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10774505 No.10774505[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Grandma died this hour to cancer, fucking go cure cancer goddamnit. I miss her boys

>> No.10774510

haha fuck your grandma

>> No.10774531

how do i become as cool as the guy with highlights and an ear piercing?
sorry about your grandma

>> No.10774536

Damn. I'm sorry to hear that Anon.

Also very based for being raised by Native Islanders.

>> No.10774539

my condolences anon

>> No.10774549

Royal Rife. Harold Hoxsey. Many have done so. All crushed by the medical-chemical complex, and the central banker cabal behind them. You want change? Blame the real source. Cancer research, cancer awareness walks, all of it, spectacle, theater. Cancer prevention? No way. It's called EVIL.

My father died of cancer. Every day I know these parasites hackjob system exists and I watch these poor fools who don't know better yet legitimize the system. It's almost too much for a man to take.

>> No.10774558

Sorry. Perhaps in her next life she'll be a jewish oligarch and get proper treatment

>> No.10774560

what kind of cancer?

>> No.10774579


>> No.10774586

Novocure. A shitty version of what Rife did.

Don't use the mobile phone.

>> No.10774598

Anon, i have the big C right now, so my condolences to your grandma and family.
fortunately, mine is in remission but hopefully CRISPR advancements in China(aside from unethical issues) can greatly progress the discovery of a globap cure

>> No.10774695

my condolences anon, i know how you feel.
my father passed away long ago and i'm still broken to this moment.

>> No.10774711

Everyone dies eventually

>> No.10774812


>> No.10774834
File: 110 KB, 1080x1440, 24BBE222-812E-4EDA-A5F1-098DBB636C9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Ray Kurzweil

>> No.10775128

You can't have a lack of ethics without having a lack of scientific rigor. China's genetic experiments aren't going to go anywhere.

>> No.10775179

>Ray Kurzweil

He might add a few years to his life but he is ageing and showing his age just like everyone else.

>> No.10775380

Natural selection is the cure for cancer.

>> No.10775388

>Natural selection is the cure for cancer.
You sure?

>> No.10775401

Does apply to social organisms.

>> No.10775408


>> No.10775418

It's OK Anon, this is /sci, half of us have been suffering through catastrophic typos on a daily basis.

I once read that Birkhoff and Rota justified the enormous number of typos in their Differential Equations book by saying that it was good to force students to error check every equation. Either that or Rota was just trying to self sabotage because he admitted that he hated teaching sophomore differential equations class (but was being forced to teach it because he had written a book about it).

>> No.10775576

we're working on it...

>> No.10775579

My grandma died of cancer in October.

>> No.10775632

The ends don't justify the means.

>> No.10775903


I want to be that girl and get ravaged by those penises. My dick gets hard just thinking about it.

>> No.10777169

Sorry to hear that, anon.

In spite of conspiracy theories here, research is progressing and once fatal cancers can now be cured. Close relatives of mine have survived what would have been fatal just 20 years ago. Trouble is, cancer is not one disease, it is a grab bag of perhaps 100 different ones.

A lot of research is done in academia and hospitals, doctors working towards their PhD. These are not stopped by cabals, to the contrary they have all incentives to publish. The prospect of getting a Nobel Prize in medicine outshines vague promises of fortunes by shady big Pharma.

So to improve the rate of scientific results we need to direct more funding into real science and eliminate waste such as "gender studies".

>> No.10777185

>In spite of conspiracy theories here, research is progressing and once fatal cancers can now be cured. Close relatives of mine have survived what would have been fatal just 20 years ago. Trouble is, cancer is not one disease, it is a grab bag of perhaps 100 different ones.
This is all a lie. Fuck you and everyone like you. I can only hope one day you join the right side.

Look into Rife's "Bacillus X" and Virginia Livingston's "Progenitor cryptocides". Very possibly the same organism. It's pleomorphic and even in viral form can be cultured in specialized artificial media. It grows well on orchids and animal intestine, is abundant in eggs. It likely assumes an L-form configuration int he body. It takes over when damaged or stressed.

Cancer is a membrane mediated signal transduction issue. this is why you can take "cancerous" daughter cells, carefully remove them from the tumor environment, and when they're placed near normal cells they differentiate and begin to behave properly. There you go. Somatic cell theory cannot be correct in these cases.

They don't even recommend removing carbohydrates from the diet despite most known cancers being STRICTLY GLYCOLYTIC.

All cancers have the same basic features. You're a fool.

>> No.10777191

>claims there's a cure to cancer and that he knows about it
>lets his father croak from cancer

well aren't you a shitty son?

