costs a million dollars and I’m seventy years old. I’ll become a surveyor until I fall over dead or something

>> No.11749966 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 595x312, 2020-05-31 21_42_18-NASA - Twitter Search _ Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If trump doesn't win they're defunding all of nasa

>> No.11749967

Virgin Galactic charges a million dollars per seat and hasn't flown a single customer yet. Assuming they don't go bankrupt, by the time they reduce pricing, you'll be able to orbit the earth or go to a private space station through other spaceflight companies. It will be more expensive but much better than spending 10 minutes in space on a shitty suborbital spaceplane.

Keep saving and learn to invest. 50k with 20k invested annually with a 7% return would be over 250k within seven years.

>> No.11750005

No evidence of that. Stop trolling.

>> No.11750066

didnt it have like 53 million views?

>> No.11750139

Why do people bring such ugly politics into space flight? I just want to see large rockets fly.

>> No.11750146

you need money to fly rockets

>> No.11750166

Because the leftists are the party of nonwhites and they absolutely hate anything good or successful

>> No.11750169
File: 24 KB, 496x329, image-20160422-17369-1rjmmkb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redpill me on space qts being passed around on the ISS

>> No.11750178
File: 358 KB, 720x546, anime think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what the astronauts do if they have... urges... And what they do to stop the coom flying everywhere

>> No.11750184

Who the fuck invented that stupid adapter design
>goes way down for absolutely no reason
>then hatch cover blocks like half the passage when open
They could've at least make it open the other way

>> No.11750185

I agree that communists are bad but your racism is also bad.

>> No.11750190

they kept requesting the cameras were switched off. I like to think they were having a cheeky wank every time.

>> No.11750191

>removes picture talking about space

>> No.11750195

Political baiting isn’t justified simply because you attach it to a space topic.

>> No.11750199

I wonder how much it cost to develop and make.

>> No.11750238 [DELETED] 

Lol don’t be such a nigger lover thanks
A free country embraces free thought and the lack of “racism” is literally killing us

>> No.11750243

I don't understand this reusable thread meme

>> No.11750247


>> No.11750250

equal protection under the law is a constitutional right

>> No.11750251
File: 1.04 MB, 670x1234, NASA_needs_spacefrogs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4ASS is contracted by an entrepreneur who want's to sell moon rocks. The goal is to design a lunar lander that could transfer from LEO to the moon, land, recover as many moon rocks and dust as possible, and then return the samples back to Earth. All for as low cost as possible. The launch vehicle will be a Falcon 9 which rides will be purchased by the entrepreneur.

What would the design be?

>> No.11750280
File: 54 KB, 640x960, spacefrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wheelbarrow/shovel. Stick a chair and some airtanks on for the guy.

>> No.11750289 [DELETED] 

Constitution was made by whites for whites firstly, and equal protection was ended 80 years ago when they removed segregation

>> No.11750299

2 seconds, I'll bot up ksp

>> No.11750307

Maglev launch trolley into an appropriate orbit then deliver to location. Probably a la grange point to not set off reeee's on Earth. Also you don't need to precisely time it as opposed to other orbits.

>> No.11750308

Can multiple launches be used for orbital assembly? At Falcon 9’s reusable payload capacity, you have rather anemic dry mass with a craft with sufficient delta/v to enter LLO

>> No.11750311

Apparently, YouTube can't process live stream recordings longer than 24 hours.

>> No.11750312

Don’t forget the jack hammer

>> No.11750322
File: 37 KB, 318x376, Space Dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's his endgame?

>> No.11750324

Sure, as long as you can show that it's cheap to do.

>> No.11750328
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, 20181020_BLP503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until this thing becomes irrelevant?

>> No.11750329
File: 658 KB, 2160x1080, Screenshot_20200531_221447_com.twitter.android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats her endgame?

>> No.11750334

Covertly smuggling drugs onto the ISS.

>> No.11750339

It happened earlier today.

>> No.11750349

Create tranny dinos in space.

>> No.11750358

It depends how fast SpaceX can start producing and launching them.

>> No.11750361

*Them meaning dragon capsules

>> No.11750362

It won't be space since you wouldn't be crossing the Kármán line, but there's also the "vomit comet" plane which is used for space training. That one should be considerably cheaper but of course it wouldn't compare to what the astronauts see. The overview effect "hits me" even by watching scenes from a documentary, but getting the chance to see that live... holy fuck that would be a life changer.

>> No.11750368

Unlike the USA, Russia wouldn't kill their only crew-rated spacecraft before having a replacement.
That is, as long as there is not a big change in government.

>> No.11750374

> I wonder what the astronauts do if they have... urges..
There's a special port that the astronauts stick their dick into. Open the outside airlock, and it's like the entire universe is sucking you off.

Ground control to Major Tom indeed.

>> No.11750403

I'm sure nasa has a procedure for it. Doctor probably said something like they need to fap once a week and they planned out how it can be done privately, what material to use, and where to dump the waste

>> No.11750405

Masturbating is unhealthy

>> No.11750413
File: 173 KB, 438x424, cdc9c7ee7f4d1166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a picture to use for the next general.

>> No.11750429
File: 308 KB, 613x349, angle 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone help me understand these two camera angles

>> No.11750435
File: 306 KB, 615x352, angle 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second one

>> No.11750438
File: 56 KB, 391x440, istockphoto-1138752144-170667a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so was there really a mouse on the reactor or nah

>> No.11750450
File: 150 KB, 858x570, f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are from a camera overlooking the engine mounted near the bottom of the second stage

>> No.11750453
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, mouse.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11750454

Do you think the world is 2D or something?

>> No.11750458

Here we go again with the retardation. LOX/RP-1 slush and mirrored/fisheye lenses.

>> No.11750462

i mean it really looks like a mouse, you can even see its ears

>> No.11750465

no man, the two angles just threw me off
alright but could you point out where the two cameras were mounted? swapping from one view to the other made me confused

>> No.11750470

google translated:

>First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense, Alexander Sherin, announced the possible Russian origin of the SpaceX manned spacecraft Crew Dragon, Ilona Mask. He expressed this version on Sunday, May 31, in an interview with "Moscow Says."

>“We need to see how many components in this rocket are Russian. Whose engines are on the ship Ilona Mask? We need to find out this question. I cannot yet clearly and clearly say, ”Sherin said.

>Talking about the successful launch of Crew Dragon, the deputy expressed confidence that "space will be ours." According to him, Russia in this regard "everything works, everything flies, everything docked."

>> No.11750473

You see what you want to see. It's a case of pareidolia. Have you seen the "snakes" form out of the dump valve on several of the launches? Not seen any of you tards come up with conspiracies about those.

