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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10829148 No.10829148 [Reply] [Original]

What would you study if you could go back to freshman year, knowing what you know now?

>> No.10829151

I'd probably study the same thing, but Id focus more time on getting a gf, lifting weight, being more social and working harder in general.

>> No.10829154

What did you study?

>> No.10829161

not him but compsci

>> No.10829166

i wouldnt go to college. only go to college for md or jd since its by law required. its 2019 google exists teach yourself
t. bs and ms in cs

>> No.10829167



Fuck all the 105 IQ party bitties. Join the military immediately after graduation.

>> No.10829169

You cannot become an engineer or accountant without those degrees.

>> No.10829191

Study harder and use my books I have a miserable start when I became freshman

>> No.10829201


>> No.10829234
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Dont be afraid to be average and fit in, or even fail, you made it here when the world had all odds agaisnt you.

Youre going on a journey to discover reality of the world, your beliefs will change. You'll see reality of your idealisms. You'll take many great opportunities youre given. Youll learn the true path to leadership in this, youll realize true leadership isnt some sort of program pandered to the many. You alone, your talent, merit, skill, that sets you apart from the rest, defines leadership. Your strength to stand up with a different, but right, fair, idea, when everyone around you is for the status quo.

This is why you have to be stronger, you must undergo a trial to make you the strongest, its an isolating path, students and the University will attack you and the incentive is for people is to passively follow the status quo.

Despite all this you in fact make extraordinary achievements, like you win a response of "Multicultural Populism" in student politics and people loved you. Even without your propaganda machine out in full force, your speech, your charisma, the physical tingling, its all too eerie to you, youre left with a giant grin that night, you probably have fans out there but its hard to keep track of these things with social media and the little capital resources you have.

You will learn the true meaning of never giving up, perseverence, endurance, as if it means your life, because this is training for the real world, what the future may potentially be about.

You may think youre cursed, but the truth is that you have to undergo training, an education that not many people can handle or tolerate, especially these days. Only if you can survive it can you call yourself a true leader for the real world, for tomorrow. This is the only worthy, merit worthy way to move on up in society and say youre worth what youre worth, when such titles get handed out these days. leaving people truly unprepared.

Search your heart!

>> No.10829266

double major in cs

>> No.10829289
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That's pretty fucking gay bro

>> No.10829395

who cares what you think, you damn well know youre in a lowly station in life policing the internet with poorly fabbricated memes, get fucked pig

>> No.10829399
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oh wow someone who has about a billion times more merit then a clown poster shares profound advice and wisdom and clown poster responds "lol, thats gay bro" god what a fucking degenerate, how are you this stupid, you cant be this stupid, you have to be paid to discredit anything valuable or threatening to you, always know what you are, a yesman, a normie, a degenerate, an untermensch, and your place is rightfully in a death camp, you fucking sell out, die

>> No.10829408

just fucking lol if you would ever study CS for any reason other than money

>> No.10829409

Man everyone knows it’s about hitting that STEM.

>> No.10829421

I definitely wouldn't go for molecular biology again. In fact I wouldn't even bother with university at all. I'd just learn to code, make tons of money and thats that. Fuck you autistic bookworms and labrats.

>> No.10829440

MD is too long a profession and costs too much. JD is a good opportunity but the money is not as steady as an MD. I know plenty of lawyers without careers. Never met a MD without a career. I’d probably be a guynocollegist to stay closer on investments. Seen more than enough twats to be compelled by then. The world is highly progressive things change everyday sometimes too quick. First thing i’d do is study a broad.

>> No.10829442
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>company gets your resume
>education: university of google

>> No.10829445


>> No.10829496

i would have skipped computer bullshit and gone straight into medicine rather than spend a few years falling for the meme

>> No.10829511

Study harder, go straight to doing my major-related courses right away and graduate in four years instead of jerking around figuring what I wanted to do.

>> No.10829518

the blade

>> No.10829541

the blockchain

>> No.10829565

math again, but more of it.

>> No.10829643

You can get apprenticeships.

>> No.10830158

Ide study the same but not take 15 years or so to realise it’s what I wanted, ide go for my masters/phd to instead of my paltry first.

>> No.10830197


I would take a gap-year to obtain a certificate in machining/welding101, before commencing my robotics course.

