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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 275 KB, 1390x895, SmartSelect_20190624-061640_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10751262 No.10751262[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10751267

So she's bragging about being retarded or what?

>> No.10751268

Perhaps if you weren't a Twitter THOT, you might have more pressing problems than whether Deyvon in Starbucks thinks your Aviators are cute or not.

>> No.10751282
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>> No.10751289
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>> No.10751313

she obviously doesn't work in STEM

>> No.10751321

But that doesn't answer his question. The kids that aren't mathematically inclined and are almost certainly not going to go into mathematics have no use for it.

>> No.10751333
File: 68 KB, 831x1024, 1555125962506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's unironically correct
education is a mass-produced service for people incapable of efficiently teaching themselves about precisely what they want to learn and no amount of seething cope will ever justify you wasting your time for a degree where only 10% of your entire education will ever come to actual practical use while everything else was an inflated curriculum so they could justify charging you those abnormal sums of money for such long periods of time because teaching you only what you truly needed would be a fraction of their profits and time spent squeezing them off of you
btw don't even bother replying to me I genuinely don't give a fuck about your cope lmao enjoy your wasted years

>> No.10751342

which is why we need to put an end to compulsory education and stop wasting money on educating twerkers and sportsballers

>> No.10751343

I'm from Australia and use q + xw = λ instead.

>> No.10751346


>> No.10751356
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Lacking knowledge doesn't make you retarded.
Its useless to teach low IQ people and even midwits these skills. Worst case scenario they worm themselves into positions the do not deserve and depress overall wages, as well as increases the cost of education. We should go back to teaching the Three R's, and some basic life skills for most people. End high school at about age 15. That's old enough to start working. High IQ people can start college then if they want. We need to get rid of this idea of universal higher education whenever higher faculties and higher intelligences are not universal.

>> No.10751383

Well what?

>> No.10751525

A mathematician's lament.

>> No.10751595

she probably used it multiple times implicitly

>> No.10751602

The correct answer is that it's useful if you want to understand huge amounts of science, which you need to understand huge amounts of the world.

>> No.10751662
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Tru retard right here! Was the easiest shit to do.

>> No.10751681

Underrated post

>> No.10751684

>linear algebra used to draw graphics to a screen
>linear algebra used to compress/decompress her image
>linear algebra used to rank her stupid post
>etc. etc. etc.
she uses it all the time and has no idea

>> No.10751725

>linear algebra to compute all of those convolutions for the neural net that's going to be taking her job

>> No.10751733

>education is only useful if it can be practically applied
Why are people like this?

>> No.10751739

they stop to smell the roses, but take the roses for granted

>> No.10751793

I use linear algebra when i shop for good deals.
My drug dealer needed to know linear algebra and metric system conversions (1g ~ $20, 1/8oz ~ $60, 1/4oz ~ $100, 1oz ~ $300).
Whether buying or selling, basic linear algebra is useful.

I agree.
Covering anything beyond the basics should serve the purpose of filtering out the low iq people.

>> No.10751855

So? It's not like you can sort out in junior high school which kids will go into STEM and which won't. They all receive the same education.

>> No.10751867

It does answer his question.
>you won't

>> No.10751906

Can you think of another use besides being used?
Do you read hollywood tabloids trying to keep up with the Kardashians? I don't. It's all useless fluff to me I'll never use. Could you imagine if it was a class tho?

>> No.10751913

because going through the motion of learning it is good for your brain

>> No.10751916

This bitch is a bank teller who sells Herbalife supplements, why would you listen to literally anything she has to say

>> No.10751984

Ad hominem :^)

>> No.10751992

"How do I project my yearly earnings if I make 200 a week?"
And thus, she has used algebra.

>> No.10752004

I don't care what retards spouting off about muh fallacies have to say about anything either

>> No.10752020 [DELETED] 

>all of these cs niggers in this thread who don’t know how engineering or physics work thinking linear algebra is the most useful form of mathematics

>> No.10752049

Bullshit. My grandpa's not even college-educated and he uses algebra doing basic tasks. Like building a shower, or a deck. If you want to build anything and have it not be shit, you use math.

>> No.10752055

Imagine bragging that nothing you do is complicated enough to involve FUCKING LINES

>> No.10752056

And how are you going to figure out exactly which ones can and can't go into STEM at the age of 11?

>> No.10752083

that's not linear algebra, idiot

>> No.10752129

That isn't linear algebra

>> No.10752158

I still haven't played Ice hockey outside of school since i was like 12 so i guess we should get rid of PE?

