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10824747 No.10824747 [Reply] [Original]

How come places like the northeast US are getting heat emergency alerts when they're capping out in the mid 90s F/ 35 C, while you have places like Arizona regularly reaching 110 F+ without these alerts?

Is it just humidity that's affecting the former states more or are people just used to that kind of heat in AZ?

>> No.10824761

Because climate alarmism is good for business.

>> No.10824762

>he willingly lives in Arizona
why anon?

>> No.10824766

Humidity severely decreases your ability to cool down your body, ergo it significantly amplifies the heat index and makes it so much more deadly. 110 in dry weather is nothing, it might even feel pleasant, but 110 with 50-100% humidity is a death sentence if you try to do anything outside.

>> No.10824795

>Is it just humidity that's affecting the former states more

Put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger
It won't kill you, I promise. Don't listen to the gun alarmists

>> No.10824820

The humidity is fucking crazy thanks to the recent rain

>> No.10824877


>> No.10825056

The other reason in addition to this is that it is unusual, Phoenix gets hot every summer and the people there have gotten used to the expectation that it will be really hot. A lot of places this is the first time that it has gotten this hot either ever or in a long while.

>> No.10825075

>How come places like the northeast US are getting heat emergency alerts when they're capping out in the mid 90s F/ 35 C, while you have places like Arizona regularly reaching 110 F+ without these alerts?

Because here in the northeast, we never like to let a catastrophe go to waste before sparking as much hysterical irrational fear as possible.
t. CT resident who gets to hear about Sandy hook/gun confiscation every few month and weenies whining "global warming" everytime it gets past 90 degrees in the summer.

>trying this hard with a false comparison.

>> No.10825126
File: 26 KB, 1394x956, heatindexchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Heat Index," means 95F 80% humidity here can kill you. I've been out in that most of the day. All my clothing was soaked with sweat. Yesterday it was 102F and 75% humidity. The air was blue hazy with plant isoprene and other things plants outgas. It looked like smog/smoke on hills.

Right now in my house though, it is a cool 86F and 75% humidity. By this after noon it should be about 92-93F in here with a tad lower humidity. It never leaves the 2 orange zones on this chart, even at night.

>> No.10825377

Just between you and me; you don't see the weather in your area being more intense now than when you where a kid?

>> No.10825390

Heat index is a retarded concept developed for retards that think spouting a higher number makes the retarded shit they say more interesting.

It makes more sense to factor in sun than it does humidity.

Windchill factor is also retarded.

>> No.10825424

You sound very insecure about other people holding different views than you anon.

>> No.10825432
File: 240 KB, 320x320, 8DxmZY6[2].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't see the weather in your area being more intense now than when you where a kid?
First of all, no. Second, that has absolutely nothing to do with whether IT IS more intense. 7 days in a row of 90 degrees is "intense". 7 days of 90 degrees spread out over a month doesn't seem as intense, but there's no net difference. What is "intensity" to you? How much people whine and complain about it? How much you arbitrarily feel that you can take? Maybe you're just getting old and noticing it more instead of having your attention span taken away by legos, trains and videogames.

Winter comes, anon.

>> No.10825435

neither of them are retarded concepts go stand on the coast during the winter and tell me you feel the same as you do further inland

>> No.10825444

>Not blindly agreeing with an assumption backed by a false comparison is insecurity

So are you with the Jehovah's or Mormon? Stop knocking on my fucking door every Saturday, please.

>> No.10825615

For me personally, no. It could have just been body temperature difference but I remember I used to have a lot of trouble falling asleep in the summer because of the heat, but I haven't had that in long time. No air conditioning difference etc.

>> No.10825635

>no such thing as global warning
>ignores the fact that 19 of 20 of the last years have been in the top 10 hottest years ever recorded.

>> No.10825666

>19 of the 20 of the last years
Oh okay.

>> No.10825685

The same reason South Carolina gets snow advisories and shuts down schools for two days for 1/4 inch of snow. They aren't prepared for it and unprepared people could die. There was just a heat wave in France where the high was like 88 and somewhere around 30 people died

>> No.10825734

>Born and raised Arizona

Everyone here already expects the heat. I've also been to places like North Dakota in the summer where it was 102F and incredibly humid. It was difficult to breath.

Whereas in AZ, you just feel like you're in an oven. We all stay indoors for 6-7 months of the year anyway.

>> No.10826761

same reason houston shuts down entirely if anyone sees a single snnowflake

>> No.10826850

The air is bad here (maryland). When the temperature gets into the 90s the air just feels even worse.

>> No.10827056

People living in places that are Phoenix-tier year round are "used to it", but this is likely more in an engineering sense, rather than a biological, psychological, etc adaptation sense. For example every building being designed with air conditioned, water availability, etc in mind makes things much more bearable than if the same conditions were to magically manifest in somewhere where the built environment is not designed with it in mind.

>> No.10827058

>Compensating for something
>Muh psychoanalysis
Do arachnophobes secretly want to fuck spiders too?

>> No.10828877

Humidity, retard. Also /pol/ schizos get out

>> No.10828886

this is correct extent for
>110 in dry weather might even feel pleasant

also people in the NE arent used to the heat so their bodies arent ready to cool them as effectively

>> No.10828892

>put hand in 400 degree oven
>put hand in 200 degree liquid
>3rd degree burns
Congratulations you're as retarded as OP

>> No.10828925

Humidity anon

>> No.10828952

Youre a retard anon. Half of the people in this thread are. Have you guys really never traveled? I've been to most states in the US and lived in 9 of them, including both the west and east coast.

The reason isnt that tr heyre not prepared for it. The reason is that humidity is much more dangerous and unpleasant than dry heat. Literally 75F and humid can be more unpleasant than 95F and dry. When its reaches 95F+ and 90+% humidity, its literally feels worse than 110F+

t. Anon who has traveled to over 30 states and has lived in Arizona, SoCal, Maryland and Florida (and others)

>> No.10828976

That will certainly make things worse, but even ignoring that factor, it would still be extremely humid on the east coast compared to the west. Out west its super dry, especially in the summer (even in the pacific northwest, which is considered rainy by west cpast standards). Actually most of the west coast wont receive any rain for at least 3 months of the year (and longer depending on the region). The end result is very low humidity during the summer.

>> No.10828986

>95F 80% humidity here can kill you.
Fuck that shit, my ass got kicked outside every weekend to bust my fucking back doing chores in the god forsaken south georgia summers.
You'd sweat in the shower.