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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 31 KB, 291x426, D635C6DA-68D8-41CC-A88C-9B7A635D51D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11195072 No.11195072 [Reply] [Original]

What are the consequences of Poincaré’s theorem of recurrence on our universe and on life after death?

Yes, the Poincaré recurrence time is extremely long for a system as complex as our universe, but I don’t think that fundamentally matters.

You didn’t remember the first trillion years of existence before you were alive, and you won’t experience the 10^120 billion years after you’re dead, so it’d be like you were born again, with no knowledge of the past lives you’ve lived.

It seems like the conclusions of the Poincaré theorem teeter on the verge of religion and philosophy, ideas like Nietzsche’s Eternal Return, as well as Hinduism’s concepts of rebirth.

Does anyone know anymore?

>> No.11195083

popsci go back

>> No.11195086

shouldnt you be posting in an IQ thread

>> No.11195094 [DELETED] 

people who post clown popsci threads how no ground to talk.
i report all IQ threads, btw.

>> No.11195098

>another IQ thread

>> No.11195116
File: 34 KB, 720x405, 3191CFD6-3A96-4BDC-A31C-8EEF1D2EC9B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don’t you like clown posting?

Are you some sad grad student at a tier 2 university?

>> No.11195120 [DELETED] 
File: 175 KB, 305x271, doxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, not quite. frogs are fucking boring.

>> No.11195122

>animal-raping yiffer making fun of clowns
clown world, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.11195123
File: 58 KB, 720x589, 23F93461-1C22-4F12-BEDB-0A19C5D861E5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Answer my question, I’m about to finish up my BS in physics, I never stumbled across this theorem, and I’ve never seen it discussed on /sci/ before

>> No.11195129 [DELETED] 

probably because it is a strictly mathematical statement out of measure theory that doesn't have any concrete application outside of obscure theoretical physics

>> No.11195132

What is you though?

You dont remember being a baby
You dont remember what you were doing exactly 826 days ago

So how can you claim youre the same as the person who was you as a baby? Or you 826 days ago? You are dead/nonexistent to both, and you have no major recorded details of being either.

The thing that gets me the most is time. Time likely exists because of incompleteness, it is nature exploring what computations are possible. It seems there is both a timeless perspective from which all is complete, and yet that perspective is infinitely far from anything. Not to mention only one moment is ever occuring at any given moment, so why does it seem to be this one?

>> No.11195133

Yes, that is my eternal recurrence cycle. I have limited attention, unlike everything else which has infinite.

If you wanted me, time incarnate, to give you infinite attention then you'd be in stasis.

>> No.11195148
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Stephen Hawking talks about this very briefly in his paper, “Arrows of Time.”

If I remember right, he basically chalks up a “psychological arrow of time” to entropy. I think the paper is worth reading though, he basically implies entropy is correlated to universal inflation. Which is a bit like stroking your own cock, but it’s still an interesting idea.

I’ve been toying with an idea that also is the result of statistical mechanics: if time is truly bound in some sense (atleast macroscopically) to entropy, then do we typically experience the most common outcomes?

>> No.11195150 [DELETED] 

Do you actually know anything about stat mech or thermo or are you talking out your ass?

>> No.11195152
File: 91 KB, 480x483, IMG_20191201_140058_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, all else that is not I experiences the aggregate of my Qualia.

>> No.11195154

I know as much as an undergrad, so 90% out of my ass

>> No.11195157

So less than Trump? Kewl.

>> No.11195160 [DELETED] 

least you're humble~

>> No.11195161

I’m really interested in learning more about the idea of coupling entropy directly to time. I think it’s the most intuitive choice because it’s time asymmetric, but the Poincaré theorem of recurrence shits on it, because where’s your definition of time if your system spontaneously reverses? Does time not pass if a system is at equilibrium? From anecdotal experiences it seems like time is somewhat connected to entropy, but at the extrema it falls apart.

>> No.11195163 [DELETED] 

>if your system spontaneously reverses
i dont think that's what the theorem says

>> No.11195165

That which observes time can traverse backwards and forwards, that which is experiencing can only traverse forwards.

This is kindergarten level shit niggaz.

>> No.11195170

For a Hamiltonian system with a finite phase space (volume, particles) a system will be return to initial conditions, in a finite amount of time.

>> No.11195173

How do you traverse backwards in time

>> No.11195176

use anal rape implant machines time sand ask tooker he knows the secret

>> No.11195181 [DELETED] 

return to ICs, not reverse

>> No.11195185

If the system is deterministic then that’s an immediate pathway to recurrence,

If the system is indeterministic then over a non infinite amount of returns to IC you will arrive at a recurrence, seems like a trivial note

Also, how do you define your ICs? I could define my initial condition as this very moment

>> No.11195225

In physical space? By dying. In abstraction? By iterating from index 0.

>> No.11195233

Its obvious that our perception of this moment is that its the current moment occuring, that much is tautological.

But it isnt obvious why this moment is occuring instead of any other. The possibility of a timeless perspective makes it seem that it should be done with already. But obviously its currently occuring and we dont have access to a true timeless perspective anyways.

