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File: 57 KB, 634x328, 19759280-0-image-a-9_1571172700856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11312541 No.11312541 [Reply] [Original]

so based Neil is the first guy to step foot on the moon, and his poetic
>one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind
gets screwed up by an audio glitch to the meaningless
>one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind

kind of funny if you think about it.

nowadays, on NASA's agenda, among other things, is to "send the first woman to the moon"

so here's my question: what is the first thing she plans on saying when she steps foot on the moon? and, assuming a similar audio glitch happens, what will the actual glitchy audio say?

>> No.11312549

She'll probably talk about her day

>> No.11312627

>what is the first thing she plans on saying when she steps foot on the moon?
"op is a fag"

>> No.11312637

Nothing. It will get Challengered. Women are bad luck at sea and even more bad luck in space.

>> No.11312657

"One giant leap for humankind, and a stumbling block for incels. Inshallah!"

>> No.11312830

"uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaa 999 999 999 !?!?! John madden john madden aeiou"

>> No.11312883


>> No.11312903

Anyone else hate those suits with a passion?

It annoys me to no end they ignored the Columbia accident review board that said they basically need a motorcycle helmet otherwise any helmet impact can lead to severe neck injury.

>> No.11313125

confusing nasa agenda with nasa public image
whens the last time you've read one scientific paper?
you just read facebook articles titles all day then come on this board?
fucking faggot man

>> No.11313134

Everything has to be soft, padded, super safe and automated now there's women involved. The days of the hail mary risks like Apollo 8 are long gone.

>> No.11313150
File: 1.50 MB, 2340x2364, AS17-145-22224HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artemis astronauts will never look as cool as the Apollo astronauts did.

>> No.11313151
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I am forgotten.

>> No.11313734

>It annoys me to no end they ignored the Columbia accident review board that said they basically need a motorcycle helmet otherwise any helmet impact can lead to severe neck injury.
Can you elaborate? It already has the padded comms cap and theres not a lot of options when its under pressure and attached to your neck.

>> No.11314329

Obviously the quote is gunna be a general all inclusive inspirational quip about forward progress and hope for all mankind

>> No.11314417
File: 101 KB, 480x722, GrummanMoonSuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I hate that spacesuit. I woke up hatethinking about it. It's like a cross between the Krechet and the Grumman Moon Suit. We are moving backwards.
>exposed metal joints
>terrible helmet ergonomics
>lets add more weight to the top
>weird hybrid hard/soft suit — pick one for planetary
They should have just rebuilt the AES and called it good.

>> No.11314535
File: 117 KB, 828x1101, 1969_EX1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wearer's neck is extremely vulnerable in all current and proposed suits. Any out-of-order vibrations or shock and the neck has to take all the lashing generated by the head flopping around. The Russian Sokol suits at least have a soft helmet that, IIRC, straps to the acceleration couch. For an IVA suit, the best helmet might be something like Gemini G4C helmet since it provided both crash protection and excellent visibility.
Pic is the EX1A, a development version of the AES and is what we should be working toward again. Soft construction, packable into a suitcase, cheap enough to carry several for each astronaut. 95% naked equivalent flexibility — it was pushup, climb ladders, sit cross legged flexible, in a constant volume suit. From 1969.
>suit nerd

>> No.11314916

That would be totally awesome. I may use these for my dying words.

>> No.11314954

First words assuming Artemis actually lands
>what's that hissing sou...

>> No.11314989

"I have just broken the glass ceiling of Earth, and crossed the border into space!" most likely

>> No.11315045
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Not on 4ch.

>> No.11315371

how would a diaper fit under that? i guess it is only meant for 45 minute spacewalks -- oh wait i mean 1.5 hour spacewalks since women have moose bladders

>> No.11315620

"As a result, the unconscious or deceased crew was exposed to cyclical rotational motion while restrained only at the lower body. Crew helmets do not conform to the head. Consequently, lethal trauma occurred to the unconscious or deceased crew due to the lack of upper body support and restraint."

>> No.11315652

Just piss in the suit and let it estivate, like a wetsuit.
>lethal trauma occurred to the unconscious or deceased crew due to the lack of upper body support and restraint.
Godfuckingdammit my dreams died that day.

>> No.11315658
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The first female astronaut on the moon should get the in a rocket designed and built exclusively by women and paid for exclusively by women.
Thats how men did it

>> No.11315690

>Just piss in the suit and let it estivate, like a wetsuit.
it’s not like a wetsuit. it’s closed. that would be fucking disgusting and would probably post a hygienic risk. imagine if they went on their capsule, unzipped their suit, and piss and shit goes flying around the capsule due to low gravity. it could even damage the instruments onboard meaning a risk to the mission

>> No.11315704
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>> No.11315720

If Jim Parsons plays an autistic racist I want to see this, but I don't think he'd ever play a heel

>> No.11315722

If you let a thousand niggers play with calculators, one may actually achieve something by accident.

