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File: 52 KB, 780x439, cheating-on-a-test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10781643 No.10781643 [Reply] [Original]

How does your University deal with cheating on exams? Do you get a big punishment, or even get expelled? Also, how many people do you know who regularly cheat?

I'm from Eastern Europe in a university where about 50% of students (not even exaggerating the number, might be even more) of my major cheat on every exam. The thing is, seems like the professors and assistants don't give single fuck about it. For an example, during an exam one guy's phone fell from his lap and hit the floor the other day. Everyone saw it including the assistant, and the guy just picked it up and carried on. The assistant just says something like "don't do it anymore" or whatever. Didn't even fail him instantly, let alone something more serious. More or less, every class is like this (including the most important subjects).

I just don't understand, how can they not care about that? It's a disgrace.

>> No.10781646

I do math and physics. Cheating is not really possible, unless it's minor stuff like to remember an equation or something.

>> No.10781659

The professor reports you to the university with the alleged evidence and you will be held on trial to determine your academic punishment

>> No.10781666

Unless it is a small quiz where you may get away or simply receive 0 for the assignement, the professor contacts the head of study. What happens after that, I don't know. Few cheaters are caught cheating and procedures to punish them are long. Out of my friends, maybe 5% cheat on exams, 50% on quizzes/assignements

>> No.10781668

I'm (OP) in engineering school so there is some math and physics as well. That usually works like this, get a few people together, find a guy who can solve it and pay him. Someone sitting at the back takes a photo of the exam and they send it to the guy. He solves the exam and sends the answers on a Wapp group.
I felt ashamed while typing this, what a shithole.

>> No.10781669

never seen anyone cheating or even heard about it happening so i have no idea what the consequences would be. germany btw.

>> No.10781675

The professor gives a 0 on the exam (and sometimes he/she will make you fail the entire class with an F)

>> No.10781677

The two worst cases of cheating are 1) organized Chinese ring (google the UCLA incident), and 2) organized cheating in fraternities and sororities. I'd say it's up to the professor's to WRITE THEIR OWN EXAMS instead of getting them from a testbank.

>> No.10781682


>> No.10781684

The best way to fail the entire class is to leave untraceable notes in the bathroom

>> No.10781691

everyone fails in this scenario?

>> No.10781693

wow, that's some elaborate setup you got there, no we don't get that shit over here

>> No.10781695

University tests test understanding, not if you memorized something. This may be why professors often don't care if you use the phone, it won't help you much if you don't understand what you learned.

>> No.10781711

The biggest problem is professors don't give a fuck about it, if they did it could be easily dealt with. I never cheat btw, I just know it from other people, and I have been offerred to solve exams for like 50$ or smth.

>> No.10781712

I think that they just don't care if you understood anything as long as you can apply yourself to your future jobs without being more stupid than your peerds. Unless they are interested in you doing research under them

>> No.10781717

Well, it teaches you social skills, which are far more important in the job market than knowing what you're doing.

>> No.10781721

You get expelled. In Canada, btw.

>> No.10781725

>I do math and physics. Cheating is not really possible
>no we don't get that shit over here
Adorable. lol

>professors don't give a fuck about it
Might be true in your shithole country, but not in Canada.

>> No.10781730

you must be from yugoslavia somewhere right ? bosnia, croatia or serbia

>> No.10781731

Noone cheats here, aside from copying code from Stack Overflow.

If you are seen anywhere near a phone during exam you get suspended for several months, and of course you fail the exam. It doesn't matter if you used it or not, you are not allowed to have it on you during exams.

>> No.10781734

Yeah, Croatia, how did you guess?

>> No.10781747
File: 133 KB, 620x441, Cheating in India School exams with fathers helping students cheat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm from Eastern Europe in a university where about 50% of students (not even exaggerating the number, might be even more) of my major cheat on every exam.
I spent some time in undergrad classes in France and was pretty surprised at:

1) the disrespectful behaviour students exhibited (chatting while the prof was speaking, reading magazines, etc - and this was a small class, too)

2) cheating - and it wasn't just the cheating that was shocking, it was their attitudes when we spoke about it later, they had no shame at all, didn't really think it was wrong.