>> No.11750478

>Talking about the successful launch of Crew Dragon, the deputy expressed confidence that "space will be ours." According to him, Russia in this regard "everything works, everything flies, everything docked."

He isn't wrong though, unlike space x-plode Soyuz has been a reliable workhorse for more than a decade and is pretty reliable.

>> No.11750479


>> No.11750480

Trigger /sci/

>> No.11750485

it just as an odd shape for something that's supposed to be "slush"
im also not sure why you would find lenses in this location but i don't know much about rockets so i would appreciate it if you could direct me to some more info

>> No.11750489
File: 616 KB, 2560x1555, merlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is just ice sliding off. It would be impossible for a rodent to grip that surface in space, if the engine didn't burn it alive first.
You mean a rat, mice don't get that big and this rat would still have to be a giant.
I'm not sure where exactly it is located, I believe it's inside the bottom of the second stage and they only switch to it after they separate from the first stage.

>> No.11750490

What parts of Dragon 2 seems Russian to them?

Soyuz had a very troubled start, just so you know.

>> No.11750496

>in space
>if the engine didn't burn it alive first

>> No.11750500

No, i cant handle another space mouse thread

>> No.11750503

What if its a special space mouse?

>> No.11750505

>there's a joke in Russia that if Elon Musk emigrated to Russia instead of US he'd be still in jail for PayPal
>tfw you know it's not a joke
>t. Russian

>> No.11750506

cargo dragon is already a reliable workhorse

>> No.11750509

Youtube execs don't want SpaceX to trend even more. They hate Elon Musk for calling out Silicon Valley moral policing.

>> No.11750511

It's an open cycle engine, that means it dumps a portion of its LOX and RP-1 overboard to run its turbopump. See that white blast right where it seemingly pops up? Before an engine startup, blobs of that shit forms there, because they have to prime the fucking turbopump.
While it's running, it gets a bit warmer and starts running down along the side there.

Some times it looks like a snake-like rope, some times it looks like a blobs. In that particular case, it looked like a cartoon mouse blob if you kind of squint.

I'm wondering if he thinks he's trying to pull a "he stole their tech" or something when in reality he just fucking left when they tried to gouge the fuck out of him.

>> No.11750513

What's wrong with PayPal in Russia?

>> No.11750515
File: 664 KB, 472x796, Screen Shot 2019-12-01 at 10.40.59 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know rat-posting is just bait but seriously the Merlin 1D Vac is huge. That rat would need to be like over a foot long. Also how is it sitting on the engine if the vehicle is flying?

And also how would anyone fake a space launch? I mean we all saw it take off and no one saw it explode in the air.

Any people say that the landing is fake when hundreds of thousands of people saw with their own eyes two Falcon 9's land at the same time. This has happened three times now. How do they fake that?

>Yeah a weather balloon take it up

We'd see it in the air

>> No.11750516



>> No.11750518

>space x-plode
Get over yourself. Not a single fucking rocket gets prototyped without explosions.

>> No.11750521

>Nedelin's your Baikonur

>> No.11750523

"It's a model in a basement, it's really just a regular mouse"
The latest meme they're doing now is that rockets aren't real, they're just balloons filled with helium and that's why NASA is the biggest buyer of helium in the world.

It's like "No Child Left Behind" led to a reverse renaissance.

>> No.11750526

You don't go big in Russia without being like high school friends or something with the big guys

>> No.11750544

As frustrating as such people are, I think the best way to deal with them overall is to just ignore them and help space flight along as much as possible. It'll be hard for them to claim that rockets are fake when there's at least one launching every day.

>> No.11750554

>if he thinks he's trying to pull a "he stole their tech" or something when in reality he just fucking left when they tried to gouge the fuck out of him.
Probably this, now with Dragon being operational they can't gouge the US for Soyuz seats, given that this comment doesn't seem aimed at western crowds, it makes me think it is just for internal consumption

>> No.11750557

I just asked a Russian friend of mine and they will be pulling that shit even though they have no grounds for it. It is typical Russian shit he says. He doesn't live there anymore.

>> No.11750560

We'll know SpaceX stole Russian tech if they launch one up with a hole leaking air.

>> No.11750562

Soyuz blew up the other year while carrying cosmonauts.

>> No.11750568


>> No.11750570

Holy cope, Batman

>> No.11750573

I have the impression that these dudes who rule Russian departments are huge assholes.

Why not enjoy that Americans have made a great achievement? We are all on the same team. Our generation is trying to put its mark on history building bases on the Moon and on Mars.

>> No.11750578

The joke is that if he found success in Russia instead of America, the Russian government would have shived him out of jealousy.

>> No.11750587

Neither American nor Russian gets into space to be an astronaut/cosmonaut without going through a selection process operated by the government. This gives either government the opportunity to select astronauts with the dispositions they please.

>> No.11750588

>Why not enjoy that Americans have made a great achievement? We are all on the same team.
Not really. Dragon 2 being operational means that Soyuz has to be competitively priced thus reducing profit for Roscosmos.

>> No.11750590

They're no longer making money. They're pissed. They just lost NASA as their biggest paying customer. OneWeb filed for bankruptcy, that was another huge blow. ULA planning to go for BE-4 engines in the future.

Where does that leave them? Selling tech to China? Launching welfare satellites for Africa?

>> No.11750604

Its probably fake news. Surely Roscosmos was well aware Nasa wouldn’t be using their rockets forever especially as they were publically developing their own. Falcon 9 and Dragon are a decade old.

>> No.11750605

>Soyuz has been a reliable workhorse for more than a decade and is pretty reliable.
Soyuz has been in operation since the 1960s you goddamn ignorant false flagging Amerimutt.

>> No.11750607

Russians are huge shit-talkers, the love bravado and are extremely insecure and passive-agressive. Rogozin isn't an exception here but a good representation of the Russian government as a whole, they're all talk no walk.

>> No.11750617

I think everyone in the world knows that America will lead the mission to Mars, but Russia and Europe can play their role too. If we can assist America to advance humanity I don't think we should be seething about the fact that they are in the lead.

Think how much it advances world peace that russian and american astronauts (former military pilots both of them) are living together on the space station.

This shit is too important for childish reactions

>> No.11750620

Well, if politicians don't fuck everything up, feel free to be optimistic.

>> No.11750624
File: 883 KB, 1191x667, 1582752185778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America had the opportunity for a manned flyby of Venus in 70s but they chickened out and we've been living in the worst timeline ever since.


>> No.11750628

Oh schizo

>> No.11750636

And Dragon 2 just started operation, and is operating better than Soyuz at its start, you FUDposter.

