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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11495920 No.11495920 [Reply] [Original]

why is everybody overreacting to corona again?

>> No.11495925

because it's extremely contagious

>> No.11495950

2% death rate over hundreds of millions of people makes a lot of avoidable dead.

>> No.11495954

>What is exponential growth?

>> No.11496105
File: 38 KB, 699x453, Linear 2020-03-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you showing the logarithmic graph?

>> No.11496111

It's likely much less than 2% since there are countless people who didn't even have symptoms and didn't get tested.
Also it's mostly just killing old people and at least in the US we'll probably be better off without them

>> No.11496113
File: 23 KB, 1246x328, 1584499318442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you can intuitively extrapolate exponential growth that way

>> No.11496126

case fatality rate has grown 113% in 46 days

>> No.11496134

What increasing exponentially is the testing.
Positive results remains a constant ~10% of all tests administered, as has been the case since the beginning.
There's your exponential curve retard.

>> No.11496138

Not to mention deaths are following the same curve.

>> No.11496140

>cases explode worldwide
>CFR goes up instead of down as predicted by you fags
>governments impose draconian measures, manage to slow it down somewhat
>s-s-s-ee it's a nothingburger
Justdaflu fags are getting desperate

>> No.11496141

>t. shill

>> No.11496150

cfr going up despite the largest lockdowns of all time is the blackpill

who knows how high it would be without the lockdowns. 4.4% is already 44x worse than the seasonal flu

>> No.11496163

because this thread is poor quality bait and you fell for it

>> No.11496164


>> No.11496169

We don’t know if your body actually gets rid of it all

>> No.11496172

>2% death rate while the medical system is yet to be overwhelmed

So 10 fold that when it does. Sounds pretty deadly to me, senpai.

>> No.11496593

We're UNDER-reacting to it, you retard.

>> No.11496633

2% dead would more than likely help the economy and ease resources if we never panicked. Instead you saved a few pointless lives that would end anyway. #worthit right?

>> No.11496643

Godamn, half of /sci/ is screaming about global warming and now that nature hands us a solution we instead wreck the global economy so we can live on polluting and resource digging. I'm beginning to think you guys don't actually care either way and just like the sound of your own crying

>> No.11496657

You would have to test a random sample of the population to get a good estimate of total infected.
Currently they are only testing people presenting as severely ill and matching the symptoms. Those results are worthless for extrapolating to the general population.
But of course you're a shill, a brainlet or (most likely) both, so you won't understand.

>> No.11496658

I’m tired of all the misinformation I see in all these threads. This shit is serious now because everybody is a scared idiot. Go here, https://www./elsevier.com/connect/coronavirus-information-center it has a link to 22000 peer reviewed publications on the virus. Read that shit and shut up so you faggots don’t destroy the worlds economy.

>> No.11496665

You fucking idiots need to go this >>11496643
Page and read the peer reviewed articles, or shut up and stop saying this ridiculous shit.

>> No.11496668

Sorry meant this >>11496658

>> No.11496688

Because that y axis is logarithmic you neanderthal

>> No.11496693


kill urself, my man

>> No.11496695

Based retard replying twice to the same post to say the exact same thing that's been pointed out already.

>> No.11496701
File: 69 KB, 1334x750, 6DC7951C-F5C3-4A85-9AAC-A637D46F042A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11496722

it wont be low when tons of people go to the hospital at the same time

>> No.11497090

its 2% with overloading retard, it's closer to .2% without

>> No.11497099

Because it clogs up hospitals and has exponential infection rate, retard.

>> No.11497193
File: 106 KB, 612x491, 1570383238018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are exponential functions a straight line in any base logarithmic scale?

>> No.11497207

>Are exponential functions a straight line in any base logarithmic scale?
Yes. log_n(x)=log(x)/log(n), thus taking a different logarithm is the same as multiplying by a constant.

>> No.11497215


>> No.11497251

Finally someone that understands stats. What methods would you use to find a good estimate? Bayesian?

>> No.11497258

Why you keep posting this? Find some good new articles that say corona is nothing and post them

>> No.11497274

>Why are boomers in charge panicking about a virus that kills boomers?

