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File: 171 KB, 1200x563, incelbook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11199437 No.11199437[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do incels actually have a point?

>> No.11199447

Yeah, they do.

T. 9/10

>> No.11199452

Incels want to bring other men to their level of desperation and unhappiness. Incels are anti-male.
>b-but women have it easy
not an argument

>> No.11199453

no, get pareto'd motherfucker

>> No.11199474

What do you mean by that?
A lot of incel communities are like that, and I admit it, that's a big flaw. I'm in big favour of copes and trying to maintain a positive outlook, but often times it's not possible.
Also, that doesn't refute their arguments and the blackpill, it's just an observation on how some incels are.

>> No.11199480

Refute their arguments? It's not necessary when the very first premise of inceldom is that others should be blamed for (You)'re lack of intimacy.

>> No.11199517

even if their arguments are taken at face value, all that means is that women are becoming more selective and incels didn't make the cut. Nothing wrong with that overall.

>> No.11199518

>very first premise of inceldom is that others should be blamed for (You)'re lack of intimacy
Inceldom is not about assigning blame, seems like your view of incels was formed by yellow journalism publications like vox and independent. Incels simply want people to recognize the radical shift in sexual dynamics that have occured in the past few decades and its consequences. However, as being an incel literally means you can do nothing to change yourself, there is no one left to blame (if you're gonna blame anybody) but others.

>> No.11199528
File: 73 KB, 1152x860, declineinsex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even if their arguments are taken at face value, all that means is that women are becoming more selective and incels didn't make the cut. Nothing wrong with that overall.
That's only a very small part of what incels are trying to say.
>Nothing wrong with that overall
Morally, I agree with you. They have a freedom to choose sexual partners as they please. But you are a complete brainlet if you aren't even concerned that this is developing into a big problem on the societal (not individual) scale.

>> No.11199530

Nah, it was formed by how (You) people act on 4chan. So what is the point of incelism if not to whine and cry?
>However, as being an incel literally means you can do nothing to change yourself, there is no one left to blame (if you're gonna blame anybody) but others.
Sounds fucking cancerous. Nihilistic and defeatist.

>> No.11199533

Incels are people who are aiming waaaay out of their league.

>> No.11199535

I don't even think that's true. The defining characteristic of an incel IMO is their absolute shit attitude toward life.

>> No.11199536

>So what is the point of incelism if not to whine and cry?
The point is the blackpill. Acknowledging how sexual dynamics work in the modern age based on scientific research and observation. Getting rid of the myths surrounding relationships, like how having a nice personality is important to women, how women don't care about looks. Stopping people from betabuxxing and cucking.
>Sounds fucking cancerous. Nihilistic and defeatist.
literally facts don't care about your feelings

>> No.11199538

incels prove this >>11198504

>> No.11199540

>The defining characteristic of an incel IMO is their absolute shit attitude toward life.
The defining characteristic of an incel is the complete inability to get laid, despite putting all effort into it. That's literally what the word means.

>> No.11199542

So...what's the end goal? To feel sorry for yourself?
>literally facts don't care about your feelings
Feelings matter in real life, nigger

>> No.11199544
File: 87 KB, 442x767, lmot462vi9241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2.1 69% of high functioning autistic adolescents want relationships, but almost none succeed
>2.2 44.6% of high functioning adult autistic men remain virgins, despite high sex/relationship drive
>2.3 Autists are judged as awkward, less physically attractive and less approachable within seconds
>2.4 Autistic men have 10 times as many suicidal thoughts as normal men
>2.5 High IQ men are more likely to remain virgins longer
Something to think about for the autists on /sci/. Pic related

>> No.11199545

They're not saying other should be blamed. They're saying that sociological factors play a role. Are you really suggesting that sociological factors and media portrayal of particular social groups has no impact on how people behave? Because that would entail that "white privilige" and "poverty" have no impact on crime in urban black communities. So you're literally implying that black people are inherently more prone to crime.

>> No.11199548

>despite putting all effort into it.

>> No.11199549

The end goal is to make society recognize the problem, that is and will be developing (accellerating) in the next decades.

>> No.11199550

>Are you really suggesting that sociological factors and media portrayal of particular social groups has no impact on how people behave?
No, and I acknowledge they do. And amazingly I am able to hold a happy relationship regardless.

>> No.11199553

and then what? force women to have sex with you?