I know cheating is considered "OK if you get away with it" in China and India, but I really thought France would be more like North America (USA & Canada I mean, not expecting miracles from Mexico).

>> No.10781752

Because I'm from Bosnia and it's even worse lol. Can't wait to leave this shithole. Balkans should be nuked.

>> No.10781763

Its same here in now ex-Macedonia.
USA please nuke this place thanks,its like the wild west but in 21st century.

>> No.10781768 [DELETED] 

>1) the disrespectful behaviour students exhibited (chatting while the prof was speaking, reading magazines, etc - and this was a small class, too)

A famous psychiatrist was giving a public lecture. People (not just students but also older adults) were talking, even making loud phone calls while he was speaking.

>> No.10781771

>1) the disrespectful behaviour students exhibited (chatting while the prof was speaking, reading magazines, etc - and this was a small class, too)

A famous psychiatrist was giving a public lecture. People (not just students but also older adults) were talking, even making loud phone calls while he was speaking. It isn't like anybody was forced to come, you even had to buy a ticket and it was sold out.

>> No.10781773

I couldn't agree more with you guys. I hope we will make it

>> No.10781790

Just baffling. Do you have any insight into why they would act like this?
I can't imagine this happening in Canada.

>> No.10782200
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It depends on the professor, but usually you'll get a 0 on the exam at the very minimum up to being expelled from the university. Even the students from abroad get wrecked if they're caught. My university has a ton of financial assets so they don't give a fuck about the insane amount that foreign students pay in tuition. It's fucking based.

People still get caught every year, but they're usually freshman/sophomores. Once you get to upper level courses it's rare that people cheat because it's honestly easier to just learn the material at that point. Plus the people who didn't get caught cheating generally flunk out by then because they know jack shit about the subject.

>> No.10782207

Oh and I'm in the US btw

>> No.10782353

Thanks for your answer, I like your system.

Here where I'm from, the enrollment is free, but if you fail a year you have to pay. That's why I'm confused about my university, they would generate a huge chunk of money if only they made the exams fair. At least half of my year would most certainly fail, and that's something like 60k $. And for some reason unknown to me they completely ignore the cheating. Things don't add up...

>> No.10782434

If you're not cheating, you're not trying hard enough.

>> No.10782506

That's a wrong assumption. First worlders are way more disrepectful of teachers, and students in anglo countries think they have to be passed because they get in debt to go to classes.

>> No.10782550

>the enrollment is free
That's the thing I've always wondered about the free university thing in Europe. If something is free it seems like many people don't appreciate it nor do they want to put in the time to actually learn. Of course that doesn't apply to everyone though, it sounds like you and many of your peers actually give a shit. Are you one of the Bosnia/Croatia anons? If so, I'm not very familiar with how your university system works, i.e. the ease of being accepted into a uni and all that.

Usually the people who get caught cheating at my uni are the types who's dad or some relative got them in by having connections, or they paid a substantial amount to get in. I go to one of the universities where a faculty member was caught up in the recent scandal of accepting bribes to get a student admitted so that might have something to do with those folks. Everyone else works very hard though.

Having to pay for uni sucks but I've been able to pay for most of it out of pocket and with federal grants. While I have loans, I'm better off than many of my peers in that regard, but it's been a struggle.

>> No.10782588

>That's the thing I've always wondered about the free university thing in Europe. If something is free it seems like many people don't appreciate

They do, because it is monetarily free, but you have to put in real effort, much more effort than some middle class American kid, to get into uni and remain there. You need good grades to get in. Usually you need to do some entrance exam or matriculation exam. Then once you are in, some unis will have weed-out classes so you better work your ass off to keep yourself in there cause otherwise you'll get below the necessary grades and get kicked out. And grades are not inflated so don't think that everyone is just going to get an A+++.
Also in most European countries, unis start on a higher gear, so you have lots of work to do from the start. There is no bullshit first year with stupid general education classes. You are immediately studying serious shit and you better put in the effort.
Students here are pretty serious. It's no walk in the park at all. People who take it lightly fail and drop out and then the dream of higher education is over for them.