>> No.10830201

The same thing I'm studying now just with more focus on what I wanted to study instead of spending a couple of years taking very general classes trying to figure out what I want.

>> No.10830410

>lifting weight
There's 25% chance you waste years of your time for nothing though

>> No.10831064


>> No.10831072
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I only found afterwards while graduating with honors that no one gives a fuck and having connections is a lot more important.

I should have joined a fraternity. Hang out with classmates and on campus after class chilling and laughing with them. Making friends and connections.

I was absolutely retarded and considered them to be "inferior" to me while I focused on my autistic grades by going home arrogantly working on my shit. What a fucking waste of time that was. People didn't give a shit on my resume and old classmates got jobs faster than me through connections and friends.

Almost no one tells you this shit. Why doesn't the college just straight up tell you "It's very important you socialize and hang out with people for your future career"?

Fucking hell I thought "it's not important what you know but who you know" was only applicable to social sciences and things like business. But it's actually true for the hard sciences as well.

Grades,knowledge and skill gets you absolutely nowhere. Sociability, refinement and connections do.

That is the biggest lesson you guys should take away from this thread.

>> No.10831146

Applied Math.
Now I'm in compsci and hate every single day of my life. It's such a meme degree.

>> No.10831161

If you wanna learn it because you wanna learn it you're much better off with books and google than with a uni. If you want a job you will need a degree though. It's shit and doesn't make sense but that's how it works these days.

>> No.10831164

I would tell myself to use google until I can work at google.

>> No.10831165 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10831234

I suppose I would take a few classes in chemistry as an elective.

>> No.10831237

I’d do a trade and self-teach. Much more free time and less debts that way.

>> No.10831256


I would honestly probably double major in theatre or something that would teach social skills and definitely something in STEM. Probably biology or computer science or even pre-med. Better yet, not even go to college at all and work on IT certifications.

>> No.10831263

lifting is never a waste of time

>> No.10831269

It is a waste of time if you can't build muscle (literally 0% hypertrophy in years, 30% strength gains in 3 months which then stalls literally for ever)

>> No.10831295

I'd probably would have studied harder and taken some chemistry classes as electives,

Staying in shape is always good, even if you're not trying to build much in the way of muscle physical activity does a lot of you.

Building muscle isn't hard provided that you're eating enough and engaging in enough resitance training

This is why I'm glad my Uni has a marching band.

>> No.10831298

I'd become a janitor

>> No.10831313

>Building muscle isn't hard provided that you're eating enough and engaging in enough resitance training
This is wrong, 25% of people can't build muscle because they lack the necessary satellite cells to do so. I am part of these 25% I want to die

>> No.10831328

You're a retard

>> No.10831332

>modern rigorous peer-reviewed science is for retards

>> No.10831338

>tfw I've been lifting weights and drinking protein for 15 years and I'm skill skinnyfat

On the plus side I gain 30 lbs of muscle.

>> No.10831340

You're probably just some retard DYEL who doesn't know how to eat right

>> No.10831345

I can't build muscle

>> No.10831350

Yes you can, I assure you that you are doing something wrong. However you may not be able to become a "beast" as easily as some people do but if you couldn't gain muscle you literally wouldn't be alive. See a nutritionist

>> No.10831359

This is not possible. I was coached by people who built muscle (under their supervision) and following the usual recommendations for diet, and didn't build anything.

>> No.10831363

Did you work out with them too?

>> No.10831369

Yeah, I was also working out with people who only did machines while I was doing mainly compounds, they built huge muscles while I built nothing. (and adding machines didn't help either)

>> No.10831381

Basically this. I even came up with a theory to justify it - you do not materialize wealth into your possession unless you can manipulate matter and drastically reduce its entropy to mold it into some higher structures like some hyper-advanced AI, and the best level of this that your mortal body can achieve is some basic primitive craftsmanship which factories do better anyway. What you can do however is to redirect the wealth of other people towards yourself, or in simpler words, to not be a sperg and use your social skills through manipulation into indirectly stealing the wealth that other people possess, be it either by underpaying them as a CEO or straight up making them do it as a political leader. There is no other way of wealth accumulation and even if you're a kind sperg who minded his own business and somehow did manage to have people give him money for a short time, you'd get pushed aside almost instantly by the manipulative CEOs who're more efficient than you at this and would redirect that flow of wealth towards their companies, all thanks to, you guessed it - social skills.