>> No.11199554

What is the source of the problem? How do we fix it?
>hurr durr dynamics between men and women are different now
This is fucking obvious and everybody knows this.

>> No.11199556

it won't accelerate. it's likely a constant exacerbated by high population, from my intuition

>> No.11199558

I just explained what the term means. You can't call a definition bullshit.
Although perhaps you mean that there are fake incels. Me and many other incels agree with you, and shame them as fakecels. Some have high standards, yes. But the statistics of skyrocketing male virginity, OKCupid studies and other such demonstrating and explaining the rise of inceldom are undeniable.

>> No.11199561

Many incels would be in favor of legalized (or even state-funded) euthanasia for incels.
The source of the problem is (from my perspective) sexual liberation and feminism, as well as dating apps. I don't know how to fix it, but first we have to acknowledge the problem instead of dismissing everyone who sees it as a misogynist.
It's accelerating right now, if you look at the statistics. It might stop accelerating who knows, but it's a growing problem.

>> No.11199562

I just don't buy it that you put all effort into trying to get laid.

>> No.11199563

then why don't they just find some butt ugly girlfriend

>> No.11199568

>Many incels would be in favor of legalized (or even state-funded) euthanasia for incels
Suicide is already free. If they feel that way, nothing is stopping them. The government should be smaller not bigger.
>the source of the problem is...
Okay. So that's you opinion. You know what the deal with opinions is, right? I still don't care about all your whining.

>> No.11199569

because porn conditions incels to physically need a 10/10 blowjob queen. it's a vicious cycle

>> No.11199571

You don't have to believe me or any other incels individually to see the problem and recognize what they're saying is correct.
I went on tinder, got 2 matches, both ghosted me. I am not at the point where I'd call myself an incel. In my opinion, a true incels must have at one point in his life been fit, best-dressed and spent a lot of time in social environments. I'm a hermit, so I wouldn't yet call myself an incel. After I hit 30 and will still be a virgin, then I'll call myself an incel. But as I said earlier, individual cases don't matter. It's all about acknowledging the science that constitutes the blackpill.

>> No.11199577

Incels are just sociopathic and narcissistic introverts who are rightfully avoided by everyone who doesn't share their tendencies. Notice how most of them dismiss that personality is important? It's because theirs is fucking garbage. Notice how they always project bad things onto women? Those are their own desires.

>> No.11199579

>I went on tinder
There's your problem. Have you attempted to meet people--get this--in real life? The entire point of tinder is quick lays. OBVIOUSLY this is not how you find romance.

>> No.11199581

what "problem"? there is no intrinsic deep rooted problem. Birthrates overall are still increasing. People are getting laid. Just not incels. No one fucking obsesses about it like incels either too, like holy shit normal people either have sex or dont and move on with their lives, but no, incels obsess and obsess over why it's everyone else's or society's fault they can't make an emotional connection with women.
the problem is you. You treat people like binary objects, numbers, datapoints, when they are not. Feelings matter to people, yes they are irrational but guess what, you have them too or you wouldn't care about getting laid. Feelings arise from emotions which arise from instinctual behaviors. God damn this shit is so basic it pisses me off I have to spoonfeed it to you

>> No.11199585

Not really. Incel's can't explain why I have had no trouble getting laid at any point in my life. And no, I'm not particularly good looking or in shape. No, I'm definitely not wealthy either.

>> No.11199588

>There's your problem. Have you attempted to meet people--get this--in real life?
Yes. Most people find me very socially awkward and try to get away from me as fast as possible. I shower everyday, wear normal clothes, have a positive personality in person.
But as I said before, that's irrelevant. Whether or not I'm myself actually an incel doesn't matter. What matters is science and statistics.

>> No.11199592

Only a small percentage of males in many species get the opportunity to mate. Why do you believe all men are entitled to find a partner? The fact is, most males have shitty genes and are losers. I have good genes, but I still worked hard as fuck for everything I have, including my wife (who was a virgin when I met her). Most incels are losers who play video games past the age of 18, have a porn addiction, and didn't go to college. Fact: they do not deserve a partner just because there are roughly equal amounts of men and women.

>> No.11199595

holy fucking shit you are stupid. It's like you deliberately choose to ignore everything that I say. This is too frustrating.