>> No.10782645

Ya, that's why my teachers have strict rules. Hats backward, phone in backpack, nonprogrammable calc, calc cover in backpack, and it keeps going. Them equations make it easy

>> No.10782675

I didn't mean any offense, so apologies if I came off like a dick. I'm familiar with the UK's system, but I wasn't sure if that was uniform across all European countries.

>There is no bullshit first year with stupid general education classes. You are immediately studying serious shit and you better put in the effort.

Based. I wish I could have just studied both of my fields from the get-go rather than wasting time on courses which were essentially just a repeat of high school material. I could probably have been almost done with a masters by now.

A couple gen-eds were pretty fun/cool though, such as my foreign language requirement.

>> No.10782686

That's pretty much how it works at my university as well, though programmable calculators are allowed after you get to the upper level courses. During exams we weren't allowed to use calculators at all until after multivariate calculus.

>> No.10782708

Damn, that's mistakes just waiting to happen. At least your done with that.

>> No.10782715

No one gets caught and companies lose lots of money. Yep this is the state of a northern european country...

>> No.10782755

As a TA I don't usually do anything since there's no point.
This unfortunately leads to students being exceptionally bad at understanding anything. I don't think we're even allowed to give them something where they'll have to think. I mean, we're allowed but then 95% will fail and I'll get in trouble for having a "too hard course". it's pointless really

>> No.10782834

Nah brainlet, studying from an old exam isn’t cheating>>10781682

>> No.10782870
File: 826 KB, 200x200, Quotwomen+are+equal+and+deserve+respectquot+gamer+_f9dad65d9b75948dd40783d6e8798a4f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't do shit. More than half of one of my classes was caught cheating on homework, and they gave them a single zero on one assignment.

In a mixed 400/500 class, graduate students were cheating (single TA left the room and they started sharing papers). I reported it through an ethics system that supposedly went above the Director for my undergraduate program. They "investigated":
>ask the teacher (who wasn't there) if anyone was cheating
>as the TA (who left the room) if anyone was cheating
That was literally it. Not a single question to any of the students who were in the room. The next semester I had more classes where the teachers encouraged copying off each other for assignments, so I complained through the ethics system again of how shit it all was. I got sent an email saying "they took it seriously", responded "if I see those kids from last semester again I'll hurt them". Got called in as a "person of interest", and the director of the program flat out said they don't punish students because they don't show up when they enforce anything (he taught a class where no one enrolled next semester after he failed nearly/all the students for not doing assignments).

I transferred in and nobody would study with me or even be friends (note: I'm white and I moved from a nearby smaller city). Even then it was obvious how many students were cheating, and they'd literally stand up in other classes and ask who has the work for xx class they could copy.

Majority of the classes I had were shit, but in one in particular, all the work we were doing needed repeated matrices after about half the year (you looked for matrices converging with imaginary components). During the final we had arranged seating, and this girl asks "lol why should we have a calculator?"

My final project was utter shit too, and those projects were things we VOLUNTARILY chose. Literally would have been better off alone, because then I wouldn't have to have been expecting work from them.

>> No.10783025

Cheating is the norm. If you don't cheat, you're a sucker. (That's the mentality in my country)

>> No.10783077
File: 666 KB, 320x192, 1263596834708.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a graduate transfer in a top 15 nuclear engineering school. The undergrads are fucking retarded. The sophomores show a lot more promise, but the undergrad juniors and seniors are massive cheating brainlets. The weeding classes aren't doing their jobs because they put a complacent professor who just recycles old exams that everyone has the answers to, and homework assignments they all copy off chegg. The juniors and seniors all have one massive group text and they share everything. One girl has good handwriting and can write small, so she writes her own cheat sheet and then sends it to the group and the rest of them print off copies of her page of notes rather than make their own for exams. If you help one of them out with a homework problem, you'll quickly see all of them with the exact same work you showed that one student. One of the other grad students in my office is a grader for one of their classes and at the end of the semester he got a bunch of homework with all the same answers (and same errors) from 10 different students.
We had a huge computer programming assignment for reactor physics. You know, numerical solutions to the diffusion equation, that kind of stuff. NONE OF THEM CAN CODE. The students are so inconsiderate, and tried to work inside the professor's office while he has other shit to do than babysit people who can't do their homework by themselves. Some of the students have talent though, but they're getting fed up with the 70% of students that are purely leeching off their success to pass classes. We encouraged them to speak up about it and tell the professor. He announced that he'd be using an algorithm to detect code copying and even linked to the one he's using. Even then half the class tripped the algo and got automatic zeros, failing them all. Then they go complain and beg to the chair and get it bumped up to a C, the minimum grade to graduate. It's fucking infuriating.