>> No.11497299
File: 327 KB, 1080x2007, 20200324_072517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are people coming up with a 2% mortality rate. I just did a quick math problem based on total confirmed and total deaths related to covid 19. As of today 3/24/2020 the percentage is 4.32%

>> No.11497306

Most of the dead are old as fuck and already sick, and lots of cases go unverified because of how irrelevant Coronavirus is. It’s only 0.2% for people under forty, even ignoring the huge amount of unverified cases.

>> No.11497322 [DELETED] 

Because people are dying, retard. And China lied, almost nobody recovers once they lise the ability to breathe on their own.

>> No.11497349
File: 67 KB, 2542x1066, TIMESAND___07e8gpffffp498481r81ypr8rcdsosbgbs7815r104r333rw46u5frg4g6y70ubef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's the death chart?

>> No.11497355
File: 84 KB, 507x265, TIMESAND___07e8gpffffp498481r81ypr8rcdsosbgbl6104r333rw46u5frg4g6y70ubef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 billion by May 5. Takes about two weeks to die, I guess. I have this strange feeling that my 40th birthday will probably be the best one I ever had. Best in 30 years for sure.
>tfw 40 years is almost over

>> No.11497364
File: 510 KB, 2139x1599, TIMESAND___76204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real death rate is like 50-60% overall.

>> No.11497370

I hope the quarantine lifts so all of the retards including autistic faggots like you can die off.

>> No.11497466

The rates of infection are a geometric progression or exponential growth, OK, Looking at WHO data for Europe some people seem surprised that in 67 days we got 100,000 and 11 days later 200,000 and then only four days later 300,000. But if you use logarithms you can see its an underlying daily increase that is fairly constant at about 17% more per day.

k^67 = 100k. take logs : 67.ln(k) = ln(100000) so the first daily rate is 1.18 or 18%. i.e. e(l(100000)/67)

go forward 11 days: e(l(200000)/78) = 1.169 or still 17%

go forward 4 days to the scary 300k total: e(l(300000)/82) == 1.166
so the daily infection rate is fairly constant.

USA you really need to lock down

>> No.11497470

The rates of infection are a geometric progression or exponential growth..... Looking at WHO data for Europe some people seem surprised that in 67 days we got 100,000 and 11 days later 200,000 and then only four days later 300,000. But if you use logarithms you can see its an underlying daily increase that is fairly constant at about 17% more per day.

k^67 = 100k. take logs : 67.ln(k) = ln(100000) so the first daily rate is 1.18 or 18%. i.e. e(l(100000)/67)

go forward 11 days: e(l(200000)/78) = 1.169 or still 17%

go forward 4 days to the scary 300k total: e(l(300000)/82) == 1.166
so the daily infection rate is fairly constant.

USA you really need to lock down

>> No.11497475

you would have to have a model.

>> No.11497476

about 2% of the figure in the graph (note the axis is logarithmic, and so the rate of infection is an exponential.

>> No.11497482

yeah about 2% of infection rate

>> No.11497502
File: 92 KB, 1200x900, 0_miami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yfw they will be proven right

>> No.11497629

Because our cushy lifestyles have made us unfamiliar with sacrifice and struggle

>> No.11497632

it will continue to go up bc you got to keep in mind this disease has a long asymptomatic period. so we are effectively looking a week into the past right now. in 2-3 weeks it will look like its "going down" and people still start to shitpost here "haha it was a nothingburger you retards" and then lockdowns will end and it will immediately ravage the population for round2

>> No.11497633

sure they got corona, and not just the beer. that much they were right about.

>> No.11498770

75% of infected are asymptomatic

>> No.11500323

A log lin graph tells you when the government has done something that works.

>> No.11500348

Why do people keep posting these dumb threads. Do they really think themselves smarter than the best epidemiologists and medical experts?

>> No.11500355

Medical experts sometimes can't do stats.

>> No.11500361

Apparently so can't the people on this board.

>> No.11500419

No one can do stats. People think simple division is stats and then try to back up whatever stoopid opinion they have with that. Real stats is theory based, but no one cares and everyone is a stats expert

>> No.11500635

>People think simple division is stats
Multiplication too!

>> No.11500649

isn't it exactly 50%? you either die or you don't