So forget about any delusion of being the quiet inventor who masters a subject and then remains quiet and somehow becomes a billionaire as well. The most you'll achieve is the royalty pennies from the IP while some 110 IQ social butterfly becomes a multi-millionaire without having any idea what the fuck he's even doing

>> No.10831525


I'm in theoretical quantum computational cognitive neuroscience, with a psych undergrad (130+ iq).

Just do maths, literally every one of my exit lots would have been easier with math ugrad.

Ignore comp sci retards, I did entire comp sci degree in two months...I do advanced artificial intelligence now, but math is the limiting factor

>> No.10831556

Great question.
If I knew everything I know now: Math (focus on probability and stats) and mechanical engineering.

If I didn't know everything I know now: Industrial Engineering.

>> No.10831559

Also, I did end up doing math and mechanical engineering so I guess there's something to be said for my decision making abilities.

>> No.10831760

>did entire comp sci degree in 2 months

okay buddy

>> No.10831769

Either math and get an engineering PhD like I did, or MechE and focus hard on extracurriculars (Solar Car, battery stuff) and go straight into industry.

>> No.10831791
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Lmao read this while listening to savior by rise against. What a magical moment. I'm gonna do it anon. I'm gonna take the journey of 1,000 steps. Fuck these normies that think that a bachelor's is far enough. Fuck these normies that think that I can't change the world for the better. Today I begin my transformation to ascend past humanity desu.

>> No.10831803
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Choose a major more suited to my IQ range, maybe engineering or CS/CE. It'd be mind numbingly boring and souless work, but pursuing more dignified areas of study when you're not intelligent enough to rise above the 140+ IQ competition in math is a waste of time and energy. Sure, I can put in twice the effort the smarter guys do and get the degree, but once the real competition starts in grad school and beyond, that's just not gonna cut it.

IQ is real and genuinely limits your career options, guys. Know your range and stay in your lane.

>> No.10831810

see >>10831806
If you can't follow your passion as a job, follow it as best as you can as a hobby if you would enjoy it that much.

>> No.10831818
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I learned this far too late in the game. I always laughed at artsy humanities majors who were disregarding economic reality and "following their passion" without realizing I was doing the exact same thing, just at a higher difficulty level.

Now I can stumble through tensor products of modules and fundamental groups, but can barely cobble a line together in python. I might as well have majored in underwater basket weaving for all the good it does me in the job market.

>> No.10831888

Id drop out

>> No.10832016

>I did entire comp sci degree in two months
ask me how your IQ is capped at 110

>> No.10832062

I have just recently graduated as M.Sci in Economics, and if I were to start again, I would start as a math/statistics major with a minor in economics instead. Would be much more beneficial in the upcoming doctorate studies.

>> No.10832095

This comic is absurd.

>> No.10832101

Agriculture and history.

>> No.10832115

Let me guess, you're also fat as fuck because of genetics?

>> No.10832120
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There are many ways to not fit the norm portrayed in media.

>> No.10832123

So you're obese, but at least you're unique! Oh wait

>> No.10832668

I majored in CS with a math minor. I would change it into math major with a CS minor.

>> No.10832673
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>> No.10832677

Two reasons:
1. Most courses a CS major has to take are completely useless & waste of time.
2. I'm currently a PhD student in CS and I've had to self-study a lot of math (in addition to minoring in the subject)

Hence, majoring in math in the undergrad phase would've been more convenient. Also, many CS PhD students in my grad school have a degree in math.

>> No.10832682


>> No.10832686

Why don't you make connections now, anon?

>> No.10832739

No, I just can't build muscle

>> No.10832745

Ah, excellent. I’m going for a full math degree with nothing else. Hopefully something comes of it.

>> No.10832751

I did and I am employed. The point was that I'm at a disadvantage compared to my peers because I didn't start doing so in college.

>> No.10832756

I made a lot of connections, not just with undergrad friends (which get you nothing, they have no power), but professors and people high up in industry.

They all promised me a job and then the oil price tanked. It's just a crapshoot. Best not to bother. Just do computer science in the next life so you can at least do software dev.