>> No.10752160


>> No.10752189

why are compsci/machine learning pseuds so pedantic. nobody asked about a neural net or anything you fucking faggot but you had to bring it up on an anonymous somalian wood carving forum.

>> No.10752191

hahahahah. utterly btfo, people like her should be unironically culled

>> No.10752198

>le upvote

>> No.10752199
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>le upvote

>> No.10752201

what is she, a journalist?

>> No.10752247

Even worse:

>> No.10752254

Holy based

>> No.10752263

Other than that, math teaches symbolic problem solving that you don't get in English or History. Kids might never have to use y=mx+b but they sure as hell need to be able to understand the concept of variables and constants, equivalency and computation, and being able to visually interpret something as simple as a string of characters

>> No.10752265


The point of algebra in high school is not to know it but to learn to learn something like algebra. It increases general problem solving skills. And then its also convenient that the knowledge itself is useful for those who have a need for it, so they get a head start thanks to algebra

>> No.10752267

Fallacies are the most fucking retarded argument killer ever devised. Maybe if everyone supporting an argument is a sub 90 IQ faggot retard, it's a SHITTY argument

>> No.10752277

>a reason
How about curiosity? How about wanting to understand more than you do now? Knowledge is intrinsically valuable both in the discovery and the knowing.
No I dont, because I dont find them interesting. That being said I know quite a lot about medieval warfare despite the fact its completely useless to me on a practical level because it interests me.

>> No.10752419

they are both right. that isn't a witty response on behalf of the teacher, every kid who says they ain't needin no math education is correct.

>> No.10752681
File: 274 KB, 899x528, OiCunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin noice, made me kek

>> No.10752689

Then learn it yourself
Why do you need a compulsory class to learn something you want to learn?

>> No.10752717

The same people who complain about stem being useless are also the same retards who think humanities are also useless. Fact is they're anti-intellectual no matter the field. The only aspirations people like these have are eating, shitting, sleeping, and breeding the next generation of retards.

>> No.10752733

breeding is essential to the survival of the human race, faggot

>> No.10752748

>paying for school
>going to classes you did not like

>> No.10752753

The quantity of people is irrelevant compared to the quality. No point in letting people who consciously choose to be retarded breed, high iq trannies beat them by a mile in worth, if it means the death of the species then so be it. Also
Why the homophobia?

>> No.10752777

do you read books, or watch television and movies, or play video games, anon?

>> No.10752780

I'm uncomfortable with this

>> No.10752781

When you actively seek jobs that don't require a lot of thinking then you don't need math.

>> No.10752793

Yes you can. The ones who go into stem are the ones who take Algebra I in 6,7 or 8th grade.

>> No.10752804

another day past being just as irrelevant. History will forget you.

>> No.10752847


>> No.10752850

>people like this vote
reminder that voting is a waste of time

>> No.10752862
File: 2.18 MB, 2030x1116, Screen+Shot+2019-06-24+at+5.47.40+PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twitter thots and boomers both know it to be true

>> No.10752870

lmao a 2 step multiplication

>> No.10752973

Clearly the wisest of the bunch.

>> No.10752999

She's right you know. Once you have a rudimentary level of math, it should be switched to finances. God knows people need to understand their finances correctly. Savings/coupons/bulk orders/etc are all done on daily basis for many people.

>> No.10753030

That's not really what this is about. You could also extend her mentality to all the other practical aspects of human existence like starting a fire, knowing which way is West based on sun orientation, or knowing how to track animals or grow plants. There are people who don't have to learn or know much of anything because their parents and/or society provides for them. All that boring Mathematics shit can be done by Indian and Chinese people writing software and building all the hardware she uses. She's just being an edgy cunt lashing out at the society that provided her with an overly privileged lifestyle.

>> No.10753047

I prefer f(x)=ax+b :^)

>> No.10753048

>financial fundamentals

A whole bunch of boomer nonsense. Notice how it's nothing about "how to acquire food" because all the illegal immigrants are expected to do that for us.

>> No.10753055

Derivative refers to change, so slope is actually dy/dx, correct?

>> No.10753057

There's no way your average American high school student will grasp that concept.

>> No.10753059

The derivative of the function f(x)=mx+c is m, so it's a particual case.The definition of derivative rests on this notion which is actually more primitive.