>> No.10783085

t. cheater

>> No.10783094

Someone did some anti-muslim stunt that got the uni dropped from the list of approved study abroad schools from Saudi Arabia. Imagine that, they start catering

>my uni as an undergrad
>professor literally tells my class' grader (my upperclassmen) he's going to "get the bastard deported" for breaking into a grader's backpack to change his answers to match the key
>my uni as a grad student
>"Saudi Arabian students do not have to take final examinations if they feel stressed over islamophobia on campus"

>> No.10783097

>Hats backward
Excuse me? Who the fuck wears hat at classes.

>> No.10783101

Basically all the relevant exams include a long verbal examination so it's really hard to cheat. A few are written and some are serious and impossible to cheat, some other exams the teacher doesn't give a fuck at all and usually redoes the same questions over and over. But it won't really matter because in this course (medicine) there are a last couple gatekeeper exams that you will never pass unless you know all. And those are serious as hell.

>> No.10783166

t. Retard
Try working smarter some time maybe you’ll get out of that McDonald’s job

>> No.10783220

>We don't get that shit over here
Are you from the US?
At my uni there was a huge scandal where they had to expell a bunch of engineers for cheating in a fucking intro chem course for cheating like that.
Only they were more elaborate, they had smart watches and would send pictures of the test to some guy outside the uni they paid to solve and send pictures of the solution back.

>> No.10783258
File: 20 KB, 350x247, new_asuka_6322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Chinese and pajeet internationals at my school are the demographic most likely to cheat; they see it as just another way to get ahead, because their homelands are morally bankrupt corrupt shitholes. It doesn't help that chinks all look exactly the same to Western professors and that they make up half the STEM student body, making physical descriptions useless for identifying them.

>> No.10783265

not him, but by working smarter you get dumber. learning to copy is what a monkey does to get the banana. learn for knowledge, not for grades.

>> No.10783290

Read the OP. He's from Eastern Europe.

Also in the US, from a competitive school. Works the same way here. Cheating is more common on homeworks rather than exams and projects/papers. If you cheat on something big like an exam, you are fucked, especially if one of your classmates reports you for it.

>> No.10783299

If you know this, and it really pisses you off so much, just figure out a way to get evidence and re(de)port them.

>> No.10783309

>Read the OP. He's from Eastern Europe.
I think the guy I was replying to was replying to OP, so he's not OP

>> No.10783323

College is a sham and doesn’t matter other than being a retard filter, as a non total-brainlet the best way is doing what you have to for the grades and then truly learn what you need on your own time.

>> No.10783363
File: 36 KB, 680x403, snimka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's me, I started the thread. Maybe you are onto something with your first sentence, but here in Croatia, the rare few private universities are even worse. They have a reputation of something rich kids (usually of parents with political/criminal background) enroll in, and you basically can't fail because "muh daddy paid so much money". I have a few friends there, and they confirmed me it's practically impossible to fail there. Though one girl there got expelled when someone filmed her snorting cocaine in class (pic related).
So it's just our people's mentality is fucked, you can't change that, everyone is cheating, stealing and trying to "get ahead" on every corner. It's a jungle.
My main problem is with the professors, in a higher education institution like this they should be above it and do something. I have plenty of evidence but I'm afraid to speak up directly to them because I think they will turn against me, it seems to me they want to keep everybody in line and carry on like this. (see this post >>10782870) I just can't understand their motive. Final year of undergrad school and a brainlette from class asks me how to calculate uniaxial stress of a beam. That's the simplest and most commonly used formula in our whole course, it's F/A. If you don't know it by now, there is literally no hope for you. Also it's strong evidence you haven't done jack shit in three years. I'm not worried for myself, but imagine these people solving problems in the real world, it's sad. And you know they're a product of your lecturing and grading. I would be ashamed.
I'm glad all that's behind you. You're much like me. I also transfered here against my own will and don't know anyone. Just one more year though, and then I'm off, thank god.
Lmao what a cunt. Where was that? Based professor, btw.
Wow, I would never expect this coming from a Physics school, especially a good one.