>> No.10832759

Be careful though. Most people in industry and even older professors are really retarded and stuck in the mindset that you can't truly have skills beyond your degree. So an industry software engineer will never hire a mathematician despite him having a Github with tons of successful projects, conversely having more journal publications in a math field will still not register with pure math faculty and they will take any undergrad above you.

It's far easier to have an undergraduate degree in the field you want to get into. Despite the fact the lines between the field are incredibly blurred these days anyway.

>> No.10832780

I have a BSc in Electrical Engineering and MSc in Computer Science.....

It applies to everything. Academia and private sector. More connections is more entrees. Which means more choices and thus higher wages and more opportunities. I wouldn't be surprised if the #1 indicator of lifetime wealth generation would be who you know and all other factors are basically irrelevant.

>> No.10832825

It's not as linear as you might think. If you have few connections but one of them is a billionaire willing to invest in you, you can beat all your normie peers who started networking earlier. You can be strategic and search for quality.
Also, knowing people doesn't mean shit if you have no skills, and you seem to have plenty of them.
Try and balance your skills with who you know and you'll get your edge over the normies.

>> No.10832872

>Also, knowing people doesn't mean shit if you have no skills
This isn't exactly true. Obviously it's optimal to have both social skills and technical skills, but just as somebody can spam online applications until they eventually get a job because of their qualifications, another guy who has no idea what the fuck is going on can weasel his way into a position through nepotism.

>> No.10832900

>knowing what you know now
I would study something else, as I already know the first thing I studied.

>> No.10832927

>>10829148 (OP)

Biology in the wrong country.

Three options I can think of right now:

1. Do Engineering or something profitable. Live happily as a wagecuck.

2. Skip college and start a business with that money. Maybe attend some classes in art or music in order to socialize.

3. Aim for med school, specialize, get into research well paid with my degree as a financial cushion.

To be fair I can still try 1 or 2 (Since I have no debt and education here is somewhat cheap).

However consider my-self too old for 3 (27yo).

>> No.10832936

Social skills alone can only get you so far. If you don't know your shit, people will eventually get smart and replace you.
In the end of the day, everyone expects results. You might be the nicest guy in the room, but that's not enough if you can't actually generate value for everyone else. People will stop respecting you once they realize you are clueless about how things work.
Think about your boss. How cringey would it be if everyone who is below your boss knew better than him? I'm not talking about knowing every single detail of what's going on, but about not knowing better why things are happening the way they are. It's impossible to lead if you can't see more of the big picture than the people that are being led.

>> No.10832939

This... unless you work in politics and/or business.

>> No.10832952

Wtf you talking about? Business is all about how much money you can generate. How possibly can you generate money in a business if you don't know your technicals?
Even in investment banking, which is basically the ephytome of how business works, you aren't even considered if you don't show a minimum proficiency of finance. From what I gather, academia is much more "it's not what you know but who you know"-oriented than business.
Do you think Bill Gates would be a billionaire for decades now if Windows wasn't an actual useful product and he were one of those kids in Silicon Valley making short-term cash selling snake oil to investors? Even Elizabeth Holmes couldn't do it for long, and she raised billions.

>> No.10832957


>> No.10832979


I don’t disagree, however not always the most capable is the one getting all the money and fame. Sure, some of the most renowned millionaires are very intelligent and capable, but I’ve also come to know some business owners whose only talent is to manipulate others to do the work for them. Sure, they are not as rich as someone that knows their shit top and down, but they still make a lot of money exploiting others using a bit a ‘shrewdness’ so to speak.

>> No.10832986

Most of my work involves it and my life would be easier if I had learned it earlier.

>> No.10833011

Not being the most capable != knowing little about the business
It goes back to what I said, having a good balance of skills and networking.

>> No.10833020


>> No.10833031

If I had the opportunity to go back to freshman year, I would not grab that cursed monkey foot of changing my own past. If I had a time machine and could check how the changes would play out, then I might mess with it, but as far as taking a simple mulligan goes, I wouldn't change anything.

>> No.10833107

Aerospace Engineering and biology. Then an airforce career racking up as many flight hours as possible.

Get my diver license and sky diving license and rack up a ton of hours doing those as well.

Apply to NASA and not miss out on the coming Moon and Mars missions.