>> No.11750637

Reminder China has launched their own space station (a shitty scaled up salyut derivative IIRC) because America won't let them participate with the so called International Space Station.

>> No.11750642

Maybe if China weren't thieving fucking cunts, things would be different.

>> No.11750645

That's a big part of it but don't forget the prestige aspect. Commercial Crew is a HUGE hit to their national pride.

Russian space program has been on life support for many years with the only saving grace being their ability to launch humans to ISS but now even that advantage is gone. Roscosmos is becoming more and more irrelevant.

>> No.11750647

Are they not allowed on the ISS? I always had the impression that they deliberately chose not to participate.

>> No.11750650
File: 12 KB, 400x346, 1564522818425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad?

>> No.11750655

Why did Russia kill their commercial launch business and no long try to be competitive with SpaceX? There are fewer Soyuz-2 launches each year.

>In April 2018, Russia's chief spaceflight official, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said in an interview, "The share of launch vehicles is as small as four percent of the overall market of space services. The four percent stake isn’t worth the effort to try to elbow Musk and China aside. Payloads manufacturing is where good money can be made."

>> No.11750657

US Federal Law forbids NASA from any collaboration with China.

>> No.11750660


I mean, I'm no fan of the chink guberment either, but what would be the downside of working together on space?

>> No.11750661

Shitty management probably. Perhaps they can't figure out how to make it profitable with all the government bribes they'd have to make.

>> No.11750662

Barred since 2011.

They got caught trying to steal our missile tech last year and there's not a fucking year there's not at least 10 fucking "tourists" in my city flying drones near a naval base pretending they can't read signs.
Untrustworthy fuckers aren't welcome.

>> No.11750667

Daily reminder: FUCK China.

>> No.11750674

Well once Russians get over seething and coping they might roll out something interesting and unique

>> No.11750678

>so called International Space Station.
>so called
>in·ter·na·tion·al | \ ˌin-tər-ˈnash-nəl , -ˈna-shə-nᵊl \
>Definition of international (Entry 1 of 2)
>1: of, relating to, or affecting two or more nations

>> No.11750680

have slavs ever managed to get angara working yet

>> No.11750683

>Are they not allowed on the ISS?

Yep. It is illegal for NASA to collaborate with China and it should always remain so until the Communist Party is destroyed.

>> No.11750688

That piece of shit Mao supporter remains irrelevant to everyone outside China.

>> No.11750689

>but what would be the downside of working together on space?

China is an enemy evil nation and should be harmed whenever possible, not cooperated with.

>> No.11750690

This guy >>11750650, Qian Xuesen, came to America to get educated by MIT then got recruited onto the Manhatten project. He was one of the guys the American government sent to Europe to look into V2 rocket stuff. He did a lot of early work on space plane/glider stuff.

Then the American government accused him of being a spy. He said "I'm not a spy, fuck you, I'm gonna be a spy since you said that". And then he returned to China and basically founded their missile/rocket program.

>> No.11750696

>what would be the downside of working together on space?
Anything you show a Chinese astronaut will be reported back to Beijing, and your own technology- mass produced and slightly shittier- will be used to fuck you over a few years down the line. This is what China does.

>> No.11750698
File: 89 KB, 1280x308, 1564100111056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China is an enemy evil nation
Was that not also true of Soviet Russia? NASA collaborated with them, notably Apollo-Soyuz.

>> No.11750707

The only reason we collaborated with the reds was because both had nukes held to each other’s heads

>> No.11750710

Qian was a literal communist party member and openly stated his interests align with China over the US when questioned, of course the arrested him.
>basically founded their missile/rocket
That's just propaganda. He was 80 years old at the time the program begun in 1992. They used some of his earlier work and whatever he stole from Caltech, that's about it.

I guess you guys don't have many good heros to look up to when you stole your entire existence from the backs of westerners.

>> No.11750714

China also has enough nukes to ruin America. More than enough to saturate any ABM defenses, which are only any good against much smaller nuclear threats like North Korea. They wouldn't win a nuclear war, but neither would America.

>> No.11750722

Nah we’d win. America always wins and communism always loses.

>> No.11750724
File: 972 KB, 2800x2786, GPN-2000-001137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, anyone who say's otherwise is a filthy commie

>> No.11750730
File: 388 KB, 320x214, minuteman III MIRV.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinks ain't got shit.

>> No.11750740

Then why has the American government steadfastly refused to nuke the Russians?

>That's just propaganda. He was 80 years old at the time the program begun in 1992.
China began development of their first nuclear ICBM in the 60s and it was deployed in the mid 70s.

>> No.11750751

>Then why has the American government steadfastly refused to nuke the Russians?

We won without firing a shot.

>> No.11750752

Look up "super-fuze" and how it's making the Russians screech. Unironically thanks Obama.

>> No.11750759

Quality post.

>> No.11750763

Buying into the Chinks vs The World nonsense is dumb as fuck.
Just stop doing business with them entirely like Iran, see what happens to the economy.
Don't come sperging out when you realise how much you've just fucked your economy.

>> No.11750767

I wonder if future settlements will take it into consideration. Is semen a good fertilizer for use in hydroponics?

>> No.11750768

That doesn't make any sense, their ICBM program began while Qian was still a prisoner in the US and he was never associated to it. Instead he is credited as founding the National Space Bureau and manned space program in 1992-1993, but again, that is propaganda because he retired in 1991.

>> No.11750769

Russia and America are both going tit for tat. Ballistic missile defense systems, smarter warheads like that, nuclear powered cruise missiles and torpedoes, etc.

>> No.11750771

>Then why has the American government steadfastly refused to nuke the Russians?
Look at why they didn't do it from 1945-1949.

>> No.11750777

He went back to China in 1955 dude. Among his credits:

>In October 1956, he became the director of the Fifth Academy of the Ministry of National Defense, tasked with ballistic missile and nuclear weapons development. He was part of the overall effort that resulted in the successful "596" atomic bomb test on October 16, 1964, and the "Test No. 6" hydrogen bomb test on June 17, 1967. This was the fastest fission-to-fusion development in history at 32 months, compared to 86 months for the United States and 75 months for the USSR, and gave China a thermonuclear device ahead of major Western powers like France.

>> No.11750779

>Just stop doing business with them entirely like Iran, see what happens to the economy.

A slump then an explosion as manufacturing returns.

>> No.11750788

Because they thought they had time to lick their wounds after WWII, and because a nuclear strike at that time would have meant using heavy bombers over Russia, which was very far from a sure bet?

>> No.11750797

Should have just let the bugs on the ISS to actually get more funding. It's retarded and political, has nothing to do with fucking natsec considering the number of random paid tourists.