>> No.10777196

>Cancer is a membrane mediated signal transduction issue. this is why you can take "cancerous" daughter cells, carefully remove them from the tumor environment, and when they're placed near normal cells they differentiate and begin to behave properly. There you go. Somatic cell theory cannot be correct in these cases.

lol I work with cancer cell lines in my job, and I can assure you that they do not revert to being normal just because you co-culture them with healthy primary cells

>> No.10777197

Yes. I was not the same person then. I did not know.

>> No.10777202

Fuck human and animal research cancer is natural population control to control the cancer.

>> No.10777204

Take a tumor from an actual organism. Remove daughter cells. Put near normal cells.

Immortalized cells lines are not the same thing as a tumor environment.

>> No.10777212

>Take a tumor from an actual organism. Remove daughter cells. Put near normal cells.

tumors are near normal cells in the body - the big ones are fed by normal endothelial vasculature that the tumor tricks the body into making for the tumor

>Immortalized cells lines are not the same thing as a tumor environment.

lots of cancers do not even form tumors - for instance, most leukemias

>> No.10777231

>tumors are near normal cells in the body
Yes. That's why the primary cells control other cells to benefit their ultimate propagation. This is also why tumor promoters often disrupt membrane mediated signalling, through gap junctions or otherwise.

>lots of cancers do not even form tumors - for instance, most leukemias
Leukemias are caused either by microstructural problems (signalling), or genetic damage.

"OH so now there's genetic damage?! Looks like it all is then!!"
No, fucker. It's not binary. I didn't say somatic cell theory and genetic changes from sources other than viruses couldn't be causative.

>> No.10777244

>That's why the primary cells control other cells to benefit their ultimate propagation.

So what's the hypothesis here - you take cancer cells out from a tumor and put them in a dish with normal somatic cells, and then they stop being cancer cells?

>> No.10777251

I'll just get you the data.

Cells in body tissue initiate weak electrical and chemical signals by which they can "whisper together" in a
private language necessary for the normal health of the
tissue. Ifthis normal pattern ofcommunication is interrupted, unregulated cell growth may result. On the
other hand, unregulated growth of cancer cells in culture
is arrested when they make contact with normal cells;
they may then differentiate once more into normal cells

>> No.10777257


doesn't really bode well for the strength of your theory when the best publication you can cite is 29 years old and contains exactly one figure worth of in vitro cell culture data

>unregulated growth of cancer cells in culture
is arrested when they make contact with normal cells;

this is actually not true - I have done experiments that involve cancer cells and normal cells growing together in culture, and there's no magic switch where the cancer cells stop indefinitely proliferating

>> No.10777262

Did you read through the citations and the rest of the paper? A lot of work has been done on voltage gradients and electromagnetic signalling guiding cell growth, behavior, and differentiation.

>> No.10777265

And again, you're using immortalized cell lines. They're not the same as a tumor environment and what we consider so-called "daughter cells" in an actual animal, in an actual tumor.

>> No.10777267

Are there any types of cancers that have no recorded cases of spontaneous remission?

>> No.10777275

>A lot of work has been done on voltage gradients and electromagnetic signalling guiding cell growth, behavior, and differentiation.

What you're describing right now is called electrophysiology and is well-accepted by biologists. What isn't, however, is the idea that cancer cells just magically revert their DNA damage just by touching healthy cells.

>Immortalized cell lines.

Immortalized cell lines are taken out of tumors. How do you expect to perform your experiment - to take cancer cells and 'put them next to normal cells' - without excising them and growing them in vitro?

Again though I'll reiterate that tumors in vivo are also growing next to normal cells.

>> No.10777280

>is the idea that cancer cells just magically revert their DNA damage just by touching healthy cells.
They either do not have DNA damage, or they in fact do.

>Again though I'll reiterate that tumors in vivo are also growing next to normal cells.
And taking control of them.

>> No.10777283

>They either do not have DNA damage, or they in fact do.

All cancer cells have DNA damage

>And taking control of them.

Give me your best explanation for what you think 'taking control of cells' means biologically

>> No.10777289

>Give me your best explanation for what you think 'taking control of cells' means biologically
Chemical and or electromagnetic disruption of membrane mediated signal transduction. Populations of cells are coupled oscillators, this is what manages their intra-state. And they manage others in turn.

>> No.10777293
File: 369 KB, 1700x850, deathism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>curing cancer
>not curing aging

>> No.10777306

>Chemical and or electromagnetic disruption of membrane mediated signal transduction.

