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11512774 No.11512774 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do you keep yourself from going insane reading all this coronavirus shit? I've never seen the world look so bleak as it does now. I keep searching for good news about the virus, but all the experts, virologist, epidemiologists and doctors on the front line all seem to universally agree "we are fucked and there's not much we can do". I am fucking freaking out reading all this shit and if things start getting really bad I don't know how I'll keep myself from putting a bullet in my brain.

>> No.11512777

>How the fuck do you keep yourself from going insane reading all this coronavirus shit?

Don’t read it lol. I genuinely have no idea why so many dumb millennials intentionally make themselves upset.

> I've never seen the world look so bleak as it does now. I keep searching for good news about the virus, but all the experts, virologist, epidemiologists and doctors on the front line all seem to universally agree "we are fucked and there's not much we can do".

It’s all bullshit lol grow up and learn to never read the news.

>> No.11512778

By asking yourself: "how are Nobel Prize winning scientists analyzing this situation?"

>> No.11512784 [DELETED] 

You though it was a joke when people warned against China's malicious ways. Now you will reap what you saw, even in the Medival people knew that buying cheap things from there comes in a greaet price. If we didn't have so many non-whites this would have worked out pretty fine but soon you will seen when all the feral people, and especially the feral pitbulls a lot of people have start roaming the streets. This is what the lying scientists did.

>> No.11512787 [DELETED] 

>>11512774 (OP)
You though it was a joke when people warned against China's malicious ways. Now you will reap what you sow, even in the medieval people knew that buying cheap things from there comes in a great price. If we didn't have so many non-whites this would have worked out pretty fine but soon you will see when all the feral people, and especially the feral pitbulls a lot of people have start roaming the streets. This is what the lying scientists did.

>> No.11512800
File: 31 KB, 468x510, toilet_company.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a smart lesbian fanfic community lurker who does some good videos. Sounds weird but it's true.
Yesterday she uploaded a video literally addressing this question.


>How the fuck do you keep yourself from going insane reading all this coronavirus shit?
In the unlikely cae that you uttered this question because you want an answer to this question, watch the video.

>> No.11512822

We are not fucked. It is a mild virus with a CFR of 0.2% among young people. Read about Ebola, then compare COVID-19.

You people are damn weak. You become frightened for a virus that has a chance of 1 in 500 of killing you if it infects you. What would you do in an EBOLA outbreak which is a chance of 1 in 2 to die an horrible death (vomiting and shitting blood)?

>> No.11512836

>You people are damn weak.

They’re deprived of excitement so they make up a fake crisis in their heads to worry about. A disturbing behavior I have observed in many, many people is an active seeking out of angering/worrying stimuli.

>> No.11512842

biggest meme ever, its a shit virus that barely cant spread

>> No.11512847

>We are not fucked. It is a mild virus with a CFR of 0.2% among young people
How come every time I read accounts from doctors actually treating people they say the opposite then? I keep reading tweets from doctors who are saying they are breaking down in tears because "literally everyone in every age group is dying, even healthy people" and "nothing works".

I've genuinely never seen the future look as bleak as it does now. It feels like the world has just collectively given up and there is no good news anymore.

>> No.11512865

>Muh tweets
>No actual data

Why are you on the science board, and how did you develop a mental illness that causes you to actively upset yourself on purpose?

>> No.11512884

Are you implying those doctors on twitter are lying?
Or perhaps that they're just seeing it from a smaller perspective?

I really want to just turn a blind eye towards what they're saying but it's getting so common now it's hard to ignore.

>> No.11512897

>I really want to just turn a blind eye towards what they're saying but it's getting so common now it's hard to ignore.

Ignoring the news and social media is incredibly easy.
Just stop looking at it.

>> No.11512902

Don't worry, it's impossible for 100% of humans die from this.

>> No.11512908

"Not looking at it" doesn't make it go away. The bad things are still happening.

I struggle with this very badly. Climate change is another big one. I broke myself last summer when I went down a wormhole of reading everything possible about climate change and predictions of the near future and came to the conclusion that we are absolutely fucked, there's nothing we can do, and climate apocalypse WILL happen in the next 10-40 years. I felt a bleak, bottomless depression unlike anything I've felt before once I made that realization. With coronavirus it's similar. You can say "just don't read the news", but that doesn't change anything, bad shit is still going to happen and I know that it is going to happen even if I'm not actively keeping up with how events unfold.

>> No.11512916

Because its all blown out of proportion, go outside, go to local park, its probably full of people having fun, its literally nothing, some old diseased boomers died that would have died anyway (and even if they died from corona and not their 50 existing health conditions, but we may never know because wtf is gonna test dead boomers instead of just recording them as corona victims and possibly collecting national or internatiol aid)

>> No.11512918

>climate apocalypse WILL happen in the next 10-40 years
It is not an apocalypse. Humanity can adapt. We grow different crops, we develop pesticides as pests change their range, etc.

COVID-19 is just another one of the epidemic diseases that humanity has. We have far worse things that you do not worry about, so do not worry about this lesser one. See >>11487405

>> No.11512923

All these people would be freaking out with the Cuban missle crisis, or the Spanish flu, or cold war, or both world wars. Did you all expect nothing to happen during your life time? The world is always bleak and also always bright and sunny. Stop being a bitch and live your life till your die.

>> No.11512926

Loss of biodiversity and biomass is also a big scary made scarier by the fact that literally no one except conservation biologists are really talking about it and no one is funding studies on it.

>> No.11512927

>Linking another thread on which you got BTFO

>> No.11512930

>"Not looking at it" doesn't make it go away. The bad things are still happening.

So what? You can’t make yourself upset on purpose by looking at dumb news BS if you simply don’t look at dumb news BS. I devote practically no thought and attention to negative stimuli, because doing so does not benefit me, so it shouldn’t be done.

> I broke myself last summer when I went down a wormhole of reading everything possible about climate change and predictions of the near future and came to the conclusion that we are absolutely fucked, there's nothing we can do, and climate apocalypse WILL happen in the next 10-40 years. I felt a bleak, bottomless depression unlike anything I've felt before once I made that realization.

That’s pretty dumb lol being depressed is retarded
Stop thinking of dumb negative BS and only think about positive stuff. It’s easy and tickles your brain chemicals.

>> No.11512932

>Did you all expect nothing to happen during your life time?
Genuinely, yes. There have been literally no "happenings" in my lifetime that I can consciously remember. I'm 23, so was too young on 9/11 to have any conscious memory of that. There were no happenings after that, just bullshit nothingburgers that were hyped up to become happenings but never actually got that far, eg. Swine flu, zika, ebola, ISIS "takeover" of middle east, north korea war, syria war

I genuinely thought that nothing big would ever happen in my lifetime, at least not anything that would directly affect life in the western first world. Climate change was the only thing I could foresee fucking things up. In january I was making posts laughing at doomers and happeners on this site who thought coronavirus would actually become "a thing". Now I am scared. Why were the happeners right this time? How did they predict it?

>> No.11512938

>I’m scared of a cough

Jesus Christ you need more test.

>> No.11512942

As long as we can grow crops, biodiversity is irrelevant. We have pesticides and genetically-engineered crops for pest-resistance.

Consider taking a SSRI. They will make you not care about these things in an emotional way, only in an intellectual way, at most. See https://male-to-female.org/en/psychopharmacology#SSRIs_callosity-unemotionality

>> No.11512947

SSRIs are gay I stopped using them and got over my depression by not being a little bitch who worries about BS

>> No.11512956

My suggestion was to take a SSRI for the unemotionality, not for depression.

