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File: 31 KB, 795x603, you should be able to solve this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11554629 No.11554629 [Reply] [Original]

Because if not then you cant prove rockets work in space.

>> No.11554681

>Literal rocket science
Yeah I'm not doing your homework for you fag

>> No.11554684

If its in a vacuum then why is the balloon floating?

>> No.11554694

its not. read the scale

>> No.11554700
File: 36 KB, 795x603, you should be able to solve this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made a more shitposter version for memers as well as putting in relative volumes for the two containers.

>> No.11554704

>t Nasa Shill

>> No.11554741

Neither flies nor the scale is vacuum.

>> No.11554746

Ooooh baby hurt me harder daddy.
One day you'll be able to realize FTL manipulations, detection and travel, but sadly, that is not today

>> No.11554774
File: 21 KB, 795x603, simple version rocket theory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok how about this?

>> No.11554824

it depends heavily on the geometry of that hole, dude

>> No.11554831

its a cylinder through the skin of the container. hell you can even make the entire container one big drum and just take the lid off suddenly. are you 13? do you need me to hold your hand through a physics scenario? can you not make some assumptions yourself?

>> No.11554841

So is the point you're making that its hard to calculate thrust through a nozzle?

>> No.11554851

its just a simple thought experiment on the nature of thrust in empty space.

>> No.11554853

it's just pressure*area but it won't help you because you need to know the ISP of hydrogen through the nozzle

>> No.11554860

When I was a kid I thought rockets couldn't work in space because there was nothing for them to "push" on, is this what you're after?

>> No.11554875

but the area of the nozzle is no longer being pushed on by the air. the air can can just fly out into empty space and that kinetic energy is lost.

>> No.11554881

the area of the hole isn't being pushed on by the hydrogen, but the area across from the hole IS
so it's a net area*pressure difference

>> No.11554882

>Energy can ever be lost


>> No.11554886

aw man why do retards always think they are smart. i mean lost from the system. you think that energy in a circuit isnt lost as heat to the environment?

>> No.11554910
File: 17 KB, 642x603, pressure differential rocket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where does the pressure difference affect the forces. this isnt like a plane wing creating high pressure zones in a medium, this is a medium and a lack of medium. its a big difference.

>> No.11554916

>i mean lost from the system

There is nowhere for the kinetic energy to go except for the rocket/balloon, so the rocket/balloon must accelerate. You can watch this occur yourself by blowing up a balloon and letting it open. It’ll fly around.

>> No.11554917

retard, bye

>> No.11554936
File: 35 KB, 500x417, solutionbaloonproblem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was pretending to be retarded.

>> No.11554946

I knew you could figure it out

>> No.11554953

>be me, hydrogen atom
>bouncing around in container like the Chad that I am
>constantly smashing into the walls and my fellow hydrogen atoms
>collisions basically random, the net sum of the momentum my brothers and I impart onto the chamber walls is 0
>suddenly a hole appears
>fly out into vacuum
>fuck, accidentally imparted some momentum onto the opposite side of the chamber wall before escaping
>was planning on nullifying it by bouncing off the other side, but then this fucking hole appears out of nowhere
>whatever, I'm in space now lol

>> No.11554990

>everybody walk the hadronosaur

its kind of a shame we cant extract all the energy of the gas. i suppose thats where clever valves and thruster shapes come into it.

>> No.11555015

de leval nozzle, yeah
it works the same way but it gets all the molecules moving in roughly the same direction instead of "however they happen to find the nozzle"

>> No.11555080

so it makes sure nearly every molecule bounces off the container before leaving into space for each explosion of fuel.

>> No.11555249

Conservation of momentum you absolute retard

>> No.11555717

>heh i bet you can't calculate THIS if i don't give you any values


>> No.11555728

Lol you guys are a bunch of nerds.
t.lawfagg making lots of money and fucking your ex high school cruches

>> No.11555751

nice blog you fag. go to your cheap whores. you arent a bigshot man climb down.

>> No.11555763