>> No.10834231

care to post any studies? would really be interested in it

>> No.10834233

>high school zoomer LARPing as le IQ mad lad
Piss off back to IQ thread #3647882

>> No.10834430

Computer science.
Math was the biggest mistake of my life. Literally leads to a dead end career.

>> No.10834482
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>Computer science
same subject really

>> No.10834496

BS in Physics here.

I would unironically become a tranny and camwhore for a living while investing the money I made into Bitcoin so I could buy drugs on the black market and retire young.

>> No.10834505
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Here you go

This one shows that 26% of the population can't experience hypertrophy and shows the difference between those who can and those who can't is mostly due to satellite cell count

This article confirms that some people can't experience hypertrophy

Disregard the retarded politically-correct title. Contrary to what the title suggests, it shows that, while most people can increase strength, some people can't build muscle

However, remember that these are science articles, and believing science articles makes you retarded according to /sci/, so you'd better read a brief history of time instead to keep up with their big brains

>> No.10834646

based musclebro

>> No.10834650

what exactly is that pic supposed to mean?

>> No.10835159

>I have a BSc in Electrical Engineering and MSc in Computer Science.....
Yes, you job market has boomed massively over the last decade, while it has nearly halved for Chemical Engineering. I agree with you that connections are important, but being friends with BASF's CTO isn't going to help you when they're busy laying off 6000 people.

I'm barely exaggerating, my adviser was friends with a CEO of a massive chemical engineering consulting firm. I got to know him and he was really impressed with my work. Literally told me he has a job waiting for me when I graduate. When the time came the oil price was tanking and he was laying people off. I had 4 other connections with similar promises who never delivered.

You have to do the best you can in all aspects, but at the end of the day it's a crapshoot.

>> No.10835170

>Chemical Engineering
Are you specialized in like the fracking of oil or something? If so the future is actually looking promising. The 2016-2019 oil price wars might throw a wrench into your prospectives but you know this is just temporary right? It's to put pressure on Russia, Venezuela and Iran which are all US enemies. Once the current crisis gets resolved (probably coming recession) the oil price will most likely stabilize at 80-90 USD.

Also it's weird that your job prospects worsened when oil got cheaper considering most chemical refinement plants buy oil for cheaper and need to refine more. But I don't know enough about it to be sure.

>> No.10835801

I have been following this specific topic of pursuing your interest as a hobby vs a career for a while now and I got this natural feeling that you guys are basically pussies that do not introspect well enough on your own cognitive processes.

If my primary passion lies in some field, then anything else I do will not be my primary passion, maybe close it. This secondary thing I will be doing in that case I will not do with 100% of my effort, because I do not give a fuck, or I will try to find some part of my primary passion in it, basically regressing back to it.

Genetical endowment is a thing, but it only serves to speed up certain processes or make certain processes clear to an individual.

If your passion lies in something, you will force yourself to look upon these basic functionalities your brain has to be capable of doing at a certain speed, and you will bring them up to speed to do it. Basic things such as fast problem solving which seems to be one of the top problem contenders, or grasping of concepts, can be, at least in my opinion, trained, but only if you train them in every aspect possible. Basically;

Just learning a certain subject will make you good at learning the certain subject in the certain way you do and that is fine, but if you notice for example that your on-the-spot logical skills are shit and that you need to be faster at thinking, then focus on thinking faster for God's sake and you will.

You seriously have to work on fulfilling all of the requirements that enable you to properly pursue your passion, down to your most basic instincts.

For me this style of thinking came about not from academic interests, but from when I noticed that I had a deep ingrained paranoia and misunderstanding of social situations built in that had to introspect like a motherfucker on in order to solve. Not only did this help me but the very fact that I have been doing this consciously while others have been doing it unconsciously,

>> No.10835804

Genius level and brainlet level niggas are in a union of mutual understanding while everyone in between (midwit faggots) are mental midgets incapable of appreciating the subtle truths of existence.

>> No.10835814

correction: *that I had to


has led me to a better understanding of how a certain behaviour in a person is caused, by which kind of complex, that is provoked by which emotions. This may seem pseudo-scientific or like a fallacy of the mind, the only thing I can say for myself is that I routinely do ask people after assuming something about them what they think.

