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File: 243 KB, 1000x667, dont starve pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11073815 No.11073815 [Reply] [Original]

I get that CO2 is plant food and planting additional trees will decrease CO2 in the atmosphere and we might accidentally end up starving trees to death, but is it really that bad?

>> No.11073818

We aren't going to starve trees by planting a bunch. There is more then enough CO2 int he atmosphere for them, if they get to the point of starving we will have bigger problems. Like 6 foot long dragonflies.

>> No.11073821

>starving trees to death

>> No.11073822

What the fuck are you trying to say?

>> No.11073842

Trees are carbon neutral and don't store dick for carbon. Plant as many as you want, or don't. It doesn't matter.

>> No.11073850

>carbon neutral
Nigga what. Trees are literally built from CO2 they suck up from the air. They don't just eat a trees worth of dirt. hahahaha

>> No.11073859

And then they fall down and rot and release all the CO2 in the air again. Peat bogs store more carbon. Algal blooms in the sea store more carbon.
Trees are still nice though.

>> No.11073869

Store, not indefinitely keep trapped. Some trees have been storing for hundreds of years.

>> No.11073879

High end humor.

>> No.11073981
File: 162 KB, 1530x1000, migrationCO2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you worry about not having enough CO2 just keep importing 3rd worlders into our society.
Problem solved.

>> No.11074040
File: 193 KB, 709x399, pcep14_int_co2cycle_poster.jpeg.resize.710x399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irrelevant. The dead trees release CO2 at the same average rate over time as the living trees suck it up. It's further made irrelevant by the fact that biomass only stores like 1% of the total carbon.

>> No.11074043

What we need to do is figure out more solutions for construction using carbon negative engineered wood based composites.

>> No.11074077

They all rot so they're still carbon neutral. Great sustainable building material though

>> No.11074192

Who the fuck told you planting trees was bad for the environment? Was his last name "Koch" because I have something to tell you anon

>> No.11074260

Planing trees is bad if it's not accompanied by a corresponding increase in CO2 because it puts a strain on their food supply

>> No.11074325

CO2 is not the limiting factor for tree growth anywhere on Earth

>> No.11074339

>additional trees will decrease CO2 in the atmosphere
Not really. It's very local; not that much and the average tree only lives for 50-100 years.

>> No.11074345

>all the CO2 in the air again
Not all. Plenty of that carbon enters the food chain and the carbon cycle.
Life in general is a pretty good carbon sink, so long as you don't burn millions of years of bio-accumulation in a century and a half and tip anything over.
You could also have tree farms where you harvest and replant them, then weigh down the logs and toss them into the ocean. Wood rots a lot more slowly under water, and you're creating more habitats for sea life.
I do agree that there are bigger contributors to the carbon cycle, but trees do their part too.

>> No.11074382


We have an extremely dangerous over abundance of CO2. If yogg-sothoth started eating us right now, it would be like the beans scene from blazing saddles. The plants're gonna be fine.

>> No.11074746

what the fuck does migrant population have to do with a country's net production of CO2?
it makes more sense that what is available for use in that particular country contributes more to CO2 output than the population.
if you gave africa a million cars their CO2 would rise too

>> No.11074784

Tree absord CO2 when they are growing, but after they've grown they actually start releasing CO2. Plants "breath" at night and photosynthesize during the day. Planting trees will never be significant enough to halt global warming.

>> No.11074791

There is no possibility of “starving trees to death” because you planted some

>> No.11074800

>600 lbs fatty worried about being underweight

>> No.11074821

This is a climate denialist thread in disguise, fuck you.

>> No.11074890
File: 77 KB, 645x729, average amerimutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11075119

Right, but as long as a forest exists, the carbon that makes up that forest isn't in the atmosphere.
So planting new forests sequesters carbon.

>> No.11075815

You *store* the carbon in this way you do not *sequester* it. Besides the semantics, all of the biomass on land represents less than 1% of the Earth's carbon so if you managed to double the mass of all the forests on Earth than you still only have 2% of Earth's carbon tied up. We've added significantly more than that to the atmosphere from fossil fuels so you literally accomplish nothing with this massive undertaking.

>> No.11076960

Is this true?

>> No.11077157

he lives in a fantasy land where, industrialization of third world nations isn't possible. Let alone inevitable and happening as we speak.

>> No.11077190

Your original point was that trees don't store carbon.

>> No.11077219

No, it's nonsense.

>> No.11077224

My original point was that they don't store dick for carbon. 1% isn't dick.

>> No.11077258

Where do you think all those coal deposits came from?

>> No.11077269
File: 25 KB, 432x297, 1156_t_w480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the fuck does migrant population have to do with a country's net production of CO2?
The moment an impoverished wetback touches American soil, he instantly gets an air-conditioned McMansion and three SUVs.

>> No.11077272

From peatlands like bogs and mashes. We don't have much of that around today, at least comparatively.

>> No.11077343
File: 77 KB, 464x518, 1517429337730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a decline in total population doesn't lead to less co2 output compared to a growth in total population

>> No.11077354

every climate plan ever created limits the growth of CO2 emissions from Third World nations to levels lower than they were at their peak in First World nations.