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11415037 No.11415037 [Reply] [Original]

Boys tend to struggle in school compared to girls. Why are the most successful people men but least successful people (schoolwise) also men?

>> No.11415039
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school is about doing what you're told and not questioning authority
success is about imposing your will in the face of authority

>> No.11415056

this + girls are given better grades for the same work according to research

>> No.11415061

The very concept of submission is in fact an abstraction of female behavior in sexual relationships. This is why dogs hump other dogs non-sexually to establish dominance. It's a clever tactile metaphor they're expressing which goes something like "I'm putting you under me in a manner which suggests I'm the man and you're the woman in our association here today, friend."
Anywho, the public education system is like the man to the woman that is young people. And it's saying "I'm putting you under me so you can learn to take orders and be submissive to the State." And responding well to being dominated is what women of course excel at, hence the results you're asking about.

>> No.11415074

Education is structured around girls, boys are not so compliant.

>> No.11415085

Because boys do better in math and science but poorer in reading and spend less time doing homework they score lower in grading and do better in testing.

Not making this shit up

>> No.11415099

:thinky emoji:

>> No.11415101

Because women are smart.

>> No.11415151

>Because boys do better in math

>> No.11415512

Go look at the people majoring in mathematics in university and then come back.

>> No.11415514

>Why do girls make better grades in school?
Part of it probably has something to do with women being more naturally compliant with commands such as ''Do your homework.''

>> No.11415525

Girls are more agreeable, therefore more susceptible to social expectations of performing well in school.

>> No.11415527

High neuroticism, thus higher academic drive. Males tend to seek success, grades are typically seen as a means to an end (i.e. academic achievement, high paying job, ect.). Females tend to lack direction academically, but they do get good grades.

>> No.11415537

Got any statistics to back up your claim or is it anecdotal?

>> No.11415556

Because behaviour typical of teenage girls is rewarded in school and behaviour typical of teenage boys is punished or even gets you medicated. School is not real world though.

>> No.11415558
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the vast majority of teachers are female

>> No.11415621

from my experience girls study more which is by itself good enough for most to get through k-12 and bachelors degree without much problem.
also if you look at IQ curves of men vs women, you will see that men have a broader curve so there are more high IQ men but also more retard tier men, while women are closer to an average IQ. to get through a degre you really just need a normal IQ and some good study habits, this favors women as men have more retards that can not make it through such things

>> No.11415624

school is an obedience and conscientiousness training centre and tollgate where you need to give a certain amount of money and time to sinecured retards to ascend in social class.

girls are better at this than boys because obedience, doing shit that doesn't make sense just because they're told to and not realising that they're being taken for a ride come naturally to them.

don't question me I am both an incel and a self-taught student of education theory. i am the perfect person to answer this.

>> No.11415891

>girls study more

I never 'studied' until I was in like year 10

>> No.11415899

i never understood the whole "girls are better at language and communication" thing. i tend to find that men write much clearer and more concisely while women take a long time to get to the point. How are women seen as better communicators?

>> No.11415904

Retard. And math is one of (or even THE) STEM major with most women.

>> No.11415906

Feminisation of education and variable development times.

>> No.11415911

>ITT: Not doing your homework means you're smarter and more independent!!!!

>> No.11415916

Because we're smarter duh if school is so easy why don't you just score higher than us haha the guys that bullied me for being a stupid dropped out of college k-12 education in the us is basically a 13 year iq test there is no way to refute this were taking your jobs bigots

>> No.11415977
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Public school and undergraduate school is weird. Women get better grades than man consistently yet men produce more papers, and their papers are actually interesting, when women produce papers they are often times uninteresting and simplistic research which really doesn't make me go "wow this research paper is awesome/interesting". I think it has a lot to do with the fact that women have to be told what to do and they do it, and when men get told the same in school/academia they tend not to due it, it isn't until a man finds something or some particular subject interesting that they then devote all their willpower into it, which is why so many women complain about men being workaholics or when boyfriends focus too much on video games or art or academia or working or fighting or weightlifting.

