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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 19 KB, 421x501, 144ft_russian_pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11083360 No.11083360 [Reply] [Original]

Yeap, shill mods deleted my thread on pyramids the 3rd time so I'm going to post another one. ITT we discuss the healing abilities of these majestic shapes.

previous thread: >>/sci/thread/S11081231

Pyramid discoveries:
>Animals exposed to the pyramid gained 200% more endurance
>30% of the mice exposed to the pyramid-field survived versus just 3% of those in the control group after all were contaminated by a large dose of salmonella tiphimurium
>after russian prisoners were given pyramid-powered salt, their criminal behavior disappeared within just a few months
>strontium and heavy metals that had contaminated the water were cleared after exposing the water to a pyramid

source: https://stargatepyramids.com/russian-pvc-pyramids/

DIY pyramid tips:
>pyramids can be made of organic materials such as plastic, wood, and cardboard
>metals will greatly decline the pyramid's performance. even bolts and nails will hinder.
>a wall is unnecessary because the shape is all that matters
>filling the PVC pipe with quartz sand will greatly increase the pyramid's performance.

Remember, the elite will stop at nothing to prevent pyramids from going viral because anyone is able to build one out of almost anything.

>> No.11083367

Take the hint and >>>/x/

>> No.11083371

>bro just stack your shit into a rectangular pyramid and it'll filter the water in your toilet bowl

Fuck off back to >>>/x/

>> No.11083376

results are repeatable therefore its scientific, not paranormal.

>> No.11083381

No they aren't

>> No.11083383

and they have never been verified nor repeated, despite attempts

>> No.11083393

on what bases do you say "No they aren't" Instead of pulling words from your behind, why not try it yourself?

>> No.11083394


>> No.11083400

sources? you have none.

>> No.11083404

first look into the definition of paranormal before spamming this low-iq post.

>> No.11083410

Fuck this loser. Make sure if you reply to his bate tier /x/posts, you SAGE

>> No.11083411

mythbusters failed to repeat any claims by pyramid niggers.
Meanwhile, the burden of proof is on you :)

>> No.11083415

of course the shills are always the first to reply

>> No.11083419

>you are a shill for not believing bullshit

>> No.11083421

you might as well source one from mcdonalds. american entertainment shows aren't a reputable source and btw their show got canceled because bankers didn't like them doing mythbusts on cards.

>> No.11083424

Yep, people are paid to shill dissemination on pyramids as well as flat Earth and other /x/ bullshit on the science board of a fucking Bahranian Beetle Battling and Basket Braiding BBS

Seems like you got life figured out, OP.
Go break into a pyramid and live the rest of your life their for all we care

>> No.11083425

I didn't say if you don't believe then you a shill.

>> No.11083428

>people are paid to shill dissemination on pyramids
what will they gain from it...? try harder at shilling, maybe ask your master for an increased salary.

>> No.11083431


>> No.11083445

is there anyone on this board with a logical argument about pyramids or is this place run by just shills?

>> No.11083456

>you are a shill for redirecting me to the proper board

>> No.11083469
File: 80 KB, 750x669, 1564620853969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mods deleted my thread on pyramids the 3rd time so I'm going to post another one
Based sub95 iq poster

>> No.11083476

Speaking of PVC pyramids, one dude in my village made those at home and sold them to lots of naive people some decades ago. I heard he's rich now and is still doing it.

>> No.11083512

Blood letting the thread.

>> No.11083544

>tfw its a LITERAL pyramid scheme
Maximum kek

>> No.11083583

>Many Russian doctors and scientists have claimed that the effects are likely psychological when someone enters the pyramid and expects to feel better. Many believe the pyramids are simply a tourist gimmick. There is no scientific consensus on the plausibility of Golod's research. Critics also state empirical evidence is lacking to prove that the pyramids are the actual cause of any healing or other benefits. Mainstream scientists, especially in the west, do not accept his theories due a substantial lack of published scientific evidence, with Golod relying heavily on observational inference.[1][2]
>There are also a number of tourists who do not share the same enthusiasm as others, claiming that they experienced no changes whatsoever from exposure to the pyramid. Those with ailments did not recover or feel any better. In one case, after hearing of the greater crop yield, one farmer brought his seeds to the pyramid, only to yield a worse crop than the previous season.[1][2]


>> No.11083603

This thread was moved to >>>/x/23626826