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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 18 KB, 220x290, 220px-Brian_May_2017_Guitar_Cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11650312 No.11650312 [Reply] [Original]

Why is astronomy such a meme among popsci faggots?

>> No.11650314

because stars are pretty cool

>> No.11650327

unconstrained by any meaningful experiment or serious theoretical understanding,
you can claim anything, the sky is the limit
also technically, basics of photoshop or equivalent are enough

>> No.11650331

plasmas are hot

>> No.11650338 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 400x400, black_hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11650405 [DELETED] 


>> No.11650422 [DELETED] 

my hero :)

>> No.11650439 [DELETED] 
File: 1.99 MB, 320x240, thats_rite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good laughs, good times!

>> No.11650484

Astronomy != Astrology

>> No.11651127

Astrophysics < Astrology

>> No.11651160 [DELETED] 

Imagine how lovable this big doofus might've been if he hadn't been puppeteered by a bunch of psychos.

>> No.11651428

1. It "looks cool".
2. It's tied in with a lot of entertainment in the form of science fiction.
3. It has a somewhat mystic "vibe" for historical/cultural reasons. This one probably doesn't matter as much now as it did a few generations back, but it's still there and PR for the field actively takes advantage of it, so I'll list it.

>> No.11651746

what do incels mean when they say popsci? like doing or reading about anything without making it your profession? it’s amazing how /pol/ is like a different species. Their low intelligence makes them so unrelatable.

>> No.11651761

Because literally everyone can see the night sky and wonder whats out there.

>> No.11652082

Brian May is cool, faggot.

>> No.11652307

idk just reatarded boring shit for kids. good thing newton liked it tho otherwise we woulfd be in the stone age still

>> No.11652676

Because it's accessible. And stop being a faggot that shits on people that are trying to learn something.

>> No.11652755

Because the right-wing ideal is for the many to be as ignorant--and obedient to the harsh and arbitrary authority of a dimwit few--as it is possible to make them. Also, the less parochial with respect to place and time any subject of inquiry is--astronomy and natural history particularly--the more embarrassing the results are to the claims of religious fundamentalists. A certain fragility of ego, born of abuse and neglect, is also involved, in that those who always feel besieged by grim contingencies, even under favorably changed circumstances, aren't apt to take the larger view with tranquil equanimity.

>> No.11652840

>Because the right-wing ideal is for the many to be as ignorant--and obedient to the harsh and arbitrary authority of a dimwit few--as it is possible to make them. Also, the less parochial with respect to place and time any subject of inquiry is--astronomy and natural history particularly--the more embarrassing the results are to the claims of religious fundamentalists. A certain fragility of ego, born of abuse and neglect, is also involved, in that those who always feel besieged by grim contingencies, even under favorably changed circumstances, aren't apt to take the larger view with tranquil equanimity.

what the fuck is this mental gymnastics hoopityloop bullshit
>I am superior hence I know better because of my big brain
fuck off nigger

>> No.11652847

the purpose of the spoken and written word is to convey complex and sometimes arbitrary concepts as simply as is possible.
you make yourself look extremely fucking retarded by conveying simple concepts in a complicated manner, which you are in your shitty fucking post that reeks of the humanities.

you're a fucking poser.

fuck you

>> No.11653504
File: 31 KB, 480x360, bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I found the teacher's pet who used fancy schmancy words to sound more intelligent than he really was.