>> No.11512960

Why the fuck would you advice anyone to take antidepressants? Are you legally retarded?

>> No.11512963

>referring to SSRI as anti-depressants
You are the retard.

>> No.11512966

I like my emotions. I’m a whirlwind of feelings and cum

>> No.11512973

>How did they predict it?
billions of people make random predictions daily. no wonder some of them may actually come true.

>> No.11512978

By not reading it dumbfuck kekmao

>> No.11512985

Imagine needing drugs to stop giving a fuck.
Never gonna make it.

>> No.11512987

Fair enough. Enjoy the distress that worrying about epidemics and global warming causes you.

>> No.11512992

>Why were the happeners right this time? How did they predict it?
The happeners have been yelling "IT'S HAPPENING" at every piece of breaking news since the dawn of news. Since bad stuff really does happen sometimes, if you do this long enough you'll eventually be right on occasion.

>> No.11513004

Grow up and be an adult. Bad things happen, mommy and daddy can't protect you.

>> No.11513008

>never been to sci
>it's the same retards but now they make use feelings to interpret data
Bye guys

>> No.11513015

>As long as we can grow crops, biodiversity is irrelevant.
thanks for identifying yourself as a retard, now I can filter your trip

>> No.11513017

well, how are they?

>> No.11513040

Yes, it is far worse than most want to believe. I am a scientist and my wife is on the front-line. Basically no one survives after being put on a vent. I have it right now and it's not too bad but it lingers forever and you can feel it in your chest. The mortality rate is much higher than what people are reading online (there are fundamentally flawed basic assumptions in the mortality rate ESTIMATES). I believe humans are predisposed to denialism about our suseptibility the overall risk to society of infectious disease. Hence also the anti-vaccers. Note: when you all talk about this being no big deal (based on no first hand knowledge) you are basically the anti-vaxers of a current real and global threat to our supply chains and the functioning of modern society.

>> No.11513042

>type like a slow 10 year old
>my wife works at nintendo I have insider info on the chink flu trust me

>> No.11513051

>Enjoy the distress that worrying about epidemics and global warming causes you.

Zero because I don’t pay any attention to news or negative BS

>> No.11513053

What about your parents? What about the supply chain? How about the age of government officials? How about the severely flawed assumptions used in estimating the mortality rate (assuming that confirmation testing here is similar to influenza, when testing for Covid outmatches that by 100 times easy).....yet thank god you are here to know the truth and spread it amongst the world. Thank god for your brilliance. You are an asset to us all.

>> No.11513061

You are right. But this thing does threaten the collapse of supply chains, health care, and thus..... Man, who cares. You geniuses have it all figured out apparently. Why should I try. It's like trying to talk to anti-vaxers.

>> No.11513062

>I have it right now
Give us details, bro

>> No.11513081

Because people who actually know what is going on are fighting a huge tide of denialism. Look at this site. Read how everyone seems to know the truth and how this is just not a big deal. Idiots. Those of us with first hand knowledge know this is a true threat to society. No one can look passed the point (which plenty of anomolies disprove) that at their age and health the virus isn't a threat to them. They can not comprehend how interconnected and inter-dependent the world is, and how their own personal lives are enuresis dependent on supply chains truly at risk here.

>> No.11513088

No. Do not ignore it. Write your local paper and ask them to inquire one simple question: how many people have recovered after being put on a vent. We all want to feel cool and pretend this isn't a big deal....but it is. All these idiots who somehow know all the truth despite living sad solitary lives will change their tune in a couple weeks.

>> No.11513097

That is exactly why we are screwed. All those people are spreading it. A young healthy person can have mild to no symptoms for weeks while spreading it everywhere. Our parents, major companies, our government, the world is presently run by people at greater risk of serious consequence to this thing. It is always weird to me how people can use an observation that shows one thing to somehow support the opposite.

>> No.11513101

Even if this virus kills 50% of people we'll still have over 4 billion people on Earth. Will it fuck up the world economy? Yes. Will it destabilize major countries? Yes. Will life go on afterwards? Yes.

Obviously we should try to mitigate the dying and protect the economy but we are due for a good culling.

>> No.11513132

My wife is in the ICU of the best equipped hospital in a populated area in Washington state. It is literally ground zero and has been filled with dying Covid patients for weeks. He has personally seen more people die from this than probably anyone else in the western United States. At the same time, I am a published scientist and able to see through all the misinformation, as well as the faulty assumptions made in the projections being made public. Hell, most peer reviewed scientific articles are flawed fundamentally....my point being I don't see the world with amateur eyes like you. Sources you consider golden I don't even consider relevant, because they are third hand themselves. I don't care if you believe me, I am used to anti-vaxers.

>> No.11513138

you are the most obviously underaged poster I've seen in months

>> No.11513151

No point. Denialism runs hard here. Part of the problem is a lot of "threats" are BS, like global warming, so everyone is disposed toward ignoring experts. This is different and a try threat the the functioning of society. My symptoms are irrelevant. I am not at risk of dying. But that doesn't mean I am not at risk of society.

>> No.11513154

>"we are fucked and there's not much we can do"
we're "probably most people will eventually get it" fucked
we're not "end of the world" fucked

>> No.11513155

I haven't come on this site for years so I don't know the culture anymore. Not sure if you are just trying to rile me up or if you are mentally ill or retarded.

>> No.11513167

It's not "culture", anyone with an IQ over 75 knows within two sentences that you're LARPing.
You're not a scientist, you can't even write English that would be acceptable in a high school.

>> No.11513168

>I don't know the culture anymore
>you are mentally ill or retarded.
don't worry you still remember the basics

>> No.11513176

Also, it occurs to me you are so disconnected from people who actually do stuff in life, it is beyond your comprehension that I would be here posting this factually and telling the truth. Your brain assumes I must be just a kid making stuff up. A lot of scientists were shut-ins when we were younger and found 4chan when it was full of CP and crazy stuff. It is natural we come back here to post things when frustrated at not having an outlet. Everyone with knowledge of this thing is frustrated. Not many of us have a platform to speak. So today and today alone I decided to rant about what I know. My conscience cleared but my mind again perplexed by how retarded most of you are.

>> No.11513181

my uncle works for nintendo in the coronavirus section and he told me PERSONALLY at least 6 million people, mostly ethnic minorities, are dead as a result of the virus in Japan. however because the bodies remain contagious, they're having a big problem with cremating them fast enough, turns out there's just no way to burn that many bodies in a reasonable time frame. media will NOT tell you this...

>> No.11513186

I'm pecking on an iPhone to a board full of lizard people. My grammar is your issue? I'm not the only "scientist" who comes here occasionally; but I'm sure as hell not going to put effort into sounding smart when I'm just here to vent.

>> No.11513191

Do you assume there are no actual people on the front-lines here, where refrigerated semi trucks are being brought in for the bodies? Why would the husband of one not end up here ranting....why is that a logical impossibility to you? People on the front line are watching people die every day....not painting parts on an assembly line.

>> No.11513192

You shouldn't have to put "effort" into writing coherent English. Typos are one thing, but if you have to try hard to not sound like a dumbass, it's because you're a dumbass.
No "scientist" is this stupid (and no "published scientist" calls themselves this anyway. "Scientist" is what 11 year olds want to be when they grow up. You'd have an actual job title if any of this was real).

>> No.11513200
File: 656 KB, 680x665, 316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the fuck do you keep yourself from going insane reading all this coronavirus shit?

you got to keep all that shit with a grain of salt anon, most news will try to manipulate you with fear mongering thats just how news works now, but you got to like take it from all perspectives and hope for the best man. like this is bad but it can and might get much much much worse with the economy anon keep that in mind man.