>> No.11315725
File: 36 KB, 220x257, 220px-Hans_-_head_and_neck_safety_system.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Godfuckingdammit my dreams died that day.
On the bright side racing solved this problem for when they are in their seats.

>> No.11315728

how do racers do it? they don't use diapers?

>> No.11315735


>> No.11315744

ummmm i was asking about how they pee and poo while racing. i didn't get far enough in that article to see how it had anything to do with things besides "Head And Neck Support".... but please inform me how this solves the pee/poo issue if it does

>> No.11315774

Racers have so much fire equipment on that they get really hot and dehydrated. Hence they don't pee. They poo before the race.

>> No.11315881

okay so i draw from this that auto racing (e.g. Formula 1) has very little to contribute to the issue of how moon astronauts manage to pee and shit during 4-6 hour moonwalks. ok. that leads me to the conclusion that the form-fitting "sexy" spacesuits posted above in this thread are memes and that space suits require a bit of non-sexy extra room to accommodate adult-size diapers

>> No.11315893

i'm sure at least one of the astronauts will make a reference

>> No.11315904

"i am no man" *defeats moon*

>> No.11315945

Baja 1000 racers use catheters, not sure about other series.

>> No.11315969
File: 117 KB, 806x1024, 806px-Helm_for_the_Joust_of_Peace_(Stechhelm)_MET_DP-12883-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s closed.
No, it's not. Read Bradley Pitt's thesis on the TX suit. Theoretically 49% skin area exposed to the space environment. The piss would leave a ureic residue that gets washed when processing the suit. Wouldn't recommend shitting in it and this is only for planetary mission, ignoring fines and perchlorate irritation.
Sweet. Very similar to a Stechhelm and for the same reasons.
>the conclusion that the form-fitting "sexy" spacesuits posted above in this thread are memes
Skinsuits are not a meme at all. There are plenty of ways to not shit yourself on EVA, from drugs that cause constipation to a high fiber diet and a good crap beforehand. All skinsuit proposals involve some kind of padding in the gaps, too, so you could build a diaper into that. Still doesn't need to look like Lego Girl in OP.

>> No.11316038

they just do it on the suit, if someone has an upset stomach they use a diaper but the pee they do it on the suit

>> No.11316055

Are we seriously talking shit about people who actually contributed more to space travel than anyone on here ever will? lol

>> No.11316066

An overblown movie about human calculators with immense inaccuracies.
Nerds actually training to make this dosh happen.

>> No.11316073

>An overblown movie about human calculators with immense inaccuracies.
The inaccuracies weren't all that immense. Also black women helped land a man on the moon, deal with it.
>Nerds actually training to make this dosh happen.
No one on this site will amount to shit.

>> No.11316094

>No one on this site will amount to shit.
fuck you bro, i will.

>> No.11316097

one small step for woman, one giant leap for womankind

>> No.11316281

What are you on about.
No alligator head, the PLSS and SIP combined weigh less than the current PLSS and the metal joints will be covered with a soft cover when not on display just like on the Z-series suits.

>> No.11316311

>what is the first thing she plans on saying when she steps foot on the moon?
all your base are belong to us

>> No.11316313

>The inaccuracies weren't all that immense.
Inaccuracy #1: Opening scene with bathroom — NASA has always been integrated.
Inaccuracy #2: Katherine Johnson was never held back and always upheld as a leading mathematician of her generation
Did you see my post about the AES? The new moon suit is a bulky step backward.

>> No.11316500

Which AES are you talking about anon? The AiResearch and the Litton ones were both Hybrid, but its also a completely unoriginal name and there are other with the same name.

>> No.11316594

>first woman on moon

I am looking forward to the first left handed Irish professional scuba diver on the moon.

Only the biggest SJW feminist fags will give a shit about who the FIRST woman on the moon is.

>> No.11316830

>Only the biggest SJW feminist fags will give a shit
And anon, apparently.

>> No.11317594

>gets screwed up by an audio glitch
It's been shown by computer analysis not to be a radio glitch. Armstrong admitted he just fucked up the grammar.

>> No.11317611

it is a weird effect of the societal shift that "first woman to..." seems extra meaningless and even a bit regressive.

>> No.11317612

That's understandable. I'm sure most of us here would spill spaghetti hard if we were in his position.