>> No.11750809

>and because a nuclear strike at that time would have meant using heavy bombers over Russia

B-29s could hit Moscow from London, and the Russians had nothing capable of interception. We should have nuked them to submission.

>> No.11750813

>Just work with the evil inhuman communists who want to take over the world xD

>> No.11750814

In some things maybe, for the US you might do ok but a lot of products that would cost through the nose and still get manufactured in some 3rd world hellhole with corrupt garbage govt. It would be a massive drag on productivity. It might feel good buying a $4000 nationalism iphone but that's $3000 not spent elsewhere in the economy.
I see this shit in Australia all the time and it's dumb as fuck. Don't really buy into the whole thing. All these cunts talk constantly about China but have absolutely no idea about the place apart from the media tells them to think.
Entire flyover states would collapse in the US if you stopped trade. I really don't think many people have a sense of the scale with trade, especially farming exports.
The only good thing that comes from all this is hopefully another space race if the chinks try something ambitious and it rustles some burger jimmies for big funding increases.

>> No.11750821

>In some things maybe, for the US you might do ok but a lot of products that would cost through the nose and still get manufactured in some 3rd world hellhole with corrupt garbage govt.

I don’t care as long as they’re not communist. “Made in Nigeria” when?

> I see this shit in Australia all the time and it's dumb as fuck. Don't really buy into the whole thing. All these cunts talk constantly about China but have absolutely no idea about the place apart from the media tells them to think.

They’re communists who put people in concentration camps and practice systematic religious discrimination. All I need to know.

>> No.11750824
File: 1.17 MB, 375x153, nuclear howitzer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nuclear creeping-barrage across Russia
imagine the sight

>> No.11750847

You wouldn’t need to glass the place. Their manpower pool was running on fumes.
Step 1: Release and arm hundreds of thousands of Axis POWs
Step 2: Attack Soviet armies in Germany and Eastern Europe, dropping a nuke on them when they inevitably bunch up into densely packed armored divisions
Step 3: Nuke Leningrad
Step 4: Nuke Moscow
Step 5: Demand absolute surrender; nuke more cities until they concede

>> No.11750849

>a nuclear strike at that time would have meant using heavy bombers over Russia, which was very far from a sure bet?
>they'll never bomb us
said the Germans
>they'll never bomb us
said the Japanese

>> No.11750858

And extensive air campaign to prep for nuclear bombing is exactly the sort of conflict very few in America were eager for immediately after WWII.

>> No.11750860

>I don’t care as long as they’re not communist. “Made in Nigeria” when?
This, one thing that a lot americans don't get it is that the majority of those blue collar manufacturing jobs will never come back, they went to China because China was the cheapest place, once China is not the cheapest place anymore these jobs will move elsewhere, it could be Southeast Asia, India, Africa, etc.

>> No.11750862

All Americans realize that...

>> No.11750864
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This is what peak performance looks like.

>> No.11750869
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>zero reusability

>> No.11750875

The Russians haven't recovered the STC for reusable rockets yet. Give the Meхaникyc some more time.

>> No.11750879

it's still not available, wtf

>> No.11750889

Boeing will make sure it is never available

>> No.11750891
File: 51 KB, 356x366, IMG_20200601_015957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cummies flying around
>clog air ventilation
>everybody asphyxiates
>death stinks of coom

>> No.11750896

>inb4 a SpaceX insider leaks the recording to BTFO Boeing again
Nudge nudge. Wink wink.

>> No.11750902

if you don't make cummies somehow on the regular your junk shrivels up from disuse, just like a paraplegic's legs

>> No.11750907

>if you don't make cummies somehow on the regular

Fuck your wife.

>> No.11750915

No vatnik but soyuz had a malfunction and its backup systems got those two men back to earth safely. Now while there probably was an explosion, it certainly occurred after the escape systems had detached the crew capsule from the rest of the rocket, so your statement is false.

>> No.11750929

If they haven't done it in 60 years, they're not going to do it ever.

>> No.11750934

Thunderf00t must be seething

>> No.11750935

is she on the space station?

>> No.11750959

Very unlikely, but you can masturbate to eachother.

>> No.11750964

In all honestly, modern Soyuz is the pinnacle of 1960's LEO launch vehicle design. Operating it 60 years later is a joke.

>> No.11750965

Doing that with the signal lag would be funny.

>> No.11750974

Technical question; It is generally agreed upon here that propulsive landing of boosters would've been impossible in the 1960s and 70s due to limitations of computer technology of the day. However, could a combined propulsive and chute landing be feasible during those times? The booster would use the engines for reentry like the Falcon 9, but would instead burn again at altitude to slow down enough for a chute (or drogue then chute) to be deployed which then is used for the landing. Could this be done around the time the beginning of the Shuttle, and would it be significantly cheaper to operate?

>> No.11750982

I don’t think it’d be very significant. Stations in LEO are very, very close to Earth’s surface as far as light is concerned.

>> No.11750989
File: 2.48 MB, 320x720, 1590779754530.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expect either radio silence on the matter or a backhanded congratulatory remark at best, for example;
>"This Satuhday we bore whitness to the fuhst manned space launch from American Soil in almost a decade, on a FALcon NINE rocket built by none other than Elon Musk. And to that I say, good for him. HOWever, don't get TOO carried away celebrating, as if this is, CONfirMAtion that in short order we'll be on Mars and Europa and flying, POINT to POINT on ROCKETS for the price of an, economy class ticket, because on friday, just TWENty FOUR hours before their crewed launch, at their Boca Chica Texas test stand, we saw, this"
>see multiple video clips replaying pic related a dozen times
>cue long winded I-am-so-intelligent explanation of how methane and oxygen mixed together explodes, and how "NASA solved pipe work DECADES ago!!", and other retarded half baked comments insinuating Starship is a giant scam

>> No.11750998

SRBs already landed by parachute. However since they dropped in the sea, it wasn’t easy to reuse them.

>> No.11751003


>> No.11751006

The short answer, a really big MAYBE.

The longer answer, it seems like a bit of a rube-goldberg machine, and would come along with a lot of severe disadvantages in terms of mass and performance, to the point that you'd probably be better off using the winged booster designs they actually were considering back then.

Falcon 9 uses modern computers and lands its booster at as close to zero velocity as they can get it, which is actually much softer than a parachute touch down. Not only would you need to add the mass of the largest parachutes ever designed, you'd also need to strengthen the legs and add more shock absorption capacity in order to successfully land the things. You would of course need to LAND them, because without the computers necessary to do a hoverslam propulsive landing you also can't steer well enough to hit a target that small from suborbital trajectory, also you couldn't steer once you had the chutes open regardless. Instead you'd launch so that your booster will come down somewhere inside a large square landing area dozen or hundreds of km across in the desert somewhere.