> I've never seen the world look so bleak as it does now. I keep searching for good news about the virus, but all the experts, virologist, epidemiologists and doctors on the front line all seem to universally agree "we are fucked and there's not much we can do".

its fine for you anon unless you are a old person or a baby but old people make up like 60% of major governments so theirs some trouble in that but society and humans as a whole will continue ever more anon, if we can live in the arctic than we can live with anything and really anything that happens will only be a twilight period for humanity you got to be a optimistic realist anon human society sucks but as a collective we can restructure and fix its faults eventually.

>> No.11513214

You know, I was annoyed by the fearmongering at first but after watching this develop I feel like it kind of has to be done. Look at how nonchalantly your average fuckhead is taking this despite all media outlets trying to convince them the virus is an IRL horror movie. If they were given level-headed facts 90% of people wouldn't even bother to wash their hands after they took a shit.

>> No.11513218

Research associate (at a university). My parents are fellows (federal lab). My grandpa was also a scientist but I'm not sure the word in of the title. For what it's worth, most scientists are as retarded as you anymore.

>> No.11513219

>How the fuck do you keep yourself from going insane reading all this coronavirus shit?
I don't. pls send help

>> No.11513221
File: 993 KB, 1600x900, 1584545785482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a "scientist" in the sense that I specialize in interpreting and analyzing data (specifically computational physics and predictive modeling). The truth is that the only thing people can do is speculate about Covid2019. Death rates are hard to properly calculate because we don't have enough accurate tests to do widespread testing. In addition to that, everybody is too disorganized to get accurate numbers anyways. Anecdotal evidence from an ICU is a ridiculous measurement of severity.

As I said earlier, the only thing we can do is speculate. My guess is that the vast majority of people infected with covid2019 don't show symptoms. This is just an assumption I'm making by looking at the data on how quickly the number of new cases per day peaks and decreases. Given how infectious this disease is, it makes no sense that the number of infections per day would decrease so quickly.

>> No.11513222

Just buy an inverse ETF and you'll find yourself praying for the apocalypse

>> No.11513237


>> No.11513245

Saying "published scientist" was meant to tell me apart from fresh or ahitty grad students and undergrads who might call themselves scientist because of their major. Also, only the careerist type (I.e. fraud) refers to themselves by their position. All scientists at times refers themselves as scientists, wen amongst ourselves. I don't like being called a scientist by peers but when talking to you lizards I sure as hell want to make sure you know I'm not a basement dweller.

>> No.11513246 [DELETED] 

I just laugh at scientists and doctors, remember that they pretend to be divine but bleach, technicians, engineers and social distancing are saving more lives than them

>> No.11513260

So what the fuck are we actually supposed to do? Knowing how bad it is, literally what is an ordinary citizen supposed to do about this? Because from reading the facts, it seems impossible to not just fucking shit yourself with fear at how bad things are going to get over the next year. It genuinely is looking like apocalypse, horror movie tier shit. And yet there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. It feels like the only solution is just fucking putting a bullet in our heads and ending things before shit gets really bad. Like, what are you supposed to do when the outlook is so bleak? Just cry?

>> No.11513344

Nothing we can do.

>> No.11513346

>Our parents, major companies, our government, the world is presently run by people at greater risk of serious consequence to this thing
And that's an amazing thing. Corrupt boomer scumbags finally get their just desserts. Cough cough motherfuckers, have a slow death cunts.

>> No.11513358

I was pondering this theory, that the lethality of the disease is actually far lower than projected mostly because the people with asymptomatic to mild symptoms aren't getting tested. It's possible millions have it and they just don't know it.

The hard part about all of this though is determining whether that is fact, who is more susceptible to this virus, and weather keeping people locked up is a better option than just letting everyone get infected

>> No.11513382

Shut the fuck up you meandering retard motherfucker I get your point that many of the people enabling this crisis are old and out of touch congressmen which do deserve pain and misery for all the people they indirectly and directly hurt BUT that doesn't mean we should totally disrespect our elders

>> No.11513388

Your attitude is weak and pathetic. Of course we can do something. Anything is better than just sitting inside forever crying and panicking.

I'm tired of this doomer bullshit desu

>> No.11513390

Guhhhh fuck corporations that gave me everything maaaannnn

>> No.11513399

My boomer parents have no problem staying at home. Senator Fuckface can't though, he has to give public speeches unless he feels like retiring with his billions, which he won't do because they're not enough for him.
Shut the fuck up incel

>> No.11513414

Yes, fuck the corporations that gave me the internet and everything man I just feel good whenever I see people that gave me everything die off. BUYOURSTUFFBUYOURSTUFFBUYOURSTUFF

>> No.11513418

turn off the magic box

>> No.11513422

>Al Gore invented the internet

>> No.11513450


This is a 100 year event, so every right to be worried. First time humanity has been exposed to this virus so it’s going to eventually infect everyone. Better to get sick now if you live in an area where the hospitals aren’t overwhelmed as opposed to later when there might not be resources to save your life.

>> No.11513468

Better to be careful and wait for an evidence-based treatment regimen to be trialed and cleared.

>> No.11513504 [DELETED] 

The world is always this bleak for unlucky and smart people. Nice to see the piece of shit parasites who are happy get what they deserve.

>> No.11513569

Grow the fuck up. If you think this is how a bleak world looks like then your worthless opinion is pretty much invalidated since you probably have had an easy life with no real worries or preoccupations far from maintaining a 4.0 GPA, so hopefully this virus will wipe you and your miserable family out of existence

>> No.11513592

You think it's partly because they try to fill their heads with stuff to push out fear of their eventual death?

>> No.11513603

>go outside, go to local park, its probably full of people having fun
Not here.

I tried to do that yesterday. The roads into the park all have locked barriers across them. All buildings and fields are closed. All league games (softball, etc.) are cancelled. There were a few people waking dogs, but that's it.

>> No.11513718 [DELETED] 

I apologize for my delayed response, I was permabanned for my truth posting. It's important that basic facts are known so we can argue about solutions instead of running around like a bunch of headless chickens. How I see it, there are two options: 1) we let the virus run it's course and carry-on business as usual. We no longer vent patients with covid who progress to that point and instead give them comfort are as they die (this will prevent the collapse of the healthcare system). More people will die overall but the economy and healthcare systems will survive. 2) we instate marital law. Total lockdown. The national guard delivers basic food supplies under strict no-contact and viral screen protocol.

>> No.11513721


>> No.11513724

It doesn't matter if hospitals are overwhelmed. Critical care is entirely ineffective here. If you progress to the point of needing cotical care, you die. That is the truth I've spent the entire day trying to get out. I've had zero success. I was even permabanned here. You all deserve our shitty lives.

>> No.11513773

By not being a weak willed retard.

>> No.11513816


Infections that wound/maim are far more dangerous and "effective" than those that kill easily.

>War time
>See enemy
>Shoot enemy in head
>No one comes to his aid, no one tends to his wounds
>have taken out 1 enemy


>War time
>Shoot enemy in leg
>Two other soldiers come to his aid to carry him off the battle field
>Must then be driven to a hospital
>Nurses and doctors must tend to his wounds
>Medical supplies are used
>Money is also spent

Do you not see how scenario 2 is worse? Not to mention, if scenario 2 happens a fuck ton all at once it will lead to a fuck ton of death as well.

>> No.11513828

That is why, if I ever find myself in a war, I am not helping the wounded ones at all.