To wrap this all up and really try to not make it yet another copypasta I just want to say that this is just my opinion. I think that this also the opinion that successful most likely share. Godspeed

>> No.10835818

Pure Math
Move to machine learning on medicine

Instead of code monkey C.S

>> No.10835847

I'm specialised in control engineering (numerical simulation aspect in particular) and computational thermodynamics, but no one wants to hire a ChemE to work on robotic manufacturing etc. since they believe only Computer/Electric Engineers can do this (even though I also have some experience consulting on it, but meh).

>if so the future is actually looking promising.
If I was American yes, my degree's ABET accredited through the Washington accord, but actually getting a company to sponsor a work visa is much harder than the internet believes.

>Also it's weird that your job prospects worsened when oil got cheaper considering most chemical refinement plants buy oil for cheaper and need to refine more.
Basically Western companies actually know how to refine shit grade crude oil and how to extract it, so while the little crappy oil reserves we do have can be extracted albeit at a high production cost. This is as opposed to fucking OPEC where Arabs can just put a straw in the ground and have it piss out oil. So whenever geopolitics come in to play they lower the oil price to try and kill off Western energy companies. They don't really kill the companies off, but the decreased revenue results in many layoffs such as the 2016 year of death.

>> No.10835857

>Now I can stumble through tensor products of modules and fundamental groups, but can barely cobble a line together in python. I might as well have majored in underwater basket weaving for all the good it does me in the job market.
Programming is not a magic bullet to a well paying job. I developed a software library used by over 200000 projects and counting on GitHub, but because my degree isn't in CS/Software Engineering everything I do is considered "scientific programming" and my CV is generally chucked for software dev or data science positions.

>> No.10835864


>> No.10835869

Wholesome fresh pasta

>> No.10835884

Hahahahahahahahaha never gonna make it

>> No.10835890

its a larp no one has genes that bad

>> No.10835900


>> No.10835910

Wait, you're actually trying to prove excersize is a waste of time? Oh buddy, just kill yourself hahaah

>> No.10835913

I'm not trying to prove anything, it has already been done, kike

>> No.10835938

So dont excersize, nobody is stopping you fat fuck
You're a fatbody

>> No.10836006


>> No.10836015

Seems like we can only be doing one thing at a itme really anyway.

>> No.10836316


>> No.10836321

Nah. Science did that for him. If you're part of the 26%, there is LITERALLY no reason to hit the gym.


>> No.10836331

majoring in physics with a minor in math

>> No.10836335

This has to be a major bait

>> No.10836546
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I think you're full of shit. Most people who do PhDs in theoretic science have followed their passion to the ends of the Earth, sometimes literally. They are immensely passionate and put their all into it, often 80+ hours a week of active work and constantly thinking about the subject in their down time. They eat, sleep, and breathe their specialty.

Here's the problem. The people who are genetically more endowed and put in that same amount of effort and passion will beat out the 120IQ equivalent. Every. Fucking. Time. Universities are looking for literal freaks of nature and savants at the current level of competition, not just people who "work hard" and are competent. There's one tenure track job for every couple hundred PhDs. Your boomer tier "just work harder lmao" ignores the fact that most people who follow it will definitely fail.

>> No.10836571

I would have not gone to college and put all my college savings in BTC. I would still have studied math though.

>> No.10836977

I said that this is my opinion, being full of shit would mean I lie, I only state what I believe in.

>> No.10837147

No no no. You're missing the part where everyone on 4chan has a Github that could get them a job at Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc.

>> No.10837409

fuck you

>> No.10837421

I'm in freshman year for CS, wanted to study mathematics for all of highschool until I realized how bad the job market is

>> No.10837464

I have no idea what my IQ is, but this comic format speaks to me man

>> No.10837520
File: 87 KB, 390x390, Yotsuba in the Forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These to be honest. I wish I invested more time into making friends and connections in extracurricular activities and inside my department instead of being an aloof shitposter . Fortunately, I'm going to the same college I did for undergrad as I did for my Masters ( I'm not going to stay there for a PhD though), so I just have another opportunity to do what I should have done years ago. Also, I'm thinking about going to my high school either during winter or spring break to thank all the teachers that made me the person who I am today, academically and personally. Some relationships you have to acknowledge are important in your life and not forget them.

>> No.10837718

guys who don't lift should have to use they/them pronouns t b h

>> No.10838252

I lift but I can't build muscle

>> No.10838297

How to find hookers