>> No.11199598

Yes Looks are 80% of the history

>> No.11199599

>just go without one of the most rewarding, meaningful social experiences you can have in life, btw it's your fault you miss out because muh just world fallacy

>mountains of literature showing women prefer men for innate characteristics which guarantees there will always be a sizeable left tail in reproductive success amongst men, a la bateman's principle

these types of posts always push me a little bit more towards "humanity has an inbuilt bias against men"

>> No.11199601

>Most people find me very socially awkward
You do know that this can be fixed, right?

>> No.11199605

At this point, I honestly don't. I probably have mental illness.

>> No.11199607

well you are biologically less valuable than women

>> No.11199608

Social anxiety is not a mental illness, dumbass. The irony is that you have been conditioned to think this way by the institutions you think you stand in opposition to. Are you a NEET?

>> No.11199618

What did he say that was incorrect?

>> No.11199624

They keep attracting the strawman image they have of an incel, instead of talking about facts and statistics.

>> No.11199626

There is no point in being involuntarily celibate.
The question should be, "Do voluntarily celibate people have a point?"

>> No.11199629

>muh informal fallacies
Not an argument. Besides, incels are a very distinct and very consistently obnoxious group of people. It isn't a strawman to oppose them.

>> No.11199635

Incel, post a picture of the "uglest" woman you would date.

>> No.11199638

humanity has no inbuilt bias, it's that you are less valuable genetically than a woman is because the whole "you can have a billion children, she has to select out of a limited number" biological fact. Have you ever seen a nature show?

>> No.11199639
File: 225 KB, 1024x584, Img-1571198442681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the femsloths from the goonies demand CHAD

>> No.11199644

>there is no point in [involuntary behavior]
dumbest post in the whole thread

>> No.11199646

Incels don't want to have actual relationships with females, what they want are living fuckdolls for masturbation and the social status of "having sex means success"

>> No.11199648

>valuable genetically than a woman is because the whole "you can have a billion children, she has to select out of a limited number" biological fact. Have you ever seen a nature show?

men being more expendable due to anisogamy would constitute an inbuilt bias, if the problems of men are more easily discounted because of archaic reproductive limitations

>> No.11199652

yes and no. first of all there's no such thing as an incel. just like there's no such thing as a femcel. every single man can have sex. they just choose to go after women who are obviously out of their league. or they lust over women out of their league when they could easily fuck a woman a lot uglier and more disgusting than them.

there are plenty of ugly women in this world who will die alone and unloved because the ugly men of this world fantasise about beautiful women.

>> No.11199653

So fucking nature has biases. Normal people don't get upset about this.

>> No.11199657

Obviously. Only dishonest roasties and desperate beta male feminists disagree.

>> No.11199658

I am neither and yet I find them beyond irritating. Weird.

>> No.11199660

yes, an inbuild bias due to selective pressure of nature, if you don't adapt what the fuck do you want, shit to be handed to you, survival to be handed to you? it already fucking is by living in a society with electricity and computers and running water and protection and shit, you have absolutely no excuse.

>> No.11199663

You've been brainwashed to hate them despite not knowing what they're saying by r*ddit. You should go back.

>> No.11199667

You know what, you're right. But is there such a thing as "all effort"? Could you not always put in a little more? Quit being facetious

>> No.11199668

Never been to reddit. And no, I hate them based on my interactions with them.

>> No.11199671

>despite not knowing what they're saying
I know what they're saying, I just don't accept it to be true.

>> No.11199686

I'm curious what some of you define as involuntarily celibate and voluntarily celibate. And also if you differeriate between whining, complaining, and pointing things out.
If someone points out that is raining, are they complaining?
If someone points out the ref made a bad call (something beyond their control), are they whining?

>> No.11199689

If it's raining outside and someone makes a dozen threads a day about how it is raining and writes about how terrible it is that it's raining and forms an internet subculture who's sole purpose is to talk about how misfortune it is that it is raining, I would call that whining about the rain.

>> No.11199690

I'm not telling you to do 110%, you're not even doing 40%.

>> No.11199698

>(You) people on 4chan
>Is on 4chan
Nigga do you not see the irony. There's no difference between you me and the guy you're replying to here. We're all anon.

>> No.11199701

Incels are correct in that they are aware that they are evolutionary dead ends, but they will never accept that in most cases it's because of their personality.

>> No.11199704

But wouldnt it be weird if no one was talking about the rain? Isn't that what global warming activists are doing?

>> No.11199709

personalities are a social construct

>> No.11199732

too bad because human are social creatures

>> No.11199742

You don't know that and you know 40% for someone looking like Brad Pitt is a lot lower than 40% for someone who looks like Quasimodo. At what point is the effort no longer worth the hope of return?