Anyway, viruses have no intentions. They can not wage a war on humans.

>> No.11513858

>the world needs boomers to be in charge guise

Step the fuck down Herbert. Your 20 extra years of geriatric feudalism are finally over. It’s our turn now.

>> No.11513865

maybe you should actually put a bullet in your brain so that you don't act like a vessel for the virus when you inevitably mentally collapse and go outside.

>> No.11513868

You'll be among the casualties anyway.

>> No.11513876

You'll likely be fine if you keep a sense of proportion about all of this, and act sensibly on your fears. Fear is a crucial survival mechanism, which it is better to endure, but not neglect, when there is good reason to stay alert, evaluate risks, and prepare for contingencies. It's the denial bitches flooding this thread with their trash disinformation who are likelier to go down as the pandemic takes its course. (There is even a some poetic justice to that fact, from which to take a little satisfaction, and a whole lot of illuminating irony.)
99.9999% Au.jpg.
Stop posting and see a specialist.

>> No.11513941

>Waaah mummy, I need good news to survive!

>> No.11513947

Get your affairs in order so that you don't have to be around to witness it. I've been getting rid of my embarrassing shit and deleting my porn at breakneck speed today. I'm running into death's embrace with open arms at this point.

>> No.11513951

To be fair, this is Spanish flu-tier, and we didn't do either of those with Spanish flu. Life somehow went on.

>> No.11513993

Life will always go on, humans in many ways are like cockroaches. All of our decisions now will be to decide how many people get to live on.

>> No.11514051

Sure, this is by no means a threat to our species, only temporarily our society.

>> No.11514085

>published scientist
>most peer reviewed scientific articles are flawed fundamentally
But not your articles right anon? Or are you just admitting that scientists don’t do science anymore?

>> No.11514091
File: 707 KB, 1666x1666, D7A1CCA8-025C-47EC-8446-9757C51E3AFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11514105

Think about whatever it is that you do well. Now think about how many people do that same thing. How many of them also do it well? Every field and endevour has that same spectrum of skill level. Where do most people sit on on that spectrum in whatever thing it is you are good at? It is the same with science.

>> No.11514122

You have to filter the facts from the doomsaying and sensationalist bullshit from people who only want ratings/clicks. Things are pretty bad right now, but they will almost certainly get much better soon-ish. Also avoid listening to the tardies who actually WANT humanity to die off or civilization to collapse, because they'll do their best to convince you death and destruction are inevitable. In short, don't get your news from fucking /pol/ or related sites.

>> No.11514125

So the scientists that don’t do science are more prominent than the actual scientists? And some how get more of their research published? Sounds like maybe you are the bad scientist anon.

>> No.11514227

>People keep retarded cumbrains and hypersocial pavement apes
>Therefore it's nothing, so just let us live our lives mannnn

>> No.11514570

Holy fuck calm down retard. First some old and sick will die, then quorantine will be partially lifted to save economy, then some more old and sick will die and that will be it. Just go read something and stop sperging out

>> No.11514943

So the worst kind of collapse, a partial one. Not one where you can go out and rape and then wait for death, one where they ratchet up laws to see how far they can take it, you come out on the other side with scarred lungs, 6 million in debt, no job, and no future. And for that reason, I'm out.

>> No.11514971

Maybe it will change your entire conception of reality. Is that so bad though?

>> No.11515007

im happy when the world is falling apart

>> No.11515040

>but all the experts, virologist, epidemiologists and doctors on the front line all seem to universally agree "we are fucked and there's not much we can do

>> No.11515060


How old are you? 12? You should deal with problems as they come. Just worrying about something won't solve anything either.

>hurr durr what should a citizen do

If you have to ask others what you can do then there's probably nothing you can do and you should go about your everyday life until someone specifically asks you to think about these grandiose problems and asks you to help solve them.

If you are worried about coronavirus so much, buy yourself 1-2 months worth of food and lock yourself inside the house then you won't get infected. All you need to do is sit on your ass and keep yourself busy while this thing blows over.

People have lived through way worse shit than climate change and corona. There were mass genocides, two world wars, mass starvation, multiple economic collapses, floods, spanish flu in the last century and if you know a little bit about history it's easy to see that there was some shit going on all the time. What's been happening recently has so far been very minor compared to those events. So yeah, I would say go and cry in a corner or put a bullet through your head if that makes it better for you. Just try not to spread too much of your toxic thinking / complaining online and real life to demoralize others, keep this shit to yourself you beta faggot.

>> No.11515062

Don't read it beyond staying informed, just take actual precautions that do contribute to your health, this will not only increase your chances in the case you're vulnerable but also make you feel at least somewhat in control. No point in freaking out about it, that accomplishes nothing.

>> No.11515070

>Because from reading the facts, it seems impossible to not just fucking shit yourself with fear at how bad things are going to get over the next year. It genuinely is looking like apocalypse, horror movie tier shit.


>> No.11515076
File: 262 KB, 1080x1070, ltv53wz6lxm41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be aware of the problem, but then put it away and only worry about what you personally can change. Watch the news, be aware, make what preparations you can, and move on. Do not obsess over what you can't control. Ok, a nasty virus is circulation, you might have a 10% chance of dying. You can mitigate this by practicing good hygiene, and avoiding people. If you can't avoid people, you might get the virus, it you get the virus, you do whatever you need to survive, and move on. If you're worried about a what-if scenario ask yourself "what can I do about this?" Make a list of things you can do, and implement the mitigations. Then when you worry about it again "I've already done everything I can" worrying becomes a waste of time. If there's a problem you can't do anything about at all, you should just try not to obsess over it.

>> No.11515079

>Ok, a nasty virus is circulation, you might have a 10% chance of dying.

0.2% maximum

>> No.11515081

>Holy fuck calm down retard. First some old and sick will die, then quorantine will be partially lifted to save economy, then some more old and sick will die and that will be it. Just go read something and stop sperging out
This is literally what will happen.

>> No.11515085

They are telling people to social distance and lockdown because it will kill off the virus

>> No.11515094

Anon, you do not have to kys. There are still safe countries that you may escape to. I heard that they haven't yet build any wall down towards Mexico. You should consider refugee status.

>> No.11515110

That would be ill advised. The Mexican army has already installed machine gun nests all over their northern deserts. They are also in the process of building a large wall along the entire border. You would not get far.

>> No.11515124

post a pic of your key card, block out your face and id#. and don't forget to authenticate with time and date. you sound like a retarded LARPer.

>> No.11515130

I hear China has been nuking several of their own cities to stop the virus from terraforming

>> No.11515152


>> No.11515257

Just the comments are already really fucking gay. Can't wait for a pretty girl to give me the antidote for existential despair.

>> No.11515263

>Can't wait for a pretty girl to give me the antidote for existential despair.

Stop being a little bitch. There is no reason to experience gay “existential despair” unless you’re a beta male dumb ass

>> No.11515548
File: 175 KB, 1000x667, hot-flowing-lava.jpg.1000x0_q80_crop-smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can absolutely guarantee to everyone in this thread that you will not die of Covid-19 if you drink a gallon of molten lava.


>> No.11515641

>To stop the virus from terraforming, we'll do a little terraforming ourselves
>*Arms nukes*
- Xi probaby

>> No.11515689

Is that something from d&d or a video game you all play? Why would anyone post their keycard here? It shows the institution and department. In a week or two when all the facts come out, please remember how retarded you reacted to a chance at having actual inside info.

>> No.11516511

So if 20% need to go on a ventilator, and 50% of those on vents die, isn't that a 10% death rate?