All the mass and complexity and difficulty of getting that system working would mean you'd be better off doing the two-big-space-whales-fucking approach to reusable launch vehicles.

>> No.11751008

Good, sexuality is holding humanity back from ascending to new evolutionary heights

>> No.11751015

>sex bad cus i never have it

>> No.11751016

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11751018

There's about a second lagtime for LEO isn't there? Even a second is enough to make some intimate time more awkward. Assuming we never get instantaneous communication at any distance, you'll be left sending/receiving videos only I'd bet.

>> No.11751022

> “Made in Nigeria” when?

> Since January 2000, several Northern states have institutionalized a version of Sharia law.
> gay marriage and public displays of affection between same-sex couples and allots fourteen years in prison
> According to the U.S. Department of Labor, 31% of Nigerian children (around 14,000,000 children) aged 5 to 14 years old are working children who engage in forced labor in various sectors.

kek, good work white knight

> who put people in concentration camps
Chinks: 120 prisoners per 100,000
Burgers: 650 prisoners per 100,000 (80% have not been convicted, vast majority are black)

Fix your own shit before pretending to actually care about some mussies being fed beer and bacon. Nationalism is a plague on this planet.

Bluescreen right as you are about to coom

>> No.11751024

They wouldn't ever be cheap to re-use period.

First of all a solid rocket motor chews up its nozzle really bad during use, since that nozzle is dealing with hypersonic impingement of corundum dust grains. The nozzle is the second most complex part of the boosters, since it needs to be able to steer and provide gimbal control without allowing burning exhaust to slip between the nozzle joinery and the casing. Ironically, the most expensive part of any solid rocket booster is actually the fuel, unlike liquid rocket boosters. This is because on a solid rocket the fuel is itself a highly complex, machined, and inspected part of the motor. Large fuel grains must be cast with the correct proportion of fuel, binder, and oxidizer, very carefully of course so they don't blow up the factory, and then the huge resulting fuel grains must be inspected using non-destructive tools to look for any cracks or voids, and then the fuel grains need to be stacked inside the open casing and have final booster assembly occur while they're in there.

>> No.11751027

>According to the U.S. Department of Labor, 31% of Nigerian children (around 14,000,000 children) aged 5 to 14 years old are working children who engage in forced labor in various sectors.
Go-getters, I like the cut of their jib. Give 'em some jobs assembling barbies, it's got to be better than digging blood diamonds.

>> No.11751031


>> No.11751032

Chink put all the non-Chinese working men in prison in the Xinjiang region lol. They then put Chinese military personnel to sleep in the same house as those who are imprisoned. That was supposed to be a replacement father/husband/son to the family that lost their men. They literally put camera in every house to monitor the family's behaviours/movements/speech.

>> No.11751038
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>> No.11751043

>Burgers: 650 prisoners per 100,000 (80% have not been convicted, vast majority are black)

Don’t care about criminals hope we gas them

>> No.11751076

NASA posted a highlights video if anyone is interested

>> No.11751090

I mean what that steel can was doing months ago. I say leaks are an improvment to that steel can

>> No.11751096

You're infinitely more likely to get your organs stolen in a Chinese prison and get executed off the books. This has nothing to do with American nationalism, the Chinese are an affront to basic humanity.

>> No.11751100

Oh nevermind it blew up lol

>> No.11751103

Criminals should be executed via nitrogen asphyxiation, dried in large batches via vacuum dessication, and ground and pressed into pellets for fish farms. Two birds with one stone. We could also do this with POWs and literally solve all problems.

>> No.11751107

Unironically it's still improving rapidly despite the explosion. The thing that failed seems to be a ground support equipment quick connect on a propellant line, such a shame since the prototype would've hopped within days. Oh well, on to the next one, it's already built anyway.

>> No.11751113

We’ll just build more

>> No.11751119

Just throw them into pits, no need to get fancy.

>> No.11751129
File: 72 KB, 600x464, 3494a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is their any recent news about LOP-G?

>> No.11751134

Why was SpaceX doing so many static fires instead of already moving on to inflight testing?

It was the same thing with the pressure testing, destroying poorly welded prototypes trying to get the pressure up to human rated levels when it was unnecessary. I'm skeptical that the information learned from it would increase their production more than the delay that was produced.

>> No.11751135

All that wasted phosphorous and biologically available nitrogen, though

>> No.11751145

>why the pressure tests
They wanted to get their machine settings and build process correct for producing a structure that could handle the pressure. Since the successful pressure tests of SN4 any subsequent inert-gas pressure tests will be far less of an ass clenching event and pretty much the same routine testing that they do with all of their hardware.
>why the static fires
Probably for reasons invisible to us, such as working out optimal valve-opening timings to avoid fluid pressure transients and so forth, performing fires with varied settings on things to test variable conditions during the actual hop attempts, and of course for basic practice. Remember, this has been happening as fast for the control room guys and software techs as it has for the shop guys, they haven't had months to train on every procedure, in fact most of the procedures for testing probably aren't even months old.

>> No.11751146

The previous raptor had bit of issue during static fire, so this new raptor hit the floor to test out static fire. The recent blowup wasn't due to weld. They were simply testing quick disconnect feature. Leak happened due to probably valve not closing properly.

>> No.11751152

It still blows my mind every single time that human hands made this.

>> No.11751154

Fucking hell guys, we reamed out the tourists for splitting threads and then we make this mess?

>> No.11751172

>Leak happened due to probably valve not closing properly.
like nigga just put a bigger spring on it lmao

>> No.11751181

It’s fine

>> No.11751186

At this rate they're going to lose every vehicle to catastrophic failure every single time and then pull a 100% feature complete Starship Super Heavy out of a hat that has no issues after 100 test flights and immediately ramp up mass production.

>> No.11751191

Probably true, but it still is funny. Can't they just try a bit harder in the first place? It's not like it's rock- oh.

>> No.11751194

>Demo-2 press conference introduces 5 people
>99% of the media questions are for Musk
Lmao numedia

>> No.11751196

Why do six months of failure tree analysis on a part if you can just throw it into an operational environment, figure out why it failed, and then fix it permanently in one month?

>> No.11751199
File: 288 KB, 1279x862, shower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chad skylab vs the virgin iss
Jesus christ there was a lot of room in this thing

>> No.11751201

so that internet atheists don't laugh at you

>> No.11751202

I laughed but felt bad for them a little desu

>> No.11751204

Remember that Skylab would fit into the payload section of Starship with plenty of clearance

>> No.11751206

It was simply too effective to be done again. Need to have a barely usable smaller station in order to tone down everyone's expectations so that lack of progress wouldn't be noticed.