>> No.11199749

what do you actually want?

>> No.11199754

Of course they are. It's just that no one cares. Males are expendable from a biological point of view.

>> No.11199758

Imagine unironically reading a novel that is a printed out internet shit post.

>> No.11199761

sounds like he wants to look like brad pitt lol

>> No.11199764

>The source of the problem is (from my perspective) sexual liberation and feminism, as well as dating apps
If you look at our genetic history, it is easy to understand this is nothing new. On average, only 1 male mated for every 13 female. If you start reading the game theory behind these dynamics, it becomes much clearer. I know Dawkins is kind of a meme, but The Selfish Gene is pretty great on this subject.

>> No.11199767

>all these incels ITT who haven't learned to find inner peace and be volcel

>> No.11199775

no point denying it.

>> No.11199801

Well there isn't. If they are involuntary they have a situation in which to be such. Points are MADE. Situations are experienced.

>> No.11199824

incels literally just make excuses about everything, to justify them having terrible personalities and being generally unlikable by not only the majority of the population, but nearly every woman.

no its not that you dont have a "warrior skull". its not that tinder standards are too high. Its not some weird socio-econmic issue. Its that you are literally probably autistic, AND have a terrible personality.
Ive actually known a decent amount of autistic dudes that got gfs. Being a bit awkward and quirky is often endearing to girls. Being an asshole who blames everything everything in their life on forces they "cant control" is not attractive.

>> No.11199826

same thing anyone wants when they get on 4chins. Shitposting with some psuedo intellectual debate sprinkles in there

>I wish I was uglier
Said no one ever

>> No.11199844

wait if you're more attractive than brad pitt why don't you get women like he does?

>> No.11199907
File: 29 KB, 869x644, lookspersonalityokcupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terrible """personalities"""

>> No.11199908

Yeah, your life is determined in the womb. Don't try to convince the normies otherwise. It's unsettling to think that you can't control your density.

>> No.11199962

i dont know what this proves?
How you look is, somewhat, determined by your personality.

You put on your fucking trench coat and your katana, no one on is going to rate you high on the looks, and your personality is obviously fucking retarded.

you take the same dude, dress them in normal well fitted suit, work out a bit, etc youd be dealing with a hot dude. But like the majority of autists could never do that, there personality isnt normal dude that is fit wearing a suit. Their personality edgy katana wielder

I mean the reverse is true, put ryan gosling in a an ill fitted dad clothes and I'm sure his personality and his looks would be rated lower.

Appearances speak a lot about who you are.

>> No.11199971

>people have bias toward those they find attractive
Imagine my shock

>> No.11199985

>Do incels actually have a point?
No. The vast majority of them are entitled crybaby manchildren who think that 'the world' and 'women' owe them something. The rest of us know that we have to *earn* people's respect, and *win* affection and companionship from women. It's not supposed to be easy. It's one of the few aspects of Natural Selection that's left in our species. Forgetting birth control for a moment, can you imagine the genetic chaos that would ensue if any male could mate with any female at any time, on demand? Beyond the bare biological concerns, there is the fact that women are also intelligent sentient human beings with their own lives (a fact that the incels of the world conveniently refuse to acknowledge) and their own will, so why should they just stop everything to have their time wasted by someone they find repulsive (physically, personality-wise, or both) and get naked and have sex with them? If you present the same incels with the prospect of sex with a disgusting ugly woman, they'll say 'no' -- more illogic.
Meanwhile they're usually misogynistic, and devalue women in general as a matter of course, but still desire to have sex with them -- more illogic; if you think they're worthless, then why would you want to fuck them? Logically you would want to mate with the highest quality female you can access, yes?

It is my belief that the rise of inceldom has been driven by a few factors, mainly the rise of the internet, with which they can congregate virtually and feed each others' complaints, anger, and sense of entitlement (basically radicalizing others), and the overly-sexual nature of the media, rising over the last few decades. For all we know extra hormone residue in processed foods might be driving oversexualization, too. Then there's the effects of pornography on the male brain, which brings us back to the internet: you can watch porn 24 hours a day, for free, with basic internet connectivity.

>> No.11199992

based anon, well said.

>> No.11199995

Yea, a point of sale. As in they're turning what is traditionally a barter system into a seller's economy.