Young people only have a 5% chance of going on a vent so that's a 2.5% chance if death for most of us right?

>> No.11516531
File: 144 KB, 1300x731, IMG_20200330_193936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coronavirus won't be like pic related right?

>> No.11516536

you are a smooth brain reading things from other smooth brains

>> No.11516540
File: 19 KB, 703x911, 1512742864605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11516544

Source on the H1N1 meme graph other than your ass?

>> No.11516547

this board has both a minimum age and a IQ requirement to post here

>> No.11516565
File: 199 KB, 1200x775, HUNTER THOMPSON QUOTE 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What would you do in an EBOLA outbreak
Flip like a coin and probably die a horrible death vomiting and shitting blood. As someone once said: "I too will one day drop dead and piss blood all over the carpet, so I think that kind of entitles me, you know?" --Michael O'Donoghue

>> No.11516568

lol I'm totally chill

>> No.11516619

I watch a bit of George Carlin.

"Keep Calm and Carry On," now replaced by "When in troubles, Or in doubt - Run in circles, Scream and shout."

>> No.11517948

Did I ever state the contrary? No, no I didn't. That doesn't mean that the answer will very likely not come from some random thot. Either way existential despair is a feeling many people have felt anyway, even many men greater than either of us could ever hope to be.

>> No.11518087
File: 26 KB, 480x360, 124123153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see anon, unlike you, we have dealt with truth and approximations of what was going to happen or be likely from the very beginning, as such, to us, this was an "expected" surprise.

>> No.11518194

I don't understand what you mean.

>> No.11519148

>Or perhaps that they're just seeing it from a smaller perspective?
they're as close to the problem as one can be, I'm sure it's fucking up a lot of doctors mentally.
My aunt is working in a drug clinic and has the weirdest fucking view on drugs and the people that take them, like it was the 1960s. I can understand her viewpoint though, since she has to actively work with the psychotic, stressed and angstful people that get themselves commited to such a clinic. it's hard to keep the bigger picture in mind when you're dealing with emotions.

>> No.11519229

>My wife
o u

>> No.11519396

You're privileged it seems like. You find more fear in a fucking virus than war? Get off your pedestal and be a man. As pessimistic as it sounds, the world has always been in a state of perma-crisis. This will also go away like the numerous other pandemics and diseases that have ravaged the human race. Life goes on, anon.

>> No.11520120

>This will also go away like the numerous other pandemics and diseases that have ravaged the human race.
But they said in February it would go away, and now its April and it's still here. And every single day things get worse.

>> No.11520143

> and every single day things get worse.

>> No.11520150

>Either way existential despair is a feeling many people have felt anyway

Yeah and I realized it was dumb and stopped

>> No.11520155

Seriously? Are you deaf dumb and blind?

Every day there are more deaths. Every day there's a new death of someone from a group previously considered "safe" from the virus (Today a THIRTEEN year old British boy died of the virus). Every day we realise more and more just how deadly this virus is and just how indiscriminately it is killing.

Every day there are bleaker and bleaker predictions. We went from "a few weeks of lockdown to prevent deaths" to "months of lockdown, millions of deaths worldwide that are impossible to prevent, and untold societal damage".

Every day we hear and see new reports from the medical frontline that look like scenes straight out of an apocalypse. Bodies piling up in trucks due to overflowing morgues. Doctors breaking down in tears because they see how harrowing the situation is and how fucked we all are.

I've honestly never seen anything like this in my life. This is worse than my worst nightmare of how covid-19 could have gone, and the bone chilling realisation is that things are going to get so, so, SO much worse.

I do not think society will be able to cope with this. The level of death, loss and grief will be unlike anything since WW2, except it will be concentrated in a few months time span so it's going to hit people even harder. People are going to be going hysterical, many will commit suicide, those who don't die from the virus or kill themselves will develop some kind of PTSD from the sheer horror of seeing so many friends, relatives and countrymen die over the course of less than a year.

>> No.11520181

>It feels like the world has just collectively given up and there is no good news anymore.
Very good. That's exactly what we need to fight this virus.

>> No.11520185

> Every day there are more deaths.
> What is a proportion

> someone from a group previously considered "safe" from the virus
> not understanding the difference between absolute and relative

> millions of death worldwide
> 2% of 6 billions is actually millions

> Bodies piling up in trucks due to overflowing morgues.
> somehow thinks this is a compelling argument

> Doctors breaking down in tears because they see how harrowing the situation is and how fucked we all are.
> not making a difference between an emotionally strong situation and the actual reality of numbers

> I've honestly never seen anything like this in my life.
> not even half a century old and thinks his life has any relevance in term of experience

> People are going to be going hysterical, many will commit suicide
> projecting your anxiety on the rest of humanity

I think you should calm the fuck down, son. The health situation is not getting worse, it's getting to its expected behaviour. You are mixing anxiety of the aftermath, which is indeed really concerning, and emotional affect of the current images and news you are fed, which are strong and deeply impacting. I am not saying this current shit is not a big deal, but you need to take some breath and find the logical meaning in what you write, because you make no sense, you're juste panicking for the sake of it.

>> No.11520212

Theres actually been quite a few young deaths now. At least 3-4

>> No.11520214

Are they really saying it will kill off the virus? Because I keep hearing it will slow the spread of the virus to the point where hospitals can care for people without running out of ventilators. Pretty sure you're not killing off the virus unless you're so good at quarantine that there are zero new cases, and that's not realistic.

>> No.11520234

I bet they'll be hundreds when the situation stabilizes. And still a negligible proportion of the total number of dead.

>> No.11520245

Death isn't always the worst case scenario.
The possibility of permanent lung damage, heart damage, brain damage, infertility, and immunocompromise is also bad.

If it becomes seasonal it may lose its teeth overtime but the consequences of this easily infectious disease is still horrifying.

>> No.11520266

I agree with you. It's really bad that "we" could not anticipate its spread better.

>> No.11520272


>> No.11521191
File: 100 KB, 700x940, 1585579434638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently getting very depressed reading about mating habits in humans and behavior paradigms in inter-gender relationships.
Understanding how animalistic we really are and how desperately we try to hide this fact to our self inventing stories and lies is...well, depressing
>pic semi-related

>> No.11521201

>lol just don't read it :)
Imagine being this delusional

>> No.11521219

damn I'd rape the shit out of her... in a totally refined and redeemable way

>> No.11521252

Personally I’m loving it. Everyone’s life is on hold now, just like mine, and everyone’s miserable, just like I am. This must be what Trump supporters feel like when they see liberal tears. God I’m so edgy.

>> No.11521345


Those graphs are totally identical.

>> No.11521365

My man

>> No.11521469

I don't usually come to this board but posts like these are making me want to stick around. Holy shit that's hilarious.

>> No.11521555

It's just a fucking flu, lol.

>> No.11521568

I don’t know I can’t read

>> No.11522275 [DELETED] 

who cares?

>> No.11522276

>Every day there are more deaths. Every day there's a new death of someone from a group previously considered "safe" from the virus (Today a THIRTEEN year old British boy died of the virus). Every day we realise more and more just how deadly this virus is and just how indiscriminately it is killing.
You should look up cases where the common cold or the flu killed healthy young people.
Actually, just do that for most common infections. You'll get a bit of a surprise.

>> No.11522299 [DELETED] 

I am this Anon >>11522225
So it's been over 20 now

>> No.11522300

Good for you.

>> No.11522314

Tell us what you're reading, I also want to get deppressed.

