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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11142528 No.11142528[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ - the global warming strikes again.

eat the bugs. for the love of god.

>> No.11142612
File: 536 KB, 753x1126, Img-1573561818252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes goy eat bugs
>nah don't worry about India and China m8

>> No.11142614

fuck you dumb americunt, here it's been hot as shit, 10-15°C over normal temperatures

>> No.11142616

Local weather != global climate, but that's not a simplistic enough talking point for you morons.

>> No.11142621
File: 211 KB, 840x821, 310-3107589_post-wojak-crying-meme-hd-png-download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NO don't you see, global warming is what CAUSES cold weather

>> No.11142766

>>NO don't you see, global warming is what CAUSES cold weather

>> No.11142784

>antisemite and anticap
"The worst of both camps"

>> No.11142786

global =/= local weather


>> No.11142787

what a braindead response

>> No.11142815

Go back to r*ddit

>> No.11142844

the cold weather is more than balanced out by arctic warming - on average it is warmer than before

>> No.11142858

>global warming makes weather less extreme
Sounds good to me desu.

>> No.11142863
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this is a free market board. racism doesn't belong.

>> No.11142864
File: 34 KB, 500x373, Global+warming+is+hereby+solved_6daed9_6112626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global warming melts polar ice caps
>"it's good brah, it's like dropping an ice cube in the ocean to cool the planet, it'll get colder now"
>freak cold snap happens
>"look at how cold it is!! proof global warming isn't real!!!"

Do global warming deniers have no continuity of memory?
I'd like they forget everything that they say 1 month after they say it.

>> No.11142886


how can you ever live on Mars if you cant stand 2 degree warmer temperature on earth?

>> No.11142890

what does that have to do with the price of eggs in china?

>> No.11142891

>>global warming melts polar ice caps
Stopped reading here. Polar ice caps are supposed to melt. They are not a constant feature of the planet. They were always going to melt.

>> No.11142894

>extremely less iq

>> No.11142904

>global warming deniers tries to make an argument
>their brain can't formulate a valid argument so they just cite the impermanence of all things in the universe

Stopped reading here. I guess you were just suppose to be stupid. Intelligence is not a constant feature of humanity. There will always be idiots.

>> No.11142916

So you are saying that the remnants of the last ice age are supposed to be a constant feature of the planet Earth? What do you think the polar ice caps are? What is their purpose?

>> No.11142941

>are ice caps supposed to be frozen
>What is the purpose of ice?

Can't tell if you're intentionally being obtuse or just retarded ........ but let's just say the purpose of their existence (and not being melted|) is to prevent coastal flooding and drastic changes in global weather patterns, among other things.
And if you try to say that stuff doesn't matter then you should have said from the start you're a psychopath who doesn't care if other humans die, rather than making inane arguments that serve no purpose.

>> No.11142954

wow, so global warming was a lie after all. I'm voting Donald Trump in the upcoming elections, thats for sure!

>> No.11142959


isnt land mass basically like a floatingship, so if sea level rises, wont land mass rise with it?

>> No.11142963

Whats this new american cope?

Everyone knows china is the worst but its not like they can go protest there, only the government can really do anything about them, maybe by explaining to them climate change isnt some western subversion tactic and is already killing their population slowly

>> No.11142968


how is it killing their population slowly?

>> No.11142979
File: 905 KB, 2412x1290, Screenshot-2019-02-08-at-17.15.54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isnt land mass basically like a floatingship
That's not how it works and you should know that, but hilarious none the less

>"Why can't we just tie a bunch of balloons to the ground, and instead of floatingships we can be a flyingships! With enough helium we can put North America on the moon!! or even mars!!"

>> No.11142984
File: 160 KB, 709x504, cpcglobalt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11142988

what did you mean by this singular data point?

>> No.11142994
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>why should i pollute less disproportionately if changs not gonna stay poor?

>> No.11142997

>but let's just say the purpose of their existence (and not being melted|) is to prevent coastal flooding and drastic changes in global weather patterns, among other things.
So you're just guessing why they exist instead of actually knowing?

The polar ice caps exist as a remnant of the last ice age. They are not a constant feature of the planet. Scientists argue on the exact age of the caps, but the absolute HIGHEST estimate is 15 million years. That means that the polar ice caps have existed for a mere 0.25% of the planet's existence.

>> No.11143002

>15 million years

predates the human race. You really want to return Earth to pre-human conditions?

>> No.11143005

I should also add to this that you seem to be confused as to the "purpose" of our planet's existence. You seem to be under the false notion that the planet Earth exists for human beings to live on, as if that were our planet's sole function.

>> No.11143007

the planet wasnt made for us to live on but personally I would like us to continue existing on it

>> No.11143009

>You really want to return Earth to pre-human conditions?
We don't have a choice. And no, 15 million years does not predate the ability of hominids to exist. Very many hominid species existed during the ice age.

>> No.11143016

Have you seen what pollution does to the rate of cancer and lung disease?

>> No.11143043

>You seem to be under the false notion that the planet Earth exists for human beings to live on

Some might say the universe has no purpose.
I like this quote from Carl Saga
>“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”
WE are part of the universe that is capable of intelligent thought. Which means if there was ever any part of the universe capable of assigning purpose or meaning to things, it is us. We are the part of the universe that decides what is important. What we decide our morality to be, becomes the de facto morality of the universe. If for no other reason that humans can decide, simply because we have this capability gives human beings purpose by extension gives the planet Earth purpose as our home.

>> No.11143064

>>“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”
This is nice and poetical and all, but it's not in the slightest bit objective. For all we know, the universe could be designed specifically for us to exist for a brief moment and then go extinct. What is objective is that the mechanics of the Earth do not take sentient life into consideration. We can't stop the Earth's natural processes, but we can adapt to them.

>> No.11143066

>We are the part of the universe that decides what is important. What we decide our morality to be, becomes the de facto morality of the universe
Also, if we ever discover aliens to exist, this would totally change things. We would both forced and would naturally want to listen to what they think, believe, and say. However, so far aliens haven't presented themselves or been discovered yet so that paradigm hasn't shifted yet. (sorry for buzz word phrase but it seemed most appropriate)

>> No.11143067

>What is objective is that the mechanics of the Earth do not take sentient life into consideration.

It's quite the opposite actually.

>> No.11143074

>The anthropic principle is a philosophical consideration

>> No.11143098

>global warming
I think you mean American warming, anon.

>> No.11143107

It's today's temperature anomalies you buffoon. Saying 'it's cold where I am' is idiocy.

>> No.11143111

>explaining to them climate change isnt some western subversion tactic
Except that's exactly what it is. You're demanding post-industrialism from nations that have only begun to industrialize. Fortunately, nobody with actual power in the east will fall for it. The west; however, is free to destroy their own remaining industry and fully submit themselves to the eastern sun.

>> No.11143113
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Not true. Global warming is inextricably linked with terrorism. We defeated ISIS, so we defeated global warming.

>> No.11143134

The world isn't fair. When we discovered what asbestos was doing to people it didn't matter if your little town had only been using it a day or had been using it forever, you had to stop.

Sadly the chinese usually have to touch the stove before they learn its hot so I imagine when shenzhen is no longer habitable they will start to get the message. I say shenzhen because it seems to be the only city where they even pretend to care about peoples quality of life