>> No.11200025

would you fuck bitter man hating women, that were not only ugly, but also incredibly unpleasant to spend time with(and most likely mentally disabled in some regard)?
id say the vast majority of men wouldnt

>> No.11200056

>this is developing into a big problem on the societal (not individual) scale.
What problem?

>> No.11200084

Retards don't get that incels act the way they do out of both frustration and a desire to reclaim a sense of power over their situation.

>> No.11200087

a sense of power in what situation? and why do they think they should be in control of that situation?

>> No.11200115

i dont understand this response
act the way they do? what you mean? how do they act?

>> No.11200117

Losing some weight, dressing fashionably and having a pleasant approach to socialization are things incels can't change? BS.

It seems to me than inceldom is a manifestation of 'victim culture' in which people prefer to feel sorry about their circumstances instead of working to change those circstances.

>> No.11200119

I'm not sure where any other definitions are coming from

>> No.11200121

The situation of being rejected all the time. If you are in that situation, you can do one of two things:
1) respond by internalizing the criticism and blaming yourself. This could be used as motivation, but it could also have harmful effects on self esteem that could reduce odds of success in the future.
2) Become angry, blaming others in order to preserve self-esteem. This anger is an active way to fight back against feelings of negative self-worth.

Incels are people who have chosen path 2, some having done so after already trying path 1 before getting sick of it.

You see the same behavior emerge in non-romantic situations. Imagine a lonely, weird kid who has no friends. He wants to make some, but he's considered annoying so it's difficult for him to do so. He could blame himself and try to improve, but he may encounter further failure due to shyness, stunted emotional development, etc. Many will get sick of blaming themselves for their social problems and instead attempt to preserve their self-worth by blaming others for the exclusion they faced, as they see it as unfair treatment.

>> No.11200124

lol telling someone on 4chan their view of incel culture is from vox is so retarded.

>> No.11200128
File: 7 KB, 288x175, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fashionable, slim and pleasant does pic related need to be before you find them fuckable?

>> No.11200129

If they want power, they should exercise power over their own lives to improve themselves. They refuse to do so because they don't actually want power, rather they want to be coddled. These are manchildren, not men.

>> No.11200131

yeah, take it from this anon, he's one of us

>> No.11200133

People like that are exceptionally uncommon; far less common than self-described incels who, for the most part, have no physical deformities other than obesity.

And you know this.

>> No.11200134

Google "learned helplessness". From my understanding incels reject those from their ranks who are too lazy to try to get women, calling them volcels or fakecels

>> No.11200136

There is a 3rd option. Just realizing she wasn't into you and moving on. I don't understand option 1 even, there is nothing wrong with me, if someone rejects me that's their problem, not mine. but it certainly is not the fault of anyone, not even yourself.
just seems like a weird way to look at the world to me. No one owes you anything, not a social interaction, nothing. But also if absolutely NO one is giving you anything, you gotta realize something about you is off, and try to correct that. But even so, I highly doubt you don't know how to interact with people to the point of complete isolation, even from women.

>> No.11200141

they dont fight back feelings of self worth though. You ever go to /r9k/?
all they do is make excuses on why women wouldn't like them. Normally its dumb shit like I was born shorter than 6 foot, my penis isnt 8 inches big, and I'm not a Chad. In fact is primarily self deprecating.
Its all just excuses to divert themselves from their terrible personality.

i mean thats not a fair example. That is not the average incel, by a long shot. Even the ugliest mother fucker isnt even close to that. That is someone with a rare disease or disability.
But even that dude with the rare tree trunk disease had a wife? Remember him? His skin looked like bark, except way nastier.
Or that girl that used to be posted on 4chan all the time, she had a deformed face but a banging body? She was getting dick on the regular.

>> No.11200143

I'm talking about the state of constant rejection, after trying over and over again with invariant failure. It's understandable to be dejected or frustrated in the face of such an experience, just as someone who gets rejected from medical school may give up after three or so goes at it, despite working hard to improve his chances.

>> No.11200150

I'm referring to the anger you often see in them. It's a defense mechanism against the feelings of low self esteem that they have. Their attempts to preserve self esteem does not imply they can never demonstrate low self esteem, just as owning a fire extinguisher doesn't preclude your house from burning down.

>> No.11200151

how old are you? How many rejections have you got?

>> No.11200163

I'm not an incel

>> No.11200164

Whats their point?
That some people are genetic failures and won’t breed? Sure, I guess. Don’t care.