>> No.11522385
File: 40 KB, 470x312, _DSC0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That video was terrible, she overanalysing something that was primarily relatable to male virgin wagecucks who are realsing that society is stagnating around them. The meme isn't about improving yourself, thinking about global warming etc its about understanding that youre a loser, and that theres nothing you can do to stop anything. The collapse of the planet will happen eventually. You however can make it funny.

>> No.11522401
File: 136 KB, 815x981, 258D08C1-3D35-4EE7-B4D7-33F6F134003F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a shit. I hope I die

>> No.11522414

Imagine being so stupid you can’t just ignore irrelevant news.

>> No.11522628


>> No.11522731

Good thing we have this heroic genius to set us all straight. Just ignore this thing. It's nbd. Take another puff. Thanks anon.

>> No.11522745
File: 15 KB, 709x196, IMG_20200401_125754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are we screwed or is this just in severe cases?

>> No.11522973

>is this just in severe cases?
It literally says that in the study, retard.

>> No.11523086

Shit I can’t believe you leaked pics of Micheal Schumacher

>> No.11523088

How long do you think vaccine trials last, anon? The fact that you believed that this would be over in a month or two tells me either you're very young, or just falling victim to the shock and gore of social media. I'll say it again: this will go away, okay? The human race has endured literally hundreds of pandemics and wars. Why do you think, scientifically and rationally, that it wont survive this?

The reason you feel this way is because we live in an age of information overload. Your president says this while the government says this. The WHO says this while the CDC says this. People have been spreading the lie that this virus is airborne and it took the WHO weeks to announce that's false. Radical extremists on twitter try to fear-monger you and the news is doing the same. You live at a time where information is not unilateral but influenced by different goals. You are anxious because there is no objective or collective source of information, so you find it rather depressing that it feels like there is nothing to do, because everyone is saying something different.

All I can say to this is that in this world there are Indians, and there are Chiefs. Some people are not wired to think critically, and if you are just going to be a pussy about the situation instead of understanding that the most intelligent minds in the world are working on this 24/7 (There are literally fucking vaccine trials going on right now) and ignoring the clickbait bullshit from the people who are also as anxious and panicky as you, then you know where you stand as a thinker.

>> No.11523097

Knew the coof was a somethingburger back in January.

>> No.11523117

>we are fucked and
wrong. It's going to kill some boomers, that's all
>there's not much we can do
there is and we're doing it now, in a few weeks the virus will be under control in most countries, then another month for the sick to recover, in two-three months it's going to be mostly over.

>> No.11523140
File: 108 KB, 220x220, Garbage_-_Absolute_Garbage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in the most privileged society ever
>bab bad world, no kids, they will struggle

>> No.11523225

Why do zoomers have so little psychological resilience? Yes, horrible things happen in life. One die you and everyone you love will die and it will be horrible. Grow the fuck up and learn to live with it.

>> No.11523289

We've literally been at risk of a global nuclear catastrophe at any given moment for the past 5 or 6 decades, don't act like the world is going to end because of a fluk that has a 2% mortality rate and mostly kills senior citizens with a laundry list of pre-existing conditions. Accept the fragility of your way of life, and don't let fear dominate however many days/months/years you have left on this earth

>> No.11523299

>I take unsubstantiated tweets from people I've never heard of as gospel because it feeds my paranoia and craving for excitement

>> No.11523302
File: 446 KB, 600x902, The-Subtle-Art-of-Not-Giving-a-Fuck-by-Mark-Manson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any truth in this interview /sci/


>> No.11523352
File: 60 KB, 500x495, 1585250628421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw add
i can't really care what's going on in the world for long lol

>> No.11523368


46.1k dead
920k infected
5% death rate

once most of the world pop gets infected, there's gonna be over 300 to 350 million bodies easily

>> No.11523404

>once most of the world pop gets infected,
That did not happen even with the Spanish flu. Why would it happen now?

>> No.11523416

Not a fair comparison. Ebola kills 60% of its patients making it difficult to spread because you're ... you know, dead. Ebola also shows symptoms during its contagious phase.

Covid-19 is infectious when the patient doesn't even realize they have it and can be carried by people without symptoms. It's far, far deadlier.

>> No.11523417

am i still infected?

>> No.11523418

in my country you cant leave your house unless for shopping, or job. Police is periodically driving the streets, they can fine you if they catch you outside

>> No.11523444

> it's just a flu bro

>> No.11523445
File: 58 KB, 500x281, ebola-burial-teams-e1446663182978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is meant to compare COVID-19 with an infectious disease that possess a significant threat to individual people. It is another way to say "Do not worry if you get COVID-19. Worry if you get Ebola". Of course, they have very different epidemiological characteristics.

>making it difficult to spread because you're ... you know, dead.
In the areas where Ebola is common, handing cadavers accounts for a big part of transmissions because of contagion during funeral rites. That is why one of the main measures to contain Ebola outbreaks is safe burials. They send teams of people in protective suites to bury the dead and burn or disinfect his belonging. The villagers usually get frightened and sometimes even antagonize the burial team.

>> No.11523448
File: 539 KB, 540x775, 1488341267017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just watch closely on any "interview" you see on the news next time and try to identify how often this bullshit scenario plays out

>host: so the world is gonna end right
>expert: the world is facing hard times but we can ride this out if everyone does their part
>host: so you're saying the world is going to end

the only people you should be listening to is the CDC, don't fall for sensationalist garbage

>> No.11523454

Even the CDC falls into sensationalism for COVID-19. It is not really their fault. People is scared. Public health agencies can either ignore people’s fear and let misinformation spread or address their inquires, making it seem that COVID-19 is a much worse problem than it is by having published a disproportionate amount of information about it (because people inquire disproportionately).

>> No.11523459
File: 224 KB, 2048x1164, 2af6f2182595ca3ff194e3462a161028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trip of truth

>> No.11523495


>> No.11523503

I'd prefer to not have permanent lung damage and risk killing my relatives.

>> No.11523557

>I'd prefer to not have permanent lung damage
Don't have shitty luck then, lucklet.

>> No.11523568
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>> No.11523873

You might not want my worthless opinion, but here's how I'd go about it:

>make preparations that won't go to waste even if this turns out to be a nothingburger (who will regret buying canned goods and rice? They're good for emergencies)
>wash your hands often
>don't touch your face
>disinfect anything you think might come into contact with china flu (for the record, most medical professionals say that bleach and/or alcoholic household cleaners are sufficient in killing the virus
>limit trips to stores
>keep 6 feet away from everyone
>if you're in contact with loved ones who are old or have diseases, make peace with them and acknowledge the very real possibility that they might die. Try your best to make sure they don't die, but if they do, you can at least be assured that you tried your best
>don't go to /pol/ under any circumstances, those fearmongering happeningfag assholes will just make you feel worse

I hope this helps. I don't know if this will fizzle out into a nothingburger, or erupt into a cataclysm. The latter seems more likely, so just prepare for any eventuality.

>> No.11523932

*coof* *coof*

>> No.11523938


>> No.11523948
File: 142 KB, 500x522, the-light-inside-has-broken-but-i-still-work-20092579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the biggest danger is that for some reason we mistakenly believe that in the last 50 years our modern world has reached some special level of technology or sophistication and nothing bad will ever happen to humanity again. Maybe some slow creeping disaster like climate change or something but there's no way a plague could wipe out millions of people.
Think again. The "herd immunity" approach was literally all we had for thousands of years until just a few decades ago when we invented vaccinations. We are the first human society that has not known plague and disease. Even in my grandparents' day there were outbreaks of measles or typhoid or all kinds of shit. It would sweep through a community, kill a bunch of people, then burn itself out. What we're experiencing now is perfectly normal. It just seems scary because it's never happened to us before. But life will go on. Don't worry.

