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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11311453 No.11311453 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you fags never discuss materials science/engineering? It's the most interesting and underrated field.

>> No.11311457

Not science or mathematics.

>> No.11311461


>> No.11311474


>> No.11311475

Why the homophobia?

>> No.11311485


>> No.11311509

Get necked faggot

>> No.11311916

I was under the impression that physicists were done amusing themselves with solid mechanics and left that stuff to the engineers.

>> No.11312066

Discuss all you want. I like this kind of stuff much more than I like aluminum. Fuck aluminum.

>> No.11312166

>purely empirical field
Boring as fuck and for brainlets

>> No.11312171

>purely empirical
Not really. Also, empiricism is the fucking core of science. Do you not like science?

>> No.11312180

You are hopping around threads and identifying yourself as a mental lightweight.

>> No.11312220

linear elastic is overall bretty easy
plastic looks complicated
I might go to civil eng to avoid it desu desu famalam

>> No.11312224
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This place doesn't discuss anything. After trying to discuss various things and feeling like I was among the few trying to raise and maintain the bar of discourse and substantively contributing, I just started to post about how they clamp, vaccinate, circumcise, etc. I also compare the scientist to a mindless son of Cain burning his child to a God that is long gone, to the extent it ever was at all.

Deep sleep is taking me, I can feel my hurts dissolve.

>> No.11312276

>>I might go to civil eng to avoid it desu desu famalam
The sure way to avoid all that stuff is by not going to graduate school.

>> No.11313280

Bump because the rest is the same old.

>> No.11313322

In principle, that's true. But we're still looking for ways to find effective theories from quantum mechanical interactions that lead to these material laws. There is a huge gap.

>> No.11313432

What is the material definition of hardness, /sci/?
When is a material "hard"?

>> No.11313438


>> No.11313510

Anons he was just trying to meme.
He just wanted to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeremmmmmmmmeeeeee
His brain is on meemmeees.