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11369347 No.11369347 [Reply] [Original]

Which degree/major is not a meme?

>> No.11369350

Physics and Math, everything else is a meme, especially Engineering.

>> No.11369352

everything is a meme, but some memes are useful.

>> No.11369497

>Physics and Math
Can I have some fries with that?

>> No.11369505


>> No.11369508

You got 1/4

>> No.11369534

What's your major err.. the one I got right?

>> No.11369540

2/4 actually, Engineering and Medicine

>> No.11369574

PhD in mathematics

>> No.11369907
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MakDonalds manager

>> No.11370170


>> No.11370196

University in general is a meme. Getting a job is a crapshoot no matter what you go for.

>> No.11370200

Enjoy getting replaced by pajeet.

>> No.11370216

any degree has the capacity to be a meme if you don't take the necessary steps to be competent / get experience.
For career oriented degrees like finance, engineering, (popular tracks of) CS, etc., you'll want to go for internships, take a balance of theory and application classes, get some personal projects on github, etc..
For research / higher education focused degrees like math, physics, (TCS and other research disciplines of) CS, you'll want to go for REU's, research with professors at your uni, take a balance of theory classes with some harder application classes (think serious modelling classes, OS design, etc etc), directed reading + independent study programs, etc.

There's literally no gain without entering knowing that there's a risk you may not gain anything if you don't seek it out. In that respect, everything is a meme

>> No.11370259

>University in general is a meme
t.high school dropout

>> No.11370762

I'm graduating this semester and already have a job lined up. I'm not blind to the struggles though.

>> No.11370767

>pajeets pass white board interviews

>> No.11370794

Pajeets cost less. That's all they need.

>> No.11370904
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>> No.11370909


>> No.11370910
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Electrical or mechanical engineering



>> No.11370912

College is a meme. Who cares, do whatever you like

>> No.11371013

Bachelor of Hamburgerology, unironically speaking.

>> No.11371072
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being a professional neet

>> No.11371278

>Actually this retarded

>> No.11371280

Finace, Arts, Math and General Science

>> No.11371651

Sir I believe you are trolling.

>> No.11371655
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>> No.11371680

The only rational response in the midst of the vacuous twaddles.

Pretty strange how the 99% are clinical morons.

>> No.11371805

Not rational at all, no matter what you do with an art degree it'll be a meme degree because you're not going to get hired.

>> No.11371815

I'm a clueless undergrad just like the most of the posters on this board, so I can only uncritically regurgitate what I've read or heard (just like most posters on this board), but basically anything related to engineering, health care, and computers is not a meme and will lead to full time secure employment.

>> No.11372049

Yet there are philosophy majors in Wall Street

>> No.11372069

This is untrue. Programs like SCAD and MICA give people jobs and an in into the industry. Now, classical styles and gallery art are hard to break into, but this meme about the unemployable art major needs to die. Someone has a job animating your favorite shitty anime. Someone has a job working on video game animations from scratch. Someone has a job doing your company’s core design.
“Art school is a meme” is a meme among people who don’t have the passion for it, mainly how it’s the same for “grad school is a meme.” Namely, you have doomer-tier undergrads obsessed with their entry level paycheck spouting this meme. Yes there’s risk but with any position with a skill floor, there’s risk.

>> No.11372073

>just have a one in a billion portfolio and one in a billion talent bro!
Not an argument. It's a meme.

>> No.11372074

I know an art major who is the lead of the frontend software dev team at his company now after having a consulting gig on the side

>> No.11372080

>frontend dev
who gives a fuck.

>> No.11372081

No lol. You need to have relevant technical skills and a decent portfolio (read: like any job you’d need for software dev, that’s most of what they ask) and then aggressive networking. The whole point of these schools is that companies, famous and not alike, recruit from these schools. They’re not that hard to get into. The demand is there but like any high skill industry there’s some competition, but you don’t have to be “the” artist to get in.
Stop talking bullshit about stuff you don’t know. Stop regurgitating the same old “we old stem boys and those liberal arts majors” drivel dude, I can smell the undergrad engineering grime off of you

>> No.11372085

He’s got a job, he makes over six figures, and he still gets to integrate art into his career. First it was “Hurr durr no jobs for art students” and now it’s “hurr durr who gives a shit about his job?” Stop moving the goalposts.

>> No.11372094

You’re the type of person this piece complains about. You’re also the type of person people don’t respect

>> No.11372119

>hes got a nice, comfy job
good goy. also i'm not that anon. front end web development is just a messy trade that's hardly intellectual by nature. I don't give a fuck what the salary is.