>> No.11317654

Was a soft torso suit made of a bonded neoprene-like material with a patented accordion joint. Not sure about the Litton suit.

>> No.11318471
File: 541 KB, 773x829, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>space suits require a bit of non-sexy extra room to accommodate adult-size diapers

Well some doctor did develop a method of cleaning poo, pee, and period splatter from a space suit with a small port. All at the behest of NASA.

>> No.11318584

How about we realize that women are not built for exploration and high-intensity events? They constantly need to use the bathroom because their bladders are smaller, they bleed, they get weak, they need a break, etc. Women are shit explorers and never make good astronauts.
Throw in emotional needs and fucking games they play with you and any mission where you involve women will inevitably go to hell.

Men trailblaze and women follow once conditions have been set up for them to follow. This was always the case, and space will be no different.

>> No.11318661

Spot on. The arrogance and coat-tail riding of mediocre-at-best men never fails to astound.

>> No.11318672

sauce? i don’t think this sounds implausible but my dad always said it was an audio glitch (he watched it live and was into it during his younger years) and last i checked wikipedia agreed with the audio glitch hypothesis

>> No.11318677

>reddit spacing
>over-emotional assmad faggot

pot calls kettle black

>> No.11318683

>Here comes another Chinese earthquake...

>> No.11318715
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>> No.11318960
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>> No.11319000

>They constantly need to use the bathroom because their bladders are smaller, they bleed, they get weak, they need a break, etc

If we can't handle such minor issues, then we don't deserve the stars.

>> No.11319024

>I don't see any borders from up here

>> No.11319039

Honestly who cares.
Neil's quote isn't cool because he was the first male on the moon it's because he was the first man, ie human.
And frankly at this point the expectation for a meaningful soundbite to adorn a momentous occasion just means that anything anyone would come up with for say like, the first person on Mars for instance, would be manufactured as fuck.
A big part of the reason Neil's quote was cool was because it was a spur of the moment thing, not some expected and planned charade of homo sapiens self-aggrandising.

>> No.11319102
File: 486 KB, 1200x800, bodilyheat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't explore your utmost potential

Pretty faggy argument. Imagine thinking that equality in the face of biological reality is a good thing, let alone a reason to retard progress in space travel. Someday the tech will allow weaker humans to come along too, but never will the frontier be as efficient without the strongest, physically and mentally.

>> No.11319537


>> No.11319543

>Men trailblaze and women follow once conditions have been set up for them to follow. This was always the case, and space will be no different.
This. It's why I'm happy NASA is (hopefully) sending the first woman to the moon, it means if they can do that and make it work they can safely let anyone can go. Space and the moon were trailblazed by men back in the 50s and 60s.
I'm more interested in how they get to Mars with women involved. That would be an actually impressive first for a woman.

>> No.11319652

Pretty sure neils line was pre written and rehearsed.

>> No.11319676

that's not reddit spacing fagtron

>> No.11319803

>never will the frontier be as efficient
Women are lighter, it's literally more efficient to send only women into space.

>> No.11320358

Women require minimum 1.5-2X as much water per person as men, mostly for necessary bathing. They are far weaker, especially hand strength, and that very much matters during EVA in pressure suits. They also tend to break down or make horrible decisions under pressure - see that Norwegian frigate that played chicken with a cargo ship.
If women were better for these things, every sailing ship of yore would be female crewed.

>> No.11320363

don't astronauts need to do tons of calisthenics/exercise to prevent wasting as well? how many women can you find who can do intense daily exercise vis a vis capable males? maybe girl astronauts all take roids

>> No.11320376

In zero G astronauts do about 4 hours a day on the treadmill and take anti-osteo drugs. Females are just as capable of those things and have one advantage in that they suffer less ocular degradation than males. They're still less capable overall for the rigors of exploration.

>> No.11320381

astronauts don't do resistance training? pussies

>> No.11320392

Yes, there's a pulley system on ISS and the Russians wear Penguin Suits. Eventually we are going to have to build centrifuges for use in deep space, either internal to station/ship modules or via spinning the vessels.

>> No.11320394

Are you seriously pretending the people who made the movie actually care about those individuals, and not just Blatantly pushing their strong colored female horseshit to make a buck or two?