>> No.11523950

>never read the news
never trading stocks either

>> No.11523954

you're sick now

>> No.11524854

coof coof

>> No.11524868

> blaming the WHO for a natural phenomenon.
a natural phenomenon they are tasked with mitigating. holy shit you dumb fucking brainlet the mental gymnastics you do is astounding.
>black and white fallacy
oh the pottery on full display. i am not saying blumpf didn't bungle shit up but you are trying to pin it only on him. holy shit you absolute brainlet.
>January 14th
dipshit look at the y-axis. notches are 10k. on january 14th the doubling rate was already indicative of the lag phase of an infectious disease model.

>> No.11524869


>> No.11524874

Poz me good, daddy-o.

>> No.11524876

Let's see my neghole status.

>> No.11524879

*Hack* *Hack* coof

>> No.11524881

Ummmm it's not working, sweaty

>> No.11524884

You'll be sweaty when I get you sick

>> No.11524904

H-hot. Come daddy impregnate me now.

>> No.11524942

there seems to be a latency period between initial infection and symptoms. you'll be green soon enough.

>> No.11524945

You're right. Here are my poz results.

>> No.11524952

your name is glitched, that's phase one. before long, you'll get a deepening green, and then the biohazard symbol. enjoy!

>> No.11524955

I'm gonna coof all in you

>> No.11525213

Based and truthpilled
Also checkkedd

>> No.11525499

'We are fucked' does not necessearily mean 'My personal health is in danger'.
The economy is fucked, older relatives and family structures are fucked, privacy is fucked.
Thats a LOT of things that are fucked, and several of them will affect YOU personally.

>> No.11525513

In spite of the other posts:You are not dump.
Your reaction shows that you realy care, which is cool.
You realized something bad happened, aka you cant stop it. So you go through stages of grief. Try not to get stuck on the sadness phase. Once you reach acceptance you can think about how to deal with it.
Yes it sucks, yes we cant (or rather wont) stop it, yes it will change the face of the planet, no its not the end of the world.

>> No.11525559

what are you afraid of exactly? i don't get fags like you

>> No.11525630

I've been applying to a bunch of entry level engineering positions and this virus has me a little worried the job market will go to shit. Still pretty confident I can get a job but the question is when will they start doing the hiring and interview processes. Never worked in retail (Im 28 and about to earn my MSc) but I may need to just to pay rent. I currently get a stipend from the school so I'm good until July.

>> No.11525649

Whatever suits you. As long as you don't scream and panic like a little kid.

>> No.11525677

What’s your point

>> No.11526320
File: 735 KB, 1080x2364, 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the chances that this virus comes in waves and kills millions? Is this guy right?

Honestly at this point I just want to not have to worry about deadly viruses, economic recession, civil unrest, and war.

>> No.11526353

>what are you afraid of exactly?
My death, my relatives' deaths, my friends' deaths, mass civil unrest, rioting, raping and pillaging, collapse of society, apocalypse, extinction, having to live in some Mad Max style hellscape where there is no law or people to protect me.

>> No.11526361

This. I understand that this is a crisis but all I want is to go back to work and not have to look over my shoulder 24/7 or have to worry about a killer virus, or global economic collapse, or if I'm going to get robbed or killed today for toilet paper.

>> No.11526530

I`m no virologist so take what I`m saying with a pinch of salt. If the US and other countries don`t isolate and get absolutely dummied by it, one or two waves. If you survive, the chances of the virus mutating and you getting it again is basically null (from what I've heard). If people really do start taking it seriously, then it'll keep coming in waves until a solid vaccine is finished, and who knows how long that'll take. Basically every time it starts going away people will get laissez-faire with it, and then bam new wave. News for a vaccine seems to suggest a year at the earliest, but most likely around 2 years

>> No.11526545

Well that sucks. Idk how anyone is supposed to return to as my sense of normalcy if it's going to stick around for that long.

Maybe in a few months a treatment that works well is devised that significantly lower the mortality rate (hydroxychloroquine) which could be mass produced.

Only downside is that if it's mass-produced and the virus still runs rampant, eventually it'll mutate to be resistant to the treatment.

>> No.11526627

>Idk how anyone is supposed to return to as my sense of normalcy if it's going to stick around for that long.
This. This is the main reason I'm getting suicidal.

2 years of lockdown, even intermittent lockdown, WILL result in some form of collapse. If it's not mass death and tragedy caused directly by the virus, then it will be economic implosion, mass unemployment, mass suicide, and perhaps even the eventual breakdown of law and order across many countries.

I honestly do not see the way out of this situation. This is going to cause more of an impact to the human race as a whole than even WW2 did imo.

>> No.11526640

>economic implosion
nah it'll be weak everywhere, so things'll even out
>mass unemployment
ubi now
>mass suicide
Your fear is exaggerating it. There will be an uptick in suicides, but it's not going to be as bad as you thinks it is
>eventual breakdown of law and order across many countries
no, just no

>> No.11526655

You fags are so melodramatic. Jesus Christ.

>> No.11526833
File: 778 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20200402_143045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /losingit/ here?

>> No.11526837

>woman complaining

>> No.11526873

>US scientists link BCG vaccination with fewer Covid-19 cases
>TB vaccine may be helpful for Corona
>clinical trials started 2 days ago
It hasn't been announced yet. Top virologists are very cautious but also hopeful about this.

Don't give up hope and keep protecting yourself. Next 2 weeks - month is going to be the worst. Stay safe.

>> No.11526952
File: 501 KB, 640x729, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-How many of you are currently posting from bunkers right now? How many of y-you have a cure? WHY AREN'T YOU SHARING?!

>> No.11526965
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>How many of y-you have a cure?
>How many of you are currently posting from bunkers right now?
90% of /sci/. It's over for you, Weeb. Guess you could say, The Game was rigged from the start. No tears, only coofs now.

>> No.11526967

I had a BCG injection and I still got covid 19

>> No.11527003

I got through the first 90 seconds and gave up, liberalism is a mental disorder
>waahhhh i'm constantly under stress about the state of the world
>it couldn't possible be because i subscribe to a hyper politicized ideology that condemns everything good/normal

>> No.11527027
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You're panicking, and it's affecting your cognition. If you're between the age of 18-40 and don't have an existing respiratory condition, you will survive Covid-19. Your primary concern should be to not unknowingly pass the virus to those more vulnerable than you are if you enter the asymptomatic carrier stage.
>we are fucked and there's not much we can do
This is taken far out of context. As it stands, there's not much we can do in terms of eliminating the virus until we have a vaccine. Until then, the goal is to have all known cases in quarantine. Social distancing is happening to ensure that the spread is easier to track and document, as well as limit the amount of people it can spread to.
Keep a level head, go shopping once a week, stay 1.5m from people, wash your hands regularly, and don't touch your face.

>> No.11527038
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>tfw fat
>tfw hypertension
I wasn't scared at first but seeing more and more stats showing that almost all of the young people ending up in the hospital are fat and have heart problems is causing me to freak out.
>tfw it's too late to quickly get in shape and lose weight

>> No.11527052

Too late to be healthy

Just in time to hole up and self-quarantine until this all blows over

>> No.11527070

How was it? And when did you have it?

>> No.11527102
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>No tears, only coofs now.
Why are you like this?

>> No.11527110

>stay 1.5m from people, wash your hands regularly, and don't touch your face
I did all of those things when it wasn't cool and was never socially rewarded for it

The isolation and the fact that not even the supposed experts see a way out of this is going to cause a surge in suicides

>> No.11527132
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>He can't see the fnords
Whats the point in worry about something you can't change?

