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11049893 No.11049893 [Reply] [Original]


Every time I read about the current under usage of the potential that nuclear has, I get almost irrationally angry. Who cares if plebs get scared? Why should we hear stupid luddites?
It solves fossil usage. It solves emissions. It doesn't depend on huge areas. It's non intrusive and can be placed near consumption centers. It's extremely efficient. Aside from initial costs, it has such a high profit margin.

We'd solve most current economic issues if we dedicated ourselves to nuclear. And yet, most countries talk about avoiding it. Germany has even started to tear down their reactors for no real reason.
Are there any real negatives to it that don't boil down to stupidity and fear?

>> No.11049910
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because the public got sold on the lie that is "green" energy

non recyclable solar panels and bat killing wind turbines are all they think about. Nuclear is "bad" because people associate it with Chernobyl and bombs.

>> No.11049919

The main problems are waste management and limited plant lifetime due to embrittlement. It also does not have a high profit margin. Nonetheless these are solvable issues and we should be dumping funding into nuclear R&D

>> No.11049923

because They want global warming to happen so They will only allow bullshit non-solutions to be discussed

>> No.11049930


>> No.11049997

We COULD move to a 100% renewable energy economy, but no one is actually addressing the grid power storage problem in their public statements, which is insane. The scale of the land usage alone for a full renewable system is vast.

>> No.11050017

This is accurate. Global warming benifits the usa, canada, russia, and norway the most. Out of those countires usa and russia are overtly making the planet worse through a combination of foreign and dometic policy. With russia it is state sponsored, but with usa it is pushed by the corporations currently entangled in our federal branch of government.

>> No.11050109

A nuclear plant takes 10 years to build. A politician is in office for a five year term, and then has to run for election against people who could accuse him of wanting another Chernobyl.

>> No.11050116
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>help ruin the planet
>import unlimited numbers of brown refugees
>call it a profit
I'd call you a retarded faggot but this is probably how obama voters actually view of the world. Thanks for the insight

>> No.11050118

Because globalist Jews

>> No.11050188
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>> No.11050205
File: 3.82 MB, 2564x3316, Diagram_of_a_NuScale_reactor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are working on it

>> No.11050228

Because the general public is retarded. A large part of the argument against nuclear energy is muh meltdowns (even though the technology is completely changed and has a lower risk of failing then most it energy sources) and fucking terrorists. Thanks bush

>> No.11050235

The low profit margin is the biggest issue since corporations won't be drawn to nuclear energy

>> No.11050443

I swear I'll have an aneurysm the next time I hear some retard talking about how photovoltaic is the future

>> No.11050487
File: 90 KB, 1203x884, Screenshot_2019-04-05 Lazard’s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis—Version 12 0 - lazards-levelized-cost-of-energy-version-12[...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, it's actually the present

>> No.11050552

SMR reactors by 2030 probably. That's why the french electrical company (EDF) is being highly restructured right now. The future is modular nuclear reactors and will come with a lot of new names and adjectives to help forget it's nuclear.