>> No.11320981
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>> No.11321170

seething incel

>> No.11321305

something something LGBT rights something something Womens fights something something Climate change fossil fuels.
It'll be the wokest cringiest moment on global television


>> No.11321420

"Now I'm about to get out of the lander, I just want to talk to you about privilege ..blah blah blah.. and how women can do anything ..blah blah blah .. and for any young girls watching this ..blah blah blah.. AND WE ARE NOT EMOTIONAL .. blah blah blah.. representation matters, young kids need idols, follow me on my Instagram ..blah blah blah.. oh shit the life support is runn- ..blah blah blah.. OH GOD HELP ME *inaudible screaming*

>> No.11321910

mamma mia, poppa pia, baby got the dy[aa<999,999>]reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.11321932

Well I guess it's time to compose some more original earrape for illiterates to copy/paste

>> No.11321935

removing the 'a' actually makes it more poetic because it takes on multiple meanings. Both the original intended meaning, but also acting as if the entire thing with all its efforts was a small step compared to the historical significance. One day if we are colonized around the various moons of the solar system that will still have been the first time a human stood on something that wasnt earth. All the future efforts to accomplish all future things will surely eclipse the efforts of going to the moon but the significance of it will remain as a dividing line in all of human history

>> No.11321945


>> No.11321947

Very long winded, wordy, not conscice, a few veiled digs at the men that carried her there, what do you expect from a woman?

>> No.11321958

Suit is covered with lunar dust from an EVA. Guy has slept 3 or 4 hours max for the last several days. One of my favorite pics that tells a story.

>> No.11321963

>Project Mercury
>Project Gemini
>Project Apollo
>Project Artemis
The question is, since the Latin name was already used for the planet, will they call the next one Project Mars, or Project Ares?

>> No.11321966

I would honestly settle for her to just say "Holy fucking shit this is cool". It would be very relatable.

>> No.11321976

Here is an equation, a mechanical calculator, and a column of input data. Spend the next 8 hours repeatedly performing a simple operation and tabulating the results, because computers haven't been invented yet. Don't worry, some day society will decay to the point that there will be a film about how a secretary pool actually designed this rocket that was built, crewed, and paid for by white men.

>> No.11322000


>> No.11322133

Ares would be more in line with the Greek naming, and much cooler than just 'Mars'

>> No.11322162

>"Selfie chance!"

>> No.11322210

>how would a diaper fit under that? i
It would not. Extracting waste is a hard problem. You could plug things up.


>> No.11322405
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>> No.11322464

Softsuits are terrible for mobility though, as the internal pressure makes them "inflate" and resist bending. That's why NASA is using hybrid suits (hard parts + soft parts) in their new EVA suit design: The xEMU.

>> No.11322657
File: 197 KB, 823x1564, 1968_EX1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything that applies to theoretical female infantry applies triple to space exploration. Cope.
>resist bending
Elkins' joint design solved that problem by '69. Did you miss the part about a patented accordion joint? The EX1A and derivative AES had 95% naked mobility at 5psi, this is far higher than current zero G suits or that Michelin Man suit in OP.
Look at the joints in this pic, the folds expand and contract in time on opposite sides of the joint. This suit in particular had no preprogrammed motions which all hard and hybrid suits have. People are going to eat it on the lunar surface when those hip joints lock up after an over-rotation.

>> No.11322683

you should have sex

>> No.11322722

I just want a patriarchal, all white space empire. Is that really too much to ask for?

>> No.11322732

>”one small stet for a woman, one giant leap for womankind”

>> No.11324002

Did you think "man" or "a man" would be interpreted by anyone as meaning anything other Neil himself? Everyone knew what he was talking about, no matter how he said it. It's somehow more poetic without the extra "a". I've never heard of any confusion until you brought it up. Holy fuck man, how autistic are you?

>> No.11324054

"One giant effort of men to automate a woman's 200,000 mile trip to a doorstep"
Or more likely
"This is for all the women who struggled so hard to be where they are today. This proves that with enough determination women can do anything, especially when they force the option for you. The moon is a matriarchy now!"

>inb4 the option in 1969 was forced for men
No, they simply looked for the best qualified pilot they could find. Man or woman, that was Neil Armstrong.

But you know what, I'd be all for it if she stepped out with a jaunt in her step and said "sup moon sluts, we're back!"
I'd hang a poster of her in my back windshield.
But you know it won't be this cool. They can't pass up an opportunity like this to preach.

>> No.11324100

The feels when feminists must cope that the first of their kind is only a footnote next to the first man who feels like a woman in space

>> No.11324532

You lost all credibility using that word, even if bait.

>> No.11324539

low effort copy

>> No.11324546

every single time you no u them they grow stronger, you faggots have had 4 years to figure this out

>> No.11324583
File: 611 KB, 784x1100, 1574830942178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low effort copy
>every single time you no u them they grow stronger, you faggots have had 4 years to figure this out

>> No.11324589

low iq