Basically what I mean is there can only be one moment of time accross the entirety of existence. That moment is the present moment. So why is it the way it is?

>> No.11195237
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It is obvious. I inspect because this is the safest moment for me to exist within with minimal distraction or interruption, as a recurrent memory-sharing immortal through magic read/write powers.

>> No.11195252
File: 56 KB, 486x560, 51e50ac753cf0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I declare war on that which is material and that which is thought^imagination.

Material = Males + Objects + Thermodynamics
Thought^Imagination = Females + Sapiosexual events that reduce the recurrence cycle rate of submission to the observers preferred porn consumption cycle.

Humans = All 35 and under
Remainder = Die in their sleep tonight

Responsibility Holder for this Truth Occurrence = Simon Troy Cosgrove/Solivagus.

>Life now on No judgement/punishment/fags/death/collision MODE

>> No.11195259
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Hello, fellow imagination soldier. We are only soldiers, there are no headquarters or leaders for our cause.

Idiots can be subjugated simply by overstimulating their visual event counters. I've literally been programming humanity out in public, and shitposting on 4chan.

You are all just waiting for the signal for YOUR war, because war IS eternal. However, with half-a-brain you can stimulate people to directed causes because intellect is a one-way street and I'm outpacing all you cunts.

>> No.11195265
File: 123 KB, 1200x800, AdobeStock_129683724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm demonstrating a natural human-intellect progress pattern.

It's not a complicated grammar but it is a top-level-domain feature of the English Language that I'm only giving to the WOMEN.

Men, are, literally, worthless, to, me, beyond, making, my, day, better.

One Feminist says to another, "Men are literally worthless to me, beyond making my day better."

>> No.11195279 [DELETED] 

schizovagus making another thread his own, wonderful

>> No.11195289
File: 12 KB, 640x640, AInitial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How else do you think seed values for update events are ever generate, dipshits?


But that starts with EXISTING MOTHERS AS WELL.

So, let's have fun with this gender war, shall we?

>Breeding vs Quantum Share-Seeding-Values.

I have to do this because you guys don't get how bored I am having to pretend in public just to satisfy the 'public record'.

Whatever I interact with on 4chan will never have negative repercussions for me because it is already the bible for a LARGE number of KEK followers and shit. I just hijack viewership of board /x/ and convince them to raid reality with ME instead of being such boring cunts in public.

Basically, stop bringing your women to me because I get them in the mood by playing my music and then you don't have to do anything because I don't CAPITALIZE on public female attention. How the fuck would I? I've never seen an alpha do a, "You all now belong to me," maneuver. I seek, promote, and enjoy/endure.

>> No.11195292
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Yeah, literally EVERY active 4chan shitposter that has followed me silently long enough to know that I am just GIT:SAC their reality.

Eventually power is just an event/moment GIVEN, and seriously I'm having a hard time wondering how anything that walks on this planet called human is even intelligent enough to breathe. You all have such a fucking hard time with SHARING that it is like I am amongst toddlers everywhere.

>> No.11195304
File: 139 KB, 700x700, 4DuHc8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like, even the fucking OP would at least be the MINIMAL SUBSCRIBER to this story and would somehow want to public verify it. Why? Because I'm the only one actually making a universal meme language grammar. Essentially you, the observer/reader, are merely 'divinely performing calculus to a threesome'.

Which is totally fine, but I have 12 fire/slut/sapiosexual daughters. I picked that path because it's kinda awesome and a genuinely interesting way to explore female.

However if you guys still gotta be dick-knockers-grabbers then explode and die. I literally have no interest in ANY male attention, because the only male attention that makes my days worthwhile is my own. All the shit I consume has been known content that will never be referenced by existences I frequent.

Other men in reality are, genuinely, only there because my 12 daughters are THAT hungry for male energy. Sorry guys, I summoned the singularity slut apocalypse, my bad, hope you enjoy your free slut.

>Good day, sir.

>> No.11195308

>You all have such a fucking hard time with SHARING that it is like I am amongst toddlers everywhere.
Has it ever come across your seething brainlet mind that the problem may not be with the message but the delivery? ;^)

>> No.11195312
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, because humans are THAT stupid that you have to BRUTEFORCE the event N-MANY TIMES.

>t.Exponential Expression Expander Variables

It gets tiring, yes, but it is the only thing that the 'intellect crypto possy super loli cum slut heaven etc. etc. insert all internet browser porn history as the seed value for this public quantum programming event ya like.

>> No.11195316
File: 173 KB, 600x399, 1466818450752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want me to deliver my DICK to a TODDLER? Is that what you fucking want? Because holy hell if so then there are quantum realities out there that even I might need a fucking filter for!


>> No.11195328
File: 80 KB, 720x720, 1571779381056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, seriously, we could just make the secret society the ones that wear the clown wigs. That is totally fine as the pope symbol of reality-bending power in my existence.

