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10780227 No.10780227[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>smart but lazy
how is this possible?

>> No.10780238

Frenulum massage.

>> No.10780242

Just as possible as dumb and lazy

>> No.10780243

Laziness is a myth. There are only motivated people, and unmotivated people.

>inb4 discipline meme

>> No.10780245
File: 80 KB, 750x669, 0E41D729-9087-4150-83E3-F46B058B568D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not “smart but lazy”, Bobo. It’s being middle-tier IQ. Let me explain: you are smart enough to realize you can be lazy and still succeed due to being smarter than a normie, but you are not smart enough to reach a higher potential that would inspire you to go beyond the normies. Pic related explains.

>> No.10780267

Same thing lmao

>> No.10780273

I love these spastic threads because for people with genuinely high ability doing well in school is trivial, but there are genuine geniuses who underachieve and from what I can tell it's because they're truly happy and satisfied living that way.

I imagine it's very cozy having a sky-high intellect but loving your ordinary life so much that stretching it is nothing but a bore. Jelly brainlets want to live vicariously through them but they refuse. A true state of contentment.

>> No.10780311

For me, any time I try to will myself to go beyond what’s necessary, I very shortly give up, not because of difficulty, but because I just feel like I’m wasting my time. I wish that I were raised in some society that demanded you to always be learning and working. I’m sure that if I went to a school that required me to read 20x the books I’ve read, or actually learn mathematics rigorously, then I would have done it with no complaint, because I just have to get a good grade. I’ve never had to do any hard work when it comes to learning and applying the abstract and getting a good grade. But for some reason I just can’t will myself to pursue academic topics outside of education.

>> No.10780317

When you're smart enough to max out your grades in school with no effort. Extra effort doesn't improve grades so you don't put it in.

>> No.10780336
File: 79 KB, 1200x800, chemy bois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low dopamine

>> No.10780339

I did lots of adderall and probably was become brain damage.

>> No.10780364

Feel that, cant get myself to do anything without coffee now a days.

>> No.10780379

Same, pretty much.

>> No.10780549

Because computer is melting your brain

>> No.10780742

Motivation is a myth. There is only self-discipline, and desire.

>> No.10782478

It’s quite simple. For a while in life intelligence is only valued tangentially. It isn’t until you get a job high up on a corporate ladder that you actually get to put your intelligence to some use, so until then why bother?

>> No.10782495

discipline is a habit like anything else. force yourself to do things you don't want to do and sooner or later you won't have to force yourself to do anything.

>> No.10782501

fire is a myth! there is only earth and water!

>> No.10782502

he cute and maladapted

>> No.10782519

Self-discipline is a myth. There is only desire.

>> No.10782529

Desire is a myth. There only is.

>> No.10782539

There only is? What is there?!

>> No.10782543

>thinking about it
You already lost

>> No.10782546

Wean yourself off of stimulants. You'll thank me later.

t. getting off caffeine, weed, and alc with good results!

>> No.10782568

You had to think about it before I did, otherwise I couldn’t have responded, since you would have left me with no thoughts at all. Do you accept contradiction?

>> No.10782574

Contradiction is.

>> No.10782586

I don't think, I simply am.

>> No.10782589

Why bother if you can get at least a mid tier grade simply by showing up on test day?

>> No.10782594

>what is and is not, is
you’re embarrassing yourself, my man

>> No.10782599


>> No.10782605


>> No.10782608

Intelligence from mother, emotions and motivations and decision making from father. It means your mom was smart and your dad was a loser.

>> No.10782613

Literally the exact opposite of the case for me

>> No.10782615

I believe this as well. Core intelligence comes from the mother, along with sexuality.

>> No.10782690

Overdose on lead, faggot

>> No.10782714


>> No.10782716

irony (because you are coping by suggesting that it is I who am coping)

>> No.10782718


>> No.10782722

That simply isn’t the case.

>> No.10782724

Also known as Walmart employees.

>> No.10782728

In my case it's partly from depression and ADHD, though I won't deny poor discipline is probably part of it. I feel tired and unmotivated a lot, and reading and classes have both always been hard for me because my mind wanders so easily. If something ever happens to really spark my interest though, I can dedicate a lot of energy to it, the hard part is mustering up energy when I don't really want to.
It's true that many people who claim "smart but lazy" are really just not that smart, but that's definitely not always the case, I know a lot of people similar to myself including a lot of my family.

>> No.10782731


>> No.10782738

There’s probably some truth to that assessment.

>> No.10783019
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The desire IS the motivation DUMBO.


>> No.10783019,1 [INTERNAL] 