>> No.10783415

Yes, it's for when you're the TA and don't want to have to do anything.

>> No.10783420

>University tests test understanding, not if you memorized something.
Good tests test understanding. Unfortunately, there's a lot of shit professors who make rote memorization tests instead.

>> No.10783441

Speaking of chegg, the 'more than half my class' that was caught cheating was because the school posted an incorrect answer to chegg (for a question that didn't have one), and more than half the students turned it in. They had them hook, line, and sinker for expulsion or punishment, but instead swept it under the rug.

What struck me about as much was how terrible the professors, and consequently, TAs were. One class the teacher had a really shitty book that didn't cover things we were doing (power/load distribution), and we were telling him the whole year we're not getting it and need examples of actually what we're doing (he gave no feedback, no examples, TA's were braindead). Only two weeks before the final did he look at the grades, and had to hand out 2-3 extra assignments to try and bring them up. One was for over spring break (something like a week), and people were bitching and moaning "DUUUUUUDE I'M GOING TO CANCUN FIRST NIGHT", shit like that. Even with an extra assignment, a take home part of the final, AND another extra-credit final section, the cutoff for a D was 35.

>> No.10783445

still a cheater lmao

>> No.10783453

>University tests test understanding, not if you memorized something
Kekkest of keks. The fact that what you said is false is exactly why the university system is absolute garbage.

>> No.10783532

Reminds me of two classes I had:
>professor is tough grader and expected prereqs no one except him knew about
>most of class can't handle the math in the class
>curves exams with f(x) = 10 * sqrt(x)
>tfw my score didn't change by enough for him to write it down
>he still has to curve final grades

>professor knows his assignments are way too difficult for the wrong reasons
>most students have a failing grade after the first two
>he tries to make up for this with a ton of extra credit on everything
>third assignment has almost 200% total with extra credit to try to make up for it
>each one requires the previous one working to start so anyone behind probably can't get the extra credit
>all his extra credit problems could only be done by the best students anyways
>half the class drops
>remainder has enough extra credit to not do the last two assignments

>> No.10783620

American here. Cheating is everywhere. Final exams are 4 hours long with no restrictions on bathroom breaks. No restrictions on phones either.

And if you don’t use chegg for homeworks, you're a complete dumb ass. Professors know everyone cheats on these so they make the homework’s much harder than the tests.

If you get caught however, you either fail the class or get expelled. It’s medieval as fuck.

>> No.10783650

I fucking hate the bugmen and the prep school bastards with the "get ahead" mentality. It doesn't make smart people, it doesn't make capable people - it just makes lazy fucks who can't accept that maybe they're actually a B student. Everything about the culture is terrible. No morals, no desire to learn, nothing but narcicism and greed.
Homework should be substantially harder than tests, you're given more time and have access to textbooks to help figure stuff out. The point is to be so capable that the test is easy to complete on time. 4 hour tests are also stupid, if you're testing that much content you should have had another midterm.

>> No.10783653

Punishment in Soviet Russia used to be gulag or even death sentence at higher levels... Sometimes gulag was death sentence too.

>> No.10783710

Homework is something that needs to be cheated on. Usually it’s a waste of time and I have something more important to do.

And then when exam time rolls around I’ll go through all the homework problems and other similar ones from the textbook and grind them out for a solid few days. But when I do that, I have the chegg answers for reference. Nothing kills progress more than scratching your head and being unsure while grinding out problems

>> No.10783746

US midwest here
had a professor say he would do anything in his power to expel cheaters. I told him about a guy that sat next to me with his phone looking at pictures of notes/answers during an exam. Gave him his student number, but I never followed up with him
Had a scandal with several students sharing answers on an exam (professor allowed computers, phones, and textbooks, but was still about a 70 average grade precurve). Several faculty were fired, but I don't know what happened to the students

>> No.10783774

>thinking is useless

>> No.10783802

>Usually it’s a waste of time and I have something more important to do.
Yeah, like shitpost on 4chan. Absolute brainlet

>> No.10783810

I always were a hat to class

>> No.10784216
File: 772 KB, 751x764, operation TOEFL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be pretty cool to be part of this operation. These guys literally make millions off of Chinese international students.