>> No.11200167

i dont get your point then
you just used 10000 words to say "people dont like being rejected"

like wooooooo dude, when did that scientific discovery come to you?

>> No.11200172
File: 73 KB, 960x716, death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it you're imagining this pic related when you think incel? As if he has no clue that he's pudgy trash with no taste.

Do you have any reason to think this other than a predisposed desire to hate them for no other reason than they irk you, much like a racist? Or do you have a little camera on them?
Fact is you don't know this, do you?

Also you admit there is a line at which point someone is deemed unfuckable despite putting forth effort.

>> No.11200174

The thing about incels is their state of "constant rejection" is dwelling on single isolated incidents that dont fucking matter. Even your so called "chads" get rejected all the fucking time. Guess what, rejection is a key part of the game. the point is they have to learn to suck it the fuck up and move on, or they will just fail. Not only genetically but in life, because you know how many times it actually takes to get certain positions? a lot more than fucking 3 lmfao. I mean fuck tenacity is literally the cornerstone of being a research scientist.

>> No.11200175
File: 69 KB, 800x604, downloadfile-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incels are the communists of sex.

>Redistribute the means of reproduction because muh UNEQUALITY.

>> No.11200188

>what's their point
Good question. Something it seems no one in this thread cares about

>> No.11200191


>> No.11200194

Because it really is that simple, as opposed to the absurd "entitlement" meme you see the just-world crew spouting. These are lonely people who are frustrated that they were rejected despite their best efforts. They are not "entitled", as in they don't expect any given woman to hand over her body, but rather they're down on their luck and understandably upset about it.

>> No.11200204

These people have never known success. I agree that the best solution is to keep pushing forward despite your circumstances, but that's easier said than done for some people. It's a very emotionally draining and depressing thing to be unanimously told you're not worth loving, which in turn makes building confidence harder

>> No.11200211

>Losing some weight, dressing fashionably and having a pleasant approach to socialization
i mean he could get some poon for sure.

other than that i dont get any of your points.
Im not the dude your replying to, but I dont hate incels or why out of his responses you would assume he would. I do wish they werent as loud and annoying though. Before incels, there was wizards. They were cool desu. Incels are annoying. Its like flat earthers, i dont care if your retarded, but dont be loud about it.

I dont know what you mean by having a little camera on them.

i mean is there a line where someone becomes unfuckable? I dont know, probably not. There are plenty of "unfuckable" women too, that need dick. Or blind girls. Or just people that look past physical traits. Plenty of disabled or deformed people still have sex, and thats probably as ugly as you can get.
You ever see those pics that used to get posted about that weird maybe paraplegic maybe retarded definitely deformed couple? The dude is like strapped to the wall getting his dick sucked by his deformed gf. Its freaky and disgusting, but homie was pounding some puss. I wish I could find the picture for you.

>> No.11200214

There's absolutely nothing wrong with being sexless and single, I often wish I could go back to the days when I just hung out with friends rather than constantly tied up in relationships.

>> No.11200226

there are far far far better groups of people to feel sorry for. sorry anon

>> No.11200234

my thoughts and prayers for those people. What am I supposed to do?

>> No.11200235

Your intellectual surrender is accepted

>> No.11200240

>It's a very emotionally draining and depressing thing to be unanimously told you're not worth loving, which in turn makes building confidence harder
Bingo. And women don't really have this problem because no matter what, women have inherent value, due to being the sexual selectors. Even if a woman is ugly, has no money, has s shitty attitude, etc.

>> No.11200244

yes those are all words

>> No.11200248

despite their best efforts is arguable.

>don't expect any given woman to hand over her body, but rather they're down on their luck and understandably upset about it
you are putting them in a very positive light. I dont know what incels your talking to, but it isnt really just a group of men who are slightly bitter about being rejected haha.

>> No.11200250

maybe you should put yourself in a position to where you always have inherent value? not even to women necessarily, but everyone?

>> No.11200254

I'm assuming you mean by getting my degree and going into my field of choice? I'm working on it. Not even just to get laid, I just want to work in a field I enjoy.