An unspecified amount, but I would guess super majority of women just don't seem to have that independent/loner/solitude/super focus type of ability that men have once they find something interesting. Plus from my own observations that women are better at rote memorization than men, but men are more creative/ingenious/revolutionary/deep thinking compared to women.

The only standard which I base this upon is the undergraduate physics majors and engineering majors, and the reason why is because there are just too many women in chemistry/geology/biology/mathematics nowadays if we go back and compare to the old stem standard of groups. Geophysics/Biophysics/Physics/Engineering/Computer Science all seem to be some of the harder groups that women really have not infiltrated and to be blunt and honest I really do think it's because they just don't have the smarts for those fields and That I believe is due to those fields requiring creativity more than anything else in all honestly, there is only so far that rote memorization can get you, unfortunately this I believe is the reason why.

>> No.11415980

I'd have thought it would be biology, biomed or medicine

>> No.11416034

I understand this is bait but atleast write a coherent sentence

>> No.11416049
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It's more evidence of the male variability hypothesis, which the political correctness crowd denies. Girls consistently display a similar level of abilities and achievement, while boys display an extreme variance, with some boys being below-average and others being above-average.

>> No.11416056


>> No.11416071

He meant real girls not trannies

>> No.11416074

>girls don't write as concise and clear
Writing things in as many words as possible is what is considered good from my experience. I remember when I would have teachers upset with me before they had even read what I wrote just because it didn't take up a lot of space on the page

>> No.11416081

testosterone is linked with "positive illusions" ie confidence so Men in general feel less need for a degree before applying to jobs or working on something. Women want external validation of their skills and having a diploma or getting an A from the teacher gives them the confidence that men have innately.

>> No.11416090

I consistently scored higher than both men and women during my lower education days. Then again, both sexes dont study shit when they are in middle and high school is what I found. Learning a couple of chapters 3 or 2 days before a test is not going to result in a stellar mark.

>> No.11416092

This was only true for people who were interested in a very limited field and usually in the STEM area.

Much worse are the
>a degree does not show intelligence
>EQ is a real thing!

>> No.11416105


you can't score above max on a test so the top 20% just get capped, as if they were no different

>> No.11416265

Myth. The study where this was tested was on 13 year olds, where the brain hasn't developed and where it is looking at a very small cross-section of brain development.

>> No.11416275

They're just trying to encourage them more

>> No.11416277

if you saw what modern school was like now, you wouldnt believe it. most teachers have their students have a "binder" for the class where they organize everything, and at the end of the semester they collect the binder to see how organized it is, and this is a MASSIVE part of their grade. like they want the students to keep all the tests and homework and notes and papers, all in their own sections, and teachers grade it.

Naturally girls are a lot better at being organized like this, most boys don't give a shit about this kind of thing, and yet its one of the major standards of how students are graded these days in many classrooms

>> No.11416291

males during puberty go literally mentally insane.
Risk taking behavior and self destruction is off the charts.

>> No.11416292

the guy you replied to is a retard, but as far as I know math skills are basically even in asia.

>> No.11416405

the OP is asking why girls do better in school, homework and studying is most of the grade

>> No.11416407

kek i havent studied and i just got a bachelors. also as the other anon said he meant real women and not a tranny

>> No.11416449

source on your claim that women just do what they are told more than men

>> No.11416507

Leaving my room and going outside

>> No.11416521

Women were supposed to raise children not do science in the past and today employers still fear that they'll get preggo and won't finish the project.

>> No.11416585

>anecdotal evidence
try again

>> No.11416589

Does anyone here seriously think women will be a supermajority of academics 50 years down the line?

I really do believe there is an agenda to replace all males in the sciences, doesn't anyone else have any input on this?

>> No.11416683
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Haw may guys do you think, are paying attention to the board?

>> No.11416750

if she's so smart why is she wearing two undies?

>> No.11416856

thank you for reminding me of highschool. its not my fault your retarded text interpretation is filled to the brim with big words and zero substance. glad i got over that phase it was such a fucking pain in the ass.
thank you for reading my blog

>> No.11416871

Yeah it's dumb, the ability to condense ideas down and convey them clearly is the heart of good writing. otherwise your tipicle 1000p trashy romance tome would be considered high art...