>> No.11751210

Imagine how big of an inflatable section you could fit in there then, why they aren't planning on using more inflatable modules boggles the mind

>> No.11751212

I'm honestly surprised Elon hasn't said jack shit about the possibility of Starship being able to launch space stations, if they're going to launch at a cadence even remotely close to what he's saying then you could have an ISS clone shot up in a month or less and just keep making more and more.

>> No.11751214
File: 312 KB, 1280x852, ballons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of inflatable modules, is the B330 cancelled now then? Since bigelow just laid of a bunch of people
These things would have been pretty massive too

>> No.11751216

Here is my 1000 IQ idea, SpaceX starts to prioritize in flight testing and then moves on to destructive testing afterwards of obsolete prototypes. Now one of you nerds tell me why that isn't a good idea. Hint: you can't.

>> No.11751223


>> No.11751226

Yep, and considering how economical Starships are to build compared to previous spacecraft, they can easily afford to blow up tens of them in testing before it becomes as cost prohibitive as even a single 100% successful SLS launch. They could blow up every Starship for another year and SN-20 would be perfect around the same time Boing!'s capsule does it's (OH NO NO NO) completely unmanned second test flight to see if they can even get avionics to not flip the capsule because of a fucking faulty clock.

>> No.11751228
File: 894 KB, 2949x1962, skylab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how the iss showers
It is really pathetic compared to an actual fucking shower launched in the 70s

>> No.11751230
File: 193 KB, 1024x695, 5438827357_1c8a84488d_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a launch-all spaceship, lots of people look at it as some kind of hypermodern miracle of technology, but this is it's closest real world equivalent. It's just a giant cargo/fuel/people hauler.

>> No.11751231

>Since bigelow just laid of a bunch of people
Fuck, should have applied to them, what bros.

>> No.11751237

Seems to still be going, but won't go up anytime soon

>> No.11751242

Why bother building one inflatable when for the same cost you can launch ten steel cans that take two weeks to complete from scratch? Dirt cheap launch means a lot of technologies that seem attractive now become unattractive.

He and Zubrin are on the same page, which is that the value of going to space is to do things with the resources there, and not to just construct the biggest possible money pit in orbit that your budget can allow. A Moon surface base is infinitely more interesting and valuable than the biggest station you could possibly construct in LEO using the same number of Starship launches.

>> No.11751246

That's the exciting thing, for the first time we'll be able to actually haul _anything_ more than a single satellite or a couple people between celestial bodies.

Another thing that will get enabled in the coming years because of Starship will be the construction of space-only crafts, which will just be huge. We can have ferries that strictly go from orbit to orbit without ever entering an atmosphere, I can only imagine what those will look like and how colossal they'll be

>> No.11751248

is the normie apocalypse over yet
have the tourists gone home

>> No.11751253

Whoever decided the us needed to cut the saturn and develop the shuttle should be shot

>> No.11751258

infinitely? I'd say there's still a lot of value in building just stations. If you could build a manufactory in orbit then you can start building shit from within the station and you don't need to spend millions on launching delicate and fragile equipment. Plus you can build a big ass station, attach some engines to it at a few vital areas and it can then become mobile. Send one or more to the orbit of both the Moon and Mars and now you have actual spaceports that can support interplanetary highways. There's a lot of advantages to be had when you're building in zero g (not just low g) and can build in any direction for any distance

>> No.11751263

I'm skeptical about the orbital refueling happening starship to starship, makes way more sense to build an orbital fuel depot

>> No.11751266

>space-only crafts, which will just be huge. We can have ferries that strictly go from orbit to orbit without ever entering an atmosphere, I can only imagine what those will look like and how colossal they'll be

Worthless idea. Aerobraking on Earth and Mars saves over four thousand delta/v

>> No.11751268

Events like this are always nice to remind the chinkoids that they are fucking subhumans that drop spent boosters on their own cities

>> No.11751274

>If you could build a manufactory in orbit then you can start building shit from within the station and you don't need to spend millions on launching delicate and fragile equipment.
But you will spend the same launching it if it's delicate or raw materials for your space factory to build into delicate things, anon. Again, cheap launch makes a lot of current-day attractive tech look a lot less attractive. Now, if you're somewhere with native resources, like the Moon or Mars, then yes you'll do a lot of in-situ manufacturing, using those freely available resources.

>spaceports that can support interplanetary highways.
Not good for Mars or Earth, because using the atmosphere to slow down and land directly cuts ~8 km/s off of your delta V requirement, minimum.

>> No.11751278

Why, so you can have the exact same issue of transferring bulk amounts of cryogenic liduid into and out of Starships, except you can throw in an additional engineering challenge and fund sink?

>> No.11751284

You do know that it takes more than 1 launches to fully fuel it? Unless you have a lot of launch sites it's easier to coordinate putting all the fuel in a single location before you launch the normal starship

>> No.11751286

There will eventually be a time when we land on something without an atmosphere, but that's beside the point.
If you build a giant station whose main purpose is to act as a STATION and not a ship, all you need is some babby engines in each direction and give it a gentle nudge in the direction you want to go. You'll get to your destination eventually, even if it takes a few years.
If you're on Mars I'm sure there would be any value at all in having access to a giant station just above you that has ample resources in the event of a contingency or one that just acts as a base of operations.

If you send raw materials to be used for construction on orbit, you can build shit vastly bigger than the payload size of any given ship. Imagine the size of space telescopes you could build that would otherwise be impossible to launch from earth either because it'd be too big or too fragile

>> No.11751287
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> Notice me senpai
It was painfully pathetic.

> now you have actual spaceports that can support interplanetary highways
These need to be maintained just as much if not more and they'll need to be spinning for staff to live there long enough.
In Mars orbit it's only going to get resupplies every 2 years, that's a bit rough.

>> No.11751291

Raw materials no, but orbital assembly of parts for sure. And it's very likely going to be how we build the first bigger stations since literally none of the designs worth going for would fit in any fairing

>> No.11751310

>it's easier to coordinate putting all the fuel in a single location before you launch the normal starship
Yes, so launch Tanker A, than launch Tanker B eight times to refill Tanker A, then launch Starship, then transfer a full propellant load from Tanker A into Starship, then send off Starship and land Tanker A, then repeat. No need to build a giant orbital fuel depot, just use what you have.

>> No.11751328

That old magazine one was the shittiest

>> No.11751343
File: 952 KB, 2136x3216, Soyuz_TMA-9_launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when a new soyuz comes out. Russia will never rely on another country to get to space.

