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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11072475 No.11072475[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the scientific reason why women preform better in schools?

>> No.11072477

stfu retard

>> No.11072479

Better Hands. Deal With It.

>> No.11072481

Males are more likely to be diagnosed with dyslexia, autism, ADD/ADHD, Asperger's, etc.

>> No.11072484

Women try to save face and compete publicly. Men don't and compete all the time already anyways.

>> No.11072510

Some /pol/tards here would say that it's "feminist teachers" or some shit like that.
Truth is, you can breeze through today's education with just rote memorization without actually understanding the concepts.
And because females tend to have more white matter in their brain (which is used for memorization and multitasking) then they'd obviously preform better.

The only subject that's safe from rote memorization is mathematics, which is why females are stereotyped to be bad at it.

>> No.11072512

Dont rip bongs before class as much
Dont drink 12 cans before even getting to the club/party as much

>> No.11072525

Bit of both.
>/r9k/ will hate this

>> No.11072531

My teacher told me that originally, like in the 1950s as women going to school became the norm, existing tests and teaching techniques had been geared towards males, as only males had gone to school before that typically.
So girls got much lower marks than boys and struggled with the classroom environment.
So during womans liberation there was an effort to balance the syllabus by adding more female friendly stuff in classes like essay writing and story writing etc.

But they went too far with it ;) and no one can attempt to change how a school teachers to make it easier for boys, that's very sexist.

And now school is easier for girls, and why we used to think girls were too stupid to drive cars and now we think they are smarter.

Pro tip, never have we made a greater collective mistake than allowing the government to educate our children.

And that's why I had to write an essay on Einstein and what it would be like to be an immigrant in America for my high school astrophysics exam lol, and why in chemistry we we had to do titration, the test was marked on write up of the experiment with no marks for the actual titration experiment.

>> No.11072543
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>high school astrophysics exam

I do agree with the rest of the shit that you said though.

>> No.11072547

>tests actually evaluate student knowledge
>assignments can be easily plagiarized and beta orbiters willing to throw themselves to save le maidens
>test weight plummets
>assignment weight skyrockets
>act surprised when females start doing better

>> No.11072550

Australia brah, we had options for university preparation subjects, we called them extentions ;)

>> No.11072552

agreeableness and the fear of being made fun of by other girls
also its not like they really wanna drive tractors n shit or fall back on blue collar stuff
I think most women just use college as an excuse to be picky honestly since most people with any sort of shit degree say they want someone with like an engineering degree or something. pretty sure its not enough to not one up them

>> No.11072563

Female IQ distribution has a slightly lower standard deviation (how much lower is contentious) so there are more of them towards the center of the curve and fewer of the towards the tails.
The IQ cut-off for bachelors degrees is around 90.
Half of men and half of women have IQs above 100 (the means aren't different, only the standard deviation) and there are more women in the 90-100 range than men (women have more at the center, men at the tails) so more women "make the cut" than men do,

>> No.11072565

that was debunked
they were looking at kids and girls develop early but peter off compared to teenage men
for adults its just a straight up 3 point demerit compared to men, same shape otherwise

>> No.11072566


>> No.11072568

remember science is bullshit because our peer review and media do bullshit to stay politically correct
This place exists so you can point it out
thank you

>> No.11072574

>girls develop early but peter off
Shouldn't they be put into age groups for IQ tests based on different age ranges than men then?

>> No.11072585
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yes but the reporters and review boards thought it was a better idea to just not play fair

>> No.11072598

Why is the electron cloud model still being endorsed if electrons look like that? Seems like someone would have shut it down.

>> No.11072617
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This man

>> No.11072798

Yeah girls are obedient, boys are rebellious so girls suit standard classrooms better.

>> No.11072826

because school is designed to create factory-type workers.

>> No.11073627
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Not sure. I think it's because they talk and complain so the teachers get worn down and give in.

>> No.11073664

Maybe they're just smarter

>> No.11073675

Easier to indoctrinate, they simply accept facts while men often are more rebellious and question authority

>> No.11073693
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>> No.11073703

Then why are feminists complaining about the lack of women in science, mathematics, and engineering?

>> No.11073716

Because they think women are smart and should be included in those fields, but are being excluded due to non brain related structural factors.

>> No.11073865

Because if they ignore the reason for that lack (different average preferences) and just look at the outcome they have an excuse to be upset.

>> No.11074551

most teachers are female
girls / females are also more confirming to societal standards and pressure like in school and therefore will perform

>> No.11074592

It's always something within the two extremes.
>faggots will call me a centrist even though I'm an extremist on both sides
>the dress is actually the same hue all throughout, there was simply a shadow over it

>> No.11075144

>What is the scientific reason why women preform better in schools?
Females are a lot more likely to do what you tell them to do than males are.

>> No.11075261

Majority of teachers are women and women have more in group preference for their sex than men do. Anecdotally my high school’s valedictorian was a girl for like seven straight years because it was basically determined by this old hag bitch that hated anything the guys wrote