>> No.11416875

in what country is this real? i remember vaguely that my notes would be checked back before highschool i think, but it never was a huge part of the grade

>> No.11416878

..........how did I screw that one up?

>> No.11416902
File: 1.25 MB, 1400x1050, pompei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to post this. School is about getting formed for taking orders, working efficiently for the sake of economic growth. Women are better at taking shit without question than men, that's why they are better at it.

>> No.11416959

Male here, I did not have this so I guess your generalization is false

>> No.11416968


>> No.11416975

Males are more likely to have learning disabilities generally. That could have something to do with it.

>> No.11417349

This. My grades were lowered because i lacked attention and i was disruptive. My teachers even said they would if i kept acting up

>> No.11417935

You're all forgetting that most teachers are women.

Female teachers actively favour girls, I've seen it 100 times over.

Female teachers all seem to share the same values w.r.t school work as their female students do.

For instance, in school it's suggested that showing all of your working is important. Since in society women are rewarded for trying and not succeeding they will naturally agree with this, while the world is cut throat for men and all that matters is whether you achieved success not how you got there - no sympathy for men. Hence boys tend to care more only about getting it right knowing that 'i tried' is never enough for a man, therefore lower grades.

>> No.11417939

I meant to make a distinction between active favouring and passive favouring. Shared values is one example of passive favouring.

>> No.11417946

Girls aren't constantly fucking with each other

>> No.11417951


>learning disability
if learning consists of doing what you are told and saying exactly what somebody wants to hear, then yes

obviously, that's not what learning is, and it's also the reason why 100% of females are useless even if they were educated and trained for decades

>> No.11417963

Because schools switched from a linear to a modular system in the 80s. Boys do much better with a linear system and girls do much better with modular system.

>> No.11417999

The punctuation was part of the bit, man.

>> No.11418171

because they get more help

>> No.11418183

idk i actually know a girl that can't/couldn't learn for shit even if her life would depend on it

>> No.11418192

Gender desegregation favors girls more. Boys think about sex when girls are around. Especially with the way they are allowed to dress these days.

>> No.11418227

lol, is this really why dogs hump other dogs so often? I did not think they had the agency.

>> No.11418230

it's has to be biology. when I walk by the biology lab, almost the entire class is female.

>> No.11418234
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this is why we have studies, life isnt a guessing game

>> No.11418237

>one girl
that settles it.

>> No.11418793

Aren't they like afraid of raising their hands or something?

>> No.11418798

>That "graph"
The fact that you thought it was something worth posting proofs your IQ is in the double digits. Probably 80 or below

>> No.11418799

Yeah, and not doing them or doing badly on them is not a sign of intelligence

>> No.11418818

This is literally the problem lol, fucking too scared to ask questions.

>> No.11419682

>System based on favoritism and conformity
>Men not only are programmed to hate conformity, but also are made to be judged harsher in social situations
Wonder why

>> No.11421374

I believe in the greater male variability hypothesis. In all the schools i went to from kindergarten to college. Almost all of the brainlets were male but the smartest person in class was also a male whereas the females were mostly average.

>> No.11421448


they already ARE The majority. and they produce only trash. look up the research of any female professor and you'll see it is usually something that you would have guessed already because it's common sense. or it is just recording/ordering information.
when women get into science they pursue research that is guaranteed to bring results, however minor it may be
they don't know and don't take risks (and if they do they just scam/cheat so they can't lose anything)
they are also eternally afraid of confrontation and rejection, so they never challenge anybody with a tiny fragment of authority, and instead worship them

the smartest guys i know simply dont go to university anymore, universities will be completely worthless in 20-30+ years , there will probably be a new kind of institution which is based solely on competition + aggressive challenges that will appease to males (on the internet) and form a "new" kind of space for male scientists

women don't know how to and hate competing in a game which is "open" i.e. you can't study, memorize etc. but instead you have to prove your worth based on intuition and smartness

>> No.11421766

In Search of Lost Time?
>4,215 pages.