>> No.10784232

Thats one of the many reasons Eastern Europe is such a shithole and nearly everyone wants to leave.

>> No.10784262

Pretty sure you're expelled on the spot.

>> No.10784296

If I were a teacher, I wouldn't give two shits about the students trying to cheat. I'd just let them know that if they're skilled enough to cheat their way through life, then more power to them. I'd still follow the school's procedures if I do catch them cheating, but it'd be nothing personal, because I don't give a fuck. It's none of my business.

>> No.10784403

If you have a homework and a test coming up, what do you spend your time doing? Never ever the homework

>> No.10784413

Kek. Dumb bitch

>> No.10784497

Depends on how you define cheating. Almost every exam can be made extremely difficult very quickly if the examiner chooses to.
Most of the time going to classes and working through old exams will give you a good idea what to expect.
If you consider studying from old exams cheating, then you'd have to consider 100% of all med students, law students, math students, physics students, chemistry students cheaters.
It's actually quite impossible to make it in some courses, if you are not given some kind of pathing/guidance on what to memorize/study for. Mostly due to the Bologna system being competely retarded.

>> No.10784567

I caught a few guys cheating, there was a specific academic integrity board that dealt with this and if you get referred it's very serious.

If you get caught cheating at a final exam it's an insta-fail and a hearing with the board.

>> No.10784588

This picture is fucked up but it kind of warms my heart to see fathers going to such lengths for their kids.

>> No.10784611

>Usually it’s a waste of time and I have something more important to do.
School is supposed to be the most important thing in your life for at least 4 years, you stupid motherfucker.

>> No.10784613

I don't consider working through old exams cheating, because, at least here, old exams are ready and available to us on the school's intranet in most classes. And if they are not, there is usually a person who goes to an early term unprepared and memorizes or copies the questions to share them with the rest of us. For me, that is legit. Especially because, as you said, the exams could become very hard if they want to make it that way.

I mean hardcore, blatant cheating like having a third-party solver standing by, who messages you the answers and stuff like that. Opening a lecture on a phone and copying the correct answers (if it's a theoretical part of the exam).

>> No.10784693


The problem is mostly old exams are not officially available always. So you either have to socialize for them or you are at an incredible disadvantage.

>> No.10785396

At my uni (top UK uni) we have to put any electronics (e.g. phones) that we carry on us in a plastic bag, switched off on the desk. If you cheat in any of the final exams then there's a 95%ish chance you'll get expelled from uni.

>> No.10785614

I'm sure your third world shithole has the highest standard of education, anon

>> No.10785649

Imagine being so stupid you have to cheat. Imagine being so lazy that you don't study. Why are you even in school? Are these the kinds of people who """"graduated"""" and then complain about not being able to find work?

>> No.10785669

I'm sure your third world shithole has the highest standard of education, anon

>> No.10785975
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>be me
>be cs major
>be in community college
>go to intro OOP javapoo class
>meet this chink
>chink is a 27 year old drop out from a shit tier uni
>was a bio major
>chink changes to cs
>can't into cs
>asks me for all the hw help
>just give him the source code cuz couldn't be fucked with explaining to brainlet
>build some sort of friendship with retarded chink
>find out he was throwing a party at the end of semester
>as I am helping him with a project and some extra credit stuff cuz apparently even with the 30%+ bump in exams and just checking for completion for the hw (which was worth 50%) he still was failing
>ask him if I could come in thinking we were friends
>he makes up some bs
>not invited to house party
>ask him if he has a problem with me in text
>he blows up saying was arrogant or some bs
>thinks talking about shit like the heapspace or the stack is some high IQ shit
>passes intro java shit class
>in data structs and algos class
>same chink in that class
>decide to fuck with him by taking his seat every midterm
>couple of friends also noticed he was cheating and even trying to hit on a girl sitting next to him but she was ignoring him and tried to get him to leave her alone
>kept pestering her and everyone in his row including another guy I knew who is now a good friend of mine for help and source code cuz he was too dumb for data structs and algo class
>that friend gets tired of his shit as well and ignores him
>girl eventually caves in and gives him audio recording of the whole semester's worth of lectures for final
>can't be fucked with to call him out
>too depressed and jaded with recent break up bullshit
>realize this fuck is about to transfer and take a spot of an actually deserving student and I had a hand in causing this
>about to transfer too, not gonna see any of these people again unless I want to
>he is in my assembly class
>bring up first day that this guy's history of cheating