>> No.10753067

I know, I'm asking for my own sake because I've been away from math for way too long and I want to know if I remember these concepts correctly.
I know that m is the derivative of f(x)=mx+c, I am just asking if I remember correctly that m could be defined as dy/dx

>> No.10753074

>I am just asking if I remember correctly that m could be defined as dy/dx
Not really. It's not a wrong statement but the definition of the derivative uses the definition of the slope of a line. Well, the definition is the slope of some line. It gives the slope "m" of the tangent line of a curve at a particular point. So you need this notion already to define dy/dx.

>> No.10753077

It was always the stupid kids who used to say this. Even if life lessons were taught they wouldn't fucking bother listening anyway or would probably skip class to smoke in the toilets.

>> No.10753086

Underrated post.
>engineering student
>calc is god

>> No.10753088

You are also pretty stupid if you need some moronic teacher to give you life advice.

>> No.10753093

I don’t ever put a bar full of weights on my back and squat up and down outside the gym. Should I stop working out too?

>> No.10753097


Allen: "We'll leave about 6 am, and drive about 140 miles mostly on the highway. what time do you think we'll get there?"

Davery: "How fast can we go on the highway?"
Allen: "I think about 70 miles per hour. Why do you ask?"
Davery: "I don't know... something from middle school. Forget it. I guess we can't figure out when we'll get there."

>> No.10753100

You forget:

Davery: "Oh I'll just look it up on google maps."

>> No.10753102

So slope could be defined as dy/dx (not vise versa), whereas dy/dx could be defined as slope of the tangent, correct?
I should know this, I used to be really good at math, I just have been away from it way too long. Thanks.

>> No.10753115


That is such linear thinking.. I can't even ....

>> No.10753121


yes. All slopes are dy/dx where defined. Not all dy/dx are slopes except of the tangent line at that point on a curve.

You got this...

>> No.10753130

It's all making complete sense now, thanks.
>took calculus when I was 15
>young and typical high school mindset of 'memorize the facts to pass the test then forget everything'
>that was back in 2011 and I forgot everything
It's all coming together now though, thanks for the help.

>> No.10753135

Larry looks like he's shouted "nigger" out of frustration once or twice in his lifetime

>> No.10753183

why would you even fucking turn degrees to radians before turning them into arcminutes

>> No.10753232
File: 111 KB, 968x758, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do things like factoring, simplifying nested fractions or simplifying radicals have a real-world application, outside of math classes? If you were programming and you ask the computer to manipulate 27^1/3 instead of just a 3.....does the computer use extra resources to return an answer or would it even matter?

>t. double-checked 27^1/3 on a calculator before posting

>> No.10753256


>> No.10753261

>does the computer use extra resources to return an answer or would it even matter?
It depends on the language. It probably optimizes it to the result if it's compiled.

>> No.10753264

can someone explain this joke

>> No.10753268

not him but you can represent the price as a linear function of weight

>> No.10753274
File: 48 KB, 640x370, Australian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ǝʇɐɯ 'iO

>> No.10753285


But the "fluttering tongue" BJ technique her mother taught her she uses daily.

>> No.10753310
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>> No.10753312

>Even if life lessons were taught they wouldn't fucking bother listening anyway or would probably skip class to smoke in the toilets.

Teens don't want to study. It doesn't matter the subject.

>> No.10753329

Fuck you think linear algebra means?

>> No.10753333

When did this become a formal debate?
If someone is retarded, it's not a fallacy to not take their authority on a subject.

>> No.10753341


the algebra of lines :?)

>> No.10753364

>thinks simple math is useless
>joins pyramid scheme
Every fucking time. MLM involvement is a guarantee of gullibility and nonexistent money skills.

>> No.10753390

Well, haven’t we all anon?

>> No.10753411
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>> No.10753414

Either you guys are retarded shoppers that deserve to be ripped off or you have such an intuitive understanding of basic linear algebra that you don't even notice when you use it.

>> No.10753418

Australia is upside down, and so their formulas. q looks like b upside down.

>> No.10753430

Not right in front of Jamal outside of Popeye's but sure

>> No.10753434

why should be invest money on educating chimps, op? not only niggers, just retards in general

>> No.10753465

Why the fuck is it always basic algebra that gets targeted? Nobody ever seems to bitch about learning the ATP cycle

>> No.10753487

>mad at teaching people biology
>but reading Of Mice and Men for two months and writing a 5-page report on it is sacrosanct

>> No.10753521

Math is expected to actually be used in class instead of just memorized. It's complained about because you need to be able to understand and apply something sort of abstract, not just regurgitate facts, in high school level classes. My high school biology class didn't ask us to come up with experiments, our labs were just us following instructions and taking the notes we were expected to take. But in any level of math you actually have to work out a path to the answers for yourself.