>> No.11421770

The modern school system is not a well designed system for boys. Boys wanna play sportsball, hang out in the cafeteria and fuck around, they don't want to spend hours on end on a hard as shit chair being lectured by boomers learning useless shit

>> No.11421835

Lmao at the "boys don't submit" hypothesis, tell that to all the males letting themselves get fucked in the butt to climb the corporate ladder in finance or whatever

Boys' brains (and bodies) just develop more slowly, which is why we were still autistically obsessed with Yuhgioh or whatever while the girls were already working on looking sexy for Chad. The smarter girls get their priorities sorted and learn to play the game earlier than boys do.

Personality research has also shown more broadly that girls score significantly higher on Conscientiousness, the most important trait for success in an environment like school.

As you move into higher levels, conscientiousness becomes less important than ambition and curiosity, and women have less of both, so men pass them up around their same time their brains are finally getting sorted.

>> No.11421848

Also there's a strong argument to be made for sex-segregated schools, or at least co-institutional schools (i.e. boys in one building, girls in another, sharing common cafeteria and theater and whatnot). Boys are more competitive, but they prefer to compete with other boys, so it's best to put them together and let them go at it. Also the removal of round butts and boobs will allow their autism to run wild unimpeded for a few hours. I'm not advocating no exposure to girls, as they would still see them at lunch and school dances and whatnot, but I think at that age they cause problems for boys academically.

>> No.11421849

More male teachers want to fuck female students than female teachers want to fuck male students.

>> No.11421874

you are 100% wrong
(poor) boys submit because they imitate their parents , and not submitting enough will lead you in jail sooner or later
not because it is in their nature
women are obsessed with pleasing others and mortally afraid of having angered/displeased somebody they respect
also understand that boys from rich families go to private schools where they learn how "to lead" and not how to take orders
taking orders and pleasing others is what poor people learn in school
taking leadership and dominating others is what rich people learn from day 0 , both in school and by copying their parents
women are NOT more conscientious, they simply have an innate fear of incurring the wrath of others because it could mean leading to a physical altercation and because they are heavily dependant on the group for their own survival
even if this fear is 100% unwarranted because most people simply don't get offended that easily women always walk on eggshells , even very young ones already do that
women are by nature completely pathetic, parasitic beings

>> No.11421906


> boys prefer to compete other boys

wrong. boys actually compete against EVERYBODY and challenge EVERYTHING
even on their OWN and if it completely ISOLATES THEM FROM THE GROUP (you'll never find a female that isolates herself or goes against the mainstream on her own)
that's what sets them apart, women always require external validation to exist, they want to be well liked by their environment
men validate themselves by dominating other humans and objects and imposing their will on their environment
there are 0 competitive female gamers, 0 females in CHESS top 100, there are 0 women in the special forces etc. etc.
and it has nothing to do with only the physical constraints
its simply that women are psychologically parasitic entities

>> No.11421915

y i also compete against girl's, that gives me the feeling being at least physical stronger as some one. what a bitter live you have pro.

>> No.11421925

I remember reading something like this a while back. In the UK English teachers were found to be biased towards their female students-- obviously certain civil rights movements won't allow much more research into this but it's big if true

>> No.11421929
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>Math is the stem major with the most women on it

>> No.11421949

I fucking hate this bullshit.
How fucking dumb do you need to be to think verbal diahrrea constitutes good writing?
All the fucking humanities professors i had to deal with in my requiered gen ed clases were like this.
Fuck you pal you just ruined my day reminding me of this bullshit.

>> No.11422099

Nice, so the answer is literally "the world is sexist against boys". Clown fucking world.

>> No.11422104

>Why do girls make better grades in school?
girls like being rewarded for being obedient

>> No.11422412

You can't say that anon that's sexist

>> No.11424041

>school is about doing what you're told
This roasties are retarded

>> No.11424311

>The smarter girls get their priorities sorted and learn to play the game earlier than boys do.
I have yet to meet a woman around my age (in my twenties) who knows what she wants with her life. This is some bs.