>> No.11527134

>and was never socially rewarded for it
Who's being rewarded for it now you fucking mongoloid? Your reward for doing it before now was potentially having fewer days a year where you were sick, and as my old boss used to say "I'm saving my sick days for when I feel better."

>> No.11527135

hopefully the majority of those suicides will be from a particular demographic of mentally ill incels. it used to be all fun and games, but there's simply too many of you lately

>> No.11527174

>tfw your job is deemed essential
>but our customer base isn't
>going into the office every day to shitpost on my phone for 8 hours
>able to hit 70+ on the highway for the first time in forever
>the entire country is now respecting my personal bubble
>almost no road noise and all I can hear are birds singing
I'm enjoying the silver linings like a motherfucker. Hopefully when we come out on the otherside of this there's a realization that there's no reason so many people need to commute when they can just work from home.

>> No.11527198

>Hopefully when we come out on the otherside of this there's a realization that there's no reason so many people need to commute when they can just work from home
No, fuck that shit. Some of us need to separate "work space" from "home space". In my home, I want to be comfortable, I want to relax, enjoy, be free of worry. Forcing everyone to work from home is the perfect fucking excuse to push us towards this "non-stop work" lifestyle where nobody has set hours, nobody has set places to be, you're just expected to work forever more with fewer breaks because "you can do it from anywhere". Perfect recipe for a depressing fucking life.

>> No.11527216

Normally this would be the case, because if there's a way your employer can exploit you chances are they'll do just that, but that doesn't have to be the case.

working from home can actually free up a ton of time since you're not commuting anywhere. If your employer tries to exploit you by telling you to work more and more hours or lower your pay, just quit. If enough people call them out on their bullshit there won't be a market for them to run to of desperate people willing to work for pennies on the dollar (i.e immigrants, offshore labor, etc)

>> No.11527227


i've made almost $1,000 (off of $5,000 no leverage) in the past two weeks trading corona virus stocks. it's the morons who have all their money in blue chip stocks that are getting fucked.

>> No.11527252

> trading corona virus stocks

Nice larp

>> No.11527339

Too bad, I'm already bricking in all of your doors and windows.

>> No.11527342

What are you talking about?
You just play videogames and watch youtube and enjoy your federally mandated 3 week vacation, you fucking maniac.

>> No.11527426

wouldnt be afraid if you'd lift instead of reading, nerd

>> No.11527434
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>My death, my relatives' deaths, my friends' deaths
Gonna happen no matter what deal with it
>mass civil unrest, rioting, raping and pillaging, collapse of society, apocalypse, extinction, having to live in some Mad Max style hellscape where there is no law or people to protect me
Shut the fuck up

>> No.11527459

>Gonna happen no matter what deal with it
I don't understand this argument. Yes, death is inevitable. But "dying somewhere between 60-90 from natural causes, a chronic condition or some declining health" is VERY different to "dying in your 20s because of a sudden global pandemic". Not all deaths are equal, it's fucking stupid to pretend otherwise.

>> No.11527466

No, it's fucking stupid to spend your time and energy worrying about it instead of just doing your best to avoid it

>> No.11527473

>No, it's fucking stupid to spend your time and energy worrying about it instead of just doing your best to avoid it
The problem is I'm scared I will waste my life working towards goals I'll never get to fulfill. Like if I die this month of corona, then the 4 years I just spent at university studying for a degree were literally pointless and meant nothing. I might as well have just spent those years NEETing or working minimum wage and getting drunk every night, snorting cocaine and banging hookers. Like what's the point in obeying society's rules if I'm gonna end up dying young? I wish I could know exactly when and how I'm gonna die, so I could plan out if it's worth me building a career and doing meaningful shit or if its just pointless. Like if I could see in the future I'm gonna die in 2024 of cancer or some shit, then I might as well spend all my days up to then doing decadent things and not caring about the consequences.

>> No.11527475


>> No.11527479

I wasn't furloughed from work because of Ebola.

>> No.11527495

>Like if I die this month of corona, then the 4 years I just spent at university studying for a degree were literally pointless and meant nothing
Why isn't self-improvement a worthwhile goal
> Like what's the point in obeying society's rules if I'm gonna end up dying young?
Well, if you don't, and you don't die young, you'll be a lot worse off. We don't know what's gonna happen and that's just life.
>I wish I could know exactly when and how I'm gonna die, so I could plan out if it's worth me building a career and doing meaningful shit or if its just pointless.
Learn to put meaning into short and long term goals. Honestly, life being unpredictable is part of what makes it interesting.

>> No.11527503

I feel this. I try to remind myself though that the mortality rate for this disease for someone like me in their 20's is very low and it's even lower when you prevent chances of being exposed to the virus and prepare for the chance that you do get infected.

Also remember that even in the very small chance that you do get infected and it does get severe, if you are young you will be given top priority in any hospital.

Best of luck to you anon. I can totally relate to your anxieties on this there's a million ways you could catch this and there's even a chance you already have it but the good news is, why majority of the cases are mild or asymptomatic. It's not the flu it is worse but the odds are still in your favor and even if there may be a variety of strange going on out there some deadlier than others if your forefathers survived through plagues and wars chances are you will to if you try.

>> No.11527515

If you are aware of a state which you call "is," or reality, or life, this implies another state called "isn't," illusion, or unreality, or nothingness, or death
There it is, you can't know one without the other and so, as to make life poignant it's always got to come to an end.
That is exactly, don't you see, what makes it lively

>> No.11527532

Last I checked Ebola didn't spread across the entire planet in a matter of weeks.

>> No.11527587

>threat to our supply chains and the functioning of modern society.
oh, you mean those ones fucking crumbling under their own nonsense just before this happened?

>> No.11527596

ebola and marburg outbreaks gets stopped by having running tap water, it doesnt spread like tuberculosis or the flu

>> No.11527649
File: 36 KB, 615x410, 1_Lawrence-of-Arabia-is-the-incredible-film-about-TE-Lawrence-a-British-archaeologist-military-office-and-World-War-I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trick is not minding that it hurts.

>> No.11527663

What happens when 3 weeks becomes 3 months?

>> No.11527668
File: 23 KB, 116x128, yeaaaaaah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more vidya

>> No.11527669

This. I'm also a scientist and the mortality rate is way higher than they're reporting.

>> No.11527677

Also this.

>> No.11527709

Two factors, first, they only get the hospital cases. Not every COVID case goes to the ICU, or even to a hospital.
Second, people are still being retarded about quarantine. The hospitals are swamped, and these medical professionals need to convince people to not increase their case load, so they emphasize how bad it is, because it is bad, in the hospitals.

>> No.11527728

How so? Give us some numbers to work with.

How many people get severe cases? What's the real mortality rate? Tell us more.

>> No.11527783


>W-hy yes of course I have evidence to prove my point, I just don't choose to provide it!

Yes point.

Unless you have some actual data you can bring to the table anecdotes based on nothing don't help your point or the general goal I think we both share about raising awareness for this pandemic.

>> No.11527796

yes we should just stay uninformed and blind forever like the greatest generation, the boomers

>> No.11527807
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Where can I get my hands on this lava? I need to cleanse my colon.

>> No.11527924

Yeah, I got a crippling wave of demoralization earlier tonight. I'm still trying to focus on my job and am feeling like a loser for getting paid a full salary to sit around the house and shitpost for most of the time, but I can't get going on any work thinking that nothing we do will matter in 3-4 months.