>> No.11200264

First of all: referring to me as a 'retard' is not conducive to a productive, intelligent conversation, and furthermore it immediately brings your personal credibility into question.
>frustration and a desire to reclaim a sense of power over their situation
Their 'frustration' comes from not thinking and acting like adults. They don't take responsibility for their own lives and own actions and expect things to be handed to them *gratis*; that's not how things in the adult world work.
Their 'situation' is largely of their own doing.
Their 'shortcomings' are their own responsbility, in the case of things they can improve on their own, or their 'burden to bear' in the case of things they can't. None of the above is anyone elses' responsibility. Again, that's how being an adult works. Furthermore, people rise above their own 'situations' all the time, without acting entitled. Take for instance someone who has lost a limb: they have two choices, they can either rise above that, learn to deal with it, or they can whine about it, play the victim, and expect everyone else to cater to them because they're 'disabled'. Which do you think is the person more worthy of respect and even admiration? More relevant to this discussion, which type of person would a worthy woman want to be with? An 'Oh woe is me! Pity me, pity me!' man, or someone you sometimes forget is missing that arm or leg, because they're so capable, confident, and positive?

>> No.11200267

well that definitely is one way, another normies think of is money, or fame/celebrity status, ect. Or just by being a normal nice person who can keep a clean place, show he can take care of shit by having a pet, and be responsible financially. Ahh but what do I know

>> No.11200278

>The situation of being rejected all the time.
That makes the assumption that anyone at all is """owed""" a mate. Male or female, they are decidedly *not* owed any such thing. Your reasoning is flawed.

>1) respond by internalizing the criticism and blaming yourself. This could be used as motivation, but it could also have harmful effects on self esteem that could reduce odds of success in the future.
>2) Become angry, blaming others in order to preserve self-esteem. This anger is an active way to fight back against feelings of negative self-worth.
Oh, these are the *only* choices available to them, is that right?
Again: your reasoning is flawed.
>I'm a victim, pity me, pity me, GIVE ME EVERYTHING I WANT, RIGHT NOW!
That's the 'reasoning' you're using here, exaggerated to make my point.
There's Choice #3: 'Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps'. Stop thinking like a victim, stop blaming everyone else for your own shortcomings, and fix yourself. Don't tell me you can't, either.

>> No.11200283

>Or just by being a normal nice person who can keep a clean place, show he can take care of shit by having a pet, and be responsible financially. Ahh but what do I know
I don't care for the condescending attitude but you're right. Although honestly, I've known many people like that who were also dumb as hell in general. By that point, you're telling me that idiots who project an image of ideal partner traits are more deserving than people who may not display those same traits but are otherwise smarter or more informed.

>> No.11200301

Oh no one is more deserving or something or another. But statistically you are more likely to find what you are looking for if you show positive traits that the other you are looking for is interested in. And those I just listed are just a few. Unfortunately most incels don't pass the first two, being "normal" and "nice".

>> No.11200313

>Oh no one is more deserving or something or another. But statistically you are more likely to find what you are looking for if you show positive traits that the other you are looking for is interested in.
>Unfortunately most incels don't pass the first two, being "normal" and "nice".
What's your definition of "nice"?

>> No.11200320

Since it's clear you're talking about yourself and not some theoretical person, I'm going to reiterate what I already said:
>(You) are not """owed""" a mate or much of anything else, either.
You have to EARN that.
If you can't, you can't.
Also if you won't, then you won't, either.

I'd also like to point out that anyone who focuses on 'getting a girlfriend' to the exclusion of all else is pretty damned pathetic and needs a serious reality check.
These are examples of things you NEED
>Non-essential food items (e.g., 'desserts', etc)
>A girlfriend/wife
These are examples of things you do not NEED but merely WANT; you can live your entire life without them and be healthy.
Again: you are not """owed""" a mate. Ever. You must """EARN""" that. If you can't, you can't. Have some grace about it, if that's the case.
>b-b-but I can't get a 9/10 hottie and that's what I want!
Wouldn't we all! Tough luck.
>b-b-but I HAVE to have sex!
No you don't. See above, vis-a-vis, 'need' versus 'want'.
>{miscellaneous ranting that amount to being 'entitled' to this-that-the other}
Get over yourself.

>> No.11200325

generally empathetic to others, especially initially without judgement on face value. When I say nice, I really mean pleasant to spend time with, or does not annoy/drain the other person. Someone who genuinely cares about other people usually falls under that category.

>> No.11200328

These people have tried extremely hard and have gotten nowhere. At that point, I can see how it can be compelling to give up. And seeing how romantic relationships are viewed as a great source of fulfillment, they are understandably frustrated.

Incels reject people who don't try hard from their own ranks. Many incels mirrored those examples you gave of people who tried to rise up above their bad luck, but they have still failed. Anyone would be upset after that.