>> No.11424356


"Women consistently score higher on measures of agreeableness than Men". There's literally not a single study examining personality/behavioral tendencies of women that shows them to be as aggressive or unwilling to follow orders as men. Women generally respect authority and when they seek power it is through affirmation by standard authority channels rather than "making their own power" as men tend to try.

>> No.11424776

I'm not anyone of those anons, but you can't affirm anything regarding OP's question only using this graph. The reason is: the trend shown is related not only to gender distribution, but to major as well. If you took the same majors, but divided the men and women and took their results, I suppose the results could be the same, because the majors shown with the highest IQ scores are those that heavily rely on abstract and analytical thinking, as opposed to those that scored the lowest, such as Social Work

>> No.11424805
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The school system is far better geared for them. Girls have less energy and more focus. Girls are better at honing in on details. 70% of educators are women, with a high concentration of women in earlier grades where kids are figuring out whether they're going to be "good" or "bad" students. Female educators have been shown to display grades favoritism towards girls, and have a poor understanding of how to handle boys.

Men (and boys) were instinctively hardwired to be up and actively doing things and figuring things out, not sitting still, discussing, and rolling through routines.

>> No.11424813


To add to your point about the most "successful" people still being men, grades don't auto guarantee a lucrative job or career. That takes a level of independence, ambition, and a willingness to take risks that men primarily exhibit. To exacerbate this effect, society judges men on the value they generate back to it. There is much more pressure on men to go big and win.

>> No.11424856

By being a fucking moron.

>> No.11424861

What, like 6? Don't most women drop out of STEM majors because they get intimidated by all the men? Half the time you hear about women dropping out it's because they didn't have enough peers to be comfortable in their classes. Women in college seek out what's the most comfortable. Men seek out what they want to do.

>> No.11424884


Women are highly social animals. They're turned off by the individualist, reclusive nature of these programs, the overabundance of nerdy men, the lack of similar women. And they don't like working with computers. They all switch over to non-technical roles and majors.

That's what's funny, in engineering, not only are a meager 15% of students women, once they graduate half of those just go ahead and switch over to some non-technical analyst role, because they hate technical work.

>> No.11424911

Exactly. I'm no STEM major, I was terrible at math and mediocre at science. But when I was pulling my double major in English and Philosophy I noticed a metric fuckload of women in the former. Often times I was one of maybe three men in my classes, if not just the only one. English is a fairly easy degree to get, so it's no wonder it gets packed full of women.

>> No.11424918


> highly social animals

thats a cute way of saying "retarded herd animals"

>> No.11424933

god theres something rage inducing about her smugness

>> No.11424941
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>take piss easy majors
>state "girls do better at school"
>tell boys to "man up"
>profit from simp betabux

>> No.11424944


>> No.11424949
File: 754 KB, 678x1076, 4naze4cpqwy11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't most women drop out of STEM majors because they get intimidated by all the men?
bitches just can't keep up. only way these whores get through is getting simp orbiters to do their work for them. seen it countless times.

>> No.11424952


> meet her
> fuck her
> teach her wrong
> make her fail at calculus
> she has to retake it
> teach her again
> fuck her again
> make her fail again



>> No.11424953
File: 36 KB, 620x700, architect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How is this cope? I'm not really upset about making six figures because I nutted up and dealt with a STEM degree.

>> No.11424954

the roastie defense is the cope. you doin well is good on you, lad.

>> No.11424960


Well I give them some benefit of the doubt because I have met some capable, smart girls. They're just domineered by that social part of their brains and can't stomach the thought of churning out code in a dark room for hours a day. Which I love sometimes. Men and their objects.

>> No.11424962

>implying she wouldn't be retaking calc1 at least 3-4 times even after teaching material correctly

>> No.11424963

that's just halo effect talk when you see through it, fren.

>> No.11424964


> impregnate her every time she has to take calc
> leave the country
> ???
> you just successfully countered a roastie

>> No.11424968


haha. you are coping. you'll never meet a female hermit or a female going against the stream ON HER OWN.

even when females were in counter culture, such as punk or gothic, they usually do so because of friends or boyfriends

NEVER on their own

females always submit to pressure from external forces

>> No.11424995

it's not only that. whenever a female is mediocre at something relative to men it is so novel that society puts them on a pedestal for just being able to do it. just look at top female anythings and compare the objectively to men. they would be between the bottom of barrel to at best mediocre. barely even pro level. not to mention men have an innate pussy begging circuit in their brain that overrides objective evaluation.