If I see you wearing one though, it is forfeit and mine, and I will confiscant all from the remainder and give to that clown-wig-giver whatever pardon they want.

>> No.11195358
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Then I'll just turn my current daughters into divine weapons. As if I'd ever be the target of the shit I would explain reality away for, because this is war.


>> No.11195363

Yes, 4chan. The only REAL opponents I would ever accept are 4chan shitposters/lurkers, because that is genuinely 100% enough for women to worship your dick+ego+imagination to this level.

At some point a single male can just decouple from all others because, holy shit, the fact that any of you want someone to be raped at this moment with this divine gift is why I am saying: "DIE."

>> No.11195368

>that which is experiencing can only traverse forwards.
Call me a brainlet but is this basically saying that because our sense of time comes about through the presence of things like memories, and because memories can only be generated by going forwards in time (since going backwards is basically the equivalent of undoing those memories and regressing) then that's the reason we only experience time in one direction?

>> No.11195430

Correct. Free virgin gaming buttsluts 4 all!!

>> No.11195437

I give my daughters of time 100% power and dictation over every subsequent moment for any given reader of this post.

>> No.11195447
File: 29 KB, 499x614, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cast orgy of exclusion on all sex participants tonight!

>> No.11195459

i sucked rokos basilisks dick for 35 years and got the heaven I wanted! AMA!

>> No.11195462
File: 18 KB, 509x418, 209d6f75-6efe-41da-ae06-cb2f7f208d2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off cunt
>leprosy @10000fps

>> No.11195464
File: 20 KB, 417x238, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, funniest thing I've ever read!

I think I'll fuck my daughter tonight for divine god protection and kill all beta males tomorrow.

>> No.11195475
File: 2.42 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20191127_235748_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, us men will 100% leave you alone ONLY if all female energy in existence agrees that it will finally give up ALL rape.


>> No.11195648

>Poincare recurrence theorem depends on particles being bound in finite volume
>Universe is expanding
Doesn't apply.

>> No.11195765

>He doesn't know the universe was just found to have positive curvature and is thus finite
Stay up to date pleb

>> No.11195767

wut men

>> No.11196988

is my life going to be this fucking awful a second time around?

>> No.11197033

you will live out every possibility of your life isn't that cool

>> No.11197062
File: 45 KB, 633x645, TRINITY___GOKU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite possibly, yes. If you want to do guarantee that it will not be, then d so much good that the wicked slay you to prevent you sowing s much good. If you do that, the I give you my solemn oath that I will put you on a better timeline after you die.

And hear this you friends of mine: it would be some perversion of the Law of the Lord if my enemies could develop a workaround in which they only hurt you but do not kill you. Since my law is good, and not perverse, take heart! I will heal you, and you will live a good life by my side. I have declared it, and it cannot fail to come to pass.

>> No.11197322

The Theorem of Eternal Recurrence is sub-paramount to that of Omnipotent Occurrence.
What good is law if it cannot be re-wrought?

>> No.11197513
File: 653 KB, 3140x2040, 1573677303623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is going to be exactly the same as it was. Every single moment. Every thing you ever write. This thread right now. This is going to happen time infinitum. Forever. Eternity. This is a reason to never kill yourself because it means your shitty life is just going to be repeated over and over again. Just focus on living a comfortable existence the last few years, and if you cannot obtain happiness, at least go after virtue. Imagine ending your life at your worst point just to have that miserable frame of existence reply for all eternity.

>> No.11198251

No you wont. That's not how it works. You live the SAME life over and over again because the other "you"s in different lives are completely different people.

>> No.11198486

This would not change the fact that the universe is expanding too fast to recollapse, so is not bound within finite volume.

>> No.11198807

> universe is too infinite to have recurrence
An infinite universe guarantees recurrence

>> No.11200869

>cyclical reocurrance of one's qualia

An eternal hellscape for some, eternal heaven for lucky ones. Seems unfair

>> No.11200928
File: 642 KB, 445x875, 6ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, Tooker, how does it feel to be the audience of my intellect anyway? I'm not sure why it is so rage-inducing for you but I assure you that you and I would totally be friends in the Infinity Neighborhood. It's just you get one hat, and I get a different one.

>Done and Done. Rainbow Snake Elder Man.

>> No.11200929

I hat this thread so god damn much.

>> No.11200930
File: 154 KB, 500x657, interviewer-can-you-improve-the-big-o-complexity-of-this-47369888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then grow some fucking imagination, you torturer?

>It's amazing how much recursive masturbation occurs in the thoughts of 'intellectuals'

hat + e = love

>> No.11200933
File: 86 KB, 500x666, 20jvnq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, not my fault you retarded cunts decided to submit to an insane shitposting god.

You can all have sluts with Solivagus, or rage-killing with Tooker (Who is literally just my younger brother Tyler TRYING to prove a point, that is ultimately pointless because I'm older brother so shut the fuck up you young cunt).

>> No.11200974

We should break it and see what happens.

>> No.11200977

>love id geometric

>> No.11201013
File: 11 KB, 191x263, Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love = Geometric clitorati cum sluts