>> No.10753545

this. you are 100% sure you will NEVER aply fictional literature into anything.
because normies are incapable of any use of logic at all

>> No.10753558

She is not saying that algebra is useless. She just makes the observation that she has never used it in her job/life. I don't understand why /sci/ is seething about this

>> No.10753571

Because of >implications that other people won't use it either and it's therefore worthless. Don't pretend that's not what she was trying to say.

>> No.10753574

really weird how the autodidactism enthusiasts tend to be poor losers with no real intellectual accomplishments to speak for

>> No.10753585

10% is an exaggeration, but there is a lot of truth to this. This is exactly why I quit school.
>was really smart, took calculus when I was 15
>started college when I was 16, state paid for it cause I was smart enough (look up PSEO if you think I'm lying)
>quit school after officially graduating high school with 2 years of college because I don't want to waste time and money on 'liberal arts' faggotry
I would unironically become a professional physicist if not for the faggotry of the modern education system.

>> No.10753622

so what are you doing now?

>> No.10753633

You might be right. Ijust looked at her tweets and it seems that she's just too dim to realize how teaching algebra can be useful.

>> No.10753668

In my opinion education is flawed in the sense that it is meaningless insofar as knowledge goes. The reason for this is that the point of school is to get a degree obviously, but that is irrelevant to the learning goals; however, the learning goals are too numerous to be meaningful. Therefore, I would propose instead to make something more project-oriented, but in such a way that it doesn't lead just to outsourcing knowledge from what's already known in an engineering sort of way, but instead we should think of this in such a way that the scientific fashion of doing things is also included: that is through the discovery of new knowledge and not just reusing it

>> No.10753705
File: 15 KB, 350x317, 1560605384254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally this

>> No.10753728
File: 2.06 MB, 600x338, keeplookingup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone expand on this? Now I want to know as well. if you have code where you input something with a radicand in the denominator of a fraction, does the computer really care? It seems like some math skills are just to pass on the learning so people aren't totally reliant on something that someone already programmed the effort out of. Or so if we get emp'd we don't lose all the math knowledge.

>> No.10753754

>men = mexico + bitches

>> No.10753757


>> No.10753876

You dumbfuck, linear algebra is study concerning generalized linearity, vector spaces, orthogonality, duals, etc. what you’re referring to is basic input-output for a function that has no degree greater than 2. Everyone is calling you stupid because it’s clear how little math you know if that’s what you call linear algebra

>> No.10753941

> arcminutes
really? in the year of our lord 2019? who the fucc

>> No.10753953

> implying linear algebra isn't the most useful field of math

ok retard

>> No.10753976

depends on how its compiled; how you're handling your variables

best way to see which way is fastest is to benchmark different ways of doing an operation

>> No.10754010

that’s not what was being implied, and not an eng major either

>> No.10754026

Not much at the moment. I moved out west for a few years for the skiing, hiking, etc. Was basically a ski bum. No regrets, I love skiing more than anything. Now I'm kinda at an in between and trying to decide what to do next. I'd potentially like to do something with physics/math still but fuck the current school system.

>> No.10754906


>> No.10754996
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>> No.10755262

Why is this only a math thing?
Why don't people ever say
>Didn't need to know that Napoleon lost in 1814 today
>Didn't need to write in iambic pentameter today
>Didn't need to do any titrations today
>Didn't speak a word of Spanish today

>> No.10755365

Because unlike all the other stuff that requires no mental effort at all, math is a brutal wake up call that IQ exists. Even simple math takes monumentally more effort to dumb people.

>> No.10755955

>not using lambda strictly for wavelength or lagrange parameter
why even try?

>> No.10755959
File: 1.72 MB, 1982x1552, Well_Prague_Satalice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deep subject, wells

>> No.10755976

dunno, retardation maybe?

>> No.10755988

depends on the programmation language used and the numeral base you're using

>> No.10755991

nevermind, I'm retarded and got the joke way too late

>> No.10755997

Thx frens, wont be so retarded next time.

>> No.10756009

This. It's just a coping method. They were able to write some nonsensical "analytical" drivel to pass their history and English classes, so it doesn't matter to them. But they failed math and science so those subjects must be worthless.
Not saying that humanities are inherently worse or easier, btw. Writing a competent essay is fucking hard and requires a lot of practice, like any craft. But at the K-12 level teachers don't give a fuck, so humanities teachers don't read anything and give everyone B's, whereas math teachers just look for the matching numbers on the answer key.