>> No.11424999

Because school is all about obedience.

>> No.11425085
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>Boys tend to struggle in school compared to girls.

I have a feeling you are analysing this from a western-centric view. How does the same studies compare when you include Asians (especially Chinese and South Korean)? Don't the nerdy boys tend to outclass all others?

>> No.11425166

It's not a western/non-western thing. Look at the IMO team of literally any country and it's almost all male. Alternatively, look at any math department.

>> No.11425209

Serena and Venus Williams come to mind against that 800 seeded male player.

>> No.11425211

Source on that. Almost all great scientists were male.

>> No.11425217


the IMO is not really a competition anyway
you compete against "yourself" , not against others

>> No.11425219

Women go to college to seek out a providing man that's all

>> No.11425226


>> No.11425233


>> No.11425273

Woman's tendency to be like all the others.

>> No.11425315

Not in this day and age. They go to college to prove how independent they are by taking the easiest possible major they can and not actually doing anything that would make them independent.

>> No.11425341

because they have tits and can get away with anything

>> No.11426323

Because women are smart.

>> No.11426450

>iq estimates based on major
fuck off.
might as well state "iq estimates based on gender"

>> No.11426580 [DELETED] 

I hate studying and doing homework. In high school, I have no idea how I was passed because I didn't do a single homework assignment/thing in class. I legitimately slept all day during school (worst part is school starts so early in the morning (7AM), naturally I'm going to be tired all day. Then, got home and slept some more. I had only D's in my classes. I grew up to be 6'3", I wonder if sleep plays a major role in growth - just as it does with muscle recovery).

I hated school and thought (knew) it was a waste of my time. I went into the workforce doing hard manual labor in the wilderness making $16/hr starting (this was back in 2011). I invested all my money into S&P500 tracking index funds.

Started university at 24 years old at a community college and transferred to the best university in my state. I'm a junior now and I hate nerds because they're obedient little bitches who are incapable of thinking for themselves. I don't study and I get nerds to do my homework for me. I don't get the best grades, but I get B's using my methods.

Women are basically nerds, they study, take notes, and do homework.

The best part is you don't need to get the best grades, because grades are meaningless. Who's going to be further ahead in life? Me, someone who spent their undergrad getting experience in their field or some idiot who spent all their time reading books lol. Yeah, the person with experience wins 10 times out of 10. Education system favors idiot nerds who focus on inane and inconsequential aspects of life.

>> No.11426603

Education system favors people who can sit still, stay focused to their dumb teacher, and study information that will ultimately be useless to their future.

>> No.11427515

>you have to do homework even if you understand the concept and can perform it with 100% accuracy because you need to be “busy” and I need evidence to show that you know it but for some reason I won’t use classwork for this
A vast majority of teachers are focused on getting you to respect and obey their expectations, and often those expectations are needlessly inflexible, unnecessarily demanding, and entirely useless in the real game of actually educating the student.

>> No.11427521

Imagine seeing literal data and calling it a myth only because there could be more data, instead of advocating for more data. It sounds like cope.

>> No.11427527

>the brain hasn’t developed at 13
13 year old children can’t speak, write, read, plan, organize, moralize, rationalize, or any of that “brain stuff” because their brain is NOT developed. Nope, the brain instantly becomes “developed” overnight at the age of 25. Discard these 13 years of faux-development, because children at that age are the equivalent of a carrot. That makes this data WORTHLESS and UNWORTHY of further investigation.

>> No.11428301

>girls made better grades in school than me
That's exactly right. Girls got straight As in a bunch of average classes. I finished calculus by the 11th grade and gave 0 fucks about shakespeare, and as far as I'm concerned, I would have learned more from the bible (King James translation, since the fucking book club nerds would throw a fit if we didn't get our yearly dose of old-timey bullshit english). In the end getting good grades only prepares you for a lifetime of taking shit.