>> No.10786001
File: 123 KB, 870x1286, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prof takes note
>first midterm comes around
>shits hard as fuck and took everyone way more time than the alloted time to finish
>prof looking at class like a hawk
>dumbass tries to blatantly cheat by pulling out his phone as prof is scoping the classroom
>gets caught
>as I am leaving 10 minutes after the midterm was done
>"I am gonna need to you stay back after the test to talk"
>decide to stay in and try to hear in and peer through the window as the prof blows up on him
>dude is fucking fuming and pissed off
>guy got his masters in cs stanford and busted his to get to his spot in life
>knows full well of his history of cheating his way up to now
>starts yelling and threatening to punish him by full extent of the law
>turns out he is the mayor of my city
>was called in by the dean to show my source code and previous prof was there too to compare my code and his with the MOSS app
>turns out its a 1 for 1 copy
>dude gets his class credits revoked
>can't go to any college in california now
>probably got reamed by pissed off mayor professor with litigation and fines as well
>tfw ruined any chance he had to go into silicon valley
>tfw not even done
>last thing I texted him was "If I ever see your face in silicon valley I will make it my priority to tell HR and the hiring staff about your history as a cs major"
>been in one bigish name company who all know about this story
>some of the friends made in that company have moved to other big name companies across silicon valley after leaving that shit job
>tfw he will never have a job in silicon valley either
>tfw 27, college drop out from a shit tier uni and can't even come back to california to finish your degree or to work in tech

>> No.10786067

If this isn't a LARP, then excellent job getting that guy JUSTed.

>> No.10786068

I'm not reading that blog lol

>> No.10786109
File: 9 KB, 211x239, 02e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best way to ruin someone is to wait and let them really get into some deep shit before sweeping the rug right under them allowing for the maximum amount of damage to your victim.

>> No.10786197

in theory you ge expelled, in practice most teachers dont give a flying fuck and you can go to the toilet anytime during the exam or just take paper full of answers/cellphones and nobody would notice or care.
tl dr: >>10781711 pretty much this and this
>woah taking a pic anfd talking in wapp is aleborate
please you must be super autistic, all the chads are cheating in my uni, but at least i notice it.
bullshit, i am in a inbetween country and thisrdworlders are waaaaaay more disrespectful to teachers.

>> No.10786257

woah a brainlet chink didnt make it into sillicon valley. big deal, faggot

>> No.10786267

That... was based

>> No.10786272

all my cs classes were so big you could easily cheat on exams. and there were always kids getting in trouble for copying each other on projects
i got a 3.9 gpa and now make $85k with this meme degree

>> No.10786308

Not him but doesn't mean shit if you graduate with no research experience. The more you have to dedicate to projects and extracurriculars, the better.

>> No.10786614

yes but you dont live in the third world and you parents likely made more or less the same as you. So you are not that great buddy (except for the 3.9 gpa)

>> No.10787530

Germany here
in most physics exams at my uni we can take cheat sheets. this ranges from one self-written page to multiple pages to an 8 page formula sheet given by the lecturer that we could print one-sided and write on the other side if we wish

generally they pay attention to electronic tools, so if smartphone/SmartWatch/whatever is seen and it isn't turned off, you fail.

being caught cheating means that your exam is graded as failed. given that you only have three tries and failing a required course excludes you from ever studying that subject in Germany this is certainly punishment enough