>> No.10756017


see >>10753876


>> No.10756102

To be fair, that shit that he mentions really should be taught in school.

>> No.10756114

This is precisely why I wish teachers wouldn't push that "you'll use this throughout your life" bullshit. Learning all of it is building neural pathways in your brain that makes you a better person. While yes, some people will use it, it's more about the act of learning and growing as a person.

>> No.10756126

It's funny because encouraging degradation and mockery in academia is based and epicpilled /\ voted

>> No.10756131

People who breed are more successful by the closest thing the universe has to an objective success standard.
The long term survival of the species is biologically irrelevant, for each organism success is measured solely by whether your genes reproduce or not.

>> No.10756142

Yes it is, and in this case there is nothing wrong with it.

>> No.10756154

why not focus that energy completely on applicable, practical, and relevant knowledge?

>> No.10756155

But y=mx + b is relevant to “linear algebra” in that. In the our context, you are the retard

>> No.10756163


> “What is the fundamental notion at the base of algebra?
> It is the notion of 'Any example of a given sort, in abstraction from some particular exemplification of the example or of the sort.' The first animal on this Earth, who even for a moment entertained this notion, was the first rational creature." - A. N. Whitehead

If you can't into algebra you're just an beast who can only think in concrete actualities, incapable of abstraction.

>> No.10756178

not any more than addition and subtraction is relevant to topology, megadipshit

>> No.10756213

Her shading unit in her phones GPU use it for her cos she's damn stupid.

>> No.10756216

So tell me, what will an american high school math education look like in 20 years?

>> No.10756261

it won't

>> No.10756267


>> No.10756271

I still haven't used the pushups I did in phys ed shit sux invest in bitcoin

>> No.10756304

maybe geography

>> No.10756312

that's some educated retardation you got there.

>> No.10756319

someone tell me what y=mx+b does and why is it linear algebra

>> No.10756327

that's A linear function a first degree polynomial.

>> No.10756340

Basically this, advanced mathematics are only useful in advanced jobs. The average drone will never apply calculus or trigonometry in his day to day life.

>> No.10756343

it's not linear algebra.
you use mx + b = y when you have 5000$ in the bank and know that you earn 2000$ each month. x are the number of months worked m is 2000$ and 5000$ is b. so you can work out (assuming you spend no money) how much money you will have in x months.

>> No.10756360

notation faggots are some of the most retarded people lmfao

you went to one class one time and now you think you're some sort of bigshot

you're absolutely pathetic, or under 20 years old, or both

>> No.10756380

people saying y=mx+b is not linear algebra are frankly so stupid they don't deserve to post on this board

>> No.10756381

Have education.

>> No.10756645

Because I wasnt born with an innate understanding of the value of knowledge, I had to learn it along with everything else. Exposure engenders interest, further basic functions and algebra are light years from useless information for the average person. I genuinely cant believe im having to defend general education on a board devoted to science.

>> No.10756647

>implying they will be able to do any of that without a college education

>> No.10756656

"Don't worry, that's because we don't trust you with it."

>> No.10756666

>degrees to arcminutes
Wow times 60, such a fucken headspin

>> No.10756768
File: 41 KB, 700x561, Did Not Evolve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They need to get rid of evolution too

>> No.10756776

>im too smart 4 school
okay loser

>> No.10757405

kids are fucking stupid, anon.

>> No.10757424
File: 58 KB, 500x500, Rc9hobB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny but wrong

>> No.10757663

Yes this

>> No.10757709


I agree with this but I just want to confirm , is neural pathway a meme

>> No.10757713
File: 21 KB, 618x894, 1561464996203.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yesterday I doing some accounting for a professionnal interpret
>She explained to me how she was getting paid
>"Ok anon, so you see, it's pretty complex, because first hour is 38$, then it's 29$/hour"
>"Oh so you either plug 38$, or 38$+29$*(hours-1) if hours>1"
>she looked at me puzzled
>"Yeah, yeah, if you want anon"
>mfw normies can't even understand y=mx+b

>> No.10757725

while y=mx+b might come down to something as simple as a x item cost + shipping cost for some dumb thot item on amazon, schools really should teach more about how bank accounts, debt, interest work, why insurance may or may not be a good idea depending on you country, healthy eating, mental health awareness and stuff like that

>> No.10757750

>it's not linear algebra
>proceeds to describe linear algebra

>> No.10757846

Oh yes! Glad to see the lovely affine function, my old friend and beloved favorite mathematical object

>> No.10757848

you dont know what is linear algebra.