>> No.11751346


>> No.11751370

I wonder if the lack of soyuz use will affect the cooperation of cosmonauts and astronauts

>> No.11751385

>when a new soyuz comes out
With what money? Roscosmos has been gutted to hell, and if it loses its ISS revenue it's basically broke. Not to mention after Trump loses you can bet Putin will get sanctioned to hell an there'll be even less money for fancy projects like a new capsule.

>> No.11751407

Would it be possible for something to have a figure eight orbit between binary stars?

>> No.11751415

Yes but it would be possible in the same sense that it is possible to balance a needle on its point. Any tiny perturbation from solar wind pressure or asymmetric gravitational fields would cause the orbit to decay chaotically extremely quickly.

>> No.11751441

I think it would just sit right in between them, at the system’s barycenter

>> No.11751445
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>hey uh where do you want me to park this?

>> No.11751462

redpill me on skylab

>> No.11751466

>corrupt people and religious crazies get shot immediately
how is that a problem?

>random criminals are sent to private prisons ($$$) even before they get to a trial
>some innocent people stay in prison for years or even decades
>corrupt politicians manage the country and don't even fear for their lives

I'd say the chinese system is better. it's better to die rather than live decades incarcerated for whatever retarded reason, while knowing people in power can do whatever they want with no consequences.

>> No.11751473

>Dude this racist state atheist 1984 state is better than America because we got criminals in jail

>> No.11751476

I don't think they are racist, m8. the chinese are more diverse than the US and europe combined.

>> No.11751479

also, I wonder how would you feel if you were sent to prison for years for being accused or stealing $20 or some shit. or asphyxiated by a cop for being black. (which is the racist state?)

and btw, islam isn't a "race", it's a religion.

>> No.11751481

You're fucked in the head pinko, the US system at the very least tries (but like all systems sometimes fails) to carry out justice. Yes, some scumbags who deserve a bullet dodge their just deserts, thanks in large part to the mostly successful elimination of the death penalty by the kinds of pinkos who worship commie hellholes like China. Yes, sometimes innocent people are imprisoned, although this is almost exclusively due to accidents in which the system is gamed or fails to function as intended, meanwhile in commie shitholes like China it is an accepted fact of life that the state can arbitrarily decide your guild or innocence irrelevant of reality, because in barbarian commie shitholes the state gets to decide what reality is. Yes, corrupt politicians can skate, and thanks to their increasing emulation of the policies and tactics already in use in barbarian socialist shithole countries they will increasingly be able to get away with whatever they want.

Our system produces barbaric bad results when it's failing to do what it was intended to do, shithole commie backwaters produce barbaric bad results by fucking design.

>> No.11751486
File: 305 KB, 960x1281, ai spacefactory concept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyre still rigid inside. absolute memes

>> No.11751491


>> No.11751494

>I don't think they are racist, m8


>the chinese are more diverse than the US and europe combined.

China actively attempts to destroy its diversity.

>> No.11751495

from what I've read, your whole social/political/education system is repressive, racist, xenophobic, segregationist and benefits powerful people. it's no wonder most of your rich people are """white""" and most of those imprisoned are black.

also, once again: being shot in the head > being imprisoned unjustly or for political reason for years or decades. and a dead politician is better than a corrupt one. politicians are supposed to serve their people, not to benefit from their position of power.

>muh barbaric
LOL, have you seen the disasters your foreign policies has created? even your "leftist" presidents have even supported extreme conservative/right-wing military/religious governments all over the world. you are rich only because your richest rich can steal whatever they want and enslave/kill whoever they want in the world. I really hope your politicians and military/intelligence forces eat an h-bomb some day, hopefully a few ones coming from china AND russia at the same time.

also, communist societies don't have states.

>> No.11751497

>also, I wonder how would you feel if you were sent to prison for years for being accused or stealing $20 or some shit. or asphyxiated by a cop for being black. (which is the racist state?)

I wouldn’t know because I’m not a criminal like yourself and have no intention of ever defending criminals.

>> No.11751501

>Actual pinko poster


>> No.11751503

>confusing nationalism with racism
you people are a bunch of retards

>I wouldn’t know because I’m not a criminal like yourself
ah, the poltard, always attacking the counterpart instead of applying logic and reason to the argument. sad!

>> No.11751506

>confusing nationalism with racism

So it wouldn’t be racist if the US government began actively destroying Mexican culture in the US?

>> No.11751508

>you people are a bunch of retards
The pot calling the kettle a nigger.

>> No.11751511

in nationalist logic (not ultra-nationalistic, like nazi/fascist), states homogenize people to integrate them.
it's OBVIOUS that if mexicans want to live in the US and take advantage of thei society, they should, at least, learn the language and culture, isn't it? same for tibetans.
but tibetans are a race as much as mexicans are: they aren't.

you guys learned about politics in internet forums or something? you have no idea of basic concepts, ffs

>> No.11751515

Can we get back on topic if you want to talk about the CCP in a way that has nothing to do with science, technology, or space please go to >>>/pol/

>> No.11751520

So you agree that it wouldn’t be racist for the US to actively destroy Mexican culture; like for example sending Mexicans away from their families and shutting down churches that taught Spanish?

Not surprising pinkos are racist.

>> No.11751522

Project harder, racist.

>> No.11751528

>You’re racist because you think exterminating minority cultures is racist

No wonder communism failed.

>> No.11751531

>Not to mention after Trump loses
hes not going to lose
>With what money?
that doesn't change my point. They will continue with their own rocket no matter what

>> No.11751536

Sorry, that was me being retarded. I somehow read "pinko" as "gringo."

>> No.11751539

Really? LMAO

>> No.11751549

Falcon 9 sucks for TLI. Can we at least swing a Falcon Heavy?

>Was that not also true of Soviet Russia? NASA collaborated with them, notably Apollo-Soyuz.
The Soviets were enemies but you could at least trust them in limited areas like Apollo-Soyuz or Shuttle-Mir. Chinks would steal everything not welded to the hull of the ISS.

>> No.11751553

There is a pure-cargo version planned, with a giant Pac-Man-style "chomper" (their term) hatch.

Anybody who wants to build a space station will be able to get components delivered *very* cheaply. Also, it could launch a telescope--pointed either up OR down--with up to an 8-meter primary mirror.

>> No.11751557

>So you agree that it wouldn’t be racist for the US to actively destroy Mexican culture; like for example sending Mexicans away from their families and shutting down churches that taught Spanish?
Yes. Mexican isn't a race. Racism would be sterilizing all of the indio and mestizo populations in Mexico.

