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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11538276 No.11538276 [Reply] [Original]

While everyone is panicking, wasting their time cooming to porn, playing games - in general spending the majority of their time in cognitive haze, what can one do in order to get ahead in the society that will remain after this lockdown is lifted in a year or two? Whats the most useful skill you can develop right now? What are other anons like me doing?

>> No.11538296

>what can one do in order to get ahead in the society

post on 4chan

>after this lockdown is lifted in a year or two
unironically kys

>> No.11538308

No need to be so hateful and mean.

>> No.11538334

>what can one do
use tinder, sluts are in full breeding mode
>after this lockdown is lifted
you'll still have their numbers

>> No.11538341

What if I am burnt out on sluts and disloyalty and just want a monogamous loving trustworthy relationship?

>> No.11538361

care to elaborate anon, im personally at a loss of how to get clunge during this virus

>> No.11538382

You are just closet homosexual. Vagina is one of the only commodities on planet that doesn't experience diminishing returns. After having sex with 20 females the only thought in your head should be "where do I get the 21st".

>> No.11538396

>Vagina is one of the only commodities on planet that doesn't experience diminishing returns.
The other being dick

>> No.11538412

I don't feel that way. And no I am not low T or broken hormonally. I am on the upper range of whats considered normal. There is nothing wrong with my masculinity. I just want an unused untainted wife. Like any mindless pleasure, once you have enough, it becomes stale.

>> No.11538414

Based and familyvalues pilled

>> No.11538429

What do you mean "family values"? The guy doesnt even have a family for God's sake! How stupid can a man be?

Let him get a family first. Now it is just talk talk talk. Let him get it first and see how he feels then.

Every fucking 20 year old bloke has one of these selfish fantasies.

>> No.11538431

>Whats the most useful skill you can develop right now?
"useful" is relative. what do you want to do with your life?

>use tinder, sluts are in full breeding mode
yeah, but they are scared and won't go out to fuck you

>> No.11538542

ok coomer

>> No.11538932

>I just want an unused untainted wife.
Are 12 year olds legal in your state??

>> No.11539147

14 year olds are :D

>> No.11539156

not tight enough

>> No.11539182
File: 67 KB, 600x600, 1585424603237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what can one do in order to get ahead in the society that will remain after this lockdown is lifted in a year or two?
There isn't going to be a society left in a year or two. Wake up. The real death rate of covid is probably something like 10+% and that's not including additional deaths once the hospitals are overwhelmed. And yeah it's killing young people now too. Oh and it permanently damages your lungs, and the virus never actually leaves your body it just lingers on a low level for the rest of your life. Meaning even if you survive now, a regular cold or flu could deal you a killing blow in 2 years time.

Once the seriousness of this gets to the public at large, that's when shit will really start hitting the fan. I don't think there are going to be governments or law and order by the end of 2021. If you want to get ahead and have a chance of surviving, then start lifting, buy guns and ammunition, and learn survival skills to help you when you have to go live in the woods.

>> No.11539198

Its clearly an engineered virus. The world goverment pulling the strings from the shadows won't allow for a complete societal collapse. Get more knowledge on ACTUAL geopolitics and total catastrophic failure of civilization won't be on your mind unless its on cosmic scales.

>> No.11540426

keep posting on 4channel

>> No.11540633
File: 287 KB, 735x1102, Sexy-in-Spanish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn a foreign language that you think would be useful in your career.

Study finance and investing.

Work on your body, desu get stronger, healthier, leaner.

Clean and organize your home and vehicle(s) to perfection.

Think about and plot in detail your future goals and plans in life.

Read self improvement books.

>> No.11540687

who do you think planted it then?

>> No.11540692

have they or anyone found any solutions at all yet?

>> No.11540699

After what is coming, death will be a mercy.

>> No.11540947

based dubs
i share your opinion but i try to brush off the anxiety of thinking about it as me being pessimistic and autistic... what are you expecting it to be like after?

>> No.11540956

Patrician’s choice

>> No.11540968
File: 557 KB, 1190x1490, 1562738633810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,
over many a quaint and curious profile of a tinder whore?
while I read it, nearly swiping, suddenly I spied her typing,
"Kids? Still want them!" starts the griping, "even though I'm 34."
"Tis impossible," I muttered "having kids at 34."
Chance of offspring: nevermore.

>> No.11540970


Ah, remember without hinder it was in the app of Tinder;
Though it once was known as Grinder, just for gays it was no more.
Eagerly I wished the qt;?vainly I had sought for booty
An heir to sire's my duty ?sire an heir in my Lenore?
Alas, the radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore?
Tfw for evermore.

>> No.11540971


And the sad, uncertain rustling of my pant fly whilst the tightening
Thrilled me?filled me with fantastic qt's never known before;
So that now, to still the beating of my dong, I stood repeating
all along that one day my Lenore would be mine for evermore?
But for now the roastie's bleating for acceptance 'spite her eating;?
Dear God dating is a chore.

At that point my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
“Lol,” said I, “m'lady, truly your forgiveness I implore;
But the fact is I was jerking, so unless you would be working
with ovaries that aren't lurking 'on the corner with a whore,
Then leave my DM's before," I said, "I put you through a door"?
Silence then and nothing more.

Deep in that inbox staring, long I sat there waiting, caring,
for naught but the prospect of a girl who's truly not a whore;
But the silence then was broken and like a harpy she had spoken,
For the beast had I awoken when she said the word, “deplore.”
"Deplore," she said, "your kind, for I have something in mind for you, you boar?
have sex incel, and nothing more."

Back into the DM's turning, all my soul within me burning,
Soon again I felt a longing somewhat stronger than before.
“Surely,” said I, “surely that is something you cannot mean;
Especially when it is seen the roast beef in your vagene
Let your tongue be still this instant and your interest in me explore
only thus: nevermore.

>> No.11541168


>> No.11541485

Idk man when even unionized government jobs aren't safe from the mass layoffs you would think something isn't going right.

>> No.11541554

No they aren’t, I’m getting the same average of matches I always do

>> No.11541670

Fringe/sci/ but I've been meditating and experimenting with binaural beats and meditating after reading: https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/document/cia-rdp96-00788r001700210016-5
The universe viewing might be horseshit, but meditative states are vastly understudied, I guess as is all neuroscience. Also working in ccna if you want to be boring

>> No.11541779

lol stupid pussy whipped little faggot fuck off to some cunt safe space little bitch

>> No.11541783 [DELETED] 

Get fit.

>> No.11541785


>> No.11541789 [DELETED] 


Humans are naturally polygynous. Your desire for monogamy is the product of cultural indoctrination.

>> No.11541802
File: 678 KB, 1200x758, A3F7D7E9-1875-45A6-9B57-2031AC052955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this:

>> No.11541810

>Your desire for monogamy is the product of cultural indoctrination.
lol stupid fucking cunt maybe some of us are just burned out on being stupid fucking animals, literally stupid fucking animals. Some of us crave meaning/purpose/value/understanding/peace holy shit your a stupid cunt

>> No.11543892

God I wish that were me