>> No.11372164

how? because I wouldn't personally want to work in some slob web dev role despite the financial security?

>> No.11372174

>Just get lucky and beat the statistics
Fuck off, there are people with gender studies majors that are employed that doesn't make it a meme. If a degree doesn't almost guarantee employability it's a fucking meme. Don't sit here and act like a philosophy major or an art major isn't a meme.

>> No.11372189

Yup. Your freelance furry porn sure embodies the faustian spirit. You will go down in history with the greats.

I love how you relegated the cut throat competition and limited market of the arts to "there's some competition." I can't wait for your rude awakening.

>> No.11372459

You are utterly puerile with a head full of vacuum instead of a brain.

Define meme, you fucking spawn of a two-bit whore!

>> No.11372543
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Any degree that YOU go into instantly becomes a meme.

>> No.11372550

cope harder retard

>> No.11372576

its a meme because the cultural upwelling that spawned that entire field is itself a political meme that depends on intergroup conflict to exist. cs is a meme because tedious high cost computations that rate limited nearly all economic and technological growth in the last two centuries were relaxed excessively. data science is a meme because human capacity to make actionable inferences from massive data sets when operational complexity and efficiency have already begun to peak is a product of most tech and finance firms not knowing what to do with the data they generate. these things are memes irrespective of their intellectual content, to be sure all three lack anything resembling intellectual content, they are memes because they exist due to incorrect apprehension of what complex human systems look like what tools they use might be capable of and poor management of growth expectations. However, a degree could be a meme 4u because you took the degree specifically due to a compulsion that had no significance with respect to your abilities or interests, for instance doing medicine because your family told you or because you expect to get laid more easily is a meme.

>> No.11372695

>despite the financial security?
lmao, you didn't read the piece. The whole point is that security sucks, and that it's insignificant. The problem is that every discussion here has security implicitly laced on top of it, as though it's the only thing that matters. There are plenty of people who took the unsafe option and made it work. For example
>If a degree doesn't almost guarantee employability it's a fucking meme
The thing is, this reductive view doesn't actually account for risk vs reward, retention, job satisfaction, etc.. A prime example of the soulless drone who follows the fears out lined in >>11372094 . Yes, you can do CS to get an entry level job doing data entry or basic frontend tasks, but to get quality jobs in CS, you either have to go research or harder into mathematics for the difficult engineering jobs. The places worth going don't "guarantee employability." Nowhere worth going guarantees employability.
I'm not even an art major lol, but I have 2 siblings that went through the process. I do research and some consulting on the side. It's not as cutthroat as you make it seem, or at least I don't even think it's as cutthroat as publishing in grad. Both of these activities are doable with any semblance of passion for what you're doing

>> No.11372704

>cs is a meme because tedious high cost computations that rate limited nearly all economic and technological growth in the last two centuries were relaxed excessively.
You mean basic software engineering? CS itself is not a meme, and it takes a single look at any department's papers for CS to ascertain that what they do has no bearing on what industry asks them to do.

>> No.11373279


>> No.11373623

marketing duh

>> No.11373680

im doing a pure math+software major, have i been memed?

>> No.11373791

Yes, become a janitor instead.

>> No.11373940
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What should I do to make my (in progress) mech eng degree not a meme?

>> No.11373973
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> And when it comes to earnings for people who only have undergraduate degrees, philosophy majors have the fourth-highest median earnings, $81,200 per year, out-ranking business and chemistry majors, according to the ETS.
Get dabbed on science cucks.
Everything depends on where you went to school. A English degree from Harvard is not a meme. A English degree from state school booze U. Is,

>> No.11373979

Computer Science
Electrical Engineering

>> No.11375063

>In general, humanities and liberal arts majors tend to have high unemployment rates (9.4 percent, according to a 2014 Georgetown University study), and within that group, philosophy and religious study majors tend to do a little worse, with a 10.8 percent jobless rate, according to the study.
Get dabbed on liberal arts cuck.

>> No.11375414

is molecular biology a meme degree? I'm on year 4 and wanna work in medicine development

>> No.11375423

unironically, GIS

Sure you're not going to split the atom but it's easy to find a comfy median pay job with.

>> No.11375717

Computer science, though depending on the program & uni it can vary quite a bit in quality.

>> No.11375850
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linguistics, math or physics (and maybe learn cs on the side because its helpful)

>> No.11375931


>> No.11375953

Medicine will always be necessary.

>> No.11375956

The schizo said it so it must be true!