This is an extremely vague statement. By 'membrane mediated signal transduction', are you talking about GPCRs? RTKs? PD-1? Or are you talking about paracrine signaling via cancer cells and TAM cytokine secretion?

>> No.10777308
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>curing aging
>but not curing the human condition
God hast made us to be with him and restless is our heart until it comes to rest in Him.

>> No.10777313
File: 1.51 MB, 1000x1500, anti tech revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In view of everything we've said up to this point, and in view moreover of the fact that the techies' vision of the future is based on pure speculation and is unsupported by evidence, one has to ask how they can believe in that vision. Some techies, e.g. , Kurzweil, do concede a slight degree of uncertainty as to whether their expectations for the future will be realized, but this seems to be no more than a sop that they throw to the skeptics, something they have to concede in order to avoid making themselves too obviously ridiculous in the eyes of rational people. Despite their pro forma admission of uncertainty, it's clear that most techies confidently expect to live for many centuries, if not forever, in a world that will be in some vaguely defined sense a utopia. Thus Kurzweil states flatly: "We will be able to live as long as we want... ." He adds no qualifiers-no "probably," no "if things turn out as expected." His whole book reveals a man intoxicated with a vision of the future in which, as an immortal machine, he will participate in the conquest of the universe. In fact, Kurzweil and other techies are living in a fantasy world.

>> No.10777318
File: 60 KB, 500x381, ted cabin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The techies' belief-system can best be explained as a religious phenomenon, to which we may give the name "Technianity." It's true that Technianity at this point is not strictly speaking a religion, because it has not yet developed anything resembling a uniform body of doctrine; the techies' beliefs are widely varied. In this respect Technianity probably resembles the inceptive stages of many other religions. Nevertheless, Technianity already has the earmarks of an apocalyptic and millenarian cult: In most versions it anticipates a cataclysmic event, the Singularity, which is the point at which technological progress is supposed to become so rapid as to resemble an explosion. This is analogous to the Judgment Day of Christian mythology or the Revolution of Marxist mythology. The cataclysmic event is supposed to be followed by the arrival of techno-utopia (analogous to the Kingdom of God or the Worker's Paradise). Technianity has a favored minority-the Elect-consisting of the techies (equivalent to the True Believers of Christianity or the Proletariat of the Marxists). The Elect of Technianity, like that of Christianity, is destined to Eternal Life; though this element is missing from Marxism.

Historically, millenarian cults have tended to emerge at "times of great social change or crisis." This suggests that the techies' beliefs reflect not a genuine confidence in technology, but rather their own anxieties about the future of the technological society-anxieties from which they try to escape by creating a quasi-religious myth.

>> No.10777322

futurists are the absolute worst, and nobody in the higher-echelons of science and technology takes them seriously even in the slightest

when Aubrey de Grey finally kicks it and gets 'cryogenically preserved' (having sat at room-temperature with his brain melting for the past hour), I hope all the life-extensionists enjoy their plate of crow

>> No.10777341

If they're smart and rich enough to cure cancer I'm sure they can invent something else to replace it.

>> No.10777343

Don’t worry we’ll make a nature preserve for you guys on Sedna or something so you can play with legos and stuff.

>> No.10777753

It doesn't matter.

>> No.10777779


>We discover that Kurzweil’s cake is a lie. Moore’s Law stalls, and the current buzz over deep learning turns into a permanent AI winter. Robin Hanson dies a disappointed man, though not before cryogenically freezing himself in the hope that he would be revived as an em. But Alcor goes bankrupt in 2145, and when it is discovered that somebody had embezzled the funds set aside for just such a contingency, nobody can be found to pay to keep those weird ice mummies around. They are perfunctorily tossed into a ditch, and whatever vestigial consciousness their frozen husks might have still possessed seeps and dissolves into the dirt along with their thawing lifeblood. A supermall is build on their bones around what is now an extremely crowded location in the Phoenix megapolis.

>> No.10779280

Got some plausible sources that do not real like frenetic script writing for unaired X-files episodes?

>> No.10779946

Everyone loses relatives, fuck off with your off topic threads and throw your pity parties back on reddit

>> No.10779962
File: 18 KB, 600x348, flying-fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. >>10775128 Also the chinese are working on AIDS resistance augmentation and increasing intelligence. They have no interest in treating disease, only in enhancing their elite class.

>> No.10780008

That's good news if true, because all they're going to accomplish is killing off their "elite class" with bad medical practices, just like the China of old times.

>> No.10780030

Ill try for you and you grandma anon :(

>> No.10780077

is she enjoying the attention? I can't tell.