>> No.11751560

>Anybody who wants to build a space station will be able to get components delivered *very* cheaply. Also, it could launch a telescope--pointed either up OR down--with up to an 8-meter primary mirror.
Think of how big a parabolic mesh antenna you could fold up in there for microwave-band radio telescopes or killsats.

>> No.11751572

>muh culture
capitalism and nationalism destroyed most cultures a long time ago
>muh Mexican culture
lol, none of the ex-spanish colonies in latin america have a "culture"
and gringo is not a racist word, it's a denomination of origin.

again, you fuckers have no idea about politicis, history, ... anything.
just keep talking about rockets, retards. politics isn't your thing.

>> No.11751581

>Yes. Mexican isn't a race

The term “Racism” refers also to ethnic and cultural discrimination in modern usage. Kys pedant

>> No.11751583

>Pinko babbling

>> No.11751585

>There is a pure-cargo version planned, with a giant Pac-Man-style "chomper" (their term) hatch.

Briliant. I suppose Starship won’t have a fairing in the typical sense; one that gets blown off

>> No.11751593

It would be cool if they could use the door that covers the flatbed of the CyberTruck.

>> No.11751607

Chinks are very racist lmao. They look down upon people who aren't Han.

>> No.11751612

Don’t reply. They think it’s okay to literally wipe out minority cultures

>> No.11751623

Planetary Protection is horseshit. Earth and mars exchange material constantly with one another,including microbes, through meteors. The idea that a Martian megavirus will wipe out all life on earth is a dime-store pulp plot. And the attempted "well we should MAKE SURE there is no life on Mars first" is meaningless and impossible-Mars is ENORMOUS! It has the same surface area as all the continents of the Earth. It could have liquid water reservoirs in hundreds of widely spread out locations. It would take MILLENNIA to even get close to doing that, and for WHAT? to maybe preserve some random brackish pool of glorified slime mold for a few hundred million more years, until the world fully finishes its inevitable death? If WE bring back oceans to mars, then any life it does have gets a second chance to thrive and evolve.

>> No.11751626

Finding life on Mars would be cool because we can say definitely that aliens exist.

>> No.11751628

Inside of ten years. Federation spacecraft is vaporware and 50% of Roscosmos revenue was sales of Soyuz seats to the americans and RD-180's for the Atlas 5 which will be retired in a few years. After that is gon there will be now money for new spacecraft development and the Russian program will slowly dribble to a close after Soyuz is grounded following a few more flight anomalies.

>> No.11751643

When the ISS was being built China had almost no experience launching humans into orbit and when they did, it was heavily dependent on old tech they bought from the Russians. China literally doesn't bring anything new to the table and only enters into partnership agreements to steal intellectual property.

>> No.11751645

One downside would be China literally not being innovative and not offering new tech or money, while trying to rip off as much tech as possible.

>> No.11751648

I believe one variant has launched twice. Kind of 90's tech though, Angara would have been a good Proton replacement if they got it online like 20 years ago.

>> No.11751655

LEO is nearly instantaneous. GEO is roughly 1/2 sec.

>> No.11751666

The Soyuz R-7 launch vehicle is the only current operating launcher whose main engines still use peroxide-permangangate gas generators to power the turbopumps. That is literal V2 / Redstone era tech.

>> No.11751680

Redstone was added to Minecraft within recent history

>> No.11751685

blowing up this latest one was an accident
How is that different? It's the fucking same, only know you've got two or three different things to make instead of just one or two.

>> No.11751688
File: 46 KB, 668x662, 1483859465404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11751689


>> No.11751713
File: 68 KB, 700x453, tITVSF--ae6EzYoAuzCx8lcCgn05MdPwuI2GMjJCKZ4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rogozin isn't an exception here but a good representation
Rogozin is in a class of his own. His main job has been shit talking since he was deputy pm

>> No.11751750

This is why we need women out in space. To relieve the men.

>> No.11751757

I wouldn't be surprised if they put libido suppressants in the food to be honest.

>> No.11751760

Sounds like degeneracy.

>> No.11751763

They don't want you shooting your genetic material all over the place in microgravity, man.

>> No.11751774

Whole place is unironically already flooded in skin cells and musk.

I'm actually really curious what happens when you ejaculate in zero g and how it relates to pregnancy
Do the sperm have a harder time fertilizing an egg, do you need to do artificial insemination (as in syringe in the vagoo)?

>> No.11751776

>the sun will boil the oceans within 100 million years
>that means we have at most ten million years before the tropics become permanently too hot to sustain human life outdoors
>at 25 years per, that is at most 400,000 human generations left before we need to have truly autarkic colonies on Mars and the outer system, with full cultural, physical, electronic, and biological backups of everything we care about on Earth
>and after that we have less than 4 billion years to back up civilization and our solar system to another star
Given the scarcity of livable planets it might be easier to adjust Earth's orbit to keep it in thermal equilibrium with the sun as it heats up.

>> No.11751777

Didn't mice manage to get pregnant in microgravity? It's not zero g by the way, need to get much higher up than that to call it "zero" g.

>> No.11751812

We had frog eggs fertilized in micro-g and they developed normally.

>> No.11751817

If it's got Earth genetics it might actually be pretty hard to prove it wasn't contamination or general panspermia. As other comment mentioned the two planets are swapping more matter than a drunken orgy.
> Unironically thinking we have a half decent chance to make it another 20 generations
We still just monkeys anon. Many people on Earth aren't responsible enough for the technology given to them.

>> No.11751824

Talk about posts that aged badly in jist a few hours. Go hide with the lights off, pal.

>> No.11751825

excuse me?

>> No.11751828

We will survive as a species. Democracy won't. Modern society would be much improved if you could whip people for being dumb enough to fall for Nigerian prince scammers.


>> No.11751843

>"only" 100 million years and 400,000 generations
I extremely doubt it will take more than a few millenia to be fully spacefaring with self-sustainable cylinder habitats, more likely a few centuries.

>> No.11751846

Politicians will find a way to fuck it up for us.

>> No.11751892

> Unironically thinking we have a half decent chance to make it another 20 generations

Humans will outlive the universe itself.

>> No.11751966

It’s a six second delay to the moon from the sun. :distance to sun divided by six is 50,000,000,000 which is about 50 times farther than the moon is from earth.

>> No.11751977

it's ten seconds from the earth to the moon
it's almost eight and a half minutes from the sun to the earth (it's the same time for the sun to the moon)

>> No.11751979

No reason to.
And that was also the normality before shuttle retired.

>> No.11751983

Trump’s victory becomes more of a landslide every time apes riot more

>> No.11751993

"the left is destroying itself" meme is become more reality every day.

>> No.11752075

New: >>11752072