>> No.10757933

>he thinks it's not linear algebra because it's simple

>> No.10757963

Linear functions in the geometric sense are not necessarily linear in the algebraic sense.

>> No.10757977
File: 50 KB, 400x311, irony-meter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally what she does in attempting that argument. A linear extrapolation from her previous experiences. In making the claim, she falsifies it.

>> No.10758009

fucking thots

>> No.10758116

In leafland they teach this stuff in grade 9 and up

>> No.10758146

I used it recently when plotting my property line because I didn't have a survey.

>> No.10758154

sounds like you wasted a great opportunity to be a hobo

>> No.10758181

>Not y=29n+9

Get on my level pleb

>> No.10758184
File: 111 KB, 720x720, 1560286434945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

linear algebra is with out question the most useful math i know, and its usage enables virtually all technology

>> No.10758219

Kek nice one, didn't realize that. She's also using Bayesian reasoning to the max, though of course I doubt she's ever heard of that.

>> No.10758229

>thinks something this basic deserves to be even in the same neighbourhood.
it's like asking why formula 1 drivers aren't trained to get into their cars really fast.

>> No.10758249

If it uses the word "linear" it's making a geometric reference.

>> No.10758259

just because a definition is inspired by one thing, doesn't mean applications of that definition need to be interpreted in the original setting. all linearity says is, given a vectorspace with vectors u and v and scalars a and b, define a function T that has the following property.

T(a u + b v) = a T(u) + b T(v)

no geom required

>> No.10758271

So that's how the formula is taught in the states?

>> No.10758449

No shit sherlock, but that doesn't mean that it is NOT representable that way, which was the original point before you decided it was more important to show off than communicate.

>> No.10758483

How did you learn it?

>> No.10758564

what is the geometric interpretation of uncountably infinite dimensional vectorspaces?

>> No.10758570

what is the geometric interpretation of vectorspaces that are not equipped with inner products or even a norm?

>> No.10758587

it isn’t

>> No.10758838
File: 87 KB, 620x984, curve_fitting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10758851

made by someone who has never taken an advanced probability theory course

>> No.10758856

We gotta reform the edajamakation system. No more can it be a factory model. No more can we have 8 - 10 hours 5 days a week for fucking 5-10 year olds. Ease them into this shit damn it. Start with teaching things like;
>Chess, sudoku, any mental puzzle games
>Studying techniches
>Health, nutrition, proper stretching, and fitness
>The history of science
And ease kids into it. Start with, when they're like fucking 5, maybe 4 hours a day, three days a week. Then 7 hours 4 times a week. THEN full frontal full on job 9 hour days 5 times a week.

>> No.10758862

>advanced probability theory course
lmao nerd

>> No.10758991

it's an XKCD comic, you absolute tool.

>> No.10759067

You're an intellectual dumbass.

>> No.10759070


>> No.10759119

Ha too true...I see you are a Rick and Morty fan as well...perhaps we could compare our knowledge one day

>> No.10759120

Why is there no "hunting and gathering" curriculum? Skinning and gutting?

>> No.10759123


>> No.10759131
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 1519091881328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a graduate student in physics whose shitposting on a somalian basket weaving forum, why do you assume so much about my life?

>> No.10759133

NPC bugman.

>> No.10759147
File: 46 KB, 679x452, .com.google.Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled

>> No.10759182

I hear people complain about English being useless way more than Math or Science

>> No.10759192

Like I said to someone else, I hear people complain about English way more than Math or Science

>> No.10759204

Out of all the lessons I had at GCSE level, the one that the fewest people took seriously (i.e. none of them) was PSE, which is exactly that kind of thing.

>> No.10759238
File: 145 KB, 1080x941, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When do Americans learn the quadratic equation? Because in the UK everyone doing GCSE Maths Higher (so everyone who's not a retard) learns it

>> No.10759245

I learned about curve fitting in a physics lab and then got intrested in it. This is just a silly comic about it dude chill out. I posted it because it's a major application of mx+b

>> No.10759247

You would be surprised how many people "learner" quadratic formula in school and just pnp'ed (I was one of these people)

>> No.10759378

*draws vertical line*

>> No.10759403

I learned it in 8th grade, so at 13 - 14 years old.

>> No.10759405

another day has passed and I haven't shot myself
the reason, I still don't know

>> No.10759473

Anon please keep your pride aside and accept that you are wrong